HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-23, Page 18a
1: "1`ltxtes-Acive ate, Neve t>t ,e196i
Pet pony Trinket"
dies at DaSF'IWQ od
Ry MRS, l*.RVIN.:7ta.aER
a b ,DAS.0 WOOD
The. ilof#man ro hex grey
pgrty, Trinket, is no more. He'
died stitidenly Monday after-
noon. A ;true friend not :only to
the loeal children but .also the
surrounding country side, he •
•Will be greatly missed,
family birthday celebration
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Over -
'bolt of Zurich, who both eele-
This week in
i cheIsea
Personal items
Mr. Harold Clarke attended
the Royal Winter Fair at To-
'onto on Monday,
Mr. and Mrs, Harold Rowe
and Janet of Thames Road,
visited on Saturday evening
with Mr., and Mrs. William
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth H.ern
and girls,. of Exeter, visited on
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. Philip klern and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Wib Coward
and Susan, of London, visited
on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs.
John Coward,
Mrs, Colin Gilfillan, Mrs. El-
son Lynn, Mrs, Newton Clarke
and Mrs. Tom Campbell
tended the bazaar on Friday
afternoon at Thames Road
Mr. and Mrs. William Jef-
ferey rand family, of Sebring-
ville, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Stephens.
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan
and Barbara Anne visited on
Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Bill
Gilfiilan and family, 'Exeter.
Haig crash..
hurts three
prated their .61st birthday last
ween:. were treated to. a birthday
dinner Saturday,. NOV. l& .at the•
home of their daua Iter and
family, Mr. acid Mrs, Frank l e -
Bier, near Dashwood.
Twenty* -seven were present in-
cluding Mr, and Mrs, Victor
Overholt, Centralia; Mr and
Mrs. Milfred Overholt, Mr. and
Mrs. Norman. (Jr:) Overholt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Taylor. Mr,
and Mrs, Chas. La Porte and
Miss Jean Overholt, all of Lots
don; lttr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Overhdlt and Gerard Dverholt
of Zurich.
'Pam* birthday dinner
A family dinner WAS held ,at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leo
Gibson in honour of the latter's
mother, Mrs, Win. Eveland,
4vho will celebrate her l;Qth
birthday, friday,. Nov, 24.
Present for the occasion were
Mr, and Mrs. George Schmiiidt,
Mrs. Jack Risser, Toni. Lynn •
and Travis alis of Baden; Mr.
and Mrs, Glen Baker, Donna
• and Brian. Mr, and Mrs. Nor-
man .Eveland and Cindy, all of
London, and Leo Eveland.,
Bowline hence,*
The bowling banquet was
held Friday evening with an at-
tendance of 64. Following a tur-
key supper nrok1nole was
played, Winners •were, Lloyd
Rader and Heidi Schroeder;
consolation winners, • Edward
Restemayer and Valerie Gib-
Dashwood Merry Molds
The seventh meeting of the
4-H club Featuring Fruits was
held at the home of Helen. Ra -
! Notes were given and dis-
cussed on Fruits go Festive,
garnishing and fruit specialties,
table arrangements and cheese
tray arrangements. Different
cheeses were studied.
The eighth meeting was held
at the home of Iris Becker,
Huron home economist, Miss
Isabel Gilchrist was present,
All books must be in. Dec. ]9
and Achievement Day is San,
Making fruit drinks was dis.
An auto accident last Tb BursT 'LT cussed and. some were made
BOaand served with fruit bread
baked by the girls for lunch..
day at the Haig Farm corn
cribs, north, involving three
soldiers and an Indian demol-
ished a conveyor and load of
corn, requiring the aid of a
bulldozer, and sent three occu-
pants to hospital.
Personal items
Mr. and. Mrs, Wallace Bec-
ker and family have moved to
Allenford while Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Boyle and family of
Thornhill have moved to Dash -
Personal items nMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Howe of
Mr, and Mrs, Remie Van London spent the weekend with
Fraet of the New Venice Farm Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rader and
visited over the weekend in family,
idr, and. Mrs. J, Alexander
and family, of London and
xoderrch arrived on Monday to
take over the Pinery Park Mo-
Mr. Albert Nordstrom of
Cainrose, Alta. was entertained
last week by relatives and
friends prior to his return last
Oscar Crawford and Harold
Rivers, of Forest, visited. in
Zurich and Hensall last Tues-
Mr, and 1'1rs, Fred Burley
visited the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Hansen of Mos.-
peth over the weekend.
Miss Christine Burley and
friend, Herb Zavitz of Arkona
visitedthe former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Pieter Burley, on
Mr. and Mrs, John Melville
are convalescing after their re-
turn from hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Zygmund Sier-
pien of Chatham have rented
Mrs. Elsie Romphf's house
prior to building on their lot
20 con. B west,
Mr, and ,Mrs. B. Plachl.arz of
con, 2 Grand Bend visited Mr.,
and. Mrs. Sierpien on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Irwin Romphf,
of Sarna, 'visited relatives over
the weekend,
* Processing
* Fresh Meats
* Smoked Meats
* Cooked Meats
* Frozen Foods
Ervin Rader and a number
of men from Zurich spent last
week on a hunting trip in. the
Parry Sound District, They
were successful in getting two
Mrs. Tillie Tetreau attended
the funeral of her brother-in-
law, Charles Corner, at
Tham.esville last Wednesday.
Mrs. Tillie Tetreau spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Milton McAdams of Zurich.
Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Reste-
mayer accompanied Mr. and
Mrs. 'Victor Kraft of London. to
Tecumseh where they spent the
weekend with Mrs. Restemay-
er's sister and her family, svlr.
and Mrs. Tom Hayes.
"I've got to reduce, said the
stout lady to the dentist, "so
take it out."
"1 don't understand," re-
plied the dentist. "You want
an extraction?"
"That's right."
"Rut which tooth?"
"The sweet one!"
A Prevention
Snell Bros.
;. ... .,.,. . ';u�fi` f'`a, «raw «w�n.r:.+•.,w S„i.,;s w: . .. ",. > ,..... :.”' ... yr _. vfn e�akk+a:cux,4�,.+xn-:.; hu.: .E„+,.::,, ,,.d.au.G; ..
DONATE Et uiPMENT TO HOSPITAL_—Ladies Auxiliary to Exeter Legion has do-
nated a baker -treater to South Huron Hospital to provide heat treatments for pa-
tients, Check for the machine, shown above, is accepted by Sup't Miss Alice Clay-
layole, left, from Mrs. Clarence Knight, auxiliary president, Other auxiliary officers
are Mrs, Gerard, Lawson, treasurer, and Mrs. Graham Mason, past president,
Fete family
at Cromarty �
A pleasant social evening was
spent at No. 6 schoolhouse on
Friday evening when the peo-
ple of the section gathered to
honor Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Sors-
dahl and Connie, following their
removal from the community to
reside in Mitchell.
Euchre was played and a
short program followed, con-
sisting of songs by Sharen and
Karen Scott accompanied by
Mrs, Dow. Carol Ann. Dow
fa'ored with an instrumental,
Miss Olive Speare gave a read-
Mr, John Wallace read an
address and the guest of honor
were presented with two step-up
tables with matching lamps and
a pair of boudoir lamps by Mer-
vin Dow and Wesley Russell.
Mr, and Mrs. Sorsdahl and Con-
nie expressed their apprecia-
Personal items
Miss f arkhouse of Hamilton
was a guest of Miss Wanda Mc-
Laren over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott and
Alec and Mrs. E. Moore spent
with MIr, an
the weekend d Mrs.
Hugh (Moore at Lindsay.
Mrs. L. E. Abbiss of George-
town visited for a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ha-
rold Carey.
Mr, and Mrs. Laverne Wal-
lace and childz"•en visited on Sun-
day with. Mr. and Mrs, Gary
Findlayson at Walton.
Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Allen,
Mrs, Murray Christie and Mrs.
Alf. Ross attended the funeral
of a cousin, Mr. Len Found at
Brantford on Wednesday.
Mrs, Carter Kerslake spent a
couple of days at the Royal
Winter Fair, last week.
Mr. Henry Eggert of Rostock
is visiting at the home of his
Report on
Plan Huron
Personal iitems
Mr, and Mrs. Allan Ratz, of
Pittsburg, visited during last.
week with relatives here and;
attended the dinner and re-'
ception in honor of Mr. and'
Mrs, Matthew Sweitzer's golden,
wedding anniversary on Wed
Mr, and Mrs, Alton Comfort,
of Fenwick, visited Wednesday
and Thursday their daugh-
ters, Mrs, Milton Sweitzer,
Mrs. Stuart Sweitzer, Mrs. Jack
Pickering and their families.
and also attended the •anniver-
sary dinner and reception.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Russell
and family, of Essex, were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs, Cliff Russell and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Everett hoist'
and Stanley of Dashwood, Tl.r.1
and Mrs. Wellington Hoist of i
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Emery
Fahner and Miss Lillian Hoist
of Crediton were Sunday visi-?
tors with Mr. and Mrs. ROY
Ratz, Donald and Harvey.
Mr, and Mrs, Wray Sweitzer,'
Ron and Barbara visited Sun -i
day with Mr, and Mrs. Norman'
Johns and family at llderton,
a Y
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Baum-
garten and Mrs. Alice Mason
spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Charlie Brown at Bothwell:
Mrs. Mason is staying for a few
1Mrs, Raymond Ramaloo spent
several days last week with her
daughter in Chatham.
daughter and sons -In-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gardiner.
Mr. Ken McKellar spent last
week at the Royal Winter :Fair,
The turkey supper held at the
church, on Tuesday evening was
well attended and returns were
Keep filled
When Baby's, hungry he lets
you know—in no uncertain
terms. But fortunately you
don't 'have to worry about
feeding time fol your oil
burner.—our records auto-
matically tell us when to
refill the storage tank, This
is just one of the many extra,
benefits you enjoy with our
Shell Beat'n-a-hurry Fur-
nace Oil Service, Give us a
call, You'll find it costs no
more to have the best.
Phone 80 Exeter
More "Honest to Goodness"
from WC. A'RY-EASY
QUNL, ry Ar FR/R Pt iCE5
Sttclt ;features as 7 -Heat Coittrot , f , M•eteed-air'e
denying , f , Oversize taint Filter r 7 r l"iistprobf
porcelain enamel. top and door and Safety
Door Switch, give yot.t more i:bziestto=goodness
Value for yoitr dryer dollars!
• Good Only
On More'
coin group
Interest in coin collecting is
growing in this area as well as
across Canada, reports Jack
C. Dietrich, Clinton, who pro-
poses to forth a coin club for
Huron county next week.
-.District bee
Ie.rs ruins
..Ours;' CARMEL
Some of the men of the par-
ish i.gathered at the fire ruins
of Mr. Jerome Denonime Mon-
day last and assisted in clean t
jug up- grounds,.
A very large crowd attended
a dance k"ridaY evening and
donated money _towards a purse
presented Mr, and Mrs, Den•
omnlee during the everting.
Both replied :and thanked there •
friends: for the money at such
a needed time.
A miscellaneous shower for e
'bride•elect this coming, week.
.end,. Nov. 23. Was held in par-
, lett hall for Miss Ann. Dietrich,
1 Nil, an Tuesday evening last.
A ahort program was pro-
vided by pupils of the school
and a humorous reading given
by Mrs, Roy Ryan. An address
Was read and gifts were opened
by the bride -elect assisted by
her cousin Miss Pauline Fallon.
of London and a school nate,
Mrs, Eddie Mittleholtz of Exe-
ter, Ann expressed her thanks
to all.
Personal items
illi•. and Mrs. Hubert McKee-
ver and family spent last week-
end visiting relatives In Tor-
Mrs. Miebael Ryan Sr, is
spending a few days with her
daughter and family, A4rs. Ge-
rard McCarthy of Maidstone,
Mrs. Joe Houlahan is visiting
relatives' in Detroit and at-
tended her sister-in-law's fun-
eral, Mrs. Jack Hanathan, the
former Margaret Houlahan who
was buried in that city Monday
Air and Mrs. Hubert McKee-
ver, Catherine and ?at spent
the past weekend in Detroit.
V?'SS FOS as s ?# a0s 1FA e?k Crud ilq# 1
Mr. Dietrich announced an
organizationalmeeting has
been scheduled, for Clinton
town hall on Nov. 30 at 8 pan.,
to wbich all numismatists in
the area are invited, especially
quite sure there are a
lot of interested collectors in
this area," he states,
Old Jim lived in a shanty by
the river. When cold weather
came he put on a mangy coon-
skin coat whenever he went
wandering. One evening some
duck hunters spied what they
took to be a hear advancing
on them through the riverside
brush. Before Jim could shout,
one pulled up and fired. The
hunkers rushed him to a hos-
pital where a nurse immediate-
ly undressed him and bathed
"You don't take a bath very
often, do you?" she sniffed,
scrubbing vigorously.
"Nope," Jim countered. "Ya'
see, ain't very often I get
Order That
Ensure delivery before
December 25
Canada's Finest
Tailoring Houses
The store with the
custom tailor
Mrs. Joe Felton and Pauline ister�ed in .Our Lady .of l�7't, Car -
of London attended the shower ales •Church on Nov ;rS at t_
of Miss Ann Dietrich on 'Tues p.in by His Excellency ,G►.siwi�
day,evening lest. 1`Telltgan.
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrenee e ACc- Mrs. Lawrence Howard .of
Cann .and family visited last RCAF Station Centralia spee`'
weekend with relatives in Wind- Sunday evening. w. Ma,
sot, t'y 'Trainor and latntithlYMra.
Mr. John. Campbell is still se- Four student teachers of f,_on.-
rioesly ill in. St, Joseph's Hos- don Teachers College are hav-
ing classes in Our Lady ,of le.Confirmation will be ,admin• Carmel School this week.
'60 Meteor Sedan, 6-cyliTider, radio, you've
got my eye teeth at $1,000
'60 .Falcon Sedan, radio, a steal $1,795
'59 Chev Coach, 6 -cylinder, .only :$1,500
'S7 Ford Wagon, V•8, autonmatic, 2 -tone $1,295
Ford Coach, 6 -cylinder, stick shift $1,200
'58 Ford Sedan, 6 -cylinder, stick shift $1.,200
'60 Volkswagen De1uNe, radio • ...... $1,1.00
'57 Ford Fairlane, 2 -door, V-8, automatic .. $1.,100
'56 Monarch, 2 -door hardtop, automatic, 2
tone .......... .. Your
'56 Meteor Convertible ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Choice
'56 Ford. V-8 Sedan, automatic $1,000
'56 Chev Sedan, V-8, automatic
'55 Ford Fairlane, 2 -door, stick shift, radio $ 650
'S4 Chev Sedan, above average $ 650
'56 Buick Coach,a steal $ 450•
'54 Plymouth Sedan
'54 Ford Coach Your
'51 Harley Davidson Motorcycle ...... Choice $ 400
'53 Plymouth Sedan
'60 Ford 600 Dump, built up, motor over-
hauled: ... ..... .,:, . ......... . $3,750
'58 Ford F-600 chassis and cab $2,000
'53 Ford 5 -ton, long wheel base, chassis and
cab, good 900 tires • $ 650
'57 Volkswagen Panel $ 550
'59 Ford. 871 Diesel, low hours, a real gem $2,200
John Deere 420 Crawler with front-end
loader $1,400
'53 Ford Jubilee ........... . $1,000
'50 Massey "30", above average $ 600
Case 4 -furrow plow, on rubber $ 400
Don't Forget .
To Drop In And Pick Up Your
White Rose Bonspieler
Curling Game
Endorsed by Ken Watson , , . Canada's Mt. Curling
Larry Snider Motors
Ford, Monarch, Falcon, Ford and Falcon Trucks/
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Shop Exeter
estExeter service. Shopnow while thes r the buys, the •biggest choice, this
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You'll be glad in December you shopped in November.
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"•Share Christmas"
$50 Cash Prize to• Winner
PLUS Sponsorship of Needy Ch (d
Buy your Christmas gifts now --- Get your coupons iii early,
They're good or every one of six big Christmas thraws,
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