HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-13, Page 1th1 e:
11144 0Y,
eeepesiW for
cave t ae*11th
g All lettere
meet be poet
out of the post office.
Twine of Advert
tuner, first iasertiuu,
Each s.baequent insertion,
Tea lines and under, first
Bach .ubeequeot ieserttoo,
Odor tea lines, first is. per line,
Eooh a rh*squent insertion, 0
Kj' A liberal di.couot made to
advertise by the year.
Adverttasomats without wrings rust
Sore will be inserted u.ul foetid,
a d ecsordumgdly ; amid uo advsr:wmest
diacotiawad * tbercgueent time
of with -
the peb-
dnwel, arks by
liken. Z�
d to the Editor
1 1 sol M takes
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(turbo .
CA N ho teaselled at ail bonne, at
Ale. Lr T.ra.'a Boarding Howe..
( f.rwerly eke British Hotel .)
Goderlc h, April 59th, 1869. .1
street, Ooderieh.
June i*18.
CABINET MAKER, Three doers rano
the Cauda Company's office, West -
al rest. Gedeneh.
A.geat 17114, 1849. 9'650
ATTORNEY AT LAW, sad Conveyan-
cer, Solicitor in Ch.seer , lee. Ism hie
office a threnody in Stratford. ,
Stratford. Sad Jan. 1160. 9vs49
Aug. 86th, ldb9. *8091
NOTARY PUBLIC, C.miswstonea. Q.B.,
sed Conveyancer. Stratford.
to hear
g *oft ideal!
ly rest
Feel cm, pato,--1
The old chareb ding +
The weleome meads
With futon bops and •
Yet were so calling char
/eased d
To wood theft eb*seg .o
a place where ma
can hear a Sabbath bell.
ends, when Wlster'e some
famished wolf along,
tb weeds scarcely tern
trem►ling fere-
riog there,
Or wb
Thu light
The beer% Is cal
For all Create.. •oic
Tbe hdug. of the Sabbath b.!I.
G. to the billow", let them pour
gentle calm. or keadloeg roar;
Let the vest ocean be thy home,
Thai Il And a God upon the foam;
In ripphog *well or stormy roll;
The. crystal waves shall wake thy cool,
And thou shall feel the hallowed trill
Of the wide water's Sabbath bails.
shook Deer heads sigericaotly, sod the
y� squaws sand his heart was made of
stone. Bet Waralooka did sot *sleet a
wife. Nose of the amides' of his tribe
suited him, sod their laws forbad be taking
we from seethe' cation.
Many moons came and west, and came
again, and a champ bad been wrought is
eralooka. He so longer a feat his time
in' (1M camp with hie warriors, nor os the
trail 0tihe enemy, ace is the eamca lodge.
ler days mid sometime* weeks together, be
absent ; en/ ttr� a be returned his face
, his eyes were hollow and sunken,
he snail emir ER►L silent to Iris most mit-
mud 1l emu", aMs puatuvc-
when the sun set" twice ie the west, he shall
look u poo you u free u the untamed
The Voice teased. The mimic war as
sweet to his ear u the booed of the zephyr
shining amid the waving prairie grass.
CHAPT/a 14.
It war high noes whoa Waralooka was
summoned before the high council. 'With-
out delay that august body declared that u
a meet punishment for his crime, be should
sutler at the stake. When the chief who
had prono.acsei him **truce of *eats war
mom mad asked if the
jtrrd. The con-
m�tf, was given,
wing. pointed
The lark upon hie thy weed way,
Tug robra on the hedge -row spray.
The bee within the wild Orwell bloom,
Tbe owl amid the cypress gloom,
All sing In every varied toes
A vesper to the greet Usknowo:
Above -below -Doe chorus swell
Or God's .eeumbered Sabbath Wk.
shunned him eatirelt.
Elswatawa, an old veteran, the next io
counsaod to•him, offered him his daughter,
Bending Idly, u a bridge, in hopes to bring
him back to his traquility ; Waralooka, re-
pulsed him by saying that be loved sot the
Bending Lily, and that she would wither
and die ia his wigwam for the west ot. that
love. Elswatawa left the incases of his
thief --nod that chief had w •Deal. What
troubled the spirit of W'raloeka 1 W!
shall see. �5
One day be had taken his arms. ead
alone as meal, wandered ate the forest.
Ke war unsuccessful in the beet. At last
his eyes were gladdened by the eight et a
mew -white fawn bo..diog away : Is den dis-
tance toward the genie' am. . i►lMpf'
Id vigor he bounded award i� hie trail,
occasionally getting a glimpse of its snow-
white sides, but without beiag situ enough
to send aa arrow after d with easy ceraisty
For an boar, or more, Wardoska pmstied
the fawn with s•dimiefabd vigor, mail he
drew nigh the Kistswaskie, and east hie eye
Along the bank both ways-eotbing eastbis
nigh in the shape ot the white fawn-stbad
agg�jnd! The shades of evening were
,Unwise around, and he bethought„ himself
of eecuriug a resting -place for the night.
The wild beauty of a little Island attracted
his attrataoa, aid still ruminating upon the
sodden disappearance of the fawn, be cross-
ed the stream, and pubisg aside the over-
hanging branches, be found himself is one
of the most beautiful natural arbors that
could be coneetved. The wild grape -viae
and honeysuckle head wound their tendrils
around the covering to the rustic summer
house. The earth bested' was covered
with a beautiful velvet greensward, sad
seemed to imvite the weary Indian to re-
pose throwing himself upon the attend
couch, Waralooka gave himself up to a drea-
my reverie.
How long be remained roomiest he
could not tell ; bat a reedit' sound, and the
breaking ot a dry branch, canned hem to
look around upon the now darkened mesa
Approaching his retreat he beheld a hos*
tiful Indian maid. The first glance show-
ed him that she war sot of Winnebag6
tribe ; in fact, among his owe maid* V
never had seen anything half so captivating
-never seen anything half so beautiful ;
and at first, be rather doebted her being of
real substantial flesh and blood. But whoa
she stated herro°lf upon a fallen log not tea
paces from him, and comraseld domaisg
her shinning locks, be ave *ger doubted
ber mortality. a p d perf etty
quiet and feasted bit greed,' "yea !poo her
matchless beauty. Hb feareely lereatbsei
for fear of betryiag be presence.
Before the ratio beauty bad completed
her toilet, night had come o0 sad drawn
her veil over wood, water, and all .ature s
beauties. The toilet was 6erhsd, and se
she rose to depart, ber quick eye caught a
glimpse of our hero's form stretched almost
at ber feet. With a shriek, she bounded
away with the speed of a frightened deer-
Wtralooke after her, wishi.g to explain his
unexpected presesee• He had rue brit a
short didzace, when a tall warror stood in
his path, and hacked by a dozen study fol-
lowers, woe made him a prisoner.
Who is be that dares to eased in the
path d the Wiesebago 1' said Weretooke,
when booed. ' Why m tbe trdt of Wara-
looka watched like that of the cowardly
wolf r
' Come tq tbe council lodge of the F'ota
.84 yon will Ivan' wee r torsed. `t
What has Mang
dome that he
captive of the Forest Redeem the F'
et the Wieeeb.gnee, OR 11. Foe will
booted toles des, and his braves be
ed to the yellow Weer* in Asthma ;
• Come to the reeseea lodgey,
answer bet raptor' deigned « Kure.
I feet sleet the Empires fall,
And 114. .011010 rase awe 1, ��a h,.�,
Lite ',ivies@ bright of the dreary et.
That die with the dawning day, .
The lordly tower and the batt' telt,
The ball and the holy fees
le rein lie a 1 pees by,
Nor rise hem these wreck aria.
i light the rays of the orient blase,
The glow of the retina' meed; k
1 wig( my light with the ssppblr. edge
And glide with the seen* *150. ••
O'er the earth I roam, and the t et=
ILL1AM REED, Where the pseud hark bnnmde atea7,
HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, her And 1 joie the stare in their choral OHO
Li1tbtb'owe-street, Geduld), Round � golden ink of day!
Octobert96, tea9. 688
acme with age to the hoary saga,
Aad the lamp alit* grows dim,
Nor more its rays epee being's page
Emblazon delight to him:
:tor more deep sighs from his soul arw,
While the heart with grief is noes.
For sorrow *ado u the soul ascends
On high lotus native heaven
Awl oft, alas! when the .oung heart limps
With hearts that are high sod brave,
1 Come with death, and the young heart
The sleep of tits silent grave:
t morn the eight of the *leaping breath
From youth io its golden prime,
Nat time is linked wine deeay and death.
And death is the lord of Time.
Attenti•• Hostler' always •a bend.
tieder►eh, Sept. 19. 1160. 13-e30
Barrister aid Atlantic* at Law, 41.c,.
Gosaarci C. W.
J01114 STRACHAN -Barrister and Atlor-
my at Law, Notary Public and Convey-
Altarswy at L w, Solicitor in Chao.
eery, Conveyancer.
G•derieh, 17th NorInb•r, isbl .
Office 27, Dundas Street,
I fleet along and the empires fall,
Aod the nations pare away,
Like restos bright of the dreamy night,
LONDON, C. w. That die with the dawning day
*beSO The sceptre sake in tee Segal hell.
August 1606, 1(589 And still'd is the menareh'e tread;
HORACE HORTON, • The mighty stoop a the meanest droop,
Afarket-.4sarr, O•deriei,]
• And sheep with the uamete•. dead.
A°FAT for the Proteose•{ Mutual sled ____
Gossett Insurance Office,Termite,-
Pew the Wasbly iltee4se.
Also Agent for the Bt. Lawrence County
Metu*1, Ogdeti 'berg, New York. Local
Agri for Raammael Moekos'e Old Rochester
Nursery. July 1850. 99
rj *$HIONABIE TAILOR, :one door
West of W. 8. Grace's Store,- Wcet
Street God.Noh. • .�4
Feb. 19, 18b9. - -
Agent fax Ontario Marine 4- Ftre 1rt-
ear alsee Co.
INiIIURANCE effected on Bosons, Ship-
p acid Goode.
Alt of Deeds torreetly drabs, slid
Beebe •d Areosets •djasted.
0*.. over the Treasury, Goi•tiels.
Joly 99. 1819
b0 the
braces, \\'
Great Spi
wisdom, sail he shall die ; Waralooka is
t tails. He' se oras
c , places himself in the
ter than \Vanakasset,
When N-aralooka is
the dead, and the whippoor-
over hit grave, the Foxes wallet -
t. The Wwsebagoes are as the leaves
of the forest -the Foxes as the withered
fallen husks. Waralooka's kindred
rise up against the Foxes, and will be
the earth. The Winnebagoes
Foxes are weak. IVara-
es, warriors and
mercy only of the
The totes have, in their
really w
to ask
Chief o(Yite
sob et Teo neat.
The maiden's eye grew
Yee, Waralooka, for ]
knows that you love hail
that the love of time Wild Rag
grow cool and yet she Mari
A whole year had rolled e
looka sad his bride' still lie
lIlol Island, where egoist
trailing their seepenties c
cotton -wood trees -w
paved with gnMswet
birds chorused t►siF
Winnebago's veers
their old bunting gr
bad taken errry pre
presence from being
vine had been tui
tire walls of their
thus it war come
roved the
arbors were
where the sweet
pie noses. The
apected back to
sad WVaralooka
n lo screen their
d. 'Che grape
grow . over the en -
o h*blt3tioa ; and
frsS1iew ip,Me4(.c-
are et
looks has
This epee r
g defiance in every
word, was reeeiv '`y the Foie' very
calmly indeed. Not a .Milo•#'
swarthy visage was seen to quiver, or a
tiaea*eet to change --Neth a waive of his
bawl Wanaka'et dismissed the council, aid
remanded Waralooka to his former prison -
N►gbt cone again, sod all was bustle
sad confusion in the camp. • The Foxes
were preparing to pet their horrid tortures
into execution. As Waralooka lay upon
the floor of his prison, the musical whisper
was beard again, and it said-
' Brave Eagle •of Winaebagoes, the
White Fawn of the Foxes comes to take
you from the net of the batsman and set you
fro again -Follow me in silence'
The voice had scarcely ceased when an
"peeing appeared to hie prison walls, and
the heavier= maiden he had frighten{! in
the arbor stood toe re ofahim.
silence, elle"beck•
*pea ber NPb�t
weed to hill iritod thea retreated with a
graceful toward the forest. lVera-
looka lotbrii
• • • •
The stake was . finely placed -the dry
Idekory, bark, a eoeieoientl f
and the wairior9, tad, is fact, the en-
i'gfs,irtbe, emerged io a dense circle around
it. They were awaiting. the prisoner.
Maneto bad been despatched to bring him.
But, alas, for their antltirations of horrid
pleasure ! The Qif'd ) 8'a, and no
traces . could they diijierlt tii'tl ed+reeties
toady. The run was shisieg bell* o{ rn•uu
tog, as the link Isle was resplendent with
beauty. Waralooka and hal Wbito Foie
were partaking of their rudi breakfast,oem
aistiog of dried Tension sad fruits, when Ste
loud war -whoop of tbe Wmaebagoes ting
with startling distinctness to their ears] it
win a fearful sound, and greatly in madras
with the dreadful •dente that readied be-
fore, and carne after it, Right well did
Waralooka know wbo it war Gail weeded
that dreadful note. E1.w* t, Chief of
the Wenebagoea--bin feei`mwas ea W
trail !`
White Few* tie twin every limb
when she learned tde danger that thrreatea-
eit; bet *need from Waralooka quieted ber
and she proceeded to assist him in making
preparations for their safety or defence.
Every avenue to their little fortress was
closed; the bow was supplied with a fresh
cord; the quiver filled and slung over his
breast, and every possible advantage( taken
of tbeir biding -plies, and the tree gtv+ n.
The heart of the Winnebago knew no fear.
and his stoical countenance betrayed no
ova of agitation, as be took his stand near
the only opening in bis walls, and waited
the approach the enmity. Not long did be
wait. They come. Before the party
reached his but, and just a they discovered
it, the twang of a bow-atriag was ,
and the leading man fell tranadxed, with the
shaft still quivering in his body. Ilia shaft"
dew is rapid succession, and each one told.
He knew that should he permit their nigh
approach, his chances were materially km -
Yee, let the eagle change his plume,
The•I*f its bol ; the flower its bloom,
But tree arouse that heart were alma,
Which would not, could not beCu BELL.
Sone thirty or forty rods north of the
pteasaot village of Cherry Valley, tbe
waters of the Kiabwaukie are divided by a
1 small, woody, vine -clad Island. The is-
Iced itself is n turn divided into *amorous
smaller isles by tbe swift current, when the
waters are high. IStit in the Sommer ttea-
•o., when the channels cut by the waters
ars empty, they serve u paths to the ex-
plorer of Gel miniature paradise. From its
t its wily glades, tempting
fruits, and its ever-ehangieg fresl'ne* I till
It Ede. bk. Taken at moon -day, when
the sem im other places is loot aid oppressive,
there it gild" every leaf, aid silvers the
waters u they glide nogg. Yee could
not rad a cosier place in which to dream
sway a lazy burr, -Takes what tbe orb of
day is raking IN the wed, teed tbe shadows
of the cottonwoods mod elate grow lo.ger-
when the shade they east epee all mound
grows deeper sad per, mid when the
giding river mea.mes knm of eight you
w.rsld sot find a more c"� wit a
mise over disappointed hopes nod thwarted
amb'lden. .f
A legend, frit of MR'a•*, is cement of
the bleed 1 Nave Mfr'• '" '°i Poor
'sesesn,te d emits. I will toll it mit wad
told to ire.
Malty wiiMt'i ay, whew t4 4141111:10a
V ]it1/ it \tJr��t�
(!leer the Market Suers.)
GOOU Aeesmm•batiees hr Trardlsts, .d
a atseetive Mmtlwaa eft ti.a... to Oka
ammo oaf Teams.
«*ttevl a. Dee. S, 160*. 49.41
Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.,
CArrrAL *1,000,000.
B7.RA HOPKIR$. H•saltes, A .* fel
2-i the Colonies of Waterloo.nd urea.
August 97, 1630. Sett
wad bean y,
Bt►RRII4TFE., ttok•N•r le Che. cry,
Attnrn y-at-lAw, Coevsys.eer. be.
Hca. Ogee : Oehler° ll.11dle e, Ring -8t.
el -Moans the Gen Beak. esd the Wok e1
*NM Ninth Amore. Helmrow. d t�
II, E(tGlN1;ER aid Provleelel taw!
Sweeter, a.d•.Mh.
not put wader. Thera
nota dry eye he ail that slags dress(
,w.ed around their *nag glare. They
.e.pcctedtheir commis, thieirliielkg, Nd
respectfetdy heaped the earth of daft' Date
lovely Whom upon their remains, leaeiog
theta twos io death, even a death, sorted,
the White Few■ of the Foxes and the
Chief of the Winnebagnes.
The Wimeeb•goes departed, bet sabs-
dow was spoil theta. A few short ream
and they were drives west of tbe Misaiasip-
pi. Their strong Ines aro weak; the num-
bers are few. Their glory has departed
from them forever.
Wa.akaseet, the elk( of the Foaei, sad
father of the White Fevre, never held up
hie head again after bearing the fate *of 4is
dwghter. Ilia grey hairs went down io
sorrow to the grave.
Reader, AR Island cam stip be seen
'Jeering ca mistakeable evidence that the
tvsijtoo we have jest concluded u net
'holly a matter of fiction. 'fhe Mahe's-
t ie still flows placidly, the bird* still slog
oyfelly and cave of to forget that the
only place war osteo the without of enmity
sad bleadabedI
ICI'S TAVERN, Weems nosues
sot, V
Par i3
10., preparwi to at
Ist say part of the
worms .
• Whig
• all•NiMM►
tn with
i� ler
Ia'he •f fi: M
ir+ ttesete:r of eei.„
411610 at .rorty t..
igen N seek moue d emu them 1 sae.
Wel lea •hree bets wee a baulk sod a
beset m..1 Uhler oma isseags t tole
-sols a see* sad white ti Issas er, (a idai
M a mart of ►oaeM•uoa egg wetal die-
geed we bring Mnasl.es a ►.tea
'11*111sum .• doomed le site Great Bolide
NW Sea NprNemesed fur soy tug p
les geUld regard the late an4 intros•
eaaduet .r tb. Derby et mato suss a deep.
or feellsg .r s dtgasnos DAM thea whisk
nue borne ia.r Wyatt. Be: lh. Mee.• .,
bust of that erste and d4IN:ed rec.but
is only tempo*, y, the re.utt sit .cerdtr.t,
Wo cannot imagism Haat public opr..oa In
Greet Britain io will sanction a 11141C Minn
. o unjust so uncalled fw, a deegereus to
the posse of Mit euaotry,.oJ Ms perma-
nence of Druids gooier ire this continent,
as that which Sir John Pok•ogtos ►u in.
' mimed to the Hour ot Count so .. W.
Watt* that the present s.m'ns wit sot
Pete over without such an •xp•11. of
that politic sp'a40 se will corrins rot,=
deseo. Bsthuee, and other bock -aloin lo.-.
%rieuers that ah►ougk the D.,byitN y
beem the will to help themtb•y look lee
We ark lotormod through private seer.
mot that a very strong belief was dot oleo
t•rtsined among the friends of Canada tic
Ragland :hat Sir Witham Motesworeb'*
elation would he carried in Dm Douse • to
Con,.eoa.. 11 go, • eiro•g point will bi
gamed and w• shell be justified In the des
taping ulterior m•swrrs until the Mull
of the hill to introduced by Sir Wrlllku)
Mut*worth i. known. la the mean time
let the people f•epa:e for the struggle.
it any mime sooner than w• imagioe• If
the i)Rbyuu shriufd be able to maintain
their bold .t power during the light en the
Budget which he Ont very probable the{
my And mesas to ever." off 8u W. bel•.-
worlh'0 &Ii. '1'M•• recall of Lord Ogle:
lb. y}ye •('the *stood Lnrd Ilewalta
and • d.ieielfib .f the Mame, way be tri
store fee w ':bat wismer•s havn
been suggested Ify Ilk .minares of the
Church and ' etaid faction hare, we tars
well believe. !n meth a complexion of
thhags whet will he tilm position of the.
friends of resit zed r•I'gioes liberty in Mei
country. Wt11 they exhibit • bold, netted
mod invincible front we volt they he donned
scattered, sod. not able to being half thine
strength tato the And i Now we me Iii
all its enormity the base condno( d the
miserable traitors who 4nrnrg the lest see.
Moe seori8•dik• best interest of the pd -
pie to greyly their.*lost sail enigma'
p0seioes. W telt the esuetrywe uti tele
Reformers of Upper Canada .•peoleop ore
tell the Reformers of the tewetr of Kook
more especially this tact,--4nd we eh" Begg.
any 005 to give it a soca.iernfd•etal. lith
for the factious oppotitien of Mr. G..r
Brown; but for b, inaimmi al. neon
his roit.rated banhe. ■pe.etme, bit dear
tetrigr•a with the tortes to defht the heel.
eon of the Home, the Reprenisntatem
might and to all probabiltt>'sotdd 4a
bet the Paw of the taod, .. ls?weeg to tem
days and yr elaittlet'tl� we e,awmed la the
*Note *film f ctinats1 to defetd
funk Railway BM of Which (1..etri
Brown wee the leader the "call of the Huse
intended fdr the con•i4oratioe .1 the Re.:
presentation Bill felt tbwes� gad ft was
found iotpossibls to tali* t e smoothie rip •
with soy pro.peot of •140115. Who ilia tet
whit much tb• Reformers of Gonad" easy..
have the unprincipled obetenetine 1
there he, u we .,t.peot,a deep laid plot be-
tween the "fur. of our liberties" here tad
in England,'0 reinstate tor/Mist i5 tired
country, and by an «seely etltenee of pre -
leer and popery totasten the cur*
veler run tricorn*, how easy wra tr
hem been in a larger House and Bailey ad -
jested constituend'•5 to have defeated that
plat 1 Willa, be arrmoynew 1 We fear
not• No Tory member will mow gel, for:
an egmtabte rep'ru.•ntatioo BM sal them -
fore the ever third. vete messnary to as M.
evems need not to be espested. A
measure to eq.alioi the repr•eentaaom
may possibly begot threegb, but thee •
it will. become law before, embalm, native
i* .01 perhaps * pertain. A Reesnt
election in the protest stats of the rolotei
party end with the present arrangement
of eosatttn•setes, %meth not be attended
with rewhi mom dtiafactery lbs the
lu*, at lust we Bev mt. S.r Juba Peek -
legton gives *s Duo of hie rsae.rar for refer.
Ing 10 oljow zee t. maser (tor owe affairs
e Church ma111144 'hit Upper, Canada.
is oat nearly a possible equally divided"
up the Somme question. Tu.
gime Is no jo.tiestioa for withholding (rose
re our-eenstisettonat rights, but zea tho•o
reform eonaliteitenioa which met Street;
Weise», Shaw, Wright of Ease York,
Gambles, sat Dieu. to ['grimmest to mea
remotes obefr "ewe on this q r*caw.
find faint with Hir John for *i5uue.mg this'
divided rats of outwit at a fact 1 Cad
they eel he hail no color fur 11014 a state.
wit. Warred not nod stop to prove
install she lessee given et 8 PJoh* Pon -
torten tar Ave deateme to when he stet
•waleagues time ed+do are tale., ween
zed palpably Wee. Nu plea u. *het solei
la needed in titre atnelry; sod we tisk et
will bosom'h.1 mamas peon of '14."
falsehood well be h.rtecomieg to Si' boom
of Cotnmos.; 'i', first 'twig to- he res-
stiletto, mow, l., -la whit po•fi,oa tele
de :hind of the heparin Cabinet have the
qu11lioie *nil what 10145 .11.14 bo .4.p+
tad be our l..gt.latero 1
We will glee our opines freely sad
plainly. Wb5 'Aro.te. ►M egrets .r the
171.4e and ether lute -wenn and t1'*Mf'
meg Bteform• re the eyp•rtssit'y
ego .Deady setlemoa/ of the quassia
the Whig Go55rd4feet wee lost, and Me.
Prices shill? settle teseletten wenn -pale.:
sod and nntotlatfese ammo. there.peo, t"
gave up ell hope of a erar medy w m5I _ .
by 'that memo. W we told tee aloe*
and bid (n..1.. thee, and se it bea remm to
pars• Whin the now otawafry war fort
mod Pared t.• the peteeipl• of e eetartea-
tton.--t► winch rte L.bfentain• C.).•I*, ,
.oppal*/tia4 adended by the Okla. gad
as a Overstreet c "=
a greet rho edieteh i.mii k
Sir r•wa1'rai toe tkti Mitt
p•odoefne troth g result.
tt,eeeNuo had tare ►*5.041'
soils of wet P.rha'oss1 .pd '
the 'objector neet:ellowe vel ' (Iii
Go•wra.nont' Td .e
miautrr Or 1110 w* ratite -mese t MO
raise in mud rrped's'. the f
t15 pr4.lee••itrr• beRi,i awe s derlere k.•
t'aw i""•• io, eon i..e town 15
to b eat•rerwd by tor urea et meae mien
sad •ammo. 1.4.41ysnet`. iI wet tort tor
the •b*ndued rrganbA .1 lie t.•tnuta4a,,
who derided "sagoturtes.i
sod bettnwed sod pawed 't'• rert his. el
'veal belt, whoa the "(leer GAM,"
volitmetite," the "Segekfoea 4. `.ere+f
• lett sa the eltsvoih. y a1g tt.'•
wedemoserbg with eke WM
51/.41 ass hob S M. Or'
owdee$tp Is preemie a u14 arae'
d the ve►v aegu•r'' - _ .
hese* b oil boo-.
N vivo
hr�4.14. &tf
The met winter Whetters are distinguish -
rod by Ib. m.gtufcence and noeth•ese of
their **trials ; ere• the simplest drones
fr^r soeueR dream beteg et exorbitant price.
"f ',two Oxhide taffeta of estrum, thick-
ness, sad of eh nodes ; the flounces are
ridged wine •aIle stripers and renamed; and
et their eaaremtties to a pretty fringe wo-
ve* in iheste6 But the stuff per iteef-
teo•o to the 1r.cu.telle; this dews net
beer dooms"; it to aaaufaclered in the
richest eye the patters is almost tettt relief
wort 1141ok a the bottom, groaning Wear
a 0 armee& to the waist. 11 is made of
veridimetades, for morning, the pattern le
black, o. et cabbage green ground or Naples
Ntw, slob* t*, however. the shade most in
vogue zed heat byamoenN with black. Fel,
seeaeg the patter. is white. upon a tight
suad a China TON or IIg141. bin*, •d
ers. These are butte m•gailleest. Tbare
vee also for imagist. plaid borders of 'sleet
woven with • whim grouud: thee are.
charming for noting people. A fmhlithe
.f the espin; wMo tortoies shell was set
eo Comtso. •r at present. has been rev
Thus, nista! tombs aro worn, •pM1eeted
with pearls, enamel, leo. Ttpolalt is gen-
erally dressed (aloins vptp•S,w on the neck
behind; sad from it king long ribbons,
saber Wright or is.Ioag flat buoches, lel,
ling De the and shoulders, and some•
time to 114, nut• The revival of short
waists is legit' apprehended; but the only
appy we have soon is to bodies rotted
lo.hent, tiptoed of mooted. with a silk bolt
of watter•d reline tied in frost. with lose
falling ods, se long as fashion does out'
exceed Ibis, nuthieg Dan be end against it.
A charming little pretest, of which we
have already spoken, is nod Vn high fashion
this is a turkrsb jacket. large and quite
straight behind, and with Armee. open al
the elbow; it to were at home, over •
rich toilet. on receiving the first -comers to
hell er party. The juke% is mo1stly made
ofredor white lIell n•n,
ato(' with
gold or silver qbb a little fringe to
match. Fur older peal one, bteck cashmere
is worn, with black braid and guide* pat-
tern! Tho Telma matellets still ooeti,ee
fa.hioeabl•; but there is some talk of a
portal toren to cloaks, with sleeves very
wrdeal the *ode. • They are trimmed either
with ribb•es, Irtwgt, or lam on the arms
and at the bottom of the firmest : Slash
velvet le molt besmear. The mildneee”of
themes.. has sot allowed opporluoiuee
for fur tnssming•--Pprfs, Nue. d.
Tit P.Qre RAILROAD.. -The Bt. Louie
1.tolligeoem of the 3d ulto•, tine *Arent.
ele the first meowing of the Iron bores
on the western "hetes of the Misty*ippr:
Yesl.td•y 'Mewed the starting of the
first locomotive to North Amies west o!
the Mesiseppi-the psooesr le whom) times
soon will follow others, and whose MIK
breath m the omen positing to that greed
system whieh is to develops the shawl wt in-
finite resources of a country w amt es
that lying b•twser th. Mfu.'seippi add the
Rooky Mountuna.
Al preei.ely 7 tb'eloek. Mr. Cherie" Wil.
WOO, the menet mtchlntat of the eompa0y
took his prisition on the locum() Ivo. Ilw
'•Paoifle Nu. 9." which te4 previously
maniliited a restless uneasiness and •
Moo* to be in motion.
The . , .* of for d,parrttrure had termed.
ntivs announced
that the servo• p
sed after the bell had tapped the fact call,
the dnvieg wheels commenced
nce ors,ars revolving
•ed loeomot ••.
true reit', engineer, paseengere zedail, were
na tbotead toward. sundown. Tb.y pro-
ceeded to a poet ■14 int four metra wet
the extent •f lho track se for se :aid, *hers
the rails were d•pnett•d, 1R•r wbieh the,
train returned lathe dep.,l• a rod b1
A mem pi out coition, pr,':hep byby
the By h. was dbp•
guests ueemblod after wh eh they re-
turned to the efts. having w,tn•seed n
spectacle the gra' dset a its ,feet. MOH
promoted on the wester.. share* of pr
he bad take°. or the marpet4iir4010114
Whits Paws was sleopiefiro-Ihr elk
of lam
bad mot awes the Kiwis**
of ha wigs was oat hour
The Swam, ingwewing whet the roma
huatimegrooads. The mthrning pre-
vious tet Clair intended departure, the
While was SO where to be for.;
the advantage his enemy held, and like a
discreet chief as be was, slowly and holm
tiouslY beat a retreat.
Half an hour passed. Waralookikneer
full well that to sally oth tad ethempt to
tecape by flight would .prove instant det-
truetion, yet to remain was nmost as cer-
tain; for what could he do single handed
against the scores of bmve Warriors oppos-
ed to bim
A shrill war whoop again reverberated
Borough the forest.
Again the war whet.' rang in his ears,
alid yet again; then c the voice of Els-
Warned& ta like the prairie wolf ia
his bp/gw, surrounded with Indian hunters.
MO cannot escape. .Let Waratooka leave
his White Fawn -for we have learned of
his perfidy -and come to the council lodge
of the Winnebagoes, and his life shaRbe
spared! Remain with her iind the angry
laws mist be appeased -the earth shall
drink his blood; the White Fawn shall per-
ish with him P
Waralooka knew fall well the sad truth
of what his euemy said, but his love for the
Indian mai/len wag stronrr than for his
oven life, Hue for his own kindred. He
r The voice of Eloralawa comes to the
ears of Waralooks, but he hears him not
With hif heart. Let the brave VVintiebs-
goes kill Waralooka, let them kill the eagle
and his tfiate; their spirits ehall tweed to
and Ins kindred shall. be vansfied. Wara-
looka wee never a coward; be doss trot feat
to dte; let the earl cook f'
A kw mot:hats of silent* succeeded this
brief dislogne; thee the replies chief beard
the trarop of many feet, but could see no -
Heise. lie heard • rustling sound molest
Ibe this 'idyl of the wigwam, end then the
retreating footsteps. The smoke mom in
every erwmy end corner, and thee anon,
eh! too soon tbe red Bang,' followed. They
thought to singe the welt five loft des sad
his Mate f
The wigwam sibs easel/lied in dames ;
the grew* leave* of annemer were scorched.
wiehered end con.nwied; the Winnebago
breves looked on in silent wonder. No
mend came from the bwrning mho save the
crackling of the green twiga, mad the retir-
ing of the fierce &semi.
The *earthed and blink sheletnee of the
lovers were all that remained of what was
"mealy the embodiment ro1 all Haat was
ed in each ether', arms they died, awd gaearasenst ! I It WM ea fere el the tee
is isieeeessful ewer* Wad then
row thmertied maimed his ebi
was deserted', .6101,
furniture, and the hearts
sad. One only mere
chief had gone -Els
11111Nooboreo-io tribe of saida.441111.444
tbe Wilma folltplo-
sow we oforti onset esailiXtor
SOP, mama wad* sad
Ter km magimpilw
framed oroL14.0.
thoo, Isar am rasa Ut
Without another Word, the
lowed himself to be eowaset.d to
0, erso vot. to tits kdge n(
visit hie stswitsatios,
limo ea morrnw.
iikikleOis In
istpu bat
tor not, brave Wiersebeigo; it mid,
It wail A
hams ie
ins &ea
prams of
a's ulna
of all its rich
the people were
joieed that their
and the Island before
hod id its most arriep-
ripe, luscious, wild grapes
re ; tbe leaves of the cot.
surd hickory., were ovum -
and yellow leaf" of Autumn;
a the Liked was chancel, hut
beautiful still beyond descriptioe.
h tbe shady arbour vat White Few*,
leer heed resting welm ber hands, in • pee
sive attliedii, lookieg very looesome and sad
took& appeared tad ha/Aimed to embrace
' The inst. of the 'Mill Eagle he* been
*Jose. lee has retuned to hie tryl, a
Welty Folliel to happy- -her heart, ill glad r
said the ruffles, es she hung spoo hi. week
fondly, sod with hoar dark, her, heitrome
eyes, she gazed so forelly up into bronz-
ed hoe ; the look melted the heals of the
Teas, asd he felt that he loved mom
Amoy *so Vs life. Her sediesew
for Hee lord of her Wort Sleas risme!
rums: mid the Wumeleago,emy
liodrod weir Nee trail with their faem ter -
the sow. ; Waralooke lass deserted
be with Gm dark -eyed
sod lonely in his ah-
ead he Imes thee r
mew to
tog the flay 1 drew fewer& (ramie( Om
los kif wilts rails ice the ea, regality of the
lima where the lode aro bong rapt*, laid.
It le anucipated that the trent wit be tan
to the Slistrlosi Sprier by Timone, goal,
whits a laity trate will eemeeet eles ewy
ettitotehit riot.
rfav anti •••tet aril be !Wog reel,*
beteg and. ihnee who were on fortosseli
s• te be sycs:witnerwite of Ole startle( ef
so Ilteetoeiptu. way Net Jostle Pewsd
mo sit lola7e:"..o::miwwwwwitteeett
Tse 4.. i• mot The rwrirrilirloa thrT.
bvit•e, whit Ow 'be aintoorneet of tire pa-
ll tialet else AMA* people, flea fore morma.
ted to me ami ,o•teeet the Empote 4 Greet
Bottom foto le te be liepeal.• Woof poi.
esti him bad the too evil to Amp io
he Moyle of ties earo•try, the sterna. of
red sad mainmast', Rotas of mit