HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 13cash 16 Pro HOUS, to be dismantled and removed, with'or •without fix- tures. Contact Leonard novelle, phone •68r3 •Grand Bend, 16'" Property For Sale 21 Notices SAVE YOUR WASTEPAPER for the ;Lions' paper drive coining soon, This drive is to support the Boy Scout work. y these 16:23c C, V. PIt:PAJID REAL ESTATE & rNSURANCE We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see us. We also solicit your business for any typeof general insur- ance, C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Mem St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 :MARTIN WEBER Elmira, Ont. .Producers of 71IAII im3 BRAND SEEDS announces the appointment of W. Victor Kni P RR 1 CENTRALIA Phone 378.12 Exeter as district agent for all your seed grain, grass seeds and hay pasture mixtures. Don't be disappointed in the Spring .. , place your seed orders early. 9:16c HVINYOUR8;24c ' shampoo andetf betall ween Nov 16 and Dec. 16 entitles you to REAL ESTATE EXETER 3 bedroom, L. room, kitchen, D. room, at- tached garage, F, base„ oil heat, excellent terms, $2,400.00 down, $55.00 monthly payments. EXETER — 3 bedroom, L. room, D, room, kitchen, garage, well located, oil heat, $1,500.00 down, Terms. EXETER — New 3 bedroom, L, room,, D, room, kitchen, H, W. heating, attached garage, $4,800.00 down, Terms. EXETER — 3 bedroom, 1 block from school, oil heat, terms, EXETER — Huron St. large brick home, suitable for dup- lex or three apts.-2 up and 1 down, large lot, 2 bathrooms, oil heat, garage, terms. EXETER New 3 bedroom hone, west side of town, L. room, D. room, kitchen, full basement, .well located, terms. EXETER — New 3 bedroom home, L. room, D. room, 'kit- chen, full basement, oil H. W. heat, terms. 3 GENERAL STORES: One with lunch counter, residences attached, on main highways, $6,000.00, $8,500.00 & $22,000.00, terms arranged on all three properties, MILK ROUTE, Exeter area, profitable business, terms. FARMS MT, CARMEL 125 acres DASHWOOD 200 acres 150 acres 100 acres 100 acres 150 acres ICIPPEN 150 acres GRAND BEND: Four lake front lots Two cottages (Oakwood) Five cottages (Southcott Pines) Two cottages (Sharrow Survey) BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 WE HAVE OTHERS (Listings invited) zURICH ipr7CREDITON W. H. HODGSON — LIMITED — REAL ESTATE Phone 24 Exeter Exeter M. J. Geiser 24 G. E. Dow 83 W. C. Dace (Grand Bend) 62r3 Phone W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St., Exeter 200 acres, Exeter, suit cash crops or cattle production. 200 acres, Seaforth,.cash crop or livestock farming. 200 acres, Dashwood, suitable for livestock or cash crop. Highway 165 acres and 150 acres, Choice 143 acres. See before 'buying elsewhere, and hundreds and fifties. Hardware stores, general stores, houses. RUSS BRODERICK,- Salesman Box 124, Phone 1187W 11:9tfc 17 Property For Rent COTTAGE, 3 -room, suitable for 1 or 2 persons, central location. R. E. Balkwill, 47 John St. E., Exeter, phone 89.1. 16c FRAME HOUSE, brick -sided, 3 bedrooms and bath, garage and garden. Phone Harry Arn- old, BA 7.4428 Lucan, 16c MODERN HOUSE, 3 -bedroom; oil furnace, available Novem. her 150 Highway 81, near Grand Bend. Apply Elmer, Desjardine, phone 38.11, Wottld gentleman with blue Chev car, Quebec license, call again.: 1Gc 18 For Sale Or Rent FOR, SALE OTt RENT Good brick tri r home with modern facili• I ties, near Exeter, with 2 or 3 aeries of land, Phone 456W3, Exeter, Ont, 16* 19 Wanted To Rent rAI;.M With'bu.ildirigs and good Pliable Rand, not necessarily F:•titer victniity, "Write Box 12FI'`R or apply '.rintes•Advo. Bate, Exeter, 16c ':FURNISHED light ltousokcep, $hg •room in Exotef_ with kitchen 'lr,rivileges, (',hone Th) et' apply rifi'es•AiiVedate, 14* chance on a free draw for you next perm or 2 free sets a Christmas and one for Nei Years. Watch for further notic in next week's edition. For a pointrnent phone Crediton. 23 6384, Doreen's Beauty Nooke 1 Treasurer's Sal Of of land For Taxes TOWN OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant . is- sued by the Mayor of the '"own of Exeter under his hand and the seal .of the said, corpora- tion bearing date the 8th day of August, 1961, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Exeter will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Exeter, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the morning on the 6th day of December, 1961, unless the . taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears o taxes was published in Th Ontario Gazette on the 2nd da• of September, 1961, and that copies of the said list may b had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of August, 1961. C. V. PICKARD, Treasurer 9:7-11:30c NEIN CLASSIFICATIONS MAKE T•A CLASSIFIEDS EASIER, FASTER TO BUY & SELL AT PROFITI 1 Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3 Male Help. Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Farm Stock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12, Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. Articles For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For • Rent 18. For Rent 19. Wanted To .hent 20, Property Wanted 21, Notices 22, Legal Notices 23. Tenders Wanted 24. Auction Sales Don't forget that people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold—but So has a hard-boiled egg. >1"' ffna.r..i� x.FR lea'' '•"ws £ %tEZ'k:.'.<'.??YSS 3M:'a sTS"`'�.,'.�t'ia:%c�.`£a»�z to more t1 21 Notices TOWNSHIP :11F HAY Nomination ination' Public notice isere h by given in .compliance with By Law No. 16, passed October 3, 1961, under authority of the Muni. cipal Act, a meeting of the electors of the Municipality of the Township of Hay will be held in the Tonwship Hall In the Village of .Zurich on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24,, 1961 at the hour from one to two o'clock p.m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and Coun- cillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1962, and fpr the two Trustees for the Hay Township School Area Board for 1962 and 1963. When a proposed candidate is not present, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there is attached thereto evi- dence in writing signed by the proposed candidate satisfactory to the Returning Officer that he consents to be nominated,. In case a poll is demanded, polls will be opened on MONDAY, DEC,. 4, 1961 in the severalpolling sub• divisions of the Township as follows: Poll No, 1 r-- School House No. 2, Percy Campbell, DRO; L. Chapman, Poll Clerk, Poll No. 2 Stewart Bell Residence, Lot 20, Con, 3; Hugh McEwan, DRO; Allan Crerar, Pol]. Clerk. Poll No. 3 — Town Hall; Bert Klopp, DRO; Joe Hoffman, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 — Town Hall; Ted Steinback, DRO; C Deichert, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 5 -- School House No. 12; Hilton Truemner, DRO; C. Pepper, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6 — Earl Guenther Block; Reinhold Miller, DRO; Sidney Baker, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 7 — School House No. 3; James A. ,McAllister, DRO; Glen Weido, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 8 St. Joseph Esso Service Station; F. Ducharme, DRO; E, Corriveau, Poll Clerk. Said polls will be kept open from nine o'clock a.m. until. five o'clock p.m. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Returning Officer Dated at Zurich, Ontario, November 7, 1961. 16:23c Business Directory C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs,, Fri. 9 - 12, 2 • 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 • 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD. EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St„ across from PUC ST, MARYS PHONE 1272 EXETER NURSING HOME for Elderly Persons MRS, J. ROTH, REG. N. 30 Sanders W. Phone 787 DR. J: W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL. SURGEON Devon Building Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTORF 0 CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment Phone 606 N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone S3 DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON " L,D,S., D.D.S. Main Street Miele Closed All Dey Saturdays PRONE 36 W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensel! Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1:30 to 5:30 PHONE 1( EXETER BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Heed Office — Exeter, Ontario President Milton McCurdy, RR 1 Kirkton Vice•President Timothy B. Toohey ' RR 3 Lucan Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cron arty Alex J, Rohde RR 3 Mitchell Agents Harry Coates RR .1, Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Hugh Benninger Dublin Solicitor W. G. Cochrane Exeter Secretary•Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 701 EXETER TOWN OF EXETER Nomination AND ELECTION ublic notice is hereby given ;hat a :meeting of the electors of the Town of Exeter will be held in the TOWN HALL on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1961 (Between the hours of 7:30 o'clock and 8:30 o'clock in the evening) for the purpose of making and receiving nominations for Mayor, Reeve, Deputy -Reeve and six Councillors for the year 1962 and for one Public Utilities Commissioner for the years 1962 and 1963 and for three members of the Public School Board for the years 1962 and 1963. And further notice is hereby given that in event, of more candidates being proposed and qualifying for any particular office than required, to be elect- ed, an election will be held MONDAY., DECEMBER 4, 1961 when polls shall be opened from 9 o'clock a.m. until 6 o'clock p.m. at the following places with the undermention- ed officers in charge as fixed by town by-law: Polling Sub Division No. 1-A —at residence of Allan Fraser, 483 Main Street 8,; George Lawson, DRO; Vera Mason, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No, 1-B —at residence of Allan Fraser., 483 Main Street S.; Alvin Pym, DRO; Edna Taylor, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No. 2-A —at Town Hall, 322 Main St. S.; Asa Penhale, DR0; Grace Wurm, Poll. Clerk, Polling Sub -Division No. 243 —at Town Hall, 322 Main St. S.; Edna Simmons, DRO,' Helen Mickle, Poll Clerk, Polling Sub -Division No. 3-A —at residence of Lesume Des= Jardine, 157 Main St, S.; Sarah Laing, DRO, Grace McKnight, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -Division No, 3•B at residence of Lesume Des- ja1•dine, 157 Main St, S.: Wil- liam Allison, Lois ;O, i os Learn, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -.Division No. 4— at residenceof Mrs. Priscilla Hewitt, 156 Main St, N,; Nor- man Hackney, DRO; Labelle Harness, Poll Clerk. It should be that ttat wltco a proposed candidate is not present at the nomination meeting, his nomination paper will not he Valid unless there is evidence satisfactory to the returning officer that the pro. posed candidate consents to be so nominated. And all electors are hereby requested to merit thentn Selves aecordingly. Eiteter, Ont,, Nov, 7, 1961 CLARENCE V, PICKARD, Returning Officer 16:23c 21 Nlptices ,r. 'The. Ti,mes•Advocate, Ngyr•„en1 2,000 rea 22 Legal Notices In the Estate of Mary Ann McAnsh, deceased, Ali persons having claim against the estate of Mary An MeAnsh, late of the Town Exeter, in the County of "Huro on or abou the 9th t dayoed of i February 196 are required to file particular of the same with Bell & Laugl ton, Solicitors of Exeter, On feria, by the 2nd day of Decent ber 1961, after which date th estingate regard onll ly to those claim of which notice has been re ceived. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Adm inistratrix,. Exeter, Ont. 16:23:30e 23 Tenders Wanted 24, Auction Sales Simco! St., on which is situat- ed a well built 2 -storey frame dwelling covered' with asphalt shingles. Large living and din - leg ,room, kitchen, utility room, s 3 bedrooms and clothes closet; n full size basement; also small of garage; ample garden land. 1.: Please Note: Dwelling nicelyt situated and in first class state s 'inspecting repair. Convince yourself by inspecting this property before. 1- sale date. -r Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 3 e days. Sold subject to a reason - able reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & - i11ISC. ITEMS: Simplicity .elec !Eric washer, like new; GE xe frigerator; Enterprise 4 -burner heavy duty electric stove, in brand new condition; Quebec heater; Findlay coal and wood heater; dining room table, 6 chairs; k i t c h en table and chairs; bureau; chest of draw- ers; mantel clock; wardrobe; sideboard; various oak rockers and chairs; electric radio; centre tables; electric heater; studio couch; platform rockers; sewing machine; phonograph; trunks; clothes rack; 3 oak bedsteads complete with springs and mattress; dressers; com- modes; single steel bed with springs and mattress; antique bed; 2 fancy toilet sets; coal - oil lamps; electric lamps; drapes; feather tick; pictures and frames; curtains; large assortment of dishes, glass- ware, silverware and kitchen utensils; quantity of bedding, mats, pillows, linens; kitchen stove; congoleum rugs; copper boiler; quantity of fruit seal- ers and crocks; gale, tubs; lanterns; step ladder; lawn mower; oil drum; ]awn chairs; ton chestnut coal; garden tools; many other mise. items. Note: Anyone interested in viewing this property before sale date, kindly contact the auctioneer, TERMS; Cash. MRS. EMMA SUTTON, Prop, GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 9:16c TENDERS FOR FUEL fuele oi1,r sdeliverye1to Bethel Re- fornted Church, Huron St. East, Exeter, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Please address tenders and mail to Mr. Harry DeVries, Box 203, Exeter, Ontario, by Monday, November 20, 1961, 16c 24 Auction Sales Important AUCTiON SALE Of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the Premises, in the TOWN OF EXETER, 49 Simcoe St., east of Graham Arthur's Garage, he undersigedreceived instrucctti ions to csell eby public auction on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 at 1:00 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 1321, Town of Exeter, 49 13 ers 24 .Auction Sanas Clearing, AUCTION SALE Of :farm a ' M chlnery and.. Household Effects at Lot 9, .CPi1ee.5.49.n 7, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP, 11// miles .north and 2 miles east of Stella, on SATURDAY, NOY.EMBER 18 at 1:00 p.m, 0 Allis Chalmers D 272 diesel tractor, 1 year old, , li ke new; ,Allis Chalmers 3•furrow mount- ed plow; Allis Chalmers Model - 60 combine; Allis Chalmers roto baler; George White man. ure spreader; Massey -Harris 6- ft. binder; land roller;. Fair- - bank Morris 1.1 inch hammer mill; fanning mill; 16 -ft. grain gen,; diamond. haaurror;ws;2 icultiilkvatorcans; d u m p rake; quantity of lumber; cedar posts; spraying equipment,, sap pails; en qp menu; some sappan; householdchick' effects;eui other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS; Cash, No reserve; farm sold, WILLIAM GOVIER, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct, 16c eu1111umu,1.1111,,,,,nnm0101.,nummunnu11nu11unn1111un0111,mn11111,n11mnmmnnn01„11,11,uu11nn, isi Morfg�ges Other Services; Wills — Agencies — Executors — Administrators Trustee — Agent for Executors --- Property Management Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 7o Industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE. REALTOR AND INSURANCE Head Office: Sarnia Offices: Forest and Petrolia .n,11,m11mmn1,11m1111n1un,m,On11m,nm,nln,n11,nmm111m, 11m,11, 1, n,,,m i,,,°uunufin,gnUUh „ 11,,,,,1, 01,,,1, ,,,,„1„„n )„1 m m, n,„01,,1 n„m n m mn m„, n 01„1111 m,„m n m m m m,11 01,1 n, m,, FREE DEMONSTRATION IN YOUR HOME NO PIPE 1NO SMOKE ACL of FIRE! Get This Beautiful Fireplace New British technique transforms low price stove oil (at 21c per gal.) to PURE BLUE GAS lust like Propane or Natural, HEATS 3 ROOMS FOR 1/3'NORMAL COST See the big BALL OF FIRE In the mirror HEATING TRE FLOOR AT 10 FT, PROJECTION. A DAX oFOR REG. STOVE OIL 21c A GAL. FOR COLD APART. MENTS, SUNPORCH, CELLAR, PLAYROOM, COTTAGE„ ETC. (NATU- RAL GAS EFFECT) 10W., SAFE, ONLY WEIGHS 25 LBS. 16” s 16” s 16" PIPES N ol2 FLUBS SMELL 0 EXPLOSIONS CLEANING . Na* Gag -Oil British Buridng Techei oe t10 tli,n .No wick UNE BLS'1 En1ERGENCY HEATER Manual IlghtlnS rHE ENGLISH ARISTO- CRAT "ELJAY". The at, tractive natural looking heater whose (roses oloW is so enjoyable. BEAUTIFUL ELJAY NE�a PRESS • AND IT LIGHTSet The. SwrdIsl, Podette Dnilhle 'lank with reeking grill. 11/2 gain. attached In hack $44.95 65.00 Battery -Sett -lighting TALENT ���.� AUSTRIAN 0A ne CAMPER 41.4'frQU Puffy guarahteed, will last Many years without._• repair* Or def c e Lich. A- 1 .r se vice s spare r e p part$ hi stock sow 20 years to come. All types elf HEATERS' for:h rucks, Gatti,lg far Ftsl ii,g. I tultt� mg, also New German cabthet Mater for 6.7 •Apts. Wpi E FOR,CIRCULAR ON T1115'°sLJi4Y" FIREPLACE " "1 tfAA,EY,...Y.Y,• IDEAL t'UR YOUR A'1O5t1(. SHELVE;R 1 I AND ZMERGENCY isOwER IIRVAIMOWN ADDRE89 „YYYY,Y + "ASIC YOUR LOCAL DEALER ABOUT THE HEW ELAN' MATCHLESS''' Bruce Refrigeration'. P41ono 224 GRAND BEND 4' Main S. tlliihtt17,Ydeatn'nclid1'l1iYTn'tRl'titiaciiirit iliifica iyai,niV' pool t'jiiYYYTY oitiotn„tl'IYTeadidvd The street vendor said, -"Buy some flowers for your wife, mister?" I'in not married," mutter• ed the bachelor. "Then buy a bunch fa cele- brate your luck." November Prices Are The Lowest F COME IN, COMPARE '61 Chevrolet BISCAYNE 4 DOOR SEDAN Back-up lights, low mileage=, new car condition. '60 Envoy SPECIAL 4 DOOR SEDAN Windshield washers, new car condition, '58 Chevrolet BEL AiR 2 DOOR HARDTOP Automatic transmission, custom radio, special white- wall safety tires. '58 Chevrolet BEL AIR 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic transmission, wheel discs. '57 Ford CUSTC+MLINE , 2 DOOR SEDAN Radio, automatic transin s- sion, two-tone ,finish. • '55 Dodge 2 BOOR HARDTOP V8 engine, two-tone finish. GET OUR PRICE BEFORE YOU BUY SneI9 r Ltd < Chest *- Olds w Envoy Ph4ON'E 160 EXE11,1t at