HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 151 LIFE MEMBeRs—,Four members of the Exeter Le ion Auxiliary were presented with life memberships at the group's tenth, anniversary party recently. Three of the 1 tidies are charter members and received the awards for "reritous and loyal service", They include, left to right, Edna Snell, Minnie Parker, Elden Knight, pres- ident of the Auxiliary, Mary Cutting and .Laura Harness, photo Crediton youth busy at dance, club, YPU Ry MRS. Ml .FAiST CRED1TON , Teen Town was held Friday might, October 20 with: a record attendance of close to 100. A good time was enjoyed by all. Chaperones for the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles ;Browning and Mr. and Mrs, Al Smith There will not be a dance :Friday night as Exeter Teen Town has invited the local teenagers to attend their big Hallowe'en Dance on Oc-' tober 27 with the Bel -Aires of London playing. Teenagers are urged to hurry' and get their membership cards for there are just two weeks left. 4-H Club The fifth meeting of the Crediton 4-H club was held on October 21 at 9 a.m. at the community hall. The demon- stration. on pie making was held first, to give the pies time to bake. Nine members were present. Notes were given on "fruit garnishes", The pies • ra'ere served and hones assignments discussed. were dicussed. YPU The first meeting of the; United Church YPU was held on Monday evening, October 16. , The election of officers was! held. P'astpresident is Doreen Kenney; president, C h a ri e s. ;Browning; vice-president, Rich,- / and Moon; secretary, Marilyn Galloway; treasurer, :D o u g. ghtfoot; press reporter, Dor- een Kenney; pianists, Doreen Kenney and Marilyn Galloway:; decorating committee, J i .m Finkbeiner, Jim Neil; games, Doug Galloway, Jini Neil. Next meeting will be held on October 30 with a Hallowe'en t party, Wi hears of S.A. trip The meeting of. the Women's Institute was held last Wed- nesday night, October 18 in the community hall. Mrs. Ward Fritz of Exeter was guest speaker. She gave s an interesting address on her trip to South America and also showed pictures of places she visited. Roll call Was answered by "A Country 1 Would like to Visit and Why?" Mrs. Earl b Haist was cha_rlady for pro- gram.. Mrs. Irvine Finkbeiner read a poem and a p piano trio was given by Mrs. F. W. Mor- lock, Carol Hendrick and Mar- I garet Haist. Mrs.:?. W. Morlock gave the + n motto, "A home is the centre '1, of a woman's interest but it b need not be the circumference", w She said it takes a real family r life to make a home and how important the .home training is for children and mother and father should enjoy life with their family. Current news was given by Mrs. W. Gaiser., Business session was taken by President Mrs. Ed Lamport. Mr. C. Browning and Mr, A. toot of Exeter gave some `oi' the highlights of Cub work I and asked the institute if they t would sponsor this project in the community. Refreshments were served. by hostesses, Mrs, E, Hoist, Mrs, Ed Hendrick, Mr. .1!', Morlock, Mrs. Gordon IVIorlock and Mrs. Irvine Fink- beiner. Wi t4 sponsor Boy Stouts Crediton Wi at its meeting agreed to sponsor 'Boy Scouts in Crediton and district. , it lvas deckled to hold meet Ings in the Town nail on Fri, day evenings at 6.30, Any boys from the ages of eight years to 104 are eligible for the Wolf Cubs. Mr, C, E. Browning may be contacted far more infor- mation or be at the hall Fri. day, November 3 at 6.30. Personal items Crediton will observe Hal- lowe'en on. Tuesday evening, October 31 and the children will be calling at local homes for UNICEF. Mr, and Mrs. G. E, Wenzel spent the weekend with rela- tives at Millbank, .Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubaker and Mrs. Dan. Oestreicher of Hanover spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, William Oestreicher and friends and attended serv- ice in the EUB church. Mr, and. Mrs, William Gil- martin, Danny and Kerry of Port Hope visited. during the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Woodall, Mrs. Art Stratton returned home from. St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, last week much improved. Mrs. Edwin Beaver, who was confined to South Huron Hospital, Exeter, for a few weeks, returned home Sunday accompanied by her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Robert• son, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mor- lock, Mr. and Mrs. Emmert' Geiser and Borden Geiser spent Saturday at their sum- mer home at Dorset. Miss Nola Foist, . Miss Lillian Hoist and Miss Doris Swartz spent Saturday at Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade and girls, of Hamilton, spent he weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Krueger and Jean visited with. friends tt and relatives at Tavistock and Kitchener on Sunday, Report on Shipka Personal items .Mr. and. Mrs, .Charles Good- man of Detroit spent Sunday visiting with the .Morenz fami- lies. Mr. and. Mrs, Cliff Russell and. family spent the weekend with relatives in Essex, and attended the 25th wedding an- niversary celebrations for Mr. and Mrs, Winston. Baldwin.. Mrs, Baldwin is Mr, Russell's .only sister. Mr.. and. Mrs, Don Adams, Mark and Brock of Loddon weite Sunday visitors with. Don's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Adams,. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Nichol- son, Kenneth and Leona of Brigden, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Westman, Barry and. Cheryl and Miss Dorothy Hariton, RN', of London and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther, John and Janet were Sunday visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton, to honor them on their 49th anniversary and Mr. Hari- ton.'s birthday. Mr. Stanley Pickering of Lon- don. spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ross Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Billy were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs, Harry Chap- man and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Coleman, George and Agnes Ann at London. Mr. Bill Bundscho of Kitch- ener visited several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Karl Guenther, John and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake and family, of E:limville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sheppard and Dave, Mrs. E. Lamport and Mr. Tom Lamport spent Sunday in, Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. Ed Duncan and Peter in hones. of Peter's 14th birthday, Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Breen of London were Sunday visitors 'itli. Mr, and. Mrs. Lorne " rich and. family. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Reeder 1 and family of Bayfield spent ; 1P111111,1I11.101111111111111 Illi 11111„1111IO1, 11411111 lilr. and Mrs. John Butler pent the weekend at Port Rowan. Mr, and Mrs. Wilmer Pfaff and family visited over the weekend with relatives at Ititchener. Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph Fink- einer visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth' nd attended anniversary serve- ces at Zurich. The council asked the C. A, McDowell and Co, to put a ew floor in the basement of he community hall. This will e a great improvement, The ork started on'Tuesday morn - ng. 'Tommy Si.iverthorn, of Lon- don, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey. • IN Ay WM:* Cheese, .?estival month is le full swing, for -October has been designated, cheese month since 1450, In that time it Is estimated that the consumption of cheese has risen ,&0. pe Fent. Canadian Cheddar is top quality cheese usually ;grading Canada :First Grade, it d is, sold in retail stores according to its age or .degree of ripeness as "medium" or fold". Medium cheese .is aged for sev' -eral months, old, cheese for a. year or more; this care of stor- ing during aging puts the Price above that of. mild cheese but for those who like a tang to •their pheese it is •worth it, Cheddar Cheese Saue c Vegetables with their bland flavor go blissfully with the sharp tang of this Cheddar Cheese Sauce: 2 obi butter 2 tbl flour '4 to '4 tp salt '/a tp 'paprika, tp dry mustard (optional) few grains cayenne ti cups milk to 1 cup grated Cheddar cheese. Melt butter in top of double boiler, blend in flour and sea- soning .Gradually add milk, Cook over direct heat, stirring constantly until mixture begins to thicken. Then. place over hot water and continue cooking for. 5 minutes. Add.' cheese and stir until melted. Serve over drain- ed cooked vegetables, Makes about 13 cups sauce, We have for you some more of •the recipes for baking for which prizes were won at Exe- ter Fair. White layer Cake Mrs. Homer Russell shares with us her recipe for the prize-winning white layer cake. 1 cup fine white sugar IA cup shortening (Mrs. Bus- sell. used Domestic in the com- petition) 1, tsp vanilla a tsp almond, flavoring tsp salt 4 tsp baking powder 3a cups flour 34 cup milk n 4 egg whites,, Pet •Cream sugar' and shortening well. Sift flour and baking Powder and add to sugar mix. Lure alternately with the milk, Add flavorings. Beat egg whites stiff and fold: in last. This makes a large cake, Bake at .375', Lemon Filling '4 one sugar Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Baker and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Love of Goderich were Thursday visi- tors with friends here, Mr. and. Mrs. Melton Watper, Carol and Kathy of Ingersoll were weekend visitors with Mrs. Milton Ratz and Mrs, Fassold, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pickering and Terry Mrs. Stuart Sweit- zer and Bonnie and Miss San- dra Sweitzer were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Al- ton Comfort at Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love vis- ited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Love at Exeter. 01 n111U i11I,,111111,,lllllll,UI1111JU,U11111t,t111tttltR CANADIAN PROPANE. GAS & APPLIANCES GRATTON & HOTSON Phone 156 Grand Bend 4...1101,111 ...,.{1111....,0,.11 Prepare leaders for WI course A two•day WI leader training. school was held at Henson Le- gion Ball last Tuesday and Wednesday for the project "Fo- cus on Finishes." Twenty leaders attended, who will, in turn, lead classes in their local branches, Miss Dora Burke, Toronto, was the instructor, Summary Day will be he.l.d, December 5 with a display of "finishes". tittiM fliltlII iittit)tlilirirnfrit11,QtiltMit111111n11/q11,UM1#111111N111r1//fi17tibillill(rl(fiii11111a1nrtUi To the Residents of Exeter and the Surrpundirg Area A to -door canvass will be conducted in this arta, •Sunday, in an effort to determine the itil bei' or Catholics living in the Cotrliriunity. We 'Mk our Protestant friends to bear with tis and help ill gatltel.ing this Information, There will be no 1'eligious discussion onall� cd in this survey and We hope that any Contact Wire result; only in goodwill with stir heighbots, COCHAIRMEN 4# ' `OPERATibN GOt DWILL" • i. ;;X4111,1in1i1dlkflnitll7)n717iM'YYYYii'YYYY'p191Wf17iYYYYfiliitin717•ifl'fiTilfYfi'inSYIYYiPnYYYf1'�Y1fi11Yn)Y5'YI"i"ifYTl'Y'i l„111I , II,111,111111111, 11 111„II111111I,lltl,ll111111111111,1111111111111, I111I11111[ttIl1,= Bill's Food Market Formerly Ford's Market 143 HURON STREET WEST Bill Loucks, Prop. PHONE 393 EXETER CHECK -OFF OF VALUE (While They Last) - / HEINZ FROZEN POT PIES, 8 -oz,, each .... 25 Chicken • Turkey - Beef + Steak and Kidney 1/ WHiTE SWAN TOILET TISSUE ,..,,,.,,, 8 for $1 Minute Maid 48,oz. site HI -C APPLE DRINK, Reg. 37¢ 3 for $1 V/ MR. CLEAN, large 32 -oz. economy size ' 79¢ \/ BURNS PASTRY LARD, 1-I12. pkgs. 3 for 59¢ Specials Every Weekend 'The Store with the Ample Parking 3tll1n111 tilt lllll1111111111 nil Illllll I llllllll llllulultlnll l,l, illi U,11U1I P1111111111.11011110.15111011110411111M111(1,4 iRlliillUHi11li,r,N11i1U0UrrrittroutUllU 111r1Y11 n1 iintftltttuulttmultllulihj a 1111,1.1 a 11111111if a 11111111110 Sheer Comfort . FOR THOSE COLD WINTER NIGHTS! A Laurel Eiectric Blanket • FULLY AUTOMATIC • 3 -HEAT CONTROL • DOUBLE BED SIZE a 2 -YEAR GUARANTEE SPECIAL 18,95 Et, $2x95 LADies` SEAMLESS SUPP HOSE S'Ai i;fk1: 7 r $4i95 Middleton's Drugs PHONE 40 Main Street EXETER �e311117iliftYYifid7l'Yiiirll�tlllmflr7lYWVli�ii'iiliki!'i'iiY�` rr itYY!”fieiilY'iSrrYhiuelY(f17eY1111nritl111uurrerfli7iiliitii� Tgpics from Mt. Carmel 1 Mrs, Gus illorrrssey is much improved after being confined to bed for past week,. Mrs. Hubert Desjardine re- turned. home .from St, Joseph's Hospital, London, last Friday, Mrs, Laura Glavin and Mrs, Catherine Larnphier spent Sun. day with 111.r. and Mrs, Joe Ca. rey after attending the Nagie- Walsh wedding on Saturday in All Saints Church, Strathroy, Mrs. Dennis Bedard and Billy of Zurich are spending a few days with Mrs. Gus Morris. sey. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Haggis spent Sunday with friends in London, Rev. Father Fleming of Ayl. mer sMrspent. SunPatday.Flewmithing.his mo- ther, Mrs, Nelson Sinclair of Cre, dilon spent last Wednesday with � Mrs. Gus Morrissey. Miss Helen Sullivan of Sar. nia and Mr. and. Mrs, Jerome Regier and family of Walker- ton, Mr. and. Mrs. Joe Casey and family of Wallaeetown and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearson and fancily of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs, at Sulli- vancelebrating the latter's birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Berden- ski and family of Detroit spent Sunday with Mrs. Pat :Flem- ing. Mr. John McCarthy of Heason spent a few days last week with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mi- chael Ryan and family. A number of friends and rel- atives called on Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Desjardine last Sun- day and congratulated them on their, sixth wedding anniver, sary. 3 tbsp flour 'ls fp salt i1 sup .cold wafer 3., tbsp lemon ,Ituce tsp lemon rind 1 egg slightly :beaten tsp butter, Cook until thick, Pate Squares 34S.Bissell also Won a prize for date .squares, Mrs, Jack Fuleher :gave us her recipe two ,weeps ago, Th Timos'A vosate, Ot toker ,2&, .i 41 Page IFillll��: eupa .dates cup brown sugar l cup water 1 til :lemon juice. Cbolt together until ,hoick 1 cups :oatrneal 2 cups flour 1 tsp soda 1. tsp salt 1 Cpip 'butter Sugar horten ni• JlJake a nrurnbly mixture .of above ingredients. Pat 'half ip. and pan, spread With date Oiling; put remaining ,crumbs ton -lois. Bake at .375° about 41.rllautofli or until brown. • "Thot's some of the dial equipment for your new telephone exchange!" 1' s+ • • • 1. 1. • w •• It takes a jot of complex, automatic dial switch- ing equipment to convert our Exeter exchange! We're aiming to complete th• installation for the conversion to Dial Service by February, 1962. At that time, too, new 7 -figure telephone num• berg will become effective. Ail of them will start with the figure* "235"—plus the four figures which will slenote your own .Individual phone, These new 7 -figure numbers are part of the new numbering system graduallybeing introduced throughout the Bell Telephone network. We,'progreeAll keeslep you Rooted as work on this conversion W, W. NA.YSOM, Manager THE DELL TELIPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA estasr.ttt •te►•toeee¢a•e-•♦vMiat•eeaa• es-riIP* sa•+ir. arse.•••# AR Reminder To Our Business Customers e i BETTER HURRY: Please • keep the coming number change in mind • when you ardor business stationery or other print- ed material for your business! 0 t e e.• 0• ONLY 5 DAYS LEFT TO GET IN ON THE 'TREMENDOUS SAVING at cMii • s PR'E1eI NTER. SALE We Have Reduced Hundreds More Items So Everyone. Can Have A Chance At The Tremendous Savings Boys' Underwear 4-6-8 Tops - Briefs - Drawers While They Last 49c Girls' Tee Shirts Comfortable Long Sleeves For Cool Days Were $2,98 On Sale $1429 8 Only Teen Dresses To Go At 1/2 Price 26 Only Ladies` Skirts OUR BEST QUALITY LINES IN NEW FASHION COLORS AND MAT1RIAL Wm. 'W�/a 6e95 to 17.95 A Price E BABY SIZ PoIo Pyjamas R,I GULAit $1,98 •tit4tAizi 99c WE HAVE SOME JACKETS AND COAT SETS THAT ARE REDUCED FROM THE CLEARING PRICES WE ADVERTISED LAST WEEK RE SURE TO SEE THEM, Come and Cho Your hristmas Shopp nig At This Sole i MacMILLAN' PHONE 37 EXETER