HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-23, Page 7Christmas Banquets
and Parties
(Banquet Room Fully Licenced)
We at the Village Inn would consider it a privilege
in assisting you to plan your office, bowling, club -
or family Christmas parties or banquets . , nQ
matter how big or small,
148 Ory Wass.m n a. n Prop,'
Phone Grand Bend. p, ”
1l`; INNINO RINK. --GIC L. H. Randall, DFC, isshowda presenting awards to the
top rink in the opening bonspiel staged at the RCAF Centralia rink last weekend.
Thirty-one rinks competed in the event. Winners of the "A" division are pictured
above, and include, from left to right, LAC George Demontigny, vice -skip; Sgt.
Bob Jackson, lead; Cpl. Nick Zommar, second, and Flight Sergeant Bill Thompson,
f/in, Winners in the "B" group was a rink skipped by Sgt. Jim McKindrie, while
0 Al Johnson piloted his squad to a win in the l`C' class, —ND photo
Rinks ti, for honors
in thth's opening spiel
Rinks skipped by Harry Snell,
and Alnlor Passmore ended tip
in a lie for first place in the
Exeter Curling.-, club's open
mixed bonspiel last week when
they each scored 36 points in
their three games,
Both rinks won all three
games and will now meet in a
sudden -death playoff to deter-
mine the winner,
Snell, competing in the sec-
ond draw, started out with a
decisive 14-2 win over Ralph
Bailey in his first 'game, giv-
Hensall news
- Continued from page 5
The jack put at the Legion
bingo this Saturday will be
',worth. $125,00 in 60 calls, with
I, wo door rizes,
Mrs. Clarence R.eid was the
competing in the first draw of
winner of a turkey and box of g
chocolates at the Exeter Le- the 24 -team event. Cann scored
gion bingo last Wednesday wins over Glenn. Mickle, Lorne
night Passmore and Dick Jermyn to
Mrs. Clarence Smillie, who recorda total of 33 points, just
a$ been a patient in St, three back of the two leaders
seph's :Hospital, London, for Charlie Shane picked up 27
the past eight weeks recover- points to finish. in fourth place
ing from a fractured hip she in the bonspiel, while Dick
suffered in a fall, returned Jermyn recorded. 26 points with
home on Tuesday, Nov, 14, his •twc wins to cop fifth place.
Mrs. George Hess .and Mrs. Rinks skipped by Carf Cann,
James Bengough while strolling Harvey Pollen and Nelson Lam.
through the Royal Winter Fair port each. recorded 24 points.
last Monday had the pleasure Members of the leading rinks
of meeting Frank Willis of the were as follows:
CBC and enjo,'ed their talk Harry Snell, skip; Edna
with him. The ladies were on. Busche, vice -skip; 'Elmer P'owe,
the WI bus trip. second and B. Walters, lead.
Mrs. Gus Voth returned to Almer Passmore, skip; Barb -
Detroit on Friday after spend- ara Corbett, vice -skip; Wally
ing several days wi,tb her moth-, Seidon, second and Bert Bor-
er, Mrs. Lou Simpson, and vis- land, lead.
iting with friends. Art Cann, skip; Dorothy Go -
Mr. and Mrs, George :Parker, man' vice -skip; Roylance West -
Ricky and Cindy, were week-
ing the rink 12 points. He then
came back with the biggest
win in the entire affair as he
out -scored Bob Middleton 16-0,
taking all eight ends of the
His squad finished up with •an
11-6 win over Carf Cann's four-
some to easily, out -distance the.
other teams in his draw,
Passmore hot too
In the third draw, Passmore
started out in high gear as he
recorded a 16-1 win over a
squad skipped by Les Parker
to pick up 3.3 big points. He
then moved on to .pick up 12
more points with a 7-5 win over
Bob Jeffery and finished off by
scoring 11 more points when he
whipped Bili Cann's foursome
by the score of 10-4.
Third place in the bonspiel
was won by Art Cann's rink,
coil, second and Carl Hunte,
end guests with Mr. and Mrs. lead
Charles McArthur, of Detroit, The scores in the bonspiel
Mich. were as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh ivlcEwen EXETER CURLING CLUB
spent several days holidaying MIXED BONSPIEL
in Detroit,
Steven Corbett, son of Air. Art r.
First Draw -Scores
ann 1n --Glenn Micide 5 r
and Mrs. Ross Corbett, under- 1., Passmore 6-3lllton Robbins 3
went a tonsil operation in Clln• 1.'N)111151(l ern ytl7eni SandyliEil of 1611 7
ion Public. Hospital last week. R:obbi„s s -Glenn `iickie 2
Mr. and Mrs. George Parker .A,•t Cann 7—Lorne .C'assuiore, 3
D1rit .iern,yn 11i B. iEllertngton 4
spent the weekend. holidaying (,Martie Thane n Tandy ratlot 2
with f' r• l' ,. I e'Ing p t� ., Passmore Arthur in Detroit. Se d i1 of 6•—Glenn bt.ick]e 4
Miss Bernice Dialing, of Lon. Charlie Shane s-a111t itobl,lns 3
don, visited over the weekend
Art Cann 11 1D(ek leranylt S
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, second Draw -Scores
c.arf Cann 6-11arvey Pollen 4
Wilbert Dilling, t, t4iddieton 9 Claude Farrow 7
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fisher ,wets 1,antport: s a.:eg rrodt err 4
and family, of Collingwood, Harry Snell 14-'iiatph Battey 2
were recent v 1 s i t.o r s with Ralph ';alley 10 --Claude Farrow 3
Call Cann i-\els .Lampurt 6
friends here, Harry S.1141111 16 S. \tldctlernn 0
Mrs. Gus Voth, of Detroit, Harvey el, 0 ora• Hodgert 5
visited last week with her /tarry Steell 1 t carr Cam, e
)tog 1-1oc11;•ert 7 ciaude Farrow i
ed and delivered by Hensel' Third Draw --Scores
Kinettes to sick and shut-ins hob Jeffrey 10—it i-'oy ('moan 2
at Queensway nursing home, i, rassnroic 1f, l,es 1'bulr l
hospital patients at Exeter, Edwin )titter 10--Mtac I todgert 5
Clinton and Scaforth, and: the
Lint Cann 7-1310 .11llsdu 6
\ d M Charl Atc
w•t 1 an 1'S es - 1' T31t 7' t n r 1 Pl to •e `1
mother, H'aa's, Lou Simpson, itrut'i'ey 1'eHen '1 pit L3aU y
Fifty cheer boxes were pack eels Lamport 6--3. liddleton •t
county home,
MrS. George )less, Mrs,
George 'Armstrong and Mrs,
Norval Reid accompanied Mrs,
Sint Roobol to Willghani Moe -
day afternoon when she was
interviewed on CICN.a'rV about
her trip to liolland this sum.
Mr, Charles Wilson, Oxford
St, slipped and leis in his ga-
rage fracturing his arm,
Mr, Norman Shiels of. Am.,
Kerley visited Sunday with Mr,
.and Mrs, Garnet Allan and
family and Mr, and Airs,
George Silk's.
Mr, and Mrs, John Riddell
of Umtata, Man. is spending
this week with Mr. and Mrs. i
Lorne I•fay.
Chiselhurst WMS and WA
The WM8 and WA of Chisel -1
Burst United Church field a!
combined meetingwith Mrs.!
?tltssell Brock =presiding for the i
Bev,. Currie Winhaw discussed
thea,tiew o'gani9atioil, The Unit I
ed Church Women, Ml's, R.,
Klnsinfin led the Worship period
and Mrs. Itlwin Taylor re-
viewed ehaptert of the study
Mrs, Boy 'vtac'hotlald offered
,pl•ayel' foe then' reissionerY,
and Mrs, Itobert BOyeo report•
ed .for the -sectional ltieetittgf
cid at Whalen,
Mrs, A. Boss presided fo!',a
ViA.£'t the meeting was on for
old hi
the church 'Tuesday atternoett.
11‘11 Allison 11 -Mac Hod err 6
11111 Cann 11--•1 dwi.n Miller f
1. Passmore 7 -:Fol, Jeffrey 5
1,es Parlor 11 -Harvey Cowen 5
iln,cr Passmore 1t3 --'Bill Cann 4
Harvey Cowen 7 --Mac .H'odn•ert 4
BB111 Allison 9 -Les Parket 7
Monday, November 27
y- PQN "APQM." GRAVo T i'
Glreetpr of Recreation
SHDHS briefsstage where they are now act-
' We wish to .thank the South as demonstrators for the
'Huron District !lith Sehool'A:lasses-
i board for passing unanimouslyftepQrts front. the Errington.
the use of high school facilitgovernes ,ivStudioeryone s directintheor various tells usclassethats
for recreation purposes -
cd by the local Exeter Reerea.- i.s advancing nicely.
Rion Council We have felt that Mtnar house u I
House leag", ;types at recreation has been a g eague ekey teal"
special facilities for certain lio
badly needed thing for this asttwe(1'ktatrtbo6E eterCArenae
area for some time and wish In pec wee action a power
to commend the 'board on swift ful Mohawk team 'downed the
Red Wings 8.2, Scoring for the
Mohawks were Allan Diller and
Barry i3aynham with to each,
while Peter Lawson, Donald
Campbell and Doug Beavers
each scored one, Ron Durand,
Peter Lawson, Don Campbell,
action taken,
First stets onp, the agenda is
the formation of a 'Recrea'
i tion" Basketball League for
anyone not attending high
school. To date, four teams
;have beenentered and plan to
start their schedule en.'Thurs',nanny Janke collected assists.
November 30. John Loader and Ricky We-
ber scored for the Wings and
drew an assist on each other's
L '8111 Anlson--Cilfr 33rintnell
2. Can•man Cann -Charles Smith
9:00 - 1.1:00
1. Charles Shane -'Soh Ellerington
2, 'Ulric Snell -Alien lvestcott
3. Cart Cann -1114:11 Bobbh,s
4. Nen McLaughlin -Don Graham
Tuesday, November 28
7:00 - 9:00
1. 1 clow 1.ampori-Ken 0ttewell
2. Sill McLean -Bob 1llddleton
a, Russ Snell -Edwin Miller
4, Sandy Elliot Ross 'rayirir
0:00 11:00
1, Ed heady-.Lrnle c ersol
2. .Art Cann -Dick Jermyn
3. Harvey Cowan -Morley Sanders
i(oelorson--liatwey Pollen
Thursday, November 30
9:00 - 11;00
I. Harry Snell --{filen Michie
•'. Raiph Bailey -Harry Jeffrey
3, Claude Darrow -John Corbett
9:00 11100
I. 1.7d Fink -Bev Morgan
' Mac Hodgen 3.ee Learnt
3. Alvin .Passrnore-Bob Jetfrey
1. 1 . Passmore -Clarence Down
Tuesday, November 28
1 161stol-91, Fletcher
0.1, Pollen -3.1 Sanders
1. 'Robertson -14. Smith.
V. Hopper -M. Martin
Wednesday, November 29
r, t3o•vle-B. Busche
l,. O5teweu.-t•H, JermynI. Shane -M. Gainer
B. Cann -L. Stegner
Thursday, November 30
L. ]'.earn -13. ben -
i -L 3tirkle-13, Cann
J. Shane -C. Southcolt
Battle Saturday
Because this is something
new in this vicinity, we're
sure everyone realises the fact
it takes time to get such a
league set up and operating.
Because of "popular" request
for the sport before the gym-
nasiums were offered for rec-
reation purposes, there has
been little trouble in getting
four teams formed. These
trains, the Zurich Bustlers,
iTrivitt Memorial. Church, Scar-
let Raiders and a teachers
;squad for South diuron called
the P -Per's are the foundation
of the league,
Participation is open to any-
one throughout the South Huron
district; who wants to play, All
you have to do is drop your
name off at our office or con-
tactthe league president, Bill
Physical fitness
By the way, we've had seve-
Larry Haugh fired the "hot -
trick" in pacing the Rangers
to a 44 victory over the Maple
Leafs. Alike Lock rapped in
the other Ranger goal with
David Minton assisting. Marvin
Bowers sank Glenn Stires' pass
for the lone Leaf counter.
Frank DeVries engineered.
four goals for the Hawks in a
10:00 a,m, game to direct a
6.3 win over the Canadiens.
Randy Weber was instrumental
inthe four -goal outbreak as he
drew assists on all four mark-
ers besides scoring one him-
Billy Fairbairn added the
other Hawk marker,
For the Canadiens, Allen
Taylor, David McLaren and
John Cooper blinked the light.
John Parker assisted on the
in men's bonspiel
The fust open bonspiel of the
new season will get under way
in the -local curling rink, Satur-
day, with 16 teams entered in
a men's open event,
Several rinks will be mak-
ing their first appearance in
the new Exeter rink as teams
from London, Centralia, Mitch-
ell, Clinton, St, Thomas, Hen -
sail and Seaforth will vie foga
lop honors. •
Two rinks have also been en -
tared from the local club, al•
though it is not known which
teams will compete as yet.
The first draw . gets under
way at •9:00 a.m. and play will
continue throughout the day
and early evening.
Hyde ."Were you lucky at
the races yesterday?"
Wyde-"I should just think I
was! I found a quarter after
the last race, so I didn't have
to walk home."
Our repair
work is
We stand solidly track of
every repall job' done by
our skilled TV technician
Duard McAdams, a grad.
uate of Red'ib - Elech'onic
Television School. 'your
satisfaction is Assured by
our guarantee. M e d e s t
Phone 18 Exeter
rat requests for a physical fit- Cooper goal.
ness club. 1f you haven't left in the bantam dvision, the
your name with us as yet, give Phantoms whipped the Bo,
us a call, As soon as a proper marcs 9.2, as Bob Burns cane
instructor can be obtained, we up with a hat -trick and Hank
plan to run Ilhc course in the Gosar and Rick MacDonald
high school, banged in a pair each. Paul
Figure skating Sims and Bob Grayer account.
11 looks like a banner year ed for the other tallies.
in the figure skating depart- Bill. Alias and Dominique
Marchilton scored the markers
merit • for the outclassed Bomares.
Last Saturday afternoon from
4:00 to 6:00 p.m., the Exeter
Figure Skating Club opened its
1961-'62 season and had close
to 40 participants out on the
Club professional., Mr. Arthur only goat for the Black Hawks,
Burke, of. London, should have
over 50 under his direction
once all of the registrations
are in,
According to executive mem-
bers of the- local figure skating ,
club, everyone is pleased with
the manner in which Mr.
Burke handles the skaters. 1
From the enthusiasm shown,
more than 50 members should
be on the roster before the
season is out.
Skating lessons will be he:lci
in the Exeter Arena every
Saturday from 4:00 to 6:00
under the direction of Mr.
Burke. Registrations will be
accepted at the arena this.
Saturday (November 25).
Square dancing
In the second game, the Red
Wings eked out a close 2-1
win over the Black Hawks on
goals by Larry Willed and
Mark Hinton,
Murray Beach recorded the
Boss: "All right, who scrib-
bled those pictures on the .new
Clerk: "It was your little
boy, sir,"
Boss: "'Talented, isn't he?"
Square dancing continues to
be held every Friday night in
the public school gymnasium.
All participants are asked to
enter the school on the west
side at 7:45 p.m.
Doug Grayer of RCAF Cent-
ralia, Max Harness and Norm
Whiting have been directing
the instruction classes. If any-
one in the female category
would like to lend a hand, it
would certainly be appreciated.
Minor hockey all-stars
At a meeting in Winghanl
Wednesday night, Exeter enter-
ed four, 'teams to compete in
the Western Ontario Athletic
Association playdowns to vie
for Ontario titles.
Pee wee, bantam, midget and
juvenile teams are the four
entered, There is still a strong
possibility that an extra pee
wee and bantam team may
also be entered, More will be
known about the extra entries
next week.
Ballet -tap lessons
The ballet -tap lessons held in
the Exeter, Library every Wed-
nesday are still as popular as
Iris Marshall and Terri(
Laughton have advanced to thea
The ideal gift for
mother and daughter
9 - Heat Control
by Yardley and Shilton
Place your order now
We will gift wrap for
your convenience.
Phone 447 Exeter
.:y •; '' .::r•.af Fri: eitew;IC;C"
Z ri h man. if
Herb .M.gsseau, i urieh, re..
!Awned home from A deer hunt-
ing .expedition an Manatoulin
Tuesday, with what is
believed to be one of tho lar-
gest..bucks ever bagged in the
'fate i4 -point trophy tipped
the scales at 221 pounds when
it was dressed at Zurich, Mous
seau estimated its weight at.
over 300 pounds in the bush.
He made the trip with his
brother Llzear, liippen, and
two other Zurich amen, Jack
Bannister and Olen Oreb, The
foursome brought ,home their
full quot.o of four deer.,
Mpusseau, explained that he
was walking along a bush trail -
when the big buck came run-
ning towards him. "1 think
something roust have been
chasing him," he said, "and
he was going about three-quar-
ters of his speed,
The ardent hunter dropped
to one knee and dropped the
buck with one shot right be-
tween the eyes,
"lie fell right in his tracks
and his four feet went straight
up and just started to quiver,"
Mousseau said. "1 was quiver-
ing a bit too," he explained,
because 11 was the biggest
thrill 1 ever had."
It was the biggest deer he
has ever seen In his 20 years'
experience and he was told by
two game officials .in the Ma-
nitoulin area that 11 was the
.largest deer they had ever
The antlers had a spread of
22% inches and measured 5%
inches in circumference at the
base of the horn,
1.11„1111111111111111111,1111111111,110 OIl,11,111111111111,
Phone 156 Grand Bend
1111111 OI,11111111111,111111111111„10111111 I„1 U I u, l 11I J
The 7ime5'A0pcate,• t ovon ber : 1.41
I. ulln4ltlllllll.r autwouutulIttuuOlulr.It.I11n1UMUlatUa .Il um lulm1umu111111tu,tl(I natt111 Irk.
Thus., Nov, 30
2:00 p.tn. to 4 0 p,4n,
.Middleton's .Drugs
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88 Queen .St. S,, Kitchener
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Middleton &. Gentt er
check these important advantages:
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B -A SOLAR P.A.C,-free anti -corrosion treatment
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heating unit in peak operating condition,
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” 8-& HEATING FINANCE PLAN -for both new
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payment -small carrying charge -five years to
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acoustical deithsg panels -Jr xis"
imagination hits
the ceiling
at Conklin Lumber Centre
Croon in and seethe exciting nett' Johns -Manville Col=
lection of acoustical ceilings created by noted interior
designers, Three of these DOW high -style ceilings aro
shown above, There are malty others Olt display in
aa,lesroelil, While here, kick your copy
of the idea -filled brochure,"Imagination
Hits the Ceiling," It's frees
Conklin Lu.
1:11O l RO EiOiRE.