HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 18ON THE $POT REC. NEWS Letter from. •Kirkton y BY: DON 130QM" qRAVE1 T BMRS. HAROLD DAVIS . . WA and Guild St., Pauls Anglican Church WA and Guilkl met at the home of Mrs. Claire Sisson with 13 Members and five visitors pre- sent. mrs, Clayton Smith presided for the WA meeting. Seripture Passage was read. by Mrs. Cecil Dobson. Mrs. B. Waghorn Presided for the Guild meeting, -After a business discussion, Mrs, Wag - horn conducted a e o n t e s t. Lunch was served by Mrs, Burns Bladder, Mrs. C. Dob- son, Mrs, McCurdy and. hos- tess. Personal items Mr, and ISIrs, John Lly1 and family, Toronto, spent Thanks- giving with Mr, and Mrs, Henry Syrier and family. Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Baillie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Paynter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Tony Roels of Scotland, Mr. and Mrs, Burns Biack•- ler and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Stacey and family at Avonton, Mr. and Mrs, Alex Crago, Mr, Frank Routly and Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Vodden, Woodham, visited Sunday with Mrs. Vera Routly, Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc- Curdy of Barrie visited Wed- nesday with Mr. and Mrs, Miller McCurdy, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Miler McCurdy visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Victor Mc- Curdy, of Chatham. Rev, Harris of London was a guest Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, John Roundell and fam- ily. Flowers in St, Paul's Angli- can Church Sunday were plac- ed in memory of the late Delmar Johnson, Mrs, Delmar Joluison is at present with her daughter and family, Mrs. D. Scrivens, of Rochester, N.Y. Rev. and Mrs, MacAulay, of London, visited Friday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Irvine. Mr, and Mrs. Bill Waghorn visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hopkins, of Wood- ham. Mr, and Mrs. Waghorn and Mrs. Hopkins visited with Mr. Hopkins at Westminster Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schram and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jarvis. Director of Recreation gxeter Stamp Club Mr. Burke is a ‘vell .qualified The Exeter Stamp Club %NM instructor as he is in charge hold its first official meeting• of some five clubs throughout tonight (Thursday, Oct. 19) at Western and South Western 4:15 p.m. in the Recreation Ontario. Office a the Exeter Pub ie The local club plans to .run Vibrary, their figure skating lessons every Saturday afternoon in the —Approximately 10 people have indicated that they would like Exeter Arena. Approximate the formation of such a club starting time will be around and have stamps•well as the 17th of November. ointo trade, Local club members cordially cs Even though YOU haVen't Stlb• extend an invitation to, all dis- mitted your name as yet,come WA towns who do not have an meeting f instructor for lessons to bring .4.the Thursday i can make it. I'm sure you'll everyone interested into to participate. Exeter $ind the exchanging of stamps from all over the world exelt- if anyone in the Lucan, Cen- ing and an educational project. tralia, .Kirkton, Crediton, Dash- wood, Grand Bend, Zurich, Figure Skating Hensall, Kippen, Seaforth or The Exeter Figure Skating any other community would Club has seeured the services like to take lessons, we cer- of Arthur Burke P.' the 3.961- tainly advise you too c me in 62 season, and join the Exeter Club. .‘ • Figure skating is a very worth - Message from Centralia /3y MRS. FRED BOWDEN WMS Mrs. William Elliott and Mrs. Charles Rollings conducted the worship service and arranged the program for the meeting of the WMS in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday evening. A piano solo was played by Gail Lennox. Mr. H. King of the RCAF showed the film "Assignment for -Children" in a tour of In- dia, Japan, Korea, Burma and Thailand by Danny Kaye who saw how the UNICEF and health organizations are stamp- ing out diseases, establishing child welfare centres and pro- viding food wherever needed, Mrs. George Hepburn, Chris- tian Stewardship secretary, re- minded the members of the gift boxes to be handed in at the November meeting. Ars. M. Elliott and Miss Anderson were to arrange plans with the WA for a bus trip. Mrs. Ross McFall and Mrs. Fred Bow -I den were appointed as dele-i gates to the sectional meeting' an Whalen on October 23. The hostesses were Mrs. Frank Hicks, Mrs. K. Hodgins and Mrs, Orville Langford. while project for anyone to undertake. We trust that par- ticipants will also find it very educational as well. If you are interested contact us at the Rec Office (437) or at aur home phone 693-M. Minor Bowling Registrations c o n ti nu e to . , P minor bowling program. To date, close to 160 youngsters have registered to participate throughout the various leagues. Chairman Ruth Durand tells us that the junior and senior girls and boys will, bowl every Tuesday and Friday night f -'-"n 4-6 p.m, Bantam boys will tieipate every Monday while the Bantam Girls \MI bowl every Saturday morning at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday and Fri- day nights will see the boys and girls mixed league in op- eration, With so many anxious bowl- ers in town, the minor bowling league is running into a slight problem. They need more score- keepers, both for full and part- time help. If you're at all in- terested give the local alleys (499), Ruth Durand (709) or yours truly (437) a call. I'm sure helping the kids out will give you great satisfaction. Teen Town Club The Exeter Teen Town Club held an extremely successful dance at the local arena Sat- urday night. Disc .1 MR. AND MRS. J. R. RADCLIFFE —Culbert photo .. . • . . Miss, ART J. MORRISON —Engel photo e in Detroit and Mr. James Rummell, bro- ther of the bride and Mr. Hugh Morrison another brother of the groom were ushers, The organist, Miss Mary Mo- retti of London, provided tra- ditional wedding music and ac- companied the soloist, Mrs, Betty O'Hara, who sang "Ave Maria," "0 Lord I am not Worthy" and "On this Day oh Beautiful Mother," After a reception at the Knot- ty Pine Inn, the bride changed to a wool suit of winter white, with green trim, green acces- sories and gardenia corsage, for a honey -moon trip to Gaspe Pe- ninsula. The young couple will make their home in Detroit. Out of town guests were pre- sent from Milwaukee, Detroit, Sarnia, Petrolia, Parkhill, Tor- onto, Hamilton, and Guelph. ...26 it!) THEN YOU ARE LIKELY TO B E Ambitious, wicie awake. You love life. You're hard to discourage, If you can't reach a man by 'phone— you may even write! alerilyineluding,of course: a Your correspondent's full and correct postal ad- dress1 Your own name and return addressin upper left corner II AND THE CORRECT POSTAL ZONE NUMBER IF YOU ARE WRITING TO QUEBEC, MONTREAL, OTTAWA, TORONTO, WINN!. PEG, OR VANCOUVER. Help US In Speed your Mail *radfieck the yellow pages of your Telephone Directory for full postal information. 0:541'.ad Ccindlelight ceremony Raskets, .of :gardenia. corsage was feathered and large mums and 'worn by 'both. white candelabra formed the, At the reception, three tele - setting in the, Linen 'United grains—of .congratulations. were Church ,at 7 p.m. Friday,. •Oe -,received from Mr. anct Mrs. J. tober $ fax the candlelight, 4L Sugden and Mr, and Mrs. double -ring marriage cere•.! Balec ot 111oritreal, Que, ancl many of Dorothy Elizabeth from Mr. and Mrs. R. iL WM.-- Watson. and John .Russell Rad-LS(1n of Winnipeg, Mao. Cafe. ',rile Rev. G. W. 'Sach! Far a honeymoon trip to, officiated. Montreal and Eastern ,Onited The r. ‘1,10bdtislo.11dlieirsio.sr -1.11,'hhi,eo;.cnaidar7,441zIeexraiiQine!lil,tv4ot•epsi.,eeteh .be orisctitIM%11441. ogle cl; n(19ink der hrown swiss cotton brocade. A groom is the son of mr, and beige maribou hat .with, match. 0111sros..0iJoLbunc.n,S„tanley Radcliffe,' yiVilowC Pie,oSsSeesriecSonallanide to.cdorsbaegre enof, Given in marriage by her .$ern*' father, the brideehose.joali4o aislei,1thlrlehomeY(itiLondonngca-uPle.ivin make wide, floor -length whic peati de,faille. The ho The Tbe bride is a graduate of dice featured a shallow nal, the London 'Teachers' College, loped scoop neckline, edged with double appliques .of re- Former resident embroidered Guipure lace Vol.- • ets, long lily sleeves and a prolinilet'es:helalitilel' les jn Sydenham waist. The skirt *as enhanced, • • by two paniers on either side„; Mrs.. Joseph Coveny of Dover which were silhouetted by the jTownship died StOCIPIttY Oct, 8 same lace florets, -which ex- in •Sydenham Hospital after an • illness of three ,weeks, ! Mrs, Coveny, the former tended even to the romantic cathedral ,train. A matching headdress of Guipure lace and floret leaves held her finger- tip veil of French. illusion, She Kathlyn Benn of Lucan, lived in Dover Township for man) years. A former school teacher, carried a cascade arrange-, she taught in Dover as well as Inca of deep rosette roses, white baby Ill 1.1)11S and trailing ivy, Miss Patricia Watson, sister of the bride, as maid of honor and Miss Nancy Watson, also sister of the bride, and Miss F'auline Dixon, cousin of the bride, as bridesmaids, were gowned in cocktail.- length dresses of deep rosette peau de sole. The scoop neckline made way for the short cap sleeves but the main attraction was centred on the bell -shape skirt. They wore matching crowns with tiny veils and car- ried cascades of white shasta daisies. Bruce Bonet of Toronto was best man and- Jack Palleski of Toronto and jack Park of Lucan were ushers, Mrs. G. W. Seely provided traditional wedding music and accompanied. Miss Irene Don- aldson of RR. 4 Denfield, who sang, "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedr:ing Prayer". At a reception and dinner in the Legion fall the. bride's mother received in a sheath cocktail -length gown of brown French pure silk peau de sole. She was assisted by the groom's mother who chose a sage green silk peau de soie ensemble, with matching marl- bou hat and accessories. A in the Canadian West. ' She was a member of the Catholic Women's League, and was a past diocesan president of the CWL for the diocese of London, Surviving besides her hus- band are three daughters, Mrs. Don McCallum (Rota) of Dres- den, Mrs. R, J. Blaine (Agnes) of Ridgetown, Mrs. Lloyd De Bob (Aileen) of Wallaceburg and nine grandchildren. There are also four brothers, Thomas and Joseph of Lucan, Patrick of Toronto, Walter of Edmon- ton and two sisters, Mrs, M. J. Coveny of Wallaceburg and Miss Barbara Benn of Lucan. Requiem high mass was sung on Wednesday, October 11 in Holy Family church, Wallace - burg with interment in River- view cemetery. „ Among those attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Benn, Mr. Thomas Benn, Miss Barbara Benn. and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Berm, all of Lu- nn, Mr, and Mrs. Billy Ab- bott of Niagara and Mrs. Mac Cooper of London, Indian Summer District farmers and local gardeners have been taking ad- vantage of the perfect Indian Summer weather to harvest their crops and prepare for winter. Recreation News Ry BARNEY WM The Junior Farmers had a dance at the arena on. F"iday evening which was quite a big success in a ttenCiSilee. They are going to have a Hallowe'en dance on Thursday everting, Oct. 26.. Everyone must wear a costume. Music Musi is to, be provided by the Canadian Playboys. All regular hockey activities will start next week. There was an intermediate hockey meeting last Sunday afternoon at the arena. 11 looks like a fine season ahead for the local team. 1 hope the local pecple will come out and support the team. Our regular Saturday night dance will again have a few spot prizes. We look forward to see large crowds for (air fall dances. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hodgins held a famuly Th anks giving dinner Sunday, October 15, Vacuum C10..qners Sales and Service Repairs and bags for all t• Bels of vacuum cleaners min polishers. Reconditioned ma- chines of all makes for sale. BOB PECK, RR 1, Zurich Phone Hensel! 69r2 DEPOT SOUTH END SERVICE Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER X;NADA 4,4,74 -DV fg.,405..,:e . . I,- . CAN w0007,74., Your Future's better if you're backed by Bonds! No matter how young or how oict—everyone has something to pan for and to save for! Whatever your plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systematic way of building up savings to help you realize your goals. And there's nothing quite like a reserve of Bends to give you a feeling' of security and confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bonds are a guaranteed investment— cashable anytime at full fa ee value plus interest. Coupons pay 4j41,% the first year, CA% fOr each of the next six years, 5% for each of the last three years. DenominatiOns from $60 up, Liniit per person $10,000. So simple to buy— on instalments or or cash at any bank, investitent dealer, stock broker, trust ot loan company, or through your company's Payroll Savings Plan. Order yours today! BUY TH1 NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS Stied for You—and Canada loot 0 11 Res Mr. 10 A 11 ir A. NI P. A 100( •1 10:0c 110c 7:ao Wed. • ,� n0 Me P11 Bib 4. She ill:00 4::10 Get 1 Ant -.4 (1111$ 4 j c',1111,1 You la the :$0ak