HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 5Mbar 26,.
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and district news
Mr.s.:Meude .Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs..Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
List attendance �warc�s
at UC Su n.ay• School.
' —1 Eighty .eight seals and diplo-
t Elect new slate
d C] S t
at Carmel Y S
p n by Don �J
Argentina cities
9 _...
seen by engineer
mas were awarded, to nunda
School scholars of Hensel]. Un
e Church Sunday .School. a
their service Sunctay mornin
with rescntatio s
Joynt, superintendent,
Steve Iiy.le received the lit
year seal signifying 14 years o
periect: attendance. :Bob Lytic
kle, Gregory Spence and Bruce
Horton were given 13th year
seals •
R o
ut.a M.cN, u
t 1 ehton, 12111
year; Nancy Kyle and Louise
zones, 11:I.h. year and Wayne
Payne, Pauline Bell, Steven El -
(ler and Mary Payne, 10th
First year diplomas. were
given to Kathy Cook, Cindy
Parker, Joan Allan, Judith Mic-
kle, Danny Turv.ey, Tony Kyle,
Billy Forrest, Patsy Faber,
Lloyd Allan, Leslie Cudmore,
Billy McCrae, Beverley Cor.-
ne]l, Bob MacCrae, Janie
Armstrong, Christine MacCrae
Patricia k'.arke, Billy Cornell
Second year, Pat .Joynt, Ka
ren Broder'ick,.. Pam. Mickte,
Pauline Allan, Sandra Munn,
Paul Munn, Nancy Forrest,
Sharon Lavery, Brian Dignan,
Bruce Forrest, Deanna For-
Third year, Jeff Raeburn
Tim Mock, Wayne Corbett
Douglas Mock, Roddy Chapman
Garry Alderdi.ce, Johnie 'l'ay
Jor, Kathy Munn, .Donna For
rest, Douglas Munn.
Fourth year, Lynn Alderdice
Catharine Ann Christie, Mary
Mock, Margaret Allan, Bill
Munn, Steve Faber, :Robert Tay
lor, Lynn. Faber, Joan Simmons
David, Taylor.
Fifth year, ;.Ricky Parker, A.
Corbett, Anne Bell, :Beth Cook
Pam Taylor, Linda .Hay, Fred
die. Elder, Linda Keys, John
Joynt, Arlene Chipch.a.se, Billy
Taylor, Billy Chipchase, Geor
Taylor, Linda. Mock, Keith Hay
Sixth. year, Carolyn Cook
John Goddard, Lois Simmons
Ted. Mock, :Jack Chipchase;
seventh year, Donna White-
house, Suzanne Kyle, Cathy
• Eighth year diploma, Gary
Kyle, Ruth ' Cudmore; ninth
year, Larry Elder, Joyce 'Flynn,
Ann Mickle.
Comments about
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Elder, i
svith their children, Hamilton,
spent the weekend in iiensall,
and Zurich. They were present'
at Mr. John P'assntore's birth-
day party and visited with Mr.
and d Mrs, Bert Peck and with!
the Delbert Geiger family at
Lorne spent the summer in I
Argentina assisting in the start -1
ing of a new spring factory.;
ate reports or
i. t a.
p s th Argentina
great industrial(
growth. There is much poverty
and much evidence of consider-�
able wealth, Many automobiles;
are 30 years old, motor scooters
and motor cycles are every -I
where. Traffic in the cities of
Buenos Aires and Cordoba is
very heavy and the usual traf-
fic signs and lights are non-
existent. Horse carts are still.
widely used and mules are
quite common.
He visited. Rie de Janeiro
and Sao Paula :r. Brazil. on the
way home. Rio is the most
beautiful city he has seen. It
is unusual in that it has no
industry. Sao Paula is a very
large .industrial city quite as
modern as any Canadian city
and, much larger.
The Elders make their home
in Hamilton. where Lorne is
chief engineer of the Wallace
Barnes Co, Ltd..
WMS hears talk
on Thanksgiving
Mrs, D. Leslie .Elder. of Sea -
forth, guest .speaker, at the fall
thanksoffering of the Woman's
Missionary Society of Carmel
Presbyterian. Church Monday
evening chose for her theme "A
True Thanksgiving."
The speaker was introduced
by Miss Hannah 'Murray and
anked by Mrs. Malcolm Dou.-
President Mrs. Earl. Camp-
bell who presided for the meet-
ing welcomed members and
special guests, societies from
the Evangelical United Bre-
thren Church, Zurich; Chisel
harsh. United. Church, and the
Arnold Circle of Carmel Church.
The theme of the devotional
was "Give Thanks" and. was
conducted. by Mrs. Glenn. Bell
and Mrs. Harvey Hyde, as-
sisted by Mrs. Earl Campbell,
Mrs. E. Munn presided at the
Mrs. Munn and Mrs. A. Doti -
gall favoured with a piano
Mrs• Alex McGregor. Mrs.
Percy Campbell and Mrs. Clar-
.ence Vol]and convened the
k.;x...: Y '� �.i'I,. .w.'�..v:s!a'c'ri>�., �n�.=. Y::w al.•^,`+%;'.
Topics from
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Ira McCurdy
visited with Mr., and Mrs. Al-
bert Scott in. St, Marys on Sun-
day afternoon.
Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean
spent, Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Stanley Mountain, St.
Julie and Lorie Webb were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
,.Mrs. George Ball, Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Payne,
Kenneth, Joyce and Shirley of
London, Mrs. Arthur Randle,
Base Line, were Sunday after-
noon guests with Mr, and Mrs,
Robert Rundle, Jim and Jack.
Mn and Mrs, Norris Webb,
Janice and Niche e 1., were
weekend. visitors in Buffett)
with Mr. and Mrs. ,Bob Mc-
The Young People's Society
h of Carmel Presbyterian church
f met at the manse on. Monday
evening to elect their new exe-
cutive for 1961.62,
President e t �s
i Wayne Love;
vice-president,, Fred Hyde, sec-
retary, Patsy Moir; treasurer,
Ronald Smith; worship com-
mittee, Jim Dougall and Gary
School; program committee,
Bonnie Foster and Sandra Troy-
The president:and secretary
were appointed to represent the
Young People at the Presby-
tery Council meetings. A. so-
cial will be held once a month
with other societies as special.
e guests. Meetings are to be held
every two weeks.
The group accepted an invi-
tation to attend. a. .Hallowe'en
party at Kincardine Friday
evening, October 27 when. they
will be guests of the YPS.
Teeswater YP will. be guests at
the November 17 socias eve-
ning here.
,Jitn Dougall led in a devo-
tional period assisted by the
minister, Rev. D, R. MacDon-
' I ald and Miss Margaret Hyde,
Rebekah lodge
':Ito assist shelter
' Mrs. A. Orr, Noble. Grand,
1 presided at the meeting of Am-
Mark silver rtnniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Atex McMurt-
rie were guests of honor at a
family dinner at the Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, recently in hon-
or of their 25th wedding an-
Present were Mrs. Hugh. Me-
Murtrie of Hensall, Mr, and
Mrs, Raymond Hillier, John
and. Steven, of Thamesford,
who arranged the dinner party
for the occasion.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, John C. Doig,
Grand Rapids, Mich. visited
on the weekend. with his moth-
er; 'Mrs, .Lydia Doig, at, Vic-
toria Hospital, London, and
called. Sunday on Mr, and. Mrs.
N. Long.
Mr. and Mrs. M, Flood, of
Hamilton, and .Miss Patsy
Thompson, of Guelph, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mc-
Lean over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Devlaeminick and Eric visited
friends in Tillsonburg on Sun-
Mr, and Mrs. Elston Dowson
accompanied by the latter's
nephew and niece, Mr. and
Mrs. Emerson Anderson, visit-
ed Mrs. William Winder Sun-
day at. Victoria Hospital, Lon-
Mr. and ivirs, Gordon Hark -
peas of Parkhill visited Sun-
day with Mrs, Harkness' fa-
ther, W. Cooper,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van
Wierren and .family accornpa-
ied by Mr, and Mrs, Anthony
Van Tol ofHolland visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
ohn Verburg of Auburn.
Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Mc-
Bridea n d Sharon visited
friends in LucknoW on Sunday.
Thrifty Kippenettes
The seventh meeting of the
Thrifty Kippenettcs Was held
at the Home of Mrs. Alex, Me -
Gregor on October 21. The roll
all was answered by 14 nicm-
Dolma Van Loon was elected
ecretary for the next .meet -
ng whichis to be heldat the
iott a of Mrs.McGregor on
etober 30 at 9 o'clock.
Mrs, McGregor made tenipt.-
lig, looking salads with fruit
line Mrs, Caldwell. discussed
garnishings, fruit accompani-
ntenls, fruit specialties, table
rrangements and a cheese
Lttneh Was served, using kite breads that some td the
lull girls who Were assigned
o bring thein afid different
inds,ol cheese which the other
iris brottght,
Mr, and Mrs. Glen Cope- n
land, Mr, and Mrs, Frank
Rodd, Miss Edith Rodd of Lon-
don, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Cope- j
land, Miss Jean Copeland, Mr.
and Mrs, George Wheeler at-
tended the barber shop con-
cert in London on Friday night
Visitors ,with Mr. and Mrs.
John Rodd on Sunday were
Mr, and Mrs. George Wheeler
and David, Mr, and Mrs, Frank
Rodd, Mr, and Mrs, Glen Cope-
land. and Cynthia and Miss c
Edith Rodd of London, b
MMrs. Lawrence Copeland and
urray spent Sunday with Miss s
Donna Copeland in London and i
Sunday evening were guest. of 1
Mrs, Dan Wilson, St, Marys. 0
A number of the WMS .ladies
attended the fall .rally held at '1
Friday Kirkton on .last, W
Mr, and Mrs, Barry Squire
and family Visited With :Mrs,
Ethel Squire• at. Granton op a
Sunday, t
Halloween is just around. tits
corner and here is hoping !or
fine Weather so the young e
assies and laddies calf Make 1.
,thea' annual calls', Watcli oufi, k
tor the spooksl g
ber Rebekah Lodge last Wed-
nesday evening.
At the request of the chil-
dren's shelter al, Goderich the
Christmas gifts will be col-
lected at the meeting on Nov-
ember. 1 for the Shelter.
Arrangements were made
for the baseball. banquet, Nov-
ember 10 and the Grand Mas-
ter's banquet, November 20 to
which the members are cater-
ing in th.e arena.
The committee appointed to
arrange the baseball banquet
are Mrs. Lorne Chapman, Mrs.
E. Chipchase, Mrs. Ed Cor-
bett and Mrs. A. Orr. Com.-
tnittee for the Grand Master's
banquet.: Mrs. Clarence Vol-
land, Mrs. Hugh McEwen and
Mrs. A, Orr.
To canvass for UNICEF
The pupils of .Hensall Public
School. are once again giving up
their trick or treat and going
out to canvass for funds for
UNICEF. The canvass will be
conducted between. 3:30 p.m,
and 7 p.m, on October 31, The
canvassers will be wearing tags
for easy identification.
I .ears Hensali per c l s S,ma Il rowd Presbytery YPU..
H youth
Mr William Strong, of Sea•
forth president •of 1't'.0 r o n
County .Junior Farmers and,
Peat president of Seaforth Jun -
'or Farmers, Was guest speak-
er at the meeting of Kipper
East Women's Institute held in
SS 10 School, Tuckersmith, on
Wednesday evening, October
He showed slides with a corn.-
mentary of his trip oqt west
this summer, slides of local
pictures and pictures of a soil
excursion in the Blenheim .area..
Mr, Strong won the trip out
west through his achleveme
in 4-1-3 club work. He was in-
troduced by Mrs. Campbell
Eyre and thanked by Mrs.
Robert Bell,
Roll call was answored
by a
clipping of agricultural in-
terest and the motto, "The
love of the land is a love that
lies deep in the breast of
man," was given by Mrs. R.
Gemmell, •
Reports .of Huron County WI
rally held at Elimville were
submitted by Mrs. William.
Kyle, and London Area Con-
vention by Mrs. Harry Caldwell
and Mrs. Alex McGregor,
Plans were ,laid for a draw
on a Christmas cake for which
tickets will be sold; a euchre
and danceDecember 1
seem S and
family night in November.
A. quartette composed of Mrs.
William Kyle, Mrs, Ken Mc-
Kay, Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner
and Mrs. Bruce McGregor,
with Mrs, Ross Broadfoot at
the piano, sang two numbers,
Mrs, W, J, F. Bell gave cour-
tesy .remarks. President Mrs.
fames Drummond Presided for
the business and Mrs. Eyre
for the program,
Luncheon was served by Mrs,
,T, Lostell, Mrs. James Mac-
acNaughton, Mrs. Ross Chapman
and Mrs. Winston. Workman.
Marks birthday
at dinner social
Mr. John Passmore cele-
brated his 83rd .birthday over
the weekend with a family din-
ner at the New Commercial
Hotel, Thirty-three members of
his family attended the cele-
bration and sat down to a
turkey dinner topped with an
anniversary cake,
Mr. Passmore was the re-
cipient of many gifts and con-
gratulatory messages.
Following the dinner a socia],
time was spent at the home of
the celebrant. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. William
McLeanand. family, Hamilton;
Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore
and family, Delhi; Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne C, Elder and fam-
ily, Hamilton; Rev. and Mrs.
Robert Passmore and family,
Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs, Ken
Passmore and family, Mr. and.
Mrs. Doug Barnes and family,
all of Aylmer; Mrs. Peart
Passmore and Norrna, Hensall;
Miss Sharon Smith, Guelph;
Mr. and Mrs. Ron P. Pass-
more, London.
•District relatives
fete Hensall lady
Mrs. Emalie Parker was hon-
oredat a birthday party at
the home of her son-in-law and.
daughter, Mr, and Mrs, Edgar
Cudmore on Thursday eve-
ning, the occasion being her
88th birthday,
Immediate relatives attend-
ed. from Mitchell, Grand. Bend,
London, Hensall, Chiselhurst,
Kippen and Exeter,
Mrs. R. Veldhoen of OwJ lly
erlend, Holland, spent the past
week a guest a. Mr, and Mrs.
Sim Roobol, Mrs.,Veldhoen has
been in Canada .since .June yis•
Ming her son Cornelius at,
Downsview, near Toronto, and
expects to return to j-jolland in
Mrs, Laird Mickle and Airs.
Florence Joynt spent Tuesday
of last week in Kitchener visit-
ing the former's daughter and.
son^in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross
MacMillan and David,
Mr, ,and Mrs, Asa Deeves
spent the weekend with rela-
tives in ,Clinton,
Miss Ruth. Smale spent the
weekend n•�>
e e d with Cpl. and A4i..
E, Borden, Darryl, Shelley
and Sharon, at RCAF Station
Mr. and Mrs. Perce lr7tillips,
Toronto, were weekend guests
with Mr, and Mrs, Fred ,Beer,
Attending the Byre Baxter
wedding at 51, Stephen's Ang-
lican Church, Arkona, on Sat-
urday from Hensall and: dis-
trict were Mr, and Mrs, Camp-
bell Eyre, Mr, and Mrs, Ger-
ald Bell, Mrs, William, Cole,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Upshall,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobi,
Don and Bill Brock; Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lee; Bruce -
field, Mr, and Mrs, Lindsay
Eyre; Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Georgee Tinney, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Tinney; St. Marys, Mr,
and Mrs. Horner Tinney, Mr.
and. Mrs. Lawrence Eyre, Mr.
and Mrs, Douglas Eyre.
Prior to leaving for :Exeter
where she has takenup resi-
dence Miss Eliza Newell was
presented, with a gift by her
Mr. and. Mrs, Roland Van
stone and family visited. on
Sunday with the latter's moth-
er, Mrs, Brown of Egntond-
Mr, and. Mrs. Stewart Bell,
Pauline and Ann, Mr. and Mrs.
Byron Kyle, Suzanne a n d
Douglas, spent the weekend in
Port Huron, Mich.
Mr, and. Mrs. Lorne Hay
Linda and Keith, took up resi-
dence on. Saturday in their
new home in the new housing
Mr, and. Mrs, William 1iiickle,
Mr, and Mrs, Harold Knight,
Mr. and. Mrs. John Heal, Mr,
and Mrs. William Clement,
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Mr,
and Mrs. William Fuss, Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Drysdale at-
tended the Fall Council meet-
ing of the Kinsmen. of. District
No. 1, held at Kitchener when
the Kitchener - Waterloo Kins-
men club were the hosts for
the weekend. Approximately
650 attended.
Mr, and; Mrs. Keith Lindsay,
Pamela and Sheila, of London,
were weekend, visitors with 'Mr.
and. Mrs. John Henderson and
Mrs. 'Henry Whittaker recent-
ly visited withher sons and
daughters -in -.law and their fam-
iles, Mr. and. Mrs. Carl Walker,
Windsor; Mr, and. Mrs, How-
ard Walker, London, and also
visited at the Zoo at Detroit,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap-
man and Rod visited over the
weekend with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe De.Loge, in Sarnia.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chafle
and son, of Mitchell, were re-
cent visitors with Mrs. Chaffe's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Corbett and Al.
Mrs. Edna. Corbett was a
weekend visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth. Parker and
Catharine at Kippen,
Mr. John. Hudson returned
home after receiving treat-
ment at South Huron Hospital,
111rs, basil Edwards is :spend
ing two week yisitieg with rel
atives at Lindsay,
Jerry MgClineheys on
staff of the .flank of Montreal,
is taking a two -weeks .special
banking course in Toronto,
Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Kipper
,and Mrs, Ray Lee, Seaforth
'attended a shower 'recently in
London for Miss Nellie Baxter,
;of Arkona, bride of Saturday,
'.October 21,.
Mrs, Catherine Redden, who.
can claim. distinction to 94 de-
scendants, including 10 sons,
two daughter, 40 grandchildren
and 42: great-grandehildren, will
on Tuesday, October 31 quietly
.n r t
observe S1.s bri ltd
her t t a Mx:
Y s
1-ledden is in failing health and
confined to her room.
Mr, Gary Seaton, ,of Brock,
Ile is spending e
a k ith
,we W
his sister and brother-in-law,
Rev, and Mrs. D. R. MacDon-
ald and family, at the Presby-
terian Manse.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis uogarth,
Susan :and Lanny, of Oakville,
were weekend guests with Miss
Greta Lammie.
Mrs. Lou Simpson, Mrs. R.
L Paterson, Mrs, E. Sproat,
spent the weekend with Mr, and
Mrs. Gus Voth in Detroit, Mi-
The Hensall Kinsmen. Club is
sponsoring a Hallowe'en party
for the children of Hensall and
district s ct Tuesday, October 31.
There will he a parade from
the town. hall to the arena. at
7 p.m., headed by a local
hand. Films will be shown and
prizesfor best t r
cos im.es given;
also free pop and hot dogs for
the children.
This week in
at Kin4- evert
-0-:.,1405-t at carme
orty five young licople ,A
t 1 n t
a a P• b e .
. on i d e
I�r M... i s. i , a
Alan A � 7 y
o y
r .ett >� n
a. f
, o G1
p ,
the d C,
at atmel
n _re s e•
a Mr .kris ilaYt. r t?',
d v'
s, :.Mar rn Arnett,. a
grade 3 pupil at Hensallbhp rch rfgr their, anrni pr e
lic school was ,the lucky yyin,' y cry a . ober ll2 C n
S d , October 22,
draw at the :Old Time Carnival Mervyn McKinney, "eeslva.-
held Friday evening at the tel' presided for the meeting,:
n arena. Chief Constable E,:B. with Maryy Scott of Win haw.,
Davis drewth . winningand Fred lYde and Jim Dougall
e ticket, of Hensall participating in a
Cash and, fowl bingo, games short worship servipe,
of chance, and dancing were I N. umerous comntlttees were
the highlights of the .evening.Iformed to look ;after future
Proceeds will be used for wel-:events that are staged within
fare work, I the Presbytery during the year.
Although the carnival was at- Carol Brown and Wayne Love
tended by over 200 including of Hensall were elected the
Many children
Inat Kinsmen'
Y he K sme tfor ].961.62 for the re
were disappoineed at the ab- bytery. pres.,
,scenes of the adults. President Mervyn McKinneys
1 Teeswater and Betty ,Ann Lapp,
!secretary of Wingham, were
trepresentliuro -
to newlywedsMaitland at mid -winter council
in January of the Synod of Ham-
ner of .a CCM .bicycle in a un. aY
� yea
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Freem an:
:Horne, Kay, Ruth and Ray-
mond. and Mr. Blair Grubbe
visited on Sunday at Green-
Mr. and Mrs. .Harvey Smith
and Penny of Crediton and Mr.
Grant Gilfillan. of Exeter visit-
ed on. Sunday with Mr, and
Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Barb-
Bobby Clarke, while walking
through the bush on Sunday,
found a stem of ripe red rasp-
berries just like they would he
in. July,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Hern
andfamily visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. John Hern
andfamily of Sunshine Line.
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Clarke,
Bobby and Eugene visited. on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs.
Newton Clarke.
at social evening Ilton -London PYPS.
A enjoyable Next council meeting; for Hu -
held in Kinloug'h on January 21,
Hu -
enloya a evening was ron-Maitland Presbytery will be
spent at the homeof Mrs.
Pearl Shaddick Monday ,eve -,2962,
Hing when a number 01 friends ; Hensall Society served Iuneh
gathered to honor Mr. and; at the close of the meeting.
Mrs. Asa Deeves, who were
recently married,
The evening was spent in and a carving set, by Mrs.
contests after which a mock Shaddick, An address was read
wedding was presented by Mfrs, by Mrs, Chipchase, Mr, peeves
George Hess, Mrs, Gittis, Mrs, made a fitting reply.
Norval. ,Reid, Mrs. E Chip -
chase, se, Mrs. Eva Parker, er Mrs,
Archie MacGregor and Mrs.!
Edna. Corbett, Mrs. Hess sang,
a solo.
311!r. and Mrs, Deeves were j
presented witha kitchen stool,
Sugar and spice
— Continued from page 4
shot at the white "flag" of a
deer, strolls up to claim his
quarry, and learns that he has.
just shot the cap off a hunter,
whose "flag" was a Kleenex
into whichhe was blowing his
•* * it
Who can point the finger
when this hunter hears the
snarl of a sabre -tooth tiger,
drops to one knee, and. cool
as only * born killer can be,
let's go with both barrels,
right through the rear tire of
the tractor the farmer has been
trying to get started, just the
other side of that copse?
Preach on, you editors, But
you're wasting your time.
There's no thrill in life to equal
that of creeping through the
woods on a freezing fall day,
with the birdshot rip p in g
through the leaves just above
your head, the high-powered
shells slamming into the tree
four inches left of your heart,
and the hope that you may get
him the next time he lifts his
Products Of
General Motors .
Frike .;+d_ aa .�
Sales with
S r lce
When You Run Into
Figures Like That,
Those 'figures may be fine on a Beauty
Queen .. , but they're darn uncomfortable
when they show up on a thermometer.
The best way to lick a cold and chilly house is to
have it properly insulated. Even though you nisy
have a good heating plant, you can feel chilled when
your house is not insulated ,
Yousort cavi, the cost of the lnsuletien fob hi 'fuel.
bills .. end stey lots cooler in the summer too,
Lumber Centres
We're Driving "Em!
4 SUPERS, List $2,200 NOW $1795
STATION WAGON, List $2,486 . NOW $2087
Three Used Vauxhalls, Your Choice $1399
Make sure you get there first!
'61 BUICK HARDTOP, List $4,519 ....
lOcro Down 48 Months to Pay
ATv�y r
\'MY lF'
_ I
$2.50 FOR A $50 BOND,
$5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC,
CS tat