HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-23, Page 16.3.
Page 14 November 23, 1941 '
..and. 4Wstrict new
Phone OA 7,4255
Served as
area reeve,
Myron M. Culbert. 77, died
in, St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
don on Sunder. Nov. 10, making
the fifth death on Alice St..
Lucan since May.
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs
Richard Culbert, Mr. Culbert
was born and raised on Con.
2 Biddalph where he attended
SS No, school, and farmed
all his life. until retiring and
moving to to Alice St. in 1953.
For a number of years he
was on Biddulph council
and also served as reeve.
He was a faithful member
of the Luton United Chureh
where he mid several posi-
tions. At the time of his death
he was an honorary member
of the session. Though crippled, 4112*.e.
following an accident. which
necessitated using two crutches. filti5INESSMAN PIES
he could still drive his car mei a . Williem Haskett
town and to church. Since Mrs.,
Culbert's death four years ago
he has lived alone and man-
aged to pet in his own garden.
on t h , and look after his
own borne. However he wes un-
able to .dress or undress him-
self but some member of his
family arranged to assist .him
each day.
He died without ever know-
ing that his barn had been
burned down last Tuesday.
He is survived by five sons:
Clifford of Lucan, Kenneth of
Toronto, Ivan of London, Mert-
on of Lucan and Earl of Kitch-
ener. One son Mel, predeceased:
him. His wife, the former Effie
Pearl Taylor of Exeter, died
th Detaber 1957.
Ile is also ,survived by one
brother, Arthur of Winnipeg,
four sister s, Hilda (Mrs.
Charles Carscalleni of Whitby,
Ethel (Mrs. Norman Gras) of
Newark, New Jersey, Mary
(Mrs, Eldon Hodgson) of Lu -
can and Lela Mrs. Albert
Beadle) of Stratford, also 18
Funeral services were held
at the United church concluded
by Rev. G. W. Sach on Wed-
nesday, Nov. 22 with inter-
ment in St. James cemetery,
Clandeboye. u r d y funeral
home was in charge of arrange.
Pallb-.avers include e Messrs.
Nov.ar'l Kerslake, Ross Hera,
Wilber l Stanley, John Park.
Esrl Atkinson and James ergs
Nomination will he held in
the Legion Hall for the village
of Lucan on Friday. Nov, 24,
to nrn:nate a reeve and four
cou9ci}ors. three retiring
hers of the school board and
*lie retiring member of the
hydro commission. If an elec-
Uon is . Y it wilt be
held Monday, Dec. 4.
RATTerIct oponing_ Lticcin „ . , :milers at A stX.-table euchre,
personai ;terns
A .
um,e, high sew, • lhOn
ITeen 'Town
speoeored he tile 1401-4 in the
five e?M;kitiVe, Luean Indge rooms, WedoesdaY,
of ,h1gh school Ur. earl litre. Ron Crozier' stationed at Camp Aldershot,. ' • • • * •
Reel="0 And Mrs,. kiarold Wal- And Julia And Mrs. Lloyd Aehed .Mr. Alf Diehins, of London. An exeMitive l'' n tol,
',„ge..-... vrt meet- water fIrto me., Tom cones
lace of Greaten, Reeve elle, son heve retuned flame from end Mr. Albert Plekins, Lam int.l. was ,ncifi at 11-10 -COMPlAoltY Lome lone bends, mr$. 110,.
Mrs. lvan Hearn, Mr. and Mrs, a few daYs at the ROYal Wieter .,t.leth,102,41rr%F:ii,tilaeryCentre ast , guests of .lMondAY at alS
-evening, d .pragtle and Mr
., .11.. W.
Clareeim nerdy, Mr. end Mrs. 10. and 'qrs. John IlYan And Coleman. - Mrs. 1301).-vitieh five AM rtlenlber$ WPrO , wastudge, Lueah, and low
, added tthe we o egeetiti: Joint spore, Mrs. R. K. M pot gorn ery,
Jack Stem. Me?. end Mes. Fair, Teronto.
LAM* Barker And Mr.' and babe, of London, have movedl Miss MarinrY• McLennan, eft 4.4at- ain Darthig,, Fr011""iLtieen, And Allan MInogite,
among the 4,100 persons who and Mrs, Erie Fritz on Alice with 4r. and: Mrs. llo.n. Crozier ..al'a Ready. mea, Wilson of Lem were into the 'mese vacated by Mr. London, was a, es,eekend, guest 1 aerreall,,n0a,ar7tir:s,1:-atdCuea7,:d's lian.:bv:;:rry9acenrsitco.:.was mr, Ear
„I The winner of the bog' of
Crowded into the gYtiuttOritint street. Mr. TIM is a brother, end family.
olflgtihie ssp9h$00,00100.1,horifsmotirctleall. ostfr„eil.rs. Pat Crndfl.ei- Maio' Mr. en natle, Kincardine, arena assistant, volontecren, to -t4 Bryanston.
spent the weekend with his act as advisor for the. young .
:..,, 01);enplitrLiaels.t Johnsvep_es.daRyobnairits4.,, Mr, end Mrs- ',Ceeil Arillitagp sister and brother-in-law, Mr. people. A danCe, to be held m
And Shele visited ;Mrs, Armlet and Mrs, Cecil Robb, the Legion ;Hall, was planned /Ogg 1,4AN. NgWs
tage's mother, Mrs., Levi, Dail Mrs. Earl Eldhridge and two for December L
Correspenclent: Miss Line Abbott
The Medway Itigh sebeet
band, under the -direetion of H. at the Grimt, Qablee ehildree. of London, :have re. The. .,11e*t; %Weave mean%
Triple Five, under 111, CLine. dgY. visit with Mrs. Eldbridges- mittee room. Sunday,. Nov,.
Imakes Ale a; Clark. And the Dorchester Nursing Parkhill -Sun', turned "I" after 4 ttwo-week will be he" in 1." arena ennl.'1"""'"1""""".""'"'"'
bicker,. Dinner
Sun., Nov. 26
say, provided the musi.c, Messrs. Jack Park and Prank , parents, jr. and Mrs. A. R. -• • •
and Mrs. Stan liaYeS, of Mr. ,J, W. cocbrene, who was spent, in cards and (lane,'
aos stop
liardY were weekend guests of 'Wilkinson.
•Fel! sortie tittle there has Welland, .a.nd while: there _call., operates -fme of Ltteati's .barber IPg•
-Nothing is ever achieven , • shops, is having a new front Airs. N. D. Langford, Mrs.
. , been no plape Lucan to ed on Mr. Ross Darner,
motto dieoussed by Miss , lc, e an (Latetemetisthwilinbel.NuldredallIVV,IrBsrule sheet
itleiltiliY; At.1117,:i.teGd.
without enthesiasin", was the Purcease bus tickets and pas.
- sengers had to w it at th k -'' • -0 ert las dis osed Of son end Mrs. Murrey Hedgins
Abbott for the ineethri et the corner Ia. al en s of weather,' Lachie, of 'Breslau, and Alit his pool room and t we of " F t
munit 1 centre last, • w
Lucan w hew in the -oomeiksonnionetairiltee will be happy W Lo fac‘hvi.teJrrio,,o,Kil,cherier, on three tabies, which. julned rented tsuca°kce rct°411b/le rol oanitrehrts c4fIlair'" the
l'htivsday tifi.ftnoon.
y memorta tigkets at, the central Restauy,IFEahey and sons, :Richey tici the propertyte, tee Aluminum church .bazaar November 25
ant now.
leY cat' again Purchase Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Les 'iarber .shop, andhas _ .
The 16 members preseot an.on Sunday. Siding Co,, whieli is connected and Christmas ,dco,rsa:heso ttmodobt:
swered the roll cael by naming .
Airs,Don IP wk and Mrs Sob with the Wood aKitegrperiwseins., scldir,at'jatchke ivibauzra bazaar.
CbarsigY, of Sudbury, have London,
.heir Pet beef on modern edu-
Chu ch 'returned home after seending dew bas been installed and went surgery in Ste Joseph's
During the business session
it. W S voted to donate $3,0 to ' ., • •
the War Memorial Hospital and
also to donate a $10 bursary
tor the Purchase of books to Pentecostal Holiness Church friend, Miss Peggy Langs, who
the outstanding 1961 Grade 7 The pastor was in' charge of accompanied her, remained in
Lucan pupil. both Sunday services with Paul England where she took a post -
A gift for "The Little Red Graham and Vicky Eizenga tion till June,
i Door' will be the roll call for singing a duet at the evenieg Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott,
' the December meeting, The' service, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mugford
members are asked to present! y p and Muriel Abbott (daughter of
their own ,gift and invite a. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Abbett),
prospective member or friend Rev, G. W. Sach of the Unit -
'k_ of Lunn, and Mr. and Mrs,
4 h , theguest ,
Allan Tindall, of IVianton, were
to the meeting to make a do.
1 netion also, er at the efla missionary meet Sunday , C. K. e, Friday evening. Mr. Sach Sunday guess of Mr, and
!A any attend The president,Mrs C II in- - Mrs. Ducan Tindall, Listowel,
George, reported she hoped b y speee of his missionarY work '
in Labrader. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson
a few days with Mr. and Mrs, v n are busyon a Whole Hospital, was able to be
Perry Charsley, neNe front which will add much brought home on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Abbott
tuilk‘iniesds 01‘;,11.ariv15e'onneBscriao7nfleriemnrea- appearance of the hullo.
two-inonth trie,to Europe, Her niaMale% annctd.1\11‘11.rasiidNilrs!..A11,nVoalsd*
Wasnidge, on Tuesday attended
the funeral of their cousin,
Mrs. Ernest Manness of Lon-
Mrs, Clarence Hardy is teach-,
ing music every Tuesday in the
Prince Andrew Area school.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles Wind-
sor returned, on Friday from a
few days' visit in Cas City,
Mich, where .they were guests
of Mrs. Windsor's sister, Mrs,
Ralph Loney,
Mr. Harvey Downing is sell-
ing the hont. and household
effects of his father, the late
Mr. William Downing, at an
auction sale, Wed., Nov. 29.
Carol Haskett, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Haskett,
spent last weekend with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Tuke, of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grose
of the Coursey.Line were really
surprised Saturday everting,
when 25 members of their fam-
ily dropped in to offer con-
gratulations on their 1501 wed-
ding anniversary, The evening
Haskett rites
One of the largest funerals
ever held in Lucan. filled Holy
Trinity Church at a p,m.,
Friday., November 17, to pay
their last respects to Mr. Wil-
liam C. E. Haskett, 70, who
died on Tuesday, November 14,
in St. Joseph's Hospital, after
a lengthy illness.
After his death he lay at rest
in his own funeral home, the
"C. Haskett and Son". A
:Masonic service under the, . Gibson, . .
next month to heah1 tn an
and Cheryl had a Christmas
dinner with Mrs, Thompson's
mother, Mrs, F. M. Brown, of
St, Thomas, prior to her leav-
ing for an extended. visit with
Mr, and Mrs. John Blaser, of
a successor to Mrs. Benny WA
Saulnjer, to take charge of the The WA meeting was held at
making of cancer dressings, the home of Rev. and Mrs. E.
agaie, as up to date no dress. A. Gagnon last Tuesday with
ings have been made by the the p r e s i d e n t, Mrs. Rufus
branch this fall, Thompson, presiding and Mrs,
Howard Currie s group in Dr. and Mrs. S. Morrison
The main part of the meet-,
of refreshments. The (nee Rummell) were weekend
• ing was giveli over to the pre -1 charge
bags were brought in to guests of the latter's parents,
seating of area convention re- Penny
ports by Mrs. Sheridan. Rev; the meeting. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Rummell.
1 The Rev, Gagnon. was the Mrs. Olivia Hodgins, Exeter,
ington, Mrs. Murray Hodgin,s
and Mrs. Frank joliffe. ; guest speaker. Arrangements spent a few days last week
were made for the WA to take with Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Hod -
Mrs. Guy Ryan 'was lunch
over the service next Sunday. gin $ and family,
eonvener assisted by Mrs. Irv -
w Was. Mrs. j. A. Graham will be Mrs. Lela Beadle, Stratford,
the guest speaker and Mrs. spent a few days last week with
Clayton Abbott will be in charge • her sister and brother-in-law,
of the music. The next meeting Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson,
will be held at the home of and visited her brother, Mr,
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Currie, Myron Culbert, in St, Joseph's
boye. . Hospital.
, Anglican Church
Flowers in the chancel were Mr, Keith '.itost, son of Mr,
Pallbearers included Messrs. from Medway
Harold Ryan, Lawrence Mc- and Mrs. W, :1. Frost, of Alice
Carthy, Murray Hodgins, Art +4, number of parents from in memory of the late William
!street, has joined the para -
McLean Clarence Lewis and Lucan attended the Medway Downing and the late Will Has- troopers in England and is now
k tt
fudge and Miss Lina Abbott.
auspices of Irving Lodge 'No.
15e AF e: AM, was held Thurs-
day evening. Interment was in Receive awards
St. James Cemetery, Clande-
William Berryhill, There were commencement F r id a y eve.
also 20 honorary bearers, coni , ning,Six more new prayer books,
posed of funeral directors and The guest speaker was Dr, d nated to the church, were
manufacture representatives. D. G. G. Kerr, president of dedicated for churcli use at
Funeral arrangements were 1 Middlesex College, Hon. W. A. the morning service.A board meeting was held at
in charge of Lawrence Box and l Stewart, minister of agricul- 3 p on Sunday in the Parish
Son, of Parkhill, assisted by! ture, presented Medway Keys,
Douglas Gilpin, of Medford, a symbol of over-all eHall to complete arrangementsxcellence, for the canvass for funds for
and Robert Dinney, of Exeter, , to five outstanding pupils,
Besides his wife, the former Julia Crozier, daughter of Mr. ..
rectory repairs,
Blanche Rowe, he is survived' and Mrs. Ron Crozier of Lucan,
vnited Church
by two sons. Arthur, of S
car-, was one of those to receive a Flowers in the church for
borough, and Clarence, at Type A award for university the Sunday serviee• in
home; one daughter, Alice , entrance, and Ward Hodgins, memory of the late William
I Mrs. Lloyd Cook), of Byron; ; son of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Downing, who sang in the
one sister, Muriel (Mrs. Harold Hodgins of Lucan, a grade 10 choir for so many years,- and
Corbett}, of Lucan, and eight award for agriculture. for the late Will Hakett. The
grandchildren. , Harvey Pool of Lucan and pastor took the service, taking
Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lewis of Granton were for his text "Labourers To-
e h Gd"
Officers' and teachers' meeting
The officers and teachers
met in the church schoolroom
Wednesday evening.
It was decided to hold a
White Gift service Sunday, Dec.
lo with gifts to be sent to the
Saugeen Indian Reserve. After
a long discussion on the an-
nual Christmas treat for the
children it was finally decided
to revert to the old-time con-
cert, with each class providing
a ten-minute program.
Ch I Ha kett Mr Haskett among those receiving Grade gether witho .
was a life-long resident of Lu -!12 diplomas.
can, working with his father in -
the "C. Haskett and Son Fune-
ral Home" and the "Haskett ard of the Grand Lodge of
Furniture Store" and taking; Ontario; a past warden of
1 over both after his father's Holy Trinity Church and a
Ideath. For a number of years ', member of the Lucan Business -
his son Clarence has
sisting him, been as- men.
4 The very large number of
Mr. Haskett was a charter floraldonations which banked
member and', past president of the walls of the funeral home
the Lucan Lions Club; a past were an evidence of the high
master of Irving Lodge, 154 esteem which Mr, Haskett held
AF & AM; a past grand stew -Lin the community.
0:trWkrisi%-it-lcgtesVflogNiV,ti -..% Mroft Oft•stersft rat Mkt oat oet's,TA eVecittir
• •
eeeteeee. „
. Terrence Culbert {
Local youth
in television
rriday night at, the 49th an-
nual commencement exercises
nf the H. B. Beal Technical
and Commercial High School,
Terrence (Terry) Culbert, son
of Mrs. Mary Culbert and the
late Mel Culbert, received a
monetary award and certifieate
for the highest standing in art.
special, and grade 12 Art
At present Terreoeo is em.
played with the production
crew of CFPL-TV le the moro.
ings and the photogtephy (151)1
of TV newsin the aftertoone.
During the mornings he not
only sets up props and runs the
boom for Romper Rooth but
also draws the pictures for the
LttokArid See Board".
e Saturday ht was sent to he
t1.10011 Community Centre in
'beet a news reel of the open-,
tugof the London Optomist
beekey Season. Which appeared
Oft Panorama spite Saturday
• Among those appearing eti
ihe film were Hon, W, A. Stew.
irt, Minister of agriculture
Mrs. Gordon Stronarh, wife of
MaYOr Stronath, of London,
arid bfficiale Of the Optottlist
Club, Lotidot
*Caitaria's oldest 1it1.,at Wind,
tor. N,S., was first held ii 1765
led has been rette.Wed aitiaI
ip without intomptiorr $inat
Well bring the. book g to your
Mint for ease of selection. Call
us soon as these popular books
are out nearly every night,
Sales and Service
Repairs and bags for all mo-
dels of vacuum cleaners and;
polishers, Reconditioned ma-
chines of all makes for sale.
BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich
Phone Hensail 696r2
felerteie-OteeereiterrieefLe* eeteeleticereietiege.erdereirteesetreereeeettOOktrefteitiltforktereforiete•,oretter
A Prevention
Snell Bros,
were among those present at
a dinner meeting for the Pride
Corn dealers 'held in the
Cobblestone Inn, London, Tues.
day, November 14,
'.$1,00; Per 'Plate.
t -
Thomas Weller, 'Proprietor-
The Appointment of
Your Lucan Ticket 8.. Travel Agent
For Tickets and Information
Phone BA 7-4464
Western Ontario Motorways
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Interest Payable Monthly by Cheque
Notes can be redeemed at any time on 30 -day
written notice to company.
For details, Call BRUCE A, LOCKHART,
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Suite 212, 195 Dundas St,, London GE 94141
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2 King Street E,, Toronto, Ont, EM 2-5192
t 11 tttt Still iiiiii tttttt 10/./I t I lll llllll Ittf l lll IMMIIMAIIIIIIMIIIIIIM111/11111111111111111111111114
when you feed
or Complete Feeds
Pioneer -Cafeteria Dairy Supplements and Com,
plete Dairy reeds have what it takes to get EXTRA
pounds of milk out of your cows ... from the end
of the first week of feeding to the end of their
lactation periods.
Here's why. Pioneer -Cafeteria dairy rations give
cows a high level of Vitarnin "A ", which improves
herd health . . and healthy cows make more
milk than cows that are slightly "off color,'" Also,
Pioneer.Cafeteria dairy rations give cows an extra -
high level of Vitamin D-2, which assures proper
assimilation of Minerals, arid is your bet form of
insurance against milk fever,
Cows on Pioneer -Cafeteria rations don't "'milk
themselves thin," even though they are producing
extra Milk ... because they get all the necessary
nutrients in their feed and don't have to draw
from their bodies.
Even at regular prices, Pioneer -Cafeteria dairy
feeds are the "best buy" on the market. At today's
reduced prices, they're a 13AkGAIN.
for CASH
Come in and
talk over our new
ptieing arrangement
for Fall, 1961.
. 0 Ask about today's
Cattle Feeders ,
favorable priceS on PiOneer,Cafeteria 82% Beef
Cattle Slippier -tient with Stilbestrol and Tran -O
... tratitieiliter, Alto Warble -Kit and Cattle Puritone.•
They're Gobi),
Kirkton Mobile Feed Service
Aorta, 1<iikton107 ••
• \ • ss. Airi. 4
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