HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 16,Fa
lb' 1961
.and; district ne W .
Phone BA 7.4255
Correspondent; Miss Lina Abbott
..:unlor Institute 1 O
deSt man
, assists children (]Q
at raceway'The Jr. Farmers and Jr. dies at 7 7
.Institute met at the home ni
Prior .to Saturday night, Neil Mr, and Mrs. Evan Hodgins
McRann had chalked up r93 and Helen Hodgins last Monday
wins, 18 seconds and 18 thirds .evening,
in 105 starts at the Western Helen. Kestle was in charge
of the program for the latter,
Fair Raceway,, winning for which consisted of making of
himself 187 points. scrap books for the Children's
His wins, Saturday, boosted Home. It was decided at the
his total points to an even 200. Christmas meetintto each
making hinri the leading driver. ; bring a White Gift for the
He was presented with a Crippled Children. Following
combined wrist watch and the business, the girls joined
timer by George Loveless,' the Jr. Farmers.
vice-president of the Western; The next meeting will be .held
Fair -Board, : at the home of .Don O'Neil.•
Remember fallen
at Legion service
The 1961 Service of Remem•
brance, sponsored by the Can-
adian Legion, Lucan Branch
540, was held. Saturday morn-
ing in the Lucan Community
Memorial Centre, with the
Rev, E. M. Cook, a past pastor
of. the Lucan-Clandeboye United
Churches, in charge,
Unfortunately t h e present
pastor, the Rev. W. G. Sach
was ill and unable to be pres-
ent, but Mr. Cook was assisted
by the Rev. E. A. Gagnon of
School pays
1" ,T
tribute too
A sacred and impressive
B,eniembrance Day service was
field in the Lucan Public School
Assembly Hall at 9 a.m. Fri.-
• day with Principal Robert
Jenkins presiding,
A flag -draped table, with
large white cross, a poppy
wreath and small flags, the
work of the Grade 5 pupils of
Mr. Beer's class, added much
to the patriotic atmosphere,
The progr'am began with Mr.
Jenkins reading a letter from
the Hon, John. P. Roberts, min-
ister of. education followed by
the singing of "0 Valiant
Hearts", the repeating of the
23rd psalm and prayer by the
Rev.. E. 0. Lancaster of Holy
Trinity Church,
Tlie choral reading of "In
Flanders' Fields" by Mr. Beer's
class' was Earticularly well
done. •�
Jimmie Hearn. Janice Free-
man, Larry Kew and Janice
Traversy from Mrs. Arenthal's
Grade- 4 class gave a reading
entitled "The Poppy", after
which Brian. Haskett (Grade 8)
gave the reading,, "For the
The repeating in unison of
seven sentences of remem-
brance was most impressive.
These were in memory of
pioneers, defenders of our
country, those who made the
supreme sacrifice, our govern-
ment, citizenship, our blessings
and our freedom.
Mr. Dwight Ball was the
guest speaker. He displayed a
number •of medals explaining
first the origin of medals, what
each one stood for, its name
and where worn.
Linda Featherston, a Grade
6 pupil, then read "Talks of
The little peapl'e frons Grades
2 and •3, led by Mrs. Ross Mc-
Roberts, sang t::e "Prayer for
. ... Wesley G, Colley
New agent
takes post
Wesley G. Colley, Lucan's
new CNA agent replaces Wil•
limit Lamheurn, who was
transferred to Ilderton,
Born and raised in London,
Mr, Coll
me b ame : ,
COW a CNR. Mewed in 1951, He worked on
the spare board for three years:
before being sent Ix Watford
for silt years and Ingersoll for!
One year,
lie played hockey for A. short,
tune ►n Lucaf[ but owing to
his spare board duties, was un,
ableoto, continue, Now he is
looking forward to living in Lu-,
tan, renewing old acquaint.'
Antes and making new friends,:
Colley is married and has
Otte MA, ycar•old Gregory, I
the Pentecostal ostal 1
liv i
Church, who read the scripture
lesson, led in prayer and pro-
nounced the benediction, and
by the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster
of the Anglican Church, who
was the guest speaker.
Speaking on "The Challenge
of Remembrance Day", Mr.
Lancaster stressed the im-
portance of always remember-
ing those who made the su-
preme sacrifice and of holding
high the torch they left for
The members of the Legion,
Legion. Auxiliary and Scouts
and Cubs were out in large
numbers for the parade from
the bank corner and filled the
front part of the auditorium.
Following the first part of
the service, which includedthe
two minute silence, and hymns
led by a unison choir, all went
outside for the laying of the
wreaths andbaskets of flow-
ers. in charge of Mr. Dwight.
Ball, a past Legion president.
Reeve Ivan Hearn presented
the village wreath; President
Ralph Smith, the Legion wreath;
President Allan Scott, the Sus-.
inessmen's wreath; President
Lionel Kendrick, the Lions Club
wreath; Mr. and Mrs. 13. F.
Stanley, a basket for their son
Kent, and Mr, Neil Hodgins of
Toronto, a basket for Mr. H.
S. Stanley,
Businessmen's draw
Mr. Allan Scott, president of
the Lucan Businessmen's As-
sociation, reports.. that several
meetings have already been
theld in connection with the an -
11)14 Christmas draws. This
year the draws will be held
Flowers on the communion
t, ble were in memory of Cpl.
Frank H. Egan. killed in ac-
tion September 25, 1944.
At the 11 o'clock service
Rev. E. 0. Lancaster dedi-
cated 30 new prayer books
which had beendonated by the
congregation for church use.
A letter was read from the
Primate of Canada asking that
special Remembrance Day
services be held in all Anglican
churches Nov, 11 and that more
prayers be held during this in-
ternational crisis,
The League of Loyalty had
an attendance of 54,
United Church
The Rev, G. W, Sach, who
has been on the sick list, was
able to take the Sunday serv-
ice, taking as his text, '1iow
great Thou art",
Pentecostal Holiness Church
The Young Peoples' Friday
meeting took the form of a
Remembrance Day service
with the pastor, the Rev. E.
A, Gagnon, as guest speaker,
The Shaniroek Minor Hockey
League got off to a fine start
last week and' by the class of
teams in this league we hope
to have a fine schedule.
' Our local intermediates get
,their schedule under lvay at
home on Friday evening, Nov.
17 at 8,30 against Mitchell,
We look forward to our boys
coining up with a eontending
team so I hope our ]tical ppo-
pie will coin- out and support
them as much as possible. I
am sorry I did iiot get the
scores of some 61 aur local.
games last week but will have
theist by the ,ort i$stre,
Our local pee wee team
played a gable with 73elinont
on Friday night and alth'ougli'
beaten by a J -n scbte our kids
really put up a real Carie and
l feel that with a few inose
games under their belts we
will have a very strong team
in the futute,
f am planning a g''C
for mothers and their pre.
sabot 'children on Wednesday
afternoons starting at 1.30 to
3.30 en November 22, So 1' ask
any pat rite interested tci teach-
ing their little ones to skate
to contact Inc at the arena.
for informatloh about this
class and l lope It will ht'ove
CA be a fine 5ttdgess to atIi.
Imean's oldest resident, Mr
William H. Downing, 99, die
after a month's illness in Sout
'Huron Hospital, Exeter, o
Thursday, Nov, 9
The body rested at the 111urd1
Funeral Hapre, Lucan, until.
p.m. Monday, Nov, 13 when th
Rev. G. W. Sach conducte
funeral services with interme..
in Birr cemetery,
The pallbearers were Messrs
Burns Smith, Earl ,lathers
Ivan Stanley, Don Revington
Frank Hardy and Clarence
His only survivor is one so..
Harvey of Ashburn, Georgia,
Son of the late Mr, and Mrs
Henry Downing, Mr, Downing
was born in Brownsville. He
spent his early life as a farmer
in Lambton County but worked
as a butcher in LUeaai for 45
years, six years with his broth.
er Frank, six years for the
late Wellington Hodgins, six
years for Hardy and Brock and
27 years at the Revington Meat
Market, He was over 90 when
he retired but even then, at
times, went behind the counter.
He was a faithful member of
the United Church where he
sang in the choir for years,
His wife, the former Lutheria
Willsie, died suddenly six
months ago. Since then Mr.
Dawning lived alone, did his
own shopping and cooked his
own meals, refusing to go
south with his son or leave his
own home. His neighbors on
Alice St, could set their clocks
by him for he left the house
each morning at 8.45 to go for
his mail.
Up to the time of taking a
slight stroke October 9 he was
apparently in the best of health.
To see his lively step no one
would dream he was reaching
the century mark,
CGIT play party
The opening meeting of the
CGIT Look the form of a play
party at 4,30 p.m. Monday eve-
ning with the new leader Mrs.
Murray Hodgins in charge,
During a short business ses-
sion Louise Cochrane and Pa-
tricia Cobleigh volunteered to
take charge of the nursery at
the bazaar, Nov. 25.
It was decided to ask per-
mission of the WA to hold a
candy and: Christmas stocking
booth at' the .bazaar,
Following the box supper a
2kotlion•of .appreciation 'was ex -
r ended b the retiring 1960 lead-
ers, Miss Betty McIntyre and
Mrs. Roger Heath, Rev. and
Mrs. G. W. Sach were guests
at the meeting.
The theme of the vesper
service, taken by the new lead-
er, was "The Great Harvest".
The first regular meeting
will be held Monday, Nov, 20
at 7 p.m,
Personal items
Miss Marguerite Hopkins, a
former .Lucan High School
teacher, , is a patient in Vic-
toria Hospital with a broken
Bantams drop
Lucan bantams have started'
their season with two close
losses to, Oakridge,
in their first game,. which
they lost 4-3, Larry Lewis, 1305
Hickson and Brian Haskett
were the Lucan pace setters,
1'at►i Young sco"ed 14uean's
Only goal in the second game
which Oakridge won 3.1.
Lucan's lineup was: goal,
Steve Davis and ,berry 13utier;.
defence, Buddo, Snrith, .Hort
gins, Thompson, Dattncey; for-
wards, Lewis, Hickson, Has-
kell, ,Lippert, Hardy, Ready,
Young, Ward, Wilkinson, l'liit
Lewis, Armstrong,
=Coey School ,
'1'heurs1901.62 Coursey School
, euchre opened Friday night
d wih Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and
h Mrs. Harry Stokes as hostess -
n es, high score prizes went to
Mrs. Guy Evan and Mr. ',i'oni
• Coursey and low score prizes
2 to Rose Coursey and Allan
e Ryan.
d A1rs, Charles Grose and Tom-
nt my Ryan won the lone hand
Mrs. Eugene Stokes and Mrs,
Wilson Hodgins will be the
hostesses for the next euchre,
November 24,
Legion Auxiliary bingo
n There were many split bingos
at the Legion Auxiliary bingo
at the Legion Hall Thursday
with several duplicates and
the Peppers of Exeter taking
home their share of the loot.
Mr, Pepper,won the $5 consols-
tion prize and Mrs. T'epper
shared the second bingo with
Mrs, E, Glenn of Ailsa Craig
and Mrs, Joe Haskett of Lu -
Mr, Elmer Hariton of Gran-
ton shared the seventh bingo
with Mrs• Omar Cunningham
of Cla, deboye and also won
ane of the lines Share the
Wealth prizes. Mr. H. Beiber
of Clandeboye won the other
line prize and Mrs, Thomas
Weller of Lunn, the full card
Mrs, Cecil Neil .of Lucan,
who shared the sixth bingo
with Mrs, Jim Avery and Mrs.
Harry Arnold of Lucan, won
the second part of the consecu-
tive bingo, Mrs. M. Sherman of
London won the first part and
Mrs. Lloyd Ford of. Exeter,
who won the second bingo, won
the full card prize,
Mrs, William Mathers and
Mrs, Traversy of Lucan shared
the first bingo with Mrs. E.
Glenn of Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Ken
Simpson of Ailsa Craig won the
third bingo and shared the
ninth with Mrs. Jack Steacy of
Other solo winners were Mrs.
Oscar Metters and Mrs. A,
Hariton, both of Granton.
Personal items
Mr. John Van Veen, ratio
and TV repairman, and family
of London have moved into the
house west of the Anglican
chureh vacated by Mr. and
Mrs, A • G. Newman.
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NEW-LUCAN. SIGNS—New entrance signs for Lucan,
erected. by the Lions club, :are admired, by Brian I-iaskett
and Bob }Hickson, They were designed by Rev, G, W,
Sacks and were painted by Clifford Acheson,
—Photo by Wayne Culbert
New road signs up
Luean's two new road signs
were recently installed, with
Maurice Cobleigh assisting
Lions, Lionel Kendrick,' Clare
Stanley, Jack Steacy, William
Bazaar draws
large crowd
Last Saturday's perfect
weather brought out a crowd
to the Legion Auxiliary bazaar,
bake sale and tea,'
Mr's, Doug Ewen was in
charge of achilssion, Mrs. Dave
Egan, sewing, Mrs. Harry
Bond, the decorated cake, Airs.
Harold Butler, the mystery
box and tou.:h-and-take, Mrs..
Pat Crudge, the jewelry draw
and hake table and Mrs. Lloyd
Mason. the kitchen. Mrs. Rus-
sell Goddard and A'ir's, Ralph
Smith did th. serving for the
Mrs, Harry Bond was the
luckiest person at the bazaar
for her ticket won the decora't-
ecl cake for herself 'and One of
the six tickets she purchased
for the youngest grandchild in
each family, won the $10
mystery box. One - year - old
Gwenny Appleton was the whi-
ner, Mrs. Pat Crudge won the
jewelry, •
Little and Bud Cook.
The signs, designed by the
Rev, G. W, Sach, were painted
by Clifford Acheson and con-
tain the Legion and Lions'
crests as well as the words
"Stop, Look, Linger' in Lucan".
The signs were placed at the
Fina station at the south en-
trance to Lucan and at the
arena, the north entrance,
Lions plan bingo
The Lions met in the Ang-
lican Church basement Mon-
day evening,
During the business session
the date 61 the annual turkey
bingo was set for Wednesday,
Dec. 6 and will be held in the
Legion Hall.
Personal items
Lucan's two restaurant pro-
prietors report a successful
Sunday. Over 30 look advan-
tage of the turkey dinner at
the Central, while the Koffee
Kup had the largest attendance
since coming to Lucan. 11 was
really "Family Night" with
many residents bringing their
whole family.
A number of teen town mem-
hers were the first to enjoy an
evening of music and dancing
last Saturday to the Koffee
Kup new Hi-:fi installed. in the
Rose Room banquet hall last
Perlia+let :items
Former resident alis, zloy Palters, nt t,t.
e Geor'l;p, grid Irer sister, it's. ,•
dies in accident tLorne Donald, of Seafrartla '
lt'trner•al services svci'e britt no'd's' weekend ;,tresis ror tlars,
for Uarold C'uldsle t (Curly) Me- J' Ii i�lurrav,
Goan, 53, Thttrsclay, Nov, 9 e- M1•. and Mrs. Wilbert Stan.
the Trusaott funeral bonne, ley ]rave re .a-necl Froin n trip
t en',itton, will interment in
e, to Ottawa wvlrere M. Stanley
Hamilton, attended a convention, Ott. the
Mr. i4 Gots was alone on a way honk they visited their
hunting trip on liightva.}r 11 daughter, Mrs. ,F'etcr Wiseman
when he Was involved in a and family at Scar•boro and
head-on collision with another their son George and tamily at
car. It is tho'ight Mr, McQoun Ilaanilton,
took a heart attack, resulting "" "
hr the accident and bis death. while his fatiaer was rector of
Ile is surv.,ed by his wife, holy Trinity Church, Lucan,
the former ElizabeUi McCal- and St. Jlttiies Church, Clandc-
lum, .one drughler, Marianne, boyo, kip worked for some
his step -mother, Mrs.. Kenneth time in a bank in Hamilton
McGoun of London, and two before going overseas in World'
brothers, ►+rank and Clifford War 11. He served. as ,eapta'n
;UeGoua of Montreal. tat the RCoC from 1840 to 1944,
Son of the late Rev,. and Since his return he:has been
Mrs. Kenneth M'.cGoun, Carlisle living n at Stony 'Creek and
lived in Lucan from x919.1931 working In Hamilton,
,II,,,J,,1w,,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,11,m,IA,ainiAIIAdll,ll,�Utl,11,111„U1munil,lkll,,,1,1,A1111,11,J�I nut11„Illll,lrwm,44
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