HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-02, Page 5)(age 5 November Z 1,61
and district news
i Fete couple ,.
at CromartY .Kippen Comments.
„.... of Cremarty 011 Sun. .,
store, Mrs. Carl MeClincbeY, A .receptim for Mr. and M.
• .1:. a t e
I laY. AVM .K.gli„ .ffickPLLAR.
CROMARTY Mr. and Mrs. Harold Zones Mr. and Mrs, Art Ashworth arid
119Atufanittligelidllantetr4hItleerldaaa_ut st,Ilnet, and boys visited recently with Carol of Denfield
and Mrs. Ellison Whiting in a Christmas take draw family mOvect to. take up resv.
in -Law, Mr. end Mrs. 4rnosk of Parkhill And on Sunday with Saturday night At Dickert's dence near Saintsbury,
cORRE5PONDENT5 *•:C,I •easton of mr, and Airs. Harvey son Palmer of Little Britton.
Nell's .g5th wedding
N. 'day, October J. marked the 0c-•
Alessrs. Robert Gardiner and . 'Mr' and- Mrs' Willialli "nos •
of Clinton. was the winner.
pFes ..,.. they Make (le -44k ile4
ons, never reverse then?
Women are like baseball 41rn,
.......... •.: ter).,, Orangeville, Isabelle (mrs,
arty, Barbara (Mrs. James Mil. 1rom WOrnan'S Missiortary So.
ciety, Marian Bitchie AuxiliarY Sull-daY
..,, with friends in Strath.; l:therastily put his notes te-
l. „ , ., .
-analver" Gordon parsons len last week and lentil)? Of St. Thomas visit.t ‘,/,
ed. recently with Air. and Airs.11914r library and they dOn't think You're
* Sary.
To help celebrate the day on a business triP to the west- Harold Jones and Sons
Mrs, Maude Heclden, Photie 5 -L.......:..-- isk,
safe when you're out,
Mrs. ArChie MacGregor, F:lhono 56
,,..-.... 1111
i(vAeLes.thEei::•nfielvelidaartibgLitif)r,4 C(Arsvoemn: . 'Quite a :11414er Qf IneMbers WiAelrreh andan(1fAalrinsiiiiis4Zed Vgi—ltriefl.litClanUe"lhaffs.°ThePaiggpitssion
'Ronald Cahill) Stratford. Rosa. aind• CGIT Mr. and Airs. Carl Willerti but t o e
,Pg Ishe4as-11111:-
Taro wet4untrfleeesl
attended the section- 1•'•'.
Kin sponsor Realize $275 . wid (Mrs. Gary Near) St Ma. at meeting of Stratford Preshy.
an. tYs and Bonnie at benie and 1 '1 1
4., .
et.a n bSt. An rew s I reshy- .
was disetissect and trees will Over $275.6 ' was re 11./ed end et August of this year. ;recent visitors with Mi.,-, ,anu ton
Mrs, Rob t Gardine on ..—Lasj•an ° Zuri „. . . . . .
,i ir. and Mrs, Herbert Brit,
a Dublin were Sunday vi, New
!Moves pl ' - ' '. ' ' •
- • . - - also th ir t • so Go .dor, of terian Church, Stratford, evening with IYIr., end; as reliable as it is peeeible tO
e ‘r . ch. Nisited that his information is About
at UC bazaar „,,,. ,
M. and Airs. Lloyd 'McLean I The book is already near the
Mrs, Harold jones and family.; be,
minor teams - to Dresden ;strat,..,aati Mervyn, et home. ,mon,naar 'evening,
.The couple have seVen. grand-. Miss Neva Cockwell London • '
spent the weekend with her cou-
, ' end Mr. and Mrs, Robert Me- top aa A best seller.
- • - - - The Evenind Auxiliary .of ' — children. 'Lean attended the Hunter -
Homan Kinsmen at, a dinner , the United Cri well s (snored
1 P Mr, Don Spearman Raved teRelatives from Toronto, Bran- sin, Miss Alice Walker. Mignotte wedding reception at ----"'"'""'"":"""'"!!"-
eeting on Thnrsday decided a '1,'
s pile mg p an en Ion 0 cr
1 t A d
Stratford liensall Staffa 'rhe members of the CGIT
i_ the Green orest Hot 1 at
u cessful b za r b ke al
to Dresden, his home WW1). ' =arty, Mitchell mid Buts. led in the singing a 11.,,rtm and 'cralld-Bend 1(m --atu,;-d,,,,e .‘,-;,
to sPonsor two beekeY teams,' rooms Saturday afternoon,' led iti and gave also rendei:ed .a special num- fling - ' '''''' .0.•••••"'..,
, and tea in the church school -1
the midget and bantams, this I Many articles s u I t a b le for 34r, Spearman came here from SP4' .aiS°
u their DeSt wis es to the mole. ner with Lonnie tYleGhee tali. '
Dresden wo ears - o t k „.Air. and Mrs, Nem= Die- The
aver • thet Hensall Observer They received a silver tea ing a so 1 0 part, kert visited Sunday in Listowel
year. ' Christmas gifts were offered
service set from the family anti Mr, and Mrs Georae Gin
Tile Christmas tree project' 'cr.
rnshing businesS
sale, ell the beeths doing a t c e pu is e un 1 e
vhi h h bl• h d CI th individual gifts from relatives. lan and family of A
' "4 " with Mr and Mrs Fd Wake
j will be used for thea new The publication of the paper ItI'M church service
1 was taken over by Herb Turk.' The Thankeffering service of 'iv " - r all'' 'am" sitors with Alr. and Mrs. Elston Styles
be on sale later. which
pians for the Hallowe'en Sunday'School building fund, ; helm of Zurich Also publisher the VVoman's Missionary Socie- - '
•Air. and Mrs Clarence Col •
PartY TuestitY were finalized, of the Zurich ditizen's News, ty was conducted On. Sunday by „,.,, c, e 60/L
DMATS On and Mr, Robert Thorn -
i Conveners were: b a z a a r ,
Mrs. Spearman, Joan and Miss JAne Hirsch, returned mis. IX:2,411`1ff. tar,,,'"refLY,„wer,,e Mr. and Mrs. John Do`g and
table airs Robert Reaburn•
Exeter and one prospective; Airs. Don Joynt; Produce, ;
Jack, and Mrs. Spearman's sionary from •the Congo, who Z:Wgi./:.'• v",;11111'•u=i1;"'nrecera1" Miss Kathryn Peltier of Grand
were at their 1 TINTING
One guest was present from tea lables, ' Mrs, Robert Cook', '
member, Ross Jinks won the Mrs, Ed Corbett; tr,c,pe book,, tmother, left several weeks ago brought a stirring message, em -
the fact of so ma" ford on Sat cl"
St, Rail's United Chureha Stra5.11,1 Rapids' Micit'
. Mrs. Walter SPeneer; bake o take up residence in Dres• ,Phasizing ' ' '-- ' old home on the weekend pre -
'reasons for thankfulness, cam- • ur aY•
day, Nov. 4. ' fa sETTINu
raffle. den. Mr. and Mrs. T. Laing vis- paring for the sale on Satin..
• President Bill Fuss chaired' teaabnic' Mrs' Ian McAllister;
the New CoMmercial Hotel, ;received, s donations were At the Legion Hallowfiaeli•
1. h id • 11 e Legion , ;countries
pared with conditions in other
i •
, Mrs. M. 'Houghton ited recently with Mr. and Mrs.
iWalter Montague and family a wieren And family v s t d
•Tha f •cl
Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Van
Tues., Wed, & Sat., 1 le li
• -•.•• •• •••••.. , :-.•••• • • Rosa ileanlan at West 11..reGii,
livray on ioriday ,evaning was
kottor from
111. Miss Elsie Morley,. •ot
:Brunstey of her parents, Mr, and lIrs,
ter, spent Sunday at the hOrne
y ppgagt4 ,aagfaligy. Luther MorleY,
• Mr. And Mrs, Lloyd Windsor
" And familY moved front prins.
dr and Mrs. 'Toni Rees and ley tq. a home 'en NO, 7 high.,
lip, ) Mrs. Ernie Chi chase rreselltod with oiftS
pie meeting which was held at; Several ca'''h ' Chip
Thurs. & Fri,, 9 to 9
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Wanna-1 Glenn and Darlene liayler,
cotl, and family visited recently' children 'of Air, and IYIrs. Mer -
with friends at Tillsonburg,
Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mrs.
Parry Smith. visited this week
with the former's mother, Mrs.
Sparrow, at Port Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broadley
have moved to the dwelling on
Main Street, recently vacated
by Mr. and Mrs. Don Spearman
and family,
Mrs. Edna Corbett visited ments. LAC Jenkins has been ar oGordon.
over the 'weekend with Miss posted to the RCAF Station at
Vera Rowe in Exeter. •Clinton. township to extinguish a trac
tor fire. Mr. Munn had fille
Miss Bernice Dining of Lon- The 100F baseball banquet the tractor with gasoline fro!
don spent the weekend at the will be held in the Hensall the•gas tank and when he start
home of her parents, Mr. and arena auditorium Friday, No- ed it, it caught fire,
Mrs, Wilbert Dilling. vember 10 at 7 p.m. The 1960 The tractor was badly dam
Mr, and Mrs. William Cie. World Series film will be shown, aged and will JIM: be usabl
meat and family were recent Mr. Harry E, Moore, Detroit until 'repaired,
visitors with relatives at Elora Tiger Area Scout, will be Had the wind been in t1
and Fergus. guest. speaker, right direction the driving she
Mrs. Alberta MacBeath, who .miss Evelyn Hyde, daughter would have caught fire.
has been a patient in' Seaforth of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde of
hospital for the past several Kippen, was successful in ob-
weeks, was able to go to the taming her RN degree. She re -
home of her son and daughter- ceived her training in Oshawa
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alex General Hospital.
MacBeath of Kippen, lest week. Dr. R. P. Dougall, Toronto,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- was a weekend, visitor with his
man and sons were recent visi• brother, Mr. W. R. .Dougall.
tors with Mr. and Mrs. Clay.. Sgt. Ronald MacKinnon, in.
ton Ellis, Clinton. structor with the army at Camp
Miss Marion Bell, of London, Borden. for the past four years,
spent the weekend with her
Pt ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
- •'' Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ilyde. and
babe of Exeter moved into the
dwelling they recently pur•
111 011 Ufl
Friday night mr. and Mt's. 1 Many trierule and relatives mr.
Frank Allen celebrated ! dial)e.11 s m ra r"
S a fil Ranme were presented from Cromarty area atterldedihis Nth birthday on Thursday,
with gifts by the Legion and ifuneral service for the late Mrs. October 27 at his home with im-
Legion Au; iliary. The presen-IMartha Houghton who died at:mediate members of his fain- The lady next door says that
tations were made by Mrs. the home of her son, Ross fly, Mr. and Mrs, Murray Chris- after a day's shopping her
Gordon Munn and Mrs, Wil- Houghton, Mercer St., Strat-•tie, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross and problem is not to balance the
Barn Brown, I ford on Wednesday at the age Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Allen, Nan., budget, but to budget the
bale nee.
vyn Hayter of Varna, had their Several door prizes and spot of 73 years. She had been i cy and Frank as guests
, •
tonsils removed at Clinton Pub- dance prizes were given out for the past fve weeks.
tic Hospital last week. during the evening. i The former Martha Dalrym-1
Mr, and Mrs, Orville Jones The Legion Auxiliary provid- Pie, she was born January 9.1
recently visited with friends in
LAC and Mrs, James Jenk-
ins, Janet, Judy and Gordon,
of Vancouver, B.C. have taken
up residence in the Fink apart•
Phone 236 Hensall
Tk gittiff -PROMPHE1
To pep up your passengers
on any trip, stop for a
"milk break", often. Anti,
at home, make sure you've
got lots of HURONOALE
MILK in the refrigerator.
-14 MIR011iagatE
ed lunch and Jimmie Young 11888 in Tuckersmith 'township, I JOIN
and his orchestra provided 'daughter of the late Mr. Rob -
music for the dance. :ea. Dalrymple and his wife
I IVIary Tremeer. I
Tractor on fire I After her marriage they lived ' .
Hensall firemen were calledrin
out Friday afternoon to the, band,
Croirnhearltayie-wilviieurieamheRr ouhguhs:
1 •edeceased her in 1941. 1
Youth hear
'Mr. Texas'
Red Harper, commonly know
as Mr. Texas in the Billy Gra
ham films, sang and spoke to
has been. posted to Germany. large congregation Sunday a
Mrs. MacKinnon, Tami and Iternoon in Seaforth Legion Hall
Gary, flew to England where Coming with him from. Londo
tliy will stay. with Mrs. Mac., and taking part in the servic
Kinnon's parents. Ron is thefwas Jim 131ac.kwood, directo
son of Mr. and Mrs. D. E of London Youth for Christ.
chased from Mr, Lorne Hay. MacKinnon of Hensall, Seaforth Rally was sponsore
The stores in.- Hensel]. are Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, by South Huron. Youth for Chris
closed on Remembrance Day Gail and Billy, spent the week- under direction of Alvin Cud
from 19 a.m. to 1 P.m, it was end in St. Thomas. more, Hensel'. Reg Miller, RC
J. McCloy ofScar- AF Station, Centralia, led th
decided at a special meeting Mr. L. M CI
of the, local businessmen. borough, son-in-law of Mr. and song service and Neil Hamilton
Mrs' George Hess,
Mrs, John Glenn has taken has been president of South Huron Dis
up residence in Exeter with 1 Jacksonand Lewisppointed vice -president of trict High School Bible Clu
her sister, Miss Nettie McTag-
., To, read the scripture. The Sout
' ems Ltd
ga rt. ronto, where he has been on Huron. group are planning fu
and :family visited over the
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence 11°Y1 the office .staff for the past ther services for the Seafort
area at a later date.
ten years
weekend with relatives in Lon-
Lloyd Hedden of St. Cath-
arinrs was admitted last week
to the General Hospital, St.
Catharines with a heart con-
dition, He was stricken while
working at McKinnon's factory
in that city. Lloyd is the son
of Airs. Catherine Hedden of
10 is "omen's League, Zur-
ich, met in the town hall. The
meeting opened with a prayer'
to Our Lad), of Good Council,'
Mr. Alex 'Mousseau was ad- Past Grands meet led by the president, Mrs. Al
matted So St. Joseph's Hospital, ; Grenier.
London on Sunday whereThe Past Noble Grand's Clue', AR members were encoiu.ag-'
will undergo an operation. he of Amber Rebekah Lodge met: ed to attend the deanery meet- i .
at the home of Mrs. William. ing being held in Hesson this!
Dr. Gerald R. Collyer of Caldwell, Kippen, on Monday Year in order 'to get a better
London, formerly of Hensall, evening. understanding and apprecia-
Medical director of the London Following the business a .-io. tion of the working of the
Life Insurance Company, was cial time was spent in games, CWL.
elected president of the As- after which refreshments were A spiritual bouquet was ar-
sociation of Life Insurance served by the hostess. ranged by the spiritual. con-,
at its 70th annual meeting'in Personal items and sent to Father Doyle, on
venor, Mrs. Harold Dietrich,
Medical Directors of America
New York City. He succeeds Airs. Scott Robinson, London, the occasion of his 30th anni-
Dr James R. Gudger, medical visited her mother, Mrs. Rheta versary to the priesthood.
director of the Mutual Life In- Charles, on Saturday. A donation was voted lo the Frozen
The .Misses Margaret • and , CNIB. Plans for the annual
— Continued from page 4 surance Company of New York.
cates (in a bathroom!); ' the is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. visiting with Mrs. James Smit- November 25 in the Community
Foods !
something before baby sulfa- Miss Dora Adair, of Clinton, Emmeline Smillie, Toronto, are ' penny sale which is being held
landlady, moaning, wringing 1 Centre, Zurich, were finalized.
C. L. Jinks and Mrs. Alda lie and Mr. and Mrs. R. M.
her hands, and imploring the Simmons. 'It was decided to sell tickets
Members of the Kinette Club Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. ' on. prizes amounting to $175,
father to get him out but not
enjoyed a theatre party in Lon: W. S. Shepherd visited on Sun- to be drawn at the penny sale.
1 broke the lock, all the skin
t' of thefifthanniversaryof Exeter and attended eve." teresting commentary on her
Mrs. J. Dietrich gave an in-
to break the lock. don last Tuesday m common. day with Mrs. Gertrude Powell
ot the of the club. ning anniversary services in I recent trip to Germany. Al-
butoff my knuckles, and the thirdorganization
commandment, in that order,Main Street United Church. though she was thrilled to sec
we got him out. From Mrs. W. J. Rogers and Bren-
da of Eriadale, were week„„, During the service two brass '•her homeland and relatives
``"" flower vases, gift of Mrs. again she still thinks Zurich,
Powell, in memory of her bus- Canada, is the best place to
band, the late Willis I. Powell, live.
were dedicated. Mrs. Powell' Mrs. Jack Bannister gave
and her late husband have been , useful hints on starting African
members of the church for 53 violets and using used deter -
Mr. and Mrs.
George saw. ! gent c o n t a 1 n e r s as :flower
yer, of Tillsonburg, were week- . Next meeting will be held
end guests with Mr. and Mrs. November 13 to finalize Plans
Jim Clarke. for the penny sale.
Sugar and spice
*D'ork Sausage • 2 89c
u ed Stewing Beef 449,
ing Bologna 39
those exciting times, we moved
to a small town, and life de-
clined into a series of dreary
• bathroom -sharing, in various
old houses, with other young
couples and their children, all
ef whom seemed to have kid-
ney conditions.
Then came the great day
when we had a house all to
ourselves. The bathroom ap-
parently had been installed in
honor of Champlain's first visit.
Oh, it worked. But yoti had to
take the top off the tank and
fiddle with the bulbs every
time you. flushed the toilet.
And you had to wash with your
stomach against the sink, be.
cauSe the extra weight of the
water would have torn it right
tiff the wall.
You ean imagine what hap-
pened. My wife Went a bit
psychotic after all those years
or fruitless pounding on the
doors of shared bathrooms, We
Wound up with a bathroom that
would not have disgraced
suttee's beudoir., complete with
shocking piuk fixtUres, mther
of•pearl toilet Seat, and
$1,000 hill At the plurnber's,
But all thaeS behind. We've
moved into a house with a
downstairs johrinie, and there'S
a new grace and elegance in
our domestic life. However, it'S
taking a while to get used to.
We sometiines find OurselVeS
hallway upstaira before we re-
member it, and are torn be.
livecti going on up or going
back down—a tough &Mien.
And 1 still find that the minute
1 get stablislied in one of
them—arid it tiOnsn't matter
which one—therea a kid beat.
ing on the doer and pleading' in
agettited aceent*.
guests with Mr, and Mrs. Stan-
ley Mitchell.
Mr. and Mrs. N. Hildebrand
and their granddaughter Lori,
of Wheatley, spent the weekend
with their daughter and son-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Cook and Carolyn.
The Scouts and Cubs, look,
ing Wart in their uniforms
and with baskets of Well polish-
ed apples, canvassed the vil-
lage on Saturday and did a
rushing business disposing of
their apples.
Miss Barbara Schwalm, who
underwent eye surgery over the
weekend in Si. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, returned home
Monday. The operation Was
performed by Dr, Charles
Thompson, eye specialist.
Products Cif
General motors
Sales with
inn in lain l I nnnil n I inn ,, ,,
See us before Selling your White beans,
Highest prices paid.
We specialize in speedy Unloading
We are contracting for
Registerec! Seed Wheat
Large 15 -oz. Package
Strawberries 39c
York, Beef, Chicken or Turkey,
Meat Pies 4 FO 89:
York Brand Mixed
V -f
2 -LB, POLY 450
Florida Pink, Size 96's
Famous Sunkist, Silo 138's
ioTATOESrata.Lait. 79c
ntario, mire
Main Street, Hensall
1/2 LB,
CANNED KAM, 12 -oz. tin . 450
. 4 FIVRI. 4tiSnOs
lir off pack
sQ pi nct SAi zNe SPAN.
Only 730
Lever Bros.
Chocolate, Coconut Surprise, Fudge -Marble
SUPER SAVE TEA BAGS, 60 -pack 590
Yellow Label 2.pound economy eke -
BRYLCREEM, Large tube ... ..... 490
VICK'S VAPO-RUB, jar . . 490:
CARAVAN PLAYING CARDS, deck16..au.dee4i9aOr
Supreme Brand
SWEET MIXED PICKLES .....,,.. 2 for 490
NESTLE'S OUICK, 2 -Ib. fin 750
1 -Ib. tin .. ... . 430
SALADA TEA BAGS, 60 -pack ...... 750
YORK STRAWBERRIES, 15 -oz , 3 for 790
ANGEL CAKE MIXES ,„,.. ....... 2 for 890
INSTANT COFFEE, 6.oz. jar ...„„„„ ...... 090
csul vR.rL
u $0
A 1.
PEARS, 20 -oz. can .. 4 for $1
PABLUM BABY cekeAL, 16 -oz 390
SHORTENING, 21/141). 730
AEROWAX LIQUID WAX, Qt. Tin ,m,„, 750