HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 7Petithers d
juniors score only
,South Huron's. football squads itigll gear In the- second half ugh.,He.lrtivc seriest they gain
and moved the hall All .the way :bled nn third down situatign
to, Listowet's 15•y.ard line on to go for long gains and lliov
geed gains by Horton, Doyle et! the bail .all the way to the
and 'Taylor, $11 11 -yard line on yogis bl
However, they lve.r'e thwart. Schafer and ArJent,
cd again when Listowel re• ,However, the locals bueklett
covered ered aitl 1e to take I
os down
he :shadow adgw of their
session. in the shadow of their ow4. posts .and stopped Ament
owls goal, on .another third down play On
A pass tp Fad Lusted .ae• 'the five -yard marker,
.counted for 3AYar s on theirel They cY fwile
d to get out ,of
next series and they moved their owe. territory and Lis-
eut of danger, towel_ took over :again and a
The visitors scored' their long boot by Schafer went into
final point late in the final the end zone, but a no•yards
period when. they recovered a penalty brought ;the hall out to
the S1 10 -yard line on the last
play of the half,
Neither• team managed to
get anywhere in the third
quarter, but the SH squad
came up wit:! a fired -up de-
Pensive attack in the opening
minutes of the final period to
set up their second major,
The hard -charging line threw
ListowePs quarterback for con-
secutive losses of 12 and .eight
yards and again the third
down kick went straight up
and the S1 -I offense took pos-
session at the EListowel 12 -yard
Eric Wolfe bulled his way for
eight big yards and Eagleson
\hit pay dirt when he skirted
the depoints,ft end for another six
Listowel threatened to hit
the scoreboard late in the
game, but Bob Hoffman snared
a Listowel pass to give his
squad possession with. less
than a minute remaining,
Plitt a twin -bill with Listowel,
Wednesday, in ;tile filial games
of the season played, on the
local field.
'l'hc junior entry saved them.
selves front, a winless year as.
they scored two 'r 's to emerge
with a 12-0 margin over their
competitors. however, the .sen-
iors dropped their fourth gable
in the second tilt t
when they
were edged 7.0.
A sparkling 50 -yard run by
Peter Doig early in the first
quarter set up. Listowel's .only
major :score against the Pan-
thers, fumble c111 the.SH 30 yard line,
eno ta, but !t locals to be Lusted ran the ball into the 10•
enough .is the 'locals failed to Lard lnal'kcr and Harvey Wal -
get their .olfenstve teen! ill ileo sent a kick into the enc!
anotior, !t was he diste gamd zone that Bruce Horton could
in a row that .the offense had not roll out,
failed to seore a point,
The Panthers received the
openin'kickoff, but failed to. C agleson stars
pick up the necessary yardego 4
ane! haci to, give the boll: up on
a third .down kicking situation
their own towel
1�1 �Unior 'victory
and Lwn 45•5-yarct line.dok over on ,the S1 -IDI -!S juniorstook ad -
On the second play from vantage of two bad kicks by
scrimmage, Doig took the ball Listowel and came Up with, the
up through the centre of the big plays when they needed
line and broke into the clearthein to record their only win
with three ?anthers in hot •of the 1961 Perthex season,
pursuit Steve Kyle :finally ha.ut-t, Gary Eagleson was the scor-
ed him down from behind, but ing star of the day, counting
not before Doi; had raced all, bothmajors for the local entry.
the way to .the Sri 10,yard The SH squad jumped: on
line, their visitors early in the game
The defensive squad manag- and came up with their first
cd to stop Listowel on their t TD the first time they took
next three plays, but the of possession .of the ball. They
tense still couldn't move the started out on the Listowel
ball and Kyle was forced to 30`yard lisle after the visitor's
kick from his owls five. Lis- third down punt ,went straight
towel broke through to block up in the air against the strong
he kick and took possession wand
on the three -and metre!,
Eric Wolfe, Neil McAllister
where Doig burst through the l and Eagleson took pitchouts
middle for the maser, 'from quarterback Barry Brim -
The Panthers came close on hies! to move the ball to the
two occasions in the first half, three -yard line on six Plays.1
' 1
a cep
Maybe the weather's coolin'
down a bit, but want oda are
still hot.
HAPPY. LAA — Nine-year-old
Billy Russell, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Homer Russell, RR 1
Exeter, proudly displays a six -
pound pike he hooked in the
Black Creek at MacDonald's
bridge, Sunday. The fish weigh-
ed six pounds and was one of
three the ,youngster caught,
Another ardent fisherman,
Flank Green, Exeter, caught
five in the same spot earlier in
the day. �-T•A photo
when they moved the ball deep 1Brintnen fumbled the bel on
into Listowel territory. How- his attempt to go over, but y 0- I .f e D a f .1 ci a 0
ever, they couldn't come im l managed. to recover and. hand •
with the big play to knot the ed off to 1Gaglesen on the next
count from their tries from
the Listowel 28 and 18,yard
Close in second half
,try and the husky backfielder
went over standing up. desrna sti Q
great amount of daring as '
y The Panthers started out in count inthe first .half, Onno three The SHDHS senior girls' vol- and. carne back with another
leyball team lived up to their one-sided 15-6 triumph in the
usual role of "always the second tilt,
• '
Jr. Hawks kept busy
— Continued from page 6 1 at the 11:00 minute mark.
in on Mock and slipped the disci .Bill Heywood was sitting in
behind him. the penalty box when the score
was recorded on the Strathroy
power play,
Fortelle was the playmaker
again at the 17:53 mark when
he passed out of the corner to
Bartholetnew who was standing
Gerald. McBride, Bill Heywood, ell alone 15 feet in front of
Lloyd Moore, Bob Arinslrong, the Exeter net. Howard had no
Dale 'survey, Bev Irvine, Frank chance on the shot, as 11e was
partially screened by two de-
fenders. .
Play wentevenly from one
end of the rink to the other
until Boyle finally evened the
contest in the late minutes.
The lineups were as follows:
EXETER — Ted' Sanders,
Boyle, Bob Jones, Fred Lamb,
Rick Boyle, jean Guy Marchi!-
ion, Jean St. Pierre, ,Ton Sin-
clair and Jack Stephan'.
Deichert, John Masse, Larry
Bedard, Earl. Wagner, Wayne
Willer!, Gerard Overholt, Bob
Johnston, Harold .lacques, Bill
Wagner, Brian Bonthron, Steve
Kyle, Bill Shaddick, Murray
Bell, John Virley, Jin. Broad -
foot. and Dennis Mock.
Goalies sparkle
in Strathroy tilt
The Exeter hawks and Strath-
roy Atoms started the new
season .right where they left
off as they battled to a 3.3
tie in a wide-open, rugged con- 1
test in Strathroy, Thursday. t
Referees Willie Haas and
Ernie Little called a total of
19 penalties, 11. against Exeter,
as tempers flared throughout
the contest between the two'
arch -rivals,
Highlight of the contest was
the spectacular. .netminding of
Exeter's Leslie Howard and i
Len 'Brown in the Strathroy t
end. Bothgoalies came up
with several "impossible" b
saves. t
The Hawks carried the play L
throughout the game, but could 0
not solve Brown's mastery. h
Howard, subbing for injured
Ted Sanders, was also a stand- s
out in his first genie of the c
season. The youngster perform- c
cd for the Exeter midgets last a
Strathroy jumped into a 2.0 p
lead in the first period on 1
goals by Bob Bartholomew t
and Reg Westgate. Westgate
started things off when he t
finished off a passing play with 1
Battholemew and Ken Fadelle o
Hawks come back
Jack Stephan bad the honor
of scoring the Hawks' first
goal of the season when he
teamed up with Bob Jones and
Jean Guy Marehilton to beat
Brown. at the 3:25 mark of the
second period,
Marchilton, a rugged de-
fenseman. who recently moved
to Huron Park from Quebec,
knotted the contest at 2.2 when.
he picked an open corner from
his point position at 10:38.
Dale Turvey started the play
when he carried into the Strath-
roy end and passed to Bev
Irvine in the corner, who in
turn flipped a short pass back
to Marchilton.
The homes�te•rs took a 3-2
ead at the mid -way mark of
he final stanza when Bar-
tholemew scored his second
marker of the night. The
Hawks were playing short-
handed again and the shifty
Atom forward dribbled a shot
off the stick of Gerald. Mc-
Bride and the disc ended up in
the net as Howard misjudged
is speed as he fell to block
11e shot,
However, the Hawks came
ack to knot the count in less
hen two minutes when Fred
amb and Tom Sinclair team -
d up with Lamb doing the
Neither team managed to
core .in the remainder of the
ontest, but the Atoms came
lose when they had a man
dvantage in the final minute
lvtih Rick Boyle sitting ill the
enalty box. One of their shots
lit the goal post, but bounced
o the corner of the rink.
Exeter coach, Derry Boyle,
latl six juvenile players in his
ineup for the opening fixture
the season.
bridesmaids, but never the
brides" as they failed in their
bid to bring home the WOSSA
championship, Saturday,
The local entry reached the
Highlight of the first match
was the fact that Pat Rowe was
the only server for the SH six.
She recorded all 15 points as
her teammates came up with a
finals, hut were whipped is two flawless effort with her on the
straight by Clinton in the final serving line.
match, played at London Teach- She continued her mastery in
ers` College. the second tilt and recorded six
For at least three of the girls, straight points before Glencoe
it was their sixth unsuccessful, gained a serve. The other SH
trip in WOSSA basketball and points were recorded by Ann
volleyball competition. And to Grayer and Elaine Miller., with
add salt to the wound, the four each, and Cathy Hodgins'
SHDI•IS squadhad. posted two
decisive wins over the Clinton Clinton too much:
squad in an earlier exhibition
match, However, when they met their
The locals gained the final old rivals from Clinton, the le -
round when they disposed of cal volleyball squad couldn't
Glencoe in short order in the do anything right.
semi-finals. They started out The northern team posted' an
with a 15.0 whitewash in the easy 15-2 win in the :First of the
first of the best -of -three series best -of -three match and wrap -
il,m,,lllm„nmmml ll,,,1111„fmllllllm,llll,mllllll„ rlrn l,.,Ol 1111,,1hill,!,,1111,,,,,lllllll,ll„11111mlllfl,llr
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Jerrnyr, hods kad
ire first week of play
,Dick �1erlli,,n moved into :a
aiim one point lead c the first
k's: play in. the Men's Curl-
ing League this week when he
nostcd a cm -wincing 14.2 win:
over Morley Sanders.
Skipping his entry- ,of Xen
Wein, Bill Stanlakc and Jack
glial •t J .131 s . eel e
i e# p t
n tG the
, 1
high seboni teacher .the first
two 'ends and then came hack
to coo the remaining eight for
his decisive win.
For rinks tied for the run,
ner-up honors behind the lead-
ers with 13 points each,
Art Cann, Ken McLaughlin,
Glenn Mickle and.Bev Morgan
share the.second place slots.
Action was :suspended this
week for the club's open mixed
bonnie!, but will resume next
MEN'S Ctlfit.tt-4P '
}' 13111 Allison 11, Cannan t'ann-f
11.1 Ilerlegton 12, outs. .5mlth 4
II cellar Ile ;hand 11, ant Ftobhins 5
Ken :11cLaughlin 13, Ulric Snell 3
I lion C,raliani 12, Carr Cann 4
''Tiff Hrintnell 12, A. '1S'estcott f
A11 Cann 13, KU Brody 3
Dick .lerwyn 11, X. Randers 2
Harvey Pollen 12, i:rnie t.'erson 4
N. 1.arupor t 12. aid win Miller A
1lartey ('oven 10, he (ttewell 6
1). linelnfson 12, Il. ,lildilletnn 4
saner EIIIOL 11, 1.3111 )4a.cl.,ean 5,
1iaPv Taylor 12, foss Snell 4
allenn Mir41e 11, Pa�ssnrore 3
Len Learn 12, slob Jetfrey 4
i3ey Morgan 13, Clarence Down 3
tai bink 11,Moe Flodgert. 5
1. i'assmare I0, Itat'ry ,lettrev s
r'laud° Farrow 11, Harry Snell 5
Ralph 'Bailey 11, John Corbett 5
ped it up in two straight with.
another lopsided score.
Members of the local squad
Ann Grayer, Gail Farquhar,
Pat Rowe, Dianne Hood, Ans.
ma Gulens, Mary Shaw, Elaine
Miller, Linda Westcott, Betty
Dixon, Joan Dettmer, Cathy
Hodgins, Carole Hogarth.
MEN's setiaoU1-e
.Mpneley, �November 20
111 &tl.
1 flni .A111.`<tl,7l.10l.!3 Charl:oes snails
2. Calellttll
Venn—Pon Grabens
5:mf 11:111)
1 C'JjCt llrintncll—Elob 1illerintfton.
° 4'3 a.ilie $ha.ne—Allen 'SV'.4steott
t 011.1r:Snell--2Y1lt C.obl7liss
4. Cart 1'a ni-141en Ale.L414gldils
TuCsddYr No
r .
1 314 Wei—Dick Jea•inyn
2, Art 1;It,nn—Ross ri r1l r
i a, grille eerson--niorle_y Sand ere
1. Harvey t:QWen—itleorrey Pollen
uu 1i:00
1 rlielt I2oelotson—lien Ottew.ell.
' 'elson Leinport--.Boli llficidletan
1: J'iOwin Miler—Kill :Maclean
1, 11 0a $1 II-5e+udy k1111ot
crh4.trsday, .November 23
7:110 - 3:IAl
Alvin Perlstnote--t,la"trace 111Q1in
Mae Heti l ert.-7d obit Corbett
Key 22foraall•-43QI, Jeffrey
0:00 ,' 11:00
Ed !Funk --lave Learn
1 2. Lorne Peee none—Glen 2s1lchle
3, Harry Snell—Kerry Jeffrey
1 4, 1i4p11 Bailey—Claude Farrow
Busche rink
leads ladies
Edna Busche's rink in the la.
dies' curling club won the honor
of scoring the most .number of
points as the league opened with
their usual keen competition
last week.
The Busche rink scored an
impressive 15.5 win over Ber-
nice Cann's foursome on Wed-
nesday night to record the
highest number of points in the
first week,
However, the biggest margin
was actually recorded by press-
dent Jessie Shane and her
squad who handed Laurette
$iegner a 13.2 trouncing.
Two of the 11 matches
played ended in ties and the ex-
- Please turn to page $
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