Huron Signal, 1853-01-13, Page 4/PatSALO. All Aso.Mst1 i ! on. Howith 1 of .tire d L .d Mr s is oa Ea.t 11tn lee! ewer witk at of yr sea erodes these. isebl• reward will be W MO gibei rhe will gm in` that will I..d se kis reerserz . POLL/PPE CRtl6116. jeer, Nov. fbtb, 1651. . t$p43 e d the sanest MINE .to the *h ilese 1. IS her sheet tbe W',` IgN. , . b1aM tit... T� -�!�rr .ij, are. wed. Tore f Qeatif �, cis ales fres Ostrich iipnlusred to peer property rkge� ma take b1 a twee. Via. TOURMN. sAmilleihit, Nor. Mod 1663. ill -1144 5t • CIOMOR /boars/re tar steak web labisessecae i mara folios. !LAM A• fiarittim tote• r.. die a,aye.deerwee esteem.. wi tee a�si a w�. w+•e. wee OW eerier �+m_. sew raw pa lope � r wino f an w,a,+m tie of M ImOLOWN WINS -• weir 440 MW u Ow,mMesita =stilt OO1RlLA.IIRT8. trwie� 1asAsue•- ■.m.. 1a5wV # at Mom* WO 0, i.la, to..a.artarimilletaelaptaal. rf aaealart_ sOOM.ssLLfe. was ruse w.. fit► �a�s wee street 4 R (.oaNt.lavin � as .iia YteAadl ,g/►gUTNisa. fµrfr.rr'IN¥ is SWIM ►Y desire centro. L$ • The old* woes* at tivorr uoVIIMoor er sod d ria L veli icer es hr ea ew of I\wa to laaalukai ah se pM ma awl eta bra. ibs lit awl wawa W p s W M a T t n M. Thom eivd .ea t.ea twra.i mors..,. b, eat d wart M tae 1 *meters *41,51 Ma s L10l%U NSM SWA1.. *Amer, .atr.etaur, lwau . s",8, "MIL. ism slMaw 4II,i 4..1v It to s a a. ,f /reel .eesr,N••. MO NM g. at a rm. r serer rams r .5 swam. that visseeem - M�� tract Mb* the e.etosew edlb Sobeen- 1,.t Nee 10, 1ie4 Co•creaioe, of SWOON s Yellow STEER. els-fest ell white. art a whir lease es 1M betty# tbe.oweer p peoperys p t termer std take hew EPH APiDERItON. Nov., 1552. vbs4a the Subrertber elf t the be5isoi ig el 'As - White Steer, eowasebree is breaded es 0116 edea, lle 1e,w. w e� illtsY•eestelsfenMy,will ,vtartaA� MUD ss w.se• eueets=tor. sa*ILITT. IraKdy yat'fVtoCWWI wan ,wheats. LUIS al AVM Bads: sad ,We. STOTHRRB. *Nov. loth. 1552. a ie44tf NOTICE S'BEREBY forbid say penes or peruse *us pstcbeeter oe Red'se three Notes Hand, draws h favor of James Edward MAW, re &ewe es 7th March '�Mi+•M lkerdraws a Marsh IIth, ISM S 7 ...ehii es March 7th, 666, r erected *also foe Os sere. r CHARLES CAitEY. Aah1td, etlalilo.., 1832. r5a42-3t LIST OF LETTERS Ri�1jatJN1NG t. the Heirs Corson Pal D.tsebw Michael Kerr Mlurrtdock Berger Framed Odle her Lary l.asg Thomas Css►p.11 Arch 2 1ic0 Deal Jobe Dark Edward Wger Rubt )'esky Wm Freeborn Juba Diedrich Joseph Gasser John Gardner Christen Hamilton Thomas Ilay Damao Klein James 2 W M. COSSEY, P. • co up to 6th November, 1962. amid Also NeDe sld . '' -, McDonald Mord McWitie James Mayes Arch Pool Mathew 2 Rehbury John Steward Eliaab Miss Wedel John Wldton" B -e j Wise Joseph TEC UPS ?ILL 1U1 NMI 11TTtu PISIFY TME 81041. Aed the reser ail disease friss the mom. Beek', &dim" sod R.U. led en the Prem ' Orders for . Cs"ary Menhaeru. sad • hi.rrel dueus5t a Leslie/, Merck 1651. -- --1;. TMO THE Uadereitesd4N sew peeperelfte all kis& of work to the beet sere/, sod st short settee. (oi Ovist The Patterae of Steele •.d Saw Mills, tae oil crew end of the Meet approved kM4. Al.., tem plot* este of gear- -to whichgthe at•ealee er Grist , the puw blic u particularly directed. Mavis" devoid ce.mdera►le time ad tapers" to getting op the beet de.sriptio. of Kaye*, with all the other wow's,' in - lures for Miley Saw YSUs, is now reedy wto so offer them with great .l4s.ee to t hem is west of sock .whiner]. These Ragtime, est 62, contain all the wSesN pr a wan and are eery comp hte now bei.►d, sod the deemed is seat t►a* parties desirous of purchases" eau this( fitted up is s few weeks, with every g ep NOTICE. iliTI "testees that Mr. Willies et Degly{j, le met on 1316061sj Willie is safest die dote or no Wigs We sisy bee w his Ihkee--M haw- ks tratielerna end ses11sed some tame Mese. es appsersd i. the Pekin Prue of Gsi.rN►, ail Ns deb a sed other yeepety to sae ler the bobcat of els Creditors. - weld date 1 tees Nem pled t. the hoods el D. H. Rtssbis,1.g.r Clerk et the oreetb Driers Coed. Is 1.14, for sellestloa, who, with.. the esdwslgeed is sloam ar thseiwd t0 sre.t receipts Ree persist of the see. JOHN 8TRACHAN, Marr. .11.141:,!..1141', Emeatm eJ A Boiler Tard is also attached to the En .. 'PP1:TT. 1 tsbttahmeet, when boilers of the beet qusl- lkpt. stied, I$4t.r sib I sty will at all thus" be made to order, at rosaotreble terms, and of the beat patoriala sad workmanship. s improved stattmwry Fire Emigres 11111 - Meetly es hand, ready ter d otter. Iroe eNPlnlq. Coeds" and w , Ito. does is lr- a rem sew wm se 1111 Pall sod *1e is Yr eII IITIwbatr. el weep mist. lir rpt are. 11. gm•les *few sealers/ iJ sew •• M. e. ""�.1 Gees sea Ileweeli mss erwasse sera e• errs Pommel mos teal dem bp idea +er a sad llin do eiry •ae 'wirer are tbemirre Sees eine metre dam witkalite be sewed remise. as meow. ff Mo to. then .y •+• 1Mee e" ate se ere woe *bee• ST Newest me mei ay DR. WILLIAM SI• JtorVATe We e a,./w.7..awr at Aetbwr awe. I� Trak. p.r mete ►r • BENJ. PARtASOalaNN, Goierkb, Jae. 26, 1646. ` F.IkC.H.BUH MANUFACTURERS of Hats, Cape and Facey Furs, Wholesale sed Retail Dealers io Fur., Buffalo Rubes, Dear Skins, Glover, Mitts 0, its. fee. Cask Paid Jur Fars. The highest price paid, at all times ie Cash, for all descriptions of Shipping Fars by F. le C. 11. BUHL. j�g�reit, Micbigao. Aug. 1051. veo28 .11 WOULD Womb lsbhe for the It Iron * Weldor teed hopes by to *till mens • At his old s C.sad' . Gor.ric►, -. .. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale that com- modious Brick Dwelling House, crow* elle lir residence of in Lewis, Esq. i'he Lot be two fronts. The above property will be sold sheep for rib. Fur further presiders spply to Andrew Doses., or to the proprISWr JOHN PEEL. Port Albett, Sept• 13th, 1855. n34m3 FARM FOR BALE. The ••b•cnber stars for ,.1. one hundred wine of eacellset lae445 scree clear. ed ami well leaced, with • good log barn, so orchard baring fruit. Tr above land 1. blotted on Ird Coaceastoa, let 14,Towa- ship of Waweaoab, and me half mile from a &bra bun. -ell t1e mosey will be re- quired dews. F..r p°rtisilers apply to the proprietor os the pre.iees. Wiloeb, 4th keg , 1561. oto._ ATTACHMENT. E. A. 'ORWA r M.t- tr. areal Agrst, f stile ode Cleared Farms, Hoeseheld P.r.Atwil sed Predate .1every d.tertpttes. oars Pet door. North of the Khmer - dine Amide. Garrick rb-sa Serail/4th 1613. ROB SNODGRASS. BOOT & SHOE CTURER • OruW'. 8tw..) FASHION MA (Or tet - WOULD rich ted' pared to make he kind of Ledis'oratt- FAry work, Si tie . Mart lbl0 0Jtlp•. heavy 1001! and Asnb te e. lkiw missitaof then. tilos eery their /testes. 111111411411000 wilt be sod.setw Goderie►, JulyMb, trait- aka) HAMILTON STRATFORD IRON FOUNDRY. -Th •abeeribsrlemi.l poreb••d the "'w- est of Mr. C. J. Wiliam, 111 the above Er tabliebment, is about to costipue the Busi- nes on his own respon•tbility.lie vassals' thanks to the public for the verylaMpral en- couragement received by oma S Witaoo, hebegs tointiaate that he willconatroly keep on bawd n asaortmeet of Superior Carina, consisting of C q.0 X 1 Ar C, Parlour, and Box Stoves ; Amer - CAMI DA D tidos of Cosily .f Ham. sae of tae •writ ul Chard ('...stirs of Hares, Attechmeet, Perth sal Brice. are oat ef ' Matt : the CONDI, Geri, fee the Witted Coutes N Huron, Perth is Bruce, soil to me directed, ageism tb /miss, real as well ss pwee..1, •1 Samssl Doak, the younger, a .bseeedhg w eesoealed Oehler, at the wit of litho Dewy. f..r the ems of 'treaty -three p•s.da. 1 hate /stead sad takes all the orate, real • as well as peroral, d lite rid Semesl Dash, and that seder the s•Y Bowel Doak raw. .alae the jerrskeiss of *5..ai4 Cart, tied pee is 1 It is the attics, or ors the same to be Aseh.eged wit►i• Ibsen .515.4.,.00tbt. all the/state real as well s psnagl of dr mid S•aroel Doak. or w e asb'tbea.ol, es nay be o•0es.ary, *Who held bells kr ti. pynl.t, booed', or "sae afthe tact dais. a ..ek PWait* er Pols .,.. shell my Inks pr.ss.drogs aialiil the pewer- t7 and "awe of the said /.seal Disk. war vie seethe of tk• hoeing of the airs Writ. . JOHN IMSONALM sent ii. P. k 8. Fm /sere Orme Beers►, laet.6, 1551. .5.27.6 t. of God• that bi.pro- Nb ies. any -. Ftas sr twist v'. STRAI'ED. If the Sebseriber sheet the August • bleat ter t 11111e white user the As, parrs giti.g toad to bis rewire, - their trouble at Tusk.1.mith, L ROBERT Sep. 1562. PLANS AND SP THE Subscriber beg. Inhabitants of the and the not,hbortnt D Establis led himself and is prepard to give Plane times of Public or Private But es, Mill Dame, kc. lite. kc., the superintendence of such the moat reasonable time. Hie thorough knowldgo ofbie profession trod his practice as Builder, goatlike bite for Maj uaderlakieg an the line. Addreee poet PETER FERGUSON, lnitti.r, kc. its. Stratford, C. W W. Stretford. March sib, 1641. It-s7t • AXE FACTORY, 4c. THE Bsbaeriber beim to Mama •i farmer and other iababl•"0 United Cartier, that be has hie orn.gereste, and scan, Scotch & Canadian Ploughs of the most improved hloelds,-,MALT ROLLERS, Ternisg Loam, ,8.aitk'a Rollers, gee. THRASHING MACHINES of a superior description to any hitherto istroduced,and better adapted to Ibis eoas- try from their lighters efdraught ,and strength of eoostroetttn. Areal Atli; in- tendi.g purchasers is regal d here per - chasing elsewhere. The akl�.wiill be sold at Low Kates for Cas. or eatcor- respondiog rates on approve t• A. II/ ORR. Stratford, 20th Jese,1850. 2v-.20 BOOT AND SHOE STORE: to inform the , b Slants of a rieb, sod the !01- J- habitants of '�lwe roeedhs Country,. that be hie jest .peed a Neer .stet sed Shoe Store, w M.. Hilo'. new Stick Herat. Goderich.- Where be will cosetasUy k ep*oonkba d a kegs vied well ,atwr14d Which be willsell atf Lathe's sad slow prior, f or's Root* mad bauk The Pteblio are ReeMctk'liy repealed to call set sissies for tbeimea ' e, before per. drain skiewlierm ' woeesd pees for sale. • IAMBS THOMPSO8 .. m Dederick Marek 111, tai11• PROSPECFFVS. OF TILE ANGLO.A1 814CAN MAGA- Oe the First of Jsfrr.ss w4M he p�esttish• ed the first malls_ d8 Yostlly Peri - `HE ANALO. •desalt older hetletfawf' AMERICAN MAGAZIN Each .umber will east* octavo, with double eoisll illustratiose. Price Wei to advance, and oast by British Nor"* Aslsefa4. litotes. . 1t ii reposed is one or more 0rignea1 meted wilt Barns A eluding party pointed err of . desumiwti.rtal of the best wri!i.g11 M met*: periodie.ls w111 been d, have referee.' to the -w to d thew Colon •e• A emeriti digest el a. the World, Seieil e Wal Dere, Meres.i LOW .altars of general 'stone; most rootlet ioforwetiM. it to aloe intended te. 'o� Weed Ri.gr•pkiee .4 Basinrld B. -irate end Jrsf.ad, helm MAW � to the pre«at tame. kelt be 1U,tdressof with P 55.141.. As it a remora to meat IMP K eties sr • sati.sal and net sliced w von ai A e5Mgly .doss.te al tee as eg ale O,..ne II.lMtwb 11 her' Okd..id• oft bdag1wlp#fss of the S1ilist ��.pZ�ee. An envenoms* of rasa 1 tow t w iq the r5disd_ public l� .4 arse the protector of thte risco. they are eetirely ireiZare there.* the majority. 064 aboard tether or termer I be Menlo taste of • orroote or. *really afforest ie Meow foraffege met Wm - elders hese repo fee where these filidedi. esie elotwee& amid :are that the *orreries will tweet or etreemr= frees err ler whose pleetterlat sod • rasa will foetid, bite ow 96 maw royal lad Numerous' eissom, paid eitsy pert of the United 'Oa midi woos ex - Wien thins ish Rest P, Lei tao Termi- te area. 43 of SS free of stomp% it se a ;WSW ISOM( strewn i taste be has teat Is COO AND P HOTIS. CHERRY AND tJNSWORTI .•a lima Cosa •r Cas*. fearetheur SOWS et iwle Wit Sweats, Awlela. Litter C. piaMite, MIA OONSUMPTIO DEATH aa be sad has rated is chorea& of b al . sal sintroit of Caxaav sae (•a sidles of modistes estate awn dthetsad leso- tha i7 ie the mesh el a P►7•bies. vs Ise hese mgrdie J Oialat .aa• 1.011• �'^'• ,I eatrteted W susses d R•pe7 ,t medians a (er suis" the worn gba.d.t►ee •� dimes/, itle.ssae p►1 a the modern to exposer- rate xposer rate mat une will este the worst oo1dee gime if neglected always leed. is meow. -Hite b a plot the hob ewe know. to bet fw, at hes USN krsed nes d all pw,ided s remedy fur w sod • him. • As 1s.5 idot trempetsk hve aha well 1111111.-.(. 14 ere toy t, w ewes/ is Gees. Ceetreettd or /tiff aisle. °tmeipMM thee* who aro Comstock & Illsather. eek, °ad sew geese wi the w1.ppe r. •p0(YI HACHE.-Ds. tare of the Toothache. that we es" reeemmed al* owe. wittiest sap gems. oM11S'TO CCOCK'S she meet sauseedi seed: it eLs.tvsllg Adalu sad C delteeti tiMI to comp Weems. within wi walk New ea for dm /sides// table sue is the tomb ea 1FUGE.-Thie to y tee Waere ever tea W*rms from both easiest hum the meet eon *ash, and weer fails set ad d.uey all ktads d t, 26 atarrhauls. Nutt d all, sad all pastels who am remotely express, dm lives d w tame felt deasroye'rs •f yestb. Leek los the same d Cow a & er, proprietors, us die Wrapper tile. "AIT INDIA HAIR DT E. -Colors P• Halo, ad sot the Skis. Tab dr my alts plied a the hair ever sight. the int ■igbt toro- th' seas, fag tN tightest Red or Grey Hair to a dub tad b7 repeat°" s ./sued °i"bt. to • n for C...am►tiss. bright pt bock. Tb... beta sea wursoted b7 lie ►/alta" ties are truly ered,,fal, ad tem "modem.• whn maalbetaree it. wash the see tray a her.wit► which it cam the worn ears eolebrsted Cb.mbt, Dr. Geiser«k, td ethar Than will be roved Patly eron band • "fish of rapiditycera sl the most approval Patterns of Hagfish d Ulcerated Lug., moth's' ad subduing all Comatom►'o Cbemiur7, Philosspby, initatlso..1.001 im.sdtassy. to a proof of its I weeks, and School Book*. well 100110. sed American Cooking Runge.. Stoves, •daputtw to tai. direr Caenoa.Comstock if the s Brotherr. 1 St.ir 1 • lac. fitted with Tis •d Copper Ware corn- Tes boo two .rniolw e.m\isrd with cher pure - 41 sold say by he - Stele, also, the Pard tar Ste end variety 17 veeembl. tsgredi/su freta med.e.m"N'I Plow. directly i• r of the oAAow mer H�r.from Styles of Hall and Parlour Stoves, • varietyI stn Cocom of Plain sad Ornamental Patters* of Cast belies the *Omer is to 1 D Most M directed. Iron Fenee sod Gates, all of which will he sold at lower prices than have ever before been offered to the publie, sad which, from the position of Chippewa. as regards water mesieatioe, can be forwarded to any theProeioea at a very light 61- OLIVER T. MAKLEM. we, June 24, 1861 _ Spect.-92 the woo 0..e. •f c,• en ural prostrated -- sot be diae.sro"ed. • vial eta do se r, hat will minuses the asset sceptical d real worth. Tho.,.sde of Cooss.ptne per- • boor bees deceived repeatedly is bevel" icier.' which were rid to be iealble situ which have "owed ..I palliatives, bat • ern et 1,. icia• is not hely r mi- nted ls"ge. it ...tats so deleurioar I)reg. one trial will po.ve its setonshieg efficacy by T. Ford do Co.. a __... ,.. ca- I J D Dent • is i elowere by Tirol. Eagan Mr Barclay, sal ser tel«A from Broadway, twain reel 'rode. New e York. to whom RAIorders sell All d the above sewed easel/. a . sold is Goderieh , C. W.. by Robert Puk. Marwood Stratforrd be FL Crabb. Lee: mad ie St. Mary11. 's 177 T. e. Gsnt: Io SVoodet«k by T. ticotl: in Leadoo by Mitchell: in Ermoodville by J. Carter: .n Aarperhey by M. McDermid & Ce.: is Mitchell ad Babb A Co.: is Embro 'the ropier/ prepared to a impel tor qua• Ifulted to the ctreemetan- ISI of the 000011y, and the quality of the article. H1e also invitee all farmers to call and ee amiss his improved agreimen of the CANADIAN SCOTCH PLOUGH, which be flatten himself will b3 found superior is many respects to any other Plough now in us" ia this section of the Prort.ee. HARVEY BRACE. G•derieb, Aug. 21, 1851. v4o27 begs to ieform the tuba- OrMerieb sad its vierity, that *Lase Supply of the Le - Mess for Caleb ., aid very eeyiefet MAN tare this bhp Werra tallyho librad pa bee bees Mt G, BOX UR STOVES, FRUIT TREES ! subscriber is retorting thanks to the l.bobitante of the County of Huro• grierally for the very liberal encourage.- ..at ncourages ..at he bas met with in the Hate of Fruit Trees, begs to espouses to the Farmers of these United Counties that he is prepared teiretredsee this Fall, a large sod well se - heeled stock, comprising usual liberal terms1 N.rwr7'rr.e., upon It would he rpeta'toee to enlarge upon the superior merits of this Nursery, and the qualities of ?reit brought from it -but the large qua.tity of Trees that have been distributed over nearly all of Upper Canada, for the last 18 years bas gained for this Nursery • eaper�ority over most others. The subscriber would beg in introdoce to the notice of all those who w 1.h to get good Winter Fruit. the eelebrated Northern Spy Apple. its qualities are superior to aJI others of its Iliad, keeping notii July, and preserv• tog all its freshness and flavor, which is a great destdentnm motel that period.' The subscriber "would ale intimate that his Dwarf Pear tee to great demand se a Carden Fruit, bearing in two years after planting. Every variety of Fruit Trees. Ornamental awl Evergreen Trees sed Shrubs, !lardy Herbaceous Flowering Plants, Dahlias, Bulbous Flowering Roots, kc. Catalogues eta he bad of any local or travelling agent, giving a full description. Terme. when 50 Thee are taken, 925' per hundred. or le 3d rose each. under 50 Trees. is 64 cy. ern tat bar ()o its sus mod bot 1014 %IRE subscriber begs to inform sis oto - AIL warms friends and customers, sod the public generally, that his LARGE BRICK BUILDING is now completed, and that trove the great increase thee added to his former premMes, he is now enabled to offer accommodation to the travelling public at least equal to that afforded by any other House in Town. And without being anx- ious to monopolise the entire tavern host- ess of GodericK be at least hopes for a continuance of the patromgerwhich he has hitherto enjcled, and will always endeavor to secure the eatiyfeetion of his guests and customers, by attending to their comforta- ble sceonimodation. ROBERT ELLIS. N. B. -The Stabling at the Colborne Ion to taxtenstys sod of the first quality. Goderich, Juno 11. 1851. v4.17 Bele it eery reduced sultscriber also keep* OM Stead, e large rest ef TIN - ties. The sib - limit, mitereieg TiohDe fee the very reeeldreI elect be Is hopes end soder- • share by Gillet stasetielo te ate Ow, to bossism pse sad Sell Mania", armed en as hereto. hire. WILLIAM STORY. Oeariela, 111 Sept. 1349. VOIR Setrarder beam lure appointed A Agent of the "CANADA LIFE ASSURANCE CO.,'' rases, sad will be haSistigrerd to say permit the wilememory es, es to the Nisi*. of tits teed • st. the let, a goof pee. 001.111111 NM heroine foto, 141 weft el Geknek sad Pergkkrakee ie die Tea ei Phydaset es tam pee 19' 4.41411 WANTED IMMEDIATELY. sena mos of good Hemlock Bark, which Um higliert market price will be poid by the Sebeedber. al-TCrr TO -11. II.Ittlagri PILO IMPORTANT re vas Farmer, Farrier Stage Proprietor. GEO. W. MERCHANT'S CELZBRATED GARGLING OIL kilo • art nerdialie Wing Akelkethet ere Pr HE 5131111CIUSER bogs Immo to it.- '" lora Me IHNNII rod tie pellie few - Het be bee ear get the Pletlessi bolo ootrogeted. se to leanest aiir bolo oreporod to toter& .1)4. seps reed harm tmtesi at to wog; otot too be foetid W- 1.410114.0 sod Gerierisi. 'Floe /Yaffe. is situated le dor bootwiroi met !OW Dreeediel& teller sod mare Nem Leedom. otos onots“. eon erifert el He resets lore oaoro pleb. 1410 M Vet,* owe bsri=lt the kaat Madras's for AshmecioW1111.11100410 tbe Corral peek, sod 4110410.7.1C, revered reelirie teseeiNell Se peewee to wookeasettwesaf arm WOO A$4111AOIDIAR. Cen- irobo • PIN MID ICA1511WIL "" 41"r to Om I/Weft Wert 04.01*. Cried* 'se tieteseeedr oti heed. e Ores be.. emelt he wilt Mill et &sod prier Tie bows roe 14 trier fortZ rosisoMmoo to ettebh•P al lie patreteese. 1011/4 MeICENZIE. 111 AN I N 0 holm *be pest t we yeses act. ed hi the espeeity of ORNSRAL it to be poorer wroderisteri diet be will *woo is tor part er tbe Upper Primate", be - room roboore OW Rees re Hereto to Dot West. 1111 esishaeoff tate seweewee eseet. lot seek, erg to expire Me dram ed (poet pow) to Ayr P. 0 • ISSN Dont Prim. r will be premplig Need ie. Asa 1, alit. elot• "They seal the a• m eat meet Fame" kaki. Ihressig, tido. Good Poosiorol zomwel••• mow el rem Pastel Pars Boils, Gorr, trwOrmil of the Joints. Coked Dremile. (TREAT IMPOSITION A catITION TO Wirmasio, as/ as • 541Meemies snide Ma w ries err we marrow mas ee awl better tbse tial °s•erttes es e tog crswmpties ed all 4irae0 d the Less" wed Liver, each as Iptnisg of blood, Coelho, psis Is the side sod chest. tight -/wean, ate• Cranes. -To protect our ewe se wallet, the interns allot nr..mpive sefferer:we are oblig- ed to castles an to 6sd the sig.,. d COM - STOCK & BROTHER e• the ppe • 001 this it is • worthless see.terfeit. Remem- ber this. • CARLTON'S LINIMENT FOR THE PILES, &c. -It is now eyed io•Ih. priocipal bsepitahe, sod in the private practice in our country by an imrneese aerbet of iedivideole 5d families, first & most certainly for the care oldie Piles, and slot eatearively sed effectually es to bsdI. credulity eater where its divers are wit- .essed tztemall► in the following complaints: -- Dropsy Bwellisgs. Rhematism, Acte or Chro- nic, giving immediate rare, Sore Throat, Rroi• see. Sprains, Barn., deer. Sorel and Uleera.- Whet We fresh or of longg, steadier. and fever sores. Its operation apou "delta and children i mdse.'s( theocratic t weling., looeenieg cough• n common remark of those who bare rived it the Piles, la"itacts like aeh.15'." It is war rested to plea/* arty person that will try 1 .J -h C•trtos.- ever ■f Comstock & Brother'v Almwee for 1853. will be g�.es to ■I1 grana 1s Hayfield by C• Crabb aad Cardiac.; at Bell's Corers by I1. Brown. COMSTOCK'S GREAT PAIN KILLER O medieiee In bees discovered that is ea Nhappily adapted to awe i• erhsawloise iden whenrp to be take., asd~7 p. applied externally .e a wash or barb. by friccttion. 25 cm. is •11 you M.e fo ma to try that sem can be no object o the proprietor, to it hefted that such a price can be o0 obs" a Us trial. _ held,. to will aper pr bottle•aeeerdiet le t1. pries. 25 to all eal alta, i will enable all to ase it.ndlf yos that ll x101 T he - gin with • 25 seat beta{/, your doubte,•.sd make yua buy, sod vee tad ro- commend it to your friends, more then a misdeed i certificates would. Who will oil to try it tlw.• esd rare life and .offering for 25 nets. This Pain Killer" may he treed with a *seems' that ° will saws Leh the beholder. it seal c.ve• • following: Cholera Moths. Dietrerieg Dyers- "' e( the chest tee years credit. notes payable with inter- the mote, imparts es est. Orders wili be received, sod an). in- ' {mien, mid prevents 'Wharf dualities colour 1 formation given by Mr. Horace Horton, getting grey. 2d. It mow the hair to ea Market Square, Graderich. aod Mr. Peter beestifelle when does op in:it nyee sidlit. • Titi t mica by rehxuion of the pe s, ,eery, Pain in 1be side end Stomach, Corse. CUM b4 beet narpnotag beyoed e•eupiion. Th. and &vicar, Cholera Inluntem. &uvebitis, o Healing Sores no Man or Beset, (.hilar/. Teeth- - tag, Rasing Blood, Iloarseaeee. Quinsy, is a few bout', s eirml Frosted prevent a ` Blister °from Borns. Bokeen Breasts. N b it velem you n • 1ac siaile aigoere e( Comstock k Brother. Merles. Cremes. '11.,", Scratches, or Tera proprietors, os athe wrapper. Fkrh, Bites or Stings. Cerulctte. a 61t • volume might be published, •lowing ib. won- AZOR'9 TURKISH BAL61...it-The esa7 derf•I effeeta of COmstoek'. Pais Killer. bellboy certain remed' for Beldame, .od for prereutia" tae ton eomm05, and used lerartttlee d •. rser- dcstopping the (ailing out of the Mir. Ai.T.i- it: sod the 2.5 mere oral bottle will de ere the a tet atLicl., for be.otifyiad sad keeping the Han ,hnsrud °sksewe •teles t° /.vera/ the •ser. soh, glory, and in • healthy condition, it a au- , Beware of worthless articles celled Pais Edlar, equalled. h. positive qualities ars es follow erne sod bean bay any bat Comst«k'e. 1st It frees the Mad fro.n d.mdraff. StTeltithe°- GEORG F.'S HONDURAS SARS&PA- armoire from ismer. state of dr• blood. This or RILLA EXTRACT, for the este a all dimsees re:Senisparilla cattalos tem times as math pare Ilnedura• Sarsaparilla ae may other. la fact, of an •xtract Irmo the worthless commie Sarsa- parilla, aad do sot have the desired effest satil • permit has peered perhaps dows• about*. tato Isi• system. Os tie wetrary. Gimp's Heeds • les Sareeparilla, from Wing composed of the beat materials sod ntairasetared with the greatest tare, (every powd of the sarsaparilla Wise seb- jeeted to tile summit Chemical twos, nad it• ',naiveness ascertained before it is wed.) sem immediately sod powerfully. This Mee Millorit4 Nostrum. but • pettily Vegetable Compound. prepared on wiestifie prisciplee, sad we eart esefidestly assert it is the beet Sarsaparilla wee before the public. LWT Tint antis Tait NOT1C1.-lrom who. ars yofferieg with the masy ills that female fiesti is beir to, so platter haw desperate your ease may be, be net discouraged: resort te George•• Hoodoos. Samparills, and yea will nod it • delightful sad effectual remedy. You who desire a beautiful, clear skis, free front Pimples. Blotekee, and all impurities, ear rely upon it as lb. beet Cosmetic i• see. We briag this mediciss before Om public. coefideso that the good cornrow sews of the people will the pyre Haider*. Saresparilla sod the tweeted ....ode.. *stmt. of a worthless plast with which dm c000try is filled. sad wefidestly be - 14.1•1 that Georges Hoodlum Sarsaparilla *see tried will be always seed We have mit it op i• lugs haulm es. ooko 0. equal is 'Otos to sas et aey ether Sumparille oversold. Medici.* bas tiVVOIDO 00 goat wh .re it ha• bees se the sphredid Wrapper, or yes will be demi.- ed. All 'rem most be addremed to Comsteek A.S.Prrte?",,sep.or5Iteewur ork Six bottles for $5. All a a.. above mimed articles are amid only ie Orrick. C. W„ by Robert Perk. leerresed Cheer: ot Bell'e Ceram by 11. Breen; ie Werstoek by T. Swett: is Lewis. by blitebilit Is timesaving by J. Carter: is Illarperbey 11. NeDersid k Co.: is bY T. Teel C••, sed Barb k Co.: ia . Erre by J. D. DOM: is Millirem by Tirol; is Hayfield by C. Cribb, sod Gordon. Foleiro for Comet's! & Welber's Almesas for 1853, which will be glom IrriCitt. 15. 111.19. irle39 Woody, Gaon Hotel, Stratfor , agents for this Numery. SAMUEL MOULSON, Old Rochester Nursery,' N. Y. Godetrieb, 15th Joly, 1855. so GOOD NEWS. HEAP GOODS at Port Albert, who calls there will find . t7 MTh° Goode suit the fashion, the pricer, ,i'i Who wishes to porches., will pliers n 5 cell and we c M Rio stock, o ell selected, will suit Cap -8 .. THOMAS LOUGHEED. Port Albert, Sept. I, 1862 ir5o32 hereby gives that the partnership Sob- s. eartieg between Alex. McIntyre, sod James Desalt/eon, town of Goderich, was diesehred by mutual consent on the 22od day of January, 1E152. And all persons in dehted either by Note or Book account are hereby requested to make immediate Fay- e:test, aod save come. ALEX. McINTYRE. JAMES DONALDSON. °Womb, April, tiltb 1659. 05014. SONS NAND it,." L=011• fir ewe mom eases. awl ea Moo Brim Ph. BMWs. lomeramo• er Orme Frei lire. old Ifieldes Ogee weedy drawea wow ma ste Valise SONE se me rem set Mum mworeater, Were esims se arrows his isiessdes meriawe awe male gursimel OWNS War see apse die Or elms ICIblesesibly eseddersdes TO" Uwe dimpom. Ova, ass be Wel Wm lairee ea dee craftier, rhea rememere s et do ins. eapilky vows is "bet a*.se el mows mememet Mai yslil pare la demi pavpipaw wield dierithoi wades dam sits Fran errs Ift• Ar• toes Ye err qf prownew at IS Ma INII al wakes/ Maw awes ir• di* a. 4.•• WNW W. Warshaw LadipitiVI wow en, la peed" This Wiese dem the pellet way am are. edgy their way s me semis. MI testae tha Apia, end am air imam sea VMS. to Is be IWO UIDI Balm is made irom the moue from the original Turkish Hakim (physician) of Constantinople, where it is Nor 11y omd.- The Turks have away* hew eel/bested for tkoir wooderfel 'kill in compounding the richest per- fumes sod all ether toilet articles. 'In Turkey the aromatic herbs, tkc. of which this Balm is convened, are 'know neiversally know," sad seed for the hair. Ileac. • case of *Oddest or ir- country. We wish bat one tnal to he ma e .t. the% will do more to ein•inee you of its • h dvertisemests than els published, sod that all may be • e •irtues. it is pat up in Large Bottles at the I price of 50c fier Bottle. Reroember the gensiie bee the Option Comstock & Brother on the splendid wrapper FOR TIIE MARRIED.-- Be re Fay be cheerfully obeyed by the children of Mes De- Lai:arras Joso Commas. or Proves Elixir. prescribed as ad effective% restated, ewes Debtlity.'Impoieticv. or Sarmatian., all irregolerities of salute. It is all that it lessee to be, viz: Natare's Greet Restored**. remedy to thole in th• monied mat• wit offspri•g. It le • COT HOU core for Semisal • Geomal debility, Glee*, Weaker". of Genital Oros., Affectiose. Loge rhoea or Whites, As as invigorates sri it is 'sequined. also. • certais remed1 eider Esrey. Physrel Lawritede. Fr Weaker's. Debility, &e. It is warreied pear ibe aver to asy die shove ortelle and is of priceless valeta to Mom widows OVr 04 Er - Veld re pro - rid beet one - die • Mee - mar to Catrrim Exra...-Fied the sass of Com - it 'mime Too jail %be obeys roc r it bee ter oreaterfeit as yes weed poss. Aril bees extessieely twiteteefeited of him as lotrBeck.h.jth:.c15.„.......774,..":Hcsieeleagand."0.7.4847..itilii.edattowhettliestattr.81:prCoteiboa°41. led Der NOTICE. PHE Subscriber having RENTED the isg to the Messrs. Davenport, ef this place hes established himself** - Amy se• ders or comatietion from the Mer - emote of Gederich, will receive prompt Ware fuseda Mae IP'OUN D. day ee the Shore a Lake florae, rims. rid other articles, ail meth woeful& . Tire ewer is request- ed to deeerfbe saa property, and pay moo oral elierges, when the ober property will Its delivered tip, or forwarded tie may be detretel. The De's was directed to Cheap, s. JAMES HAWKINS. dere °eloper le Ohio sod Wiworsona *at piton Oser• 06•44 W MILL & PARK LOT Perth deo Kineerdine Stir% above MI sad Lot aro situate sie For 'Pelf '0 Seth Nov . teat 4d POR SALE, erred, waft* owe* eveiterl some oast Cade. Tb• Mumps of wombs: eed worwee, boom. 11 is et tbs." Arra der ',Tom 2° IN▪ & a dr bag, dare gay how las Wileb.l. aid which, of sot ioss614 ls, will reselt is No ?Ass Warr, hihreh sees. Sous, 41m. All et wash will mi priareed hf Wall 1'66 d dews pewdre, oaf wbil et air Kies eireeta mad re, lesion eh. ebbh-Jamee dr weer. mod =powder is Das epee ell es esseeir MIN Awn 0261teAlla. old be so,ds5ro sow ow WOO fa C *9 coomoso roods... bed wee me OrideArdo Wordato or los bred. re Clerk la Co . Port Swift : Nowa sot 40s; H. Cook, Iiiehrsood; A. The forlsorieg ere Geo. Fitil, Detroit R Stanley ; T. Rie mo. ea, Csierthiec 111, 1632. Agee te, pad Seel 1A111111SW? eakilernse. sod Mei esimies. Weer, -Dr /Ira mid Cm- reeleed • eery edgers. sill ere te ft sere erase) Thee TRAVEk.,LER'S HOME. 96th Fehreary, 1649. $ frHE Subscriber hereby lottmetos to hie A friends and the Travelling Ppblie gam - rally, that he Me rewromml fmat Now Aber- deen to dm Village el Strastrergli, sof will sow be foetid to tbat well -knows house let- reerly (tempted by Mr. Jones,-wlieve be will be reedy sod shle to immerge to the eernfort of those who may honer ow. with their patronage. AM while he retirees thanks for pest form, he by strait attester to tee rests mei wishes Of bile assurers, • til I to merit a emit:muse cm of t heir paresis*. JOHN ADEL. 8,-(herti STABLES aid etre Grow. rilas O&M Itemelehr KM. • IP ARM FOR SAUL tiered es 9, with a good The ober hem le well nrelee.....tlice Sere ere aloe Stables with Per Mirk Mem Tows Keeps, Otedeetek et 48 imm won. 01,41110 solo • totwilem