HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-02, Page 11classified The Times -Advocate, November 2, 1961 Page 11 • ads plenty. of cash 9 Services PIANO TUNING and, repairing, piano eaten work, Alf Denom- me„ RR 2 Zurich, residence St. ,Joseph, Ontario, phone 95r12 Zurich. 11:2-2:22* 10 Farm Steck For Sale HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, bred Hereford, clue seen, vaceineteci and blood tested herd. Phone John Berendsen, Kirkton 21r4, on 83 Highway. 2:0:16* PUREBRED BOARS, Berk- shire, nearing service age; also 'oung sows and hound Men. Apply Ross Cottle, Kirkton, 2* 11 Poultry For Sale KIMI3ER PULLETS, ready to lay, Apply Howard Pym, phone 901'22 Kirkton, 26: 2c PULLETS, 175 Leghorn, ready lo lay, on range, Phone Gran- ton 41r11, Austin Crunican, 1 mile east of Elginfield on High- way 7, 2c 110AS'I'ERS, 1 r e s h dressed, ready for oven. Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter, 10:5 tfnc ,‘ PROMPT SHIPMENT 10.14 •week pullets, Ames and other 'varieties, Dayolds hatched to 'order. Book your next batch of broilers now, Bray Hatchery, Erie Carscadden, Exeter, phone 246W, 2c PULLETS, Red and R 0 e starting to lay, Phone Murray Thorrieson, Lucan BA 7-4687, 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1959 CHEV SEDAN, 6 cylinder, clean, asking $1495, with terms, Apply John Hodgins, Supertest, Centralia. Phone AC 8-6261, 2c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 CREDITON (4th and 5th Concessions) We are pleased to announce the purchase of 40 used cars and trucks from Pearson Mo- tors of Zurich, All makes and models. 600 x 16 Tires, Batteries and all other parts for immediate sale, Parts Guaranteed PHONE AC 8-6214 10: 19tfnc '54 METEOR, 4 -door Special Niagara, in good condition. Phone Crediton 234-6200, 2c '51 PONTIAC, 4 -door, in good condition, Would exchange on 'actor or farm produce. Ap- y Times -Advocate, Exeter, 2* 13 Articles For Sale FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:311Enc SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, $30 for a truck load. Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- tween 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. 6:1tfne APPLES, Spy, Delicious, Kings, Courtlands, Snows, Greenings etc., $L25 bushel and up. Sharrow's Orchard, 11/2 miles north of Dashwood, phone 136. 10:19tfnc CHOICE APPLES, hand-picked from our young orchard, North- ern Spy, Red Spy, Macintosh, Kings, Tatman Sweets, Snows, Delicious, Russets. Priced as low as $1.25 bushel, Phone Vic- tor Jeffery, 692W3 Exeter. 10:12tfne SPRAYED APPLES -- Spy, King, Macintosh, Telma xi Sweet, Snow, Delicious, Green- ing, Russet, Wolf River and cider apples, Phone HU 2-3214, Fred MeClyinont & Sons, one mile south of Varna. 2:9:16:23:30* TRAILER, 46' long, 10' wide, Hollywood, fully equippe d, Phone 716, nights only. 12tfc BABY BUGGY, Spring 'rime, pink and white, in good condi- tion. Apply Leonard Bowman, Zurich, phone 36. 2* GIRL'S WINTER COAT, tur- quoise, with fur trim, size 10, excellent condition, $8.00: girl's grey tweed all weather coat, size 8, $3.00. Apply 47 James St., Exeter. 2ne ELECTRIC DRYER and elec- tric blanket, both for $125,00, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 2c 300 12" CLAY TILE — Elmer Hayter, Varna, phone Hensel! 696r22, 2e USED WASHERS, refrigerate ers, ranges, bedroom suites, eitchen stliteS, TV sets; everv- illing for the home. Sandy Elliot. 444 Main St. 2c PUPS, Toy Manchester and fax terrier croee, (Males, ready new, Mrs. Alex Macintosh, Clendeboye, phone BA 7-4598. 2:9c FOR QUICK SALE — 2 -wheel trailer, WA': garden tractor; half ton steel rack, Phone BA 7-4493 Ltidah, 2c BABY BUGGY, in reel good tondition, complete with matt- ress, converts to stroller, Phalle Hensel! 199, 2c RECORD PLAYER And itdie. console style, in goodconditinn. one speed tedord, Phohe 10) Exeter, 2* COOK STOVE, Mal Cle Weed, cream ehaniel iri good MUM. Phone 620W3 F,xeter. 13 Articles Far Sale CHRISTMAS TREES, choice quality Scotch pine, reasonable prices. Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, Ontario Phone FRanklin 6-6254, 2:9:1623 PLOW, 3 -furrow, International, on rubber with lance coulter, in good condition. Apply Charles Dietrich, phone Creditor). 234, 6478, 2:9* USED OIL BURNERS, gun type, with controls. Phone JA type, with controls. Service Electric (Gocierieh) Ltd.1 phone JA 4-8581, 2c 14 VVantecl To Buy USED DOLL BUGGY, large size, in good condition. Phone Exeter 17W, 2* KITCHEN CUPBOARDS, good, upper and counter, Phone Kirk - ton 22r11. BALED CLOVER }AY—Apply - :Harry Carroll, RR 'e Crediton, phone 234-6265. 20 CIDER PRESS—Hand-operated cider press. Bill IlleKenzie, phone 253 or 501, Exeter. 20. — - -- — - ,— DOLL BUGGY, in good condi- tion, Mrs, R. W, Read, phone 717 Exeter, 20 MAN'S JACKET, light blue, zippered, size 36. Can be seen at Mid -Town Cleaners 2nc FIELD CABBAGE, 5e per head, picked fresh from field, Apply Frank Hicks, Centralia, phone AC 8-6245, 2c NEW TREATMENT! — More effective antibiotic treatment for shipping fever, Pneumonia, foot rot, respiratory complex, m a stitis, rn etritis, G allimycin injectable. 100 c,c., 12.00; 250 c.c., $23.50. Exeter Co-op, phone 287. 2:9e TIMBER FRAME, complete, size 26x36, like new, Apply Gerald Moffatt, Kippen, phone Hensall 264W2. 24 WRINGER WASHERS, $89,50; automatic washers, dryers, electric ranges, refrigerators, deep freeze chests, We sell mare because we show more. Sixty pieces to choose from. Sandy Elliot, phone 476. 2c GIRL'S WINTER SET, 4 -piece, turquoise, size 3; 3 -piece tweed, size 5, freshly cleaned, fur trimmed, good condition, Ap- ply '17 Andrew 3L, phone 293W, , 15 W $2,000,00.on first mortgage for Private home, payable annua1. ly, or semi-annually, Apply Box 2SW, Times -Advocate 19: 19tfne HOUSING is scarce in Clinton. The demand for homes con- tinues to grow. If you have a house or apartment for rent— why not use the classifi d tion of the Clinton News - Record? Phone HU 2-3443, or e sec - write, Deadline each week is noon on Wednesday, 500 cash for 25 words or less. 2:9c 114 Property For Sale FRAME HOUSE, .3 • bedroom, full basement, Main SL, Ex- eter North, Apply Reg or Clarence McDonald, HOUSE, 3 bedroom, ranch style, with fireplace and base - meet, a substantial down pay- ment required, owner will hold mortgage at 51/2%. Apply 236 Huron St. East, Exeter. 9: 28tfne SMALL BRICK HOUSEin E KRAUT CABBAGE, only 75e a eiter; to '1)t, jr.MPIA4C1 from Pre dozen. R. sent lot by purchaser' Pooley, phone 641J vi Exeter, Bros., phone 321 Ex - Exeter, 2ne eter, 26:2c APPLES ALL MAIN VARIETIES from $1.50 to $2.50 Bushel BILL McKENZIE Phone 253, Exeter 2c CHESTERFIELDS and easy chairs, Compare for values at Sandy Elliot, 2c SEWING MACHINE, Singer round bobbin treadle, in excel- lent condition. For quick sale. Apply 169 William St., Exeter, evenings, CHROME and coppertone sets, all sites, 20 sets to choose from. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 2c LADIES' BORG JACKET, grey, size 16 to 18, in excellent con- dition, May be seen at Mid- Toviei Cleaners. 2* NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. Mort gage arranged. Phone 386M Exeter, 4:20tfnc WILFRED McINTEE Realtor LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR PROMPT ATTENTION, WE HAVE BUYERS for homes, farms and small busi- nesses. Listings on homes, farms and businesses urgently needed for reliable purchasers, 15 ACRE to 200 acre farms. BUSINESS and income proper- ty. Call Jack Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St, S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 !ae:eee.r•eiie'eieeeeeeeeteeetieieeeeeeeeeee.teeeeieeeieeigeee'a'reeeMee.'eee,eee.!,.':e'e;::'e''.'e.t.:' usiness Directory SUPERIOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE Commercial, Industrial and Residential Janitor Work Venetian Blind Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Reasonable Rates PHONE 707 EXETER C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon,, Tues., Thurs., Fri, 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues, and Fri, Evening, 7 • 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 81 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St,, across from PUC W. G. COCHRANE BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Hensall Office Open Wednesday and Friday Afternoons 1;30 to 5:30 PHONE 14 EXETER DR. H, H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D,S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 36 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C, V. LAUGHTON, Q,C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoon PHONE 4 EXETER ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ETC. Ann St., Exeter Phone 504 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY ST, MARYS PHONE 1272 Head Office — Eiceter, Ontario DR. J. W. CORBETT D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 273 Exeter Closed Wedneaday Afternoons G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS THERAPY For Appointment Phone 606 NL L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Streeti Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wetted -SOY Per Appoint-titOM PliOne St President Milton McCurdy, RR. 1 Kirkton Vice,President Timothy B, Toohey RR 3 LAI can Directors E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney 11R 2 Dublin 'Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Cro Alex J. Rohde RR 3 leilleaheivl Agents Harry Coates ItE 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Stanley Hocking Mitchell Solichor Exeter mr, G. Cochrane tecrefaryiTreasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter 16 Property For Sale For Sale 3-FAAI1LY apartment, nice 1a. cation and showing a return of $1,700 ,gross. The price is only W$1A.0,15`0E011, LOO ST. 3- bedroom home; taxes are only $58.00. $1311,Q0Owdillowgno. fast at $0,300 with CORNER OF GIDLEY and Carling. Here is a real buy; 3 bedrooms, dining room, good furnace. The price is only $6,900. We have the key. MAIN ST. red meg brick home, beautiful condition, and you could move in now. Price $11,000 with $4,000 down. GROCERY STORE, in good village, nice clean stock. Let us show you. f3UTCHER SHOP, a good busi- ness; price $8,500 for every' thing. ICE CREAM business, doing good business, well located. Price for all equipment—$5,000, stock extra. Illness forces this sale, FARMS 100 ACRES, excellent soil, good brick house, large barn, close to Exeter, Price $15,000. CREDITON, modern brick house, good barn, implement shed, two -car garage, 56 acres of good land. All of this for $10,500. To inspect these and other, contact; John Burke -re;e1'Teter,: and Insurance Main St, sitiel,:r Phone 863 Salesman: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter 7c WM. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St., Exeter 200 acres, Exeter, within can- ning factory limits, 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. 200 acres, Dashwood, suitable for livestock or cash crop. Two 150 acre farms, in Exeter area, 143 acre farm, in Hensall dist- rict. 100 acre farm, level land, good 16 Property For Sale C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATR & INSURANCE We have clients prepared te buy. If you wish to sell, see Us, We also solicit your busine. for any type of general • insu mice. C. V. PICKARD, RgAt,TO 394 Main St,, Exeter Phones 165 and 628 8: 17 Property For Rent FRA111,13 HOUSE, 1t -storey, bedrooms, 21/2 miles from •E eter. Phone 632W Exeter apply Clarence Down, 168 El on St. E, Immediate possesse 143:19tf APARTMENT, 1 -bedroom, dern, furnished, central lo tion. Phone 710. 10:26t1 _ BEAUTY PARLOR, on M St. Apply at Times -Advocate 10:26ti COTTAGE, 3 -room, suitable 1 or 2 persons, central locati R. E. Balkwill, 47 John SL Exeter. WINTERIZED COTTAGE, ce ral, Apply John Macdona phone 47r13 Grand Bend: DUPLEX, 3 -bedroom, heate unfurnished. Apply Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend.- 2c APARTMENT, furnished, heat- ed. Available December 1. Ap- ply Colonial Hotel, Grand Bend. 2c e!„.PARTMENT, lower, unfur• wile: 2 -bedroom, heated, self contained, on William St., cent- rally loclieed, available Decem- ber 1, Phoneeel2M. 2* 21 Notices 21 Notices MITCHELL CIDER MILL will operate every day except Satur- days from now until November 24, Terms cash. Fred Hennick & Son, proprietors. 1.2:19:26:2c I WILL NO LONGER be re- sponsible for any debts in. curred by my wife, Beatrice Ann Kohlsrnitb, on or after the 1 y oOctober 1961, Ro- hert Kohlsrnith, 77 Nelson St., :26:2c Exeter, Ont. 19 The November session of Huron County Council will > be held at Goderich on November 20th,. commene- Treasurer's Salt ing at 2:00 p.m, 4A1-: communications, in con- necLo therewith must be in the'tr,..:2ds of the Clerk not later t1 Friday, No- vember 10, 1(1, Of Land For Taxes TOWN OF EXETER buildings, Can be purchased as COUNTY OF HURON 100 acres, 75 or 50. Act fast on To Wit: this one. Other 100 acre farms. Practically sold out of houses, would appreciate listing your home. For listings or showing above property mentioned, contact RUSS I3RODERICK, Agent Box 124, Phone 1187W 10:12tEnc REAL ESTATE EXETER — 3 bedroom, L. room, kitchen, D. room, at- tached garage, F. base, oil heat, excellent terms, $2,400.00 down, $55,00 monthly payments, EXETER — 3 bedroom, L. room, D. room, kitchen, garage, well located, oil heat, $1,500.00 down. Terms. EXETER — New 3 bedroom, L. room, D. rqom, kitchen, H, W. heating, attached. garage, $4,800.00 down, Terms. EXETER — 3 bedroom, 1 block from school, oil heat, terms, EXETER — Huron St. large brick home, suitable for chip - lex or three apts.-2 'up and 1 down, large lot, 2 bathrooms, oil heat, garage, terms. By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Mayor of the Town of Exeter under his hand and the seal of the said corpora- tion bearing date the 8th day of August, 1961, sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the Town of Exeter will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Exeter, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the morning on the 6th day of December, 1961, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1961, and that copies of the said list may be y cc. Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of August, 1961. C. V. PICKARD, Treasurer 9:7-11:30c had at ni offi nto wit in f ttery EXETER — New 3 bedroom 0 C home, west side of town, L. e,L mem, D. room, kitchen, full basement, well located, terms. EXETER — New 3 bedroom Br home, L. room, D. room, kit- • chere full basement, oil H. W. heat, terms. JOHN G. BEI\PRR Clerk -Treasurer, County of Huron, Goderich, Ontario, 23 Tenders Wanted SALE OF SCHOOLHOUSE BY TENDER Sealed tenders, so marked, are called for the sale of the following: "A" — Schoolhouse only, o what was formerly SS 4.1 Hay, located on Lot 26, Con 3. Hay. The building an foundation must be complete ly removed by April 30, 1962 A MARKED cheque for $20 must accompany tender. "B" — Sale of schoolhouse an land for same school state in (A). All tenders to be.in the hand of the Secretary -Treasurer b Wednesday, November 15, 196 at 6:00 p.m. The slate blackboards are n included in the sale of th schoolhouse, H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Secretary -Treasurer Hay Township School Area, Zurich, Ont, 26:2: 23 Tenders: Wanted ' SALEOFGARAGE DOOR ANP STEEL WAGON Tenders will be received, by the undersigned :until .12 noon, Wed., Nov, 15, 1964 for sale f: One overhead garage ,door, x9, witb hardware, ..e:an be sed in 8' height. One steel wagon and box,. long, rubber tires, • Both may be seen at .rear .01 Town Hall. C, V. PICKARD, Clerk Town of Exeter 2c TOWNSHIP OF BAY KADING DRAIN TENDER Tenders marked as such will e received by the undersigned ntil Friday, November 17, 161, at 6:00 p.m., for the con - ruction of the leading Muni - pal Drain, as follows: 3480 cu. yards of excavating and levelling or about 2800 feet, All work to conform, with e Engineer's specifications, rtified cheque for Jece. of bid accompany tender. Contract be signed when tender is ccepted. Plans and specifica- ons may be seen at the 01- ce of the Clerk or Engineer. Lowest or any tender not ecessarily accepted. C. P, CORBETT, P.Eng., Lucan, Ont. H. W, BROKENSHIRE, Clerk -Treasurer Township of Hay, Zurich, Ontario 2:9e 24 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE Of the Entire Stock of Milt's Variety Store in the PARKHILL ARENA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 at 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. until sold Complete stock consists of mens' work clothes in matched sets of shirt and pants, over alis, socks, gloves, caps, men's and boys' pyjamas, summer and winter underwear, child- ren's jeans and shirts, men's and boys' ties and belts, child- ren's clothing for infants and up. Blankets, towels, sheets, pil- low cases, table cloths, sewing 24 .Auction Sales.,.,„ accessories, zippers, rick -rack, binding and thread, baby hien', kets, baby clothes, bath mats, Rey's lined jeans, iXekets, men's and boys' T-shirts. lined T-shirts with zippered men's dross studs, boys' dress shirts, boys' underwear, wo- men's lingerie, Exquisite Form bras anct girdles, ladies' dresses and blouses, little girls' dresses, hosiery, gloves, hair Aets,, jamas, jewellery, broaches and earrings. School supplies, scrilibiers, loose leaf notebooks, binders, pens and pencils, refills. Quantity of toys, sun glasses, greeting cards and many ther articles too numerous to men, tion. This stock is all new and in a wide range of sizes and de, signs. The owner is going out of this line of business and every, thing must be Sold. Lunch available. TERMS: Cash—plus 3,47 sales tax. MILT LIGHTFOOT, Owner Ailsa Craig BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer Phone Parkhill AX 4-6759 2c AUCTION SALE Dispersal Sale of Registered and Grade Shorthorns The herd of the late Edgar Butson; selling 65 head on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11 at 100 p.m, at Farm, Lot 28, Concession 9, HIBBERT TOWNSHIP, 3 miles west of &We. Selling 20 cows with calves by side, 14 yearling heifers'13 yearling steers. Steers will -'be sold by the pound. MRS. EDGAR BUTSON, Owner ' Telephone Dublin 48r14 PERCY C. WRIGHT, Auctioneer, Cromarty Telephone Hensel' 690r22 Complete listing in next evil. tion, 2c fiximminlimanatemmwMamal anted., Live Light Fowl any quantity I , • -- Campbell Soup Company Ltd Listowel, Ontario - Phone 900 Collect seeemmeas.mentemkgeatem 3 GENERAL STORES: One with lunch counter, residences attached, on main highways, Ile $6,000,00, $8,500,00 & $22,000,00, terms arranged on all three properties. ‘ lo' 'MILK ROUTE, Exeter area, '8tyl profitable business, terins. DASHWOOD 200 acres 1r MT. CARMEL 125 acres no FARMS te 150 acres ZURICH 100 acres CREDITON 100 acres 150 a CMS KIPPEN 1.50 acres GRAND nEN]): Four lake trent. L'‘‘,0 cottages (Oakwood) Five cottages (Southcott Pines) Two cottages (Sharrow Survey) BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 WE HAVE OTHERS (Listings invited) W. 11.1100CSON LIMITED —• REAL ESTATE ' Phone 24 Exeter Exeter Phone M. I. Gelser 24. R. Dow W1Dace (G -id t3oM) 614–