HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-16, Page 5N9YetaajaPr 115,. 1941 and , t.rict nem 07 PAP 11 Pi: 10 C!Qa.ItaSPO IRENTs Mrs, Meucie Heclelen, Pbene Mrs. Archie MacOregerf Phone 56. Space for Kinsmen Warrant Officer E. Lesnick, of RCAF Station, Clinton, ,ad- dressed Kinsmen from London Stratford Exeter, Clinton t to -i and Hensall in a joint meeting at the New Commercial Hotel, Hensall, Thursday evening, Noy. 9, speaking on "Space Travel", The speaker was introduced by Kinsman Bill Mickle, President Bill Fuss of the Hensall club presided for the dinner meeting and special guests s from t rm e Hn s were Hensall members of the band and those who helped with the carnival and Hallowe'en party, Dr, D, J. AicKelvie of Essex and Mr. George Sawyer of Tillsonburg, former Kinsmen members, and Mr. Jack Sawyer, of Tillson- burg, attended, There were 48 present, Miss Mary Kinsman. dnI1M riA!!b-xbi;SG1:IfAxnr, ll i.9:dTr'l; F Chiselfwrst sale !WI visits realizes $16 Chiselhurst United Church t 17.1e Royal Thirt -seven WI members and friends .enjoyed a bus trip to the Royal Winter Fair, To, ionto, on Monday, Nov. 13. This was their fifth bus trip organized by the President Mrs, Fred Beer who was pre- sented with a gift in appreeia- Sunday School rotnns decorated with varied colored Mums, was the setting on Thursday after• noon, November :9 for the an- .nuaT bazaar, bake sale and tea, sponsored by the Woman's As, of the church, Cashier Mrs, P. Harris re- ports $160 realized, i Conveners were' bai;e table, Mrs, Alvin Cole, Mrs. A, Ross, Mrs. Earl Kinsman, Airs. Lloyd k crguson, Mrs. Percy Wright, 1 Mrs, Campbell .Eyre, Mrs. Tom 13rintnell, Mrs, George Boa and Mrs Russell , Ru se l Brock; sew. ing, Mrs, R. Taylor, Mrs, Roy MacDonald, Mrs, Wm, Brint- nell; produce, Mrs, Clarence Coleman, .Aires, Edwin Taylor, Mrs. Ed Dick; candy, Mrs. Ben Stoneman, Mrs, Robert Boyce; tea tables, Mrs, Harold Parker, Mrs. Jack Brintnell, Hensal/ personals Hunters Wes and Ross Rich. ardson, Jim McAllister, How- ard Smale, Grant McGregor, Campbell Eyre, Bill Bell, Em- merson Kyle, Dave Triebner, Allan Tremeer, Carl Mc C1in- chey and Ed Morton returned home Sunday. from a week's. hunting at Parry Sound, with three fine deer, They reported the weather fine, freezing at night, but lacking snow, Mrs, Keith Lindsay, Pamela and Sheila, of London, are spending this week visiting with Mr. and Mrs, John Hen- derson and fancily. Mr. Jack Pfaff was admitted to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Richard Erb spent the weekend in Toronto attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Baker and Mr. and Mrs, William Baker spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren in Cooksville. Little Vicki Lee Baker visited with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Pfaff in Br.ucefield. Mrs. Edna Corbett visited over the weekend with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGregor. Miss Patsy Jones of the staff "of the local Bell Telephone of- fice is having a week's vaca- tion. Miss ;Margaret Mousseau re- turned to her home Sunday after receiving treatment in Clinton Public Hospital. Ricky Parker entertained several friends to his eighth birthday party at his home on. Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. George 'Parker were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. David Morrissey at Parkhill. Your Library — Continued from page 4 laws that should be understood by every driver for driving efficiency and safety; part 4, Sound Traffic Practices, pre- sents sound driving suggestions for open road and for urban areas; part 5, You and the. Motor Age, enriches the previ- ous parts with baekground ma- terial .important in producing good traffic citizens. This book has been widely, used as textbook in Driver Ed- ucation inhigh schools for it is felt high schooldriver edu- cation is the most effective, long range means of reducing traffic accidents. The books is illustrated with new diagrams developed for technical accuracy, and clarity. This is a book every driver of a car should study in the in- terests of driving safety, mat's middle-aged an's wife had –been badgering hire for days to take some "youth pills" she bought for him, lie finally relented one evening and took event], of them before going to bed. Next morning, she found it difficult to wake him, She shook. him repeatedly and yell, ed, "Get up, it's time you were out of beds" "All right, all right," he answered, eyes squinted, 'Ill get up but I won't go to school," Product's 01• Genera' Motors 'r. Frigid acreq-{': Sales With Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL George Beer, Gerald Bell and Don Mousseau accompanied by Keith Lindsay of London, left for week's hunting trip to Man- itoulin island. Mr. Earl Bali and friend of Toronto spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr,. and Mrs, Glenn Bell, Mr. Ross Christian, Bramp- ton, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, K. K, Christian, Messrs. Orville and Wayne Ford, of Hay P,0„ Jack Par- sons, Exeter, Clark Webster, Hensall, returned from a hunt- ing trip to McKerrow in the Sudbury district, on Friday. Dr. and Mrs, D. J, McKeivie of Essex were guests last week with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Drys- dale and Jill, on their way through to Shellbourne to visit relatives. Edward. Stewart, of Espanola, is vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neeb, Zurich. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Webster and Clark, of Hensall; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Neeb, Zurich, at- tended the Cormie-Stewart wed- ding at the Roman Catholic Church, Espanola, Monday, November 6 at 10 a.m. The young couple spent their honey- moon at the Webster home. The bride is a niece of Mrs. Webster. Mrs, Robert McAllister and daughters, Mrs. R, Turner and Mrs. M. Johnston, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. W. R. McAllister of Toronto, and while there attended the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Russell tied- den, Karen, Kevin, Keith and Kerry, St, Catharines, Mr. Har- old 'Redden and Bob, of Dres- den, were weekend visitors with Mrs, Catherine Hedden and Herb. tion, The group left Hensall at 8 a.m. and arrived home at 2 a.m. the next morning. After getting off the 'pits in Toronto they spent three hours .la down ., town loronto and the .First per- son they met was Rev, W, 3, Rogers of Erindale, formerly of Hensall. The rest of the time was spent at the Coliseum where the ladies were thrilled with the beautiful floral display, at- tended the horse show in the evening of which the highlight was the ROMP musical ride, See pies of Holy Land Mrs. John Chapman of Lon don gave a commentary and her husband showed picture of their travels in the Holy Land at the Evening Auxiliary meeting held in the auditorium of the United Church Monday evening. Mrs, Chapman was in- troduced by Mrs. Walter Spen- cer, and thanked by Mrs, Don Joynt. Mrs. Ron. Mock who presided gave the welcome to the mem- bers and special guests, WMS and .Arnold Circle of Carmel Church, St, Paul's Anglican, Chiselhurst and Kippen soci- eties, and WMS of the United Church. Mrs. A. Shirray con- ducted the devotional assisted by Miss M. Ellis. Mrs. William Fuss and Mrs. Ken Breachey of Zurich con- tributed a vocal duet accompa- nied at the piano by Mrs. A. M. Amacher, Miss Greta Lara- mie favored with a violin solo with Mrs. Currie Winiaw ac- companist. g Refreshments were served in r the Sunday School rooms, the G tea 'table centering an arrange- ment of mums flanked by candelabra, Mrs. E. Rowe and Mrs, Mock poured tea. Host- esses were Mrs, Jack Drysdale and Mrs. Howard Scene. Mrs. Winlaw' and Mrs. Edison For- rest formed the reception com- mittee, Over 100 attended, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. George Gawne anddaughters, of Florence, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol.' s }Q,'A.fa.,i.. iPA,mrc,Fd,.unAy it .iu Fear' clreq rev ole' t Staffa fetesIq,nsa l la dhost fps I MRS.. 'TEMP1r�MAN , Honoring the dead of two geant, Bill Rarown; standard, ,A Iieusali women,s Institute en� and a skit "TAble Ma zs world wars Remembrance Day bearers, Don Havens ,and A. 4 family, •dinner v+asSho drat tertained Iiuxoeda.ie ;and Zurteh was observed here o Satu d Y I Pinsent for the Legion,; M. tb . ',Do insHotel,' u ie o branches at its pltblio relations e m . on _ G .r.._.h> n sda , under the:auspices of Hensall, Harry ilcrtpn and 1►lrs. • :How. Wednesday evening,. Noy. 8 to i m.eeting held ki'edne y eve. Legion liraneh i . r and :Small for the Auxiliary* lienor 'Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur I ping, Nov. 8. ('resident Mrs, At the cenotaph Padre Rev.' David Taylor for Scouts; /web Miller, Staffa pit their 45th an., Fred Beer expressed wei- Currie Wlnlaw offered ,prayer. act Hex for Cubs; Janet Jenkins niversary, come to the s0 xrlexn'bexs and. Last Post was Sounded,, two• for Guides. Chief Constable E, After din evewent!guests who attended tl?e kneel. neer _ryone minutes silence and reveille. R. Davis directed traffic, .and to :the home of Mr, and Mrs. mg at, Wreaths were placed for the Auxiliary served refresh Benneth Duncan for the re,. nixs, J,alyd M,ekle gave a Ar„inn„ r,f nn1„�in 'hv 114re. �nrenis in Cha T.aoln„ [I�n Cpmmenta. ,and. $hewed. p1C+ tures of her trip to the Wt?st. M' w'��” iris. Fxtinur ntliler ani igen cl this summer going through the Legion Auxiliary, President adian Le ton entertained neem- neth, Mr, .and Mrs. John Miller, United Staves as. far as Glacier M Gordon �.0 n, Village . bels � National. Fark, drvin ihrou h' Mrs, G, Reeve John Hendee- H of t e (ounce, Reeves of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller, the ,mountains a to , al ary son; Township 'f Hay, Reeve l and Cub lead>:ray and e� o ath, occas Lee .and Teresa all.of Mafia; p C g Y V. L. Beck: r• Township_ s t a Sm ,gas Mir, and Mrs, James Miller, p of 'bard, turkey banquet In the Le- Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs, Sam ',t'uckersmith, Reeve Ivan For- glen Hall at the conclusion of McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Jack syth; ist Hensall Scouts, Mr, Remembrance Day Saturday,Duncan, Faye and Dennis, Mr. John Baker; 1st kiensail Girl evening, and Mrs, Kenneth Duncan, Ja- nice and Floyd, all of Kirkton/ Honor Staffa lady by members of the 'oliyT pinto 4-H club, Barbara 1'Vebher Jean Westcott and Margaret. }lyde, with .commentary by Margaret Oke. Tilts skit has been presented several .times including Clic area epnventioe at London and Western Fair„ Readings Were given by Mrs. Newell .Geiger; ;and soles, "coni gave ,us: Hames" and "3 .teolt a miracle"• by Mrs, Ar M. Amacher, with. Mrs, Grace Her, pole, accompanist, Mrs, Georgy Hess, who presided for the and on to Banff, Lake Louise, program, .conducted sing -songs Parkthrough Jasper National with Miss Greta Lammie.at the P k an .don dmonton,. piano. Mrs, R. D. Elgie gave coming home by the Canadian courtesy remarks. Guides, Mrs, W, J, Canteropi 1st Hensall Wolf Cubs, Mr. Jack Lavender; Kinsmen and (Cin, saes, Mrs, William .Clement, Rev. Ross D, MacDonald was guest speaker at the .service in the town ball which fpllpwed. Air. MacDonald's theme was "The Price a Peace" He spoke of the fear and dread prevalent in the hearts of SG many to- day and the need of our world to recognize its true peril. "This is not", he said "peril of nuclear weapons or the f threat o but mass destruction, b t the need of a change in the hearts of all. men." Mr. Mac- Donald reminded his audience,. Jesus said "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. "The price we must pay is the price of repentance, the trans- formation of human hearts that fear may be cast out by love, and that in Jesus Christ peace may reign",he concluded, Mrs, R, ryde accompanied at the piano for the hymnsand musical prelude and a union choir led the singing, Following service in the town hall the parade headed by the RCAF Centralia Trum- pet .Band re-formed for march- past and salute at the ceno- taph, Participating in the parade were the Legion, Auxiliary, Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies. Parade marshal! was Wilmer Dalrympsei color ser - i 4"`.f;,Y kq.+. 7'.�'i.mosi n>Zvm4. F':.::i..t.n. ,:in News from North. Bosa n uet mIU: .:Y.;a.s arnfN>,.n4rxEH1•fX5.9>...... sae ..;ss;;s Mr. Len Carty and son of London visited Mr. and Mrs, Harold Prance last Sunday, Feter Laeh is having the arage on. the Kimmerly farm emodelled for living quarters, ooding Construction Co, of Parkhill have the contract, Remembrance Day was oh - served in the schools last Fri- day afternoon. The New Venice .Farm har- vested an excellent crop of kidney beans.. IIIMItienraninaftwOlmie ••••••• BACKACHE When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wanted, backache—tired feeling— disturbed reit often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills -timulate kidneys to normal 'ty. You feel better, alpep leiter, work better. SO a unuu,uuum,„uunu,nununuuuuunuu,a„ CANADIAN. PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend ounuuuuuuuu„,nu4nuuuuuunuunnunuu 24 -Hour lowing Service., . te N3T,'� iFi Big or Small . .. We Tow Them All! ANNOUNCEMENT We Wish To Announce That We Have Added EDDIE BRINTNE'LL, EXETER. to our staff in the biddy shop,, He has had six years' experience in body work and h trained to handle all your needs. FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL BODY WORK r• Hensall Motor Sze/es MORE 4l R. CaMpbellr Proprietor HENSALL Warden Ivan Forsyth spoke, his remarks based on Remem' prance Day, Councillor Elgin. Thomson of Tuckersmith was also a guest at the banquet, e - ” 5 N alts .n_ _I Kinettes appear `�.. V ca T Hensall Kinettes at their meeting Tuesday evening at L the home of Mrs, John Heat deckled to sponsor the March of Dimes campaign in January with Mrs, ,Janes Hyde as cam paign chairman. Members will deliver around homes, hospitals or nursing homes50.boxes to shut-ins in their The group will appear on CFI -L -TV program "Act Fast" on January 27. IVIrs. William PussDinette waspin.presented with her Prior to the meeting mem- bers canvassed the town selling rtiafckflets on a Christmas cake, airs. Harold Knight won the e, Father dies. Mr, Norman George Shiels, 65, of .Belgrave formerly of Brussels, died in Wingham General Hospital on Wednes- day, Nov, 8. Survivors are his wife, the former Lillian Rogers; sons, Norman, Ashfield •'„Township; George, Hensall; daughters, Mrs. Gai.let (Donna) Allan, Hensall; Miss Shirley Shiels,. Detroit, Mich.; a sister, Mrs, WinghGeorgeam. (Elizabeth) Johnston, Funeral services were held Friday from the D. A. Rann funeral home, Brussels, with burial at Brussels cemetery. ' Attending the funeral from Hensall were Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allen. and Margaret and Mr. and Mrs. George Shiels. On Saturday evening men bets of the a9MS and the WA of Staffa United Church and the neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sam Nor- ris for a social evening, Mrs. Bert Daynard was chairman and sing songs and contest were enjoyed, During the evening Mrs. Jim gall (the former Ethel, Ma Norris) was presented with an armchair and �saln t ma a- u g zine rack, • Personal items On Saturday afternoon the Staffa Women's Institute had booth at Mra, Ed, Butson' sale. Over $20 was cleared for Institute work. Thursday evening guests with Gail Agar were Julie Ann El liott and Darlene Templeman The occasion was Gail's 9th birthday. Cr. and Mrs, James Lyall Toronto, spent the weekend with Mrs. Lyall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Norris. Mrs. Ernest Templeman vis ited. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Will Miller, Cromarty. visited Mr, and Mrs. Alex James vrecently with Miss Mar- garet Miller and James, Mr. David Kemp, Stratford Teachers College spent the weekend at his home her. Mr. Arthur Kemp had his right hand caught in the plow Thursday afternoon, Several stitches were required to close the wounds. Quite a large number from this community attended the an- nual commencement at Mitch- ell District High School. The valedictory address was given by Tery Daynard (OAC), son of Rev, and Mrs. Daynard, Staffa. 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter O'Brien and Mike Parsons visited over West, Interesting and helpful an swers were received in re sponse to the roll call "A sery ice .our WI could render". Contributing to the program from Hurondale were duets by Barbara and Linda Dougall, accompanied. by their grand- mother, Mrs, Andrew Dougall, Ina musical: chairs contest ,conducted by the president Winners were Mrs. Albert ,Keys, Mrs. Alvin Moue, 'Mrs, Stanley Aitchell, Mrs. Lloyd Balton, type and Mrs. Arthur Rundle, Carnrnents about k.ppen • By MRS. NORMAN :LONG s Personal hemp~ Mr, and. Mrs, Robert Mc- Gregor and Mr. and Mrs, Alex . McGregor were in Toronto Monday, Tuesday and 1Wednes, day of last week and attended the Ontario Federation of Agri, culture meeting at the Royal York Hotel. They were taken through the assembly yards for the selling of hogs. Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Wahl of Listowel. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Norman Dickert. Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Huxable and Bill of. Centralia, Mr. and Mrs, William Stog- dill, of Toronto, visited during the week with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson. Visitors d- ring the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Long were Mr. and Mrs, Chris Haist of Zurich, Mr. Roy Arm- strong and son of Owen Sound, Mr. James Armstrong of Staffa and Miss Katherine Feltzer of Grand Rapids, Mich. the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Don O'Brien and family in Flint, Michigan, ,Qn behalf of the Visiting members Mrs. Harry Dougall, president of Hurondale WI and Mrs, Delbert Geiger, president of ,Zurich W. expressed thanks for a fine evening of entertain- ment. Program conveners were Mrs. M. Redden and Mrs. G. Hess, Hostesses, Mrs. ' Carl Payne and Mrs, E. Norminton, "I hear the bank is looking for a cashier." "But I thought they just hired one a month ago," "They did. That's the one they're looking for." The New Styles • TINTING • SETTING • STYLING Tues., Wed, & Sat„ 9 to 6 Thurs, & Fri., 9 to 9 WE FEATURE School Girl Perms—$64)0 Regular $8.50 Be -N -Jay BEAUTY SALON Phone 236 Hensall ‘Mi‘ Mgt /IV 17710'R Er FOR Y FROZEN FOOD VALUES 12 -ounce packages BEEF - PORK S usage 3;'1 Spare Ribs 49` PORK LB, Head Cheese PER IN 79 Pot Roasts ROLLERLB 45c e nsa EAS Famous Old South Orange 5 a $1 6 -ounce earls JUICE 415 AL'S FRESH PRODUCE Florida White 96's GRAPE FRUIT Poly cooking ONIONS CARROTS 10 For 49c PoLV 23'- 17c FREE! FREE! Cello Bag of 50 National Tea Bags when you buy two bags at the regular price of 50 Book Matches with the purchase of all pop. brands' Cigarettes CARrCIN '3.29 3.29 ROBIN HOOD FRUIT CAKE MIX, 30 -ox, `pkg, 670 GEM MARGARINE ......, ,.. 4 POUNDS FOR 890 STOKELY'S PING DRINK (Pin.•Grapf.), 48 -oz, 3 FOR $1 GREEN GIANT FANCY PEAS, 15 -ounce tins ..,„.,,,.. 4 FOR, 69.0 STOKELY CREAM CORN, 15 -ounce tins .. 4 FOR 690 CARNATION INSTANT MILK POWDER, 3 -Ib, :pkg, 890 LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT, 28 -ounce tins 2 FOR 390 McCORMICK'S SNACKERS, 1 -pound package 390 KELLOGG'S CEREALS ... .. 3 PACKAGES FOR 790 'K' Cereal, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE, 6 -ounce jar ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, '590' AYLMER. CUT MIXED PEEL, S -ounce package 2.30 AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS , ......... 2 POUNDS Sd SUPREME WALNUT PIECES, -dunce cello .,.o,...,...... 390 STUART HOUSE FOIL WRAP, Regular 12 -inch ............ ....... -110 Heavy Duty, 18 -inch sic WHITE SWAN 4 ROLL PACK TOILET TISSUE rt, ALLEN'S APPLE JUICE, 48 chute th%it aide,...,, ea” 290' CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP, "10.outite tiers 4 TENS.. ti