HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-02, Page 14age 14 November 2,
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and. district ..new:
Phene 8A. 7-425S
..:H&S.Asstrt I.
hears pastor
At the meeting cif the Lena
tome and School Association
held in the school leindergarten,
Thursday evening the Rev, .F
Lancaster of Holy Trinity
,church spoke on "Religious
Education in the School and
the Home",
lie reminded his listeners
that for years the three Lucan
clergymen had give weekly in-
struction in the school but he
stressed the even greater im-
portance of daily parental
training at all possible *pear-
tunities in the home, He was
introduced by Mrs. Jack Elson
and thanked by Mrs. Pat
Crudge and by Principal Rob-
ert Jenkins who spoke briefly
on. Education Week inviting
the parents to visit the school was held in the church school- forms, to all while, each wore
Correspendenti: Miss Line Abi ott
Church ! `Sellout' for
United Church
At the meeting the Cou- tauraet when the proprietor,
pies Club of the limited Church Mr. Joe Hay, celebrated his
in the church schoolroom last first anniversary. in his new
Wednesday evening plansfor quarters, after. the disastrous
the llallotven en party fire, that put "The Hub' out
held at the home of Mr Dave of business, The $1,04 special
Sunday Was a red letter day
far the Lucan Koffee } up Res -
Park on Saturday night with hot beef dinner was a "sell-
a box lunch, were finalized. out„
A number of members agreed as the restaurant also catered
The regular Minor Shamrock
League will get Inkier way this
Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
and by the number of teams
entered this , ear it looks like
a bigger and better season.
The Out intermediate team
has appointed Alex .()'Neil as
the .coach for the coming sea-
son and we know Maxi,will do 1
his very best io produce a
Manning club,
Their season opens. ea No-
vember 17 with the Lucan leant
having their regular Friday
night home games as =usual.
We will be stetting all leagues
bythe middle of November
with the exception of .our high
School league which will not
get started till early in Decem-
ber^. We hope to keep all the
local people posted on results
of our games.
There will be public skating
every Saturday evening fr.oin
8 to 40 pen. and Sunday atter-
noon from 3 to 5 p.m. during
the winter season, •
to attend the fail rally at the a turkey dinner far 20 at the -._.—
Colborne St United ClIereh, home of Mrs. nary F, Smibert,
London, . of Denfield, the proprietor and
Vice -president Mr,Alden staff were too busy to keep
Walker was in the chair and count of the attendance.
Mrs. D. E. Pettigrew and :errs. The big rush started about
J, W. Loekyer assisted with4 pen. and from then an all
devotions, were busy. The waitresses,
WMS who had changed from their
The meeting of the WMS
chic new black and white uni
to see the classes in action, room Thursday with the press• a corsage of red roses, The
AIrs. George Paul, in the
A UNICEF film was shown dent
by a member of the school staff, chair and Mrs, William Ayle-
Mr. Thomas Beer. Mrs. Jenk- stock's group in charge of pro- "
in .Sad he Preferred the UNI- gram and refreshments.
s s.
C>aF boxes to he returned to Mrs. AYlestoek was assisted
the school instead of taken to in the worship service by Mrs. The draw for a radio, span- guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford
the Hallowe'en party at. the John Park, Mrs. W. J. Mc- cored by the Teen Town, was and Robert of Detroit and as
Community Centre,
first lady customer to Order
the special anniversary dinner
was also presented with a cor-
sage of red roses in honor of
the occasion.
Still lacking its fireplace
and final decorations, tate Rose
Room at the rear of the 'main
restaurant has already been
used on several occasions as a
private banquet hail.
personal items
The attendance cup went to
Mr. Jenkins' room being such
a rare event as to make the
principal reply "My cup of joy
runneth over".
Mrs. Harry Wraith volun-
teered to be assistant at the
Falls, Mrs. Thomas Lee and won by Mr. Jack Radeliff'e.
Mrs, E. Hodgson. Mr. Kenneth Simpson of Ol-
Airs, Sach exhibited the boxes tawa and friend, Miss Heather
of candy which will be sold by Allison of Windsor, who. ,at-
atthe YPU as a money making tended
the homecoming at
project. University of Western Ontario,
During the business session spent the weekend with the
it was decided. to give a do-. former's \moth.er, Mrs. E. G.
November 3 immunization clip- nation to the book shelf in the
ic, President Mrs. Rudy Engel
was in the chair for the meet-
Mrs. Calvin Haskett convened
the lunch assisted by Mrs, J.
B. Ready, Mrs. Norman Hardy,
Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Mrs.
Robert Anderson,
UC Westminster College, in
memory of the late Mrs. Her-
bert Childs.
Mrs. Lee gave an instrumen-
Laymen's Sunday
Mr, Carlton Wells, principal
of the Wells' Academy, will be
the guest speaker next Sunday
which is Laymen's Sunday. A
Gweawards men's choir will lead the mu -
Anglican Church
to Explorers Members of the Ladies' Guild
are recuperating after a busy
The 5th expedition of the week preparing for, and cater-
ing to, a successful turkey din-
ner last Wednesday, Many
former members returned for
the big event as well as many
strangers from London and dis-
Behind the scene, was a hive
of activity but thanks to ample
Lucan - Clandeboye Explorers
was held Monday evening in
the church schoolroom with
chief explorer Marilyn Hearn
in the chair, Being an initiation.
service, parents and visitors
were present. '
The two counsellors -in -train- space and splendid organize-
ing, Mrs. George Coursey and tion all ran smoothly. The
Miss Ilene Donaldson, were splendid assistance of the men
present. The former led in the
worship service and the telling
of a story and the latter (who
is a talented teen age solo-
ist), led in the music.
Honorary counsellor Iva Hod-
gins conducted a "Book of the
Bible" contest after which she
led in the initiation service as-
sisted by Counsellor Rose Rev-
Twelve girls became Explor-
was deeply appreciated. They
not only brought in supplies,
took out dinners but assisted
in the carving, the catering and
even the never-ending dish
Pentecostal Holiness Church
Nine teachers and officers
met at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Clayton Abbott last Thurs-
day evening, The highlight of
er .members. They are Marlene the evening was the showing
Butler, Jane Corbett, Nancy of two films, one on the teacher
Hardy, Laura Hodgins, Betty and the other on the pupil. To
Park, Kathy Arnold, Hazel avoid the Christmas rush it was
Simpson, Lori Crudge, Mari- decided to have the Christmas
Ross, and Mr. Ross,
Mrs. Edna Johnston of To-
ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jones
and fancily of Rexdale were
anne Gable, Patsy Bradley,
Rose Coursey and Betty Scott.
The initiation service was
- followed by the presentation of 1 mums formed the setting in
All Saints' Church, Strathroy,
at 9.30 a.in. Saturday, Oct. 21
for the wedding of Mary Lor-
anne Gable, Hazel Simpson, Walsh of RR 2 Kenwood
Betty Park, Nancy Weller,
Maureen Smith, Lori Crudge,
Kathy Arnold, Marlene Butler,
Rose Coursey and Jane Cor-
First blue star to Carol Has-
kett, Jane Crozier, Norma
Davis and Marie Cochrane.
First gold star to Nancy
Park and Marilyn Hearn,
Second gold star to Linda
Coursey, Jancye Grose and
concert December 8.
Nagle -Walsh
Baskets of pink and white
Sunday guests, Mrs, A, C. Cal-
der and Mrs. Ada Jennings of
Miss Ann Armitt of London
and her sister, Mrs. Clarence
Haskett of Lucan and the lat-
ter's two children Nancy and
Billie, spent last Saturday in
Lockport, N,Y, where Miss Ar -
mitt was the guest speaker at
'YWCA dinner.
Mrs. J. F. Wagland (wife of
Sunday guests of Mrs, Erle the Rev. J. F, Wagland former
Young, Mr. and Mrs. George Lucan rector) who underwent
Young and Mr, and Mrs. Rob- major surgery at Victoria Hos-
ert Coughlin.
Mrs. Ross McRoberts and
Mrs. Charles Corbett were
busy "flu -leg" and flying last was one of the 14 delegates of
week, The former was out of North Middlesex to attend the
school Tuesday and Wednes- Conservative convention last
day with the flu and the latter, week,
Thursday. Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Mrs. Florence Cunningham
Mrs. Murray Hodgson were of London was a Wednesday
supply teacher. On. Friday Mr. guest of her sister, Mrs. W. J.
and Mrs. McRoberts, Mr. and agcFalls and attended the tur-
Mrs, Corbett and Mr. and Mrs. key supper in the Anglican
Alex Young flew to Halifax' church.
to attend the Young -Lee wed-
ding. All returned Sunday eve-
ning but Mr. Corbett, who re-
mained over to visit old friends,
Miss Beta Chown and Mr.
Fred Revington visited Mr. Will
Downing in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter on Sunday and
found him about the same,
Mr. Kelly Galway, of St.
Catharines , spent, the weekend
with his sister, Mrs. Barney
Welch and family.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Le-
blanc and family of Quebec
visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hay
over the weekend,
It isn't often that roses and
dahlias are still blooming at
the end of October. One Lucan
resident picked a dozen and a
half ripe tomatoes October 27.
As for the leaves, they are still
a mass of iridescence,
Mr, M. 0. Smith arrived
home from Mt. Logan, Gaspe,
on Friday where he had been
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Robb
were Sunday visitors of Mr.
and Mrs, J. H. Howe of Ford-
Mr. and Mrs. Don Downs
and family have returned from
a few days' vacation. in De-
troit and had as weekend
pital is making satisfactory re-
Mr. Harold Corbett of Lucan
First red star went to Patsy
Bardley, Laura. Hodgins, Janis
Freeman, Betty Smith, Mari -
and Joseph A. Nagle of Lucan.
Rev. Father D, K. McMahon
The bride is the daughter of
Jdrs. Mary Walsh and the late
Michael Walsh and the groom
is the son of Mr. Thomas
Nagle and the late Mrs. Nagle.
Given in marriage by her
brother, Mr. Michael Walsh,
the bride wore a powder blue
sheath brocaded satin gown,
ifeaturing a street length skirt.
Nancy Hardy. M She wore a corsage of gar -
Members were asked to save
the roll of cardboard on which
wax paper is rolled, to be later
decorated and filled with treats
for "shut-ins."
.Legion Auxiliary bingo
Duplicates and split bingos
again highlighted the Legion
denies and sweetheart roses,
Her only attendant was Mrs.
Jack Lankin of London, as
matron of honor, Who chose a
taupe wool street -length sheath
with mink brown accessories
and. talisman rose corsage.
Mr. Basil Nagle of Lucan
Auxiliary bingo Thursday eve• was best man for his brother.
ning.Ushers were Mr. John Nagle
Mr, Benny Kelly of Lucan, l and Mr. Jim Walsh.
who won the $5 consolation
prize, also won the seventh
bingo, Mrs. Oscar Matters of
Granton and Mrs, Cecil Hod-
gins of Lucan won the "Share
the Wealth" lines' prizes and
Pat Egan of Lucan, the full
Mrs. Grant Brooke, now of
London. won the first part of
the cotisecutive bingo, Mrs.
Bruce $radiey of Clandeboye,
Mrs. Tilley of Strathroy, as
organist provided traditional.
wedding mucic and accompa-
hied the two soloists, Misses
Mary Ellen and Rose Aerie
At a reception at the Cob-
blestone lien, Lon do n, the
bride's mother received in a.
navy crepe with navy acces-
sories and pink carnation cor-
Who shared the fifth bingo with For a honeymoon trip to the
Miss Mary Young of Birr, the U.S.A. the bride changed to a
second part, And Mrs. Richard multi - colored figured dress
Davis of Lucan, the full card with brown accessories and
prize, white orchid corsage,
Miss Mary Young was the The young coulpe Will make
luckiest Winner of the evening their home on the groom's
for she also won the second farm, Rli. 3 Lucan,
end ninth bingo, Mrs. William Lueenites attending the wed-
Mathers of Lucan split with ding iihcluded Mr, and Mrs,
Mr's. Harry Arnold. of Luesn Basil Nagle, Barbera and June
for the first 'bingo. Mrs. fl, and Mr, and Mrs, Tom Mor-
Bieber of Clandebove split with kin Jr.
Mr, 1#, Pascttzzo oP Crediton ,
. for the fourth. The latter s.1it
With Harty .PaM � • �
wi a y Bond Jr, a r:. • at
Crudge encs Mrs. 'Lloyd Bayter,
all of Loran, fee the sixth.
The sola winners were Mrs.
'W. It. Mc}'alls and Mrs. Tont
Weller of Lucan.
The autoist hit a roaster
While driving. along s country
road. Aexieus to de the right
thing, Ire cheated the fartnl"r
• the awned it and teid, "I just
ran aver your roister and I'm
to reptaee hire."
"Flee." the !Amer, replied,
• r`ite's hear you.crowlit
1, The Councilof the Corpora-
tion of the Village of Lucan
intends to purchase from
Ida K, Porte certain land
and building on Main Street
to be used as municipal of-
fices at a cost of $10,000
which wilt be repaid from
current revenue out of the
the general rate in the surd
of ;$2,500 in each of the years
1962 to 1965, inclusive.
2, Application has been made
to The Ontario Municipal
Board for anorder to dis-
pense with the assent of the
electors and for approval of
the said undertaking, Any
ratepayer may, within 21
days after the first pubtiea-
tion of this notice file with
the Clerk of the Village of
Lucan a notice in writing
stating his objection to such
approval and the grounds of
such obiectton,
3. The Ontario Municipal Board
may antler pursuant to the
statute that the assent of
the electors shalt not be re-
nuired end inay approve of
the said undertaking, but
before doing so it tttaY ap-
point a time and place for
a publin hearing when any
objections will be consider-
fATi:ll at Toronto this 06th
day of 'October, %A ,
Sale'sand S'erVice,
Repairs and bags to all Emil
dels of vacuum cleaner'a and
polishers. Iloeonditiotted ma -
Merles of all makes ftf' sale.
Brit PECK, I<t 1 i`urlch'
Phone 'Hensen 600
II, Vickers,
AMINO $.itellE`pAfi: i
Maaquerada :dance i
After a lapse of several
Years,., the Lugan Branch of the,h
Canadian Legion have .arranged
to again. hold monthly daiiees
in rite Legion flail. S
The ,first one, which will take
the form of a masquerade •
dance, will be ltel.' on Friday,
Nor. 3 with, ,the pori Down's
orchestra providing the rntuslc 4
Prizes for the best ,costumes
win be
Personal Rema
tars Harvel' Hod§ins} .who
as been seriously 'item: IS`'
Josephs llospita.s,
towing her third operation,i-
bowing signs of iniproveme
There are still g tnunlbex t
dens f tr. and: MrThe
,ll J,chit-
Lockyer are among the latest
uPani nsNeel). aKitchener
and Penny Moggs ;of Gait were
Friday, ,visitors With Mrs. M.
0, Smith.
Airs T..G McFarlane spent
guesttof asses .Agnes .end
berta Fox,
Mrs. Wilmer .Jones, of
pen, was a. guest of her par-
ents, Mr, and Mrs, Irving Oib.-
Bride -elect fated
Prior to her marriage to Mr.
John Keith 'Young of •Ltican,1
Saturday, Miss Charlotte San -1
dna Lee of Halifax Was ,guest
of honor at a round: of social
Mrs. Barry Glover ;entertain-,
ed the bride 'elect's office
friends • at a, miscellaneous
The office staff at Nova
Scotia Tractor Equipment, pre.
rented Miss Lee with gifts.
Airs, Michael Byrne. was host-
. ess at a linen shower, Miss
,Nancy Aucoin entertained at
,dinner party and eup and sau-.
cer shower,
Following the rehearsal Fri-
day night, the parents of the
bride held a dinner party ..
the bridal ,party.
,,,feeeeeee 111,1„1111,1111,, eeetteeeitieteetemeetteett ve ett11111111111t11eee ill. eeeeiteee
TO LIVE IN CHATHAM—Mr, and Mrs. Edward Alex-
ander Morris, who were married Saturday, October 14,
in Holy Trinity Church, Lucan, will reside in Chatham.
The bride is the former Anne Marie Murdy, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs..'. C. Murdy, Lucan, ---Denlpson photo
Scout news
Scoutmaster Earl Carling and
a Cub leader Alert Culbert, at-
tended a Cub, Scouter Train-
ing course at the Clinton Air
Apple Day netted approxi -
$75, thanks to the boys'
good salesmanship and the pur-
chasers who co-operated so
well. 111r. Jack Steacy took
seven boys to Granton to can-
vass the village there.
Birr W 1
Mrs, Fred Tukc of London,
formerly of l3irr, was hostess
for the meeting of the Birr
Women's Institute, with Mrs.
Sherman Adams, the vice-fres•
ident, presidi ig.
Roll call was answered by
the naming of the duties of a
gond citizen.
Members voted a donation
of $10 to the CNIB. Mrs.
Adams presented the report of
the London. District convention.
Mrs. C. W. Robinson spoke
on Citizenship, She was intro-
duced by Mrs. Kenneth Hardy
and thanked. by Mrs. H. B.
Hodgins Sr. Mrs. David Mc-
Nair of London contributed a
YPU meeting
"Harbour Lights" was the
naive of the play, staged by
the Young People Friday
A Hallowe'en party was plan-
ned for Tuesday, Oct, at to he
held at• the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Howard Currie,
The Children's Church. con
finites to grow with 49 out Fri-
day evening,
The pastor was in charge of
both Sunday, services with the
ladies trio singing in the eve-
Area convention
Mrs. Rudy Engel, as presi-
dent, and Mrs. Jack Arnold, as
corresponding secretary of the
Lucan Home and School As-
sociation attended the annual
conference of Area H1 of the
Ontario Federation of Home
and School Associations, held
in Central United. Church, St.
Thomas, Saturday,
Presiding at the daylong ses-
sion was Mrs. J. E. Gernaey
of London (formerly of Lucan)
area vice-president.
The morning session featured
a series of six workshops on
various aspects of Home and
School work.
"This house," stated the real
estate man," has both good
and bad points; To show
honest, l m going to :tellt ypeu
about both, The :drsadvantag..s
are that ,there is a distillery
one biopic south and a slaughter,
house one block north."
"What are the advantages?'"
inquired the prospective buyer.
"You can always tell which
way the wind is blowing. •
Central Restaurant Lucan
T=Bone Steak with Trimmings ---.11,7$
��nllltllll{tilt}I}111U1}u,111111I.Il lllllmlllllll11111111111InIn1111, 111, 111111111 tl11111111,111111111111111111 iI11111111111t1:1
,1111111111111uomtntu mllloim1,1111!{,11111,111 ImMµI111111111m,"'11111,1111,t111t11111111,11,1,11,1,111111.111'%
Trust iC�al�+�tera
36A- A
Payable Monthly by Cheque
Notes can be redeemed at any time on So -day
written notice to company.
For details, Call BRUCE A. LOCKHART,
AX 4.6849 Parkhill, Representing
Suite 212, 195 Dundas St. London GE 9.6141.
Suite 1100. Royal Bank Building
2 King Street E., "'grants, Ont. EM 2.6192 1.
ilm.liml uUmMuIt111111111111uMIMUnntt t..mu .mtri uMttittt itiiiittlttulmufifiulmfiutllilh
Be your ow
st fri
A sportsman with a loaded shotgun or rifle in his hands
has got to be his own best friend. He must leave nothing
to chance. Never, not for an instant, can he allow anything
to endanger the safety of himself or his fellow hunters.
Only when the day's shooting is done, only when the gun
is empty and back in the rack only then is it time
to enjoy the pleasures of•social relaxation.
For many years The House of Seagram has published
messages advocating Moderation in all things,
including the use of whisky. At this time, in the Interest
of safer hunting we say once again:
"Drinking and Hunting Do Not Me.