HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 12Noe 14 The 'ilres►fi dvetcetet Weber 1961 us farmer Expt ains purpose :buys cattle fA ',total •tit~ $6;610 ,vortii of a auction plan black and white cattle ,vas Since the :September 29 meet- prepared to pay for any lot of rag bf the county represents- .eggs offered at a given tame 'lives of the Ontario. Poultry These prices could be available Producers' Assoeietion when to egg producers the day the board board of directors: was in- lowing sales and ;so ,would give structed to draw ug a plan, in them a continuous or daily ,detail for a teletype auction standard -of value. system for eggs, interest in Mr, Robson said the associ- What is taking place is build- ation beard will give producers. information on the plan and Tom Rgbsont chairman of the the teletype sales eYeteun as committee, points out that the they develop, Purpose of the teletype auction �..... is all that can be explained at the present time. Details will be available and questions '� C C 1 1 A charge answered when the completed plan is ready to be planed be- fore producers, However, the purpose behind the. ,plan is important. The daily egg prices quoted in the press and over the radio have served a useful purpose but because of changed .marketing conditions, now do not give an accurate account of ever -all quotations.. They are based on what may be termed surplus eggs in the hands of dealers and others, in over delay I President Melvin. L, 'Sebbett, in his address to the tenth anniversary convention of the Ontario Farmer's Union, ac- cused the Ontario government and. Agriculture Minister W. .A, Goodfellow of concealing the report of the agrioultural in- vestigating committee of On- tario, Toronto. The higher prices tib- The committee was appoMt- tamed Exam tithe sources and ed over two years ago and they .r Tebbutt said he understood they an other markets are by-passed had completed their findings ' at present, over two months ago, Mr. Teb- Mr. Robson emphasized that butt asked "Where is their re - the system of teletype auction poreae under consideration is notim• Tebbutt also :asked if the ed at controlling nor can it. be committee's report was so re- vealing of the inadequacy in marketing, pricing and re- search policies, that the min- ister of agriculture wishes to conceal its recommendations. Tebbutt also accused the government of spending a large amount of the public's money for investigating and then supressing t h e committee's findings. expected to bring higher prices than supply and demand die, tate. It should, however, and this is the principle on which it is based, show the highest price,. that any purchaser is Sarnia club visits AOTS Twenty members of the AOTS Men's Club of Devine Street United Church, Sarnia, motor- ed to Exeter, Monday, and! put on the program for the club at James Street United Church. They were returning a visit made by the Exeter club last summer. Program chairman William Manner conducted the meeting and introduced the film "The Chemical Valley," which was shown at the meeting to give the Exeter men an insight into the rapid industrial develop- ment of Sarnia, Don Eyre conducted the wor- ship service and a sing song was led by Haydn Weston and Glenn Finch. Sarnia president, William Eyre, spoke briefly and con- gratulated the Exeter club on their expansion. It was the Sarnia men who acted as sponsors of the James Street Club ...when it was formed seven years ago. He pointed out that through the leadership of some of its members, the Exeter club was now recognized as one of the leading organizations in On- tario. TI ,Sarnia group was thank- ed by president Gerald God - bolt and vice-president Carf Cann. Other guests of the Exeter club included Ball Parker and Dr. Don Ecker, both of Exeter, and Ernie Williams, Seaforth. Comments about Crediton East t' By MRS. W. MOT% Personal items Mr. and Mrs, William Har- ney, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Motz, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton and Bradley, of Grand. Bend, Visited Sunday with Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber. Dr. Donald Horney of Guelph and LAC Robert Horsey of Ridgeway who has spent three years in France and is now stationed at Centralia spent Tuesday with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Motz. Watch fever in shipping ,auctioned at Clinton; recentl) et the fifth annual bred -heifer Sale sponoserd by the Huron County Holstein Club. Smithdale Farms, Limestone, Tenn., purchased the largest number --12- animals for a total' of $3,515, Highest priced an- imal was purchased by George Hayden, ,of Gerrie, who paid $400for a 4 -year-old cow con signed by Alvan Betties, of RR 2 Bayfield, immediate past president .of the Holstein club. The 29 bred -heifers consigned by 20 breeders, were sold by Boil Sbore, of Glanworth, and Edward Elliott, of Clinton, for an average of $297, and total net of $8,610, Last year's sale averaged $322 for the 26 head sold. Top buyers. Top buyers included Victor Jeffrey and Son RR 3, Exeter, who paid $330 for a heifer con- signed by James Bradley, of Goderich; Pete: Simpson, of Seaforth, $310 for a Heifer con- signed by C. S. Galbraith, of Blyth; W, 3. Stirling, of RR 2, IGoderich, who paid $330 for a heifer from lots of Leo Ruttan, of Gorrie, and :$310 for a heifer leonsigned by Ross C. TIT- ' wartha, of Clinton; Lewis P. 1 Coyne, of RR 5, Seaforth, $305, consigned by Douglas F. Far- quhar, Clinton; Simon Halle- Ilan, of Belgrave, $300, by Al- vin Betties; Currie Moffatt, RR 2, Teeswater, $300, •con- signed by Alvin Betties lot. The Tennessee farm purchas- ed animals from the lots of James B, Hogg, of Seaforth, for $325; V. J. Hunter and Sons, Lueknow, $305; Wesley McBride, Arva, $325 and $250; Wellington Brock and Son, of Granton, $295; Harvey Daniel and Sons, Bluevale, $280; Lewis P. Coyne, Seaforth, $325; John Douglas, Gorrie, $250; Reg- inald McKeil, of Clinton, $275; William E. Robertson, Monk - ton, $300; Solve. Van Ninhuys, of Bayfield, $280, and $305. If you're moving cattle this fall, be on the lookout for 'shipping fever. "Five or six percent of the cattle moved around Ontario get this disease each year," says Dr. D. C. Blood, farm service veterinarian at the Ontario Veterinary College. Give the cattle lots of rest, he suggests. Provide plenty of hay and water 12 to 15 hours before loading but don't feed them any more between then and loading time. Bed the truck with four inches of fine sand, wood chips, sawdust or cinders, but if youre using straw, put in at least six to eight inches to keep it from shifting. Protect the cattle from draughts especially in cold weather. He advises against overload in the truck. Unload, feed and Water, the animals enroute if they'll be on the truck over 36 hours. After they arrive, keep them away from your main herd for at least three weeks; look at them carefully at least three times daily during this time. Give the cattle dry shelter and bay but only half their normal fill of water the first day, cautions the veterinarian. Don't feed grain for three weeks, he advises, but after that you can start in small amounts and gradually work up to full feed, If they're go- ing on pasture, it might be a good idea to let them graze only a few hours each day for the first week. If you suspect this disease, look for animals that look dull and hang back; and animals that go off feed, become weak and have a soft metallic cough, suggests Dr. Blood. They'll have a high body temperature and breath rapidly—there may be some discharge from the eyes and nose as well. Some cases have diarrhoea. Call a veterinarian as soon as you notice a sick animal. Move the infected animalto dry, well -ventilated quarters and feed a light diet such as bran mashes and a little hay, advises Dr. Blood. Delayed treatment results in Iost gains and animal could die. Mrand Mrs. Don Denney V pCUC.l ti') attended the Disney-Desiardine wedding on Saturday et Grand Bend Church of God, Clearers 'Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Thomp- son. of Toronto, spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sates And Service Sims. In Canada about 10 per cent of the male population and Hy about one per cent of the fe- male pdpuletion suffers sortie degree of color blindness. Repairs and bags for all mo- dels of vacuum cleaners and polishiened chines sof all makrs. es rd for' Sale. BOB PECK, RR 1 Zurich Phone Hensel! 696r2 Urges two levels for ventilation It's a good idea to have two levels of insulation in your hen house, advises Ross Milne, On- tario Department of Agricul- ture extension engineer. He says that in very cold weather, even in well insulated buildings, the fans will not run continuously, but the birds do produce moisture constantly. In a well insulated building there is enough bird heat re- tained to allow a fan, rated at 25 to 35% of the total ventila- tion capacity required, to run continuously. Use either a 2 -speed fan, or a small fan that will exhaust 25 to 35% and a larger fan capable of exhausting 65 to 70% of the required capacity. The small fan should operate continuously and the larger one should be controlled by a thermostat. Fieldman — Continued from page 9 Even in cheese where we are again going to fail to supply the available market we have a considerable surplus simply because there is not enough first grade cheese being made, Truly conditions in the dairy industry are bad but certainly not so bad that really con- certed effort on the part of producers couldn't correct, There's no Hallowe'en trick abs NEW ct-As4IFtt:AT1910 MAKE T'A ..LASSIF'IEDS EASIER,. FASTER TO t tuY & $E4 AT A 'PROFITt: 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Farm Stack For Sale. 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For sale 1.3, Articles For Sale 3.4, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. Wanted To' Rent 20, Property Wanted 21. Notices 22, Legal Notices 23. Tenders Wanted 24. Auction Sales 2 Found STERLING SILVER CROSS and chain. Owner may have same by identifying at police station, Exeter, and paying for this ad. 26e 3 Male Help Wanted MAN WANTED -- Good near- by Rawleigh business now open, If willing to conduct home service business with good pro- fits, write Rawleigh's Dept. J- 202-45, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal, . Female Help Wanted SOMEONE to care for 3 child- ren, 2 pre-school age, while mother works; may live in or care for in their own hone. Phone Exeter 117M. 26* GIRLS FOR EVENINGS and weekends, at RCAF Station Centralia Snack Bar. Phone AC 8-6611, local 341. 19:26e HOUSEKEEPER, wanted im- mediately, girl or woman, pre- ferably to live in, private room in good home. Contact Mrs, Leroy Revington, phone BA 7- 4407 Lucan. 26c 5 Help Wctntecl KITCHEN HELP wanted, de- pendable person, able to help with short orders; also exper- ienced waitress for evenings. Apply in person, Rether's Res- tatoant, Exeter. No phone calls please, 260 6 Business Opportunities, MEN OR WOMEN a profitable business can be yours. Full or part-time. No experience neces- sary. Write 3. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. "AVON CALLING" MRS. FARMWIFE NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS? "And. who doesn't?" With just a few hours weekly, you can earn that extra income. Openings in Stephen, Usborne and Hay townships. Car neces- sary. .WRITE MRS. E. BELL, ' 84B Albert Street, Waterloo, or phone collect, SH 5-0571 before 8:30 a.m. 14c: etw 9 Services SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED — immediate service, a 1 w a y s available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone RA 7-4254 or BA '7K 4312 collect. 5:9'"tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wet- Son, Phone 3740 Dashwood.,2 c. , n.. Bruce Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND E,END 12:17tfc ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK ser vice; $1.00 per 100 lbs., plus bonus, for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356- 2622 collect. Seven-day service, License No. 103C61. 5:18tfne FOR. PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock Disposal Act, Licence No. 66C61, 8:7-12:29* ILL HEALTH --First see your doctor. Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4: 20tfnc BALLET -TAP Graded Ballet & 'Tap Lessons EVERY WEDNESDAY Exeter Public Library 4 to 8 p.m. ERRINGTON STUDIOS London Liliane Marleau Graham, L.F.A., director 9:21tfnc HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfnc ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27:10*tfnc SANITATION SERVICE — Sep- tic tanks pumped, and general repairs, for immediate service phone Grand Bend 205, Bill Finch. 9:21-11:30* CUSTOM WORK, plowing want- ed. Apply W. Victor Knip, RR 1 Centralia, phone Exeter 37832.' 5;12:19:26* CUSTOM CORN COMBINING CLARENCE KNIGHT, Phone Exeter 17731 19:26* KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re -upholstering, refin- ishing and repairing all types of furniture. Work guaranteed. For free estimates and prompt service, phone 81, Exeter. 6:15tfnc Services BARFRIED ENTERPRISE$ LTD.. Acwounces New row urates QN 1S'I! AND 2ND MORTGAGE LQAN'S For kioln.eowners, BORROW $2400 REPAY • .$+35,22: PER. MONTH PLUS Balance et End .of 1st 5. Years NO BONUS Qther Plans Available For a Confidential Appointment in Your Own Honlo Call GUELPH TA 2-9062 COLLECT Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association 10:26tfc CHAIN SAW CUTTING logs, stove wood, by job lot or hour- ly rate, Douglas Ovens, Clande- boye, phone Ailsa Craig 293- 3026, 10;26-12:28c 10 Farm Stock For Sale HEIFER CALVES, Holstein, 300-500 lbs. David Morrissey, Phone Crediton 234-6202. 19:26c 18 WEANERS—George Bailey, Winchelsea, phone Kirkton 24-r- 16. 26" SHEEP ..– 25 Suffolk and 15 Leicester ewes for quick sale. Clarence Parke, Zurich, Ont. 26c 3 HEIFERS, dual purpose; • 2 Holstein heifers, due in Nov Apply Bill Morley, RR 1 Gran- ton, phone Kirkton 81r8. 26* WEANER PIGS, 2 litters. Ap- ply George Kellett, second farm north of Thames Road church. 26* 11 Poultry For Sale PULLETS, ready 4o lay; also 10 and. 12 week old pullets. EIzar Mousseau, phone Hensall 278W4, 19:26c •12 tars, trucks for Salo KIMBER PULLETS, ready to lay. Apply Howard Pym, phone 90r22 Kirkton. 26c PULLETS, 175 Leghorn, ready to lay, on range. Phone Gran- ton 41r11, Austin. Crunican, 1 mile east of Elginfield on High- way 7. 26* 10-14 WEEK OLD PULLETS, Ames and either varieties, avail- able prompt shipment. Dayolds to order. Time to order your next lot of broilers now. Dray Hatchery, Eric Garscadden, Ex- eter, phone 246W. • 26e HEAVY ROOSTERS, oven ready. Phone 228W2, Roy West- cott, RR 3 Exeter. 26c ROASTERS, fresh dressed, ready for oven. Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter. 10:5 tfnc 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1959 CHEV SEDAN, 6 cylinder, clean, asking $1550, with terms. Apply John Hodgins, Supertest, Centralia. Phone AC 8.6261. 26c 1950 DODGE SEDAN, only 26,000 miles, one man owner- ship, upholstery like new, rea- sonably prioed for quick sale. Mrs. Victor Heywood, 506 An- drew St., phone 303J. 26* SHELL BRINGS YOU Now On Display At Your. Romper Room Headquarters. Bridge & Turnpike Sett Girder 8, Panel Sets Sparkle Paints Tea Sets dhemistry Sets Gnagy Learn -to -Draw Sets Match Box Toys Romper Raorn Toys WE WIL, NOT I3E SOLD ny advertisect be cafafogus Try us and reel Crest ARE EXETER Your Shell Furnace Oil order means heat'n-a-hurry. Whether you *ant fast heat ata touch of your thermostat, or service quick os a wink, well bring you a complete home hooting service et your tall -24 hours in every dayt And you get these extra benefits at no additional cost. Keep Filled Service: We refill your tank whenever: our records show your supply is running low. Trouble-free Heat: With Shell you. get Sdinitor putts a special additive to keep your heating system at peak e$"ioiency. Complete • Maintenance Service: We arrange ea rtplete Maintenance service -44 hours a day! Get fuli va1`uear,your heating clolldr— call fat i`-Ieat'n a•hurryI Phone 80 ART CLARiTI EXETER -*STEPHEN. C E AUTO WRE K. ,FtS RR I CIIEDITON (4th and 8th Concessions) We pleased to 8nnouneo the purchase of 40 used cars and trucks from Pearson Mo- tors of Zurieh.. All makes and nodels, 800 X 16 'Tires, Batteries and.alk other parts for immediate sale, Parts Guaranteed PH'QNE AC 8-6214 10:19tfnc 1953 STUDEBAKER, green, overdrive, will sell reasonable. Phone 404M. 26c 13 Articles For Sale FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Iiensa 1 696r2. 8:31tine SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, $30 for a truck load. App 1 y in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232.445Q before 8:00 a.m, or be- tween 5;80 and 7:00 p.m. 6: ltfne 4 CORN PICKER, Oliver, 3 years old; tractor, Massey -Harris, 6- cylinder, p e r f e c t condition. Phone Arthur Rundle, 475w1 Exeter. 26* 13 Articles For Sale 'LADIES! Why freeze your hands this winter when you: ,can own a .Coronado Deluxe Dryer for only $149.9$ and r eeive. free a $3Q automatic electric blanket, YOU don't need cash, terms an be arranged, Bea.. vers I-iardw.are, phone 86, Ex:- titer. 26c LETZ GRINDER, with plates, in good condition; also 25 -foot belt, Apply Arthur Finlayson, RR 3 Kippen, phone 651r3 Sea- forth. 26'" APPLES, Spy and winter; pick your own; bring containers,•,. very reasonable. Austin Cruni- can, 1 mile east of Elgnnfield,. Highway 7 phone Granton 4141.1. BOB'SA S � &RADIATOR SERVICE COMP E p11,001 HG EXETER -83 A R DiATOR. S RViCE pt11U111111U 1111111111m11lI11lIIg111tI n1//11111111111111n1f lion,11/11111mmin1111t111m1111111m1111111110tt11nNi lI. BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC Thurs, Nov. 2 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Middleton's Drugs If You Wish. To Have Your Hearing Tested Phone for free Hoene Appointment. Service to All Makes of Dearing Aids E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Queen St. S., Kitchener 4ntl11lllttlllllttltttllittM 111,nitttllllnt111111111111111111!11111111.11111111111111n1111111t111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111mi111t111111111,11t1111111111111111111111111P111111N i111111t1111111111fIt1I111111li11111111111,111 Sandy Elliot FURNITURE & APPLIANCES n , A name that means Savin.s1 CHOOSE A CLOTHES DRYER From Our Large Display Of MAYTAG, KELVINATOR, THOR NEW DRYER 125.00 FREE (with each) $30 ELECTRIC BLANKET WRINGER WASHERS '89.50 5 -YEAR GUARANTEE Automatic Washers * Dryers * Electric Ranges * Refrigerators WE SELL MORE because WE SHOW MORE 60 Pieces to Choose From The Finest Reproduction in SIGHT and.SOUND *• TV * HI -PI And We Guarahteu * RADIO BEST PRICES! RELAX tk • oil it CHESTERFIELD. * CH'AiR * MATTRESS • * CHROME SET from Sandy's - 4 1 + y's s T`HE TOR Mkt WHERE' ct, S'rOMER SATISFACTION COMES FlRSTI ily�irfilYlYliii'fiY111YfYY5'IY(iYiii1Yi11niriYli i u e f 111111iYYr1i'ifiiYYfffY�iYiYYin 11 i l i i'1iYY'iYfriifiil`1TYiYYYliff1itYtiYiYrniti' F s