HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-11-02, Page 3Ciamer sees tsims at year -en...... social Oiler •60• persons. attended .i social evening given by Ory W.ass*naiin, president et •the! Grand.end and Area •Chamber of .Commerce, at the .Grand Bend Legion hall, Moaday.. The members, their wives and friends enjoyed an eveningof films and a 110011 served by members of the Legion Ladies luxili r s. a.y. D1. A. L. McMaster showed a movie-of 0ti a , of one ofi S many trips. It contained pictures of Egyt, Portugal and ether cauntrdes. Dr, McMaster gave a running commentary of the C'ilin and added several h.urno. VMS incidents he had been In - 'Milted in during ,his .trite. He also showed some colored slides of winter scenes taken in ' Grand Bend and three candid shots taken on a trip in Hawaii, as well a$ pieturestaken et the International. )?lowing hatch in Belleville, Floyd Wassrnann, Mitchell,. also showed several colored slides of scenes taken at Grand Bead on Labor Day, lie also ;had, pictures of many of the bu- siness places in the .summer resort. The :final .filen shown was :a movie produced by the Niagara Falls Chamber of Commerce. extolling .the maty merits and attractions of their city andthe surrounding area, President Wassmann drew at- •,tention to the fact that pictures were now used by many groups to sell their product, and said he hoped the slides of Grand Bend :might become part of a promotional series of pictures that could be shown at various functions across Ontario. Wassmann reported: that the annual election of officers would be held on Monday, No- vember 13. W. F. 13. MacLaren expres- sed the appreciation of the group to Wassmann for the so- cial evening, He also corn - mended Wasmann for the "great deal of Jtime and ef- fort you have put in as presi- dent of the Chamber of Com- merce." MacLaren also praised the work of secretary, Maudie Mac- donald, {. Clintonetes rinci a A new type of community tribute in the form of an ap- preciation day will he held in. Clinton this Saturday to honor George H. Jefferson, principal of .Clinton public school from 1927 to 1956. Town council has named Mr. Jefferson honorary mayor of the municipality frons 9 a,m. to 5 p.m. "in recognition of services rendered 'to the com- munity," The pupils he taught during his 29 years as principal have been invited to attend an open house at the high school in the afternoon and evening, Al- though the receptions were ori- ginally planned for the public school, the committee had to change the location to the high school because of the number who plan to be present. public, Mr. Jefferson and his wife will be presentedwithround- trip tickets to Europe, a per- sonal gift from town council and an award from the Kim- ball Foundation in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the community, Following his retirement; in 1957, rvtr. Jefferson has become secretary of district five of the retarded Children's Associa- tion of Ontario, He also served on the Clinton Hospital Board and library board and has been active in WeesleyIWillis United Church. The reception is open to theBreaks silence — Continued from page 1. • in. March and did. not testify for the Brown. or for the de- fence at the preliminary hear- ing. James explained in his tes- timony Wednesday, "At the time of the preliminary hear- ing I was Jiving with my step- mother and my two younger sisters (Mary and Jean Ken- dal, both infants) and the Hogue children in Exeter, "If I had given a statement to police I'd have been kicked •cut of the 'house and not been able to watch over and protect my younger sisters," he testi- fied. The two youngest Kendall girls are now living with their older. sister Ann, 18, who also testified against her father and. Mrs, James (Irene) Baillie, at the home of Ross Cameron, RR. 5 -Brantford. Mr. Cameron is a brother of the missing first wife of Ar- thur Kendall. Mrs, Baillie is a daughter by a previous marriage of the se- cond Mrs. Arthur Kendall, the former Beatrice Hogue, She is thus a step -sister of the two Kendall daughters who testi- fied against their father, •- etei z> e £ ht use, :te to .,, n:w.SE k•1r.n.�5..;'..V! S M .v.... 0 A+Z..:.hY News budget from Carole Fletcher qualifies for RN Miss Carole Fletcher, daugh- ter of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Fletcher, town, has been in- formed by the Registered Nurses' Association that she has successfully passed her R.N. examinations. Carole is now attending the University of Western Ontario where she will complete her 'B,Sc.N. degree. She was chosen to "queen" the School of Nursing float in the parade at the Western homecoming Saturday in Lon- don. Industrial body — Continued from page 1. development here. He pointed out that in the last 10 years, the proportion of industrial and commercial assessment h a s dropped from 30 to 26 percent. The need, he suggested, would become even greater in the future if predictions come true that Exeter will become a "dormitory town" for London development. Emphasizing the ben 0! 1 t s which accrue to a communiy from industrial development, he quoted figures from a re- cent CNR; study which showed. that retail sales increase by nearly $1 million with the ad- dition of 100 manufacturing workers •and the complemen- tary development they would encourage. Lauds contributions Another .member of the cor- poration, Larry Snider, 'paid tribute to the efforts of R. D, Jermyn. and B. W. Tuckey in the establishment of Kongs- kilde here. He pointed out that Mr. Jermyn, also a corpora- tion director, had been instru- mental in making the first im- portant contact; with the Den- mark firm and Mr. Tuckey, as head of Guenther Tuckey Transports Ltd., had made a major contribution by offer- ing to move the firm's equip- ment, here free of charge. President Andrew Seelgrove conducted the meeting. Reports indicated the recent beet din- ner sponsored by the club had realized over $600 which will be used for welfare work. Se- veral applications for member- ship were approved. Clandeboye -- Continued from page 2 Personal items Mrs. Cora Carter who spent several weeks in Victoria Hos- pital, is improved and is now a patient in St, Marys Hos- pital, London. Mrs. Emily Tomes and Mrs. Paul Poole of Lucan visited Sunday with the forrner's sis- ter and family, Mr. and !di•s. Gordon Mains and Elizabeth at Russeldale where they have opened up a general store. They moved from Dorchester this summer after selling their business. They spent some time at their cottage in Kin- cardine. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Eaton oe Treherne left on Sunday aft- er. -spending some time with their. nephew ,and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eaton. They also visited with. Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Annett in Thornciale. On Saturday they were guests at the Thompson - Eaton wedding fn Clandeboye United Church. Mr. Neil Hopper of Seaforth drilled a well for. Mr. Jiin Cun- ningham. Water was found at 95 feet with a depth of 45 feet of water, last, week. Mrs, Will Parker (the .former Lill Bice) and her nephew, Mr. C. Bice of. London, visited her cousin, Mrs. Harold Hod- gins and family on Monday. From the Clandeboye Unit- ed ,Sunday School five girls, Laura Hodgins, Marianne Geb- el, Hazel Simpson, Betty Scott and Patsy Bradley, received their first red achievement star at the initiation of the Ex- plorers at the Lucan 'United Church on Monday evening.. %orp.oraI Cowan wins first bingo 1reter Legion's fowl bingo series got off to a good start at the memorial hall Wednes- day night, .October k5, Cpl. John Cowan, of the town police force, started at the night by winning the first chicken of the season and later capitalizing on another, Mrs. Harold Noonan, RCAF Station Centralia, won honors for the night by taking borne twot e turkey _ens and h t r ke y door prize which was drawn foret by IMrs,�Hub rt .Schroeder, Mrs. Schroeder also proved lucky b,v winning a chicken and a turkey, ;tier daughter Penny won another chicken. Mrs. Jim Kopp was another double winner with a turkey and chicken, Other chicken winners were Mrs. Archie Ryckman, Mrs. George Lawson, Greg Wragg, 1.-rs, Roo Jahns, Mrs. Roy Hun- ter, William Smith, Archie Brintnell and Gerry MacLean. Turkey w 1 n. v e r s included Mrs, Harold Preszcator, Mrs. Ed Johnston, Mrs. Elmer Ree- der, Mfrs. Lloyd Reynolds, Mrs. Myrtle Hunter, Mrs. Charles Corry, Mrs. Oevelen and 1tay, Smith, Zia ?'111111 Topics(M�i�► sreet�nnwyexsary Personal item .ef. interest In an Arottnci 'Exeter Roy'. ,,Grant L. -Mills;-<0.-(3411: of the The :Exeter' 't-tmes,Advoeate is .always pieaamd to put*]lab Obese items.: OntariA St. Melted C'.ba#eh, W and our readere are interested in you ant* your friends. Phone 770. Clinton, eves guest preaeJb r.far tho 66th anniversary serv,lces of Main St, United C'htir'eli Jon Ito .i I,l yr Miller both morning And .evening on Sunday. At the evening service :two brass vases for the eomnrunion table presented by Mrs, Willis Powell in, nieni:ory of ter hus- band were dedicated. Mr. an4 Mrs. Powell have been Mein - hers •of the church for 53 years. Members of the Dominion. Life Choir, Waterloo, assisted the choir at the morning service. Dinner was served the choir by the church ladies following the morning service. The local quartet, Robert Russell, Norman Walper, liar-. and .and Gerald Skinner, sang attheevening vi a en ng ser ice em• -John Better., t r pioyed With Conklin Lumber. Co, here, has moved to North Bay where he is manager of the snack bar at kho RCAF station. Mrs, William, Cowhig, Mrs. James Near and 'son Tommy, New York, are visiting this week with their mother, Mrs. Susan Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Pepper, Sarnia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George rl'inuey, town. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mason. and: family, Dashwood, Mrs. L.• Desjardine and Ian, Exeter, spent Sunday in Tiverton. Mr. and Mrs, Clark Fisher 1i: and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blair and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Warwick and family, Port Huron. Mrs. R. lf'. Russell is a pa- tient In South Huron Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Hilton Ford and Mr, and Mrs. Horace Pfaff spent last week visiting in Ot- tawa,. Prescott and Brampton. EIimviIIe children ee�jo�r masquerade The Elimville Mission Band held its Hallowe'en party on Friday evening in the church basement. After the judging of cos- tumes the leaders and several ladies took the children in their costumes to spend an hour with Miss Cheryl Hern, a Mis- sion Band member who is in a cast, Then lunch was served later at the church. Winners of classes were: best disguise, Herbie Heywood (tube of toothpaste); Hallowe- 'en colors, Carol Ann Bell, San- dra Skinner; best couple, (as woman and 'man) Brenda and Dale Skinner; Don Kerslake and Michael Elford; best co- mic, Larry Skinner (cannibal) Area Hallowe'en — Continued from page 1. Officers of the teen town are Anne Johns, president; Marilyn Johns, secretary; Janet Skin- ner, treasurer. Wins hair dryer Seth Winer, Exeter, won the hair dryer at the Hallowe'en party of Centraila volunteer firemen, BOB'S FINA RADIkTOR:SERViCE A COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE PH,881"G EXETER t33 Debbie Hein, witch; story book' Susan Parsons, (little pig); Larry Fulton (Robin Hood); representing a country, Karen Hern (Chinese) Jimmy Skin- ner (Chinese); others, Joan Lynn (nurse), Judy Walters (Indian maid), YPu. The Elimville YP'U was ]field on Sunday evening, October. 29 with a good attendance, Brian Hero had charge of the program with. Anne Johns as leader of singsongs. Brian and Kathy Hern .led in devotional. The next meeting will be a fire -side meeting on Sunday evening at the home of Misses Shirley and Marilyn Johns, Personal items Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Shore and. Mary Ellen of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Franklin Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly visited. on Sunday with. lMr, and Mrs. Don Willcox, Kitchener. CORBETT ABATTOIR WHOLESALERS FOR ANY QUANTITY OF R T E L c T c • DOMESTIC • COMMERCIAL Wiring and Installations ALSO MOTOR REPAIR AND REWINDING 70 HURON ST., EXETER Phone 528W Mr. and Mrs. s, oIille and n r n hand M dWil- ham Mrs Wright. a, town, and Mrs, L. Miller, Zurich,,spent the week, end with relatives in Chatham and Windsor, Mr. W. Wood celebrated his birthday with his daughters, Miss Olive Wood, Toronto, and Mrs, William Murdoch, Dun- das, and his cousin, Mrs. Draper, with a turkey dinner at the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs, klarold Wood, Lam- beth. Mr, and Mrs. Verne Becker. spent Sunday with friends in New Dundas. Mrs, Emerson Cornish, visited nn Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary IHey, Zurich, Mrs. Myrtle Brown spent several days with her friend, Mrs, Roy Nethercott, RR 1 St. Marys, and also with her cousin, Mrs, Netto liookway, Science Hill. Mr. James Earl is a patient in. St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Trieb- ner, Mrs. Jack Triebner, Miss Helen Hodgins and Mr. Tom Triehner visited over the week- end in Trenton. Mrs, Flossie Snowden o d Miss Winnie CubeNew, market, spent the weekend with Mrs. Myrtle Brown, Wil- liam St, NAMED 70 COUNCiI.. James Harvey Carter, son of Mrs. Amber Carter, Exeter, has been named a .member of the Inter -Society Council of Bob Jones University, Mr. Carter, a senior major- ing in Bible in the school of re- ligion, is vice-president of the Alpha Omega Delta Literary Society, Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Bosnell, Toronto, who have been spend- ing a few days with Mr. and .Mrs. Wesley Johns, left Wed, nesday to spend the winter in Florida, • GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES A 5 YEAR TERM INVESTMENT PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST FULLY GUARANTEED Interest Paid Semi -Annually by Cheque n Trust Company 200 Queens Avenue London mn mmammam.,M ammm„vaa,vaMMMMMWaaapama, APPLICATIONS RECEIVED THROUGH YOUR LOCAL AGENT OR SOLICITOR OR WRITE DIRECT NAME ADDRESS (Please Print In Full) CiTY OR TOWN Please Print Please Print CHEQUE ENCLOSED ,fl DESIRED IVE FOLDERDCl Please ‘,46-4446t. Th TimwAdwifr , Nov.em1 sr 4 9 =Pogo NIDE VAIKOEE WINSwith on, shear, ,�u�•�l�ii�t....,.14 D Q E L Exclusive With Rexell: Nailonalty e Advertised' PAIR ONtX 4.9 AT OJR DRUG TORE The sheerest, nylon'eloitic •uppott hosiery yeti And, o ;peak:, non., shiny finish disguises veins completely. -Spuntex Supa.Hoss truly combine comfort and foshitsn, ,A JTQMA'TiC • 4 • 'Electei AM Blanket 10 Heat Acijtitstment4. 18.95 ,KU.' NOW F CHRI,S'i=lvrA - Use our lay -away,„ easy,- pay asy-pay plan - a • small amount down with easy payments froitt 111]W uI1- til Christmas, PHONE 447 EXETER'. do you want to 6/ WELL DON'T WASTE TIME ON Tf4AT OLD AND TROUBLESOME CHAIN SAW' make more money? TRADE ONA BRAND NEW PIONE CANADA'S NO.1 HA!N SAW- PIONEER PIONEER SAWS ITN. ,iTROOtYO,.n, 0111. PHONE 508W --.5 COMPLETE WITH r2" ATTACHMENTS Exeter - Farm Equipment EXETER qu pm nt€XETER a•.,r h i-• •. •, CUSTOM KILLING, CUTTING AND WRAPPING FOR HOME FREEZERS OR LOCKERS Corbett Phone AX 4.6416 24-hour `Your Shell Furnace Oil order brings you heat'n-a=hurry. Whether you wait fast heat at a touch of your thermostat, or service quick as a wink, our complete home heating service is at your call 24 hours in every dayl Gall �xsfew 80 ART C� ,,+4►R service �! is How to own two cars and still make ends meet. Buy two Volkswagens, You go your way, She goes her way, And your budget won't know the difference, Here's whys two Volkswagens will cost you less than one convert, tional cdr. Think we're kidding Let's get serious; The VW gets 38 miles to a gallon of gas. (More on the highway, a little lets in traffic.) You'll never add oil between changes, and when if is time for a change, four and ct half pints will do it. You'llnever need antifreeze because the VW has no radiator. The engine is cooled with air. (Don't worry if you have two Volkswagens and orie garage, The VW can't freeze.) A Volkswagen an be repaired faster for fess money. Poe example, we don't replace half the car to cot, reef a crumpled fender, We can bolt on a new one in minutes, You niay be surprised how little it costs to buy l Volkswegen.* We've been able to keep the pride fiaW because we never change the bask VW design. We just keep making if better. Any dealer who sells two cars •for the price of one deserves recognition. And a visit. "Toronto Port of Entry Prize of s 1'69$r intrudes front bucket soots, spare wheel ondlire,herstet/ defroster, tool kitend-lock, windshield washer, two podded tun Wsors, directional signals end bumper ovcr•riders, VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTE. this h your nearest Volkswagen Deafer. He Is pert el a 'nefwerk of 346 Acton, VW service centres right acreis aonade unterQQuvar .Ltd. MAIN 1EET • TELEPHONE;. N. • Trade between ndtionsis o twa.wey street. Wast Germany Is one et Condo's bast tustemers, Asd aver'y Volkswagen solditi this zod itryhelrri tonrida to sell'oerintany'tnatd Coed Olen gObds,