HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 19were with Mr, Sun- , iforci0 e of 0 • ./NNOUNCEMENTS • BIRTHS— COOPER - Mr, and Mrs. Don Coope, ‘nee MaxWeil, Cite. ton, 44110,41.1ce the birth of their daUgher at Clinton Pei). he Hospital, November 8-a 1 t f And grallcideughter for air. and Mrs, Cecil Alaewen, Hensel!, ..... . ,, , ,, ,, ,, , . , , , ••,. --• '"• • No 4-(ARGE CARP.S. OF THANKS?, Sincere- thanks ,to my neigh - bore, friends. end: relatly„esfor all the- lovely•Cards, treats., flowers and visits ;while a pa. tient. in South ...Huron Hoapital. :Special thanks .to Dr. Gans, Miss .Claypole and all ,the nurs- ing staff. -Mrs, Fred Wells. 16e I 'Mali •10. •say special "thank YOU' 1,0 Dr. Goddard and all •these who remembered me in .any way 'while 1 Was a, Patient in St, .jeseph's Hospital, London, and, since returning' home. -.Marilyn Desjardine, • 16* 1 wish to thank all relativee,• friends and neighbors for the cards, flowers and visits re. ceived while in Smith Huron' Hospital and all the kindness PARRA OF THANKS7see gNeAegetersers ..... ..... 74 IN MENsoRIAMS $1,00 (Fogr,line• Verge), Extra yer5m each. A $ Or Or Debbie and Michael • LOGA141r..4.110 Pent W, Loon, RCAF •Centealia, an- nounce the birth of4a• daugh. ter, Brett Marie, at South Huron, ReaPitel, November, 9 -a sister .for Lesley. STECKLE,--aMr.' and Mrs; John Steckle, Zerich, announce the li,irth olg sen;, Douglas •Craig, at ',Smith Httrdn' • Hospital, N4vembe, 1.2.a' brother for • Kenneth and Kathryn, saeuNGER - and. •Mrs, Hervey Stringer, Huron St, H,X,eter, announce the birth of a "sop, Paul Lyndone at South Heron Hospital,' November 8 -a ,brethbr 'for -Scott.... • TREENT7,111r. ,and Mrs. R. S, Treend,a•nce Bond, formerly of Lucan, are happy 1,0 an- nounce the birth of a son, Ronald Henry David, October Alberta, VENNER-Mr! and Mrs. Rod- ger Venner, Hensall, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Debra Lynn, at South Huron Hospital, November 14 -a sister for Stephen and •Michael. WATKINS-Mr, and Airs. Mat- thew Watkins, Hensall, an- nounce the birth of a ann, Stephen Matthew, at South • Huron Hospital, November 14. 10, in Grand Centre Hospitaj, WILSON -Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wilson, RCAF Station Cent- ralia, announce the birth of a son, Craig Stephen, at South Huron Hospital, No- vember 13-,..a brother •for Darrell, "Eddie and Kevie, ENGAGEMENTS -- Mr. and Mrs. 'John Vern Ridley, of RR 3 Parkhill, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Janne• Marie, to Mr. Charles Douglas Gibbs, son of Mrs, Arnold, Gibbs and •the late ,'Mr, ,Gibbs, of Park- hill. The wedding to take •place on Saturday, December 9, at 2:30 o'clock in 'the United Church, Grand: Bend. IP CARDS OF THANKS, • I wish to express my sincere thankseto all my friends and relatives who so kindly remem- bered me wih letters, cards, treats and visits while a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital. Spec- ial thanks to Rev. James. - Pearl Kraft. 16c I wish to express sincere thanks to friends, neighbors and relatives for cards, visits d treats received during my recent illness.,--/-Mrs..Nelson Wells. 16* CARDS QF THANI's— wotild like 14. express my sieceer thanks to all those who rernemebreci me with cards, letters., flowers and visits while a patient in St, Mary's Illemorial Hospital and since corning home. Also thanks to the nursing staff for their kind- ness end courteous treatment and to Dr. Menre and ,Dr. Humphreys, 11 was all deeply appreciated - Mrs. Jack Dun- can. 16 1 wish to express my since thanks and appreciation to who sent flowers, cards a gifts and to all who visited fl•i during my recent illness in S Joseph's Hospital and since re- turning home. Special thanks to the nurses on. the fourth floor for their kindness. -/-Mrs. Cleve Pullman, Centralia, 16c re all extended to me at the church ea and Since my return home. It e was all much appreciated. -7 t, Warren Brock, 16* We wish to express-0E1r sin. cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for expressions of sYm- pathy, memorial contributions and floral tributes in our re- cent bereavement in the loss •of a dear brother, Abner Willert, -Sisters and brothers, 16c Arnold and Lillie Becker wish to sincerely thank every - •one who remembered Lillie with cards, flowers, treats and visits while she was in St, Jo- seph's Hospital and since 're- turning home, Also many thanks to the neighbors for their help and kindness extend- ed to the family at home, 16c The sisters and brothers of the late Luella Finkbiner wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and pallbearers for their many acts of kindness and contributions to the Gideon Bible Society during their re- cent bereavement of a dear sister.. Special thanks to Mrs. James, Rev. Schlenker, Rev. Roulston and the Hoffman fune- ral home. These expressions have been deeply appreciated. -Jessie and Arthur Finkbiner. •• 16* Ashley and Irene Smith wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for the cards, flowers and treats received by Irene while a patient in South Huron Hos- pital and since returning home. Special thanks to Miss Claypole and •nursing staff, also Dr. M. Gans. 16* Myrtle and Almer Passmore wish to thank the many won- derful people who so kindly wrote letters and cards of cheer and those who sent flow- ers and treats to Myrtle while in. St. JosepWs 14ospital- and since returning home. - 16c iltaVIIMIVIABMSIMISSUMWSZIMMIere4aMplairMl.”4 JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewie, M.A., B.D. Minister • Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M.-MORNING SERVICE Mr. Fred G. Beck, Mayor of Harriston, will present the work of the Ontario Temperance Federation. Anthem by the. Choir. Nursery and Junior Congreg- ation. All Welcome THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev. R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 pm. -Worship and Sermon b followed ..'ae•• Sunday School and Catechism All Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH. DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz 10:00 a.m. - Bible Class and Sunday School 11:00 a.m.-Divin Service ZION CHURCH ' Evangelical United Brethren. CREDITON • A. M, Schlenker, Pastor 10:00 a.m.-Morning Worship' 11:15 aan,-Sunday School 8:00 pin. -Study Group PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev, Mel. W. Holmes, PiastOe Main Street 9:00 CJCS Redid- (1240 Kc.) Message: "Since Jesus °ante into My Hetet"' ' • 0:45 a.m.-Sunday •.8efitiol Come to our growing Stniday SchoOl. 11:00 a,m.--Ilev, Wi1lia Sharm pita citing. 7:50 p,m,-Evangelistic Rally Music, Singing and Preaching that Wili help you to God, 'Priday, A pa..--Farnily Night The Fathily ',Mat Preys • t Together Stays Togethee MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Nitta Organist: Mrs. A. Willard 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School Classes for all ages 11:15 a.m.-Morning Worship Sermon: "The One Who Could Open The Book" -Revelation Chap. 5 • Nursery and Junior Congreg- ation. "Come and worship with us" THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M, Saucier, Pastor 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service 11:15 a.m.-Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 8:00 p.m. -Evening Service BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a,m.:-.131ble Scheel 11:00 aan.-Morning Worship 7:30 pan, -Evening Services Wed., 8 p.m. -Prayer Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, .Organist Suncley, November 19 Trinity 25 •:Every Member Visitation Sunday 8:00 a.m.-Quiet Communion Corporate communion and ,breakfast for the men of the parish, 11:00 a ,m .-Morning Pre yer Nursery and Sunday Scheel 2:00 p.m -Every Metnber Visitation CHRISTIAN - REFORMED CHURCH Rev, A. O. Van Eek, Minister 1000 a.m.-Dutch Service Servide 6:15 p,n1.-.13ack to Cod Hour-, CIILO (680 Ke,) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Organist: Mrs. W, G. Cochrane 10:00a‘m.---Suilday School 11:00 a,111,--Mertihig Warship IN MEMORIAM, FISCHER, -- In loving mentor of a dear husband an father, William Fischer, wh passed away •one year ago November 17, 1960. Heavy are our hearts foday, Memory brings you back 011C more To the time when you were With us, To the happy days of yore, -Lovinglyremembered and sadly missed by Ms wife and family. 17* SYLVESTER-le loving mem- ory of a dear father, Lieut. • William Charles Sylvester, • who passed away one year ago, November 20, 1960. There is never a day that passes by, But our thoughts reach out to • you, Never a joy that comes to us, But we wish you could share it oo, In our garden of beautiful memories You return 40 us each day, Your memory is as dear today As in the hour you passed away. Loved and always remember- ed by son Wayne and daugh- ter-in-law Shirley. 16* 11, 10n restart; Symdtrate, Int, World right, reumsf, 11.11. "It'll be just a moment—they're going over Yonr qredkreferences now," National AOTS head e speaks to club here timmasomenesmagront The story in Sunshine By MRS. OILLIAM DICKEY CKIMMOZWAIVOMMOUNi Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Rogarth at Staf- fa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Smith and • family of Burgessville visited p with Mr, and Mrs. La Verne Rodd and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mats and family of .London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and' "Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls. Miss Greta Stephen's, who has been employed as a Nurses Aid in the hospital at Wing - ham has recently accepted a similar position in Viotoria. Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ever - Leigh, Monica and .Allan of Kirkton were visitors on Satan day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hern and family. Fred Sanderson, London, na. likencd a man's life to the comparison between the Red Sea and the Dead Sea, which are both fed by the Jordan River, He pointed out that there was life and vegetation tional president of the United Church AOTS Men's Clubs, ,paid his official visit to the 'district, Monday, when he was guest at the regular meeting of the James. Street club. The local club also hes men from the Fullerton a Woodhain clubs, Sanderson outlined the hist of the AOTS movement Canada and expounded on three. main aims of the fast growing service club in country; "The first aim is to prom Christian fellowship," he poi. ed out, He congratulated I, local club on the warm and friendly fellowship that was evident at the meeting and noted that the club "should be the door through which men outside the church can be in- troduced to church", "Many men won't come in the front door of the church," he stated, "but you may get them out to meetings such as this and so get them interested in the church". The national president report- ed that the second aim, which is to deepen the spiritual life of men, frightens many men because "we're not too sure what it means". "Many are••e:fieid of being recognized as haviiig a relig- lous purpose," he noted, "but we shouldn't feel this way. When God had a message to resent to the people he didn't just say some words, he sen a life to perform the 'task". He said men must bear 1 mind -that religion has some thing to' do with their job and it was possible to be Christian in meat jobs. "Chris died for us," he emphasized "and because of that we ow our allegiance to Him". He stated that God uses the nearest available hand and ",perhaps he wants to use you hand to reach out and heli someone near you". "is your available?", he questioned. •' in the Red Sea because the ted water flowed out of it but nd there was nothing living in the Dead Sea because •the water , did not escape, 41Y le "If in our lives we only m. the eeive and never give," be said, est "we become like the Dead the Seal "Your place is to be the ole enlisting group to help those nt., not too anxious to come to he church," he stated, "This is the basic func'tion of an AOTS club", MMIVIASSIMMEASIMMOM News budget from Baseline By MRS, ARCHIE DEWAR aa,:iaMetieneteetwraftWagemereS Persona( items Mn. and Mrs. Duncan. Mc- Naughton and Ronnie attended the Ailsa Craig Presbyterian Church anniversary services on Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McNaughton. Mrs, D. McNaughton1received word on Friday of the serious illness of her father, Mr. Da. vid Sheppard of Parkhill, He was removed to Victoria Hos- pital in London where he un- derwent surgery. Last reports indicate he is progressing fay- orably. Mrs, Sheppard is visit- ing with ber daughters, Mrs. McNaughton and Mrs. David Holland, Mr, Barry Thompson, 8th Line, spent the weekend, with his grandfather, Mr, John Rinn and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson and family were guests with Mr, Rinn on Sunday. 'Miss Mary De Brabandere of St. Joseph Academy spent the weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jules Debrabandere and family and on Sunday at- tended open house held at Holy The speaker was introduced by Robert: Southcott, a member of the club, who is a past president of the Huron Presby- tery Men's group. He was thanked by Ross 111cPail, Cram - arty, president of the Perth Presbytery Men, Letter from Korea The club's president, Gerald Godbolt, read two letters from Korea, thanking the group for their financial support in. as- sisting a young Korean through university, The one letter was read from Rev. Don Irwin, a Korean missionary, and the other was from the young student, Man- duk Chung, The club will give Chung $120 in each of the next thrce years. Devotions for the 'program were conducted by lry Arm- strong and a sing song was led by Norm Waiper, Carf 5.Cann and "LAITY "Sglaer. a Two local guests at the t meeting were Alvin Cudmore , and Doug Insley. Can't just receive Outlining the idea behind 'the final aim of developing an ef- fective program of Christian service, Sanderson said it was necessary for club members to give out whet' they have taken in. "Even a sponge loses its value if it becomes saturated," he stated. The energetic church leader COMING EVENTS— CHRISTMAS MART -The Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will bold a Christmas Mart at the Parish Hall. Exeter, Tues- day evening, November 28, 7 to 10 pan., Wednesday after- noon November 29, 2 to 5 p.m, tWyeaetel. for particulars next • 16c TURKEY DINNER at Grand Bend United Church on Wed. nesday, November 22 at the hours of 5:3a and 7 p.m.,with a limited numbei• of tickets sold in. advance only. 16c BAKE SALE ,TEA and Apron Table, Saturday, December 16, Exeter Chapter OES, 3 to 5 p.m., Library besement. 16c EUCHRE PARTY-Oddfellows Hall, Exeter,.Thursday, Novem. ber 23. Prizes, 'Sponsored by CP&T committee. 16e EV the Chu Name Church then visited Mrs. V. Morue, a friend who is a er tient in Seaforth llospital. Mr, and Mrs. Berton ingstar, Pam and Pen' trolia were guests o of Mr. and Mrs, Nell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Stev .riott, :Ronald and Ma St. Marys Were gt her parents, Mr, an: Dewar, Mrs. Artie& Itundlt moved info St, Mar, apartment over S I Store. She will he gr sed among her neigh Miss Ella Holland ton is spending the t her brother, Mr, Davi( and .Mrs, ANGELISTIC Meetings at Thames Road Mennonite rch. Our evangelist: Pastor • first • / The third.grade teacher wrote this sentence on the black- bOard: "I ain't never had no fun al, the •seashore." She then turned to her pupils, singled out one of them and asked, "How can I correct that?" Lillie Tommy at once re- sponded, "Get a boyfriend:" i!inliesemierammemerraionseemosieumemem BETA SIGMA PHI SORORITY BALL W4,i,41 The TilliteAcfrocatO, NoviTTIker 1,4 11 ,Pagg4 ' Heppen IngS In Blans ar = d By MRS, GLAPWYN HOOPER • Personal Item M. and Mrs, Leonard Tbac ker and family visited Stntday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Clark Switzer of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thee-, ker and family visited Saturday evening with alr, and Mrs, Fred P'attison, Mrs. George Dann, Mrs, Mae Xilty of London, Miss Ver- na Dronyck of Sarnia were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Mills and daughters of St, Marys spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Parkinson, Mrs. Joe Dann and girls of Hyde Park spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Parkin son. Mrs. Kenneth Langford at tended the teachers' convention held in Stratford on Friday. Mrs, Cecil Money Spent Tuesday and. Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, W, B. Young of St, Marys. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Grasby (nee Sisson) were mar- ried on Friday evening in An- glican Church, St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Thom. son and family were Sunday guests of Mr, John Rinn and family of Baseline. Mr, Clare Hooper spent the weekend with Mr. Bob Grover of Ebenezer. Mr, and Mrs, Gladwyn Hoo- per attended the Journal -Ar gus banauet held in Woodham United Church on Friday, later returning to the Lyric Theatre in St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Fa- cey, Morley, Eddie and Paul 131, Welburn were Sunday gues c of Mr, and Mrs. GladwYn. 1-1 per, Veryl and Jeanette. MitilVMMAIMMONINCAMOMM Message from I TOWARD FIRE LOSS OF JEROME DEN0hvoo A i enefit 1) c . .,.. . 1 Friday November 17 4....f i . Blake Mali.MMeavegammilaseeNtiLe Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ginger- ich and family visited- with Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Gingerich. and family, Ailsa Craig, Mr. Harold Finlay and family spent Sunday evening with Mr.' Gordon Love of Hensall. Mr, and Mrs, Earl Oesch and family attended a meeting at London on Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich. visited with Mr, and Mrs. Clay- ton Steckle and family on Sun. day Reception & DANCE FOR MR. AND MRS, JACK EAGLESON (nee Eloise Pym) •Friday, Nov, 17 Corbett COMMUNITY HALL ROGER, QUICK ORCHESTRA Everybody Welcome Ladies please bring lunch. 11.11=11..,.....^011.,...•111.11•MMIMIIMMIMININ.0.1•RAPIR•1•11.141110 EXETER LGION HALL BAZAAR Thurs., Nov. 23 & TEA Come and Dance to the Music of JOHNNY DOWNS And His Orchestra * REFRESHMENTS e ODOR PRIZES TICKETS $5.00 COUPLE Available from any Sorority member or call Mrs, R. Fletcher at 47. Arena Schedule THURSDAY, NOV, 16 2t10.41:00—Ska t imp — Pre.schoril liclren and their parehtt. 4IOCI:6:00.—Seasort's titket. skating 100A12100,-0CAP URDAY, NOV. 18 `—fPubIlt Bka Skattilrl 19 EXETER MAIN STREET UNITED CHURCH Safi Nov, 18 3:00 p.m. HOME BAKING APRONS, BABY WEAR KNITTED WEAR White Elephant Table for children. 11.11.M.M.M0.1.•••••••••10•01Mmanos•MIMMION••••••• Thames Rd. WA Bazaar CHURCH BASEMENT Friday, Nov, 17 2:30 .p.m. Short Program Honle Baking, Sewing, Cou.ltry Garden, Candy, • Etc, LUNCH '....i' Mount Carmel Hall :...7.4 M1,1Sic Grant; Edigbeffer's Melody Madera -7i. by k4,•ra -E, Modern and ()Wiry= Dancing - - i • ADMISSION 750 LUNCH FOR; SALE AS: U.SUAT-t.' 453 Any donations would be greatly appreciated .4z2:44 may be left at the door or with member§ of tr..S:;': Holy Name Society, Mount ,CarineL — e ,q411,1111111111111011MIMMIAMIliolzHiMistirmii it ii eamossfininlinwpm14001011.1141100MqnlirOM4 usgrat,lowAlziMilnE Get More Out Of Life... GO TO A MOVIE!.. THURS,, FRI., SAT. — NOVEMBER 16, 17, 18 THIS IS GORGO1 - A KING BROTHERS Production VO GO M•G-M presents Tea/I/I/co/or 9 0",1 BILL TRAVERS WILLIAM sYLVESTER PLUS "Swamp, onien A murderous gan9 of female robbers! MON,, TUES., WED, — NOVEMBER 20, 21, -Z2. TS i Metro ,,,1 ;i4 OGoidwynB GIFU- BIN GO" • Mayer presents A Euterpe Production • t It CirsemaScope ADULT and METROCOLO1' COMING SOON ! * MY DOG BUDDY * CINDERFELLA * CARTHAGE IN FLAMES * THE MARRIAGE GQ -ROUND (Acluit) LYRIC THEATRE ,ZttrET First Show 7:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m., 111111.1111111111111101111111111111111=11111111111.1111011311100MOMMXIMIEMNIMENNORIE the Ainior execut,. been complaining of a to his 'wife. Nei could AdOita for his Arriving home frent night, he infernied discovered been feelingte reisera got 'Mite Oltra•inoderi Weeks agr NSA learnedtoday tit been sitting the hatkeW Saturday. Night Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Doting foil Admission lAtkefiii and JOIN Nig