HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-26, Page 3CentrIi.a. 'volunteers. Ian COs�turfleparty- .., Sy MRS, -FREP BQWDE.N visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wil Cl✓NTRAL1 bort :M• awson in Parkhill ,on .'he Centralia volunteer ,tire-• Sunday, men are planning a twowe'en Mr. and Mrs,. Ray L.ammi;e party at the new fire hail pia and Jean attended the Elimville October 31.. Prizes will je. anniversary service on Sunday .awarded for costumes and .and were guests with Mr. i,nd there will he g treat for MO'Mrs, Lewis Johns .and family, childrein. The draw for the Mr. Keith J Qdgins and a Lorelei. electric hair dryer school chum, students at Ry.er- will be made .the same night at son in 'Toronto, spent. the week. SAS,. end with fir,, and Mrs. Ken- neth Hodgins, •••••• The Centralia. United Church annual turkey dinner will be served in the schoolroom of the e1mrch .on 4V'eclnesday, Novem- her• 1 from 5 p,m. on. Bazaar ,and Tea `J.'lie WA held a successful ba- zaar and tea in the schoolroom of the, church on. Wednesday af- ternoon of last: week, The ladies, including visitors from the surrounding Commu- nity churches, were cordially welcomed by Mrs, D. M, Guest. In opening the bazaar Rey, Guest commended the ladies for the work done in the past and expressed.. hope for contin- ued success in the .new organ- ization "The United Church Women," Anniversary service There will be nn church or Sunday School service on Sun- day on account of the anniver- sary services in the Whalen atChurch,. 4usiness expansion The expansion program, un- dertaken by Mr, WA Elliott at his place of business, The Cen- tralia Farmers' Supply, is pro- gressing rapidly. Two storage silos are completed and work has begun on the other two. Carol Phair Ltd, of Blenheim, are the contractors. Celebrate wedding anniversary Mr, and Mrs, Russell Schroe- der were guests of .honor at a family dinner party at the Corporal and Mrs, Frank Carrigan and son ,of Aylmer, Mr. and Mrs, Chas McKeever of Clinton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John Thom son. Attending the sectional WM and WA meeting in the Whale Church. on Monday were Mr D, M, Guest, Mrs. Earl Hais Mrs, 0, Squire, Mrs, Arthu McFalls, Mrs. Albert Smith Mrs. Ross McFalls, Miss Agne Anderson, Mrs, Kenneth Hod gins and Mrs. F, Bowden. Rev Guest was present for the af- ternoon and pronounced the be I nedictionto close the session. Corporal and Mrs, Harry Fi- genshaw and family of Toronto visited. with Mrs. Carl Gaynor, and family over the weekend, Mrs. Murray Abbott is spend- ing the week with her daugh- ter and sons-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Maguire in Scot- land. IlefeeeMetenreelMelef- • Iht story 1.11. .Sun shine By MRS, WILLIAM DICKEY Cheryl 'tern daughter ;of Mr, .and Mrs. Jack 'Ucr•n, returned home from War Memorial Children's hospital in London last Wednesday, IMr. and Mrs. Melvin. Gardi- ner and Marilyn, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs, John. Wi.cics, Louie and Michael, of Stratford, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Walters and girls during the weekend, Mr. and. Mrs. Philip kern p- and, family, .of Winchelsea, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs, Jack s Bern and family and celebrated n Karen Bern's seventh birthday, s,1 Visitors at the Koine pf Air, t • and Mrs. Clarence Johns during r the weekend. were; Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Wilson, ,of Exeter; Alec Johns, of Kirkton; D9r. Ernie Knowles and Miss Anna Knowles, of 4th Line of Blan- shard Township.. Mr. and M.rs, Lawrence Beck- , ett, Jacqueline and Geraldine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Tyler and daughters, Mar- lene and Sandra, at Dashwood. Mr, and Mrs, Ziggi Modes and family, of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.. Jack Hern and family, Mr. and Mrs, Arlo Copeland, of Windsor, and Mrs, Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, were call- a ers on Thursday of Jest week n at the home of ldr, and Mrs. Clarence Johns. Miss Eleanor Hodgins an Mr, Brian Laird of Londa were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs, K. Hodgins. Friends and: relatives paid tribute to a former esteemed resident, the late Mrs. Nelson Baker at the home of her son in Grand Bend and at the Din ney Funeral Home in Exeter where the funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon. home of their daughter and Ne• ighbors honor son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Sam Semple in Byron on Saturday Exeter couple evening in celebration of their. 45th wedding anniversary. Neighbors and friends of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder re- mained in the city for the week; end and visitedanother, daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs, B. Webb and family. Personal items and Mrs. Hector Heywood, An- drew Street, gathered Wednes- day evening and gave them a chari,varito celebrate their gold- en wedding anniversary which occurs this Thursday, October 26. They spent a social evening and: presented them with a gift. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Neil have taken up residence in the village and are still busy with renovations prior to the open- ing of their snack bar. Mr, and Mrs. Truman Mills of Cobourg paid a short visit to the vil- lage a couple of weeks ago and were pleased to' see the old home taking on a new look with business prospects ahead. Corporal and Mrs. Nichol of Clinton were visitors with Mrs. Carl Gaynor and family on Fri- day. Sunday visitors with Mrs. E. Abbott were Mr. Mitchell Has- tt and Mrs. Calvin Haskett Lucan, Mrs. W. Spencer, A rs. Ross 'Hitch of St. Thomas and. Mrs, Lorne Moote of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock COME IN AND SEE.,, 1962 Comel Sharpest Thing On Wheels '61 COMET STATION WAGON DEMONSTRATOR it Deluxe- Trim it 101 H.P. Motor Full Chrome Discs Reg. Price .$3,145.00 SPECIAL I�PRICE $249 5.00 1959 VAUXHALL ESTATE WAGON, tutone, sharp. 1958 AUSTIN SE.D:AN, . grebn. 1957 CHEV, 2 -ton:, 6 auto• matte, radio, new tires. Really sharp! 1957 MORRIS OXFORD SEDAN, b 1 a c k, wktite- n al.ls, excellent, 1956 METEOR, 2 -door hand- top, 3 : tone, completely overhauled, radio, white- wall tires, OUR USED CAR LOT WILL BE Opera 'Til 9 p.m. Mondays Fridays South -End Service lhiptuu mini Ciluck yntsfi 74014E 328 EXETEk iF eleMETaleeeeneeMeeffifeMENEM News budget from Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Personal , items Mr, and Mrs. Fred :Parkin- son, Brenda and. Margaret were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. C. Tessman and fam- ily of London, Mr. Charlie Cottle and Mrs. Grace 'Walkom were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. John Rinn and family, Mr. Chas. Wilson, Mrs. An- nie Hodgins and Mrs. Archie Dewar visited with Mrs. Ben Wilson at Avon Crest, Strat- ford and found her feeling much better. Mr. acid Mrs. Stewart Mar- riott, Ronald and Maryanne, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar, Mrs. Oliver Baker, Mrs, Nel- son Baker, Miss Kate Jame- son, Mrs. Robt, Elston, Mr. Wilfred Wilson and Mrs. Ar- chie Dewar attended the an- nual meeting of the Perth Pres- byterial WMS held at Kirkton on Friday. Patient: "Doctor, the other consulting physicians. d o n 't agree with your diagnosis of my case." Doctor: ".1 know they don't, but the autopsy will prove I'm right." Report an Thames R ad 1AM ROHDE Personal .items sand Mrs, Alen Johns of Elian- 4r. and Mrs. Geoige Web i vine, ber, Mr, and .Mrs. Robert Web Airs. thigh Wilson, Mrs. her and family .of Detroit, Mr. i Donald Bernick, Mrs, William and i41rs. Lloyd Cowdrey, Mr.! Cann,.Mrs, Gertrude Wiseman ,.and Mrs, harry 'Webber• of and Mrs. William Rohde at- Woodham were guests with Mr. tended the sectional meeting and Mrs. Lloyd Knight .and held in Whalen United Church Linda. on Monday, Mrs. Abner Passmore re- On friday evening the WMS turned home on Wednesday are entertaining the Mission evening last from St. Joseph's Bind in the church basement, lospital, London. The Mission Band members are Mrs, John Selves is a patient to .attend in Hallowe'en eos- in South ifuran Hospital, Ere- tame. ter, The church services on Sri Mr, and Airs. (ior'don Me- day morning will be on Stand Carter of Exeter were guests and Time - recently with Mr. and- Mrs. The Thames 'Road .church: Lee Webber, stewards rnet at the manse on Y; Monday evening. Matters of Mr. Percy :Duncan returned home from South Huron lios finance and repairs were •dis. pita , Exeter, a week ago Mon-; cussed. day after having been. a pa-, HaPPy baubles Club tient there for a few days. Mr, and Mrs, .Robert Mayer, fast Wednesday evening the Mr. and Mrs, ,lames Simpson UaPPY Dnubies Club first meet- spent the weekend with the tat- ing was held with a fair crowd meet - tee's sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. I n attendance. 0, Atkinson of. Stouffville and I The theme was on Thanks - brother, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon giving• The worship service Sellers of. Agincourt, eves given by Mr, and Mrs, Mr„ and Mrs. Floyd Stewart, Wilfred punkin assisted by Sylvia, Robbie, Ronnie and Airs. Wilson, Mrs. Donald Bray Donna were guests on. Sunday and Mrs. Edwin Miller. A. with Mr. and Mrs, Alvin piano duet was played by Mrs. Schieek of Drayton. Mrs, Stew-' Reg llodgert and Mrs. William art and children remained with Rohde, her parents for a few days, Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Jeffery visited with. Mr, and Mrs, Tom' Hall and Mr, Wilmer Strauss of Thedford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Jeffery and Alan attended. the christen- ing service of Barbara Jane, Mrs. N. Baker daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Willert, on Sunday at Zurich. area resident church and were guests with. Mr. and Mrs. Willert after, Mrs. Nelson Baker, - 87, a Mr, •and Mrs. Tom. sicken resident of the community for most of hdr life, died at the Heywood Nursing Home on Saturday, October 21, having been a patient for the past five She was the former Edith Jane Cooper, of. Elimville. Fol- lowing her marriage to Nelson Baker they farmed on'Conces- sion 3, Stephen Township, until Mr. Baker's death in October, 1938. 1n later years Mrs. Baker made her home with her son, Wellington Baker, Grand :Bend. She was a member of Cen- tralia ;United Church. She is survived by one son, Wellington; one granddaughter, Miss Dorene Baker, London; t w o sisters, Mrs, Melville Skinner, Mrs, Fred 'Ford, and one brother, Bruce Cooper, all of Usborne Township. The body rested at the home of her son, Grand .Bend, until Tuesday morning, October 24, then to the Dinney Funeral Home, Exeter, where the fu- neral service was conducted by Rev. D. M. Guest with in - son, Larry and. Ruth of Wesley, Miss Hazel Stewart of Byron, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock of Exeter were Sunday guests, and. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Del - bridge of :Exeter were Sunday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Pass- more attended the church and christening service on Sunday of their. grandchild, William Peter, son. of Mr. and M.rs. Morrison Caswell, at Richard's Memorial, United Church, Lon. don, and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Caswell. Quite a number from this community attended the :Elim- vill.e church anniversary on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Gilbert .Duncan were Sunday guests with Mr. ferment in Exeter cemetery. Mrs. Mansel Mason and. 'Mrs. Mae Holt sang two duets at the service. Bearers were Howard and Harold Lightfoot, Wilfred Hux• table, Jack Reeder, Selwyn. Baker and Garnet Wilson, Old Man Winter will soon be lashing us, with his usual snow, sleet, hail and freezing tem. peratures, and it may be sooner than we think! However, you can laugh in his face if you're a wise motorist and bring us your car to have it checked over and put into top shape for that rough driv ing ahead. IT HAS TO BE DONE — SO DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE RUSH! Prestone Guaranteed AGAINST LOSS North -End 8-.A RADIATOR and AUTO ELECTRIC Phone 1096 Exeter Get the Best Features at only Modest Cost In f Haopentings :it# Janshard By MRS. GLADWYN HOOPER Mr, and. Mrs. Leonard .'hack- er and .family visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pati- son, of St. Marys.. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Thomson and family spent Sunday with Mr, .and Mrs, Carman Rinn, :Of St. Marys. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomson, Sharon and Mary Lou were Sunday guests of Ltev, and Mrs. Joe Lindsay, of Port Huron, Grant 'l'homsen, spent Sunday with David and Douglas Mills, of Seaor•th, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Knox were Friday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Massey, Mr, and iV1rs, Cecil Massey spent Wednesday afternoon with. Mr. and Mrs, W. B. Young, of St. 141ar•ys, Misses Cathy and Joy Thack- er and Brenda Parkinson were Saturday guests of Ann Park- inson, Mrs. Claire Sisson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Patch spent a few days visiting relatives at Kin- cardine, Orillia, Oshawa, Sut- ton. Mr. F:rank'TambJyn, of Blyth, Miss Margaret '.I'amblyn, of Leamington. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glad- wyn Hooper. Rev, Hugh Wilson gave an interesting talk. He conducted Want Ads play no politics the business. Several contests they get results for both par - were enjoyed, ties! 17, The Ttmes'Mvocater Octoier i X6'1 tTk The Ri ht Comb nation Blend wallpaper and paint into a perfect cont. bination by shopping in1' . for both at the Interior Shop, * FAMOUS IV PAINTS * SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS Ralph Sweitzer PHONE 315 • McCormick's Kisses 33° 1 -Le, BAG Pumpkins FOR. JACK O'LANTERNS 1 i up LARGE VARIETY t3 Candies FOR DELUXE AUTOMATIC FABRIC SETTINGS -5 programs to handle +ill your laundry from Delicate to the heaviest mater- ials with special settings for Modern Fabrics and Air Fluffing. Fabric settings normally found only in top -priced models. BREEZEWAY DRYING—Faster drying it lower temperatures with no direct heat blasts—no hot spots to harm delicate fabrics. PLUS! Up -top lint filter and handy chute shelf foldaway door. Designed, for top convenience, FISHER PRICE ONLY $189 DTHER' MOOELS FROM '$14119 Free Electric Blanket PHONE 29 Fisher's1 HAkDWARE 0.000011.1111114/1114, IttlY AN ELECTRIC • OIOTHES DRYER GtT1O0I1 Fiat, , SUNSHINE stay \J,LECTlik BLANK MAIM StitErr • ExieTtlz, FANCY Mac or Snow APPLES 29c PhOn0 532 A&H Price Treat! Robin Hood Quick Cooking Oats A&H Price Treat! Heinz Ketchup A&H Price Treat! Stokely's Fancy Tomato Juice A&H Price Treat! Sanka Instant Coffee A&H Price Treat! Stokely's Fancy HONEY POD PEAS A&H Price Treat! Allen's V/itarninizcd APPLE JUICE A&H Price Treat! White Cross 5 -pound bag ST` 11 -ounce bottles 2 R 5 C 21) -ounce tine 2fZ 6 -ounce jai' 9 115 -ounce line 1st 3Fond. TOILET TISSUE 4 A&H Price Treat! King Size IVORY LIQUID A&H Price Treat! All -Purpose Grind NABOB COFFEE A&H Price Treat! Henley's 13 -oz. tins Fruit Cocktail Walker's Saltene Soda Cracice_rs Laundry Rinse Fleecy FROZEN FOOD FEATURES QId South Orange Juice Green or Yellow Libby's Beans Beef, Turkey or Chicken Heinz Pies PRODUCE BARGAINS Firm, Crisp, Head Lettuce Red Emperor Gropes 2 Fa R 49c La, 27 Large 64 -oz, jar 12n ❑Fr 69c f� 1.2 -et. tins 2Fon 89c 10 -oz. poly 2 FOR 43° L8 in, 6 3 FcR 4 2 lg. heads 245 2.9c LBE, 29e LFOO'D MARKETS. l~r' Doliv'er A$ -ounce tins BDz. 314 4 Large Roils ROLLS 4dF/ 16( off 1.eiound bag 25c OFF KING SIZE MEAT SPECIALS Fresh Ground Ciin u H b lb 3 Swae1• Smoked Rindtess .be'vit+i Bacon L.,0 Sweet Picltle l or Rolls Feamebl Cellalte 2 -LE§. AVt