HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 12VI llive 12 The. Times.AcIvecate, NeveitOer 16, 1961 • the. TimosrAdvocato dAssifieds to t.d..:alse Christina L.A$SIF1E Rag 2.2 Worda 85 tich Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850). 204 Off 1.1 peid by Saturday following last insertion, Second Insertion 21/2 PeP 0/m40- (111414mM $50) Six Insertions PIR MOM (Minimum 450) Serni-Pisplay Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) Eirst Insertion—Per inch $1,40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples o ½ ineh. Wins two fowl plus chocolates Mrs. Gerald, Skinner was a three -time winner at the Le- 4 .giOn bingo last Wednesday 1 Loo, Strayed 3 HEREFORD STEERS, 700 to 800 lbs,, from. PenceSalen 6, Bidduiph. Phone GI a r ee Hard, BA 7-4715 Locan, 16e FOX HOUND, large red -bone, Lost west of Pashwood. Tele- phone Daeliwood 44r8 or con- tact Jobe Willert, RR Z Dash- wood. 16;23: 30e HOLSTEIN HEIFER, 800 ie 900 lbs., strayed front Lot 11, Concession 10, Stephen. Anyone w i t information • concerning above, phone Crediton 234-6077 collect. 16c 3 Male Help Wanted RELIABLE young man; must be good all-around farm hand, Phone Clarence Hardy, BA 7- 4715 Lucan. 16e AVAILABLE AT ONCE: Good Rawleigh business, Selling ex- perience helpful but not re- quired. Car negessary. Write at once for particulars. Raw- leigh's, Dept. K -202 -'FT, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. Teen RELIABLE uor to take aver established ice-creani route, Apply Ken Hodgins, Centralia, phone AC $-6296, 16c evening. She ended up the eve- ning by taking home chocolates, a chicken and a turkey. For the second consecutive week Mr, and Mrs. Frank Triebner each took home a chicken, Other double winners were IVIrs, Stan Frayne and Douglas Beaver with two turkeys and -Mrs.- Lloyd Reynolds with two chickens. Other turkey winners were Mrs, Roy Hunter, Eric Swartz- enturber, Mrs. Clarence Knight, Airs, Peter Durand and Mrs. George Johnston. Chicken winners were Mrs. Percy Passmore, Mr, Bill Tay- lor, IsIrs. Wilson Morley, Mrs. Elva t Rowe, David Hunter, Jack Coughlin, Amos Darling, Gary: Middleton, Mrs, Bill Cut- ting and Mrs. Ed Johnston. Mrs. M, Wilson Usborne native Laura Blanche Hicks, widow of the late Mervyn Wil- son, 1040 Princess St., London, and daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks, Us - borne Township, died after a brief- illness on Saturday, No- vember 9. She received her schooling in SS No, ,5 Usborne and. Exeter High School after which she obtained employment in Lon- don and has resided there ever since, In 1936 she married Mervyn Wilson who predeceas- ed her in October 1959. Mrs. Wilson was active in the several ladies' organiza- tions_ in Robinson Un it e d Church where she had numer- ous friends. She leaves to mourn her loss one son, Davi d M. C., at home, and one brother, A, tfainet Hicks, of Exeter. The funeral took place from the Needham funeral home on. Tuesday, November 14, at 1:30 p.m., with interment in Exeter cemetery. ,-Fallbearers were Len Donald- son, Leo McInnis, Earl Gage, Bill Wilson, Donald McCann, Douglas Fulton. Two drunks wandered into a zoo...and stopped in front of a lion'scage. They stood watch- ing the animal a few minutes and suddenly it let out a roar. "C'mon, let's go," said one of the men. ''-`,Go ahead, if you want to," responded the ether, "I'm staying for the movie." Female Help Wanted Experienced Waitress DAY WORK BURKLEY RESTAURANT Exeter 16:23c 6 Business Opportunities "AVON CALLING" MRS. FARMWIFE NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? "And who doesn't?" With just a few hours weekly, you can earn that extra income. Openings in Stephen, Usborne and Hay townships. Car neces- sary, WRITE MRS, E. BELL, 84B Albert Street, Waterloo, ' or phone coRect, SH 5-0571 before 8:30 a,m. 14c:etw WHY WAIT when you can start your own business? No exper- ience necessary. Nothing to in- vest. References r eq u i r e d. Write J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. 9:16:23:30c -9 Ser AciisOli'.$ DEAD STOCK ser - Vice; 51.00 per 100 lbs., plus bent's, for dead, .(ild or disabled horses and pattle. Please Phone Promptly to Atwoed Zenith34000 010 tell eharge) or Atwood 35E- 40.44. gollect, Seven-day service License No. 103C61. 5:18tfnc Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVIVE PHONE 224 GRAND sem) 12:17tfc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Trod licensed under Dead Stock Di spoa al Act, Licence No, McSTEPHEN 66C61, 8:7-12;29* AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Creditor:, Behind Centralia Airport USED & REBUILT PARTS GUARANTEED Wrecking' '55 Dodge 6, '53 international Truck, '50 Chet/ 1 Ton PHONE AC 8-6214 11:16tfnc 19 form %a For Sale ! 13 Articles For Sule 3 FEEDER STEERS, good, Angus and Holstein, 800 to goo lbs. Apply to Alex F. Crag0,1 iRdloctlon.St. )lar's, Phone 99r8 160 TA41i,r411, 9, ft., cornPlete with all gonVell- lenees, in very good. condition, May be seen at Exeter Salvage Co, 16e -¶ ROMPER ROOM TOYS—Now's 11 Pooltry For Sale the time to layaway. We have 5 000 trnr in stlnk tf1" 5-15 WEEK OLD Ames pullets will give you early egg produe., tiQn. Also other varieties avail- , from, 1\lost complete selection in Western Ontario. Beavers Hardware, Exeter. 9:16c fsbThe 13tiaYeid6o i?de.r%1;r Now 2F6.E5lEvi: 'TURNIPS -- PieX lot of broilers. Bray Hatchery,' your OWI) at the farm of Keith Eric Carscadden, EXeter, phon,e ; Lovell, Kippen, phone Heosall 2461V. 9:1,6c • size 16 to 18, in excellent coo - 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 'LADIES' ORG JACNET, flgrey, 1956 BUICK Roadmaster con-dition, Phone evenings 990. vertible, new top, continental I 16c power equipped throughout, Plus' 2 snow tines. phone 1.1en:s1o6i,i, PEDSTAL chrome table, 4 9 339J3, matching chairs, $24.00. per set, various cetera; Quaker floor furnace, thermostat eontrolled, automatic, good shape, $40.00; coal and wood heater, walnut enamel finish, $8.00; 30 watt amplifier, microphone, two 12" speakers, almost new $145,00; commercial woodworking ma- chines, hand saw, power rip saw, table saw; 24" planer, jointer, vertical boring ma- chines, 24" wide steel roller conveyor, 100 It, Apply Hector For6ler, R,R 2, Zorich, Ont, BALLEPAP Graded Ballet & Tap Lessons EVERY WEDNESDAY Exeter Public Library 4 to $ P.m• ERRINGTON STUDIOS London Liliane Marleau Graham, L.F.A., director 9:21Unc ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderioh, phone JA 4-7917. 27:10nfne SANITATION SERVICE — Sep- tic tanks pumped, and genera) repairs, for immediate service phone Grand Bend 205, Bill Finch. 921-11:30* HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft, diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira. MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680, 27:10*tfnc PIANO TUNING and repairing, piano action work. Alf Denom- me, RR 2 Zurich, residence St. Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 Zurich, 11;2-2:22* CHAIN SAW CUTTING logs, stove wood, by job lot or hour- ly rate. Douglas Ovens, Claude- boye, phone Ailsa Craig 293- 3025. 10:26.12:28* DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, straight skirts $1.30, full skirts $1.70. Mrs. Shirley Wat- son, Dashwood. 11:16-12;21c RENT A FROZEN food locker. It costs less than three cents a day. Exeter Frozen Foods, phone 70. 11:16tfne 9 Services SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — Immediate service, al w a y s available. Harold Butler, Lit. can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 5:9*tfne ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing • or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5:25*tfnc ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor, Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Druz, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4:20tfnc RESTEMAYER & MILLER Dashwood See Our Large Selection OF SMART WORTHY' LW:JAPER ft WA StrAI3LE • PLASTIC COATED * SO EASY TO APPLY * SO SMART LOOKING • INEXPENSIVE TOOT • FADE -PROOF Decorate now and be ready for COmplitnetits front your friends. N6" NEL) TO WAIT FOR atil.V.8RY • • CHOOSE FROM. OM STOCK ON HAND EASK TO SEE OUR SPECIAL GRC)UP OF oRE-CHRISTMAS SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER BARGAINS Itesternoyer iit Miller PHONE EASHWOOD "Wei Aprientiate Y4ur litusinOse WATCHES & JEWELLERY Repaired Rings Sized WILSON'S JEWELLERY AND GIFTS MAIN ST., EXETER 4Tleasing you pleases us" 160 HAVE HORSES — WILL TRAVEL ANYWHERE . Removing Cattle From Pastures Is Our Specialty CONTACT RON SCHWARTZ, AC 8-6209 CENTRALIA 160 10 Farm Stock For Sale HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, bred Hereford, due soon, . vaccinated and blood tested herd. Phone John Berendsen, Kirkton 21r4, on 83 Highway. 2:9:16* 13 Articles For Sale FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensel). 696r2. 8:31tfnc SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, $30 for a truck load. A pp 1 y in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR. 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number io town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.ni. or be- tween 530 and 7:00 p.m. 6:1 tine APPLES, Spy, Delicious, Kings, Courtlands, Snows, Greenings, etc., $1,25 bushel and up. Sharrow's Orchard, 11/2 miles north of Dashwood, phone 136. 10: 1.9tfric. CHOICE APPLES; hand-picked from our young orchard, North- ern Spy, Red Spy, Macintosh, Kings, Talman Sweets,Snows, Delicious, Russets. Priced as low as $1,25 bushel, Phone Vic- tor Jeffery, 692W3 Exeter. 10:12tfric SPRAYED APPLES — Spy, King, Macintosh, T aim an Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Green- ing, Russet, Wolf River and cider apples, Phone HU 2-3214, Fred McClymont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 2:9:16:23:30* TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, Hollywood, fully e q uip p e d. Phone 716, nights only. „ 12tfc KELVINATOR 15 cu, ft. deep freeze, 4225.00. Sandy Eliot, phone 476. 16c FIELD CABBAGE, 50 per head, picked fresh from field. Apply Frank Hicks, Centralia, phone AC 8-6245. 16* 160 USED STOVE, 4 -burner, $35,00, one at $55.00; deep freeze, $150.00; used refrigerators, $35,00 and up; new refrigera- tors, $159,00 and up; used oil burner, $30.00; used power burner for oil furnace, $45,00. Bruce Refrigeration Sales, and Service,. phone 224, Gr an d Bend. 16c CHRISTMAS TREES, choice quality Scotch pine, reasonable prices, Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, Ontario, Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 2;9:16; 23c HAWAIIAN GUIT A R, beginner's, new strings; case, music included; used very little; reasonably priced. Phone 681, apply Ron Smith, 50 Victoria W., Exeter. • 16* PUPS, Boston terrier, well bred and well marked. R. Cameron, Box 195, Hensel. , 11:23:30* DINING ROOM SUITE, oak, 9 - piece; also bedroom furniture. Apply Mrs. A. Morgan, phone 179W3 Exeter., 16c WESTERN SADDLE, reason- able. Apply to Bob Preszcator, 404 Andrew SL, Exeter, phone 76W. •16* SINGING CANARIES, young, $6 each. Mrs. W. J. Frost, phone BA 7-4204 Lucan, 16c WOMAN'S COAT, winter, black and blue, size 10, worn 1 sea - on. May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 160 TURNIP PULPER, in good working condition, Phone 17653 Exeter. 16* 0111111111111111111111flIMMIIIIIII9H11111111U1140111,111111011011M1~1111111111M111111111111911$11M11110, The partners in the firm Davies, Grant, Denning & Benn Chartereiri Accountants • • take pleasure in -announcing— the admission to • partnership of • W. H. (HUGH) PATTERSON, CA, The firm name will be continued under the name of Davies, Grant, Denning and Benn. Mr. Patterson, who is residing in Exeter, will continue as managing partner of the Exeter office. $$$$$ imunitnimithmotimmuminnummoismuutiunfintmOmmummumiummu oo Easiest step you, can take to successful gift giving . • choose slippers for one and all. Our selection includes handsome slippers for men . • . glamorous slippers for the ladies . . . cute 'n' comfortable slippers for the kids, Conte in and select now for a wonderful Christmas fOr one and all, All the family like the foot comfort and good looks that come with slippers for Christmas. We have the right sizes, styles and colors for Morn Dad ail(' the. children. Come in and select now! COUPONS given with every pur- chase in the store. Be.sure you get. in on the giant "SHARE CHRISTMAS" draw offered by Exeter merchants. arfiert, CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS • KEN WATSON MALMO 1300TS • I3AUM SKATE'S • MetItiNt tillOGAGt Smyth s. Shoe Store PHONE. 4/6 Main Street EXETER, . 13 Articles For Sole GIRL'S WINTER SET, altiege, pink 'lvet with, white far trirn. size 7, ;a good condition. Mrs. George 'Pinney, phone 339J. 40* BIG DISCOUNT houses with :big overhead. ,e7SPeases cannot. Tnateb our big values in duality ritraittire and :appliances at low prices, We .pay no rent, ive draw no aolary. Sandy bot, 444 Main St. . BOXING GLOVES,. pair, suit- able far ages 8 to 'W. $4,00; Walkie-Talkie set, $3.00; boy'S hockey pants, size 8, $4.00, Phone 975 Exeter. 16e COOK STOVE, coal or wood, - In good condition, reasonable price. Mr. Westdorp,•Eliinville, phone Kirkton 32r18, after 6 p.m. 16:23* REriligER.ATOR, 0 cultic foot, full width freezer, Apply Ross .Tnekey, phone 515 Exeter. leen' FURNITURE and Appliances,— We show more, You see more,. You Save more when you deal. with Sandy Elliot, 160 PHILIPS tape recorders, hi-fi and TV seta. Look ours over while you are shopping, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 16e COMPLETE home furnishings, carpets, electric ranges, -re- frigerators, wringer washers, automatic washers and dryers, TV sets, bunk beds, baby fur- niture and ' carriages, easy chairs, chesterfields, lainps and tea kettles, You name it, we have it, and you'll like our prices. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 16c FANCY WORN,pillow cases, baby s ets, doilies, luncheon cloths all embroidered and crochet work on, Mrs. R. Baker, Henan, Ont, 16c CHRISTMAS TREES—Get your trees from the Exeter Boy Scouts. Supply of trees behind Main St, Church. 16:23:30:7:14c 15 Wanted $7,000,00 on first mortgage for priVate home) payable annual - or onit-annually. Box ZSW, Times -Advocate, 10:10tthe , . TRANSPcnyrATIoN, starting December 4, from Exeter Or Centralia to London, 5 dAYS a week, Apply. ,lint Hamilton, phone 389J3 Hensall, RELIABLE older lady would likepart time job baby-sitting 01' ironing, Phone 134 Exeter or apply 'g5 Main 51., Mrs. Harrington, 16TM' 16 Property For Sale NTEW HOUSE, a bedroontS, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. AI or t g a go arranged, Phone 356M Exeter, 4:20tfnq • wil.FREp MeINTEE Realtor MST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR PROMPT A.TTENTION, WE HAVE BUYERS for homes, farms and small busi- nesses, Listings on homes, farms and businesses urgently needed for reliable purchasers. 15 ACRE to 200 acre farms. BUSINESS and income proper- ty. Call Jack Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St. S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 HOUSE, 3 bedroom, r an ch style, with fireplace and base. ment, a substantial down pay- ment required, owner Will hold mortgage at 51/2%, Apply 236 Huron St, East, Exeter. 9:28tfne and For Ladies BABIES' WEAR Complete New Stock for Christmas •••••••••••••••••••0 16 Property For Sale PROPERTIES FOR $A14 3.FAMILY apartment, nice le- gation and showing a return of $1,700 grosa, The price is only $10,500. home; taxes are only $58 00. This will go fast at $6,300 with 43,000 down, 5T. hedreeill CORNER OF GIDLEY and Carling, Here is areal boy; bedrooms, dining roma:4 good furnace. The nrice is only $6,900. We have the key, MAIN ST, red rug brick home, beautiful condition, and you could wive In now, Price $11,000 with $4,000 down, NEW, ONE FLOOR 2 -bedroom home. This is ideal, for the small family, Imagine the price is only $7,500,00. GENshEoli:ou L;s,TOR7, 8ond village, nice clean stock. Let us BUTCHER SHOP, a good busi- ness; price $8,500 for every. thing. ICE CREAM bosiness, w11 lo - gated. Price $5,000,00 phis - stock, Illness forces sale. FARMS CREDITON, m o d ern brick house, good barn, implement shed, two -car garage, 56 acres of good land, All of this for $10,500, To inspect these' and others, contact: John Burke Real Estate and insurance Devon Building, MainphSontExeter e, 863 salesman: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, SKIRTS, SCARVES, GLOVES, PYJAMAS, LINGERIE, NYLON HOSIERY, HANDKER. CHIEFS, PARASOLS, ETC, — a wonderful variety. Glenayr Kitten Sweaters A lovely gift—Antron, Botany Wool and Orlon short and long sleeve pullovers and cardigans—$5.95 to 512.95 Dusters and Housecoats A large assortMent hi cotton and nylons, and 015, from $4.95 to $14.95. Sabre Slims Fine Italian wool in authentic tartans—$11.93, Blouses. Beadtifully tailored in Orlon, Terylene, Dacron and Cotton. Sizes 12 to 20-32.93 to 45.93. Hand Bags New styles in cornplimentarY colors. All leather -- $2.9S to 410.95, For The Home TOWEL SETS,'Llf4ENS, BEDSPREADS ANC/ 'THROWS, TABLECLOTHS,' WHITE AND COLORED SHEETS, For Men , TONY DAY SWEATERS in tiriamb Yarn sPoRT AMAZING NEW NO -IRON SHIRTS. STETSON GIFT CERTIFICATES With miniature hats . POLO PYJAMAS . ..„ , TIES, SOCKS,:SUBUKBAN COATS, BELT, ETC. - For Boys ALL.wooL NocKsy SWEATERS ...... SOX . ... SIA9 SHIRTS NO.IRON.,,titdAtiCLOT(4 S20.98 SPoRT,SHIRts 51.49 SX1 MITTS" SUAURstAN COATS grc FANCY PILLOW CASES, Sunny Spun Blankets Rayon and Nylon with satin:bound S6.9S to 412.95 to 47,95 $S,95 to 47,95 SS,fS JO S4.93 -F Fan d 45:35 C -11 I eI N, 0 $5,95 edges, 70x89 PHONE 190 Oeliory 'ecitsekestinseeleteagiteatio*dettiettatetattiveetateltsertmattee-Isitilmite!tee410440:0144 EXETER .4 4