HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 17• •4 Lucan . persongi ItemsZio church is Helen 1foi411,S is now an Q(hO-CMPleYee Of the ,Ontarin titrulturf, Uti.„ London. Mrs, it Alontgamery and si1.111 son, Kevin, have 1'0411. d !wine frofl a fete days Visit -wah Mr, and Mrs. Norman. ,of -t)wee. Sound, Mrs. Reberi Robinson and of Lumina were weekend inp?Sj,Svi1 0' L'oriilcr's par. mr, mi. Mrs. Evan lied. pl:is while N. ItebinSon, Was: en .ahu1v trip. 'Mr. .end Mrs. Allan .Tindall, of Winton, were weekend tdsi. Mrs of Mr. and Mrs, CUf Ab. nett .and Mr. and Airs, Ed. Turrbuil„ of ,Grand, Send, were ,So-eay guests. .and Ms. Robert; Jenkins have plotted into the helm re- ecittlY vacated by Mr, aed -Cliff -Culbert who have Moved into. their TIM home, on Gcorgc Street, Mr, and Mrs, C. Lee and Karen, of Lon Ion .and Mr, and Mrs, George Lee, of ArInsley, were Sunday .guests of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Lce. Mrs, Wes Rovingtori, Mrs, Sheridan Revingte, Mrs. John Park, Mrs, Jack Lankin Lucian, Airs, L. Lobsiegec of .Sarnia. and Mrs, Art McLean Of Landon, last Nveekend visited their nieees, Airs, Carmen .Conti and Air.. Jeali Stoner of Niagara Falls, N.Y. On their way home they called on Mr. and Mrs, Tom Hepburn of %Ir. lington. Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Kilmer of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs, Wiliam Kilmer of Kitchener were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, John Houston of London. Air. and. Mrs. Glen Haskett and family were Sunday guests. Message from Greenway By MRS, C, WOODBURN The death of Airs. Mary Jane McCoy of Aurora, Illinois occurred recently. She was a neice of the late Mrs, John Brown and has a number of f relatives in this community. Mr, and Mrs, Clare Ritchie of Sarnia visited. on Saturday h with Jeer parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Curts, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steeper a entertained a number of rela- tives and friends at their home last Thursday evening in honor of the fortieth wedding anni- versary of Mrs. Steeper's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Ni- c cholson. Mrs. John Shank of Parkhill d spent a few days last wcr with s Air. and Mrs. Cecil Smitaera. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve l3rophey and family of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Mrs. Nelson Sinclair of Exe- ter spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Eggert. ,Mrs. Ed Bullock is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Sabot and family in London. ur iv. mei Mrs. ilarVeY 116,S; views keit of London, Mr. liaskett who has been a Patient in St. JOseph's Hospital. for sent Uip e, is able to be lime. Airs, "Maurice Alec:Donald an Howard were W e .d .n esda guests of Airs, Albert Cerro of Windsor. Airs, Murray. Hodgins spen the weekend 111 London wit her sister, Miss Merle La While there she attended lb COIT worst -op at First Bap bat dwell, Lol, Duncan Ril oss, of :A don, attel,ded the funeral o the late Mr, William Downin 00 Monday, Mr. Cecil Armitage of Lt an end MI. and 1\irs. Georg Chambers of St. Marys (for inerly of Lucan) spent the week end in 'r • t g r and Mrs, Charles Chambers Saturday evening they eitende the hockey game at Maple Lea Gardens and saw ToCente Detroit 5.1, Air. and Airs, Bud Clark an three children, of London, wer Sunday visitors with Air. an Airs, Don Downs. MH isses elen Hardy an Nancy Scott, of Lortdon, wer Sunday guests a my. and Mrs Clarence Hardy. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Ab bolt of Lupin and Mr. an Mrs. Jack Eizenga, St, Thomas spent last weekend in Toronto attending the Winter Fair, They were guests of Mr, and Mrs Gordon Tollefson. Mr, and Mrs, Abbott also visited Mr. and Mrs. C. j, Lynch, Joe liodgins, son of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, is one of those taking the six weeks' army emergency course in London. Mr, and Mrs. Neil Hodgins and family, of Toronto, spent the holida" weekend with Mrs. H. S, St e.y. Mr, anti Mrs. Charles Elson spent. the v„,,:;kend with the latter's sister, Mrs, P. ,T. Laverty and family of liamil. ton, Miss Lorraine Graham is spending her vacation in To - onto, with her sisters, Mrs. Gordon Tollefson and Mrs. Robert Dempster and their amities. Miss Angela Armitt, of Lon- don, was a Sunday guest with er sister, Mrs. Clarence Has- kett and Mr, and Mrs, Don Hodgins nd family', of London, were Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hodgins. Mr, and Mrs. M. D. Irvine, Watford, were Sunday guests vith Rev, and Mrs, E. 0. Lan - aster. Mr, Myron Culbert who un- erwent a minor operation in t, Joseph's Hospital last Fri- day, is making satisfactory re- covery Mr. and Mrs, William Brown- lee of Lucan and Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Colbert of ilderton visited Mrs, Harry Colbert at Freston Springs, last Sunday and while there were talking to Mrs. .Alice Stanley, formerly of Lucan and found her in the best of health. Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mrs. John Park spent Friday in Sarnia, guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Bawtenheimer and Dr, and Mrs. Len Lobsinger. Mrs. Robb's little grandson, Dale Bawtenheimer, returned with them. Mrs. Lela Hoover Ward, of Guelph, and Mrs. Pearl Wal- ce, of London, were week- nd guests of their cousin, irs, C. W, Hawkshaw. e MO tywRI.gt, ,HERN ZION d A pot luck supper was held y Friday evening in the church 11 basement. Harry liern icd in a sing song and Barbara Hern t read rqn Flanders Fields", h Rev. Ross p, CreSby, St. v, Marys, showed his pictures on e the iloly Land were en- - hayed by all. Personet items p Mr. and Mrs, Donald Par. ; scum and family visited .on Sun - 6' day with Mr. and Mrs, Nor. , Man Jaques and family. !: Mrs,Rb tH Lincla and Fred, Jarvis, visited over the " weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, d Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and f Steven visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, James Knox and Orville, Stratford, d Mr. Bert Nixon is visiting e with Mr; and Mrs, Gerald Hern d and boys, I Mr, and Mrs. Ward liern at - d tended the 50th wedding ail- s niversary of Mr. and Mrs. , Everett Skinner, Elimyille, on Sunday. Miss Doris Cornish visited d over the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Garfield Cornish. I Mr, ad Mrs. Arthur Bern . and family, London, visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Hern and family. Mrs. Harold Bern is visiting this week with Airs, Robert Hern and family while Mr. Hern is attending the Royal Winter Fair, 441 club meets , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks ac- companied by Mr. and tVirS. Ross Griffeth of Parkhill, spent the weekend with Mr. Peter Gil- lies, :Donald and Jim of Berk- ley, Mich. The Curts' families visited on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Smithers of Lon- don in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Smithers' twenty-fifth wedding la anniversary. The Berean Bible Class of the United Church entertained a number of guests at the smor- gasbord turkey supper on Fri- day evening, Following the sup- per pictures of England were shown by Mr. Ed Bloomfield of London. e Father (reproving his son and B heir for greediness) --"Jimmie, of you're a pig. Do you know a what a pig is?" Jimmie—"Yes, Papa. A pig is hog's little boy." Mr. and Mrs. Morris Murdy of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Mo.rris of Chatham spent the holiday weekend with Mrs Jack Murdy, Mr, Murdy, who nderwent surgery in St. Jos- ph's Hospital last week, is laking satisfactory recovery. y a strange coincidence two Lucan's funeral directors. re patients in the same hos- pital. Mr, Will Haskett, who had to return to the hospital is quite ill again. Eliniville Fruit Delights held the seventh meeting on Oc- tober 30 at the home of Mrs, Norman Jaques. President Jo- Anne Miners conducted the meeting with 19 members pres- ent. Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave notes on "fruits go festive"'garnish- es, accompaniments, fruit pet cialties, table arrangements and cheese suggestions. The eighth meeting was held on Monday, Nov. 6 at the home of Mrs. Norman Jaques with 19 members present. The meet- ing was conducted by Jo -Anne Miners, Mrs, Jacques gave notes on fruit drinks. Mrs. Jaques and Mrs. Floyd Cooper demon- strated and served fruit loaf, different kinds of cheese, frost- ed grapes, fruit candy and grape sparkle. Baptise six , at Kirkton By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON A baptismal service was held in Kirkton. United Church on Sunday morning. Rev. T. Elliott baptized Wil- fred Craig, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Paton; Catherine Joan, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Clay- ton :Ross; Paul Frederick, son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Simp- son; .Kimberly Jean and Brenda Diane, daughters of Mr. and Airs. Joe Blommaert and Susan Jo Anne, daughter of, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Everett. A basket of fiowers were placed by the family in mem- ory of Mrs. Fred Johnston. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton, St. Thomas, were guests of Mr. end Mrs. G. H. Burgin. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and family were: Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Carter, Steven and Kevin of Clandeboye, Miss Sybil Ste- venson of Ailsa Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks and Cynthia of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roger. Clandeboye honors Pays- $500 for mischief nurse on .departure By MRS. J H PATPN hostess for Ilse meeting of U.) CLANDEBOyy Clandeboye Women's Institut Airs. Gladys Hail,. a resident of this 0n1zlitinitY for many years, was honored et a presen- tation and euchre party on Fri- day evening' at Neil's Scheel, McGillivray township, Air, Murray Hodgson read from a card suitable wording "Sorry you are leaving and with you go all good wishes" :from over 100 names typed on white cwir,oistityn.wafsh and set of TV ribbon- The presentations of a Wil- mer Scott and Airs, Charlie tables on behalf of the ecrimu, ruty were made by Mrs, eis .of the Cue ue were, ladies high, Mrs. Arthur Stipp - son and gents high, won by Mrs. Wilfred Dixon, consola- tions, Mrs, David Nestle and Mr. Arthur Simpson; lone hands, Mrs, Wm, 'Thompson and Mr. Murray Hodgson, Lucky spot prize went to Mr. Ernie Lewis, Mrs. Hall, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Carter, lived in McGillivray township and at. tended Marrs School, She en. tered the Sarnia General Hos- pital as a student nurse gradu- ating in 1922, to 1932 she mar. tried jirn hall of Detroit, re- turning to the village here in 1933 taking over the Supertcst Station and booth business which was opened in 1930 by her parents, Mrs, Hall was widely known, Being a nurse she received many calls to aid the injured in the many accidents at the di- version, Nov the Dep't of High- ways have purchased the store and dwelling due to the widen- ing of the curve, Mrs. Hall and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and family, Misses Mary Jane and Rosemary Hall and Mr, and Mrs, Joe Hall have taken up residence in. London, where Mrs. Hall is a supervi. sor at the St. Marys HosPital there. Mr, 'Maurice Simpson pur- chased the buildings from the Department of Highways and is moving them away. Another land mark of the vil- lage is gone due to progress, Joint Launian, a,51.-ycar-old 0 _Kitchener golf ball nianufac. CHURCH NEWS United Church At the United Church the -Rev. G. W, Sach on Sunday, Nov. 12 took as the theme for his sermon "Finding God" — "How Great Thou Art," Mr. Don Pettigrew and Mr. Stewart MeLelland of Lucan were guests, who sang a duet. Special prayers were offered for the nations, for the follow. ship of the Church of „Christ among all nations. St. James Church November 12 was set aside for a special day ofqprayer by the Bishops of Anglican chur- ches. The Primate asked that the Sunday following Remem- brance Day he pet aside as a, special day of prayer in view of the critical international si- tuation. At the communion service the rector the Rev. E. 0. Lan- caster dedicated the hymn and prayer books for use in the e turer who PperAteS Slimmer! concessions at Grand Bend, was convicted o.'; a rarely -heard with guest $p e ale or. Mrs. George Zavitz, 1111 2 Merton, president Of the North Middle- sex District. Mrs, David Nestle, 'president, presided and introduced the speaker who brought greetings from the district and spoke on the Mary Stewart Collect, She was thanked by Mrs. .riey Cun- ningham, Roll call was answered by bringing a friend and introduc- ing her. Tha branch voted to join with the Ailsa Craig and Lucan branch to adopt an overseas child. Mrs. Nestle and Alm Charlie Cochrane attended. the Area convention in London and gave reports. The hostess prize was wee bY Mrs, Ernie Lewis. Hostesses were Mrs. Rae Hodgins and Mrs. Alvin Cun- ningham. "Fruit Menuttes" The 4-H Girls Club met on Saturday morning at the home of one of the leaders, Airs. Wil - Jeer Scott for their sixth meet- ing. Mrs, Nancy Buchanan, home economist, London, attended the meeting. Personal items Mrs, Mervin Carter attended the November meeting of the Stephen teachers held in Zu- rich last week. The ladies Federation of the United Church held a sticcess- ful hake sale at the Nu Way Motors, Lucan, on Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and family entertained Mr, Al- onzo Phillips on Sunday the oc- casion beirg Mr, Phillip's birthday. Mrs. Charlie Bison is impro- ving but is still a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital following an accident here when her hip Was fractured. Mr, and Mrs, Toni Marcus and son have taken up resi- dence on Saturday in the apart- ment of Mrs. Emily Tomes. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beckett and Sandra of Kitchener and Mrs. M Held:- of Waterloo vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Millson on Sunday\ Mrs, Al Boggs and daugh- ters, Vicki and Tracy of 'Sea Island, Vancouver, arrived at IvIalion Thursday and were met by the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Murless. Cpl. Boggs has been posted to camp Borden and will arrive next week. Mr. and Mrs, Roy Wilton of Strathroy visited Mr. and Mrs, Rea Neil Thursday evening. Mrs. Hiram Thompson. has returned home from visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Stewart, also with Hiram, Thompson in Toronto. Mr. Alonzo Phillips and Wil- liam Allwright went to the win- ter Fair on Wednesday. •,"Horse sense" is that faculty which keeps horses from bet- ting on people, church in memory of the late Mrs, Eslie Hodgson given by, Worth lie two daughters Mrs, Char- lie Sumner, London, and Mrs. Mabel Jackson, and the Mts. Waiting ses May and Eva Carter, Tor- onto. The rector announced on and after Sunday, Nov. 19 the new, prayer books will he used. Women's Institute Mrs, David Henry was the Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. M, Snider and family of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Simp- ,son and Mrs. Conn of Teeswa- ter visited Sunday with Mr, and Airs. Alex Irvine. vetsassiottsristosigt-criskesessonattoseacermitoisattair4roswoommoossmoosoleoloyslooseittstato-sitagoatemiontosistassarsaos . giv tsligilatidwidAttivaimittonietta;41R40,44; APPLIANCES 2 TERRIFIC GIFTS • For The. Price Of. ! GE 4 -Heat DRYER • with Porcelain Top Drying cycle time up to 140 Minutes, Automatic fluff cycle, Big capacity washer load, Safety re -start switch, Magnetic door latch, Metal lint trap. Counter. height and depth — fits like a "built in", Porcelain enamel clothes basket. Porcelain enamel no -drip top, Plus •Free Electric Blanket, BOTH 'ONLY 189.00 RUSSELL ELECTRIC YOUR HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER OR SALES wall SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 ............ :ts • Ai4.4.,4•••••••••4 OFFER ENDS NOV. 30 0*,itii-o,ipo,os.os.004o,do4ioftiOtik0OliStiii*ki•**0.00rttiiiivii*kt*tit*eiS,'ik'O(ti*iiitiirttisi*t*4iit*iitiitiiiOk*i*i**Osi*,okS.**KOiii't*i*ttik**f* For . . 1962 Austin SPECIAL DURING NOVEMBER TIRE DEALS on 750 x 14 IN THREE DIFFERENT GRADES Do Your Snow Tires Fit Your Present Car? IF NOT, WE'LL BE HAPPY TO TRADE WITH YOUI WANTED ! 670 x 15's TRADE TODAY 1961 COMET STATION WAGON (Demonstrator), deluxe trim, 101 h,p, motor, full chrome discs, Special Price $2495,00, 1959 VAUXHALL ESTATE WAGON, tutone, sharp. 1958 AUSTIN SEDAN, green, 1957 CHEV, 2-1,01”., 6 atilt). Mlle, radio, new tires, Really sharp! 1956 METEOR, 2 -door hard. top, 3 tone, completely overhauled, radio, white. wall tires, South -End Service Russ otid Chuck SneU• PHONE 328 EXETER charge of miSehlef, laid June 1960, after a barn!) scare aboard a Trans-Caeada Air Lines plane. Lauman was fined $500 and costs pn the charge, first of its kind in Ont$rio and the third ever in Canada, Peel County Judge E, W. Grand heard the case at Brampton, iie was charged under the criminal ode with committing mischief by interrupting and interfering with the lawful use and operation of property— TCA's Flight :3 to Calgary, a flight on which Lauman was booked but which he missed. The crown contended that. Lauman phoned the airport anonymously just as the plane was taking off and said there was a bomb aboard, As a re- sult, the aircraft returned to the terminal and took off two hours later, after being search- ed. Lauman was aboard. Witnesses testified Lauman came to the gate and was told he'd missed the flight. Lau. man demanded that the plane be stopped, then saidi If you can't stop it, I will". He re- turned shortly after, saying: "1 told you I'd get that damn plane back." Lauman denied swearing on the ramp, stating that he had just said a Hindu prayer. Nate; "Aren't you comin,; in swimming?" Kates "1 can't, A moth has been eating my bathing suit," Nate; "The little rascal! Hi must have been on a diet." The Times.Advocere, November Ilk 1901 #4,4 •,7p Pogo IT DON cGREGOR PHONE 737 PETER Electric and Acetylen* Welding Trailers Built Of All Kinds McCULLOUGH CHAIN SAWS ...#41r4-1;34:or*mtov,or.**A40.noitkontot.4.0*00,*.10.reolow***,* ii.or.4.140.1'' • NEW at the Choosa Book Shop • Do-lf-Yourself Painf.a•murals—plus a wide choice–, of Paint -by -Numbers BOOKS • Love and Peanut Butter by Lesley Conger • Greg's Choice by Gregory Clarke • Despite the Distance by Will R, Bird PHONE 576-W - EXETER 0****004wmtattookststntott********/***grotgoftotolovrrot-Peirkisoirtittsvitelistoo*** 40.011101MMIIIM for ELECTRIC MIES DRYER BUYERS! 0000011111111111.1111100011ZINH Illeme.....1111111111111 A $29,95 VALUE ELECTRIC BLANKET • Full double bed size * Full 2 year guarantee * A top quality blanket made by Canada's largest electric blanket maker • Can be washed and dried automatically • Offer good from Oct, 14th— Nov, 30th 1961 • FLAMELESS *ODOURLESS • SAFER • FULLY AUTOMATIC * WASH ALWAYS COMES OUT SWEET AND CLEAN Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ... costs less than 51 a load to operate Choose from any of these famous makes of electric dryers: • BEATTY A BELWOOD LmEAOyNTABGD COFFIELD.HAMILTON McCLARY.EASY CONNOR MOFFAT DOMINION PHILCO.BENDIX GENERAL ELECTRIC RCA WHIRLPOOL KGE.MLV IS IFNRAILIDRAIRE SIMPLICITY NGL IS WESTINGHOUSE ... AND OTHER FINE MAKES 4,* 17-11.5OFFER GOOD AT TORES DISPLAYING symEy-N... EXETER PUBLIC UTII ITIES COMMISSION •