HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-13, Page 31'
• -r
HURON 41#IGNA_L.:___
bw.Opt Macerated is that it is, tise kt.sU.a Of tbe Csed& Coatt
ail! readaeg. He bine,. he e would posy le remove their office front Gods' tett
see as lupine w wife tu toy re- to Torero°, which will oecesioo uncalled
for harhips, isieoseesiesce and 'apes's* to
the salers.
Moved by Js.*.. Morris, Esq.,secouded
by Joseph FA. EN, *"a
Resolved, 'net the Canada Compasy
having assumed a hostile attitude towards
these 17 oiled Comities, this meeting deems
but just to tbennelves and fellow settlers,
kite such stepa u may be within their
to ascertain whether or not the mid
have fulfilled their obligations to
tlie Huron Tract, ha terms of
teed progress." We
rope:wary enjoys so
and privileges of •
5 pot iu the habit ef m
ed, but we think if' be w
canibenses gammas and
we will lead bim a race
!au, the cooly inteag we ha
lit fail for want of breath. -
mus" aut always
,or in a spirit of
I01*. of them
acquaintances the
• 1,4,)
01',WI• •
I* •
right di
is that hr
Howe ve
bliss," we
kindness as
day, to give. Mgt
isfortaature he
The maul election af ti
for the Town of Goderich t
Ca?, sad Wes sprochly 'Lapsed
reanegermot of our Sellouts is (re
too cartiolessly beetowed,am! those to whew,
is committed not merely the disbursement
of a large portion of the pubhe funds, but
the health, morals, intellect, time ael pros
peels of the future moo and %/some.i of our
couotry, under t•ke or have onpoied upos
non, duties and responsithlities of a very
high order. Ws do out fine fiu.t wee the
potiic choice up 00 014 OC API 3-.041 as
owe, are 50 Wily apt to gru.ohle when Oleo
echeola are misinsnaol, we think they
ishouel exercise ae naech anxiety
de„,, ,,, she chews of Sere.] Trois:ref, as
the importance crib. work expected ;•
performed by Diem ahuodantly warrahte.
The duties of Scho.1 trustee, ay. eras
the set
their elm
ed by James
Resolved, 'I
ed consisting of t
Lucius Cary, Rich
Clrk, Esqs., with power
bet, to draft a petition to
hes of Legislature, grounde
resolutions, and hi transmitte tp
Cameron, for preentation,
5 Ise brut to Th
and also,
Merere• .Io-., ..
the Caed,. Comealy in I :nedited• ' ) e gen plea
I by Alex. Youn, EA., seconded a little more time; the agent Ims tie diecre-
by Henry Darington, Eq., aud urinary power to the matter; but! • happy
idea occurs, your agent is abo a 'Loot
iisolted, That a coy of these reeoli- agent; conll not the unfortunate pleader get
tions he published in the Huron Signal two of ins friends or neighbors to endorse
arid Ilaron Lyalit. I3eforc the Meet- for him and all would be well! the dying
inc separated John Pateron, Esq.,addres- run will "grasp at a straw," this is done,
ed the settlers in rery fere ible lanuage, and Fib Cr•adasyCst°eInurlieDYinigscepeuirsueeldhefoic ma btuhenYe.,
arter ap-,.ronirg of tlic resolutions puttied, a large d.iiilend will , be declared in St.
bored that something more of a permanent lielu's Plate; your agent will lie ime
'4":"."" but we Iia" s''% w1 I Pr4-
petty lignite their position and is. au1171gmelte would be entered into, to •how the thanked tor his prudence and attee
discharge keir obligatien• to the p of ti,e inhabitants of Colboree, the interests of his employers. T
""4.c. I by raising a someriptioe to obtain a piece perous condition of the Company'
teemseves, their children and their couott. is Huron will be trumpeted ttrrough
Tbe gmileisma elected we,, -'4 ,..1 Plate to nreseat to Mr. Joees, whieb land;!you, Sir, will be proclaimed
Thomas Nichols, Ruben Ells,inght be an heir.loren to his descendents. rincial Benefactor ! ! aud your se
Dosii•gb and. Heory Ilen4s. , 1 reter itebiabon, F.o4., spoke to the same and nom todispotable talent, declered to
_ _ ...... . effeet. and the meeting approved of the idler' pie purchased at ilia rate of .E 1'3,00
*drew Green, F.sq, second -
lows, Reitisand
a committee's, appouit-
C hair man , Ofeettettiry,
ouglass and
to theirl
f well hisowe kindnees of beset,
IlWele,yuu thought it well to meant
a suitable aad 'Maul screen!, Dien you
tre hoped for in your high-minded,
warm- d brother; during the harrow -
tag utirsegressure and ejectment which
awaits the floras folder the new Regline
the inevitable result of yonreeautteel 'IMAM
elf No teener 00w, nod the t ery setieips•
tioo ef which is, at this mouteut,-like the
frightful phantom& of the night in/re--bow-
ing doivo tho spiel sad iiareliziag ann
of many a manly and noble heart amongst
your unfortunate Lesses.
voted: 30 for the Miuistry .ad 5•2 spme.;
A cordite's Calumet is tiow ispokes el,
coamatusg of %Viagra Peelses, awl I:radi-
cals, though in what proportion cannot be
Lord Aberdeeo has been broken of to
take the House of Lord, read Mr. Glad-
Trouble is threatened with Amtria, is
roseetinence of an oetragt epos sa Eng-
lieb gentleman by the police of %lima.
The Sandee-4i says En, Irish reenshere
Moue the "louse ot Ceromus.
The Boston am sidde to NW "Dealt Tom.
Well Ingle t,he Colonist exprese his bur- etatiatice tbefulleerteg tannertset
IaWh :-
prise at the present position of the eSheriff
°Tee three hundred wheels harts bees Chrta.•
Since the litat rate of Miele Toss s Cahn.
of 'futon." This surprise, Si, is unirereal toned Eis e in tem c.ty
in Ibis place; kw indeed, if even one can be I
fond, who would have believed that Mi.
NleDonald would have SO readily stepped Ut11111UMPTION.---Etot1 "1 knows
into the shoes which had won uujubtly is a detteriag domes. It comfit:melte
*no inadieusy, that before
and unceremoniously u
kk'd frein 1"' one te aware of it, the 1 Inge ace a mare of
heels of bis first -1 had almost mid beg olcore, then a suttees exposure ur change
--friend Canada. But you bade hih, kola heat .0 nom, pre,gunn,, an leg,„e„,.
Sir; the temptation proved irresistable.- Bon, mid to a few dat • or we. ks, ie saul,1
Such being the fuel! let us just look how
dielly the whole machinery te adapted to
emit issto your hand. 1 tnay reasonably
assume that peur Aent's Salary or coin -
Mission direct Ile.itheral. Now, suppose
Itbsit Sa, becomes Decettrwen fog you to
i Lessee Is ie
street laitir
1.e .r •he died , unoutuption. hot bll
troubled with coosh or lung complte', we
eoold rater to the adverneement es the
this meg If Judson, Chemical
• neer bed Lungoort," which
kgre for Dos enrol
not, Je. 136, 183.
to 16s 34I, per blot.
•P'btl s 3d to 3s, per bush.-
Spriog, 2* 6del per bushel.
tete, Is Id ltt 3d., per 34 the.
$5, per hunred.
to 00d, per lb.
st g 1,4.r aunem.
ACCtOtlIT TO 4...;Sr4. PIRSCL--Wr , motin. A subscription was then entered Bat where, Sir, are oar pour Crime, the
learn by telegraphic news that Ge, , Mee neat w„ps nurnerouely sig..ed. . lessees de6ng this period of grattdatioa at
Puree the Presidest elect and his family ! A "te °I. "'auk.' was lb" giVe° to ti e :limit' BreelLeas lainstaeha.1174e117:nstedg teihripebSo,eer
met with a serious Iaile.ad accident; his ChIhrhIco and 5'erritarr•
inn a bogie lad of tca twine instantly : II. MILLER., Chairmism.lef Bank accotnodation, Om e evi day" has
I been lin off to its tardiest limit; Um en -
killed, 51r. Pierce daeeermely ben, ase P. S• Li, Sec reate. fortunate men who could not raise the
needful in tea years c' -u14 masterly have
. .
€0 tillattniLett 0 It I. been expected to do eo ia • mute short
RCIPOCITY.--Ill it rumored that ,ie - suouthe and they aow fall into the hands of
the Bank Solicitor. Your agent, here
AmSecretary of e tate and the Ei- I Goriesue,e•Oth Jas. IBM, again receives tbe thanks of bis Banking
IPA tioveroment have concluded a treaty el TIM iniTtla or TUE licitoe iiiii•L. astere, and encreased romrnistion from
which embraces tbe fishery questien reci- ! SirereloY^or paper of the 61-13 imitmai • tthbeeirracsTreusa,,136,7 eopfonD0 iii8C(7 n Lt 3 ec„Lauyeesdeebey
affairs`of the Bank are proclaimed to lee in
Women badly bruieed,
procity tee. winch 1 here but this moment seen, 1 no-
- - tire a Gliott unwarrantable use made of my a Feverous condition; and, it May be, an
NleeKetzit's NYEEKLY Nlseeso- teem in conneetien with the Canada Cons- additional per ccotage declared; the stock -
Mr. N1cKenzie 11.15 1110,d a precursory patty; whoever the author of it may be, i holders rejohee; the enountry must be °inn the
ha I B t Bank
i bi cau only say that neither he nor any other most happy and 11 finishing cond ti to
beet announe ng s intentim to jej i I. a
paper uoder the above title, and calls upon Pomp , • Y solicitors must do uty; t e law MSS
bis friends to neat him in prcut-mg a me 1°d° ,° take its coarse, the defaulters must be
soffit:tet number of subecrthers to enable 1 1 am, :!!'ir, brought into court, the Sheeiff and his myr-
midons become necessary agente in this
produce so many ppy resu ts. u ,
has or ever had an authority fromtheird h
inin to carry out the project. Me. Mae.1 loer most od't sery t,
oecessary work of saving the coffers of the
Kenzie slates his views and gires ataxy in -1 CI: A It LES NViDDER. 1
independent, at whatever cost or suffering
teresting reminiscence of the past. We. . fed peasere in ieettieg the , it may be to the. now no-loriger lessee ; but
[W e lnabove
Wipe he will receive the support of the Lawyers, eshenffs and Bailers are 'recess -
•s our cemarks of which Mr. Widder coca- ary evils, they must be paid, and who can
public, which his talent and esperience .
whih we had received from himself, al- why, no one ; still, this is the third harvest
--- I - reaped by your Agent an lauding to bring
he time we- considered we bad
plates were not founded upon anything sae that they are guilty of raoral wrong!,
ebrield guarantee.
e:Y•The remi-weelly //read published theugh at t . .
a riche Grist" to his,* Min," and to streug
at Brantford has made its appearance, it .i.ufficient 'grounds for our asse ions, e i
rt. -hid'
then your position. No, Sir, had your
lookewell aud is aby conducted by .1,fwere intended h., have been complimentary Stratford Ageot's hopes of toeing a Stf e -
to Mr. Widder who is much respected in airy also, only boen fuffilied, oo seeteei for
Jobost on.
tioderiele as Lis brother Mr. F. ‘Yidder N the subjugation of refractory Heron could
have beep more complete; aor could the
The Berlin Tdegrapli has heti teeter- detested.1-F.e. Ste.
wily Italian whose uame has become syoo-
ymous-as expressive of the extremes of
cunning aod deceit --with that of the
ther of an evi," have devised *system bet-
ter calculated to extend theoreign of tbe
Canada Company indefiaitely, in this unior-
tunate portion of Canada, than the Long -
tete Seeress of which YOU clam the au-
thorship !
You, Sir, have beets placed in a position,
the importance of which is hardly exceed-
ed, if even equalled, by any in the Province,
perhars there is no OND man in Canadair: -
vested with such unfettered, uncontrolled
Autrut.o.-Robert Davidson. David dissmiseal of NIr. Jones by the Lana" power for gJod or ill to a large portion of
ISS • .
METN ,i'., .__IC
tOor dee, /44 ef . J.
LIAO Yvermb 'Stay. seeds se sloe,
Americo, say le tied Olv nth t
BONNTS &lapt. ors
Oedem., Die.
D !VI 8 1 00 1'C
THE scat Diebles Com
Crtains t,1 Ileum. Perth 114.
held at the dein said piece. It
Ctellb71,411•11; seri I !IN tm'ef's .486;
Anew per
17.1 F•bruary rto /lock**
Robert toonkin.eritl.
Fenner's Hese*. %mamas ,
Quick's Meeme. . , Seib Fettles -
F, George Caner:U*, tr
51011 bogrog..e.
Relwrt 1•*. Komi it .d, aid r,brua-
t. Rees Ratierimm, , Cook..
earl lo V OWN.
Behest Ramie , sties er, 21st Ifebeery.-
t hlt.
in DI WI6100.
‘Ioge 0.1 NY.1•14. 45h
Erg. Clerk.
Oa Courts wiU arm
le euessIderieltird 15
*** asiehats.eistiti 64110
end too MN Lord, hot witiel• tan
-41Oalt rife Intl he pet* to Carob or
t the Pimeiterees, lereeirly tie
Jaime Colomee,
re• 'llb?husareY:i ntjossi
meure i.itoeteally at 11 • steel' A. 111,
griAME foto the eeelosure of the Sob
`*-/ scrber, R1 t5A3t: LAND, .1. C. .
aged ied Cow, with 1h. The owner Is
SteLiente Dee. 21th set
1. 011185E1R. 1•41,
BiTtl) 9 , ' day 110 el".C1.0.1f•
14:11100I. in the 'fo*en of God b. literal
veva., ro, on 1.0 714 anat.. 11•
et ite of the itv. J 141e, of ..tighter
At Stretford, on the 2ed mt., the wife
of the Ite. Thomas MacPherson uf a
the Iasi of Noiembsr. est bla. k • he she
to nil 4 Rain lamb (*tel..) wit- hermit -
'The nwurr la v,ioweed to prong property
ray itlt•oer nes *DJ Ittit• th• IT.
W11. I' iTIKON.
Codertelo Dee. 28t1,. 1 . %throat
clot is euldished cospection with the
Genus Canadian ist Berlin, ‘1' aterloo
Comity, by Mr. Peter Eby who is already
fteosnitly known as an Edtor. It is
another edition to the Reform Press and we
mish success.
- - ---
lo withip forty-eight hours of his last return
.n„ _
front Toronto, with 'having, been, by my
trAtTA20141.-CIDIrlei Girrin, JIMCS
ubli.hed letters in counectien with the late
Wilk' WM. rilluter' John Penlia3d' Lilway controersy, the chief cause. of the
First Cenimissioner of the
Canada Company, 'forest°.
been charged on my own
floor, • your agent Mr. Shetiff M.D0o314,
•0 be add, • Splenced Fero,. @awe in
• Town•hip Tockeistoith with!i
a oi, a %water of the &lambing
ucetield. ',active Road, and
about 19 tot *gng lbe Town of Gealcrcti.
Contusing WO neggg...of the hest Nail,
40 of wlusb are t arrf ategeleder feeess.-
There la • hog Hood° asd a r ood Frame
Bete 3J 30, and a rioter failing Spring
a sitter. For partt..ar• apply to the
stobecnber nr Mr. Thomas Nicholls,
House and 'Laud AgerooGocierwh.
Cuiderich, itn. 1063. *3820
A. tiou:.t.. to Lit ou East Street, ip•
Ulm* Nada McCea John Jobnstoo Company; nd, at :;anile time ticattol ller Alajesty's lieges as you are. But,
h the ti eat t3 " call some inore meet -
(omit. mud set returned.)
mcki_ 5aotee.--Wm. Frazer, David ling! aud get his pension taken from him til-
r, wn17.1klairelohn Rowell, Francis Wak- soe' and, moreove, Mr. McDonald havin,
not only repeated the charge at R public
meeting, whilst he held your unpubliehed
. .
' • • liked by their peepe." Om maxi rn,ho "sever,
you seem to hare forgotten, disregarded,
ur never to have been aware of, rotor
whole carteer in Canada Ins basin calculat-
ed to impress the people of linen with a
sense of yoor supreme control, and of their
own utter depoodence on yeur flat re all
that offiets their dearest Interests; instead
of end...sectoring, by a mail and Instiewoleot
admioistratinn of your power, to win the
high, as your position is, remember, Sir,
that greeter men have fallen from- higher
positions than yours.
It was said, Sir, by that taloned, bet
"we.ost-seree-eeeeeetreese and unacknowIrdeed appointment in et the 'beat fortification of Princes is to be
tinscropoloue politician, Mielaayelli, that
MEETIN '' rOL11011NE. Pocket,
t.: ix , but continued .to doso p ,
as 1 have the best of reasons to believe be
Pursuant 5 a requisition reepectably does; 1 thia.k I usitntajni.oethbaotr in t. iv
borne out by pub-
signed, to h tier
Benjamte Miller sad David
iheie 41)SPOillir117:Cli: asi your mouth -piece; and
Ciall' EN,-, to call the Same, a Public .ban therefore take the liberty of addressing
°gni held in the said 'rewash" oo to r ov the lamming observations on k sub-
Monday tbe 3rd jog., y0 tate este eon. 'ct which has not only engrossed this sec-
tbe dtsmienel of Thomas Mercer
Jc'ors, Esq., from the Comtnissionership of
iht evade Company, and the removal of
11*t Offue from the Town Of Goderich to
Tortieto. David Clark, Eaq., explained
the object of the meeting in a brief speech,
eulogizing the late Chief t ;ommissioner, and
Ittributlag Ins dumissal to his inability to
WW1 the tide of popular opinion In raver of
tehae_ aed Bnuttford Rail road.--
Ilwis Miller, Req., as the oldest settler
461112Rerr, was called to dm chair, and Mr.
-7." S171455 appointed secretary.
11 155s then moved by David Clark, Esq.,
ended by William Your*. h.:sq.,*
It."1"ed, tine nuetieg hes lard
atbeztreme regret that the Chief Com-
Itt. CatiadaCompsoy, Thomas
Mere." J0.09 Req., hes been dierniesed
.11n4 ceuse having been magne!,
• eftbe e fem.' rem
--•••• IS bedtime service of
t7 -four years. The regret is felt
toistor4:71'. Ile .torma has always
mitew.7"-.1( 14* pol fMher to the
lI 10withip-ethe4 tits ampeong
deeilhaMmt tbe tessatmet
Phial et ilia heeds et the
tenter, lie bee Meyers
n dee *nevem.
Esq., lowesad-
tioo of the !Province, but of Canada
b boot its length and breadth, during, affection sold confidence of thoisuerdarous de-
' holed settlers um tbe Camera Comersy's
milieu' acres of that meat lethal Node to
In conclusion, Sir,, at this IMO, I beg
distiectly 504 uesimothecally to state, tbst
am setae respoustote fur *Sp lottlitS Whil la
may bore appeared, or 11.3/ yet apear, to
my woe; and Unit your agent, Me
McDonald might,with numb more pleprtety,
un, gaited upon you, 21.5, to '' dons ea sag
disclaim" asy participation ie, or col
esti with,the precioot article which rip
rod tit your Orli., the Patriot, elm ii
teee ooloolool(y SS composed of " to
end 1. green asp h @ado"' twithlbe stogie
ception of Mr. Sheriff ;111cbonald;)
been meted upon. Mr Mercier dimes to
mos and /Reclaim" Dm leowe (Woos
8;r, your obedt treriet,
Gilder h, Jen. 10tb, 1843. Om
, - .5.
The :lee aFired et Nee
this meonmai, heving left Le
st16 Diryinbir, bringing
, The Minettry erere delve
he the nerirnito of the nth, n
fleseheiren of the Fle4get, by
If, te a how.1 of -64 members.
A 111r, tfiSplarti announced that
Pir to
Goderich, Jan. 13b, 13.53. vbs30
NEXT doer to II. B. O'Conesor'e Store,
11 West Street, Goderich. Clothc• made
•nd repaired, and cutting done on tt,e shor-
test ntice, and most liberal terms.
December 3.4,1851. a4se2
the last six months; viz: your attempt to
fixer the Vetted Counties of Huron, l'erth
aud Brace, to adopt a line of Railway, con-
trary to their fion c•iiiviction of the !supe-
rior claims avid advantages of another line.
Your dimessel of Mr. JOOPS-remosal of
the offic-11w reasena assigned for doing
so-tbe opioione of the lress and Public
thereepnoad laet, but oot least worthy
of notice (as indicative ot your future in-
tentions arils tbe settlers) your mice-
ties of an rot in the steal of our late
respected mud, Inform, Comisiestooer.
1 shall siker of the last first.
Stsopodng, Sir,,,an .tgeacy to Imre be-
COM!1 neemieftry, pettnit rrie to ask whether
a Wil aot °emir in you to offer the appoint-
ment to your brother /-e Gentleman, Sir,
hy his geotlenithity and emberesive
dememor, during a readmit. of some as-
tern years ainoogot mit, hat r him -
set( reepeeted and liked by eve:leyst4de whe
knows him. Stich asi appoiet meat , would,
node,- the circumstances, have been Awe
most satisfactory, or rather, the (ecutcat
/mw to &is community which yne
beire made. Surely, Sr, eon are nettle,
WW1114101. tlow erreimemente whorl, ter MI
been Welting dor* the lest year, to rape*
Ibis the home of les c Mier, entaforrare rof
permanent, but, perhaps. 700 cow0111101111,11
prate deirwa Me to withdrew 110 frail
the sole er toe ,,, est nkom hp has to Ion Cebteet bid test in (Bw reasonles, eviler
reapeopted, end looked op te 41* flettotri Inns Ill_greir *le lteuiest• ,
of esl*nan 4 scar b., . hr less Seen Veered rke resoletion opon nbob rbs, &km
1* eneritter yea di direst enrol'. 01'040' WW. estaised •141 no Pt* an't, of she
,,no that you could ant brook an elnal,for less Istesetalt. . . ..
• • .
Grand Lottery ! !
A LOTTERY will take Mee, oaths Bret
•1°- day of February, 1633, ander the
[nanny -meat of a highly respectable com-
mittee, whose names *re a suffietent guar --
antes that the most perfect good faith will
he kept with tho purchasers of tickets.
Tbo first Prize will consist of me Horse'
4 years .14, LIS 10 0
2nd one Cotter, 5 10 0
' 3r4 one do 5 10 0
- 4tb one Set Doable Harnes, to 10 0
InlpOrtallt to th afflicted with
wt. WANINIMME• Scotch Hospital Sur
m -F geon large exia more, will be h •
deg tleeenth Si ratford on Tuebday the 1
thy uf Jaysvy, next. Ile way be coneelt•
ed •t the Union Hotel. between the it errs
eh itioe ocock, inormsg, and eight o'clock
evening. De will be in G iderich on
Thursday the 20th day January, at the
Huron Hotel. (James Gntler), and may be
consulted bets eenthe tours ut nine u'euch
morning, and emu o cuck, evenng,
Consultation Fee tecluthng medicioes,
bur dolars.
Dee. O0th, 1852. vbn411 f
67' /wolfs/ to copy.
R EM A IN I N G in the Goderich • Ppir
AM* Office, Mb January, 1833. -
Agnew Thus Leckie Geore-
Akan Adaro M.ithewson Hugh
Atcheson John Mattison Isaac
Ateferson Archibald blathesoo /Ire Dug
Andrew John F Murry Cap% Wto
Brady Jobe 2 filarletoo Ea
ihendely John Morriab Thole
Ballet Mr • Mercer James
Braes Mrs Catherine Mercer lilre Imbella '
Blunt Jtmes Morton Edward
Beckett Alex Mahon fe MeCrackeo
Mack James ttlit:e, lien Jacob
Diebop_lir hteet:nniery Males
Bray Kota Magoon Janie
liaternsaa lohatnide M el C oin W II Imo
Borah= wand, Miller James •
Batter John Steil -et Janie,
Barrie -Wm W M'tvenor emit Alex
Burrs David MacKenzie John
Burton George Mcljnide P.sic.
btb on* Conner Stine, 5 0 0 Culenore Rey OG 2 McLirenDoncen
eth one Double sleigh. 3 10 0 Campbell Robert McCannel JI1L001
7th one Coglieh Silver Watch, 4 0 0 Campbell John McLane Allan
8t1i do do do 2 10 0 Cameron John MacLean Hugh
9th do do do 2 0 0 Cameron Anus Aletenve Alex
1011 de do .110 1 10 0 Cameron Alex MeeLeed John
11th one Set Skittle Harness, 3 0 0 Conk 1Vilisin McLeod Arcby •
Crosby rhillio MeNight James
Ball ILIATIR AND rt hhelitt.A.
Weer iirsisset. uesittitt.
I. sierannt 1st lereash DE$IGN
%Nth .4 the moist feminist,
rieb, Nes. Ikk 1111341 larte'S
NOTICE: Of& 1,, :AL ('
aim& Compaq* Sittii6t6t
111:101hN TRAM'.
AND 'flit!. °TN En PARTIN' HAY*
Itirertirri Somt WITI1
• MAT ClOSIPst31Y.
. '
Moltke to hereby grow* thg Cell*
Ct moan, h orYto sapeased- £6,Eus,
mei; %vim', ER , &quire, ibeir Oval Cone-
ntiebiosse•, awl the litterwat * WILLIAM
tsee, 44 C. snow., neer, in tbe 10010 asd
place A Ilicisige Meares Jeore, Fee
coniferi see all the betiesre tteil
emir, tt e *mot C. meshy they will he
c. volhet. avcordirgly by AM utidenogved.
1110.1111 E est, *live to the Canada
C. tohboy's So r• a e Coma Teter
or •14 • hr rr, • nd to al shrill at way COO -
col n. 11 et ite C. my any 1.• 11 g deterui
te abolish their ifri• al Ccotelieh, 11 1,11110.
41•1001.)11110 eat...tangly Oft the 31)1 of
Deroher, itiataet. Intl tat. Obi that
(Ivy ostler* rid thanes, relate' to
Il Ibsen Tract Lairds r (Armn., 011
utanagtd solely he ti e ont;ersierd
C. inoirvi. err, at am Cr nil ilut!N °OP, in
liee City et Tatman, where atl pigments
'te to los made. .
C,i ULM CoISTART°110/11011.
Tun:tete, 31d Dec., leet. stiatZetin
fa"The following oewsaer• to copy
for ..,as serom,g thew account. for
payment. es *nal, to the Companys Office
Teontor.-The lard, Casale Ants. hest.
horst: Berea Nieuwe Cocktal. the 74..s
end estaitype, Leedom; "'Estero J'esigicere
sr Bestial Amerian, Wo.dsirel; the
eretrfer. Caxerte and Caoodiais 11.miliont
th• Reporter •til Ibfo,eier. Gelt ; 'ha
!fervid sort :Meer, ; the Ger
see Cosieetina, Bailin. e
New Grocery
5000 'Aft"s t4uP`n" woe it
elm lipwards,
grim 'sok irosered Coheir, p,somus.,
Atopaee, &Lc.
0000 yds Itribeti sad .htnattuan Demee4k.
6111Cbeele Tess, mooted Broods.
Labran Cseibe.1 mid Mo du Says..
MOW Istra'• Deasy Ileum, , kr
0.0069114.111er. 1011, ir.12.
MANUF.1C1'011 Y.
THE subscribers beg fears to Inform their
a friends sad the potthc gerierally, that
they haos coninteetod huge*, in the she.
%%here they keel, ',institute ISO Sled
lortnerly Lrcupiod by Sian Lamentine.
• goud supply of CABINET WARE--
cAllom 1st s.gre:e..:1 supply of WIDISSOlt
All order* promptly ativ,117.4hriA1litoTai::
Oedee h, Oct.. tr.t. *3a
_ _ _
To Persons out of Employ menfe
No. 1$1. WILLIAM Sr., NRW Trete,
1009 Hoek Agents tranteel. 1., Sell l'ktu,
• aMd Verj01 #flor$11f0f 1833.
1,000 DOLLA P.3 ,YEAR!!
AtNisTaEoldi le0ni..rel"Prriertg riC4tai.Wesi4issir%
In the sutra ot some oi t.m beet book, pub-
liehed. To rnen of good addreee, posees.
ing • email emitel ul front 013 to OHM
..oh inducements am to •oshie men to maks
(mei ted to 05 • day prod,.
1:17` 'rho hooka petieshed by us are all
ntut.; 11% their *Indoor's, etiremely popular
asd comitmed large slim tatereser tee, am
rip ItE Fulmeriber would reepeetfully in•
Ja• lorto the inloahvante Cody -nth and
surrounding Country. kb t
• he hes opened in
For further particulars add ma (pel-
ROBERT FARS. Pitlilisher,
Street. elm Yoe.*
7" Newspepera throughout tipper t
Wier convgne lib ivig lituall, a011 111001.1 •
the *bim nee, two d..00re., nxth ..I/oentr aa hi. on, ,c,..1.111
114142re. Co.derich. Atiek includes ell (0 be beid'Y thri;e4d•irel.' pialt
Ueda cif GROCERIE, roometing to part aeanieaaeri „a4,1.seefa.
AteDougate• VOW urICS , Iliatact eel., el an_ ef eer _ .verha
of 2'eu, Tehmeo, naisligs, ("1. ra"18,BPice.. ow Yor.
A***NAB.!..t f sYS-'14 New 1. 1115i.
dif nitro*. oaf ot Ske I • of a
Limikaf Comdr. -a of Hero*, } writ of Ai
ea wee: Ji issilcueribmireits;
Pmets Dree,
of 1.1m Majeelyha Cent of Qemo'• Bench,
end to me directed against toe estate rest
as welt se mums) of Themes Mowbry,
yoneger, en abadusdingor concealed diner.
0a the mit or Melttieer Roeger, Inc %bosom'.
01 0110 hundred sod Musty yenta prtione,
thuteen rhtl1inge nod eleven pence, 1 Nona
101Z11.1 mid taken ell Dm *elate real as well
▪ Pereohal of the said Tho nee Jlowbryi:
e nd tht the mid •Ihoesse Aloe/bey
re1111 wthnthis jirtecktion tile fait
Conn, and pot to Bel to she moos otelWS.
the *sine te be dtecharged ankle three Ca-
lenddr kletka, alt toe estate feat as wen 04,
personal ot Ihr raid .1.11017111• Mon.. ryw, been,
tour4 thereof es may lie n
fhieedtiIntal.,:fe t.haeidpacynateiunio.lbeeneliilimkpoot fseseteieb.
other Dittmar or platnitfla an shall nr mite
take preceedingo seatovt the property ana
effects of the raid Thomas kloebty rounn •
GliJi.h.141717041Nir AG1LIDI7Sahb4:1Pit* nt.
Moon. Perth aod Brum.
Fiamorie ilmc,.
Godoich, sulk pci., 1832. erail8-8he
Aleo:Applee sad Celt r of the very beet
In the Provision Line will to (mod Four,
Oatmeal, Better. Eggs, S, Bef, Pork,
Potatoes, Oata, kr.
Ltsiaz determined to keep nonsIne,f,
eke of trio best qualoy, sod ameei cheap
at the mune time, trusar tu fe#1100 g
,bete puld.o patronag,
revelers and paple from the etinettey
woold do well te rail, ..• be intends perches.
at/ every deocripl too of Produce, for wbsela.
be wiltifey the 10110.1 ma kat mice.
um* assortmeit of Whips to be cold
Godereh, Nov. 80, 1835. ves45
'is/.da a •
Together with Fifteen Pounds in
Jewelry and other articles r •
arnouottne, to ststy-sis, 15 0 0
£88 10 0
374 tickets at .5e. currency each.
To be drawn far st the VICTORIA HO-
TEL, Goderiels, first day of February,
'Committee of lianarement :- Robert
Do^"tte, Corietopber Shminon, Joeeph
WIlliatoson and Andrew Donogh. . Dunlop Mrs Oven Jame•
JAMES CLARK. • Bielierty ti Klee.; Petrick
Godistieb, Jan. tOtb, 1653. s5nOte flan Jane Thome*
Etly Ssniuet O'Cunoor .rnsippla
NETS/de OF COUNTY ceurum. Eby Minno oGrody Jena
Anthorry Peewe'', Cuba°
1N terse/ of the Aet lath teteesp. es Fortin John ParkArJainea
the Coned, Alootrioal Cou il fur tbe Fisher 5•110. Mary A Fetlock Andrei,
grimes. ,jj Falconer Itedpath .1,Itnethis
t r Jelin Phel in Michael
I/Wning Rohl OlcIntoeh Dm•
Caldwell Join „IlleTadyeu Lavieblen
Connors William McDougall Alan
Colere:l Samuel McLellan Martin
Carey Leone MeDoneld Dur.a1.11 2
Cole thee Reboil McDonell Ewen 2
entitle C1o4ine McKenzie Jame*
Dawe Teinnas htelloneld bliss Catb
Dile Aleettider MrPharlan An
Robert Nitimiy Alii
United Counties of Huron and Bruce
meet in the Coen Room
Gaol. (Goderich), on Monet
ry, 1833.
D. 11
Convey Cumin Orr
Goodetteh, 311 Jan.,
the to ty .
e 24,eeeeee. Fecos..aly.::::.,,A.It z Parish Johnston.
lorriniegton Olivier t
ITC111E, Finn John Palmer Oeo 2'
County Clerk, Finley 11'iiisin l'alse W i Ilia m
Gold'. J ,hu' Ito.reil 1V hilatii
e5o40-51 Gurney %VOID., Rodd John
Glass fer Itobinson ile-id I' P
Mew Charlet, Rend William ,
'IMACIIERS. Gowan leen Iteleeison J ihn
her. also • rernste Tea. 1 ii„,„1, Jews
a theenfield Julio Rtit.erfrd See 111.0fe
Rutherford Hugh
1 he Town of Gorierich,
og • drat elites ceretleats tioareery bits Rusba It .ehe Mr•
at, noefil a LAucat-n• 11 Oast k SJIIII S.1' 1t.iiliy Teems
e /ent 000 Of 01050 LMill:0 eh,,e, moue Rtngo hi!os Mary ..
School, tt woold Le a te.:oto- 4,14,„ki j.„,, key au 44 GerOrge
' Grant Aae* 1500a .Vtx..0.1e5
Teed.., mutt he a Protestam. ' Gm.' 344,,,,,i Skim:rouge James
but might be me:caste tf tbr (hit LA,
ry of AIM* Teaeher, CIO, lata; ohjeite, Teo Stnitag Joni'
Soiling Geor•
teed. e, .1 Heap, Jh* :Shaun,* Robert
pply if by Letter poet p114 to the tiORr.: 1 weseley meant Steib•re Steven
bowl Mottoes, Go.hinch. i Hmeolsea Geese eterosen Mu,
Teton Times, and C. -misdeal Ilarniltep.i tier hypo Stithard .1 .151
are requested to give threes iroseltirsa to 111.i shun,* Tennis. %mg Ds. /-1
obese, 1114" M-4 RiMehel Sw:... an John
GnItilitteh• lilt 3 "11Y. 1653. 04543 Ileruweheitiry Asa it:decry Jen...
1)R. 8 •-., t,
^ Rea well 1'howilinse eller e mei W illhieli
• ; i ureter M se IIMise twel' Jobe
Ms e t Meeio !tberus./ Ancus
Male Teacher
eber, each
from C
the Nor
Mt at 10
ort the
dip, later
4 o'clock,
Use first
BEGS Imre 10 aerialist the inhabitants of
the Co.te I Coontee of Huron. Perth
and Bruce that iwo mw °ruing to those
premiers on Wee% Street, Dearly optimise
:Meehan k lirothert Law °lbw, a opteudid
stuck of
DRY GOolDS, GitOrteRiEts
and CROCKERY, which be hie purchased
at Dot best mrket,. sol on the most favor
able terms, •nd which be is delertomod to
diaper* of •t shch price* as cannot mil to
secure the !mport sod P.itronage tot a ds -
criminating Politic.
Goderich, Oct. 27th, 1155. v5.440.
ri111 eo-partriership heretofere pasting
•••• bete/Pao the undersigned, under the
style of Brigg• and Luton, uf the New
Bel field l'sonery, tais tate day teat
etimuleat by mutual coreent, Irvin whinn
thee tbe busies/se will be earned tie by
Thomas Loma on bis ono tempera, wlit 41
authomed to collect MI delta dos to the
Mtn prior te the 23od init.. and Ititudate all
outemerIng debt. pre.ions to the anise date.
"„ Tl1OMA4LU roN.
W teireee,
Steniter, 2Itb Nor.. ter:. tribal
AI IN Tlitri BORON T11.1CT
IfE mithrenre to thew Netts, rof t 3r.1 trot
hoe to tooled ther settlers in the lives
Ttea0A,hat Mien' Agency at tiltiaterd. tider,
3 (3. Yet0.11.V, Esq.,pent of tee Beer oi
Ussries Cbala, .t.11.trottoomi ; 404 to nn-
noisince, thbt JOHN MeliON ALI). Lee,
**ant of that 'Beak .e 1.4-41•Itch, w.11, oo
end eller ,h.31.t Ileetober maient, otoo
eet a• the Cent ia Cuopaoye Ap.eat tor
NIW 14A11.0 RING
14 11111,TEK. Alerehutt Tailor, emold
•rsittelluly 'nitwit the Inh•ftitanta ef
Godorich 01 rrroundno nesintry that I a
hes j'net egellge i Yew Terforiag /:•Iili •
lialseol, me door north of Dr. Whim-,
vrall'• new fIrk:k 11..i.a, IslArliet Sqoare
Uvaler.ch, w1ier tie Ise ne wine a splealit
see/m.01mila of - Clothe, 'Esesiineres
Tweeds, Msoitter !Wristlet'? Clotho, ef
ill fitment enioure roe Oyer Coes*. ' A • ye r -
rem of %Viaier Vesting*. W. ti. 115
'14 61'n Pcdoerrd to glitenlle ti Onto.' ee
the 'Peering Ione, in ate Flamm, t •
able *tele, end st toed ter hat res.
Coil ley lt.nniem the mst Note,.
14^cOso• Parlilitid MO Jcii Yeshiva;
!teemed ir %utterly.
Imlay BAITER -
Get 12.1 II. s523
Q N 71 A 0
leas, weteiliyort sf Proem', Morikraeor
P'411WCTo*• 11
11.17‘ aker. Eine M. Merritt. Clog,
Al. ,Welleeemer J. F. 01
Pet., Cerser, eese %piens", w
tdst Town. Sot We aro therefore none- lt 0. 1.;•11/11411. .1 t.bas ill. Swains.
11H1t otorsid tr.S, OSper .';',Cf1 lesimeees. limits rtigyei.! e g, (,:,. v„„„„,,,,,,,,
ell by monies:mam/ .1.reet evii,, 'horns. Jimier di. is 144,n 11,264 "tr,
aria Meatus. hIcleined lad poy wit, rgilIR Illoirtigter eilivieg writ'
alrorantery tcorveati.n t. at 11111.1 be to 4:5 a prem., the
lence,i by Seiner/ iipon the Cenok Cem. ty , neee reeeoetyrs • p,
mays Leeds, ain1 itwairo Ind trio -nut 1.1 'feet 3111Mmines El VW
the Vosispey's Othc• al T•*(*.111.110 109 oio• rm. *pie 11 .......
Mat lo,•7 O.. owl 1.• Itro. Telt i • IS N IC 1111
FaCDKIt Cli W'IDDEit, Itesidroals, tka Sep, lo5J.
. W. IL itt)a.$1suN,
Ilea A le lir sr/short c,00.1..ny • tmc...
Ceminisserir, lieseete Gemml. •
Heron R
',,(Wes$:Killr. %wait.' Store
illitreeilltith, 1043 1, ,iator • ot tee
. 141148 J.awittow, 'Von. TrAt• W.. flal
ele. bi Tatty Tneeiose 1 lie Ihte. 134 S
isninenseoet Mae= George Orf- Tnn Neeeesper 001,1
1 I ' J • To ...its .0 Jatoos owe 'nonce., oro3ng 11.1 I er.• •111111 for (rey
• • sek. fat still i. 1.1 . H
r.,,ur. Imo IV% Terre of t tbe
"ha' tw, oboe, look ittlle * Aitgoit
two yearlte 11.46 Vett .5,1 throe earn*
dater the 1• . tray htffnef le trir•0•1114 "I
.rYtta pruia i . pey etworge. sod *Ate Migt,
Mere( Treetell I cos. roe tk coosty ..Yeses. Stea1ter, . .055!.
AJ.Lpereene led -bled to John reeilene
lone the Tnnefer, 14..4 ea T.,,,,••••
Aig Gudorieb, dece•SI0J, ink 1/Alhaft t, -
quested to pay te ites animest dem 1411beso.
seitt ell perieree tat whelinhe .aid deeloteed
ea. remitted, &resale r•orrate.1 to hand in
their reepeoltrrohAllaitaa to Themis
Nashrtiapot OfiJenneb, who is duly autism
114 by t. -114.00•0 mow..
An train to the Krtate of
rho pew deceased.
189- vbsod3
Undo ble•warti '1 hinds F .`4*/#101•itil 1...:rellat.li .14MA.4. As 7 sew •
Jew's Jriiiiie Taylor it .beri 2 .,4 flitrnintype. 1, .inyn; Walter* f'o !rfs. Tether'', i to Ihie. I I, leee. %beta*
Joe!" tee el,. I •...Se.i• Cit)141 Iticoard -.tat et 'trail ..lote. fear, 1V *mistoo. 8peki •
bAr. G.,4.-ile A i II t oattifoa, a
. fee vie trofor iiise. ti 1 ; ihe Ifrreef in..
Aire, tierr, awript; the G. -re re C000dloa
II. rt.•! lime att *yore Noppere *met,
"14 filiblebe, not Csiiipass;.. .01 itim-
meow en.
Jul11*1-n Mitt Ann Tn,loen A dare , • 1. . 1 .2"
Jos.• LI*1•14 J 1 e. ry eur. y liClor
JilOper• I ts• • its W. ker Cn ci*
KOilb 51..1 Imo W•hor 3410o5
K•01.144 M•• M•ry •1 Wiivion Ii -a
KOOKS, Attred W. 04 51•• Ki,....
Knrhz Francis Wrieht 5% .11,,,,,
Kirk Joseph Williamson Mrs. Matilda.
leimond Mrs .1 le iison Mt• Ariierere
Leedien 'Pumas Yeueg 304.00
1 _ THIM...s!r_lifoo, Perused's..
Rev,. ()it
root p...5o4T•rrerite0•1 tali... we.
,1.I2 ! fleemooe
A* A* *.e• eir.
11PCIMIR.-...% *mail net Punted Beal
drt. ne by tee storm .an ib. 41 1).e.,
,to the Bonet*, urti!rt, 1. e N.. Srs, te eon.
"'wort. Bet dehl Pond, toe .1 WWII 5If •••
000•111 10 !NOV( plOp011, pAY &JOTS. IMO
take it swm.
r‘ratc.:K ttr.‘.
3198.14 DCO. 11, 1)3.
IV 0 T !fig.
c she 1.4•001pleal leeed1111/111%%*
• • meter. 01164 flirt rrrior•
imment of no. Previte* of Calitelkir 10 4140
the Tee/mama Itiddelph b"eletent,
• t
rioW I .5461/14 par! 1413.-'
.oereed toilet C41,11 ti
0 11"