HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-05, Page 3[r4r 1. .,. f -x< ' r 1.I ,.. .•, Avt - _]zy' L.MW -t et e-. . _Tan •.n.-..._'.,,'•." . ' '.. 9e • --$.;W! M ' "744pp"1101"01- "' 1p, " . ,tiw i .,,, 1.w * I, _1. ' - telt r't.. _. +ir - - • < ` te14 a "' : 1" k I1} . d "n1. "4r. A -, ,_,t ,.M• e 0 • - t " I . k, -- - _ lief V. *a .Ti sna.:.u.. alt 11dt.aM. ea. - Tr. ,rx - -- -- --- ' ." e `b L piVIBiON CUURTY, Q (8 OK61 I "PANKOFtITE" a t A or NI ad* toatry. initriof d A•et raka. a l arres sed Nada TH[ swat Ut.Mw tetras• fit' .h. daia.d - - - - i A Illi ehoNed the pwplmts Nwhkl dwr haahteehwsd ll►b•oontidtrabl] Como&,.*.#Harem rad Ikw, w,u►e l.,fy°W.- THE tab+rriber I, L1IPf)RTAAr TO I'llL'U4J.VD`J. halo" SW swrfae• of ti• seas to is now rb vim.ated Plano* [•110•,°2: tow near n the eoocy that n Wised b7 the dd raot rt a•n A1YFk'8 EXTRACT OE ROC[ ROtE'. /iN'aad M •tayisy SI " saetiW is ream wrw•a l a,pretsr out us .Stationery rad Fa,tcy ;oocl : , 41 broaehas of tha le" Is Pet. Tbefollow- estaitase anew• doral frets tb• *area to C+rbo"o law, (R. illus) A, i nth M.••. set. Ware •Ifo far r•1 ,r. 1(w„a :,'\ ler.n,ai.lr rr•ntlr for to He• rtrlove I 4y Itth Datee6er, t3mleet WdL•n,a l_:rlb Nwtl, a aaa vaaf ll ' 1 •, err t, led+2en lost. R.nll RA,wa', )laetrr, 3.e Ma C(Maea M Wire ara•9r. / log rc•olityoaeweft aaan me0l adopted:- Sede••tt, a dietrnee of abort 21250 mike, late• 7 er.c,;;J a.mwtt' . + - lnest cal 1 Hvk Ilaa4arkr, Caviler. N. roma N v. I w►ee to roll ted M the tsah dwater .aouae Nt.tw■. P Mead by Mr. Was. Symington, aseond- FN N s .r tlaenam•e 3[.' rti, asJ t;erora; I1rWnr, .nJ u • P. - lit In. R L Y iii <) I.1O S t$ ('jr ,0+ [wa4 Ibtrl, Hupurhry, Huroo Road, Tues. y' rifler .d n6* W-.od,v oras al oJ. wedJ b• b t Y to wldN the NMI ,,, W y ash• eT. Cy. G. C•IltMtre, ani RI- t dry tltb Deoealtwr, Lsdwig Mry,r, 1;•,l tebradas the eaorppn Ppnnlattr.aw•n Work., and aswe the for ation afoot island seal CI*tk. ran, ,sg IkM d bkakaayNM, MJsoe, ty- 0- ' To be con. i -weal Ilial n I. the meet r %b. Umds,..ard arms, fmlly Someone* that Ih•i. w• •11-91 ran• ! "S. aotorid, 1►al lis trite k hKoaralisg adtasR N tat$Is tl dile Medi'eryn•ean. to l saran ►Pastor ran, Afoorc, Bores. 8crrt, Mitcasky, !a, `,c Witable r•eJlcine of I,.& d.), r•.•• her• ed7V J r1. 9, .s•.•,lul•.-.e•, with IM Portal c.:nolea. ••d r°ri,d ..wunwur IVa kov,, Terre, Village of Posse "s 8ic'Oa•rwr-Tbe Idk of Welllrsion, km. 1^ road tht les"no-ray Fir (•s rilirart. Art1111001+, ('11KAICALS. PATEICr Mk:l)ICI,Vt.B, PERF1 r ERT. 'fi,-. lgsors r the prehic Nowa, from which the rritaIry sdrb bettllit of • Net arrest didl illaauwW Ib* lives d Na .p 1_Cl' (.l>nl 9, P..I \T , RNURI IFP, GLA&w-WARE, U) t: BTUs F : , of brnWr M t wbdl t,sel•ea Townah,p def [iosa'd:a., Wednesday, IS,h Feb. 1 . Pt)••e, Jose- P.mr'r kl•deito• it Ia fovalookls, any oe•:t l T (-oI)0ij3,, P -I NT FT, PAPIER 1NALA& PLA'= •.° JOTW F , "- feenaftsi vprJ large properties Of the der 7 Fro• I rovers, 1814. C R. Marker, Clerk. Ph'-- FlNklln, JwAfaon, las.. !e. Also a sk,cb Po per►os sh..,.W he wuhout, WAi )1:%,%EL tY. Ac , dc., Arc " r-. Real variety o s Tt Bible% I Wort+, ►Fie► M I'ho R rb R,,@* hes gained • rrpOT.lm•, Fran ,hri, lana ,ap•r.*arF en III, Cie." du,e 4'4 d NawrLniunag 4 wl.xta -( rho Dru! 4lalioa, imgorality and a.tme wkreb is pts- i'HS 9oa► tAtR:f)Aem t paper read rouwrw stnaus. Family rad Pocket Bibles fs e1C2ant \tenet- al lieu,* end abr( wl, w kith ce etbrr n,eJi• Tani, Ik.y t•• wnh evali limen peer. flit P+alae Char Pharounc.419" tud Ckt•rsu r, 4 soleal in our count before the Boston Setet of Natural His- /les•tN'.Tavere. McGdfivny, TF.ar•d•y,29Jo co, Velvet and Fmbcased bisdisgs, Cuenes- l' pole'.o..• r7' 7 Dreenl,rr• Oen. Carter, Cleok' odes, Blblical Eacl•clo 1 e Fie ham ever JOne ,n IM ,au.r I. o b al wW b*du Moted b the Isar. O. G. Calbmore tory, it appears that the soap plant grows red as,! d' p►M.d a•h•rro,aryred cs•ettiL *,a t ] rvsw Dlvu,..e An extensive mawonnew' of Scbrol Boat. i1°P Thr DHtUGs. CIIEMICAI.S, O'.1.11", trot, sou prl.ie theft SaWk, blow* ban a,INrulrub , •i all over California. 'Che leaves Talk@ ap •ink'• Tavern. Lo sd•n R a.f, W Music lord Dressing Books, Slate* etre. A Ace-rdirg to it., ,•r inions ',•f Postoral rot• li. m .Ito toe, w•..t,e•, er d flet loosely mod sewnpl,uueme,w ill cwep.lr laswrably witb oar ever r• teeooded b] Mr. Wee. Symington, Nd Q edn,sd.y pearence about the middle of November, fisib, December, lift. Thomas Triven, Clerk. great rarieiy a( Ledgers, Dar -&wk*. Meta,. phistetant, the Rnrk L•oe. plant a nn• goal Of""? A. ,Ins r*12nt.w!ow'.1 Reaodted, what Ibis meeting approves of or about aiz week* after the rain *Saxon randum Bob; Fool•ca Poet, Plain and Fan- rd in Ct.n- orf., a is Ne rm,ho.• r, nnr 1 n' I{••h•ent, o ...old direrl „r,rl.[ aftemti•a a the I pluck o+ potent Pro ria' a,. f 1 Taira anwo■ P, s • r r: of moral suasion is the advancement of the has full eel in; the plant never rows more M*Il...al's Tar.., diel*inn uvd hearten A,h. ev No (.r Paperer EnveMpeP Nns, PeuclK ( Tr a Nick fired- r In Cl •t Prot anal = a= Li'411D e r'ra•d Ings ,k• m.+, p•qr lir u•A appru.,d Yd ,xi I[.m*d,-r •• y ' P g Geld and Wowaea.b, Mose• Prnho!derz, Lidla and Ccmm m luk%. Ink. Chr. Pic claim, uasy her*gt.d a ., rcrd r 'fi•d,y, sod ani''• h slot• sus t+ povrrh.. J whet • g,sr ar.r'islr ..,,q„Lod, Temperance tenet, it u nevertheless their Ticae a foot high, and the leaves and stork James Bails. E,q., Clerk. t 9 h J.gavy, 1851, ataasds Blottsaw Wafers. Sealing Was, las., ro.•0,J K ` 1 My {..told al a .., t seer F.ssnn•. Ntsp-Pr.ga;Fn to rad o11,,w, Navies Ili, far✓,d H..r*,•. taodid and deliberate opinion, that a art drop entirely off in May, tbough the baths sn,srw aew-a • hr. All of whi, h he is determined m all at 1 , , tlar ,brf bas..,b h.a•t Lw awl, • arerd.d a•c,,r,rl of IIORhL ars CAT 1 LE 11k:Dlt'15 I! t•. . P P the very lowest advance upon tort• and lull Thr Canter &11.1 Nfu ,ing 6-,•r- .."Il .. .11:,41 Joy .sill mMuro, werrr,J frena -be Polito .,d ".,tl u .aJelarr.,rJ n ...Fiat remain m the ground all summer wille"t Cusa,oa, T•.ere. V,Ilag, of 11 -YR Friday a. cheap at. such can he plsrchased at ally 11, numer• u. Carr•, ,.arc buh s," t.iti) low- 1 M" tan'ok .( PET FCM1 RT, lop aft,o, Twilet %wt-. F.a• y S. are. I --,,t,s, r logo, • d from The interference of the Legislature r decaying. It is used to wash with, in all 311111 December. David lfodd ltiorh:,, Evil • othereuabtishmenc An ire, ti with Ilse Liquor frolic, it u iwade ole ase Clerk. 1'K it of ►ia ' J' Le••I.in Watr1•, ear raxr/►1g .9rirt is, N*e.e u d w rel «In,,d. &, it .. 1 ..res v. .e.po,r q q Parts of the country, sod bl Iboae who Stock is invited fe,L,A' F •r .•I • hr by iorme,lias t rrella.,sa N remedy for national iolem nate. know its virtues, it is referred to the best The Sattls2s-flhsseveral Couruwill elm LEWISALL: v. CE. JA htt[ YAItf OK=. f1,nFti.', s -( P., Pe P gtt• Ther con also hennas ih.l ifb e.0d41'ee• their !rock -( ATATIONER Y, o..ed.rlr Moved b7 Din Stephen Yates,teeosJed of song. The method of u.ias it is merely evneer pslee.le.Ilr i, I I -'clock, A. lit, Godericb, Sept. MTh, 1tn wet Wbo,1 .•le and Re -ail Arob1 Ido Go:lwrteh Fa -h -(lap, P•.r •rd .i,•to Pspe's..1; q.di(ift; plain teed lose) F•_r.I.re ,a Pa. it.r. , n• R - P ARTHUR ACLAND, J C. C. er.J r.c i r v. still gro.seel d• aler in tyro film -it Aar• es, B•.-ke n( Forst d••vrFi;wu . with . v-ne•y of Aide,. 1• Popl,t 31*rL., hn•r.. .: to strip off the husk, dip the clothes into Oerstfi,d to be a true C., b] tile Rer. O G. CuNamorc, any ReaOlcd I y' R r'. M O V and hi, d•, tn,., pain+°, say J,rpan,d. all .Lich th-r are J-Inrnin«I to di. Por .f etre tut earh, the weter,aad rub the bulb on them. It QANtF.I. LfZARB, A L . Vdr. Ike.. Le. P„ p That as union is strep tb, & co -o Brat os is Also br 112 U• r . 1:1 k Ca.. Ila,prrhte: Ia,«.tree pu.,:Lasere .d Pelee;• ,. ,II 41-d TL* g P makes a thick lather, and ,molls not unlike Cl,rk lel file rr.c,• V I;ORTON begs to intirr.at- to Iii, Dl I,t \I. K. -I. rick the Temperance tease is necessary to sue- (»toe of the t; took d the Peace, n r Iune•rdinP ; J. Gmrrd• 707 ■_ » t Q tl l it 1R ,`W W , T , P• J brown sou The botanical name of the A, 33 • t - Ill h T Remo ere and trieM • to gene- for. C.I f. d; R. 1.1,watlM. C!iataa. IWr l+r.I (gaol,, a. . m•rn,•rr at u•, pills a qua;ified I l y,re.ao a.•d au,gv„n (Dr lot I. ) P (i„drrilb, Owi. 17, [9SJ• rel, tbxt . e has Removed hill hu.ine.• to ho, cess, we form ourselves into an association plant is PbalaD_tum pomardunum. Be- New Building~. one do.r We,t of A. Lev'. ,'eetiphlrh /ovalis. twillbte,w••'awl) In uuda°ce. to be styled the " Colborne Union Branch sides [his plant, the bark of a tree is also '--- ______ -- - Store, on the North side of'Ae hfa,k,I Sol.cive. \1'L[Iles,le Arent Inr Vanasta. R. D. R F YNOI.DS & Co, Prohibitory used to South America, for the purpose of rI o tilt Settlers Of the lluron when he 1s Prepared to ezecuir all Older* i° s. 97 P•,+rrin•i, ro e.•w ,✓*d aiih seeuras mod dr ofcb. ' P P J. C. Dula(:: of the Canadian I rohibttory Liquor Law r , , his line, at the rrneal M"' y ro wtrhing. Seven) other planta have been j yNICt. Jit possible notice. ['"7•'rtrr nfr•rPinw BriffrA aril American Q.Idorieh, Jul! ;Boas.. 1te3J• ej-wRa League; 'Na to be guided by its conatitu- ased ig different countries as a substitute Galerieh, Der. Ib• IM3. r43 1'•'rr.1 1teJTcmra. K'y $tmel. llamlltos - ---------____ -. - tioas for soap. rr IIE UadrrdyiAeJ bees Irate to give to. Sr.._ f _ - - V. W. ' Nin$i 0 11 1 i The followinger,ons were appointed "'- "` I 71101 rtu'Fl 0 li`C 71fC. I ' 1 P PP uta to all these wale ,°ate have sn) S.%DDLB A N D HARNESS6 , i., 13 l t t 1) S , bonne.• !o t.ans.et with 2112 Canada Cn°i- 10 O!CWARf) AND I. PRfiVlICO. 1 ; 0 R I N o6ten and Committee to telt] out in Pony that .ince the rei°nval of their - `_ 1 On New l'eer's day, the wife of Edward W. a left r TN proof of this, lk; public Werra ; 3w m • 1 A r The most efficient manner the objects of the TilIbu it, of bon. from this lowr, he has delermlaed tti u .en 1 y I etL Sft'eK CoJtri,h. •4, 1 are invited car call at lila shop rat • 18 6 1 1845,411 League. with authorit to add to their sus• o6the morning of the. instant, the wife o[ •° agency o ffjes hate fur the benefit cal ' .^ " g 7 g Bores. b HORTON, sod judge fur HE $wbtlibr 1 GesN:•rCrx, of t daughter Ihise who may not wish rb e° travel [c Tu• thrinlo lrrs, ove , L IlaaAp F r' r No to trinsocl their bunrieas in rCrsno. The Subscriber having kept pace with for 1 band • ,land Aoon.lki - WILLIAM 8 T O R Y . •I , President, Air. Stephen Yale*, Vice- -' From h-■ thorough knowledge of the Cum want.. and wi•hcaof his numerous supporter, lout of saddles, tlarrtr°, Arc. Alae, a . ' f tU 2260 C t: i 3elnents, piny'• mode .d transacting MurfnN* in Guderich and the vicinity fpr the lett bre Quaui;:)- u(Ltather Trunks, Valises and Car- (s rPrawl. Ianr-Fti s.o•s .au Ala•orac onaa n► art zc.rq or ANrctt.roaat. i51PLiiJi TF r i President, Robf. (;ampuell; 'Treasurer, u • (hav,ng been wU I flit,. employed in Ierir fear, i. naw Ihlly prepared C: ora prartital ea- P'I Bat.. with a choice sckrtiva rf English AGSO-ynn1•) lsbine. Grf*t 51d's. Saw 31JIo Tur+oua-Le/hee xN Wood er i,wn. 1w*h Robl. Dbanaon; Secrtta; r, _ `'renin$- --------'-- - , nfec) Lu G el. confident that Le can aid ppecrirnce and increased facilr•ln, to supfrl. made Wbips, Bridles and hl:,rllDyalea• lo- ..iii -machines, P'"aterr, Strew l'nn're, hough. mud Plough Cit.uoga, Su...., P.ts.h woof y°par WOOD 1 W DOD I i Farmer*, prorr sional men, merebaats, stage retl,rr ailk the sawe Articles of its. own Vas- [,t.1 R.-vid &-,ar'r.. Wellen & Pilr Buxtt, lr. , hc. IlItA9S CASTINGS sod 8 r ton. i Ind save sandhi tsua to all ashore •tele m"7proprietors, contractors and keeper car Livery u(cctvr.:. alit• Spills„ BrushP9, Com!•. and a;1 S•1J[T'N(NO DONE TO ORDER t The staid* ibn wd-aid mlw, inform the Prbite that h Pao+ ` aY of our Sub deed tha o[ paying regnvn his merrTre. Cteveyanefo9. I,.nd tabes, &c., ssio N (Alter :alcles lha' are generally kept by Sad at n..•pr.., n„st* • Brady rued,, the C, loahall, a of hi• E'lobli•hawat fur the pr dserl M.N Committee: Georgi Aeates, \l eland 1 aul,ccept iu Wood, acre is&umed that it ssuula •1x1 General Ag-4ccy OMer. also a lin of - Tile a,Id Ilaraews.facers b 9ccepiabl roe. l serail ars, and sugar Hiira•a*. Il.. r•speW lly invilcs The a. -Cation, oribc AP-=JMMZ-tltl; r , R TZQLEg" ;41 EIIioU, Jobs Caupkll, }Iugh Moreland, t;timat O a Is^d• +Fir rale kr;,i . area a registry d Ihe.e eoiFri Plats, Rraa,torSNlver MrntneJ. Heber wi•hfn tu••arrha•evi,thonlehan change 1 als+Iju ; fcedalugcaawnrn:cled- trousN inhrbitams of Gudrlicb,and surrvundiag And [„b,Pei mile u: all linJiol alae'.iuery, w.11 cow be Aland a be 9awrpared 11 Ibis ,+"- and .lanes Jones. GoJerieh, 22, 1653. e R P Y'oll9tty W his mock in Trade, eoxfadent that q'etacm D.asnc:. wbrrr s a.le Is •trot ,d, a lira a m.nitraie S.Dor.ra in addition to those of his own mean• he liable to foraiab them wl:h whatever that Further Resolved, '[bat the Committee par cealage wit! be req,.iced. facture; al,oruundand flat En. -16h Bridlesand may require is Ota lice of Bussnta, tev rr any `s /t1 f w `,j' , n now named be aulborized to tzpesd any N O TI C E • test. Rearareo , Irlaninga6s, Ruffaloskias, lest-tlankeu, 7Tc1v1 s s7 j V ♦ E` t wFj Sjj ' HEREBY Gubid all persons hartvxina G„rd A e Whips,ch u,itI than aur other la/a 5 to or Weal cat ► J . . • Portree of t,;r fouls necessary for premo:irr+ I ) Pe g q rt, &r. • C ITlL•. Brushu, Curry Coa•b., M:.nr Hawolta,, S;Iddtta Gu,n $S ,o $,0. Dtras► * ° m ' wast,, Mary McNrigh.aal shall nix pay C.n.tP.lek. Jar, IA. 18.63. .N_I, 1 - yice-Chaias, and every thing con_) l elves ]I.watvd Iforin"P, from WO ale 3+W lie is also a2san.aclur' the objects n" ll,.- a.•rn iat iun. ray Debts of her eouu actfug, as bhe has Icu I Decicd w ith a general Saddlery Warelwtsr. r ens Ihr n I&h had Il Codi ted &alStore Lo fare TA ll otheys i the id t my bad and board ruhout any just caume. M H. }lorton has no herfialion in %rating QpWM. STOTT . 1 certl6eJ Dy the br,I jodtrs is (area la brad ihs United Slalea, In sarpasa all when In the tans - 1'hal thr >cetdin+,. of this ?.eetin be Pssfre M. Caincrun'r Store. plrrevess rel its Coupruetiun. while ashore who,use it 1'esnh that tan saving of fuel. Cooksn h' ° JESSE MorflilGH. LARGE AND CHEAT' STOCK OF l than tousece•are in un art t -brm, acthn-euf N. $.-:Also a few choke Bad•Ilo Ropes sat laefluitserd gMeral u;il;iy it has yet Dorq•.at, for sale at the Foundry and at thy Sr/ t,Til,r'st rublialnrd in ILe lturon $ig,utl acd the Tack*rsmith, Dee. f1. 1363. Pati -St• sy tonne in Canada Wewl t`atcmpl.lye Gni Hr>e Wahketa I1° Shnp, leu 1Vrst aaert. CALL AND 9EE. FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! I claim., wMiciiies and manufactures malting 1„12 -, Spirit rf flee Age a wi riorarticle of stook. Gtdrilch, Oct :..h, 1-g3. r6n38 WILLIAM 1Jt 3TORZ. NOTICH'. I >x &'. Wxos. 5j'.IINGTON, See'y. THE Subscriber grateful fur the encourage- Horxssever known to draw in at,,- other oo Orderich Foundry, 2nd Jaooar„ 1[51, n Colborne, 27tb Dec.., 1853_ r TiiE Subscribe", John Youngand lames 1 meat and support whi,•h has been extend. II• -rasa.%, r+xk in Lis, such I+ the rsufi of the POCtNU3 aC GUI -ort 7brta4 leo ted n him for the Iasi two tears he Las IM, n i° I sc icuce of fitting. land. ani[ for gale by r Lav, with mutual coa.txt of the alar Bu%inns in this place, begs leave re, c. T Tl•e sub-criirer woul•t anicutaifr cnil the BENJAMIN IPARWINIS, 0.N Y A R1 o. WANTED IMJIEDIA.TELY. i Subscribers, Peter BucLacan, Isaac Bucha- P- (all. r West sweet. G4derith. It e naa, Robert William Harris and Robert to solicit a croatluuanre cat public conh;eoce attention cal interning porel:aura.to his ar.,.rr. AIARINE AND FIRE 'INSURANCE STEADY Farm Servant, to take d To the Editor ojtAe Huroo S+gnal, anent of Ladie>' and Novciebcr e rd, Itltr3. 4g e _ 1 her, Ei reified ai the 1 hirtr-Gm of Decent- ' o ick favour. .1) mono is " Small Profits and L."Zin mt•ns'sa cits sshich _- COMPANY. 1, of a small Farm In the nelghMut6 ss! ,0: ` Sia, -It may not be unacceptable tether, Eighteen hundred and li til hree, from quick Salts" t targcra.:dchcapert:anan)that e:e°hebss r IaKnJy.rrwf.dA3•.ld►jProw fr4rfinAra 'he Town -wages z3o per ansnm, ps shh, , Having just receir,d a Lar:,e and tell iAfm, ctrt.JG•rsale THE FARMERS INN.41 your leaden to the rural settlement of the Co -pat tnenhip Buttner preygti.!pcanied K 1 Sadd;cs for cash from S to S°5 jaip1 181-1a)u .• a`tkiratf tLq°Crowto rlrLauds 06cee[D leo by the whole Sutrcn flea (rho were the .c.erttd a-wrtmeut of Faocv suJ Staple w t Applylift. tr Y y' Huron, WhO,welcomo the week) visits of r v HUbtpuL IiORTOS. - ES -FRS, Ahdrew and Abraham Uouv h I1EAD O 'FICE Al' }IADIILTUN." R y •Pie Buchanan, Harris Liverpool, under the Arm of UitY GUU1l: , GRJCERI}tete Market-Fquare. 11 g Godcricb,4let rhea 1[363. trig '- I ; your journal, as those Of a domestic Buchanan, Ilsrria rad Company; at Hamilton, Cr xtCrT and fie rdwarc. Boot- and Shoe., Godo ish, Oet. lath, ItTi3.I c5 -n3 1'"v'ng recently piatharcd lite wad ntarC,'oae! in Cal oda, soder Ibe'lirm of Buchanan• Young r^. ith an assortm, cat of Joiners Tool., whirl Inn, ruJ fitted It °, in a rt)Is In .Ceommo 11Apb C. 17. Or. E.g. M. Merrill, r',.q,• •s• friend, to find to your columns at this and Cum prey; at Montreal. in Canada. under will be found nn to be surpa,sed tv any other dere T,m\rllvrs, sn,l Ihr. pebita In jraAeral• D)r ', (lf•wlhy " J. F. MJ01'I. •• ..Qk"JU11AV season of general fistlTitiea and mer roe Rrm of Hurt Law red CrsmpPer; and as house the ssist, rithrr fur veri,tr Fir *hear- I W A X T B I) As a kr`tne gtaloiol tsar lbs Fatruaeee tX•' 1': tan Carrel', Jem. P U►luane. '• iTl.lCb end R.ir l.inae,J U+I , r7' and sort under the firm of Isaac Bsehaeau poor, A large assortment or hied Shawls, t "oiled Puy:.cdm local Tu ears oad b D. C. (lra •' Char A. Soilltrtt*• F,nb 11•ha:e Oil makings, a nfertsoe to one dowatio and Company. P' T this OE'F►CE:, an ir.ie.ligcrt Bo;J 1 s y', M \- Wiater Cap•, Fan and Boas of all kind., I al.o.it 15 or 16 v„Ir. ,•f a n-ew r ,Li.if a eruhhuauee o/ the saute Jamra Altlnlyit, " E. C. 'i'heyn`c.", n Dlechor cry and (Hive 01( same of dee and effecting interest, The Jubtc: ibex. Prt'r Cachanaa, lure Bu- gee , , P g ebThe Ruben rm Pr -r Mar rt and Nolen Whole%ale end Rerafl, Ready made Cloth- God, lch, Dec. L -t, 1153. N. B. -Go. d Liquors eta band. Goo) Janoea se O Ing in grrat variety. - o Mathkre4e, IuAtatWtbon, " Cold press, of Itiretur Oil[ The writer has no means of ageerteie• Leckie. are soothe. it d :u u, IM and disc! a • ui.blro an. cat .uf leu a i;.LK) f b6 Sob c• g loran app••iwfed P•k 5rm1 Mot { UKOCERDES.-Teas Sugars, Trbae-ns, ) ibrt herrn the deft to, nod will pay the debts o,o ing bl Cf a . r R E . Z ANDRE 110.\txift, Yarni-h iTur l' ing whether the religions element isordi- the Cu rtuer•►i Cigars, Green• Roasted `and Ground CuffK, 1Asext at G,Nlereh, far dos above hieh P•w1 1r•tJ Mo'a%ws, Syrup, and Vinegar at the best qual- I rT,DU0TION IN FURNITURE! ! • ARRA!,IAM DONoG11. ! roe tan For rah• h• Warily exhibited is the same way. Y•, PET BUCHAlrAlg, lfea. ` G•adrneh, ltU, July. 1y58• , ib•oY5 i Caa).sar, le propend ti. BF.\JA.f1Y PARct)iA[Br ISAAC BUCHANAN, treat Inrurabtc at the* most trss'tr able if it be not, the example may fairly be By his Atterscy. 1!_ z _ o! I rrITE Subscriber, grateful for Islet UPON nurses. shiropiaR and Geledr. Drul"iat, ►tint 8ftert, (:bluish • .11 admitted to be worthy of 'imitation. In I Pwrma HDCPANaw. [.amp and Paint Olta,Olive oil$,Cold ppreel 1 pa,t.fayou.sbestowedonhim. o Lvt or to Sell. TIWUASNiC1k►1,1.8_r Astrt. - - - - - KOBERT W. HARRIS, ed Castur Oil, Varnish ansiTarpentise, Vlrhite now begi ten intimate til I -' Godrrieh..131h Rk-lov•. 1833. II% 34 Is 11' U H A U E. this ries of the matter. tbo parties oleo• JOH t YOUNG, Points, Yellow (h:brc, Ptms.ian Blue, Vene, public g•rersi y, stat lie has .. - oerned will be tlr`first to impute the JAMES LAW, T"IU .,JAITLANI) I1i16Tii.I.EHY. ,I l roan Itrd. groune, end Brunswick Grecs- «moved trotn lata ole B:aid sic) l a 1H yes K'ratr. Gaezaar,B Lis Attorne soar -e an.: ground Emir. know as fine Godc•richC.bix two roesw Irnu Nee Towg'..( Ii.Nkrieh, FALL & 1 INTF. (jo0m,motivsslDf this publication, to tbo one y y' ll 1L, l 611.0 Baasit,U0wi , . . thtre. is u , mnrr Uist ;lur with,*' r JONN LEC A. t4c RuL.eriber rrefcn the "Nimldr Six- and Chair Faefoq,.tn Lis NEW SHOP, two 7 apa) - - •,'.t10R llaef/zs N Qf1A. w - bere imed for it, namely. an humble (KOREKT LECKfE, pence to the Flow Shillinz"-the pnhlic may dnoya North of Mr Herr'a. Brick bufWinlt. m+tis of t1.o 1h••vr. Pvr (wast Yiirr► apyly ,tmso i mp fhb Amy M T. KICNOLf.19, { By his Attorney, rely upon g•ninr± GOODS at a small ad%anrr Kinhst„n St. 41 :he !seer 1iRa tI (Mee or t+r Ike club i 1 hefaeevir tereiv uj hpFRl Wiftw Aa -" .WA a •''• tribute similar worth, and a cess to •neon• (( Parrr Becs.a.N. upon coat. It trading p trcha-.en will do we!] , Those of the Public desiross of purehasiog sriler (!I b) inner pool pas I I £tock a rolsh ruble on. of wht (s a . e+ U 16 rage to similar obsensseea. Asar P.rrcuow, W ianesm. to calf an7 examior IKtnre Lying e!sewhrre. ;will Grad it to thrix advantage to eat! any ez- A. '1'. 1:(► j'1'liOD1ER}. I icadv W karil; rminr ag s o ofjir, . is a& ^ ' Taareas Starnes, Witness. No sec,nd price. Al kinds of merchantablr ! arnin' his St:,ck and Pi ices brfore urc`,asiog G Jcf.eh 4th Abth,,11153. Pia • I Tweed•, CacstllrA Grote die., taste Laaln a The fob are bried these .-On Sab Produu Wren in ezcban at the. hl 4e.t cash P `• O i /7 _ g'' g :I cohere, bre•-i-Goods to great rat)•trW bawl.. n bath tensing last, being the first day of ITA reference to the above a-tificatios Pricy' AD Ai preniice wanted to the above hn•iness, llo owly Flannel,. B)•i J1zP1 - rAM -BY D. GRE1 _ of the retirement or Mr. John Yoa A. LEVE. D9AAl7 .IAIITiY: _. FIOR . :. _ _ t.tm-allskin , Waddbrs, le.,Qa _ the New Year, the amiable and reBpeot• and Mr. Amn Law. from IheirCo-partner. Goderlsb, Nor. )5th, 1853. n4l N. B -Ca,h and all kind. i.1 eruluce taken ' Alar on baxda eboiceasvotlPWA otTea.of rlt 3Mtel, Geterieh. of iwfel " ed Laird of Gladswood in the Township ship, the original or Senior Partners beg torr- N. B. -Ali Notes of Hand aa: Sauk ar- in rzchangr for Furniron. 1. 111. - lou)4ncw gnditt, sold ■Oei.yal•hkdtit Gator. a ,* tl(Ur B ooerkh B t timate that in carrying on the general Basi- counts are hereby requested to be settled rn or G..•.:e+:ch, Den 15:h, iK3. u40 A "AR?" lee tl.t Ilumo Bozd, 101 miles ryes, Wiliest pall Llquf,tt• Ilaidware Creek •ry A1111masi 9'nthm• of 'McKillop, and the oldest inhabitant! ne•lo, at the several places, they will make the before the Gni of J:nun . l! rte, otherwi,e they , 11 rr„tn hsderich, rt •l tI fmm the llonri.h 11bJ pia,•sare, Nulls, indow rr r litter is tt►i+ _at• • in 21122 fiorisbie Battlement, Archibald following alterations in two of the firms, firm will be handed to ,tic ClerL• of the Dicui•a all,; village of Cifntrrr. containing( . I Nrts, i1 : PD'17o a/ottalloaiRtekwrpbnt trnr Rn+vr 'tl1eA g Oils ,1'ur(t•1tnr,'lc., de, And me 4,y'n gourd, why Auld we draw waekr ane suer .he First January the i is with a curt for rau-cTiaa. WILLIAM AI A L C U M DI era tstor land, >ll el sshkk are chatty, %V. MAC 3Y• Br area tot ►1. y, Dickson, Esq , gathered the around him in 'Ante that they asuonoce the admfsefrn es , wish a Sidlreaud Cerclling House, Saelydvu.e, C,oieriih, 8111 Oct.,1363, si -to-betreb; eleea OM1 Alto f a domestic re Psion, the Tattlers members •nnen leas r ot.of he Ba is of C/•sit Nor at Pru E4S to lolimate q, bis frientds and• the Stable; Cauie -hrJ, and every cooyet,iruce for Ra61 - r tarivia„ air a businews as well as a Farm.- • Ilia B--tr keep our feet fir -or, wet •ed Crew told. ant Manager of the Bang of Faro lr North Am- NOTICE i:. FaWic generally, that he is nowl'leeeiriarg 1W,, an urchald fn tall bearing, t n the prod- i 1, 13 I I N G S A L 1 B weans r y, s w ill I— Io be *Wt Of his extensive family oonoeiion to the erica at Hamihon, and Ma. Fevosate Lsma. oC (-TAME into the enrlosu•re of the Sut1•Crfher hi. g• j., L r A 1♦ • f t ar rams V •t• Li an A,4rry Gtt tel up w ifb east rr avuve• 11 second Iasi sews. a Ly Nwuld w. draw katkp second and third geoentions. Inds- New York, the former, with Ma..Laoea►, to Lot Nu. t, 2nd Concession, T, wn.htp of FALIi AND \YI\TEH!t STiICK1 sivt,ve amt a never lalling supply cat pure.wA Su now for his Slat _hik ah, elear Ilse Inc►' take the Management at Montreal and Mo. Hay, ■bent the eighth .•f December, tastant, tonwistip►, of Dry Goods, Urocerid amt nater. E'vt iurthrr par,lewls.a and teff• ,TR tMRdOOCR 1 t Dl CTIO c IX PaaG Ea. pendently of the adult portion of the Lima, as hitherto, to conduct the business al a Cow, a white strip lea the back. And are.! Crockerr; together with a large rarlcq of a t w le 1113 thole stock of Goads, hclon Ing todro He has lived to. ibis To" them* tan. yroye crowded assembly, Do fewer titan treaty- New York. Arld they may take this upper- Steer one year odd past. The earner is re- Road ilade Clothin cousisiiu'uf aver ah•I Tame, tunity of assuring ,they friends and the Trade, quested to ,rove y r y i f g• PP) R. TIIWAIT&S. 1 Faro firm of Marss,x.d and Keays, must Trhaa►s hi. h1esA r prove F'r(P(Tr a expenses°rod uoderCuats,Vests&PariminT.eed,Mnbai'. C;fw:twt,Now.15;b,11M3. n41r1 ho [tool ,bell!oascion IIlooresnd jowl juveniles of both seen eneiroled whore eastioard confidence they solicit and lake them ossa db did bef•ro the Gnu of Jaw fon laser:. „ r,d;.rF. work b.intt wMsi+ald w, Au. hark'. him u their graadsin, and wished him rci ill or-ao-th a, hefrseomote qt ge m st a gen- JOHN COLLINGWOOD. and ma and who he can recum- ,,/tCtj 'ai aslr C Uf L(!l/fip. r orally or- tu,:h a. Pour promote the most *ser• Hay, Dcc, 24. 155:1, I T,od Goode, and cheap, ehuuld call al oncr. e, Is happy New Year. After a plentifa gene and efficient management of their r,spec- r.47 3:• mend as being superior in cheappe.s and • hrir old custnmtn arc Irularl) Inv(ted tar So sow line are ..hylIt e1e9r vb,r and lazariew ro t, seT•ral hours were tire Fitablishmrnt•, steps have al.o peen ad- quality in any hitherto offered in fists locality. Mr` tnakf 1 \V. M. beg, further to state that he has rsenr. D.a:1 C• w -Gra w lots •n carte viii, mare lXcially, as the Fin- lro' opinl to tire. for the future, to their Importa- g l OY Yiltae of a 1Crit Aer>ignN bs• ju t relutncd ager h•vin Pond: Twe juste, m.. .4, - most '1 mot w ble at in the reoibGos tions and Stocks the mon genual and attract- WANT D , cd another rrn%igmert u[ P. U Ayr, -'s cele- Melee+ 044 fl. x.11 "( /', ra brew. u• •1 c i 1.. N n :ed Nt orf ilrr Ata t w Pall any 1Vrpler pnrchnecs, q compl c t4.• node"lob.. car 29.A. is5) and singing ofpsalms,b me ands twit lye which their Business counrctio° htat,d Ca.t -teel Au;;rts, which hate already, T f' F Pchool Teacher for Schaal retlon Nn.2 nix tee ►leek, wAicp ria Lr a Aeat g g u 7 P has for °omerine been demandln = I McKillop One baring a Second Cla-, iren so much approved of wherever used, anal t Court cal t4uax's tleNch, say W Fie dincied week. nJ•eard P not songs," on the part of boys and girl, BUCHANAN. HARRIS &'Z!.., Hamilton. (,ertibcate -Ill be preferred, for lulther pari• ■ large a.soriment of Carpen,cis' Axes, A•;zre+ log:ia./ the LAN& rad Tewmc'nl• to Rubett' W, J 1CrsMs9. T I d, B r n i. BUCHANAN. HARRIS &Co., Montreal. colors apply ,o and Chisel-, which he will cis of at I Anr.trosg a11be Sok o1 JUIM DUh; M Ike l dTlQ +f$Ibcreby giros tint oP is prayer, reading the scriptures and JAMES CLUFF, llamitiwn Retail ptfccs. Pc+I D,m sett FI.NLhV Jdc1j*LI•:, l arc acltrJ Baffle;reg Partner.q O •. L. Alet•wtitx. jr P itAAC BUCHANA•IdaCo., New Yurko h rill M marts to the I cttJmta * religious eon Teration on that of the PETER BUCHANAN lCo., Glasgow. JAMES GRIEVE. Trustees. i Goderieh, Nur. 30th, 11353, r6u43 nr,d ratan hr hsea:u:io,i floor [sax cat LorI (l,Aerirh. Oea. 1•J. IWI. ygn3C nett lic"'n For sti4h Ian latyyp4yym , BUCHANAIt, HARRIS! Co., Llreopnol. JAMFUs SCO'T1'; I Nuess. s Oaa,(..uibillo"atr) M !hc To, Ir- t Wanted -,3A)0 bu,W% „( Timothy real, Wr Pact, for the yp {1powe of pmsywetins ,s . parstlts and grand parents Evsr]thisg 13amthon, G W., 31u December, 1891. 018 Ito Mcaillop, Dec. 27, 1[363, a4N -' .bill led B.JJmpa, witch 1 .bad utter for rale •which ,he hlgheu ca h price •111 bi glw.n. s ay frd4a the T I*e o1 ClutyIrh M Use . woo is strict leepiag with lobe saorodnea --`- - _ -` -- - --- N:O T I C E. at .n:c e;.,u:: 1: -,m, sd the '1'.,rcx of Uodcrtea, ; -_ -. --- on the Genevieve Ray, at cr, grar tors . • oil WeJue.de) the Tornt)-tint day of Ve- of $vdenbsm, tscludfr//rr a Drancb at the set day NOTICE. b l c(u,logr xrzt, at Ike Lour of 'I or, a the, t3uQalo, Brantfordrind (indPriell Rbitwet from feawp"4 hl- pnlst x11 the lip 1, . in ash! Wbrad the solemnity of the meet- MSr. School. Gore (k), bei of the Commnn TTE the o Gone gsrd Moll r t a of the I,1, Whose indebted to (icor a •11.11.•1 caved awx. Ibe et: doasr••switW.le ing What sp•etaole mon pleasing than ) g VV R Railrin7rll lrrt fFs }fntibeF. 9ehol, Gudrrieh , here anzieas to raiz WET Gu'ericb, , o hereby agrro in k l;o of the Godericb PouNdry either I JUELti a/cDU\,ILD. Shviff. i Ir pin.e/•M111ieNlra' . rd tante )lfoa A a certain sum of money to pay led aom, jam close owrrn tiro Stores rot Monday I 2ni by Note of hand or Book account are r - llutuu bloc Bi lace. Js t open such little sties Istwew recpeeslftIr to that of a [emits ale circumstanced, blend- debts would be glaAq attenA at am private day of Janaaty, 1851, la lien of New Years ol,wried to call and here them te11:eJ os car i' Sheriff', Wire .(R.W N to Gleed awwl adHa r 'rig tblotie• of eonangainity ill the holier, house, to teach two or three pupils, from seven Day. hetet Ore * saw olu*ale is eel0000".. @vel • U*1 e:hefir,l MJoneIrn, erArItother.('well,.211st"A.1903 # u341d 'nthCNL - o'clotk to ten every eyeing, for moderate re• W.J.ICes rr W. E. Grace. debt. ,IaP t- The tame rstablibhouert o to I SIXTY MILES. -+-t-:-- ^•s- w*. T••o.+• r, „r and more enduring sympathies of chrie monaration or hr would bebappy q write ^r James Vfatson If. R. O'Conner, P rilS'i "O\N;EN 1'. - co i° a(air legible hand, torn one inbusi- hr first of Januar 1 ♦T and alter Tuesday, ob a49mbet' tae ' ,,• Lias lore I May the time soon tome Pf g y Twomey h G000it.g, Vans.very ! Gadthor T• 8b2, goo bre. troll I 1h.- ,. L•, t -.e. p ••r1,or.• d unit' the 99 I. O itM3. qr(t train will ra deav,.14*mU%, I t7 ti7f/1% , nen, or make out accounts, s, during the, hours M. B. Seymour, W. McKav, P' of the same nett, ,otherwise They '" Ian Do tw. we..aet •nt. I ota M r'A (NTAtR'Kalrehi at IF0%6 ask. w M. - rfmrw.ul _. • x when every family shall have to alter mentioned above, or from six to halfpast eight R. B. KeprxJds! Co. Bens.rman R FCrsnsoo Pini rd in Tbo loan.!* of the Clank o1 u.r Ili- Ii. ?irf>It\.ALD, aLd r:akdernta at 1' Lurk, l! 11. O. r ;d !' ;r { erected to the Gods of the families of sly in the mgqrrnnIng. H. & U NICRae, Parke & Cook, D Court for toltreuon• I . MtiN, iLAL . aru.v, d .* t nI. sewed a recw►s " whole earth. and who from the cibliy Gaderfch, las.9Fid, 1 4. s4f14c Wm. Mail.ru, FF q' T tigke•. ►w 1Atr FP - rJ `h,.:. C. Crabb, AV I LLI WILLIAM 61 1'I'l l . I l at Itrc Oftkr will irr Alex, Bre .a t, A. Dovey, Godrnch Fonndrr, •kola'. (` 1, ass i , u. 19 Ezebaa,te ttrret, eraNy port y al M*i. t n.r,..t .. U. r. / 141 gill, rtl•.o•eh : oPP ^iIc uac Mansion florae; I3•fn .aid n Arlt eller Phil " bi reale: Of personal and Tamil] religion there DISSOLUTION OF PdRTA'6RSX/P. McLaughlan l Co. W. .t, white, 1 tlb utApr0,t833. ga i I r :h•: Tittle& of&,. C-Iethm.a 'asset g pelr arid herbaswq s►w neer ill iv i! NOT` is hereby iron that the Partner- B. Parsons. pirwtt "hall go forth the tree principles of Oey N f g Goderich, Dec.96+11, 1fJ53. --- --- ----- - . ' - r AylLll.tNl \VALLAC6' !)up'r. of Itic Riser bar• Idi tttd ftp national tea •Aip heretofore existing lrtssren James 1147 I NjYI11 r.. , •• I yei.,4T I(Aki toes a ,g,.;, f prosperity co -incident with Oar Ball awd William Ball i• skis nay dlsdred by r M.IAf.a _` L A U 1 I ( 1 -_ _.,a.___a---- rheydar, a is I aw material and indttetrtal interests certain- mutual c mart t. __ { A -onto. het ing Bonilm, Rercipt. on r l ! S bp_ i 4 ` y, lyp,44 y JAMRc BALL N 0 T i C N. I i DO henhy far Md aA •a Ag*r'a'rw"trorr Marva txtrl'uT[,r n.) l ly net subversive of tlrom j ) perPon For per -Mu i, of hi. Age t., G -n Lw in ibe Sa)aekl E•. te,; FARi`iti RS TORE. a'r:. ,LiA 1•. I reams Df► Ttditoy WILLIAII BALL. e'reAoti,:g mT son James R,•bm•on. oti M ant ,e,in--xd o. 1•rr,. rat in w to Mr. Wui -- ' a*,er,. 1 11.11.111. yen tl4 1nb1. p S->!.• }IERERT warn thr paMfc against per. frcxn thi*dat., a. I will hw holy.1 hg, h, who wall ,1'..110 a,ra.:geurrhr. •n esr11,If+ f' ill 7'i1M ` ^ J a LiQ17ls. I ebasing a :Nuts of lland bald In my name w It re"Ititallite, for bxy deirs .hat he may .un l nut nwh anr••rwoom ,Ns be sot o Ali t'an•,n.a, n e Goods • e • Thr Cit,,aelttii/lcssae! - 'l`r '_ ,;"* Goderieb, January 4th, 1851, GRAM ;CHILIOL. d SJO, bJ) Donald McLellan of Bruce, as I v'Ot . I .h,. us...-bmtd lilt I:.ror,•u a u- U..t.w low -- a, _ hate: reerlrv,l 9d valDaiiun for Tb9 same. JOHN RORIXSO!I Ib, .neixr...t that E lmve• r tI1R fltisltMrtbJ la raw in rte 114 rcr ' _ Iw FIRE AT And I Ponhrr adrnisr that Anr McI.cllea, h.Dec, IAh, Is)S1. 1146 No Claim•, IIA* - ,•f AgnflPehh. wlM tt1 MtM••A r AOMIt•thra ,d •As Is, ret Nance Qtr*a=Q, AE Greatest, rkrol will be re -opened my wife. having left my hoo•.t and bed , w 1 _ - - _ I ree..gnised If not {re,cht..i o.uun lweNui K +isBilstflF t, t Taller Cbrio+t}w erre lee Modla] 9th skaR thettfdte putt nose o. my deli rhe tory - mora from .leis dors Mr. Qonaw ta1, p east[) fr$/r a sw/x.• w• of tt IhPGL' AND r Rrp}at 4fl( V V1 R e were informed ► t.. » ygpb 1 January seat. eooftaA lea my aecuuA:. BOA R ll I NG H OIT 8 L'. I , the L.r.,l A. rhea a•,^ r• etas• twfis Ir , ID l'W f.ore tha Pro*kv#o rr L' ,. A\Il;ti C.tl►Itrt ef•r h-„ fit 10 vhf• bTdtt N. detlpalab from Qee►•e, 19afyyda tit• (3lgwrd) A ACLAl(D, lA.1ES FRAP-R, Y Mar. T. B. Woos Hw..i rsetr0.o n•i„nct 1. 111", E,,.r11., and Ft," Ir,•re.•Ig 4rx1 aline Le a.ti w11 G 1;a•h 8•••L,n rw an AMP, tee -,proles. S Hing, that • •bale bltleik at the t t of LI Board d Trgstesk Kisesrdissa, De* rots 1(262. n47 is 8trett. i tri with iii. Aro Asenl of G.,krhe dY 111• t ,r . t,wcl.yy 11 rr , , ka sl tr rte 'I' 11:,V'1'1' with aaflkwttr Fir fttni typpl (► r!Ir 44th, i eb4t-1) seas.•. PI+N rKl!fT. ' Torok1A etlk)tbe +Sl AR: Mountie Btrral Lessee Tew Godetfeb, Nov. /q •w ►ee Carr lo•. . old 11. •.e ing the s•bN >ti inebad- NEW GOODS. - - - - - IaA4.t't1LM C.t.16t01" ! t1„Merl bl,#A., lr;eolpru.rs 111.4 t e.?ran dilf RoQiser old Car•d4 •'aster QRIsTow sane, a" theTO CONTRACTORS. ' G d.riL;.. N°r.ale%, rtat tt4q be, TIvwisa store Shaw a Term"", was - N O T I C R . '1 - --•,_--.•-._..-_...,:_.e ' wtlN , p,ha,.Mw• aian„ and •• lin, i on h%ve H - 11 CN 1 , ' % 'k delta led by Are Poo ray Tm4wbw"wn ben rem rewired and leas•cat,. drove t: 1MLnwn, B,uN91*, 4e 1 T.ko. e.. 1•) e`,•" - btey a M d ir ' rill for ark fn the NM lord d abe sew rj DiE Swp..criber will receive Tractors ri N j) el• I (, t e tt gtr. ht. The !re • my% is the ( 1 heMlC of the Municipal C"untsfl a Z SAME into The p-ra.ea of flit ent+.eri!rr I - " a '` and was not i JaNwr fsr{et Ywil/Ms, N Wt" street. scar James Ci sMwT 1112 911► Nerember • s tr a si 1'ebn• totJ) N.ede CLQiiil:`I.1w .e ,i-...._ .. rwevafed new 1btNB !g, A •►aom'° z,,A, ,a tw rad telt loekeled United Connti,. of Hnrow sod Bruce, for pt [ Btali I T n• T or mktaWa Nt,v a Hat d sraA t ' ' r • 11 . M. Tie prla11en had Ott! M weTlt last 'It d D•'• • ^*, Gnmd well Crockery tfofMing a Win 4o•penslon Bildge over lire eamtng rwu rein old negt pprMg The non- 1 i ♦ urM of N.r St:hath r Lv 11, telt t. v •yv hn the (.evsslr ara••ttt awl Hatawwpas y Rlrr M•iilanA *T Anelrrirh K by prorroZ Pieter y, rsT ekargta and plias! lit. Iran, -f the 'f. , a•ntp .e W ..."ill a .- k hrir s•• • ,n1 t 1 wt Lothar aPd 1:two•, 04 m•sfUR 00 Oil whs riO4 Tbdr A great tpranrkr e( mueriaM ttrflaMe for state •weJ. ashe •mount m t3 N•, Item it date i 1, Asss.t B••:n s 40.1 14 ii -toe,.. ih•• I:.ate .001 Ly• l cot• ` *bee Sawalr o(TNe, Ac . tasty nn recon JA]t69 YYCL1. thy w beast The haat walk In ar1,clM g sr 11961. ead•ee u,t61a .* Jwoa Myr, it ., /T..olAR i Parsed 1e bring °oad is the ,..wrnwtea e/ the Brie 1 ll,.Nl atdJ x..r) h.t4w..r. . It wag 4 1• s Colb•rse, tette• art kin -i i ...o 11,11, n u.•r f4► 1i T •entre N,I nrNtt d "t As d bhe by 6-R else. m the ebrs r wsarbt. Also reeafaees of Stowe. Tiebev, Win add loon V. DIsi+loa, Pelee. ISM v1Lts47, P• s VAIN 014,lN•,a.. Pr.ii. rnlbr Pr,'ReM 110 - .ear --- . or i►e tali X.Ae- iTD,.'ebfp .{{ U,fevnw, .. tit• w elheywia• ihe aV• UMdy ttil Ilsa d • fMet brands. are on the apnt ssbkb lbs tsclvr•r ren beet WILLIAM CARR '"' 4, I. to a d l ordri*y IR IVO kM y etre• r -"Oft efrra n nA •11sp j ten told. g' I late. sod view so 1►+wd" Iso. r + Q. .rt sr°laalion s rgjfoLSl agld BUFoo Raifw'R tsoA,rkh No. sR.Q lieit.l. N9 pr lo' Ibis ie its• en- TWOKLT t• OGODtlr dr i thwM, t• f t____ t)aretle►, nth Dow Itt9 Plans twd 8peehkrmilon d ib• * tun lit ' • 7 AA r es'beth v - - qr __._-+---♦ir•s+ - tall Imran C•tM, fey s'teA ALeewe reef n In ip,r Aa.e •. Mr. Iliddbt- i --g y- t= - l -- _ _ 're^ p rM O-oely Anr►rrw's OdCe, p„jw tit awry r _ e44rt K D Y I L r; , rich, fw`m wh-m any informs" eammmias O1tICR is bell -ley •toes. Al eppllrat `j8 i.i L E I0 HIS Nd . Aljto"`k'' w ', IN se:d .a. ►slsp:s" Air r ani ),.bio *flow) (J•t•MI teal aiN .. It is .. •' ,be low will he terahrtl. oliF hr•taMo st the a-ewl"r *esatow tltltl111 >0f• tl&' wwwee R r i `' 4rt A. Mivinr •$if n we 1 . Tito" to tan illv►red 011 (tn:.rlet♦- •v11 no Psrtyreast, tee eCksrwT to (, oryas/ d iWI- i.9P I ' jl Mltr'R - tB 9ib•,w • rr' M` ww•w. eeotlid • Mo • to tsars I AN At•'lMavt•b.rn n( the Mh*hrtb.r, r ' i 1rrll ,be lr%v Tjournal, Ib• mi *R! C ltR , litters tkt 911111 of rA Drrtrrloq srk1, bot fM w'eT kasYtralbrd M bag••, a►stWe Alga.{ f Fl: IILLIQ 1 lur.a •,.oJ1 Mali het} 1N t 11 kh.1''s ( E. In- rf- r k••.p rash !rave a Oqr- • teee 'bot has biewl•te Mr. g' tK • Tw sspp °f Council d -sett hied thornerlv,s ,n aaxp asst t+tpMw/bear er arMr Mars. lea l.eh' ♦ F• - bk ,xaU dv irk PrthisrMnsa AJtatis • "tone u- c• n . t.evrwt W Afteir iw t,- c,(, wt- Modal A•bMM, a wr delnlveol fs w sad 1dPlfte, lag afar, ear Ay, waken suhahltl obre art h all O#ereary e1wo-f_•+s fort Prt' f i Mlr,s M a*tthr, of Ae r ty t. taro ten rnas Copp, w ire •114. Tt, ..t.1 r, aid Gagoulb 1•Ia•BeaTt4hNs !•'dNbY t►ak the w Pref t1►a►r Is reg.ww,d q PaMYbed A tvhlrteNb ^Mtrt M Ibe i h Pp. • WRPgf1a t j1•srMM+bt. 4 ort w.tw iiba atN6 tlrsw Pry nnMM rnae and take Thee weMvtd. P10 car Marven M r tt assn f i er wexl tglarlit► pV 044.tM •111 pr•Ip •ai D fi RiT •IIiF. U+egry park tenor► , Pgawl• sC A n slha H I am• I dcrtde a a+I y 11 Ill. ttnhrl, t6•ts Ittjattwe blies gttsG away. t ` oafs an et,,rstlanre u- W eua rr A ) Mt • tan l ►rt.M t .Ir Rank ase, 0•r!rrT C;16 s's On'K., t. LAID AnBAA'M, M(K (llsge. j MU (iI RAy OslRrkb.ttt►TrA►..tt)RI nt1II+ M,nralT,IW tbr'I'sstaH. l',CN*Ms 'c. 4IwlIl4i+wtt-tlnl f Mt * 8wer r Irl t3 -e 29"4 d 'WC 1 pit. ,Nov tiltlt it o ,fads -I • P -mob `.'.* 111 . ,el i 1 • Iy, ,' s y + - ` ; . y ,. ,r* .rent. -tom _ m a`-• .. '.0i'_ wall `,,, - -' --,-- - > .,e`"`".eq` .,....-else-, v'----parr 7¢t- ,p mw a... -..rte:_... -%us tt ••,I. /•..