HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 6e:ti The i"ime0 eleeeate,. October 244 1901
8U14, :BATTEN, 4par't* ,aditpr
.��11 sin
The at�notlncenlent that Exeter will again
have an interitlediate hockey team will meet with
appraval from. the he old, stalwarts who enjoy watch-.
ing the locals in action, but it should also .create
rebirth for the popular sport in this area.
Over the past few years, when Exeter eras
int orcin • layers front all seetions of the coulitry,
P gplayers
p eo ple stayed away in
droves, despite the fast. this
Was top notchhockey.
Most of these people claimed they didn't go
to. the arena because they didn't know the players
on the Exeter team, and weren't interested in sup.
porting an import team, We can see where this at-
titude may be justified, but it will be a different
story this year.
. ry th yea
The Exeter team will be strictly a homebrew
outfit, enlisting the services of pucksters from Ex-
eter and the surrounding areas. Players will only
be allowed to play for Exeter if it is the closest
town for which they are eligible to play.
All local players will be given a chance to
vin a spot on this club and they won't have to from
'. I.
pate with the usual. long list of top players f
other centres.
Naturally, this won't produce as good a team
as we have had in the past, but there are several
good youngsters in town who should put up a good
brand of hockey, now that they will have a chance
to prove themselves,
The formation of this elub was due mainly
to the untiring efforts of Don "Boom Boom" Gra-
vett. He canvassed all the players in the area to
make sure they wanted a team and then talked
several supporters into forming an executive.
Neil Campbell, Ted Chaffe and Harry
/Others all served on last year's booster club and
carried most of the load along with one or two
other members. If they continue to give of their
time as they have in the past, things should run
They will be helped by Stan Whiting, one
of the most faithful of Exeter's supporters in the
We haven't heard how they propose to raise
some funds to get this club rolling, but we trust
that hockey fans will give them their complete
support. The expenses will be down considerably
to what they have in the past, so if everyone gives
a bit is should go a long way.
Although the entry deadline hasn't been
reached yet, the teams that appear to be joining
should provide for a good league that will make
for close competition and rivalry.
Centralia and, Clinton airports are back in
the fold after a few years absence and will be
welcomed starters. F;'0 Norm Poire is handling
the organization work at CE and we know he will
do a good job. His counterpart in Clinton is F/0
Dick Allan, who has been the big push behind
organizing the league.
Lucan-Ilderton Combines will be one of the
stronger teams in the grouping, with many of their
players back from last year. With names such as
Collings, O'Neil, Scarborough, Urbshott, Storey,
Wraith, etc., etc., it will keep the other teams jump-
ing to keep up with the Irish.
The other possible entries include the 2nd
B.CRC from London, Seaforth and Forest, This will
make a compact league, without any long hauls,
and we feel fans will be well satisfied with the
calibre of play.
However, all these teams are operating on
limited budgets, and so the fans will have the final
say as to whether or not it will be successful,
With. Centralia and Exeter intermediate
squads and the Exeter junior Hawks using the local
ice pad, fans will be able to travel up to see hockey
almost any night of the week.
This will be a slight drawback for all three
squads, but should be a boon to fans, They will
naturally give their main support to the team that
puts on an all-out effort every time they are on
the ice, and if the teams realize this, they will
strive a bit harder to keep their fans.
So you'll have to hustle fellows.
BATT'N AROUND — During a trip to our
old alma mater (Ryerson institute of Technology)
for homecoming, we watched the Rams inaction
acid one of the players who did his share in help.
ing them to win was Keith Hodgins, a former SH.
Panther from Centralia , . , We understand that
brie party of moose hunters found game so scarce
in the North Bay district that one member took to
fishing to put in time. Unfortunately, he didn't
have any better luck, but we don't see how he
could expect to when all he was doing was swim-
ming around and trying to catch them in his hands.
We suggest that next time he would be wiser to
at least take along the spurs he uses for climbing
Bell Telephone poles. (Nice try, anyway, George')
, Anyone with .money on their favorite Big
Four team must be having a bad case of nerves
these days. The only thing predictable about the
league is that someone wins arid someone loses
every time there le a game , . < All minor hockey
players should be reminded of the registration at
the arena this Saturday mriorning, The fee is only
two bits , , , Don't look now, but those Montreal
Canadians are at it again. At time of writing, they
haven't been beaten, but you can expect a change
1n that when they tangle with the Detroit Red
Wings this weekend,
Listowel sweeps gridiron twinbill,
fumbles, rule ir.fri. ct.ii,.. .r... s: Ii'urt locals
awks, _o, aw
lights in Listowel, FrideY,, as
South ;Her'on's Seethall speeds
dropped s twin -bill under the
the Panthers suffered a 2042
loss and their junior cohorts
ended up on the -short .end of
a x2.6 count,
workouts i Lu t a s a cl`.
. e s e ha
bd e d
Two l;xetet hockey teams
get their first workouts tonight
(Thursday) when they travel
to the Lucia Arena for light
The Junior Hawks tape to the
ice lanes at 8:00 p.m. under
the guidance of manager Derry
least six :members of the
will net be back this ye
The Hawks are enter.
the Shamrock grouping
this year with teams
Lambeth, Strathroy anrt
ford, but the league is
ated with the AHA this s
fielder with a pair of good
squad catching bands, paced the sen-
at. :
ed in for win, scoring all three totieh-
a ain , dawns counted by his team., lie
from ,picked up his first major on a
walsweep around the right end
affilifid and then hauled in two passes
easoe ifrom Jim Hollinger to sink the
Boyle and vee director "Boone" 1 Last year, it was merely an ,Da
s.e `l'uivey, maintained his
Gravett, The workout will be exhibition grouping, iscari clip, irking up both
open to all area minor puck- The season starts on Alen- scoring c pGlaep picking
up both
sters Who wish to try for a day, November 6, when Lam {
sot with the club. beth hosts Watford at the Le -'raced through .the middle for
p that can arena. The hawks will get!50 yards on his a
Boyle, stressed the fact a first t']nd came t' it
positions are wide open and
he hoped for a mood, turnout of
players. The Hawks woe the
Shamrock title .last year. but
have several holes to fill in
their iebual
ing campaign,pai
Huron Park kids
register P
for play
if early registration is an :i:n-
dication of things to come,
there should be a record num-
ber of youngsters performing
in the various hockey leagues
sponsored by the Exeter Minor Although the Tribe don't get squirt out of his hands on. a
Athletic Association. on the ice until late, president hard tackle at the line, It was
President Clarence Boyle re- Neil Campbell said he was very ,their third fumble in the early
ported that 117 youngsters pleased with the amount of en- minutes of the game,
signed upfor the comm sea-
son at thregistration conduct- thuslasnt among several play- liewever, Listowel took ad
ed at Huron Park, Saturday. ers planning to attend. vantage of this one and. moved
Under the direction of Sgt. "Butte a few players havethe ball, to the 20 yard line on
Doug Allen, Sgt. Art Storey already said they'll be there an end run by Peter Doig.
and. Sgt. Lawrence Howard, Campbell stated, and
have more to contact".
we still Two successive Sli penalties
Huron Park pucksters register- ;He also pointed. out that all moved the ball into the shadow Nine man party
ed for most of the categories of the goal posts and Lusted �% y
in the local minor setup,
The Huron Park enthusiasts
also came up with a long list
of coaches who have volunteer-
ed to assist in the program.
They include: Cpl. Gord. Ebel,
EIS Hagart, LAC Tommy
Burke, Cpl. Dale. F/L Jack
Donald and Gene Setters.
- Ail Burners
Hoafitig, Pliirribine, Sheet Metal Work
rtheir first taste
of cqnpe_tt'
wi a s
b g
when they tanglewith
of 70 yards
on a kick return.
Strathroy entry at the local' In the Panthers' first three
arena on Friday, November 10, 'games, Turvey has picked up
Other practices may he two TD's in each.
scheduled for Lucan, due to' Two costly fumbles and leve -
1 h-
the fact that lee is not ex- rel rule infractions also ham-
pected in Exeter for another pered the Panthers in their bid
week and a half, for their second win of the
►Jo :coach 'yet young season. They were re -
The ltiohavvks get the "add- improper
called for using an
improper line formation.
night shift" at Luean, starting
their workout at 11:00 p;m, Fumble sets up scars
As yet no coach has been Suffering from, a badcase of
named to handle the club, but 'fumbilitis", the Panthers lost
the executive hope to have one possession in their own end
signed within the next few early in the quarter whenone
daysof their backs watched the ball
The Listowel line charged in ' l
to take Duet' on the .Sli :25 yat.cl Two Sit tumbles and a grope
marker. f i r;f e ri od Tor. defensive play by Listowel
They were stopped on the p ... kept Sll deep in their .own
first play from scrimmage, bet! raisin,+,.el juniors avereauae an end after :the kick and the
South Huron, to hoiuestcrs finally took over
llollinger: found. Lusted. in the early ilk by
Q .h
etear an the next ,play, and the a 12.6 win over the locals, It with less than 20 yards to pay
speedy back was in the end was their second straight 1.055 dirt.
e - in their only games .of the Abient carried for a first
zone before be could be step-
cd. season, t.down and then:cracked.over
p ' i squad hail things centre for the game winning
ilia irgtrtesters surprised the the Sit .w a . first T vert was no
t for the their :own .way in the major. The convert
Panthers lay pass ng ,l
c t r andDing was in the I quarter, anti appeared to be good, leaving the score at 12•
oave t . o g
clear to grab the pigskin :for
two points and shove the:lead
to 20.6,
ton. raced around the end
{. • t • i t �•�.
on lisle and blocked has kick l� a l., Q main all :knot he tarn at
Turvey goes main
'i'he Panthers failed to itaovie 'f`he win gave Listowel a win'
lire bail after the '1'j>, but their and a loss for the season.
defensive team came t p with '1 -'he local squad slarte �_ff
a stellar job to bold the 1- in high gear with Gary E g e
the home,
Iso tit
.tie crewanBobob
toil dn n B
ason, Mike Cush as ,
'r r
kick onBarry
Diced k Eric B t
e• f to rere vvand
st . re ratan, 11 olfe
their' this'd down, ll;rintnell all ripping through.
7'tuwey took the bail deep in the Listowel line for good !
his own end and appearedetOlgains, 1
t : he add o •n he
bt , o t.
e •aed t vi.
b ti t r m
� , er, afe g
p 1 e
tt e t
1 I•a ,
the sidelines and eluded the batt Into the 15 )'aid line, a
tacklers to race all the way{miscue in the liacicfield result•
into the l,istawet end 'zone. ; ed in a loose ball and a loss of
The runback covered a d.is-' eight big yards. They elected
tante of 70 yards and cut the to attempt a field goal on the
lead to 20.12. (third down, but Listowel broke
The Listowel defense tighten- through to block Coulter's at -
ed up in the final quarter, and tempt,.
although the Panthers came The Vocals stayed fired up
close on tWo: occasions, they ; and farted .Listowel lista a kick-
couldn't come up o with t o f ing situation deep in their own
necessary yardage keep nos-. end, and an alert lineman
session,owel's win left them tied broke through to Mock the kick
and give itis team possession on
for first place with. the defend-;Listowel's 20•yard line.
ing champs from Mitchell,`The 1 Brintnell carried for five
two Perth towns played toa yards on a quarterback sneak,
7,7 draw in their only meeting and Mike Cushman lugged the
of the season. ball for the first down on the
next play, Eagleson and Wolfe
combined for a gain of eight
yards and Neil. McAllister came
off the bench to carry the ball
treading for an easy avin, but
Listowel tightened up- their de- lb' The Sl=i entry same close in
reuse and set their offense in the dying piintttes, but a strong
motion to take the game over defensive line and the clock
in the last half. Ikept thein off the scoreboard,
berths on the team are wide went: around the right end for into the end zone for a TD,
open and extended an invite fiveyards and the TD. The fail to bagarae
tion to all players in the area convert attempt went wide. McAllister missed most of
the game due to a knee injury
(registration here Saturday
Registration continues this
Saturday at the Exeter arena,
when all the youngsters from
Exeter andthe surrounding
area will have a chance to
sign up for the winter months.
Registration starts at 10:00
a.m, and is open to anyone in-
terested in playing in the Exe-
ter minor hockey leagues.
Each player is required to
pay a fee of 25 cents for reg-
s,iriifiriniff+laiiithIV rifll)IOf$1107nrr+rrutins,siafa+frriutisrnnnnnrrtrr'tlinniti'sr,mssr+ssrnrrrxnrsmfriiihJ
to attend. Players ' are eligible
if Exeter is the closest town in
which there is a team •they
would be eligible to play for,
The Mohawks have entered
the new homebrew grouping in
the area, but ,as yet no sched-
ule has been drawn up,
To date, Lucan - Merton,
Centralia and. Clinton RCAF
Stations and. 2nd. RCR, London,
have definitely entered the
league. President of the group,
F/O Dick Allan, Clinton, said.
there was still a possibility of
teams from. Mitchell, Seaforth
and Goderich entering.
The league will hold a meet-
ing, Sunday, at which time the
schedule will be drawn. up for
the season.
Director of Recreation
WI^ f°.. ...TM .5:'#Ova.lat? 044Maii£i'vaiu.'' ` nERNIIM`°+•.'�"�.'��'
Stamp club started One thing this corner likes
There is a strong possibility 1 about this grouping is that
that two or maybe three stamp'there is not a lot of travelling
clubs will be operating ill. Exe-
:involved. Since we .reached the
ter before too long. ! ripe old. age of the famous
After passing word about a i Jack Benny (39?) the closer
stamp organization, we find the towns are together, the
that the students would like a better.
separate division for girls and, A coach has not been named
boys. to direct the Mohawks as this
So, every Tuesday night at is written but someone will be
installed shortly.
4:15, the girls' club wilt meetWe feel that
at the rec office in the Public
executive of Nell Campbell,
1' brar for. their stamp ex -1 red Chaffe and. Stan (the man)
The homesters came right A nine -member hunting crew suffered in the Stratford game,
c that journeyed into the North but didn't let it bother him as
back after the kickoff to notch
their second major of the
game. The Panthers failed to
get anywhere after taking the
kick on their own. 15 and. had to.
give the ball up on a third.
down. punt. '
A no -yards penalty, an. off-
side and three short gains
moved the ball deep into SH
territory where Lusted manag-
ed to get behind the safety man
to haul in Hollinger's pass in
the end zone,
The convert went astray, but
left Listowel with a 12-0 lead
at the half.
Get back In game
The Panthers wasted. little
time in getting back into the
game after their half-time rest.
They kicked off to Listowel,
but the ball was knocked out
of the hands of their deep man
and Roger. Cann fell on it to
give the Panthers possession at
the Listowel 50 -.yard litre.
Steve Kyle handed off to
Turvey on the first play and
the chunky speedster went all
the way with the help of some
'fine blocking as he bulled his
way through the line and put
on one of his dazzling displays
of shifty footwork.
Kyle's convert was no good,
making the score 12-6.
Listowel moved in close again
on their next series, but after
three straight first downs, the
Panthers held them at bay to
take over on their own 25 yard
They appeared to be heading
out of trouble after Turvey
y l Whiting will do a very tom -
change. The boys will get to , picked. up a first with a burst
gether on Thursday nights at mendable job on behalf of the up the middle, but after two
4:15 also in the ret office. 1 "homebrew" setup. So let's get incomplete passes they were
We had a very interesting: behind them and give any of forced to kick.
call from Mrs. Wilfred Mack : the needed support we can.
of Crediton about the forma- By the way, Mohawks will
tion of an adult club. We per -practise this Thursday night at
sonally think this is a splendid;
Luean Arena from 11.12
idea, Perhaps one can be start• ; ri•m That's right, the workout
eed with collectors from the± hstarts just .as the CBC news
various surrounding commu � Our good friend15i ordretwork!
nities taking part, H you're in-1Ebel is back inthe fold as
terested. give -us a call at the I equipment manager, Don't he
rec office (437), i too surprised if you. see Gord
Square dancing ldon the pads to give the rookies
About 45 attended. last Fri -la few pointers!
day night's instructionclasses j Manager Derry Boyle's Jun -
for square dancing in the audi-}for Hawks will also have a
Corium of the Exeter Arena. f workout this Thursday (Oct, 26)
Many thanks to Norm Whit-, in Luean from 8.9 p.m, We're
ing, Max Harness and Mrs.' looking forward to see a prom-
Bren DeVries for offering their Mrs.,' looking
group of youngsters at
time and guidance to the this worked. The. Junior Hawk
youngsters. entry has really "caught on"
The next session for the pub- (throughout the district since
lic school children will be on 1 Iasi: year's title run. We hope
November 3 at the Exeter they have a "repeat perform -
Arena from 8-9.30 p,m. I ance" as they say an. Broad,
Intermediate hockey ' way, in the 1961-'62 season,
it will he interesting to note Teen Town dance
the :number of teams involved 1 This Friday (Oct, 27) the
Teen 'Town Club will hold
in the district intermediate oca
homebrew hockey league, its Hallowe'en Dance in the
Sunday, October 29, will tell Exeter Areno.
the tale as all interested clubs The "Bel -Aires" from London
will appear at the RCAF Sta will provide the music .in what
Hon Clinton to draw tip a should be the best show Oro -
schedule. Tentatively, Forest, I vided this season by the local
Lucan-Ilderton Combines, Exe- '.Caen Town group– so plan to
ter, Seaforth and. RCAF'` Clin• attend, By the way, if you
ton and RCAF' Centralia stated haven't got your membership
they were ready to go a week card (500) yet, better hurryl
ago,; --Please turn to page 7
Eilecti•ix r►tid Acetylene
Trailers Bmf) Of All Kinds
district in search of he bucked through the line for
moose, returned • home last the 6 0 lead,
weekend, empty handed, The Sit squad continued to
The men reported game very dominate the game and threat -
scarce, and not one came closer tined late in the first half when
enough to a moose to get a,the had the bail, inside the
shot, although they saw evi.-IList we.l 5 -yard line, but they
dence of other kills 1n the failed to score when they lost
area. i10 valuable yards on a penalty.
The party included: Jack'
Carr, Don MacGregor, Harry r Listowel rallies
Holtzman, Graham Arthur and 1 Phe second half started out
George Glendenning, all of, with a complete reversal of
Exeter, Bill Chambers and Stu form by both teams. After
Dick of Clinton, Bill Amos and taking the opening kickoff,
Grant. P'allock of Parkhill, -"Listowel came up with four big
Fergus Dowdel.l of North Bay gains by Dick Hamilton and
and Ron Morris of Ajax. ;Paul Ament, and then Hamil-
for all the
family !
All Used Skates have New Laces and are Sharpened,
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