HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 6'raft.6 Th TimPS,Advocate„ Ngyerilklir IL 1961
By BILL BATTEN, Sports Et;litor
While most high echoel students consider
it an honer to reach the WOSSA finals in any
sport—win -or loee—severel girls at SHDHS are
becoming rather disheartened with their perform'
On Saturday, the girls volleyball team tra-
veiled to London and had no difficulty in their
eenii-final match and then lost two straight to
Clinton for the top honore.
To add a little salt to the wound, the local
gals had already Mildly •whipped the northern
•entry n an exhibition contest played earlier .in tbe
season, bet they just couldn't maintain their top
play when the chips were on the line.
It has been this fact that has hampered
them throughout their careers at SHDI-IS for the
past five years and has kept the trophy case clear
of any WOSSA pennants.
At least, this is the. only answer we an
suggest as we look over their impressive record.
While some people always try to attach the
blame te a coach, we certainly know that this can
not be the case at SHDHS. Miss Laeretta Siegler
has coached several WOSSA championship teams
in the past, so she certainly hasenough experience
to pick out the best players and use them at the
right times. And at any rate, we don't think a
each can really do too much for a team playing
in the finals,
-- After all, she has already taught them all
she can about the game to get them that far,
and except for giving them confidence and en,
couagement, she practically has to sit idly by and
watch her players in action,
• Naturally, some may argue that a team
playing in a big tournament are so excited and
elated that they really can't play their best. How-
ever, this certainly can't be the situation in this
-case. All the first string players on this team have
played in WOSSA, finals before and the feet is, it
is becoming a normal procedure for most of them.
At least three, Cathy Hodgins, Ann Grayer
and Pat Rowe, were actually competing in their
sixth WOSSA playoff since entering high school
five years ago, Carole Hogarth and Mary Shaw
have been to London five times and Betty Dixon
has made the trip four times. So, it is just like a
second home to these girls and the only thing
they would notice out of the ordinary at a WOSSA
playoff would be if they weren't playing ,in it.
This past record almost speaks for itself
regarding the ability of the girls, but it could be
noted that they usually go through their basketball
league undefeated and have the same kind of re-
cord in the Perthex volleyball tournaments.
So girls, while we would like to come up
with a fool -proof solution to your problem, we
will have to admit it has us sturnped, except to
say that maybe it just wasn't to be.
However; we don't think you should be too
• discouraged because we can't think of any other
single athletic group in SHDHS's illustrious past
that has built up such an outstanding record of
achievement and we say "congratulations" to you
and, your coach.
see you at the WOSSA basket -
hall finals. Maybe this will be the on&
While our job has as many advantages as
most others, it also has a few disadvantages that
at times make us think we should have chosen
something else for our livelihood.
• Take for instance last week, when the boss
made us go up to the high school to get a picture
• of the cheerleaders. Imagine, having to go into the
gymnasium all alone and take a picture of eight
attractive young ladies all. producing their best
. smiles for the camera.
However, there was one advantage and that
was renewing our acquaintance with "Hinterland
Harry". While this chap is apparently not familiar
to the present students at SHDHS, he actually
helped to launch the school's success in WOSSA
We recall the event rather vividly, es it
was the first WOSSA playoff at which we had the
- honor of participating. The secretary of WOSSA,
Charlie Box, was interviewed on the radio the night
thefore the competition and stated that most of the
basketball teams were coining from Windsor and
leondon schools, plus a few from the "hinterlands".
Naturally, this did. not rest too well with
the members of three SHDHS teams in the tourna-
ment and the cheerleaders went out and purchased
a large panda bear as a mascot and named him
"Hinterland Harry".
• Along with "Harry", the teams made Mr.
Box eat his words as they came home with three
championships. Clinton, another team from the
'hinterlands', won the junior girls' crown, but
possibly only because there was no junior team
organized at the local school.
Since that time, the SHDHS cheerleaders
have carried their panda with them and although
he doesn't carry the sanie handle, he still shows
up at a number of WOSSA playoffs,
BATTIN AROUND * The hockey schedule
got off to a rousing start, Friday, when the Junior
Hawks hosted Hensall before 300 fans at the local
arena, If these two teams come up with this type
of play every time they meet each other, we
think it may be necessary to sell advance tickets
• to games in Exeter and Hensel], because there is
no doubt that the fans will flock out to see them
• . Only unfortunate incident was an injury to
• Hawk defenseman, Bill Heywood. Bill was hit on a
'clean check by tarl Wagner, but something gave
and Bill ended up in the hospital with a cracked
rib and some broken blood vessels, We trust he
will have a speedy recovery and will be back in
the lineup to *age fans with his energetit style
before too long . Just a note to Mrs, Steve
Storey: We think it was a big joke too . . While
at the Wraith -Storey Hardware the other day, we
met Steve Davis, whose articles on Lucan's minor
'hockey teams appear in this paper from time to
:lime, Steve is just a bantat, but tips the scales
•at chest. te 180 pounds and looked us straight in
the eye.fortunately let sone bantam players
around, Steve p1y goal — Ytiu're fight, Were
hot ping to mention anything about the Ottawa
Toronto playoff in the igFour. We'll jug pay oft
our bets and go quietly 'Everyone interested
hi playing a bit of 'Tee- league basketball should,
attend a meeting in the tReter 'Library, Sunday,
at 730 p.m, Or else hand in their name to "tem'
• iravett before the meeting,
in bus
woks record
week In •
The gseter Junor HaWliS Brooks, Ted Minhintliele, Jim
met every team in the Ebane-' Walker and Illert Morris. Four
reek loop in their first week 01,ot the goals were seined: in
aetien and carne up with. one 'scrambles around Hawk goalie,
1055. thein tut ties and a Single ,Lestwae Howard, and twa of
:them came when the Hawks
rriie locals carried the big-, v!'erc Shert-haricied.
gest share ef the play in Alit The final marker was scored
four games but couldn't put the an a penalty shot, awarded
finishing toilettes on many of !when Jean $t. Pierre fell an the
their scoring opportunities. puck in» the goal crease„
Ithwevero they found the an., though he e,..as apparently knoee,
swer in the inal period
ked to the ice by a stiff erase-.
Keeter, Tuesday, scoring eix. cheek.
goals to record their initial win Fred Lamb, Frank 130Yle and
by a 8-6 count over the visit- Dale Terve), notched the Exe-
ing Watford Atoms. ter tallies. Lamb scored his
Bob Jones Paced the attack when he stole the pule from a
With a pair of tallies, While Lambeth defender and skated
Jack Stephan, BO Armstrong, in all alone on the goal, Ho cut!
Lloyd Moore, Gerald McBride,: to his wrong wing to get
Mike Cushman and Dale Tur- around a defender and lifted a!
vey accounted, for the other crisp back -handed skit into the!
six. cage.
Mervyn Sister was the main I Bob Janes was the playmaker
thorn in the sides of the Hawks
all night as he triggered four
of his team's m a rit'ere• The
other two were picked up by scramble.
Ray Menders.
The teams traded first period
goals by Sister and Stephan Over 300 fans
and then Watford jumped into
ler blinking the light in the al opening game
the lead wth Manders and Sis- „.„4.,
second frame. However, Bob
Armstrong teamed up With The Hawks opened their'
Jones arid Frank Boyle with ' lime ealnPaign wit" 5'5
on Boyle s score, while 'Itirvey
recorded his when he banged
the puck into the net from a
only 20 seconds remaining to draw with the IlensallZurich
oil two ties
amr ck loop
PLENTY OF ACTION — The crowd -pleasing junior
he Hawks battled the Hensall-Zurich Combines to a
5,5 draVe ill a hard-hitting tilt. Over 300 fans were on
Start in a hurry Jn61c111
lackey got off to a flying start in Exeter, Friday, when
d t 3 9 t Combines, Friday, with never it
_ . a dull moment for the 300 fells
left the ice, who witnessed the wide-open
land to witness the action between the two rivals and 1
The Hawks came out flying The _Hawks had to come fran
in the final frame and knotted behind M record their second
the coma on Moore's goal with straight tie, as coach Derry,
only 12 seconds played. Bob Boyle's decision to ignore "the
Armstrong and Bev Irvine book" paid off when his son,"
picked up assists on the quickie. Rick, fired the equalizer at the I
minutes Combines tackle Mitchell
Gerald McBride gave the 17:16 mark,
the game when he finished off With less than three,
homesters their first lead in
a neat solo effort at the 3:00 -
the picture above shows the Hawks' first line of Lloyd
Moot'.7, Dale Turvey and Bev Irvine battling in the
visitors' end. The locals played four games during the
past week, recording twa ties, a win and a loss as
they met all four clubs in the Shamrock loop,
lig Eight
pen sked Friday,
minute mark bet the local fans • ? 1 -
11 hadn't even finished cheering
, s
ers out on their regular shift Luean-Ilderton Combines and pair of husky and proven per -
when Sister knotted the count and the youngsters answered the Mitchell Red Devils get the 'formers in the persons of Ter -
six seconds later, his confidence with the goal honor of opening the Big Eight!ry Hodgins and Ray Yeue will
Mike Cushman, appearing ori
set up on a neat three -Way
the ice for the first time in the passing play
game, sent the Hawks ahead by Boyle, Fred
Lamb and Jon Sinclair.
again at the 4:02 mark when
Rick Boyle wort the face off in Hawks take lead
the Watford end and passed The Hawks jumped into an
back to Cushman. early lead with Lloyd Moore
However, Sister put the teams scoring an unassisted goal be'
back on even terms when he fore three minutes had been
picked up a poor clearing pass played. The marker came as
and broke in all alone on Ted Moore and linemate Bev Irvine
Sanders, making the score 5-5. kept the visitors off balance
The see -saw battle contin- with their tenacious penalty
ued when Jones took a pass killing play with Dale Turvey
troll.). Stephan to count for the in the sin bin.
Hawks and Menders came The Bensall - Zurich entry
right back on a play with Hag- finally hit the scoreboard when
gith to duplicate the feat for Earl Wagner teamed up with
the Atoms, Larry Bedard to pick an open
,Jones gets winner corner behind Ted Sanders at
the 12:45 mark.
With less than five minutes
remaining, Bob Jones came Less than three minutes Jai,-
through with his second goal er, Wayne Willert took on a ogoal-mouth, scramble to tage of some inept defensive
record the iviener. The Atoms play by -the Halyks and skated
in all alone on Sanders after
izer. but Dale Turvey put thel taking a pass from Wagner.
fought gamely to get the equal-
garne out of their reach when • Bob Armstrong knotted the
count at the 3:28 mark of the
he finished off a play 'with middle stanza on a play with
More and Jean Guy Marehil-
Moore, but Bill Shaddick stick -
ton at the 18;44 mark of the
final stanza. handled his way past two de-
fenders less than two minutes
later to push his squad back
Hawks' lone loss into a 3-2 lead,
Willert upped the margin to
, two goals on a play with Wag-
de,alt by Lambeth ver and. Masse, with two Hawks
watching the action from the
Lambeth handed the Exeter ' penalty bench.
Hawks their first defeat of the! Fred Lamb cut the lead to
Young season, Monday, when: 4.3 on a neat bit of stick work -
they scored a 6.3 win in Lucan.; after taking a pass from Jean
The Hawks outplayed the ! St. Pierre and Prank Boyle,
southern• entry, but couldn't but Shaddick came back to
solve the master netininding push the margin to two goals
and strong defense play of Lam- ' again when he scored his sec -
beth. ! ond unassisted marker late in
The winners jumped into a the period.
2-0 lead in the first period, in -I Dennis Mock took over in the
creased it to 4-1 at the end of nets from Ron Deichert in the
the second and traded a pair of fmal period and was greetedHowever,
third period markers with the with an early goal by Bob mreovfer,titileiier ,Cpoinalybeinress haveback
Hockey League schedule, Fri-
day, when they tangle in Lu -
All the teams in the league
have been going through stiff
wOrk-outs in preparation for the
season and all teams will have
hit the ice lanes in regular
scheduled games by Friday,
November 24.
With the exception of the Exe-
ter Mohawks, all the teams will
have played home games by this
date also. The Mohawks aren't
scheduled to make their appear-
ance before local fans until
Tuesday, November ,28, but
changes may have to be made
in the schedule.
When the Big Eight schedule
was sent out, the Mohawks had
ten of their 14 home games
'scheduled on the same night as
the Exeter Hawks were to have
played here,
As yet, it is still not known
what arrangements will be
made to facilitate the neces-
sary changes forced by the du-
However, local hockey fans
will get. their chance to view
teams from the newly formed
league in action next Thursday
when Seaforth travels to Exe-
ter to play against the Centra-
lia Golden. Hawks,
The Tribe make their debut,
Tuesday, when they will be the
hosts in Seaforth against the
Towners and then they tackle
the powerful Combines in Lu -
can, , Friday,
Combines should be strong
The c a n-Ilderton Combines
should ice one of the strongest
teams in the group, although
the quality of all other teams 18
still no known.
Hawke. , Jones of the Hawks. Jones
Wayne Hayball notched a I grabbed a loose puck and put
pair for the winners, with. single on a burst of speed to break
tallies being picked up by Lee — Please turn to page 7
Crediton drops pair
in Middlesex group
Crediton failed to score a win' Bob Cameron, Scott McNair
in their first two dames in the and Bob Stephenson scored
South Middlesex Senior Hockey !twice each for Arva, while Bob
League this week as they were ' Gauthier, Dori Allison, Barry
handed a 5-3 setback by Alla& ,Peters and Mary Pringer scored
Craig and a 10-5 route by Arva. the others.
Playing their opener in Lu- I The Crediton lineup is as
can, 'Thursday, the League's lows:
newest entry had twa goals John Wade, Joe Regier, Don
scored against them while Way- liegiery Russ Beaver, Terry
ing short-handed against the Wade, Roy Smith, Bob Gallo»
loop -leading Ailsa Craig outfit. • waY, Bob Morrissey, Mel Pink,
John Henderson started Cre..beiner, Paul Cronyn, Dale, Jim
diton off on the right foot with 'MorrisSeY, oh Henderson Cy
a goal at the mid -way mark of I3lomniaert and Allen Gledhill.
the •first stanz a, but four
,straight unanswered markers
by Ailsa Craig gave them, all
the margin they needed,
Terry Wade managed to cut
the lead to 4.2 on play with
Croriyn and 'Morrissey at the
8:18 mark of the final Statile, 1.
bl1t3bb Gibbs came back five , I
minutes later to up the Margin
to three goals,
Bob Morrissey triggered a
goal for Crediton in the dying
stages of the game, hut it 4A)110
too late to threaten the win,
Imre lead.
Gibbs scored twice ier Ailsa
Craig, as did Don Powell, while
Jack Priestly Added the fifth,
Whipped by Ahva
Playing in the small quartera
of London's Otitette Arena
o n d a y, Crediton were nd
match for the powerful Arva
They Managed to answer the
firat twa Aiwa goats, but few
straight tallies in the last halt E
of the -first period gave the win.;
tiers all the Margie they needed.
Cy Blommactt and Terry If
Wade were the leading marks."'
men tor the area squad as they
triggered a pair bf goals oath.
l3ob illOtriSSOY Minted
from the team that performed
in the strong OHA intermediate
"13" category last season.
Playing coach Max O'Neil has
Keith Scarborough hack be»
tween the pipes and the lanky
netmincler will probably receive
help from Barney Welch, Ltican
Arena manager, and the vete-
ran Jake Barnes,
Bev and Don Urbshott will
form one set of defense and a
make up the second set,
Tom Collings, one of the most
prolific scorers ever to strap
on. a pair of skates for the Com-
bines, will handle the centre ice
!chores on the first offensive
unit between Max and Stu 0'.
Neil, a pair of crafty wingers.
1 The second unit will ;feature
the return of "The Old Reli-
:ables." Harry Wraith will makeit
his comeback to centre his b.
isiness partner, Steve Storey,
land the hard working Don Met -
cher from St. Marys.
The third line is still not
completed, but O'Neil has Ken
Left, Al Ready, Don Larkin and
Don Leitch out vieing for posi-
Plenty of prospects
Manager Guy Libel of the
Centralia Golden Hawks reports
!that over 40 players were out
seeking spots with the Station
team, but the number has been
cut to 25 and will be pared
' down more this week.
Jack Seymour, who recently
moved in from Aylmer, is
coaching the squad and has
• plenty of experience for the job.
The former pro has been ,con-
nected with hockey for the past
• 25 years and still plays himself,
I He was a member of the RC-
! AP Flyers when they won the
!Allen Cup back in 1941. Three
other players on that team la-
ter formed Boston B r u s'
famed "Kraut Line" of Milt
,Schmidt, Bobby Bauer and Woo-
dythe Mohawks last year, is Dum art.
Rick Tremblay, sub goalie for
ing out between the piper along
with Bill Wright. Three other
former Tribe players on the
squad are Al Simpson, Claude
Audet and Claude Duval.
Another chap who will be no
stranger to local. puck fans is
Yves Garand, who played with
Aylmer Imperials last year,
Many of the other players
'CV T.
Lambeth 2 (1 0 4
Bxeter 1 1 2 4
'WM ford 1 2 11 2
0 1 1
S 0 1 1 1
Games tilis week;
16—a1nbeth f stramroe
11—Watford al H ensal
12-14enea1l Al. Watford
20—liensall al 'Lambeth
2'1—Stratheey at 14.eneall
21—Watford at Stye hl'es)
24—Lambeth et :Meter
We Trade
Highest allowance '
for your trade-ins.
Curling Boots
For Men—Good Quality, Low Price
BOWLING SHOES, Merl% Ladies' 4
Men, Boys' & Children's
The Sfere with the
Gold 'Bond 5famp:1
17-5lit obeli al 7a/o: n - I Wert oft
19-1ucan -11der ton a t Clinton
21—Clint oil 81 Mitchell
FIxeler a t Seaforth
teltel I al 2 11011.
23—Seator1h at Cellt.111118
AORat Phlupsburx
25—Exeter at. Lateen -Ilderton
20--Philipaburg a I: Clinton
C5-2 rteR at Mitchell
lAtean -1 Merlon at Soltforth
rbilipalnirg al Exeter
211—Seafor ill et 2 nen
3n—arl tette] I At Centralia
OW'r(141(414113litttetti'l*114.01141`0201Tx24t1IN OWittilki'Mki.PIYO'ok(11120.440.*I' 0124 0.11*%11$ 0.1.(SreSSIMA:triri csTA:v2i141I2tOtitictISSMA
have considerable hockey ex^
perienee under their belts as
although they aren't fa-
miliar to area rooters, They in-
clude: Sullivan, Cherpetant Kil-
len, Staples, Relton, Burke, Pa-
perewski, Peire, Henry, Capon.
ette, Chartrand, Rol, McCal-
Jivray, MacDonnell and Audet.
Tribe busy too
Boom Gravett is still putting
his Mohawk stalwarts through
stiff paces in preparation for
their opener in Seaforth.
The popular puck star still
hasn't picked out any lines, but
expects to do this when they
stage their final work-outs on
Friday night and Sunday after-
you want to
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