HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 14if."1;;A;1.111"4"1"1.E1A411AK,14,11.61,C0-.41.1i111^4,,i4,4701.4"147""71,414,17"..ANTS":11,11i,"q".91",11.754S,1111141^,,,,,^1=1"4".
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The Titre;.A0v9c;te., ,Nov•rnh•r 16, 1961
Phot » RtIcty
Couple exchange rings
In a doable ring ceremony in ing accessories and corsage Of
t. James Church, Clandeboye, pink Sweetheart roses.
decorated with white mums, She was attended by her sta-
,Ritth Ann (Suzy) Merles s, ter, Mrs. Robert Munro, Gran-
iletighter of Mr. and Mrs. Her- ton wearing a green stroller
ry Murless. Clandeboye, and suit with brown accessories and
4tpwart Russell Simpson, son corsage of white mums. Mr.
of Mr, and Mrs. Russell Slow- Munro was groomsman.
.een. RR 1 Clandeboye, were A wedding reception was
united in marriage by Rev, E. held at the home of the bride's
O. Lancaster, parents in the village.
Given in .marriage by her fa- The honeemoon was spent in
tiler the hride wore a, light the 1.S.A. Mr. and. Mrs, :Stew -
beige stroller suit with mateh. son will reside at Arva. •
Honeymoon to Florida
A honeymoon trip to, Florida
followed the marriage in Knox
Presbyterial) Church, Guelph,
decorated with bronze and yel-
low ellYsanthemums and ferns,
• of Jean Saretta Ferguson and
R. Raymond Cann, on Saler-
. day, November 11, at 3 p.m.
• The bride is the daughter of
A•• Trs. Peter Ferguson and the
• lat'e Mr. Ferguson, Guelph, and
M4'. and Mrs. Robert Cann.
RR 3 Exeter, are parents of
the groom.
;Rev. D. Crawford Smith,
MC. performed the double ring
c e re m o n y and Mr, Martin
• Bitter. Rockwood, provided the
wedding music and accompani•.
ed the soloist, Mrs. Kenneth
MacLean, Toronto, who sang
"Because" and "W e d d i n g
Given it marriage by her
-uncle, the• bride wore a• floor-
length gown of ivory peau-de-
soie styled on princess lines
with aisle -wide skirt. The ho -
dice of rosepoint lace with
square neckline and long lily
Parkhill, and james Loree,
Guelph, ushered.
A reception for 130 guests
was held in. the church hall.
The bride's mother received
guests in champagne lace
sheath underlined with peke
de-soie and matching ;jacket.
She wore a magenta pillbox
with gold accessories. The
groom's mother chose a dior
blue faille sheath with magenta
and black- accessories,
For travelling the bride
changed to a black and white
checked suit with Persian lamb
collar. black. trotter -length Per-
sian lamb coat with stand-up
mink collar and Mink -trimmed
pillbox hat, 'She wore a -yhite
purple -throated orchid.
Mr. and Mrs. Cann will re-
side at RR 3 Exeter.
Guests were present from
Alma. Erin, Arkell, Welland,
Detroit, Galt, London, Toronto,
Stratford, Woodha' m
Exeter and Clandeboye.
point sleeves was re -embroider-
Home economi
,• eV; whir 'Ftanslucent•
and seed pearls with matching to at.1m‘n e
lace -appliqued panel extending
down the skirt which flowed
to a chapel train. Her tiny
tiara of aurora borealis crys-
tals held her elbow - length
pouffed veil of four - tiered
hand -rolled illusion tulle. She
carried a white pearl -encrusted
Bible topped with a mauve
orchid accented with hand-
picked heather from Scotland
and trailing ivy.
Mrs. William Roth. London.
cousin of the bride, was matron
of honor and bridesmaids were
Miss Sylvia Taylor, Petrolia,
and Miss May Ferguson, Scar-
borough. All were dressed in
street -length gowns of blue
rosepoint lace underlined with
Peatt- de -sole with collarless
jackets. They all wore crown. Mrs. Woods presided for the
less •white fur fabric pillbox program.
hats with matching muffs, Mrs. ,lames Miller gave
adorned with a corsage of yelreport of the London Area
low baby mums. Debbie Love. Convention and Mrs, Franklin
Parldiill, niece of the groom, Skinner reported on the South
was dressed in •a gold velvet Huro.n WI executive meeting.
dress with hat and muff A. collection was taken foi• the
matching the other attendants Children's Aid Christrnas fund.
and corsage of bronze baby Mrs, Norrnan Jaquek and her
mums. Ringbearer was Stephen committee,Airs. Jud Dyke -
Graham, Erin, cousin. of the man, Mrs. Delmer Skihner and
Mrs, Miss Skinner served an
Jams Dougall. Exeter, was interesting lunch of "supper
groomsman and James Love, dishee." with recipes for each.
Mrs. Jackson Woods gave. a
talk on the poem "In Flanders
Fields" and its author at the
home economics and health
meeting of Elimville Women's
Institute last Wednesday. -
Mrs, Delmer Skinner demon-
strated a whole meal salad
and Mrs. Gilbert Johns gave
several timely household hints,
The roll call "Dow I. would
*like to he remembered if I
were in the hospital,- was an-
swered by 32 members.
Mrs. Philip Hern discussed
the motto "Today's best should
be the starting point for to-
morrow." Mrs. Tom Campbell
favored with an instrumental
and Kathy Hern with a solo.
50 year
Air. and Airs. George ,
Main Street S.. telebrate
golden wedding annivers'
Saturday with a family
and social time at their
They have three sons:
Greeton; Melvin, Wuu
and Harvey, Kirkton; are
daughter, Airs. Garfield
semi Thomson, EXeter, a
Airs. Wright vas the ft
Ada Tucker. Farquhar.
were married, by Rev.
Powell at the Mala
Methodist parsonage. T
farmed clear Elimville re
to Exeter 12 years agu.
Besides the family
Wright's sister, Mrs.
Cleveredon, and daughter,
Joy Tippet of Welcome.
Trenton were present.
y ori
HQ•spitat atlxiiiary
. •
elects new officers.
Mrs. •Cterald, Godbolt, was 401), Nth( has presided for the
elected president for 192 of past year,
the Women's Ana:Wary of South Honorary presidents are Mrs,
Huron Hospital at the annual E. Irwin And Mrs. R. N.
meeting on Tuesday afterneen. creeelit Viot.pre$14ehts, Mrs,
She suceeeds. Aire. J. U Due- AllAe Eraser, 'Airs. R. C. Dle-
- ney and Mrs. Ta_yler;
McGillivray WI ,Totui Go
man: recording secretary, Mrs. G,
maw ,assistant, Mrs,.
• uss..11. vorrespond.
, ass.s
lug secretary, Mrs, Valeria
Arm t • g; lant r s.
Geandmothers Were special Rkilae.r4 Jrcasur.".
isti(lute hist Wednesday after-
107sa.ts the mc,G.iiih.rav ..iaVinrtt, L4Z117,11.01101114..a.„ aShiaits:
.Prizes for the .oldest- grand-
mother went le Mrs, A. Ers,
kine; yoengest, Airs, Joe Carey;
most grandchildren, Mrs, Eras -
Cr DiN011, Mrs. C,Regera and
AIrs. Pickering; svhilest hair.
Alvs, Earl. Morley; youngest
grandchild, Mrs. C. Rogers;
grandmother 'weighing the least,
Airs, Davies,
Contribute gif
for adopted b
— Mr, and Mrs. George. Wright,
their golden. wedclitig 1111111Ver
fainily gathring. Mr. and Mrs.
lifelong Usborne residents and
Exeter IKinettes at their r
ing Monday evening held a
borne of Mrs, Les Parket
eided to send $10 and a s
gift to theft adopted Chi
boy for Christmas.
A donation of $10 was y
to Sick Children's Aletni
Hospital, London, and $2:-.
the museelar dystrophy fen
Mrs. Irvine Armstrong
fine mistress and the draw
won by Mrs. Gordon Buell
Assistant hostesses were
Clare Hoffman and Mrs. L
Fete bride-ele
at tea, shower
in California
Th, Reception'
the Ali-, And Airs. Harold Hun
or, Exter, held a reception
ano Green Forest Lodge in hono.
of their youngest daughter, El
Der heth Esther, and her husbi
limy X Mignotte, The Ye
of couple Avert married in 1)
er, ny, Califoreia, and were h
the on their hneymoon,
of -
tcrian, Airs. Gordon .Koch:
Auditors, Ales. Ewa a Pyin and
Mrs, Muriel Sweet; staff rep-
resentative, .1'4ise Alice Clay,
pole; Board rep.. Mrs, T. Cr.
Dunlop: cancer .$90101.5' rep,,
Mrs. II. Murray;
Committee convenors are:
iutraes, Murray;
Mrs. R. C. Dinney; buying,
Mrs. 11, Pollen; cutting and
sewing, Mrs. Bruce _TeekeY;
Mrs, Davies gave a talk on membership. Mrs..11
. E. Pool-
ber trip to California, The ey; tray, Airs. Rufus Kestle;
motto "As time draws pencil ways and means,. -card. Party
iineabout the aging face Jet Mrs, V. Hennessey, Mrs, Ben -
us grow in virtue, kindness and .son Tuckey; spring rummage
grace" was fescussed by Airs. sale, Mrs. 'IV, G. Cochrane,
Carey, Roll call: was answered Mrs, H.If. Cowan; tag day.
nt ars, Glen Miekle, Airs. E. 'W.,
d- Brady; fall. rtlIntnitge sale,
Mrs. E. D. Howey, Mrs. It,
•••.e Soutecott; publiC retaUDIIS,
s. Mrs. Southcott, Mrs, M.
rt C. Fletcher; norninating, Mrs,
i- Fred Dobbs.; program, Mrs,
Allen Fraser, Mrs, R. C. Din-
a ney, Airs, Harold Taylor; visit-
ing, 'Mrs. J G. Dunlop, Mrs.
Ward Fritz; pianist, Mrs, R.
n E. Balkivill,
y Mrs, R. E, Russell presided
•e, for the election Of officer,
e Mrs, C. S. MacNaughton pre -
seined the slate and Mrs. Fred
Dobbs installed the IleW of-
irs. -Godbolt in assuming her
W, G. Cochrane in 1
or of, her daughter, Marl
whose marriage takes place
Saterday afternoon, entert
ed at tea Saturday aftern
and evening.
Receiving with Mrs. Cf
rane and Martha was
goom-elect's mother. Mrs;
win, Gesell°, Zurih.
Atenditig the door in the
ernoon was Mrs. john P'r
ad in the evening, Mrs.
H. Cowen.
Pouring tea front a t
covered with a handmade 1
cetwork cloth centered wit
flower arrangement of
roses and: white shasta m
flanked by candles embed
in pink roses held in cry
swan were the bride -el
grandmothers. Mrs. G.
Martie, London, arid Mrs,
G. Cochrane, Exeter, in
afternoon, Mrs, Ernest Tt
helm and Mrs. Norman Case
Zurich, poured coffee in
Mrs. Hilton Laing and
John Burke assisted In the
ing room in the afternoon
Mrs. Douglas O'Brien and Ai
Herb Turkheim in the evenli
Showing the trousseau, w
ding and shower gifts in
afternoon were Mrs. C. S. M
Naughton.' Misses Roxan
'Beavers, Robin Smith and Jo
Martin, and Mrs, Ward Ft
and Misses Janet Gasche, Jo
Martin, Elizabeth and Ma
.Cochrane, in the evening.
Feted at Showers
Several pre -nuptial event
have been held honoring Mi
Martha Cochrane prior to h
marriage in Caven Church
Saturday. •
Shower hostesses were Mr
Allen Gascho, Zurich, Mrs.
C. binney and Mrs. R. L. Be
vert and Roxanne, Mrs, Andre
Johnston arranged a coffee pa.
ty when each guest gave th
bride -elect a .container of h
favorite jam or pickles.
Eastern Sta
instals slat
Mrs. Earl Campbell was
nk stalled as Worthy Matron
Exeter Chapter No. 222 01
of the Eastern Star last
eesday evenleg.
Other officers installed a
Worthy patron. .11,r, Earl Ca
bell; associate Inatrall,
5, Henry Bierling; associate
[ton, Mr, Stanley Love; set
he Lary, Mrs. W. E. Middle
ts treasurer, Mise Kathleen H
he conductress, Mrs. liedley
vn associate conductress,
s. Harold Broderick: .chap
le. Mrs. Leonard Trott;
Marshall, Mrs. Robert
vn Kinley; oeganist, Mrs. Cl
on McBride; Ad -a h, Mrs, How
d Truenther; Ruth, Mrs, IP
Mills; Esther, Mrs. Win
of Morley '
Jr.• Alartha, Airs.
Corbett; Electa, -Mrs. Kenn(
se Arke; warder, 'Mrs. Aec
le Scott.; sentinel, Mr. Harry
le Strang.
er The installing board inch
ed: installing officer. M
Stanley Love; installing patte
Mr, Stanley Love; installi
marshall, Mrs, Wm. B
installing ' chaplain i\1.d'rew Crozier; DVGA1';' ids
ling organist, Mrs. Willi
Cann; installing warder,. AI
•',`'.gJack Dlekins: installing se
fiel,Air, Garnet Patterson.
0 -
office as president paid irie
bute ta the fine leadership Aire,.
Dunlop, had given during her
term of .olfice.
Annual reports were give
and. also Airs Dunlap and
flodboil gave their reports of
be. Ontario Despital Associa,
tion ti on, in Toronto,
They said. atter meeting with
other Auxiliaries they were
proud to Meng to a hospital
free .of debt and also that the
• AUxillary has a representation
ort the llespital Board for only
61'; -of the Auxiliaries in I')ntal.
rle <le and in may a small per-
e-entage do the representatives -
have voting erivileges.
• The Alitiliary has raised
over $3.000, this year and the
major project was buying an
autoclave for the hos.pital
Ca thy':
Beauty Lounge
147 MAIN ST. PHONE 645
Perms - Cuts Sett - Tints
Monday to friday, 9.6
Tyes, .5, Thurs. Evenings Only
Closed Saturday
Beauty Salon
Haircuts - Styling
Perms Treatments
Monday to SaturdaY.
Tuesday 84 Thursday E'vertinge
Barbara Roth, Operator
carry your
stmas wishes
Wish her a merry Yule
. . a happy future . .
with a fine, and
fashionable handbag.
0 -
[imam JP&V
...V, • •••,,
- • "tee
• Others assfsting were Mrs/
Elgin McKinley, Mrs, litifue
Kestle, Mrs. Garnet PAtter-
son, Airs, Allan Fraser. Mr'.
W. E. Middleton and Mr, Elgin
Visitors aitended from Blyth,
Seaforth, Clinton, Parkhill and
St: Maus,
fluffy 1.41.k eath, o fragrant
powder which makes billowy'
bubbles, and Both Mit. Blue
Grass. $2.25
for grand giving..
On Friday afternoon Mrs.
J. Sweitzer entertained friend
at lea honoring Mrs. Georg
Jaques on 11,r 80th birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sweitter et
tertained at 6 o'clock dinner
Dominion Mite], Zurich in ho
or Mrs. Jaques,
eAt to -wit
They appreciate
the "EXTRAS"
"Dad, I read about a me
Who Was a linarteial genius
What does that mean?"
"It meant that he coul
earn money faster than 11'
family eould spend it."
Silhouette Hair Fashions
Under Pauline Adams
Graduate of Bruno's Sehool C Hair Dsign, London,
and adVaneed training Sehotil iti Toronto.
Regular $ 6.75
Begular $ 825
Regular $10.50
Begular •$12.56
Regular $15.00
SPECIAL $ 5.25
SPECIAL $ 6.75
SPECIAL $ 8.50
SPECIAL $10.00
SPECIAL $12,50
Free Gifts to the First
50 Customks!
OURS: Mn,,, Tue., Wd. and Sat — :00 A.M. tO 6:00 p.m,
Thursday And Friday 1:00 a.fh. to 9:00 pm.
* Phone 882
409 Main 5Woof
Flower Mistql oz.), Both Cubes
(3) and Heart•hape Soaps (3).
Blue Gross. $2.50
'Nw fashion spotlight
gloves . so Santa
Surprises her with all
the lengths and colors
she likes.
Blue Grass Bath Mit filled *ll,
creamy soap, and Trovel.rk
Dusting Powde. $2,7$
..c.42MNOUrteleAlPlko 7-77V
1' •
Luxury Both SON (4 oz.) ancl
Both Soap ..symhony lh pink
and June Getohium frootohea.
ed away, safly, gntly.
ns keep their likediew
Nes "body" to ebries,
sh of neness, resists
for pretty
Dapper little fashions
for the diaper
Sat, dOeigiled to be
adorable and easy
LG CATO for,
anal press protects drape
its new4oking longer,
• ,1,^111,f44,11"
• .C1) r,
(e e,) end Both Soo. AIn, lo
Brue Gres,
ora. Ltd„ •
T LE ir
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