HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-05, Page 4SS
$ 9
t .IS 16
:• ;7210 48
111.itRC AST 29"
a 0 il•s rues. sets.
w t 1"
a h. on .4 .
64 5 C v7ago'7 :51 31 First Quarter, 511a. tI .
, 11 i8 118 14 7 3 444.e11 Moos, 141h.
11 18 19 93 7 2 4 55'lwst Quarter, 01.1,(
1.1 45 26 Is
28 1 2_ 04:Sew Moon, 231b
' 1 1 2, 3 4 'r 145 14 First Quarter 411'.
, 7 , 6 { • 0 8- 9 10 11 7 4 1 24 Full noon, 12th. C
10 i• !4 .18 14 ( 15 16 17 Ib 6 5.) 3S least Quarter, 2UIh.
44-2.1219 97 . l 22•
23 24 25 6 44 i 43 New M000, 16tb. Y
yARC71a ',a', ' i 1 2 3 4 6 31 i 5'. First Quatler, 6.1. ' _- 8 6 7 ; 8 . 9 10 11 -0 11 1 Full \.00u, 141h.
19 113' 14 ` 15 16 17 18 .6 ( i 1L.at Quarter, 21.1.
Si v ' 19 20 21 22 23 `24 35
A •"1 28
27 28 2) LO 31 5 W 1 11 Slaw Mins, 2.8t11. A
1 5 4 i 27 First Quarter, 5th. C
6 7 8 5 21. 1 30 Full :Boon, 13th. (i
13 14 13 5 It i 44 Last Qeartcr, 19th.
20 .99 5 i ; wRNees Mout, 2711.
27 93 4 5: I 1
t ,at ,, , IG`.
/4` - ' 14
:bait : i1,! 118
IF• ' 9th►
ACt3VST -.Y.
8 4 II 5
10 11 12
17 k 181 19
24 25 116
11 2 3
13 1 16 17
292 .130'
3 230' 24
9 t 31
5 61 7
,12 u 14
19 2026 . 4.
3 4
.6 4 4t
18 19 13 a Q' i7 1SFuu Moon, 12tH.
7 9Ftlst Quarter, 5th.
_. 7 25.1.sal Quarter, 191h.
25 26 27 4 21 7 3i''New tiuon, 26th. 4
11 2 3 4 11 38;Firsl Qtlu'ler, 3rd. n
16 I9 l6 4 15 43:Fuil M000, 10th. I
4 15 48Lat Qsertrr, 17th. t'
9 =30 24 4 16 4MMew Mon, 2_5.1. h
le 4 fi 7 e 4 19 48First quitter, 3rd.
0 11 M '113 { 14 15 A 2;7 46 Full Stout, 10th. 4
4 `18 - 19 20 22 29 4 ,v7 42 fast Quarter, 16th. V
ltd `25 !6 27 28 29 4 367 36 New 51 los, 24th.
-11 S. 4 4 44:7 228 `
I , First Quarter, 1.t.
't l 8 9 10 1 11 12 4 5117 2OF011 M000, 8th.
14 i 15 16 17 . 18 19 4 b917 10 Laid Quarter, 1511.
21 1 22 1 23 24 ' 25 26 5 iib 59New Moons 231J.
28 t 99 ' 30 31 1 5 1 48'Fitat.Qtorter 31st. (•
4 I 5'' . _6 7 8- 2 0x241 35 Full Moos, 611,. Ct
i, 1 l 1 12 13 i 14 ! 15 16 5 326 24 Last Quarter, 14th.
4 1,8 19 20 21 i 22 23 5 9'i law Moon, 42nd.
25. 26_ .27 98 ' 29 30 A 4815 56:First Quarter, 29th.
OCTb ER . l; 2 1 3 .,A 5; 6 7 5 43:
8 9 10 11 1'2 13 14 6 5 5 30 Full Moon, 6th.
13 16 f 17 18 19 120 21 6 14 5 .l8 Last Quirter, 13114. t
22 23 24 25 26 ' 27 88 6 235 7ICcw Moon, 21st. I1
!9 30 • 31. 6 824 56FirstQuarter, 281h. C r'
5 6 ,t, 8 9 10 11. 6 41,4 48 Full Moos,*, b1,• t '
12 18 :4 15 16 ' 17 18 6 514 391ast Qut rtcr, 12.b.. CI
'f ID 30 as 22 23 1 24 25 7 d,4 32New Moos, 201h. [! l
96. 27 26 29 30 1 7 94 26Fint Quarter, 26th. V n
DLC1I;MBEIt - : ., 1 2 I i
J 3- 4 k• i' 6 7 8 .9 7 177 22Last Quarter, 4th. b
• ti;. 1 19 11 ; 1 4 19 141 15 16. 7 24,7 21.1''ulI Moue, 12th. e !j
17 18 ; 1i 20 21 122 `23 7 30,7- 2211ew Moon, 1911,. In
224 1 25 ' 20 ' 27 128 ; 29 i 30 7 33,7 25 First Quarter, 26th. t1
j :730.7 3 Y
" ----e' he' Sting and netting of the Bus tainted Gv
oo Saturday. rI
toy br1'ftie lir•1:t ehrlay in February. and 1,011011.(;
ends Saturday of the ensuing wortk
h; Fpar, be- Ata in square miles 17.92 ♦♦♦
A gins Int Monday in June. and ends Saturday of Area la Aeree - fl!12 G9
the ensuing week; 7'cieity, begins last Monday Number of Acres held 9Bto37
in Auguw, and Inds on Saturday of the ensuing Population, ISM 19198
weal; A/id.rlwa•, begins third Monday In Pio. Operettas to a sq. w a
13.8 r
Novemter, shed end. Saturday of the ensuing Asa value' fur Iaaamaektotes for 'S9 tC e1S;S A
A wed.; Long Vacation commence, 1st July;
(I) aa. ends gig Anecommence,Area Is square mike 994 itti
(At: Art.1Kit bol ib&t N$ A.0 t► (1 1/ 'Y ' Ana (n octets '6'176• at
COURT BITTING:. Number Warren hold 351;43 jMt
lSittiny,-fiiatltuesday in January April, and Population, INA :F37
lediA July, and the third Tuesday in November, No. ofperwnntoaeq. m. 2.8
yri, V with rower of adjournment. Asn. gots tie for taxation, IF511 .e36199
iiTIPPP IVit'Pg'fdi'I 1°tr
Irsc P O R T AKT
T. w
' ntaer, Farrier & Stage 'reprktar:,
se►saasssaae s vas assives or MeDICINE
5. ee oust a aneliakis tabloid l £p 1I a Mlle
0 oI
"star 89a't Beer litems without it.'
afar M oras baa Msaa W e.taWbha,
Wfwa lutists, in si Yan ,tt goal. ego Cr
las .esinstekesb O t, d11 Was ala est., ail r
mea may,
IOW fwatMyt Poll
Heels. ndmiGadis al dl
141.4311114%11. ( ni ts. Braiaaa P1.
' It 84i■at. shad (1'eolet Minim . La.art .
F reit. Scratches or drerrsa, Mange.
ll<tertinuiamti NW of A:timals, Etlwed F4(.
sets. Paiorul Nervous A/■ctiar. F:ast Bike..
Bailor Ownrt Whitlows, Berme amd Sedal.
Chftlblaies, campoiBands. Cr..i . L1um-
trscli.wo ego tis Nateles. Swellings, 'Fathoms
of the Joints. Caked Bn.ls, he he. he.
m. e.i la m•
a e4sha dla urarmload te.assa of
a,wsa;dboas iso 4144 bas -i. e.r..0ey soslswlar
Fdnwwi ib.w
to paw .a opor m.s,ep...t
ia44r4w article for Ms Owsein act=
t.4 •.4 .11.4'• sa wraresa nee i4vlit la
..,==at Ws .My A sr4 .b.'4 tow w '
▪ lannwhos ryaArd madarfel sae•sa,1 ata as
tr ALL wawa new r ywrtiw,
e., awe
same nos arenas latailwana a ...w .11711. wsaa.
r ►...I N M. asTa4mwN rat.V
7fi aa1 wrsassaise Wang bona m pentesd 14y
.t•.4. _ _amd,N Wain east awa,ptrla mfr, tl .l►
has a .eek . . a alleowrall 14 ea warn Ow
1 uKa1o, Brantford :tad Goteric
Ta at mimes It .ay faaeera.
ItTOTME is herel.y' given. that • eerlill.
11 ropy of the 161 .r Plan of the BUJ
tAILWAY, through the County of Heron
nd Ot the lend. intended to betotcd Ove'
end taken therefor, and alto a' Bok of R.
'retire, containing a general de.criptit n of t1
ad Lands, the Names of the uwnen ar.d a
Thiers thereof, so far as they can he gree,
tined and every thing net -empty for the rIlrl
ndcrstanding of such ma or plan, has t1,
ay been depu.ited in the map
of the Cle.
.1 the Peace for the said County, pursuant t
he statute in such rase, made and provided.
Herrera, y.
Office of the Buffalo, Brantford
tnd Goderich Railway Company.
Rrantford, 90th Sept.; 11+63. n331f
le. rssW .14 M t.h swore LPula W
bwb43 iralera asra Wyse. la wsonass• 1 w
sat..w4nany new .arta by Hole ..w seals a
aha'... _ JJ lou IM propane ...ales Whoa poet*.
les wriyis 1 Wale wells• rater - ti.
1W Mea ■.r. thaw Waft laws b•a'. ta.
e., tai NOM /b wain testrsar et row
71st. Kallwr of .ho tors ban nested
M Ws eanyMea a( psa 14.3 W Her+ ft is*
bard OW fat npatalesa as W Ms
aWan4 .YW
sam abasso W N..
pod*, Itt .e w iraM.
laalma* ovary elty sad salon, 41ha Oadld Morn
Mho .s. hey .1 an rowdy to UMt4 t. H.tr 4
, ) la faro. M.wsa ad Olaf t• the whoa
.j. , .sod • r .ad **that y
-1■swat .r Me. floe a/.11.fa.elo
d tM eealftsa,, t1 .,..atlas ,.4 M
Indy atsaahhts tt, caw nwwslae 1. • N. day .•q
Tows. or t14.lastilta. 111..0ra by Wok wart -
Wad dealt on W. Wood Tore ..d £Mae,
Die .M e Pt1a., sod la abort are
.4* diswa, e a yMld (o their .wnu..
o su... tis dually M y Want without
114. w y 1141 tamely no meek wer-
iDe W moan say 1 sand.
rstrAt4D IT
WILLIAM b. YOrb7, Y D.
tee sass.
Jolt Agee!.
Goderich,San.:d, IUS.
la 1.5(0411 toe 101a
e/tliaaY► a tad ills 'Wait
Aprh, l 01 mon Iy for the pwrpaaA
!• t
L ,tat
r tuu. and deu(erw udsuua g, .4.0 fur the w 8 s. .,.r • be beasee4.K.d a Largo tlw el l@ Lem
1 tarp'. of .m )tag the publis.41, reliable
tat t d Pwtur►. •f
remedies, is cases slurs in the patient ranahl
„ b4■in or will not ?flirty the trot 4344 teal ad -
to esals w W1110 oar
,.a . a..m l s
11111 q'iY MEDICI NIM1
( $tlrfilMrw.1 )'res Aboray.a/ Pts. -
j ; r. Me ref ►y lie iMY •s
low l ee ,
P.w/l.))ee+e, .r it Istat ■shite, (eis. Oh . • : ` -1 1,
a the evrle rewktaa nem the sale of
soma -
risen; or
lure red that lotaluable re -
o nly Ja.owlamd'a Tuttle Mixture, on Arcoea
nit Tag Coat e►
Cel, Ce1ds, Uearr • SOON
of Bleed, 114th Sweats, lllllrar
Liter Complaints, and
;AV RNG Bops
• ii• mitt t elehrity and known efficacy In 'be ♦Veba ogre Mr &de at vent' ,,jOced
treatment 01 Pewee sod Agar, and it, kindred Prises for Cult . The sebserthee deo keeps
a4ectiea• -has no hesitation ID,ecommenhing on hind as usual, al his OIJ Stand, • large
It In the highest terms to the patronage of t►e and very swHrfor aelartmreet of TtN-
■fllicterl. WARE of •eery daesripttan. The nub -
scriber takes this opporinetl of rslerntag
hie 'Pincer. Ih.eks to the Public for the very
liberal ptreesga he bee heaved nae, be
hu keno in butanol. 4a Gpdenoh, k hops•
by Oriel attentiva to bushiest, earl asdOr-
ill prices, In eotitisus t0 reecho a share
of public cortisone.
N. B.-Grarelag, Painting, Cutter. Pa.
per and Bell Geelong, carried on as her.tu.
(:t,derich Sept.6 b, 1849. *Seal
British America Assurance
CAPITAL £100,000.
.THE whole of which is taken up sod a
A. large portion paid in and 1 d.
The sob.cnecr still continues to grant
Awurancer, at the current rates of Premi•
um, against
On (louses,: Furniture, t.oud., Produce,
ted other demolitions of properly, also
against 1055 0r damage by the
On Cargoes or Vessels, ss well oe the Ino
land Waters of Hos continent as. beyond
sea to and from the Ports of Great Britain.
'IOWF:L. COJttPA1KT eared br ROW- F. 1'I 11 eats
)) AND•8 BLACKBERRY RlybT. The D v.ateJ to
thbeoueansodds1,o..f Casnsa b)
above institution extend. ul, sanction, to like .h,. wow. .w. remedy, J1,froa'a CMa
nuunrr, to the rcmeJy fur' Bowel Complaint' cal , evert of C• and Luaawo.T. Thl.
• med,c,se ,sl ke m,,., o1 the patent reutidiea -'
rhe day a the result of esrriul study sad cape -
of Blackberry Root, and earueatly recommend
't to the confolenee of patients afflicted with
theirs complaints, -believing it to he invaluable
in this treatment of such cows.
Hon. Henry II Strong,
87 order of the Joho R. Bowels'. M. D. is the *a teedmote _kenos lof Carla, the ertost
juirTR.Arlile,.c nawn dr a um') :C De 114181 i:: al r:i bent Sala: ;hare eata.....: 701:gehatii.lyli.. es,o, dire lo...ageke, :1,14e in, ir:. itybse I tv..„orr t. c oti .1. ,it,a
. c Ili kat Depot tweet, and President of the Uni- auteiohm•
i • LIONGWOOT -This is • pleat the violin of
which are knows to bet kW, 11 has twee said by
Home Diopenbary and Office, No. 47 South
Street, Philadelphia.
Branch Dispentary at the Skre of
v6n36 Gootnicu, U. C.
the most [word non ol all wore. 11•1 "cra1511
has provided is remedy for eacb mffigevery dis-
ease." owl the seovertes that ere ditty made,
go to move am truth. Le•gwort is doubthres
the remedy desigaed nature for Coesemptim.
Its healing properties are truly eiondeilui. asd
DOCTOR 1INE the rapidity with which it cures the woist cases
OR EVERY ONE IIIS OWN PHYSICIAN. irrhasios, almost immediately. is a proof of its
Wawa, iop to this disease.
The most valuable Sprtng and Sinnmer
Dr. Halsey's nirest Wine!'
ATRON IP.ED by the nobility and medical
.1 faculty of England and er ormed the roost
extraordinary medicine Or the mut
Medir hies contain leg mulasees or liquorice
bottles to produce the ',tightest t haver in health
The Al..rest Wine is altogether a different article.
It coo tains no syrups to give it consistency, but
acquires lin excellent davor. and powerful me-
dicinal properties turn the to grothlepla.nts ol
whIth it is composed. The Frost Wine com-
tines the virtues of the
WILD C'arzaar, Da elect -MN, Tette," Cats, •P
A Rata!
with other •aluable plants whole cmcerties are
still more effective.
Its high concentration renders it one of tho
111041 tffieicnt medicirms now in um. Some-
times lets than a 'legit toile restores the lin-
gering patient futon weaknese, debihty and
sickness, to istrong and vigorous health. Every
dose shows its good eftects on the conotitution,
and improves the state of the health. The
firrest 14 ire in recommended,. in the strongest
terms, for all complaints 01 the M.Ottonech.
Liver, Kidneys, Nervous Disorders, Bilious
Affections, Dropsy, Dysperoia. Loos of Appe-
tite, Jaundice, Female comulaints, Seorfula,
*Ind all Diorders trom bad blood and
impure habit of tbe aytetn.
71 selysd atffehool Section' Pio. 6, Teeter-
nith, with a Second Claw Certificate. lab
iediate application is requested, for farther
'formation a pli,, to
Nov 25. 11,53. 14431f Maintop P.O.
A TEACHER fonhe II pion School. No. 1.
Hullett. A p ply to the Trustees at Clin:
"1-`11E, orider•igned hoe eOpreed et his in-
reretr io the Isle firm of Story & Co. (min -
ere. Gkeleriels in WI ham Story. who will
ettle ell liabilities and collar en debt. belong -
ng to the told firm.
Gode rich, Sol October, 1863, v5 -n36
nri.V.-xANDEtt McINTIRF., do agree
V. E. in make over my right, title and e!nim
f Notes nod Book account*. to JA
'/ON %I.OSON, holonetne to the *firm o.
or. lira r• bnI tr ba re
W. C. ft A. ssirrit. STRAYED
in Ell to nanoenee tar.' reepeetfully to the in
1 habitants of Ptah rirh and sam,...114, PROM the per -miser, of the Subscriber about
r",10' thal they are -sow in Nit the first of An est last, a Roan coloured
These two articles con,bised with ohrr.
' certain to core the west Cailee of Coarampties if
1.11E FORTIETtl Oen, W.th Oc• ' take• before the sufferer reiirely proorrelod._
I t td 'farm r honing Does- De not he dicoutaryed, s inel cgs du so
Form• of Application, with all requisite
System in et ely o**1 e sod tour'. To a loch 1 its real worth. Tholusode of Coseemptiee per-
.• added a Trestle e n the Diee.ece ot Fr- eon. ha's' hse" d'eei1"d tsPev,•dil to bows*
marline. By coated law. coalai•O rho deleterious Drums • ;in.,. ,a . Landit."-17
Qualetich. Jute 30th, 1565.
melee, being of the highest importsoce to breed, wiel.roashleiltieb ea..411 ser.ibehatetts:,.lbteb:tiqsvis I W. BENNETT RICH, Agr•t.
SAVED FROM TWAT!! !!-Testimony 01
Mr. Nathan Mathews a highly reopeetable and
wealthy citizen of Newark. N. J.
De. G. W. Ilioseto--1 believe your Forest
Wirie and Pitts have been the meant. of saying
my life. When I commenced taking them I
loid at the point of death. with Dropsy, Pites,
and Asthenia. My pliysicians had given me
over an pato mire, and mv family had lost all
hopes of my recovery. While in this dreadful
situation, your Forest Wine and Pills were
procured tor me, and before I had finished the
not' bottle of Wine and box of Pine. I experi-
enced great relief: my body and limbo. which
a -ere greatly swollen. became sensibly reduced.
Hopes °Inv recovery began now to revive, and
after eontinuing the use of your medicines for
about a month. the Piles and Asthenia were
Completely cured. The Dropsy, with which my
life WW1 placed in or di great danger, was also
nearly gone. I have continued tbe use of your
medicines until the present time, and I now en-
joy as perfect health agrees 1 did in my life,
alai( ugh I am more dims sixty years of age.
Yours respectfully,
Waterloo Street where they hope by writ! al
M1001110 her tame & ptinetuality to promos
harem' stabile painnosee They wonld
Which Met win keep ....instantly on hand. an.
//bleb will to wild clp-ap for CA SU 111111F.S
laving had the adeallestar Mantra.*
`or sone of floe beet Frey,. Enzli•h and AnNe
bras artier' together with ha•Ing traveler
morose tbrsepth now perk of the trifecti mei wher"
"" "141 11" the 1111 int roved POS,111 T
olio. Oa do ans1k1ILI et' ISaar P NI Cr eon).
t. moos ea Inn parywors. the r ran wit hoot hooding memo
• Itsww. wwwwkw 'wad their witek to he much evertor to an)
psw I•naorifertorecl in Canada
q en. ow eyes. ws rim weep en kiwis opward• per 100 lbs, &Hermit •
fbastadr:iradift=- Wass maim we
forbid an mermen. hero...ming ro
le. as qw has lets ny Bee and Beard wills.
494042aset: M. A Mut/hell, Lots.
Ilkitoo.a; A• Ilia mhos ham. finderb h, Nor. Sad. 1863.
Innotoa Igreeth es Nemo', p.,. Gieeto Pero shout ray law of May Snow
woo. k se,„1. wawa. :,relortel Heifer. evades, taro years Mr' TM
"- „, to, & wiser erquested pawn poverty pey es
yawn* and NMI het aws•
1Stras Ns. 1 it
rocs 01 . and somewhat ar
roloored flietaboohlero than on the rump
with calf - to calf 'sham the lot. of Nov 1853
Any permit giving Information for ber re -
Goderich, New feh, 18A3 010
111.F. relorning loo sineifie thanks
for ilre extremely liberal support ttit,
ieeded In loin by the inhabits/0. a rarteala
1.p.:criort OP nr.irrik t eye fear* moot
....•peetfolly to intros, I lot in that be
.1131 continues to swain tlie same Ilse ol
its.e. or Caoein. ewllooto• Oh so! WI al
hut Proytwee West el' Coburg. All
Pols/tato, to
RICRAC./ 11001111.
flail 0116644.41010 P1°4 1.416."-e.:ftli
en Of as
caroled people, or thole cootcniplating
ie of
him (loin n rut ly gravy. Let ori yowl end Liver, tech so Spit 414 of Mood, Corgis.. ilium. ow Imo, am Writ sr. Fier
t11:11,4,0, wt, rie,ndt et !I.!' I), I bloh.ei err, eideeitnititrompli. (i t, oh ei.seLdeTaoevilractete: efOg.h.onawsseszi h. To WIT: racist,. traced out of
▪ Blakey 'a Court of Queen*" Basch.
• l'IbhilaL" jea "'shiers teunleffeit. Re." Itstletlurv. at the writ of BENJAMIN
[PER /iEMBALL f;OODING sad base
• IraxilteeLeE:11SifirD'utallEhrt.Rte'rcii:uwhnatibefrairfi.oZed.PetirtrellilaYell'
▪ rtc each cost • nine ere foorth of an acre,
eix slimly -mien in the Town of Goes.
be the titre more or 1. ▪ being the ;do..
Ladle credulity unless a here lie effec:s ire wit..
leo, of ill.. said Jariper Kcnibal; flocohng..
MEET' .ESCUI.PAIUS. Let so one in A "11" er".1.011"9".r.""" 04- I wed ow elite Will el Fart Pan* tamed
at.fferute from a botkoi4J Cough, Pain so
atti the *bele tcain of Dyspeptic
and given up by their pliymersos he manta .
rr mem, n %lit:not rewriting the 11,8..
duo. rit; read this troly woeful hot lt,45
-0:7 Ana r emus tectlitig TWENTY-
FIVE Cl.tNTS erclomd le a letter, •11101 Dropsy swelliego. Ithematiorn, Aeote or Clam . Amor. Lot running tiou.ber fifit-ecven,
' mediate ease Sore Thews Brai- containing one-fourth of sn IlerP, WV the
ems, Spoon", Burnt, dm Sores •ocl 111cere.-• .0„,,e mei, 0, and lot 'somber sox,
w oes. Its operation opon 'dolts sad children in
containing by aduatasorement nine acre*
e d le newts alt en the signs ore o ow ow coot. 4.41 uro me ihrturd
receive one copy of *hie swig by lesil, or
five copies • be sent for one Dollar.
Address (peel mod.)
Whether fresh or of long standing, tool for coreelostea C. is the Town a (it derieb,
Feb. 17:h. "'" , has been rerposing beyond conception. The ' 1...., beibr Ihe .P. °Pert,' of the Feld Isaac
- ' consume remark of these who hsee eyed it is ! gaitelibuill yelbleh 1111`61 •Ild tenentetitt.
, Strayed w• Stolen ' the rites, is ' . it sets likes therm." It ill War. ; or so meth of t3.e same ss Eng be Deceit-
L1ROM the Sebecoher. iii I ranted te Ideate ser persoa that will try to limy to 'artery the maid claim, I shun offer
r Goderich, two MILCH I Cour:rm.-Never Cue it valets you find the , for* at the C•41T1 ROOT, iii the town
COW S -oue is all Red. about Ise fin Oa signature of Cometoek di. Brother. 1 of vetch, on FRIDAY, the FIFTH day
preprietors, on the wrapper. of AUGUST next, •t the bour of Tivelve
-The great rooky for Georsi Debility. i 8healIT, II. Is B.
"Weakneso, Loss of Appetite. Dyrpeptia. Bil- , Sheriff'. Office,
111•/•,&r. iNe. The Wise is the mast plees- ; Erma published 141h may, 453.1
ant and effectual Remedy for say or the ,
'obeys complaints. sad for many other am ;
9 years old; the other is a Dark Red. with 01111
small white spot on one shoulder and white
spot en the oppotite Bank, with one 110I0 • lit-
tle crooked. •Lout 8 years old. Any persen giv-
ing such information as will lead to the recovery
of the rameot Le solidity rewarded.
Goderich, Aug. 30, 1$53. .30-3iii
New York. Jan. 9th 1848.
Da. Ihesty, Dear Sieg-linving taken your
the Liver, from which I suffered severely for
upwards of ten years;, ar,d having. adhered
cbwely the direction* which eaconnany the
'landing all who Anew me thought my rave
incurable- Previous [1 takirg the Wine and
Pills, I had recourse to the best medical treat-
ment, bat continued to grow worse to an alarm-
ing degree. Some of my friendscierkedispair-
ingly of rny roe. and tried to persuade me from
doubt not. but that there are hundreds who are
diseuaded from taking you rexcellent medicines,
in coorecinertee of the deception and inefficiency
of many advertiwd remedies put hirth by un-
principled mon in flaming advertisement... -
But what • rity It is that the deception used by
others, should be the enter., of dieeuading many
laborini under diseaseNeton making trial and
being cured by your excellent remedies. Hu-
manly speaking, they have saved my life; when
I commented making use of them, I was in a
wretched condition, but began to experience
their good effects in Ices than ii.ree day tt; and
dicinen, to the great surprise of all my friends,
1 wa4 entirely cured, and had increased fifteen
poundt in weight, having taken one box ot
Pills and two bottle. of the Wine. Would to
God that errty poor snfferer would avail him-
self of the same remedies.; Tomo. dee
. New Piano -Forte and Music
Kies: Steed. Wet deers Weif of Yonng
Street, Toronto, C. W.
MEORTERS and Dealers in Maroc SSD
that :hey have opened their new Wareroom
(sittmied es above., end will have constantly
op hand, both for Wholerale sod Retail, every
ante!. of Musical Merchandise of "oleos moth -
ties sod mica. They would particularly solicit
an inepeciion of their new style of
NERVOUS DISORDERS -Are ditremtes ot
the mind as well art of the hodr, •re usually
brought on by, troubks and affliction and arc
most commen to people of' delieate conetitution
and sen•itive Low spit its. melanehoiy,
frightful dreams, and felrfol anticipations co
evil from the •lightett Call?e, generally sere n.
pony net -roue di•orders, The Forest Wine
and Pills are an energetic remedy in these
Extract of a letter trom/J C. Paulding. da:cd
Philadelphia, Sep "ith, 1MA.
and Pills haee cured my *if. of a dreadful
Nervous d borer r w 1th she ban teen a gel ted for
many year.. Iler bode was almota wasted
awsy She was fosseently donut...A in her
eleep be frightfhl dreams, awaloening quite ex -
summed and covered with p•reritration, ard at
(Imes lakrouriag ander the rt. !to ion that some-
thing dresdfal wa• about to happen to hoe -
By the ime of four bon lee 1 f the wine, bog .
box of Sins. als. finW 10 prefect health. Sbe
ho. enjoined her dealt led color, and enjoys
society es wedeln ewer.
or Ness Yorit deelarr-I mibliely, that one boob
nd Halney's Forest Wm, combatted room virtues
Wads 116y ril the large tootle* of Sanopellts -
lien* Hsi alma nrapeetabl• Deanieell la Sy
means in • 1.41e r.sar '' From what they hare
wwit arid hewed of Ilakory's Previa Wine, it h.
e a alscetlesi end cowl ateilicilems esti atil en.
doulasdly become the leo&off tawnieitie ed the
Min with De Maise7 it =3.4%owe in tbe
MO* we els RS Gem
- -Fr - - ' ' herbed fa wen*. well se wiewlearile town fw
znirmristiiNtiait a: viii71.- sonedworame :..14.09losio:atrado ibipa;sprietiden homes, R., la
001041.0171k IOW
from the Manufactories Of CoLLARD sotto
d'iliPlheleeLre. S. & 9. hate also rn hand, • large
stock of Neo Yotk and Boston Piano -Fours, or
excellent quality, which they can warrant in all
respects, sod etpeci•Ily in regard to their keep -
him in tune. They will aloe retain the risme
eofteetis and sweelaelw of tone for • number of
o▪ f otherwise good reputation, are opt to hare.
Their rine-Foray are corefully *elected by
one of the Firm, " Mr. R, G. Paige, Protester
uf Muce. Organist of St. isinea'S Cathedral.
TO, on 1 o." hole profemional experience enables
bim lo Melee of the modules of en instroment•
They ran therefore. folly guarantee eittoy Instru-
ment paretused of them.
WWI. 8. a, P. have also a very large inotk
and QVADR1LLE BANDS. Likewise every
mewl. avower? for • complete Orchestra.
77 Violin Strings of a very sopenor qualite.
the e• lle of W ARREN'S CELEBRATED
n ewest sod most Fathomable MUSiC es. always
Ise procured st their Establishment. Cleanest
Sacred Masic-consisong of all the celebrated
Oratorioe; also, Church Metric.
taken in Excha•ge; Pima -Fortes Toned, Re -
intim 1, mr) hr hire.
Motto lot Panda, Tr Imo. French end
German Operas. Thr newest ond In0111 pope -
ler Ballade. Inetructinn Rooks fen every Mo
moo Foldoosble Dance Mu-
n e of all kinds Polkat, Sch.itietani, °slopes,
Mezertas, Piseo.Forie Music by ea the
great Masters. The sewn, french. German,
recei•eif week -
Heade • a &aka. Er Every iota. Warraat-
te. Partial et • diatoms owl hove Mimic seat
rope sad sell eiserep may brone is Casella.
Asiest 3rd. I 3.
Sheriffs Sitle of Lando. 4.211
I i isa 111/41.0 We hal been postponed to the
It ▪ is SO wettable to the taste that any one taking
it soon ptefers it ro my Wine: while its scrum : SECOND day of November mgt.
ea the stomach and trowels to prompt end efficiett - J. 11cDONALD, Sheriff; 11. k II. '
eleamong them thoroughly. sod that, 17 keep• Sheriff's Office
ing the mean in which the bese of the blood is 10. 1868. t • stl•naltd
Formed, in • healthy aod pare emir, neseessrily , Godertch, Aug
keeps the blood .pure sod healthful. It is a i POtiTPONESIENT.
stimulant without reaction, unlike all eleholoolie l The above sile has been further peetpon.
reef paprtnat.t,o,aota,ontahieThileolue4elseiNpeErtatop..n•dias as meg:. ed to the. 3Ist Deeenther next.
Ile and agreeable feeling through e.try serve, and
its tonic properties are each i hat it will restore
United Comae:es of BY Virtue el a
To Wrf t rise iriaired nut of
Der Majesty's County Cot.rt for the Dew
ea Coliettee of !twee sea Renee. nod to
me throated, araivist *Ai, kale tied tese•
llotenee,, I have sowed awl takes le Eattew•
tice Lot refusing aesiher nem hominid mad
minty wimp re Ike TIM% of Genet le It, eie-
no Afro hp il• mime wore Or fres, obicib
Lase., soil Tesesnersts lief.... I plaid al*
ow role so the reo,t ft.eet tat the Turn ef
a.ikeeeto ea Monday the tkieteoeth day of
Mirth nowt. at the hoer of twelve of 1.1*
sleek meow
J. ile DON ALD, Mairwit
Here. end &wee.
ster,ff,a Jo.triceMc70. thiNAITLosba,"Sheikristese.
the weak and debilitated to their natural Streagth Godcrich,. Nov. 5, 1058.
sod Vigor. is composed of the Este Wise
la the Almeria Medics, dot receipe foe POSTPONMEMT.
of many of the most tonic and tare photo.
The above, sale bee been postpone:d to
which was shooed from a celebrated Turk. the 5Ist January, 1654.
rifier ever befere known. Then give this Ott J. MACDONALD. Sheriff;
than any recommendation of terlifiCale; aud he sheriff,. outs 18511.oron & Bruce.
is equal to ten sny Sarrapatilla or Blood Pa-
rana Wile a trial: ll will speak for iteelt better Gnjorich. Dec. gist, 3 t
thing can equal it as a Diet Drink in het cli- mie
who 'heel' noes will nerei be without it. No -
Carnets -Fool the name of Comstock mid
Brother. and the Stamp of the Turkish 'flag. en
the label and cork of each bottle. Withost that
it cannot be genuine.
All orders to be add d to Comm. k & Bro-
ther, No 2 Si. Poet'. Place, New York. -
FOogata 0111111111T.
For itie este ot Founder, Spiii Hoof,
Hoed.bound douses, sod Contracted esd Fero -
WI Feet, Wound', Botiaes in dot Flesh, Galled
Backs, Cracked Heel., Stretches.. Cale. Celts,
&e. on horse.. Carlo:m.1i Wag -Borne Core -
For the core of Riog- Bone. Bleed fipavio, Bee*
Coil.. The chimps of weather sad anon,
with the dump ol use and feed, hare a very
er st effect upon the blond sod sinuses Said* of
horses. It is st these changes they remora ••
assistant in niter/ to throw off say disorder of
duids of the body that may have bees imbibed,
of which w▪ ill be pievented by gleams en• of
there powders, asd will at •uy time ears wheo
any symptoms of di
is▪ vigorate the whom hod', esehlin_g them to do
'note work troth the sew feed. Tbe patio* ot
these powders is direet ape° all the secretive
Igit.de. and therefore 'hey hate the nate effect
upon the Herm, the Ost, dee AM, odd ill Her -
medicine a bad elate el' the, Mood. are speedily
mired by them. Camtic•.-lbentewrber •ad sett
for Ceeltea'a Coedittoa Powdento mid take so
, ether
Cotoree's Nuys nod Bows LAtttraire
Honey, sod ler Ih• eon of all alleemes of lama
1 or bow that require 'menial implieetom. Mad
!for 'simmered weds sad otookre. romearbeee
h▪ eroes Carbon's wicks Mt Aeon sad Cet•
trodliteed..64.4bete eseeefike4 by forwent. lawny Was. low
yews. wows sad mbetee.aith the Waal
lied the wee of J Ceche% Comoinech no the
Carries --Nose eels he greetee relies pall
[Minkel tires twee bees estreeleety commonalty,
1 All el le o• bese geoto4 wade. a • miff
j, nte:g1"eitiit:r:btc...6....CI"C.., hyrnbvb.t...6.1ly.°C........weed, 611116111" 91; 16
; will ba Otos le off veto. leis 4
CoAth owl aeninek; et INN Comers 10/ .
Sheriff 'a Sale of Lands.
Facies issued out of
To Wit:
Iler Majesty's Ccurt of Qneen's Beach, and
to me Orivelee against the lards sod tone-
nioeso:ts of .Jasper Kimball Gooding at the
ta• le* lositseettott the following property
Lois manic( slumbers /barley, armaly-
m▪ ckte I ahall offer for este at the Coen
Sheriff 's Office, • ?
Goderieb, sod Aug., 11153. i
The above sale basil ebreeeno ImipBoarctosp0:11.3e:
67:des Sefoll:Ssees.Pla- )7Thii1:08b€4.M33111.:iuNpolaliii.t.ra:raroduc.110.111.
"le lial.4".1..1MjAalCDO'uarrN"A8LD83.. Sheri(
:ic----"-'---r-r-'''"'"".---'"-.8Shlieri.r4dr:ft gille...........' 4d 1 Lauds. " .
c.onsiesh. ID'er.•4111.11, ocYlm3eistrtInweioloutyfa i1W:int8:oi. 11,.
lorfraeTeetliCul:Aitsmaarzgoaramalsatteic toolvs........Thlri= .
ItardoecomooLia Ms ilibtet\e, ei ibp , essida.i: boot
aree°1441. 1.11:111141ehalt oireem2t ' '.."4.0
litriliti of 411 trey agot.i . 149
BM anlIMMISth ' 34
' 71'.',..n.!:;‘,..''4.