HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-20, Page 4laseeilles *Obi& dlo Bede o °t rte 'en £UVi. rer die rompsdes Mese wdam,alts hoot a e4►. same. OW weir.. Vie es nese. elf Se M ma.cins i armee rapt lea!o/ Cetf1Aanfep. •Itx IIRf01 St ass LZeas. melt.. OORillOKAY _ r EN reeds IMMVan *MA 1111a. MOW. MM. aJAW. Lail of rip TUN OOWPLAI*T1. lentos r, woos..asa. MS 1CCrt1AL PI•PAAI blows= ammo n'. Willeefam}F Mips e.... Moir. cwt __t ~wee purr *tokem mural* cowuIMr! e' or soot 05 ✓ ilLon riuw era roast. Arnim ?SLAM. Iwo wood g. °r.ell sem m. sevum ef Pro d el ler reirj `Na .amuo Maki& era. wm. Pasant MMruMAt1n>M. Tyretbtoi o at. maim wet to toe d wM(M she I%t UU$tt .f SLOOP to the URIs", •it71az0•i. swnasfaos. •enorusa, r =Ilr4'a ET ✓ eap y.,*. *nog e. J *ear •w+rMMt► thee i CI was wit mew nee i .ir ..rete Y .m.•ese. bold *OM TEX L1M 1/1615/11 Mad PURIFY TIE tlilo0, A.4 thus r,'o.'s"TAmooLIPOISall. diocese from P* UI* /1TTF A*i berw 1 idae. bb.M •.o." mile► e ... .a...ssd, kip ro by throe,y e 'Wag the sky W e orTh. e therelbro Mem.41.,w e*d ws sa.luhe he roped re radars lie lint net beysear theeMy nese to, dew as. sP=ibT .:t>;> S. at ale -Mmaawy. mwfee of Naar *r 11.1. M Sebeertku from .O Plots, about the Weems( of Aar • Rad sad White Steer, clewing thr.s old, W. S. is branded se rise of the any peers 6edaag or giving such iilforarst,w es w41 Mad to hie recovery, will sips .linable rewarded. WY. STOTHF.R2. • liderich,Nur: Pith, 1852. v6.44tf NOTICE 1 HEREBY forbid pereos Or poses, from purchasing or trading three Notes - et Had, drawn io favor of Jaynes Edward Morrie, Aebfie1J, ose driers its 7th 1Jareh 1861-antnber draws on March 9th, 1bu3 .third on March 7th, 1866, es I bars sot red value for the Gams. CHARLES CA'REY. Ash8old, 8th NOV., 1852. •8.49-3t O6ty up to 6th November, 1852. Beas.mw Michael Kerr Mortis -eh Barger Fneaa Liege Kebt Col its James Lang Thomas Cambpeii Arch 2 McDonald Ales Deal John• McDonald " Dark EJward McDonald Mord Edger Rola McWinis James rooky Wm Mayes Arch Freeborn Joh. Pool Mathew 9 De•drreh Joseph Robbery John G.mmer Jobn Steward Elisab Mies Gardner Chrr.ten Wade1 John Hamilton Tbomas Wiidlong Benj Hay Dooms Wire J..eph Kippis Jame WM. COSSEY. P. hi. HOUSE AND IAT FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offer* for sae that com- modious Brick Do -slime ilowe, oppo. sit* to residence of in I.ewe, Esq. rho Lot has two fronts. The above property wait be add cheap for cash. For further particulars apply to Andrew D000go, or to 1M proprietor JOHN PEEL. Pert Albert, Sept. 13tb, *842. .34.1 FARM POB SALE. TM abscr,ber.fan fur sale on. hundred .ern of ezcel8ot land, 45 sores clear. ed gad well leaned, with ■ good log hare, go orchard beui.g fntt. Tag above land Is pito mod a lyd Cosewsion, lot If, Tows - chip of Wawa°ah, ted one half mile from a School ►ua°e-.ail the mewl will be re- quired d.w8i 'Foo seines. q, b protasis, o° rho premises.• Wawanowb, 41h eg 1861. ate HMENT. D.9Qrvirtue of sloe one of the iz aWrit of maatiea m 'loran, Attaebme•t, Peak .01 nee. issued out of To III? : lbs Comity It, for the Usual Coue .ea of Huron, lb awl Brats, and tome directed, against at•, reel as well es perso•a!, of D.s1, L'm younger, en ab.conlog debtor, at the suit of Jobe tie =leerily -three pomade. vibe• all the estate, real td the said Harem) ar paid S..sel Doak a of the said the action, or rgrd walls *elate real w 1 Dusk, eso.par,, claims of es shall the propo- r..1kC.11.B MANUFACTURRRBof H Fesoy Pure, Who, IJrg.t. is Pere, Buffalo Rubes, Gloves, Mitres., ire. fke. GOA Jaid, fes' The higbdd, at Cash, fur all of by P. l• C. Detroit, Mfehiga., Ater., t7TRATFQRD It -T4wbrisr e'aavaljt' . est of Mr. C.' $.` a is 1 t.btiabment, is abo coati nes on his own rev• Iity Omaha to l • for the t t k pop Po1M?8 courage.ent meshed by 0* he begs tointim*e that be'w' keep un has/ its assor s Curless, consisting of U Parlour, and Box Sto icon, Scotch & C of the most Improved M ROLLERS, Dsrwisagg Rollers, ¢e. THRASHING of a superior deseripttoo t* iatroduc.d,aed bolter adapted try from their ligbtsosa of strength of condtreetloa. ,tl tenths, 'purchasers, Is revs chasing elsewhere: The As at Low Rata for Climb or 1' responding rats e• approved A. Stratford; Seth Jew*, Y. lie mini on Fo- e Beat- toreiog elft en- Yo.aon, stantly ardor r - ha LT HINE 'therm e moue - PI, and om lad re per - bo sold at eor- 6... M. ai gad • 11 es i.. tb.Temis etMd°d tom 414 LLd., thanks to the be has mot to G.d.risb, Me business, se still it pifeo..go. 1t bis mid sae doer East of rite Caeelle Clodeseif• Vas. Godertely tit►, I eft. 006n33 - M. R. It1RY:DON, rj ORW ASSEE sad Cesmmi.aiole Bier - cheat. Btoesbe.se Sespeo, general Agent, for the ,Nil of Wild Lards Cleared rums,,u Hso►ea o d Peanut. sad Pardee* lite Vika, Nonk 01 the / irear- 111httrekkI4ib 11818. • ell -a1 ROBERT '4114404010.. > QO-Q SSS. PA8Ht OF THE ANG On tlii7►ir,1, of Jody d the B etNeiller.dr odieal, under the alto of "9l AMERICAN MAGAZiNE.'e Each sambse erlI .mote's r octavo, with doable eolumai, a illestntioaa. Price 16.. per in .dvancet sett wast by stall to British North Amsrise air Slate*. It is premien/ to 0414 to one or =ere . W.sl pylori ea fleeted wi'►'Rlp'rwt •d/MCa, Molitor party tlrll01. 110100111" of a doeomiaatiselkl OMf11.r. of the best wrltMtge.M the lea periodicals trill 46 anpec' have referees, to Ike wafters to .f those Col...•w: A cantle! d,g.et of ik•.8r►reat Oat World, alta rims", els, News, caMeet Mat tars of geoer li•tsr•M ivc sfen remelt Odf.rteetiew. It to al.0 lat.emled t. leh a Niogre/aim• of Roil • :Mew Debits .led Jr.feud, lRawa.iatred t to the, present um*. Thlm be illr.fntd with P.rlawdir from 41, parpeesd to ,nalleMM of end pot a f.cm dAfork, it (r edse•st* all tMoaow ..terndda..f. . !Alm • if /be y ez Imes thous nob ha tots .f er. ■k the (Oar deer a -) WOULD me>r: ofGeib- rleh h• is pre- pared to make to wise, any kind of Ladies 'a Pio es Fancy work, is lad meet fashionable idyls. Akio furnish have Boots and to nit td ne- cessities of shoes that merfavos aim with their Custom. Hie tpi8n viral b. moderato. God•ricb, July Seth; 1855. v5a90 HAMILTON BOOT AND SHOE STORE. 8 HE wh••rfber hags to lifer. the Ie- .+habip1ia •f Galeria, aad the .or. tosetdiag Oss•try, that be has jest .pnaed a New Soot ad Shoe Store, ti Hr. Hate'. sew Brick Hoses. 0.dw i.b.- Wh.n be wi8 e.n•tentfiy keep tie head • large sod well mooned stout • Lodi.'. and Geeti°mao's Soots •ad Shoes. Which he will Mm11 at low prices, jar cash .44. The Pablls aro nested to Respectfully J req call armada* for themselves, before per eh elepib.eSi No lints. ALO-'.mets and pegs for sale. JAMES THOMPSON. Goierieb, Mareb 18. 1819- vb-s6-6m THE seb•crt a" inform the inha- lants of Oo eil i sad its eighth y, that be bas received a taw Supply of the L. - test Improved Platelike of COOKIN B 0 X AND PARLO STOVES, very reduced ala keeps •lage w,bich he offers for Rist Pries* for Cash. The ea band se *meal, at his ejoil very superior AR6 of every deme ibex takes this opportune sewer* thanks to the Pe b{ia for the, FIJI,. pampas* ha hes received stats W • bed in hornless it God.rich, is hopes y atrial ettelllle to bestreets, mid modes- *te ptigep,, , ill ..'s• to receive a ober* of 1Ni0 p.te tags. N. R.-••"iesi!hat, tatating. Glazing. Pa. Dor aad Set itsteega carried on as bereto- Ftr.. - WILLIAM STORY. GQdorieb, 8'b Sept. 11149. v9a31 CANADA Lim ASSURANCE COM PA,NY. THE Soberiber Yetis( bets applat.d al A oat of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.," to prepared to receive proposals for Ae.lt- n w, and will be happy to atibrd to a•y person the necea.ry information, as to 11e principle. of the Imet+lotion. JAMES WATSON' Gwderiet, fth June, 11149. vile 6 of 11 a •K WANTED IMMEDIATELY. ' ONES C .►CORDS of good' Healer! Berk, t,ap which the highs.t market price walla OE by the 8.b.criber• W. G. SMiTH. c. May adv, leas. t54-615. NATIONAL HOTEL begs lave to la- poNle gese- bp N•tioaal ulrnot him futeleh sc- peel at ndM- • ha teed eiifasd is sew roped te do eli kinds of work is the boat maa0*r, and at short Police. ► Tho Pattens of Busse Esgtea for Grist Nicer Pad Saw Mills, ate .11 sow sad of the 4 w a• Illtp, approved Hod. Abe, complete 'sterol par. 'te polio* that Ms. Wilda. deg, Shafting, Mc. 1.r Grist and Oder Shim 1, of B.ybwldi a sot as me M oaRett the. abet we re- lest*stew ha. SNate•••8e .s tAMlbtled mod soar* swims le app•btad tit ilhataltehlie Nate of Alas deleetebiether Noptirtl fee We Wealll of h. Crodltots- dollen Mve Brats m the hood* Iu *WI* bg.,Cl.rk.tthe ..veetb 011ie Coen, eladleis. fpe, tet !With ase the i. slasisc. to grant at of the as.e. -7-- -to which the insauate el die pobhe is particularly directed. Hartag devoted cea°Idenbl• thee tad expellee to "etas' ep the best dsestipdss of Bogies, with sit the other t.e..Wy tares fee Mete, Saw (Bias, hi sew eller them with groat Goalies** is wool M.soh aaebsory. ke, espeat• alt lb* meet ad, tier. complete. sew $.'.bed, aid t parties all tire.' qts of Bo sad war man. p. Improved stationery Firm Elegises con- j1RM the a Obs last of i st•ntly on band, ready for delivery- ` Aia ill 1010.4 tip horns, • I Iron Planing, Tornio', Screw Cotutsy, little s hit• under the Bell ,Sha tear. old.upesta►Braes Casti.g sod P1i.hisg, lie. dos. is • L will every variety. for Ile esemetios with the .eve, there le 0. 18, I now In course of erection the largest Blow. Foosdsy is the Provisos the Mouldier, E. Floor of which will cover upward. of 10,• 41-n36 000 square feet. There will he eoaetaatly es band a Stock of the mat approved Potters° of English of U oesseeil.a•es, asodt.S °* rbdu'og all .d ---'tett Cooties, Rugs. Storm,I unman% edam.o l.mediswIy, a a proof of is them sod le .sob obisg can . with even w materials An"Amt person gtetag Mad to he r"cat their troobt. at 14 TuckersmitI, Loader RO Sep. 11852. PLANS AND SPECIFrC THE Subscriber begs leave to iiform + ` Inhabitants of the District of Huron, sed the neighboring District.. that be has Established Himself in Stratford, aad in retard to give Plasm aad8posiBea- ties. of Public or Prima* solidi so, Mill Dams. ke. k..ii,e., a the sep.rta teedosee of such the most reasonable time. His thorough know - r end kis practice as Bs•y as sadertakie is • On a Pia. item fat Address pat GU80'N, Serattorl, C. W. arch *18,1E48. 9v-elt AXE FACTORY, ¢c. &c. THS subscriber begs to hallows to the ,MJDSON'S CIONICAL sweats, lama, le, ail BVX[PTIOX.. H cis be sad hes .arid is tows& class's ewe remedy, cal unmet .f Camara sail unmet mrdiei.e rotlhe mail if the day is doe welt of doom ofa • The Yate an- . 'now waddles of y aro tape- Physkua. We foal hue WILL C Baa*. et the t. property ealr•cwd M medates hams he corse the worst Cos" a sed ether P.lemaary dimes.., it Ioomu the galeas sad .s.M.s the rarer to *smote - mw oa.tfy, sod Mese will .or. the wont colder .mesh which If ..glided always leads to Cos- aiametee te tt.-Thu Is • peat the virtues of whish are hwws le NI kw, it W bees mid by the art kar°ed saes 4.11 Imes, that "route W provided a mord* fee each ted eery dis- ease," sad the !mommies that an dally mad., go to prove ite teeth. Lasgwen a doubtless the Warmly dstpas/ by eaten for Comampuw. Its heahag properties ora truly wesder(nl, sad tie rowdily with which 11 cm= the wont coons • w • Of y ossesermu- tem' same 1. er bay withesi. iametts's Amodio Al... all Joss bsd•a d kwita, of .vara, womb an web's" 4eofaew Pastils for toasty years, tat wen utr tae have 'NMao ao ewe well dY.-Cmmateel'° Nene .ad t, is wonaavd I. cots any cros. of Goat, Co.tneted Cords, sad .tit *iota, °Ireaetbs.• weak Limbs. them who are crippled to ret (`,...tock & Bunion, Proprietors, Cm and seam pate* without their .mew ea HACHE.-Dr. Yliae'a Drops, for the can of the Toothache. It te with &osfidean that we eta reeommeed it u a.t°thsleus h or all eases. without ally i.jsry n gams. Prit.95 eta. ilei, COMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE.- ever the meet eatroordirory remOff la for Wor. used; it egfotmally eradicates W sans Irmo both Adults arid Cbrtldeeo. It commit harm the °loot delieatsinkst or nrootest Adult, elide/mg fells to completely root oat aad de.uoy all Made of Worms. The cost, 25 cis per bottle, pets it witbi• the reach of all, and all pans,* who mm without it tee weatosly eavoei•g the bees d their children to those fell destroyers el youth. •• Worms," Look for the same of Comstock S Bretber, proprietors, us the Wrapper EAST INDIA HAIR DYE -Colon the Bold*. plied tesd a ht•u eSkis.g►Tbthe dpi mar be Mg the lightest Red or Grey Heir to a /ark brow., sed by repeatisg a wooed eight, to • bright Jet black. Theme (acts are warrated by the eendemu who a.eskeures it, •ilier e celebrated Chemist, Dr. Comstock' .o of Conutoek's Chemiatry. Po kpowa tied oilierworks, mid School Books. we CavTro1.-All .f ,h. .bees mimed smelts ars sold only by Comstock A Brother, 2 Si. Peter's Place, directly is rear of the Astorw.eBaHome, from be- troth Barclay awl Vtry Pte.. ?few Iay. sad one Block from Broadway, 8ttad with Ti. sad Copper Wore mom- ad1.m Mia 41".". Tb ., else the hsdeeos s aad newest s.. °° I Mi wee estatesesabled with .'her pars - r ..gmtall. isgr.t eats, fora • =edicts* that is yles* of Hall aad Parlour Si...., • .ally ee.tal■ wrote apo posit sass •of C....ptioa if Plain ted Or•aesatal Petters' of Cast roe Femme sea Gates, all of winch will be sold .t lowefprka than have ever before been offered to the politic, ted which, from the po.ition of Chippewa, Oa rogarda water eommunicatioe, Inas be forwarded to say pan of the Provisew et • sery light *s- ponge. OLIVER T. MAKLEM. Chippaws, Jas. 94, 1851. 81.51.-19 FRUIT TREES! THE sobectiber in r.turdog thetas to the ismbitaat• of the (:o0aty of Hero. gotarally for the wog liberal 'steerage* meet he blur met with in the Sale of Fran fess ors and other Inhabitants of the j 1•r.e., begs to announce to the Farmers of t Hafted Cositiss, that he bas Jost comp.etsd thews United Counties that he rs prepared his artaagamaats, ted to sow prepared to forbid* Axes, warranted, of a superior qua• lity,end ea terms suited to the circumstan- ces of the country, and the quality of the article. He also larch all farmers to call and es • anis* bis imptered ecpecimeo of the CANADIAN SC(YFCH PLOUGH, which be flatters himself will ba found superior in may respects to any other Plough sew io not in thio section of the Province. HARVEY BRACE. Godogicb, Aug. 91, 1851. T4n27 0ILII3®IE RUE IINN THE suhecriber begs to inform cis nu• me*ees friends 0414 customers, and the alio rally, aft his LARGE BRICK G i noir completed, and that tlu: r`° from the great increase' thus added to las former premise', he is now enabled to offer aeeommodatiat to the travelling public at least 'vial to that afforded by any other lle.s*ia Town. Aad' wftbout belog ..z- ioes to mmwpolieo the suite tavern bual- nese of Goderieb. be at least hopes for a continuance of the patroller width be bio hitherto aiojeid. and will always endeavor to secure tGitareatisfigefioA of Mia guests and customers, by atteiding to tier comforts - b14 accommodation. ROBERT ELLIS. N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne Ins fa extensive sod of the Ret qualrIy. Goderich, Jose 11, 1851. .4.11 IMPORTANT nv Faller, Farrier It Stale Proprietor. GEO. W. MISIO ;ANT'S CIMERB ATI D GARGLING on. onranaaaa=am. l TIM r.nu•r m tm..wee As the amstivaseaudestaxisiAggYaMt one dbovanolL r • d t "They eaei !sop >. mit Phos nit time w wok m ?WOlr► t rte ftp..bttl, nob wte.ia.. Seely tab.idlrrl a. 81.4 Omit fat ►r1IR f him 0117, t est be free Hotel ed far *sept re =yr that he la loin foe sews wad e to anything *hat ce. LMdoa and Goderich. Th 1 1 tel 1a oitosted in the IreutilblT ad Mtn village of Bree.8e41, 18 mils from (luderreb Mod 41 .ill from London, rod item the.Itgibihly of the situation. and =met e'lestinnto the comfort of hie u.ate and enetotrors, be tropes for a Otero of pub, Rt pstros°ge. )O11N NoKRNZIE. - erneeMld. 1.t 38.,. 1881. vii -aid RICHARD 181018. AVINO aeri.g the peat twoears set. ll N t• the :ply .f GENERAL. pIGENT fee obi fos of iDM% desires TL' to 8. gemrally trallorsteos IhPP he edit the Ag.a) fee 18. eseettlee of te • met et ar th Upper Promisee be. wee. 1 . hourg le rte Ent sed Lake Hawes le tem Wow. le .sbieg tibo•oiw.e.. ion* he waS1old hag x. *ippon' tale ameba (minim M'. enrer/hMa+i end -Nee M• 1, a.lenta • ' e*sNa,••s(f d ab. Was. ili1wH tird4r.w- to Introduce ibis Fall, a large sad w.0 se.. !acted stock, comprising every variety of Nursery Trees, upon bra usual liberal terms. 1t would he nper8noee to enlarge repos the superior merits of this Neroery, sod the qualities bf Fruit brought from it -bet the large quantity of Trees that ham less distributed over neatly all =Upper Casada, for the last 18 Tears bas (aimed for this Nursery • superiority over most ethers.- The thers.The subscriber would beg to istrodoce te the notice of .11 those who wish to get good Winter Fruit, the celebrated Northers Spy Apple, its qualities ars impeder to all ethers of its kind, triple, until July, and pongrv- ing eel its ir*ebae.s end flavor, which • is s Brest desideratum cutis shat period. The ..beerier would aleintimate that hie Dwarf Pear win gnat demand as a Gerin Fruit, bootee is two years after pla.tisg. Every variety of Fruit Trees. Ornnsesst•I and Even/Teets Trees and Shrubs, Hardy Hesbaesews Floweret( Plants, Dahlias, 8ulben. Flowering Roots, 8t.e. Catalegses *ea be bailor .ay Iee°I or travellteg neat, riving a rule d°seriptton. Terms. whim 50 Trees ars taken, f/95 p.r hundred, or le d currency each, under b0 Tree.. is 64 cy. two years credit, notes payable with inter- est. Orders will be roenfood, and any is - formation given ay Mr. HeroHort Market Sgpu,' n ., •ieh, end Mr. Peter Woods, Union Hotel, Stratford, local siesta for ibis Nsrserv• SAMUEL MOULSON, OM Rockeslur Nursery, N. Y. Goderith, 15th 'sly, 101. f9 GOOD NEWS. CHEAP flOOD8 at Port Albert, who calls thews will Bad B7 4111. Goods Om it the fashion, the pr ice., m oZ this toted, tepee before the same' to /surely prostrated.- rrorc De mot be dteennged, a trial e1° Jo ■o York, to .hom all orders most be directed. her.. bet will e.evier the nowt ell tical of All d the above named inirlos • • mile grisly or its real wroth. Tkesses& et Coemm •e r- in Goderich , C. W.. by Robert Perk, Marwood mid H. & O'Csoos; i• ,t Pray e, C. Crabb , Stratford by H. C. Lee: in Si. Mary's bp T . B. Guest: i• Woodstock by T. Stott: is by Mitchell; in Egmoodeills by J. Carter: rot Harparhey by M. McDermid & Co.: le Mitchell by T. Ford & Ce., aad Babb &. CO.: i° Emboli J. D. Deet: is Delowere by Tirol. Esquire he Co.=esh & Brother's Almanac for *853. which will be given to all gratia In Byfield by C. Cribb sad Gardner; at Bell's Cor.on Or N. Brown. COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAIN KILLER NO obedient, has bees discovered tot is se happily adapted to em Jameson, se drape to 8 takes, ad yet perform each woadrs .hes applied externally u a womb or bath. by footles. 25 eta. is all yes have to net to try tC and a that sem can be no object to tis proprietor, it tt1 hoped that each, • price can be art obstacle to say family, and will pre•eat its trial. The price. 25 to SO cm per bottle, accord.," to the size, will enable all to see it. If you doebl, bs- gia with a 25 .est bottle, .ad that .41 remove your doubts, fad make you bey, sad see rod to- cem ne.d it to yoor (needs, more tau a budred oenifiestes meld. Who will Mil to try it them, and save life and 'offering for 25 meta •Thu " Pais Killer" may be mord with • emcees that will esta'mb the beholder, is =eh case es lbs tollewl.p: Cholera Morton, Distressing Dynes - tory, Pau i° the aide and Sumach. Cees. Cots and Brehm', Cholera leiamtem, BroesbA°. Healing Some o° Mu or Beset. Cbildroa Teeth- ing, R.i.iog Blood, HMneorss, giros', is a few boars, Chitbleieo aad Frosted Feet, Spume, prevent a Blotter from Bares, Brehm' Bleats. Measle*. Cramps, 'Hurts, Scratches, or Tors Flesh, Bite* or Stings. Certlficetes to fill • volume might be published, showing the woo - derful effects of Co.it.ck's Pus Killer, bat thee are too common, mod used hr articles ass mer- it; and the 25 Pmol bottle will do men thea • tbonmed unknown same* to.coa,ion the s.se. Beware of worthless sniclee aged Psis Killen, sed bey any bet Com.Iock'a •e U Who ',Mhos to plueb•os, will plosive p call sod see Sills *tock, well selected, will wait Cap -i a•pi.. Booms ase 8Ta77.nsaT.-Dsty*e ase . Paarvwr.T. MOO fees bees ds.eisd repeatedly i• buying madisiow which wen mid to he reiellible caws, bot weigh law pawed oily palliatives, bat this mi4.1sie is tet eely pall tette, het • care for •I- smswd leap. it aoutaiu oto deleterious Dnp rod roe trial will prow to sse°isbiag p6eacy better thea ter s.seruea re certificate* in car- bo e.srsuptisa and all diseas= of the Legge sod Liar, .ams w Bpiuiag of blood: Combs, pais is the nay sad ammo, sight -smote, &c• Cremes. -To preemie= owe as w.11 es ib• is m►eot el to 000°aytin mfsrer,we ant oblig- ed a empties all a Rod the .igsat.rs.fCOM- STOCK & BROTHER as the wrapper. with- out this it u • worthless cosaterfeit. Renown. her Phi . CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR THE PILES, &e. -Jr is mow meed in the principal heopitale. sod is the private practice is oar pantry byes immense ember of modiridnla sod fYmia.o bet tib tsso.ertaial, fur the este of the Nes. sad ales ul.eor,aly ted effectually a■ to bob.r.daltty idem when to a&c:a are wit- n essed E.Mraihr is the fsllowi°tcompleieu:- Dropae &weM°p. Rbemati.n, Acute or Chro- mes eso1g ttam°dtare pow8. , re Throat, Brat- s°°, 8paa.b Boom. &c. Beres mil Ulaeri.- Wbeiherfres► or of long steadies. sad roves .we.. Its •Fors•°e epee adults sed children is ✓ otaries ►bee magic .01liegs, loosening coughs, tightens of *eche= by rela.I,.o of the parts, hes bees e•epi••a• hopes= o.°oeptio.. The Pommes nmeark of them we hove used it is to rife.,1. • it sem likes chem.."' it is war- Irese.d te plow any pores tet w1(1 try is. Ca.vmw.-Never linty It enlw yes liad the Me nails cipataro of Cosbet.ek & Brother, prop/mon, 01 tb. wrapper. AZOR'8 TURKISH BALM. -The *sly ..mate rowed. for B•ld..m, arid for pMnotiag &stepping the ktliag oat of the b.ir. Aa.Tet- let utile, for bea.tt(y,es mod kelpie" the Hair ..(t. galossy. aad is a healthy ce.diuoa, it is ea- p.bllmd. Its poeitiee qualities .ro as fellow.: lot It here the bead from ddruf, *untidiest' to Moto, imparts health .ed vigor to the CMOS - sad pretest+ the hair ehasgieg colour or pp*ties gray. 24. It wm.°e the her to cell b.00tttalty whets dogteeth is it °ear eight. This Balm a mask from the a.iaitel receipt proctored from die original T.r►tab Hakim (phyicma) of e.estsetim.ple, where it te uiverally The Talks ban atwaye boos celebrated for their weeded= skill ie eompo..dieg the risheapsr- tams a sad all other 104.1 'mete.. la Terkel the aromatic herb', &c, d which this Halm ie competed, are almo.t uaivereally ksewn mid semi for the b.1,. Hese* a ease of beldam or ibis had of hair ie votively matrons is that ..o=ily. We wish bet oae trial to be meds of iL that will do mon to close* yea of its vir- tues than all J. d•ertt.emests tau eta be p.blibd, sod that all my be abs to ten its eines.. It its pot up ie Large Betties at tie low pine of Mkt per Smile Remember the gesute has the signature of C.a.mk & Brother es the apleodid wrapper. POR THE MARRIED.-" Be vs Fame. N ma awn Mira-on.v."-les vestomad that °►este be .tsedaliy =mod by the t bares of 88...- D..4.aaza re's folio Couor.t.. or Procreative "Oise, prescribed w ate of etiwl restorstit*ls awes .f Drb4iry,•I.pwe.cv. or Btvresoem. awl all trretslaritia of arae. It is all that it pro- fwe is be, via: Natter'. Great Restorative. ..d • to those is the married mato without ▪ ag It t.. eertsie etre fir Seminal omis- sions. G...eol debihty, Ohm, Wakens of the Bssirl Oneme Nervosa A5ectioa., L..eor- ,how es White., *moo itetipestie" medicine it le wee Alm, a certsla remedy for in- cipient- (7 ' i.s, 1.drgeetioe, low of Meg - • Laser l,usitede, Female Wsaha.m, Diilidter. 1t is warrented to please the ower is soy .f doe above completing. mad is of prowler rides to Mow without of - THOMAS LOUGHERD. Port Albert, drool. 1. 18E11. _se5e39 NOTICE. I8 borsos by loss teat Ow parteerabip Sob - Millie betaraa Adz. Mclaiyre, and Jelin' Del>•Nus, tow of God.neb, was eanserog'tpasso0•l*0uL . es the fend via et J -1 te pu Aad aeesns dr5Nd tWb• ,.„“oba a Bosh a•ont w hereby. regemilleite mato •...diets Ny- man, ad •eve /vats. ALEX. McINTYRE. IAad t8 Dori ALD80N. Ged•rteh, April, tel 111511. •6.14. • NOTICE. is Llamas sod ►j111E Ssbeeriber kayos RENTED the A. WAREHOUSE sod WHARF belong- ing tithe Memos. Dsysgort, of t►tegdase hoessfa W►Nbimt•Ksos - PoMK•SBar AA-OMMNMrow ui*eua .T. tip wiener Mtandooloa from the Mor- e tt1 Gerisrleb, will receive eremite e teed.•. JOHN McEWAN. W ledger, llor01. 1449. tvr7 et thy, Sable. trootiona CCps b01 ti GREAT o1i►AirPOWT FRSIID I Used WMMeeseese eibbe a- Y A. n gym, ed weg mles e gs Jot tt not •• oe / grief kir' w M ▪ amlm ma apo.• N ata teaiit. ad papaw m e•t.we• ,r tib erthew dl a taro rota h ole~ willmlM1m rosy Aa7 M as" all othee a°Haes am es Tae dam •a.osMB ie.ewe l vw Morro ai rope. ea MOir D `-Qv+ww 1 a, d boa.. lbettllaarose- We s el m ,km tY ea im...aro i°b mm.y sea wares. ra..Pam..brisee.rggs tpls,d.a.la M Myr«iu~maTiiiw thaws sad amok sum*, 8 me ••b a ..1 r3iart Vallee o r s .-f01 rooms, m soma le t'•rtkabe, MIm a maim uwya,w•s.w en M. retae,515 74°1. 1 olio a mhe=ilmenzd by rte- . eam.,.vthlt Ar Ma giro do 00 or Pmem ori . eorrl{a. { wee, lass mabemint Ma et their r ...meal 1 ran b eadWlt • O.wt lawmawm pas. e1eY ab • aider. or be d Is THIS da Boa be Coast NOP .f Lake Hero., P.ma% C1ethieg, tKasoreor *tido, an ower r Tao *moot is reeves*. ir .Ptd Pay ern• rtplYt, b1i1•h i8tf Adv. prop*►* fveeed Spoor forwntld se may TIM Hite VA* dimmed to ie.f'Nwfa, Som. Poet Mime, THE above 111111 Ipttan PARK LOT ALL tot ars stesifte oft al PeemaegML Val settoe- o ro& & BMWs se riat wrapper sad never boy it rodeos pm Ileal the Aro* IMMOO: al it ha. hoes rammeway mastorinerd of law. Avoid abe sammottiat a. yam would poises. r▪ m the este ria r«..40, Split Hoof, 4 dales, sod Cootroined sod rever- Olaallaai Hoag, swesobos. Coto, Meek !WA* trowel Itioarlbser, Swim Sem lipaailaWkildalle sad leptiow-a semis seised,. & is sit those shiers thee regales ea seem se skim str say Owls, of bale ION soo Iwo boos imbibed. sot smelt so, will meta is the On. Iseerea, Sem, Sm. All rot IMMO= 1114 114111 le doe emajwbos wollipeett keels she steams deo sod Nee tom* tbo . smod4tiess. ad I image les* sinsitsomme hal! salsa of 11".1111 iltp_eimit:10*, Aim aid ail Hsu. diseases *rimy from so •• Omokirwour Pwirriots. lea lg. se 1 ad Get Ifia* Ira Lemma la ef mom aid Itemotosse, Mathew; B. A. 1111441411; poe'till Cask, Riehmseal; A, Tim fotketerem Males* Dowd18 Roolb at be Stanley LOsere. Boyd k Past, Ne, akroot, Now Vair. las kW% di Mk ea aid elk alka ba 10 stow GEORGE'S HONDURAS SARSAPA- RILLA EXTRACT, fret die cure *fall dimmers arieteg from impure state of the blood. This Sarsaparilla eoetaitts tes times es much .pare Hamden. Sarsaparilla as soy other. Is fact, all other Sarsaparillas are priscipelly panda, asd do not have the desired effect -seek • press bag peered perhaps dozens of bottles into syslara. 00 the eostrary, George's Hindu • los Sarsaparilla, from beteg oceroseed of the hoet sere, (every pound of th• sarsaparilla beteg 'ob- jected to the @trinket Chemin! tees, sad its gettnisemea ascertained before it is med.) seta prepared on ecieetifie prieciples, earl we ma coefidestly insert it is the beet Sampuilla eves =dove the peWic. are *offering with the many ills rbat femak Inn is WO to, so smatter bow desperate yew mos may be, be net discouraged: MOW 10 Orteres B eederas Sarsaparilla, sad yes will INA it • delightful aad effectual remedy. Yoe wbo desire beastifol, oleos skis, free from Pimple*. Blotches, mad all dmoritists. Igo rely apon it as the best Commie la use. W• briag this medicine before the "MAK, reesiderm Mat the good ellemma Seem of dis pea* will the pore floodgate Sampan!), sod the thoessed worthless eztrects a • worthless plass with which die country ie sod coaideatly bor-P liming that George', Homier= SarsmariOg roe* tried will be always seed. We halm pst it op in large bottles. oe• which to visa, ts virtue to sio of aoy other Sarsaparilla Ortf /OM • CANTIOM EXTRA -Tim fillO titian ef this Medics* hoe become so greet "Mire it hes Moe seed, that unprincipled mem are already megsZ cousterfeitieg it; therefore be aimless. die name of Comstock & Brother, Prepektrees on the splendid Wrapper, or you will be deceiv- ed. All orders toe= W 'radiated to Cemotesk Amer Hesse, Nest York Pries $11 per Mode, or Six bottle, fer $5. All of the above named •rticles ars sold only is Goderieb, C. W., by Robert Park, kestwood Stratford by H. C. Lee: is St. Marys by T. Gum!: at Bell's Corson by M. Brom: 15 Woodstook by T. Sego; is Loader& by Mitchell: In Egroondyillie by . COMM: Hifplifbr; •1 & Co., sad Babb & Co.: in Ember! lty Desk in Delawete by Tirol: is Bay Geld be Bakker's Alananac for 1853, which wittier giros Oet. 15, 1859. tr5•39 Dadtalliiia *b. a* TRAVELLER'S HOME. 28th February, 1849. L STRASBURG, Warts too, w Moods andt the Trageillog Peelle row - rally, that ite mowed frets New Abe/r- atios to the Village 01 Straserargh, • sd will sew be foetid le that erell-booets homes too - vial be reedy sod able to cesdees to awe coafort of Hoes who may honor lime with their patresige. abed whits the news. Mamas for pest foveae, he hetes, by arist attestion to Gm waste bad eriehes of kr th• eir imstresage. JOHN Aso, N. E. -Geed STABLES ail at FARM F011 SAUL PALM wowtololog 171) 'cm and a half ken deskillow 14, 'Mb a alas XIL