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+.fid ow,
y flt -aou11 COz.
*seam Ogolorfds.
' eaecsted with
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SHILLo fJ r•
Pear with
adverse, or
that aspiration Of O.
pager diatoe
paid up, unless the pu
advantage to do so. •
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reriele for air sober&
cent a ,Qveutb copy gratis.
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arrears are
think it their
re -
turbo .
o •
A N be consulted It ell hoer*, at
air.' I.?Turts's Boarding Hos.s,
(formerly tic British Bold.) vs
Goderich, April d9th, 1852.
street, Goderich. 9ro25
Jure 1848.
the Canada
street, Goderich. 9rn 0
7th 1849.
AKER, Three doors East o
Company's office, West -
Yrs' Btaettweed'e M
Lin r*CSAT.
"Tits GRRATLrr Possums GOOD TO THt GIt1ATZST PosslmLR N1:741
The bodily joys that help
The ramble ep ties.
Of the high mousuta cope -
The long day's walk, the rigorous exercise
The fresh luxurious bath,
Far (roe/ the trodden path,
Or mid the ocean ware dasbing rite harm-
less roar, shore.
Lifting es od our feet upon the beady
Kind 11 ! 'bete ie no end
01 pleasures as ws weed
Our pilgrattagS in title undevioue wry,
it we but know the laws
Of the Eternal Cause,
Aod for bis glory and our good obey.
But lotellectual pride
Sets half these joys aside.
And our pereD•l1 ears alerts
That life horns cold and dim b.noatlt ate
deadening tooth.
Ampulla 3
DANIEL. 11031E LIZARS, And gree thy limbs a obese* among the
ATTORNEY AT LAW, sad Conveyer- to the woods,
err, Solicitor Is Cbaaceryrlkc. has his' Coma with me
oiSee es formerly in Stratford.Asd let their solitudes
- - Stratford, 2nd Jae. 1850. 2vn49 a. -echo M our voices w we Fo,
• '_
;•r s': i
- lw
Welcome, ye plump green meads!
Ye streams and eighier reeds,
We;coure, ye core fields, wavteg like a.ee!
Welcome, the leafy bowers,
And farewell, for a while, saga drudgery!
What! though win growing old,
bur blood a not yet sold!
Come wtth me to the Mikis, Ace mat of
many ills,
And children radiois
ire whoa I seed the old deacou'a bell
• ' a B-line to what I steed:
160 old ear, for he'd skeared
tail lbs nares* r' t e'aet-
Mat laps a
the old varmint asked, I reek'e.
' The belt war on one side o' 'made the
lied I on Cathie, and the al o'
'rile fly for a white, r Y he -war a doggie'
fay grave, war distreesia
Come os, ye bellend old herbs;
said I; and dep't'hs a studio' doer ; ' for
the old deter says o' the devil, ' yer cot
comely to look ea.' _
This kiod o' reached ►is
and made him snore wielder i
ed • tial* fib, rid made a drive
I dop't Like to stead i ssyllad7'
gist him plenty sea -resit 1 Ido
poised by
as sad sane ort os Y
and as the Cupids o' the Mod -Swig
Rangers would say.' boat face for' nether
• Thorgh I war Hadi far '1M this, time,
be come mighty nigh *resat*' fold e' rte !
So 1 made op hay mind the taest time be
weut out lit wookrat,hot Sole. So when
be passed 1 grappled be Iu, and be pulled
me oat cit the' sir,' end se sena stare were
both a' top of tba blink eft bridar stopped
and war about eomisl' resod sus when I
begin ptllio' t'otber way.
Well, 1 reekoa this kited o' riled Ism,
for he fust stood stock dill end Irked at
me for a spell, and the* eremenced pawio'
sad beUarin,' mall tate way be made bus hind
Bpi iy intli air war lettere!!
t viall4 Iii'111044,:..0411101111i .d/lab
Aug. 25tb, 1851
Upon thy weary brain
Let childhood come agars.
Spits e(tStr
Stretch tbyrlimb. god or leap -
Thy life has been aaleep;•
Mod, though lbs mires der t
thy pelf brow, roar hire •
Maw roe, U shoe an wise JOHN J. E. LINT( N,
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commiesiener Q.B.r i art thou!
11 and Conveyancer, Stratford. 11OPE roa THE BEST.
hoof -
And as
,*1, 1
ridia the old bid than where 1 war. Says
1, old feller, if you'll hold oo, 1'11 ride to the
neat audios any hew, let that be what it
'em hit the
*hoard of Lim, agit.,
*see what 1'd gained In
gentlemen, l'ma liar
a bashel of the sttogin
pitch into nuc wbcu the
they got it, for ' all
oar company ! Souse ou
about a (fart struck me
Sed old bridals.
the dogs led off fust, ' dead'
01d deacon's, and as soon as old
I could get under way, we fol -
'And as 1 war ooly a deck passen-
ger, and had notbiu to do with ateerin the
graft, I swore if 1 haul we shouldn't bare
run that channel any how !
• But, as I acid afore, the dogs took the
lead-_.bnndls and I nest, and the borneta
4.kly arter. TIB dog" yellin-brindle bel -
pd the horeets buszln and ,tinge !-
try softie, for it want no use.
we'd got spout two hundred -
yards f r ,igboss, and the deacon beard
us and same i> :)seed bqs hold hie
bard and turn tolatc ! r6clto be was
prayin,thee. for he didn't expect to be cal-
led for so soon, and it warn't long, nether,
afore the wbohe coogregatioo, men, women,
and children, cum out and then all hands
went to yellin !
' Noun of 'ea had the first notice that
brindle and I belonged to this world. 1
jest turned my bead and passed the loll cour
gregstiou! 'I need the run would be up
soon, for brindle couldn't turn an Such from
a fence that stood dead ahead !
'Well, we retched that fence, and I went
ashore over Bic old critter's bead, landing
on t'other side, sod lay thar stunned. It.
warns long before some of 'ere as war Dot
so scared, conic round Co see what I war.
For all bands kalkelated that the bull and I
belonged together! But when brindle
walked off by himself, they seed bow it war,
and ooe on 'em said,' Mike Fink has got
lye wust of the scrimmage once in histife!'
' Gentlemen from that day I dropped the
courtin bizzi•ess, and never spoke to a gall
since. And when my hunt is up on this
yeartb, Char wont be any more Fieless!
and its all owin to Deacoo Smith's Brindle
Bull !'
Llghtbolse-etre , °*dutch, -
October 25, 1849. Svn38
BY JAMES GENTLES, (iodericb.-
Attentive Hostler. always o t! -n30
Goderich, Sept. 12, 1850.
Barrister and .rlttorniee d Laar, 4c,.
GOopRICM C. Sir.
1jO11N STRACIIAN Bsrnstrr`and Altor-
•r nay at Law, Notary Public and Corey-
onveyanter. lot a hope for the beat -never fear,
A LEXANDER WOOD BTRACIIAN, Though lost in adraretty's track,
Attorney et Law, Solicitor in Chan. •The breath of a etch, or fall of a tear,
cery, Conveyancer. Will do little in geidiog no back.
Goderich, 17915 November, 1851. Yeet ml.fortcne as you weetin• smogs,
Ile cautious and victim' your pace,
And shriek not In trial and danger.
Bet meet the foe fell in the face!
Oh! Who would rue of from the strife,
When the abafte of advers,ty prettied)
Who would flee the groat battle of life?
Better atmsgle and -bop• for the best.
sT S. u. a&O W N, UQ.
Let us hope far the best -it is better
To struggle than yield to despair,
Hope breakelb„esch link ofth. fetter,
And setoffs at the bonder° of care!
It mocks at the hand of atfhetion,
It smuletb at shadows and teem;
And with the warm rays of con,ictioD
11 ligbteth the valley of tears!
Theo throw off the sorrowful bond.
Dispel the dark yoke from your breast;
Ob! who would submit and despond)
Better struggle and -hop• for the beat!
essoo ee hied? stepped to pi 'wind.Tor
slitheilkinielc 'edged by the way he
itedeell -.By this tune 1 bad tirade sp my
wiled to 'date bis tail as toss as it stock
to his back hose ! I did'nt like to Boller
for help, nether, bast it war Agin my pna-
ciple, sad thea the deaeos had preaebin at
his bowie; sed it wan't tar off hutlser.
' I knowed if be/warn the noise, the hull
congregation would'come down ;lied as I
warn't a married Sao, ted had a kind o'
bankeria' arter a gal that war that 1 didn't
feel as if I would like to be weal•ie that ar
pr creamer.
So, taya I, you old repent, do yer cue-
sedest, And so be IGd';.for he drug use
over every heir mai stamp in the odd, en -
til I war a sweafla'*ad Maedis' lite a fat
bear with a pack of heeds at bis heels.
And my mama Matt Mirraink, it the old
critter's tail add 1 didn't blow out some-
times at a. deed lavdd„ with thp, raraaint's
hack !
' So yen maty: le dkelste we made good
time. Biemhy be siackeaed >t little, sad
thea I had 'us fees spar, br I jest drop-
ped behind a sop , *rid t`ar 'robbed the
critter 1 Nemironya it, you'll p'dl up this
'ere white o - 1resk yon tail or jest bold
os a bit till blow
r Wal, while I war shin' that, sad an
Wes struck the that Iliad better he genie'
oat Cr' this it• rime way. Arlt how a' sect -
y, was the pied 1 If I lap and rot be''d
be a foul o' hoe atdee !
i So kooki a ld tib eieltsr i• all its hearths
I sae to the Istreiirila'dtlt I'd better tet
somebdy bow whar J, re! Se I g1. a
yen Wore than if locomotive erh t1e, - and
it wan't long afore I Seel alis detean'e-two
dogs a cocain down bhe .sit tbey warmer'.
web could get there fret. ,
'1 k.ow'd wbo they were arter they'd
jive the bell ages me, I was mho, for they
were orthl vesemoss and bed a spite ape
' So, sago I -old boodle, as rigs'
cheap ea /rallkig; its tbd`n rt d `
err rhisedier, diet take
Os tilt sr heel s' yperia. •
homes is . `d
kr mg brit mat.
ield -='0ae Agala
tali to Aid Fay
' I pray'd ' era pnyedi red I
odd• t teff tAisb I did lug sad thither
Won't any wort so etrlalty witted
th fad
71YEi'P111 AND SIB
sr las sea os t1
sod the simtlenty oI habit* sod
reader • free and uerwlre••d
ted cumewre with their pe ttsa
greatoilereet and lspertascs Ow o
State to petite allay lutere.td Ie the ed..
Item be the g 1 'oversew of w
a.eawrea calculated to effect tbte ikelr
able result. It would mediae tee tame
of ear motels add to the reopen' y t: t
os Is the earthen tied wester erste'
of our state and hareem tbs e'.meserel
aseporteoce el the city of ilea Y..k•-.
Tia Poro'antu
on or n Gaoja.-T
halos of Ib tiletbe to *opposed 1.
than oee tboueasd laillt.ea--137,' :
. A Frea
ar► writer ellueg to these
save: "If all maekied Ware eel
in roe place, every four la/bents
ling a equate metre. the whole mag
gestataed in a field 'ate miles roar
ly opeekI.g, the parlour
y the packed. wither este
It. But the mase idea
es el the somber u1 the blows raim
aimed by tau capability oof.e
The w world ie maid to
rt -productive laid. 4,008.000 ego
de ***kat quality, limb capable
' Tall ase vane
were,, sa
Jobe,' big, set
I !' No sit 41Iouring; 'Im
were a ball Y bad Whet:.1
Aral off' tow
his mother, '
bring ate seas t
and as be ,b
blue eyes
tears rise tie ilk:
putting the ,.,., • a
• f bere are t
come, hold out bo81Y t
got all yet. Lay it'
always do. I hope this
of better tbia a es mj p'
days on yovt"r.
George told his wti4,
Lad gene to bed, that wises"
the peace of the poor rode'
keeping ip a fuse bore mai
the landlord's wife ami
be thought of his ova
planing Scar, and hlr,
almost in rags, wbie
Mg night atter sight, ,
and strength. be vas w
and shame, that be t ,
self at last.
hour neve(,
gthaaat s '
More thee a year a
day afternoon as Mrs. C Yr
Punch Bowl, was welkin with -
to the tea gardens, they was
• violent shower of rats, art brathe
belt drenched, erbea they reeteri a
table looking house, distinguished by
comforts and'tidioes'from ell other
it. Its good natured mistress and bei
girls did all they could is try pad wire
away the rain drops sad mild *dishes f •
the lades' fine silk dress and persons.-,
Whets all had boas doer t tcid
dose, and as Miss Lucy stud "
to loot; like themselves again,' Mrs.
der, who was lolling in a Boge ens wire
and *intro... herself by a stare at every ass
and every thing, suddenly started. forward,
and addressing herself to the mriter of tate
house, whose face had just caught her dgeo
Why, my good man, we are old
know your face, I'm certain: *114 thee,
change inyou, though I can't eretIy
Office 27, Dundas Street,
August filth, tett. riot°
Pro rket- sue sees. Oder kk. )
A GENT for the Provitoial Kotula and
t' (iemerat losuranee Office, 'Von -olio, -
Also Agent fur the S wrence County
Mount, Oedensbere, "York. Local
Agent for Samoa Kou}sos'e014 Rochester
Nursoy. July 1850.
A. NASMYTH. Mike Fink, It notorious Buckeye bunter,
re ABUIONABLE TAILOR, one door was cotemporary with the celebrated David
a West of W. E. Grace's Store, West Crocket, and bra equal in all Stings appear
Fob. 14. 58
Street Goderich • 6-r4 taieing to human prowess. . It ueves
es, taus not 1N A Train' PLACZ.
- i said that t1e animals in Int country knew
THOMAS NICHOLLS, the crack of hos rifle, std would Wee to
ltiAbxElt ANA GENERAL AGENT. I their secret biding places on the first roti
t• *t:
pet the
Agent for Ontario Marine 4. Fire In-' matios that Mike was about. ''Yet strange,
surance Co. -though true, he was but little known be -
NOTARY PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT' yood his immediate"set lemeot."
..'ben we knew hies, 1w was as old mea
COMMISSIONER iN Q. B. Ste. 14. -tare blasts of seventy winters kedver-
INSURANCE effectedHo
on uses. Ship- ed o'er hie bead, and taker the elmsticity
Meg sed Goode. iron bis ha": yet u the whole en"
All kinds of Dade correctly drawn, and Mike ever was worsted eacept upon use.
Book. and Accounts adjusted.
Office over the Treasury, Goderich. I week*, T. uta hie own laagosge, be
July es, 1839. 'bole
never" gra i1, used tip, to my** that
----- - - - i travelled on W lose
ITE 111111th. II$®ti l:4IIa9
1sT btt:{OWD. JOHN & ROUT. DOi1OCN
GOOD Aee.udatiofor Trs.ell mad
remee as att.eti.e Hostler a .11 lis'le, e take
Mame of Teerss-
(Neat the baa et oven,)
Gedeieh. Dee. 8.1860.
Farmers' Mutual In811rance ;.1
CAPITAL .1,000,x•
E7.RA If0P 11'i!!,1ra$nfltof, Avert fiSi
sells. of Wrens' tied teres:
Avowal 87, 11156, i*li
DIE•tri1/ 1•4ft
(l Sl1
UICS'S TAYR 6s/dswt+ssd.
•ir May 1451. vealri`
0 or for(, but ones.
" That once we want," said Bill Slasher
as seise doses of a eat in the sway bar-
room of the ody tavern in the "settle-
meot" •
" G is at toes now, Mike -you've prom-
ised long enough, sad you're old sow, and
oseda't care,' car rsedBill.
• , gtitbf7 i•oght S Par mid lititta.
the,u sr. - alittkdr sI roar hitt, it'll
Wieli' revery fs.Ma'a-I rsckaa- •
„rrpk.r, that's goad. Better tine Oath
assort; d villins't" '
•„.i1 , Wyk,* reinereed Mika. ' yen
tidy lethpyear seelebarlMaastight gimes
14181.b Ra, • et stiMl►wee Edi sMssdlhss
iNseelleraghey lig by -Mt elkerfaitidbr
giNMe * be easpar'M to MI. •ser I vert
Illtlan.6111aidlabeirlarl. rate
*00Wty141wdse rmaiitKbatis1agilien
is avMdedttirted stow ' s• oak M
firtifisi, W,ek ea0e.s41114'tdis MI1 a
-"OM tiM, h'° 'Itwtlk ritMli•11e1 da>y
1 ' ' eslal I Nb
olktiaufle of .Iris
In the year 183-, iu a handsome fur -
reboil parlor which opened out 6f that
rooted London gin -shop called ' 'rbe Troch
Bowl,' sit its mistress, the gaudily dressed
Mrs. Crowder, conversing with an obse-
goiousneighbour . I reallymust say
Why Mrs; Crowder,
you have things in the first style! tti-hal
elegant papering'. what noble chairo!telleiti
pair of bright fate screens! all so blight and
fresh! Then these elegant stone copings
to your windows, mud those beautiful Freucb
window frames! And you have been send-
iog your daegbters to one of the genteelest
bearding school; your Atop is the best tit -
ted in hal this parte of London. Where
ens you find the t eltdfol for these things 1
Dear Mts. CroyMler, how can you man -
what it is.'
used to be in ragged clothes and alt
of health,' said George , Ms' •
'now, thank God, 1 are cottlioctably nisi
and in excellent bealth.'-
'But how is it.' mid Mn. M, owder,' that
we never get a sight of your" '.
'Madam' said ber'I assure I wish w
well; nay, I bare reason tit thank you,
words of yours first (twee my eyes to mJ
awn foolish and wiasol course. lily tlNlr
and children were hrif naked sod halt -
ed, only this' time Met year. Took at
if you please, not► --for sweet est
look-.. mod decent - clothes, 1ll watch `
l wagtlrirllla. deli11tsr to Chesser,
Attnroey-et..Lap N;.fart, lite.
lie. Office : Oetav18Ti1ileis, iCisg-St.
isrpriala abootharballthigweba.111ealt of
British t e1tM,Ap
ime (iillrlt dl1l )i>w
111111100811b• o -rook wad
t , Tu ,-,u- Ir•,f rel'
tyatll1* ,
' M " rue
J1113 I
tar7srs! Peke fkoiliWiliredr• woo
alma SOW.
Weoloom. Set
• t` rllilwrdthe erre es?
-trio bia
MS -
triad the
Use oe tether
age r
Mrs. Cr
of stal%as
dow mss
r Weil, i
watt, what
to dap to
of a little.
tree that
idlest st her this
ohooila it wer are
lbw dope, o' WHIN'S teed
wises we Pi. risaito a
perry, allied
etl *Sara
kW. ot• too Or011relhOio
}A isool
idea s
..r simpered and cast
tla clook
..tempt tbro1g4h pen
a, shop, fined with draughty cns-
1'bs foot'* pence -'tis the fool's
with any man'li wife and childro:
now, I tell vin, as you told a
your's one day last year -'tis the
pence that have done all this for y
ought ntltm' to say the penes
honest indeatry, sad spat so that
ask the blessing of igen the Fres.
!Arm -Crowder never-isesvered the -
tanker she had lost. •
'sVe have read the annual Message
the Governor of the State of ' New Yos
wit'& much interest. Tie eordition
.ulcers of the asylum& and charitable Its.
ablution of the state occupy the first
in his. Seymour', message. to the Soh
Asylum .t Utica there were, at the e 1 1
meocemeot of t1e year, 435 paries(*: -
witted during the year. 390; tout,
Discharged during the year, cored, -,flat
muc6'iwproved, 11, improved, 48; Pa81'
proved, 152, died, 39, -Toot di rgefd_
400. The Asylum at Black weir► le
commenced the year, with 617; temt eg
daring the year, 481, discharged, saltYsi,'
It appears by the census that, to 1453,•
bore were 2506 n. persons is tis Q
cf whom only 1106 were to Asylessa.
Governor recommend„ the vet
of soother Aeyloin' With respects to Jinte
the ftllowiai . sot is made. Why
is no provotinn made in Canada foe We
s0fwtannte else*
7 h. annual report of the metes" of the
avium for idiots; sou! be asad before you,
sod will receive al your heed, I doubt
.olthat .ttaotio1 which - -thus nature of
this moat benevolent +Omrlly mer
*waken in every intelligent tiled.
The report confirms the helloes in t
is that of the Nece.drs en, so s ha t s
(erorily shows that a fall boo e
whose' ettnettioa hes generally
regarded *s utterly hepeloso. may by pro
els per tnialag .sal vulture, have tett Seri
toes .o de.elopad sad improved as sot dill '
to relieve the millet, . parents .ed
but also 1.elfti%thea' to sower 1• c,
Oecepab*.e of hie. • • • • A
by bs•s enliehtisi'g hbasli,y t;r
gso.dusalwd Gw 0..i0feses, sad t►a*Mldn
peovol.d wish the best mesas of Jebel*
wall 0'•1 have 0:waplo/ed lbs wrote'1f
dote• until: i1 h.m also made-asele pr.sl.
Ions for reelaiw•ipg from dsrkt•.n a
elatlo■ :hose.fteted being• whose
are elo.od agamet Ihr tight of kndlr
sed fhb ileo.• of d'tly' tdhe,sootier et
the cen'ue .f 1850,
idiots ie Om State a egorl to that of she
That Deaf .ad Dore& sod t1e blti sus
syn eared for. Why le so prevision sone.
to Canada for the ntief .f .1... else•••.
The .umber of Eaigrs.uarrived of Neve
Pork for the yes Sift lath Deere
bee was 246.111_ t. lbs PA
Rreipresity.-.10 messes
see., she west Law vale. Wilma' lee.. (b.
termer tteymoer 1101 *•410.1 sued mow
R.eipreeily wteb GM.ds mot
7'beswathtowed ridt'bievdspol o1
oe yes 1M0 (6. Ist.rest d ern
at-- _ the los abltehm*et .l a .p).t..
- . a ,.► Jiwlsiit "TWO
flue .ndred bb*Ntsnts.
Ur ibis eileuleuen, the pop.lau
weeld, as peace sad ehtb.asi
May attain to the .it.otess
0800. if we suppose the e
the world to he double that of Am
sotwitbataoding the CO.pseett
y of the land, Poe eakutattoo at
pt.d; if we say Dothisg of Aust
she Tenons tabtpalago.,)tt woe
t 8.000,000,000: and thee tbe e
populauos of the entire glo
amount to 11.000,000.000 et
times the prevent number'
F•as.e as. Lanr knr.-P
the emi.ost 1st, d
Me e ploo advanced by roe,
wearing away of the rocks
Falls may possible result is
Brie. In a recent lecture 6e re
will mot halt at their pr to
retreat slowly and sorely shoo
• further, where they stop ego
sown period, sod probably for-
• pi this.ptaes the tied limestose
aealf both base and top of the falls
shish the. 4 la
he isettslise ef re Nair
to he /away real os
krbww Iisteres.
U':TION OF 1 11
10 AX1
over, eatruoe$ to rho • t
with .$,r7 apprebensies
N the di etrom overflew et
the 44 term with tad oe-
.g et 5 o' river hod rises 5
fiat, 7 seise of the city, at de
horn the wharf were soh-
merged, ia4 flit /i +gu.-udwg oec-tkw
oaks way to On eras ta.
Les everisg the sou is as thi
hoe .f the store .f d n Bro., es{
Je1a t harder, oo `idea of Wall
Street, tied the nerd doomed may of the
heenneeo Water street MP. inundated.
The seferisgs aid loess of *011 OT poor
families who resided sleet AN tiler is very
Rms. Prom the upper 'thief all the way
shag the creak, .•d the saw stills, the
whole cowry is en:rgowed, without o s es -
tie of dry gnssd to bet aces is any direction
Some aim or eight norm of lumber are to
eat danger of bases swept away by Hs
oaf. -
Tbe Rolling Min, goeeiag milts, and the
Louisville haggis; wufaetwy are i.sndat-
d, end °perstimes of course Asd d lu
the lower part of the city the factories, in-
cluding the boiler makers, and the Smothers;
are all overfi•wnd,aed much of their sestenel
ander water.
The sbippng port is all oversewed
sad Fieldale pos.sssee butuae spot of dry
land, al! else as far u t8• ens c.. reeob id
a dessert of waste waters, ell the horses
one tboeher hauog W rime /Lavine
over their Bret doors.
At New Albasy the Pork booms are oo.
tamed by the back water, *ad the begs
Om hooks and the pork intim warehoo.•d
te ire removed. Two of the sang
ale us the stocks are partilally seder
Mee. Capt. 1- C. Russel sail the coe-
wtore are wing every ez.ruon to pri-
est loss, add have chained the boats
The water rises almost es fact se an
reheats can remove Thar goods (root
it warehouses- B. Dutllteid tt Co., toad s
09100 moo to as cap•ace .f 95 costs
r hour; engaged tS hours in reusorus
frumpish provision* warehouse on
✓ iver They removal 43,000 Immo,
w.tuaid so Iwo At the Farmer's
bocce sotto&rsa►Yoo•bae`. e•"r•.,'..i." -+ ,.,.
barrels o(tMle.rs* bate hese rioted
perms wbe mere tbrsateaed by the
The Kiesies'tvi River was fillets yutef-
, sad loll of tl••sting res. •
tad prosperity,
Ahei embly awl (6. rapid and sur• d.- or Westeraifi iy d Gds pveaeut time,
8i%.S. of the rock. Stens have thought present a K is tie lioiw, air
d world Coolly reach • Lake Erie, eatiatactioo y,wiie► eateoded
Sesta ehh lake would be competelylike a death pal over Itds *vestry a few
dy, Ruch an event is impo.nble.- a bick,asd for ttiMeb vie Idiould be
tel already ,way the the ace of that lul to a Divine Proeidesea,*adthe just
ibadually wear awry the surface thylit
lienees. forsuog a rapid, and heoceforth sial enlightened views of those who lave
Nixie be use of the tot wueden of II been placed it the Qositio* to adedmieter
es •n 1 public affairs. The a rodietiow of British
-There i. Nothing of much ed- Icap*W into Canada has bees one of the
importance Ir the intelligence : pneetpal mosso of the pressed prosperiWild ty or
feeeetw. It appears that the senate I Oesomunlry, ustl the eng.sq
hgglopted the proposal fur an annual a • - kind of bibi*Ysa. 9'l!b paltry spirit
stleoce, equal to five millions of dolly at M tin noisy the flew of
ageiperor, besides the venous ro7 t its cosies-
the country, yf.adlag • ii- wbj
sierelepout a million and a Miff afore. a from wYeh used
alms du not include the yearly ie• a tl, di tI sI w e hssrl,
Mt be gra•ted•to the futon Empress f' it. TM eowtry
h will be specially voted after thr' fatleQrs rod mawfiehtttlrs err et-
-At the same time a Novenae ``ce a higbi nmuoentinlapail hr
mud* fur •a -King Jero'ne and Iota { 1, , .. un aN skill. Taw et ` apace
s.zt ropre.00tatire of the Int ►- u 1 to ai b t10
gin iywaYts`_ pay
) tit $300,000 par annum. The
...Brats in fever of the &usage -
SO to ei. The question to the
el the Pope being induced to Mit
jewfuros the coronation lie still its
but mollies smote to Wrepos-
that under oo circumstances
medical* accompany •ed the
publicly sod 'lawn officially gives
determinsisoe is the seueosity
Poo, id Mould guard tipsiest eoer.=
mice by bonnie bis abdication
de of the sawed college, so thst
'lay upon Om Dathmtwn %Mg
d totters time ho ie sada ramie%
t proceed to's new election. --
coarse le underatood to have
n eed by hie predecestior, Pima the
, when 65 quitted; Rome to crown
le of the preient g:uperior and the
ty of its beteg followed on the ex
caame is itaid to be ettetagly lama.
be Amon* and Roesia•--(Leedon
puniest uf N• Y• Cosamicia! Ad
• fees Quebec to will am-
ple of taborer*,
t for Me roam et*
, l of the Great Wilstro) will
de laboren, Le well is the reads
various leading to the rear teereedipi
from the of the lake and the river. -
It is i e to look to the futon with-.
thsllollist Canada SI CleStined 10 114 i
-tWiestry of h, wealth sod, we hope
simians f people. We trust there
win be not doty to mar the glorious
'Ind eyen cii" of our ways, true wisdom
suuests that should !select elate, sod
in s few years will rise foils her *-
fumy into the 0( fell itashood, dot 't
bare all the r bloom te lei '-
position. The ity with tke liaised •
"ids is Do% liktfIZ granted further thee •
temyt to arra et* Aooless, es do .
we do. Tho trade ohm York
Beaton an in favor o ieedial it, 1114
ether parts of the rain not putiv.
Ilse revile.' tinde Mid a ad
the ' Alen or 14
bog your pardon," 'aye the 11,. „sot initials to it, mod US
y dide,t see Poe oet000rk of yews: s.,' iscipesefty unless it
NW thief/ noterions esch ether
▪ nature thee an eLl outpost 'asps
spider. 11. w eeeee his web is se•VrA'
oo :ight behind to show the
to itiow his set, bat In oohed. like,
Aerobe emit' to th • derk office to ret -
title's Sy, Wok's of notion' lam bei
tiful wings and well mad* legs. sod
• heels into the set.
'noir& nailed, and mod, workieg
oet tifeet my eyrie' and able beckoned
Mk bay , vibe was needing apart to
-evidently se 1 rolprg.
„Jobe, what's this I seer said lite
COMO tell me what you bete
sod word wet have the leers without it;
be thrills be eves ever air reacts, be moil
set I.' was sr ee Idsoso,'asd OH be mita
Wet drithiog *nay doe
be Was , SOW
*we.. Thant nee
oaten deal, they oeght to here gar
ell dec. I'm afraid I've cl,aisi inieehitsf afa hava 110.
es pa• rtite. gesso Ps my bolts
p; Out prav don't MOVII or you tray
u ed the ousts with
hoed to you: I .ttoe't morons it." lesiecliettiern ,
ys. sad goo reedy be the erratum
e • that what I lay 'Iowa 1 steed t.e." the
ble• d, oosi WI say all dalas4•4
eath sod Pete theses car,
L3t Fr Irsh soy rad '•160
t sal ft pay Weals.'
grAli; tab. alit..
I ,a1 411. sod lata is a
it es as ebeeteet
delihe LI.' 140 41 aor
ettl Igo eel, se
.t noorn.elt Paetelee etas' so