HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 19A N BIRTHS AVER. -.r. and Mrs. Robert Beaver (nee Bell), RR 2 Ilea - sail, wish to announce the birth of their son, at South Huron Hospital, October 16, DEKORT—Mr, and airs. L, Dekort, RR 2 Grand, Rend, announce the birth of a son, Wilfred :Henry, at South lite ton Hospital, October 13. 1.1LUS—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis, RCAF STATION Cent- ralia, announce the birth cif a son, Mark Ernest, at South Huron Hospital, October 15, ELSON—Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Eisen (nee Bond), Clande- beye, announer4 the birth of a son, Gary Allen, at SL josepth's Hospital, London, October 11. FENTON—Mr. and Mrs. Wil. ham E. Fontein, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, announce the birth of a Son, Robert Dale, and of his death at South Huron Hospital, October 7, GILL—Dr. and Mrs. James Gill (nee Perkins) are pleased to announce the arrival of their daughter, Katherine Grace, at Alexandra Hospital, Inger- soll, October 11—a sister for Donald. 14'4NAUGHTON—Mr. and Mrs, - Patti MeNalighton, Zurich, announce the birth of a son, Paul "Rodney", at South Hu- ron HoSpital, October 12, MITCHELL—Les and Florence Mitchell, Crediton, armour= the birth of a daughter, Bren- da Louise, at South Huron Hospital, October 12-0 sister far Carolyn, Ricky and leandY. O'BRIEN-4,1r, and airs. Eu- gene O'Brien, Zaich, an- nounee the birth of a son, Roger Scott, at South Huron Hospital, Oetober 15—a bro- ther for Debbie and Ricky. REILLY—Mr. and Mrs. Stan Reilly, London, formerly of Luean, are pleased te an- notuice the birth of a daugh- ter, Dawn Gladys, et toria Hospital, London, Octo- ber 8—a sister for Kathy and SHAPTON—Drfores and Bruce Shapten, RR 1 -Exeter, are happy to announce the birth of a daughter at. South Huron Hospital, October 18. TUCKEY Kenn and Joan Tuckey, Edmonton, Alta., an- nounee the birth of a daugh- ter, Emily Kathryn. at Royal Alexandria, Hospital, Edmon- ton, October 8. WEBB — Mr. and Mrs. Ray Webb, RR 2 Dashwood, ii nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, Julie Ann, at South Hu - Yen Hospital, October 13—a sister for Richard. .. . ..... . . UNCEMENTS OIRTH8 OHAROE ENOAOEMENTS ...... 750 CARDS QF THANKS 750 IN MEMORtAmS . .. ... $1.00 tFaur.line verse) Extra verses, each . ... 250 ENQAPEMENTS.—. The cligagement Is announc- ed Joie earetta Ferguson, daughter of Mrs. Peter Fergu- son and the late Mr. Ferguson, of Guelph, Ontario, to Mr. Robert; Rayelond Cane, son of Mr. and Ida's. Robert •Cann, of Exeter, Ontario, The marriage will take place, on, Saturday, November 11, 1061, at 3 o'clock, Knox Presbyterian Church, Guelph. 10* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Rani - melee, of Dashwood, announce the engagement of their young- est dattgliter. Marie Elise, to Mr. Gerald Brady, son of Mrs. IIllharcI Brady and the late Mr, Brady, of Chatham. The wed- ding will take place at 11 o'clock, on Saturday, October 28, 1961, in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Mount Carmol, Ontario, 19c CARDS OF THANKS Mrs, Jennie Moore wishes to thank all who helped during her stay in hospital, The cards, letters, visits and treats did help so nitich. Thanks to Dr, M. Gans, Dr. J, Goddard, Rev, IL C. Wilson, all the nurses and those in the kitchen. Sin- cere thanks and good wishes to each and all, 19* We wish to thank everyone for their visits, cards, treats and gilts received while Jerry was a patient in South Huron Hospital and, since returning home. Special thanks to Dr. D. A. Ecker and nursing staff of South Huron Hospital.—Gerald, i1elen and Jerry Thompson. 19* I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their many cards and gilts, also Rev, Gatz for his many visits while a patient in South Huron Hos- pital and since returning home, Adolph Keller. 19e I wish to express niy sincere thanks and appreciation /or the lovely cards, flowers and visits received while a patient in St, ,Toseph's Hoepital, London, and since returning home. — Greta Schade. 19e The family of the late Mrs, Frank Coates wishes to ex- press sincere thanks and ap- preciation for all the many acts of kindness, floral tributes, letters and cards of sympathy recevied from relatives, friends and neighbors during their re- cent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving mother. Special thanks to the nursing staff of South Huron Hospital, Mrs. Rayehem and Rev. Duncan McTavish, at London. 19* te:","e."""","•:"• ... . .. . ,,',.":eeetri.e-Iee..-Zeeeee'eeeeeeeeeeefie,,:fleeteZ JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C,M, Organist and Choirmaster 10 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 A.M,—Morning Service Infant Baptism Anthemy th be Choir Sermon: "Meeting With God HI The Early Chapters Of The Bible" Nursery and Junior Congreg- ation WMCD1110, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOoD Pastor: Rev. William Getz i 1000 4.111. Ellble Class and Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Divine Services BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH 1 Pastor; Ivor Bedenham 10:00 a.m.—.Bible School '1 11:00 a.rn,--Morning Worship 7:30 p.m,-Eventrig Services Wed., p.m. -Prayer Service 1:1 PL, ENTECOSTA TABERNACLE v Rev, Mei, W. Holmes, Pastor I Main Maoi• CJCS Pectin C1240 'Kr.) Messaget writill BIGGEST PilOBL,Peler OH EATI,T11" 41ainee 1:15 0:45 een.,-,Sunday Setiol ' Bible LessonCh s, oruses Short. Stories 11:00 a.ro.-4Morning Worship 17:30 rete,a-levangelistie Rally Good Music, Lively Singing Anointed Preaching Friday, 8:00 p.m.. IteAMILY NIGHT (1.1.ISA1)ERS boyo anti girls it.CHttfSTistO AlmlitASSAT) Oft S ?dung people, •it 1taters anti mothers welcome, :Speaker: Rev, W11IIin tam, "A Weid01116 Awaits ?nu M Tho Tabernacle" - - AVEN PRESBYTERIAN OILIKOH Moiler ROV. IL M4 ttitStiff iIt Milt W. 0* Writhe kVA Worship THAMES ROAD •MENNONITE CHURCH 5. M. Saucier, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worsh(p Service 11:15 am,--Siniday School and Adult; Bible Ciass 8:00 p,rn.—Everting Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. leret c3 Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Oeganist Sunday, Weber 22 LAYMEN'S SUNDAY 8:30 a.m.—Qttiet Communion 11:00 aut,—IVIotniing Prayer Nursery and Sunday School Preacher: Mr. J. Wooden THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev, R. Vim Farm*, Minister 2:00 p.re,—Worship and Sermon Observance ot the Lord's Suppee 3:30 pan. --Sunday School 8:00 p.re,—Tentple Time, CHML Broadcast of Reformed Churches CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH R. A, G, Van ok, Meister 10:00 a.re,—Wership in English 2:15 pen,—Woeship in Dttteh 8:15 p.m. -Back to God 1our- 1HL0 (680 'Xt..) MAIN STREET United Church (4 Canada Minor: Rev. R. S. Hinz Orgenist: Mrs, A. Willard 10:00 a,m.e-Suntley Scheel I1:15 a.moaelSlornitig Worship Sernion: "Sardig and delphitt" ("Bethg watchful 3tt our oOportttility") -Ro- 2 143 Ntleeery provided, ;Willer Congregation for ptib. lie school age. -"Conic and worship wtth ns." ZION CHURCH Eventielleal United Brethren ditEGItON A, M. Schlenker, Paitor Stnidayi detobet 11, 1661 10:00 a.111,eallteriling Wersilln 1115 St1i001 70 0,m04olri with thri. todgregation for their ant& VetterY SerVide, CARPS QF THANKi.- 1 wish to sincerely thank is Claypele, all the mining staff and Dr. M. Gans for ail their kindness shown me while a patient in South Heron Itos- pita and to all any relatives, friends and neighbors for Ail the nice flowers, cards, visits and treats receiVed while in hospital and since returning home. Sincere thanks to you all.—Mrs, Orville Cann, 10' sincerely, wish to thank all my relatives and friends for the many cards and flowers I received while a patient at the Satith Huron Hospital at Ex - der, Special thanks to Miss Claypole and her wonderful staff of nurses, also to Dr. aelene, and a special thanks to my pastor, Rev, Getz, for bis realty visits and his wonderful prayers. -.-Sem, Elate. 19e Bert Rivers, Exeter, wishes to thank his many friends for the kindnesses he received while a patient in hospital. Your thoughtfulness was very much appreciated, 19* IN MEMORIAM OSTRICKER,In loving mem- ory of a dear sister -In-law and aunt, Leah Louise Young, who passed away two years ago, la deet r22,l9.5191. Theannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. -Ever remembered by brother- in-law Harry and his family. 19* OS'PRIOXER--In loving inern. ory of my dear sister, Leah Louise 'Young, who passed away two years ago, October 22, 1959, Though your smile has gone forever, Your voice 1 cannot 'hear, I never lose sWeet memories Of one I loved so dear. —Lovingly remembered bY her eister asfary. 19* DESJAREINE-In loving mem- ory of a dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. Victoria. Desjardine, who passed away four years ago, October 22, 1957. It's lonesome here without you mother, We miss you every day, For life is not the same to us Since you were called away. 11 we had all the world to give, We'd give it, yes and more, To hear your yoke and see your smile And greet you at the door. To you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, You'll never know the heart- ache 'Til you see her vacant chair. —Ever remembered by her family. 19c SMITH—ln loving memory of a dear husband and father, William J. Smith, who pass- ed away October 16, 1960. God saw you were getting weary, He did what .he thought: best, He put his arms around you And whispered come and rest. —Ever retnembered by his wife and family. 10* BALLANTYNE — 111 loving memory of a dear Dad and brother,John Ballantyne, who passed away one year ago, ()ether 23, 1060, Days Of sadness still come o'er Us, Tears In. silence often flow. For memory keeps you ever near us Though you left us one year ago. —Lovingly remembered by his family and sister. 19* teeetleaseetieeeeffeee•eee:elee.e.e.,e,:;,:e:,,,e,e LUCAN Raspberries in October Mr, and Mrs. Wes Hodgins of George St, have beeh feasting ort ripe raspberries for the past week. On Tuesday Mrs. Hod. gine picked a whole quart, She says there are Still, more greco ones which will ripen, If the weather continues mild. Legion Auxiliary Wee Duplleates and split bingos were the order of last Times- daY'S Legion Auxiliary binge in the Legion Hall, Mr. H. B. Langford, who Wort the $5 jack pot emigration prize also wen the 5th bingo. Mrs,' A, Hallo of Gutted won the top line of "Share the Wealth" and Mrs. Theme lerath ley of Ciatidoboye, who shared the hcittom line with (Mrs. Cecil Nat, also shared the t`irst part el the consecutive bingo with Mr. leelc deleintoeh of LUcall. The third part of °Share the Wealth" was slit Meng t-iarry Bond jr, and Mrs. Joe Haskett of Utah and W. H, Alober af Clandeboye. Mr, Bieber also WOO the 4th bingo and shared the Ith with Mr, Clarence Tay. lor of Exeter, Miss Mary Young of Iiirt Wert the Wend pert Cif the coit. sec:dive bingo and Mit. Wim fledging Of Unit theLull eed prize. Mrs, E, Collins et Aliso, Craig sitared the ,scconti bingo with Mt% Nog Ewen I Lu can, who Am Won the Lith binge. Me whiners were Mrs, jack Lankin,:Mrs, Tern Weller, lvfra, Cecil Hedging and Mrs, 8. newhilY, all of Lueen, Psonat Nina At ftitYt 'dirilitr, catered to by the Legion Auxillaty, itt .the Leo% Iran, 'itattirdey evehing, Mt and Retold Ryan tel. ebrdted their 40t.14 wddlng divettary with a faintly gather. •Mrs V, Cilteledia sister bee Altt hewn in from Ittgland for tWO-Week Widettett. Vi Mrs. '01kriert cad have. :drat hand informatiod df hot blends lid relettiete 111 Wind 411d land, .personal items Mr. and Mrs, Percy Lyouo, of Detroit, were weekend guests 01 Mrs. Herman Young. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hearn the holiday weekend in Bufrato. 141r. and, Mrs. William Brown - ice have returned home trom, a vacation with their son, it William Brownlee Jr.,, and family of _Brockville. lqrs. ,Morgenroth went as far as Xitehener with them to visit her daughter and family there. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins spent the holiday weekend with • their daughter, Mrs. John Wood and family of London. Miss Merry Robert, nurse. In -training at Sherbrooke, Que., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Roberts (formerly of Lo- gan) called on Lucan friends recently. Miss Julia Crozier, who is attending Macdonald Hall at Guelph spent Thanksgiving at her home here, ber parents tutting her back to school. Mr. Cecil Armitaged attended the plowing match at Belleville last week and. while there stayed with his sister and brother.le-law, .Mr. and Mrs, Ben Wilcox. Mr, and Mrs, A. M. liedden have returned home from a few days' vacation in Buffalo where they were the guests a Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Haas., On the way borne they called on Mr, iledden's sister, Mrs. Lily Bissett, of Brantford. Mr. And Mrs, Cliff Culbert and family have moved into their new home tm George St, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Jenkins are moving into the house they vacated on Main St. north. Litican's oldest resident, Mr. William Downing of Alice St., who celebrated his 99th birth. day Sept. 28, took a weak spell last Wednesday and was taken to South Huron Hospital, Exe- ter. Mrs, Austin Chisholm is now a patient In St. Joseph's Hos- pital. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Graham and family, of Chatham, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell Hackett and Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haekett. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins and Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers have returned from a 12 -day motor trip to Nova Stale. At Greenwood, N.S. they visited Flt. Sgt. and Mrs. .Stafford Hill and at Chesterville, Ont., Mr. and leers. Harry Bawden. They also visited Halifax, Am- herst, Antigonish, Fredericton and Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tollef- son and :family, of Toronto, were Thanksgiving guests Of Mrs, J. A. Graham. Mrs, Gra- ham and 60n, John returned to TOronto with them and will visit Mr. and telrs, Bob Demp- ster of West Hill, before return- ing to Lucan. Mrs. 'Warner McRoberts of the Dresden HS staff spent last weekend at her home here, Jane Crozier, 10- year -old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier, who fell through the straw chute en her father'e barn a week ago, Is able to return to school. Miss :SVA Colbert of London svas a weekend guest of Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. Cameron Colbert of Ilderton were Sun- day guests. !Mr, and Mrs. Allan Tindall have returned home to Wier.. tort after spending the holiday weekend Wath Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. Tind1i oe Grand Bend and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Abbot( of RR 1 Lucan. MT CARMEL Friday, Oct. 2/ Music by GRANT EDIGHOF.FER'S MELODY MASTERS PRIZES MR COSTUMES Admission 751: Sponsored by the Holy Name Society Lunch served, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and Mrs. Sheridan lievington at- tended the WI Area Conven- tion itt London last TuesdaY and Mrs. ilodethe and Mrsl. - Joliffe attended the Wednes- day session. "Armagh", show horse, own. ed by Mr. Ron Crozier and i5M1IY., has been sold to Dr, David Johnston of Loedon. Armagh's in r, won a seemed at llderton fair and her brother, Tyrone, fourth. Firemen from Strathroy. London, Ansa Craig and Lw can attended a parade and smirch service et the Strath. my United Chtrch on StindaY. Fire- Chief Alex Young and firemen Wes Hickson and Wayne Culbert represented tbe Divan Volunteer Division. Mr. and Mrs. Russell 'Wood of Palmerston and .Mrs. Alice Tapp of Listowel were Sun- day guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Ayieslock, In the aft - 01/10011 all visited Donald AYle- Meek in the hospital and found him much improved, Mrs. Ernest Ross held a Bur, prise birthday party for M. floss at the home of her daugh- ter and sonen.law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kratti of George St. Out. of -town guests included alr, and Mrs, Jim Simpson, Mr. and COMING EVENTS — LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE— Every Saturday evening, 8:45 to 11 p.m., RCAF Huron Park Community Centre. Instruction provided, Join the RCAF Cent - retie &mare dancers. All adults welcome. 28:5:12:19c BAZAAR -- St, MarY'e Church, Brinsley, Friday, October 20, 2:30 p.m, • 5:12:19c BAZAAR, BAKE SALE and Tea to be held itt Hensall United Church schoolrooms on Saber - day, October 28, at 3:00 p.m. Proceeds for new Sunday School building. Sponsored by Evening Auxiliary, 12:19:26c HAM and Home Baked Beans Supper, Trivia Memorial Par- ish Hall, Tuesday, October 24. Serving begins at 5:30 p.m. Menu: Tendersweet ham, scal- loped, • potatoes, home baked beans, cote slaw, assorted pies and doughnuts. Adults $L00; children under 12, 500. Spon- sored by T. M. Woman's Aux- iliary. • 190 WATCH FOR further details about the Coven Christmas Fair, Saturday, December 2. 19c A BAZAAR A TEA will be held by the Greenway United WA, (acteher 28, at 2:30 p.m. Ad- mission 35e, 19:26e 'Reception nce MR. AND MRS. BOB MILLER (nee Evelyn Wils011) EXETER LEGION HALL. Friday, Oct, 20 Ladies please bring lunch. EVERYONE WELCOME Hat Twice Elirnvil(e United Church Anniversay Sun., Oct, 22 11:00 a.in, Speaker THE REV. .EDGAR, ROULSTON of Exeter SPECIAL MUSIC LUCAN in er : 6 3 3 HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH i1 1 , BASEMENT I Wednesday October 25 , _ .. i I 5:00 p,m. to 8:00 p.m, 1 I., i 1 ADULTS $1.50 CIIILI)TINI\T UNDER 12, '75 I Pre.Schoel Children Free i : %firgimioloianataimmwoffiumintIllIttittlflift111111111011111110111111iffilliniMpliffillitlIMM1011W .piliiiiiiilliti111111111011111111111111011111117411111111111111111MNMIMM1110111(11111014111MatitiltilttilltillItlIN - I 5 1 1 VOORS OPEN 1140: :STARTS 3':t P,M4 :1/4111lilliff111-11r1111111111111111111111111101011111101111111111111110111111111ffilffillIfIff111111111111111(111111111101filiflte., Exeter Legion's. First Wednesday, October 25 EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL NALL 15 Rounds of Chicken ADMISSION SCS5t 10 Rounds of Turkey 100 EAH 3 FOR 2$0 t Mrs. Lawrence Boss .and Mrs. Mabel Pugley ref London, There were else twelve local Aueetri, sufficient fer lour tables et court whist, Mrs. George Strasser is able be back, On ditty At -her steret after her recent 40014 dent, The Exeter Ladles' CURLING LVB Pot Luck Supper Thurs, Oct. 26 6:30 p.nt. CURLING RINg Followed by general meeting All former :members and new ladies interested are welcome, ANNUAL MEETING and TURKEY BANQUET EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP EXETER LEGION NALL Thurs.,. Oct. 26 630 p,m. ROBERT IVIcCIJBBM Guest Speaker RECEPTION & DANCE For Bridal Couple GRACE DESJARDINE & ROBERT DINNEY Sat., Oct. 21 Crediton COMMUNITY HALL 9:00 p.xrl. EVERYONE WELCOME Notice' Veterans T. W. Gilkinson, Service Bureau Officer, will be at Exeter Legion Hall on Oc- tober 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. Anyone wishing informa- lion on, war disability pen- sion, treatment, allowances, etc., please see R. E. Pooley or Harvey Pfaff and ar- range an interview With OM' Service Officer. If you cannot do this, call and see Mr. Gilkinson at the Legion Hall, Monday, October 23. R. E. 'OQLEY HARVEY PFAFF Service Officers Brownie's Drive-in LIMITED CLINTON ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in Huron County 2 Show e Nightly, Rain oe Clear Box Office Opens 7:4S First Show at 8:00 ADMISSION: 6.5 CENTS Childreri Uncle 12 In Cars Free FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 20 and 21 DOUBLE FEATURE — "Wake me when Its Over" (colour) (Scope) ink kevitts Dick Shawl "Young Jesse James (cetour) Willard Parker Rey Stricklyri (ONE 4Ark1'6ON) •L‘ , • .0...4 1:40,f • The Times•Advecate, Octol;lor 19 1961 Pails 17 FALL. SUPPER DAsHwool) ELIB ;HURON Wed,, Nov, 8 5;00 p.m. Served and ~sponsored by men f the Church Tickets will be numbered and you will be seated aS. LQ attrnbet, Adults $1,50 Students $1.00 Under 12, 500 Police are Investigating three fres in the (rand Bend-Kim- yke area, early Tuesday morn. og, believed to have been set arsoniets, A 50 -year-old small, unocen- ded frame honee, owned by danseJl liodgins, RR 3, Park. OR, was burned. to the ground. tri almost square structure, -U t 21 feet, it . contained. some :14rniture. Mr. Hodgins estimated the toss at about $000. The house was situated about 21/2 miles west of Crediton. The same morning, two straw stacks valued at about $100, Owned by Harold 'Wolper, RR 3 Parkhill, burned to -the ground. The stacks were on a farm west of the Mollard line. A load of straw was piled on the road near the New Venice farm in the :Klondyk.e and burned to the ground. OP'P Constables Don West- over, Exeter, and Hugh Mills, • Parkhill, are inves'tigatin'g the blazes. Hensall fire loss $5,000 OLD4IME 'KINSMEN Carraivai ance„ Hartsell **no PR1DAY, OcTOBER, 10:"' Doors open 8:00 Pon. Cash and fowl bingos, paddle wheels and 9011101 of ewes Fun for the whole Willi' Midst Win a Now CCM Bicycle Free -- Draw at 10:00 p.m. Jitney !Dancing Admission Fres Sponsored by efeneal$ 1.41801040,, - Damage was estimated at nearly $5,000 in a fire which gutted the upstairs at the resi- dence of Sam Rennie, Hensall, Monday evening. Hensail firemen fought the 1 stubborn blaze for over an hour before they brought it under a control. They used two tracks in 0 the battle. The fire is believed to have started. :from an overheated light bulb in a closet in the upstairs, breaking out at 8:15 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, a daughter, Suzanne, and their son, Howard, were sitting in the living room when they no- ticed a flash and beard a slight Lay charge over assault Exeter OPP have issued e, warrant for the arrest of a 25 - year -old London man on a charge of indecent ,aseault leged to have taken place in Hay Township, August 5. Robert L. Robinson, London, who was arrested last week by London OPP, faces other eharges of rape and indecent assault in the London area. .A 17 -year-old London girl eomplained to peace here Sat- urday, August 5, that she had been driven up the eighth con- cession of 3 -fay, a dead-end trail east and north of Zurich, where the alleged offence took place. She said. she had accepted ride with the stranger at a. London bus depot after she found she could not secure transportation, to the Grand, Bend area where her parents. were vacationing. PC George Mitchell investi- gated the complaint. Robinson was arrested" :fol- lowing the alleged rape of a girl in the London area last week. The other indecent as- sault charge involves a 12 -year- old London girl. Plan inquest November 3 Inqudst into the death a Rhyman Howald, 61, of Zurich, who died Oct. 12 in London hos- pita], after being hit in the side of the head by a stone, 15 ex- pected to be held Friday, No- vember 3, 1,C Harry Reid said Get Mine Out Of Life GO TO A MOVIE! THURS., FRI., SAT, — OCTOBER 17, 20, 21 ADULT PRESLEY eeet:IqX. e • • MON., TUES., WED. — OCTOBER 23, 24, 25 JuLIE,.. NO MAN CDULD FORGET HER., WoMAN FoR,GivE HEM! GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA ANTHONY FRANCIOSA ERNEST BORGNINE INAltso EN TUE ORAI " ee LOMA PATTEN ChtmecoPrendMETROCOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COMINGSOON "E . YOU THE BEST OCTOBER 26, 27, 26 — TH ABuLoti$ "Gone With The Wind" One Show Nightly — Starts at 8 o'clock * °PARRISH" (Adult) * "TRAPP FAMILY" - * "GIDGET 0005 TO HAWAII!! am' P 421 LYRIC THEATRE EterEit First Show 130 Seeotid thew 9:30 Mathiee 2:00 p,fli Saturday14 -11' antes Exeter .Legion. Mom:wit:11 Hail Nititing 9 f 2 Jilakeft mut Jeans Not Ailowact rriirifori •