HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 164;444,4. _Kig,4
Page, 14 'Ogtober 16, 1961
and district news
Phone BA 7.4255
CorresPonclents Miss Lino
seesen"" 4. •
le -ring wedding::
Baskets term; whil4 .and
red tinted 111141114, and white
cendelabra, foralen the zptting
ih Holy Trinity Chtirch, Wean,
for a deniale,ring inarriage ee-
remony Settirde.Y. October 1.1.
when the Rev, g. 0. Lancs.
ter united in wedlock. Anne
Marie Mune of lettcan and Ed-
gar Alexander ',Kerns. of
The bride is the daughter ef
Abbott mr, 460 Mrs, J. C. Mur,dy Qf
Lucan and the groom is the
son of Mr. eeld Mrs, J,
Morris of Owen Sound,
given in marriage ber
py Lions club Employ red shirt Team elects father the bride wee gowned
L f d
plans party
to 'warn' buyers
Lucan was a busy spot Sat-
e floor -length ensemble of
white silk organza, The bodice
featured a scalloped scoo
ang P p
necidine, lily point sheath
sleeves, a pointed. empire mit
urday for it was the date of
At the dinner eneetleg of the the Ijons Club annual fall rum- The Llitan-lidertim Combines waist, whieh fell to aeninrner-
Lucan Lions Club lielri in the mage sale and Scouts and held their organizational meet-, bund effect, slightly below the
Anglican Church basement last Cubs were busy selling applesandeinngter"tcheentlY011aP Indteecrimdelaiten nweacikstlineThteo eennitlprierebneli:Flaiciset, frw9arns
Monday evening the guest for the Scout Apple Day
speaker was Deputy Distriet the Explorers were out cote! "B" Home Brew League, !of Chantilly lace, The aisle.
d of 1 ti baskets to augment II- 8- (HarveY) Lanenrd, , Wide skirt, cascaded to a ro-
Governor, Dick Kenne 7 ec ng
their funds.
A car equipped with loud cessfully gelded the Lucan highlighted by accents of the
and tiny rosettes.
i pErrlesshi'delinacsy aogfrethede tcoluba.ccHePet stuhce- Asaintiearalahceeaddress held her el -
speaker toured the villpalgaeceaoni
eouncing the time and
the rummage sale and soliciting ' ceeds Karl O'Neil, bow -length veil of French illu-
last minute donations. A radio,
eleTcliteecitinlinhlovninograrnyffleperrsesidweenrte,' sion. She carried a cascade of
O'Neil; prestdent, H. R. red roses and stephanotis.
at window of the Stan -
all members were urged to se- ley Hall, could be heard for ' LiCaanrYa,
n na
dor& general i a ger, ter, as
1 Mrs, Allen Gledhill of Exe-'
matron Of honor and
'cure new members, blocks. Wraith; ecretar -t • a -'
London who spoke on the ser-
vice Lions Club can be to a
A welcome was extended to
two new members, Lion Bud
Cook, and Lion John Rhodes.
This being membership month
At a diener and reception in
the church leg e ne e n t the'
bride's mother received in a
heavenly lathe faille gown,,with
winter white and,black aces -
series and white gardenia coe-e
sage. She was Assisted 1))!' the
grom's. .mnther,. chose a
brown Crepe gown with nielehe
ing aPeesenreea and White gar-
&Ma corsage. The .dinner was
catered by the Ladies -Guild of
the rialreh.
For honeymoon trip, •to
Maine, and.f)nObec.„
Canada the -bride. chaagen Lo
a powder blue wool .dr.ees,
:Matching bet, brown aCCeSSO•,
ries muskrat fur jacket .anct
yellow rose corsage.
The young couple. will make
their home in Chatham, where!
the groom is on.the.staff of
the Rank ,of Montreal, Main
Out of town guests were pre-
sent from To r n t o, Owen.
Sound, Chatham, Dearborn,
Mien., Kitchener and .stret.
who for so many years sue- mantic sweep train and' was ford.
Harry s ), le s
Between MUSIC and newsI Miss Carol McMillan of Owen
President Clare urer, Bill Little; trainer, Les,
enn ce. coach•Sound andissBetteJean
1 000 will be
broadcasts, past
fabulous bargains still avail- named later. All eligible play- , Smith °f Lucan as bridernaids
' were similarly attired in red
Stanley kept announcing the
ers are welcome. velvet street -length gowns,
able at the big sale.
One of Mr. Stanley's 1961 The first practice was held
made at Lucan, November 17
to finance a trip to Nice,
France, for the lucky winner,
to attend. the Lions Conven
tion there, in June 1962. This
is a zone project,
of arena, with red pillbox hats and car-
tria.toendcascades of white carna-
extend a long pole from one
Sunday, Oct. 22 at the Lucan
b inn,eave innovations was to
It was again decided to spon- the upstair wIndows over the Return from trip Mr, Percy Morris of Owen
ty at the Community Centre someone's red shirt, to warn three nieces, Mrs. Ron Finlay- brother and brothers of the candidates from Bri n s 1 e y
church and two from Trinity
sor the annual Hallowe'en par- sidewalk. From it dangled Miss Muriel Carling and leer Sound was best man for his
October :31, and if neceSsarY pedestrians to stop and attend Church, Ailsa Craig,
to call on the other organize- the sale. son and Misses Terry and bride and groom, Messrs. Mi.
Sherry Walpole, have returned chael Murdy and Bennie Mor- The candidates were Merle
tions for financial assistance, The president reported the frorn a week's motor trip. ris were ushers,' Lewis, Marion Elliott, Sandra
It was decided. to meet at theFaulder, Katherine Diane Siith-
sale was a financial success, Their first stole was at Orillia Clarence Hardy as or- erland,Marion Rowe, John
Community Centre at 7 p•In• Open on Sundays Mrs, .
where they visited Mr, and ganist, played traditional wed- Elliott, Robert McIntosh and
where all donations to UNICEF Residents from the Lucan Mrs. Tom ,Blackmore, then on cling music and accomPanted Fred Branston- They were pre -
will be handed in to the teach- community are beginning to to Ottawa, Montreal, Lauren- the soloist, Mrs. Gordon Mains pared by the previous rector,
ers in charge, realize they can again eat in titins and Upper Canada vil- of .RR 4 Mitchell, who sang yev, R, 1-1. Anions and were
presented by the present rec-
tor, Rev. R. G. Jackson.
In the course of his address
the Bishop stressed the im-
portance of every church mem-
ber taking a full part in the
life and activity of the church;
only so could the church do
the work it is called to do,
The service concluded with en
anthem by the choir with Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins at the organ.
After the service the Ladies'
Guild served refreshments in
the basement,
Confirm six
at Brins ey
By GORDOI4 mon.Ey
On Sunday, October 15 at St,
Marys church the Suffragan
Bishop of the Diocese, the Rt.
Rev. W, A. Townshend DD ad-
ministered confirmation to six
Owing to renovations at the
Legion Hall the danee October
27 will be bold at the Commu-
nity Centre, instead of the Le-
gion Hall.
Local institute
Lucan on a Sunday.
On Sunday the Koffee Kup "The Wedding Prayer."
served meals to 45 out-of-town
guests. Though, the proprietor
of the Central Restaurant did
not count his patrons, yet he
reports a big crowd also.
In the window of the Central
is a large jar filled with candy
which will go to some lucky
Family night was observed ber of candies in the jar on apart, 12 years ago. Mrs.
host to families winner who guesses the num-
ucan personal items
Brian Smith, son of Mr. and While arena manager Mr.
Mrs. J. W. Smith and Larry Barney Welch was attending
Lewis, son af Mr, and Mrs. an arena managers' ,meeting
Cecil Lewis were born a day at Weston, Mrs. Welch and
family and. Louise Cochrane
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Welch's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Verne Galway, at Graven-
Mr. and Mrs. Cilff Abbott,
Mrs. Henry Hodgins and Miss
Sophie Richards were Sunday
guests of MT. and MTS. H. A.
Mullins and family of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritchie,
of London, spent Sunday with
IMr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett.
Mr. and Mrs. P. 0. King re-
turned on Friday from a holi-
day with Toronto friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and
Perry, of London, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert ,Tenkins.
Mrs. Jack Lackie, cif Bres-
lau, was a Wednesday over-
night guest with Mrs. M. 0.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunseith,
of St. Marys, were Sunday visi-
tors of Mrs. Eine Young,
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hardy
have returned from a week's
trip to Milwaukee where they
attended the American Racing
Pigeon Union convention. While
at Cleveland, they visited Mr.
Lawrence Ryan.
at the meeting of the Lucan Hallowe'en night, Oct 31. Chil-
Smith celebrated their birth -
WI, held in the Community dren up to 12 are eligible to days this year with a dinner
Centre last Thursday evening make a guess. party on Friday. Other guests
when over 70 sat down to a Explorer Expedition included Philip Lewis and Art
hot turkey dinner. With Counsellor Rose Rev- Cobleigh. Following the dinner,
Mrs. Smith took.themall toa
At the head table were the ington and Mrs. Toni Coursey showat "The Highland", Lon -
president, Mrs. C. H. George
(Dr, George had to leave early)
the secretary, Mrs, Cecil Robb,
and Mr, Robb, the district
president, Mrs. George Zavitz
and Mr. Zavitz of Poplar Hill,
Rev, and Mrs. G. W. Sach and Clandeboye Explorer Expedi-
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coi•bett. tion in the United Church merly of Bowmanville, has se -
Mrs Zavitz spoke briefly. schoolroom last Monday eve- cured a position with Trade and
Progressive euchre followed fling. The attendance continues Commerce and is now living
the dinner. Winners for high i to grow with 25 girls out. in Ottawa. Mr. Carl, Bramp-
score were Mrs. John Park
and Mr, William Brownlee.
Winners of low score were
Doris Culbert and Mrs. Jack
Lankin (playing a man's card).
The ,evening was convened by
!eV. Erle Young and Mrs.
George Paul, assisted by Mrs.
Sheridan Revington, Mrs. H.
B. Langford, Mrs. Roy Hamil-
(counsellors in training) at-
tending the Londonealidcllesex
Explorer Counsellor Fellow-
ship at Lambeth. Honorary
Counsellor Iva Hodgins was in
charge of the fourth. Lucan-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ban -
ting returned on Saturday aft-
er a visit with their family,
two of whom has, or is mov-
ing. Mr. Elmer Ranting, for -
ton, is moving to Kapuskasi'ng
where he is now manager of
by Mrs. Roger Heath, who
heard the memory work. the hydro there. They also vis -
At the next meeting Oct. 30 ited their daughter, Mrs. Wil -
the presentation of stars and Richmond
liarn Kilham and family at
an initiation service for new
members will be held. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thomp-
Attend cancer meeting son and Cheryl -were Sunday
guests of Mrs. F. M. Brown
Mrs. Cecil Robb and Mrs. of St. Thomas.
ton, Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Mary Culbert of the local can -
Mrs. Jack Steacy and Mrs, cer unit attended a meeting of
John Park. the educational committee at
the Cancer Clinics Victoria
Legion Auxiliary bingo Hospital, recently.
Mrs. G. Van Oevelen and
Vic Neil split for the $5 con-
solation jack pot at the Legion
Auxiliary bingo in the Legion
Hall, Thursday night.
The first part of "Share the
Wealth" was won by Mrs. 0.
Betters of Granton. The second
part was split between Mrs.
John Smibert of Lucan and
'Mr. W. McDowell of Deerfield
(who also split the second bingo
with Mrs, 'William Mathers,
Mr. H. B. Langford and Mrs,
Joe Haskett, all of Lucan),
Mrs. Cecil Neil of Lucan won
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tubb andfamily,
family, of Mitchell, were Sun-
day guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Wes Hodgins.
Mrs, Blanche Paton was a
weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs
Cecil Robb.
Mrs. Murray Hodgins at-
tended a board of directors'
meeting for Keeemo-kee camp
at Robinson Memorial Church,
London, last Monday.
Anglican Church Joe Hodgins, son of Mr. and
A splendid attendance was Mrs. Cecil Hodgins who signed
out at 11 a.m, for Brotherhood up for the six-week civil de -
Sunday when J, Ernol Cun- fense course at London head-
ningham was the guest speak- quarters, attended the first
el.. Mr, Cunningham, a native lecture last Monday. On Friday
of Clandeboye, was confirmed evening he attended another
in Holy Trinity church, and is astronomical lecture at the
the full card prize. Mr. Roy at present a high school teach- Cronyn Memorial Observatory,
London, where John E. Rice
Pepper of Exeter and Mrs. W. er at Glencoe. Be was sent to
R. McFalls of Lucan won the Lucan by a representative of spoke on the motions of the
ninth bingo. the Brotherhood of the Dean- planets and Dr. W. N. H.
. Wehlau on Jupiter and Saturn,
MrLangford must have had
his rabbit's font with him for
he also won the second bingo
and shared the fifth with Mes.
Wade Ziegler. Mrs. Williams
Mathers also won the first and
eleventh bingo. Mrs. Cecil
Hodgins won the seventh bingo
and also the first part of the
consecutive bingo.
Nancy Dinmore of Clande-
boye won the second part and
Mrs, Doug Ewen, the full card,
Miss Mary Young of Birr and
Mrs. Roy Pepper of Exeter
won the sixth, Mrs. Richard
Davis of Lucan was the only
solo winner.
Local firm
ery of West Middlesex.
At the service three children
were baptized: Paul Roscoe
Hodgins, son of Mr. and Mrs.
after which all were given the
opportunity of viewing Jufpiter
and Saturn through theobserv-
atory telescope.
Roscoe Hodgins, his godparents
Following the baptism of
were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young their daughter at the Anglican
and Mr. Roscoe Hodgins; Ron- church on Sunday, Mr. and
ald Paul Glenn, son of. Mr. and Mrs. K. Kraut had as guests
Mrs. Charles Glenn, with god- Mr, and Mrs. James Simpson
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George and family of London and Mr.
Atkinson and Miss Joan White- and Mrs. Ernest Ross.
head. The third babe was Mrs. M. Chadwick of Toronto
Wendy Anne Kraut, daughter was a Sunday guest of Mrs.
of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Kraut, M. Holden, who is living with
whose godparents were Mr, and her daughter, Mrs. John Smi-
Mrs, James Simpson of Lon- bert.
don. Mr, Harry Haskett, a patient
Pentecostal Church in SI. Joseph's Hospital, as the
Two films, "Teenage and result of a stroke, fell out of
Prayer" and "Teenage and the bed and broke several ribs.
Bible" were the highlights of Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Arml•
the Young Peoples' meeting on tage and Sheila and Mrs. Wit-
- • Friday night. liam Aylestock were Sunday
.wins case
The Children's Church cots. visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
tinues to grow with 39 out on George M. Zavitz of P'oplar
i Friday. Many tif the children Hill,
Scott's levator Ltd. of Lit'. are bringing their friends out. Mrs. Sheridan Revington
can was awarded $2,843.47 by In the craft period the older held a family turkey dinner on
in a damage suit launched aft- r eider
boys are making wallets and Sunday in honor of her bus
supreme court jury Thursday
girls are making stuffed band's and 12 -year-old grand-
er one if its trucks was in -1 animals. The younger children
volved in a collision with an- are making farm animals,
other truck on Highway 19, The teachers' and officers'
near Watford, monthly meeting will be held
The firm sued Ross A, Hume at the home of Mr, and Mrs,
rt Watford, owner and driver, Clayton Abbott at 8 p.m, on
of the other truck involved. 1Thursday evening, Oct. 26.
The jury found that Mr, , A number of members have
Herne was solely to blame for, had letters from their former
the accident because he Milled pester, Rev_ Roland le rrell
a ,
ff * • d ' ' .
Personal items
Mrs. Ivan Brock and Marg-
aret, of Woodham, visited Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Gold -
. . . . Pr. T. A. Watson
iandeboye native
reaches at service
By MRS. J, H. PATON from hOspital. She is able lo
cLANDgwyEl be in a wheel Chair and pt
the house in it,
22, a former menther, Mr. J. I Mr, and Mrs.
Ernol Cunningham, teacher at and family of Herriethil were
Con LaYman's Sunday, Oct.. Mrs, Jim sigswo:tehadandrgfrabm,,.
41117,1 gdliSi'doitel:41,11374-MtCc;1,),su er alePhnilbeel ni '1.1 113.:'110'yPc4. 'rig; W...9 heagsc11:111,13AALIfoaAra.4risrdt):;::n:4141Rrel treaalsoLvandWN: serei,:ti.Tgoli?Wh:rfrvsstlfet,,iellsrrVvirytpyeAelV:diarr::.18te' eiMAnitaade:nrisp-wr'dd;
8%111747h% of
figthhe S.Berhoothoal,aol'oeciproet-i guests SLIndaY
IlLainigh4apSlhrteera,cWhIhnentdr°rdeo4anedeCitPheelNtlerlre.,4C"ttinhils'e 1 rina in and Michael.
stonelike character who found ,deia.dyaseirn.al.na'cionrclopnmitaoin,ans,veit.ohrthoenr, Leath-
Christ and later, because of
service and witness Guests with Mrs. Emily
though he lapsed in .momenta Tomes on Sunday were Mr,
I owtrhiWell7a1ClnlenSisigen:einnnitoasthea Pg:eina: l'annFndodlolMoilWrsin.g Gt.he 4.eini7ciheic°eleisrvicofe
lief deniel, his life was one to
men and women are the fotinda-
example, The Sneaker said that i day Ms.
at St, James church on Sun-
tuipoonn nfthethme Icvhirtredhaptaondday to a entertaino her son, Mr. and
' largeextent the witness"As' Aand GMilr,etshlitcloreELjleo:nlgdanC,MniLr!.nituanaagnnhdaniMrnsf.
and quality from Christ him. Mr, and Mrs. William Rob-
asteolfne,n,:he who,
isurgtehde, chief corner N.Y,ettaaspndentBitthlye Billy, Iso,feekiterinertheswte4,
On Sunday, Oct. 29 Standard Mr, and Mrs. Kurt Gebel and
Time will return. Service and family,
y, Mervin. Carter, teacher
junior choir will be at 2,30
p.m. Standard Time, at SS 1, Stephen, attended the
I first Huron and Perth teachers'
personal items I convention held in ExelerePub-
Mrs, W. L. Paton, of Park- lic School on Friday, Oct. 20
hill, spent .a few days last with 109 teachers ittending.
week with Mr, and Mrs, J, H, I Mr. Neil .Hopper of Seaforth
Paton and family. is drilling a well for Mr. Jim
Mrs, Clarence Millson and Cunningham.
Mr, Millson, Mr. and Mrs, Ger-1 Visitors last week with re'
ald Millson and Debbie were and Mrs, Millson and fan
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph were their daughter, Mrs. J,.
Wilson in London on Sunday. Beckett and Sandra of Kitchen -
Mrs. Millson enjoyed the out- er and. Mrs, Al Haidyph and
ing, it being the first time inchildren, Pamela and Patricia
a car since returning home of Waterloo,
Nets big one
to set record
Dr. T, A. Watson of Lucan
is the happiest fisherman in
this community for to him
goes the honor of having
caught, this year, the largest
great northern pike at Key
Harbour, at the north eastern
tip of Georgian Bay,
Bow big was it? All of 43
inches long and tipping the
scales at 23 lbs.!
Not satisfied with this huge
catch, 'he also caught a "small"
one weighing a "mere" 18i
His fellow fisherman feel the
doctor is justified in feeling
very proud of his skill as a
What did he do with it? Be-
ing a little large for tome con-
sumption, he very kindly do-
nated 11 (0 a London home for
the aged.
in Glenn and family.
'Messrs. Dean White, Jack Girls learn
Branston and Norman Chap-
man spent a few days moose
hunting west of Kirkland Lake.
Rev. A. E. Menzies of Sal-
ford, former minister of Brins-
ley United Church, was guest
speaker at Carlisle United
Church for anniversary serv-
ices held there. A number from
this district attended.
Mr, Stan Maguire, of Lon-
don, spent a few days with Mr,
and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins and
' The past week has been ideal
weather conditions for turnip
harvesting and, corn picking.
Mrs. Art Lightfoot and Mrs.
Lawrence Lightfoot visited
Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. .Douglas Lewis and fam-
Mention meat hints
to 'Meat Munchers'
The third meeting of the
Kirkton "Meat Munchers' L was
held October 10 at the home
of Mrs. Watson. They discussed
braising of meat and then Mrs.
Watson prepared swiss steak to
Sixteen girls answered the
roll call and discussed their
home assignment. They then
made notes on: Look for Qual-
ity; Grades of Meat; Secrets of
Meat Cookery, and Methods of
Tenderizing Meats.
Mrs. Shier showed the dif-
ferent cuts in a front quarter
of beef. She also conducted a
quiz on beef cuts. Everyone!
sampled the swiss steak which
was delicious.
Peurth meeting
The fourth meeting of 'the,
Kirkton "Meat 'Munchers" was
All the local hockey teams
got under way last week at the
Our Squirt team will be
daughter Carla Revington's coached by Mr, H. VVraith, the
birthdays. I Pee Wee will be handled by B.
lives with Mr. and Mrs. Karl New rector
Miss Betty McIntyre, who
-- Welch, our Bantam will be
looked after by Mr. B. Smith
O'Neil of Lucan, and who is and our Midgets will be coach-
ed by Mr, .1, Freeman, Our
Gillivray School, was involved on
Juvenile entry will be coached
held October 17 at the home of
the leader, Mrs. Watson.
Eighteen girls repeated the
4-H pledge after which Marion
Thompson and Beth Crago pre-
pared a stew and Helen Hum-
phreys and Nancy Nethercott,
While the meat was cooking
the meeting proceeded, The
leaders checked record books.
Mrs. Watson discussed food
score sheet with the girls. Mrs.
Shier reviewed the beef cuts
and discussed pot roasting.
Mrs. Watson discussed and
gave notes on "How Much
Meat to Buy" and "Storing
Meat Carefully".
The next meeting is to be
held at Witteveen's Meat Mar-
ket in Woodham to see Mr.
Witteveen cut up a pig.
Personal items
Mr, and Mrs. Keith Phillipsand,
and, David of Calton, Miss Ann
Carmichael of Fingal, Mr. Don-
ald Vance, Mr. Floyd Vance
and Miss Shirley Vance of
Dexter visited Sunday with
Mr, and MTS. Ronald Denham
and family and Mrs. Anna Den-
Mrs. Harris, of Hamilton, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Miss Lottie Berry of Arthur
spent the weekend with Mrs.
in a car a ecident at concessionl'oy 1Vir. T. :Banks, our new as -1
9 London township and No, 4.
highway on October 12, She sistant. The local Intermediate Rev. Lyle A. Bennett, rector
a . , the 1 el. 14 1 t ii gwill not he able to return to team will also have a few of a three -Point parish at,
and is. erre . se in of • ' changes this year with the ar,- ' . , .
evangelistie week at. veek for at least another week. op intment 'of Mr, H.
Wey into lh pathof the5 ft' their
, e pa . co SLangford Bervie, has been appointee
Vevator truck, Mr, Hume who nha' !nester), south Carolina.
. Mr. and Mrs. D, A, Caughell
was pulling a bulldozer on a a Blenheim were Sunday visi- as peesident and Mr. B. Little rector of St. Paul's Cherch,
to„ with their niece miss as secretary -treasurer. We will Kirkton, St. 'Phomas' Church
trailer bebihd his truck when United Church
and St, Patricki;
• . have news regarding the coach Grantors,.
the collision occurred, had A eApAelty attendance filled Beitee McIntyre and while in
, of the intermediates as soon 8 • 11
CoUnterelalmed for damages to the Lucan church for Its an- Lucan called on their Church, aintsbury, The ap-
his vehicles. The counterclaim 1 neat Ha rvest Nome and an-, tiaslor, the Rev. E,M, Cook:, as possible' with
new pointnent is effective Novem-
was dismissed with coste. niversary service. The junior Mrs, Robert, Coughlin tele- ,T,„hav8las°,f_ormed
Gledhill, driver of the Scottee1 copied the side front sent, 12th birthday vvith a family tries, from Prince Andrew, Ox- her J.,
Born in Windsor, Mr, Ben -
Neither Mr, Iltitne nor Abe choir of 19 members Who ocs bratecl - hee daughter Jtidn's rimile School league wIte co'
truck, 'svae hurt in the c011ision,, sang
of fruit uses
Elimville Fruit Delights held
the fifth meeting on October
17 at the home of Ruth Miller.
President Jo -Anne Miners con-
ducted the meeting with 20
members present.
Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave notes
on fruit for dinner or supper,
fruit appetizers, fruit in the
main course, fruit accompani-
ments, fruit salad plates, fruit
for dessert, serving fruit des-
serts and fruit in the carried
lunch. Mrs, Norman Jaques
gave a demonstration on mak-
ing cherry pie.
Sixth meeting
gethering on StindAV. bents, Mount Carmel ant Lu -
A. L. McKenzie represented' Thve gueSt speaker, Rev, C. Mr. and Met, Kilmer tan and 1 }Jobe the league will
Scett'a.. Elevator Anti IVIr. GI:60V. 'Weite. DFC, MA, T31)„ of and MrS. M. 0........Smith„ were
hill. The defeetieet.ne, was rep ' Metropolitan .. church, Lenderi, Sunday gtteeLe bi:Mr.. and Mrs.
resented by... Mayer Lerner go, 'Spoke on "The Vntithelary ef. J. A, eltenetrin of Londeti
COR -RECTION ees T h e wed, Gratitude', • M. , .tintl,. Mts. .qoy.1-tarnilion
ding .nittute, RedeliffeeWatton, . The thureli . was beautittilly, and . Mt. llobett,14,aMilten were
which appeared in last week's .,deeotated. by...the lertl, :.. $unday guests of ,M•t„, aM1 Mrs.
0.10et . was taken 'by Rudy 1 Nekt , Sunday will be. 'Lay.- Earl: Dickson ':0 Ailsa -Creig,
Fenteser, Clinton e n d tout.ari in Attila Sunday wben. a special
give very boy A chatted la play
Don't forget the ;runlet' Pattie-
ete' ItalloWeeien Dance at the
arena on Thursday evening,
Oct, 26, There will be public
skating every Saturday eve -
Mr. lent 'Fritz and family nigg from 8-10 p.m. and Sun-
photogtapher, not Ttrty men choir Will lead the MU- Alice have moved to deer afternoon from 3-5 during
btft 1 Md.,. Lond011s the Winter months,
nett was ordained in 1960, Be-
fore studying for the ministry
he was a draftsman at, Chrets-
ler Corporation, Windsor.
Mr, Bennett is Married and
has tWo children.
Be 'succeeds Anee,
MacAulay who was in chtlege
for the summer months, The
previous rector,
Dymond, is now rector nt St.
Paul's Church, Miran&
The sixth meeting of Elim-
ville Fruit Delights was held
on Monday evening. October 23
at the home of Shirley Johns
with 19 members present. The
meeting was conducted by
Kathy Bern.
Mrs. Norman Jaques gave
notes on fruit salads, dressings
for fruit salads, baking with
fruit and spices.
Mrs. Floyd Cooper demon-
strated the making of fruit
The next meeting will be held
on October 30 at 7.30 pan. at
the home of Mrs. Norman
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bern
and family, Jarvis, visited on
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hern.
Mrs. James Earl, of Exeter,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Everard Miller and fam-
Mr, and Mrs, William Tookey
of London visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. William
Moore at Rannoch.
Miss Phyllis Han, London,
visited over the weekend at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ward Hern.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bern
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Sal-
mon and girls and Mrs, Mary
Marlene, Dashwood.
Copeland and Miss Ethel
The ladies of Kitleten United
Church was hosi, to a success-
ful rally of the WMS and WA
smith section of Perth Presby
Leine] on Friday, Oct, 20. The
various societies each took
their part, using the theme
"Forward into' the future to-
gether", The guest speaker was
Rev. Wilson of Shakespeare.
Mrs, William Clarke and
Minify of WillOwdale are visit-
ing with her parents, Mr, and
Mrs, Clayton Stnith,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex' Irvine
epent, the weekend in Toronto,
Hamiltoe and Niagara. Mrs.
Ra thbure 6r Toroa6 returned
home with 'belie hit a Vaca-
44 •
if You're TIRED
1\firk, and then everybody- gent a htlred-enot"
wee and may he Whored by backaches.
Perhaps nothing APrimmly *one, lost 5 terrines"'
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bladder discomfort. That'a the ibm ti talo
notld'a Kldnay rift Dodd's help stimulate tho
kidneys to reeve thls, condition which may
Afton cause backache Anti tired fooling. Than yod
1061 boner. Oat bettel,*ork enter. 81
First Anniversary
Koffee Kup Restaurant
Sunday, October 29
In honor of his first anniversary at the Koffee Kup,
the proprietor, Joe Hay, will serve a special. $1.00
roast beef plate to his many friends, old and new.
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