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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 15
.47,,,,,N.moolomaamaommem -#‘0 1;4 c:::;t:7,7.71—Mr. and ivirs, Paul Watson were Married in St, Peter's RC Church, St, Joseph, on Satyr - day, October 7, The bride is the former Angela Laporte, RR 2 Zurich, and the groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. William Watson, RR 1 Dashwood, —Doerr photo S ith's Falls wedding Sale 'bigger Rit and better1 1. church of $t. John's the Mrs... Verla Trodden, Evangelist, Sinitir'S de- Smith's Falls, was matron of coated with white .giadloiL honor wearing streeWngth mums and ferns, wInnarnd gown or. gold pea0.0.501p e with Bigger end better than ever Halladay, daughter of Ambrose retina neckline, three-tniarter —,b01,h, in attendarlee and iner- Halladay, ita 1 small's Falls, length sleeves and matehing 1°04gAnnrudisincg—wtnanS semtiltannencahjeeposs . and the late Mrs. lialladay, accessories. She Carried a nose. became the beide of Robert gay of bronze annuls, Miss inag0 Pale sPonsored by the Lewis Kirk, Thornita $t., Ex- bride, as bridesmaid, was Kirk, son of Mr. end Mrs. Shirley Wilson, cousin of the ialfintoie:hlioiclionoisilro:AruitxtahilleiarLoYengiotsonatligSreadulailyb eter, on Saturday, September dressed identically to themat 30, at 11.30 a,111, roti of honor Flower irl Miss A great i t Canon G, li, .e4a1er perform. Lee IlalladaY, niece of the dice from fresh eggs to fur ed the ceremony and miss bride, Were filini, green and 4N:tofriend btr ts waseffe'eoduglfitn for s3aleaceOne Joyce Lawson Smith's Valls carried mauve innms. played the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mr, Donald Garbutt, who sang "Wedding Prayer' and ,f0 Per. feet Love", Given in marriage by her brother, Ed Halladay, the bride wore a full-length gown of silk faille styled with scoop neck- line, three quarter length sleeves and bell-shaped skirt accented at the back with a large bow. She carried a bouquet of red roses, white mums and ivy. Rob er t co" Ex..eter liesh eggs for sale and they Kirk, b• Abesisa.othtehie7linoarilaadtley EugeneEniot sdinisaaphpe:eraeldizerdapiocill4Y:r furni, 8room, ture auctioned 50. L:111(.:4,brothei; a the bride, alslit aniepts ps7icee ebdAliwgahst, SaSOISittoe. Aari eHP tar wwilesrehelmctrtn$ , the(wr r4171te on a split -leaf pinto- Italladay, sister-in-law of the dendron in a planter donated bride, received guests wearing by Reder florist and an autumn a magenta wool jersey sheath floral arrangement given by with jacket and white carnation Bailey's florist netted $46. The corsage, The groorn's mother former was won by Mrs, Wil. chose a pink sheath with nem Amerongen and the latter Jacket; and pink, carnation ear. by M, •.diaepckartPflareyndte. sage inaugurate For travelling to New York ed at this sale was used Hal. where the honeymoon was to icwe'en costumes which really Hurondale Jills be spent, the bride changed to "went over in a big way", a two-piece knitted suit of The committee incharge make fruit cups Baltic blue with white acees- sortes and pink rose corsage, The fourth meeting the rhe couple will live at We - of Hurondale Jolly Jilts for the saga Beach. club "Featuring Fruit" was Guests attended from Ex held on Tuesday, October 17 at eti' Brockville, Elliot Lake, 1 7.30 p,m, at the home of Mrs. New York and \lerrickville. Garnet Hicks with 16 members present. President Barbara Webber Displays crafts conducted the business part of. 1". the meeting. During the meeting "Im- to UC federation rs. Eugene Howey, Mrs. , W. G. Seldon, Mrs, Harold Taylor and Mrs. Robert Southcott, expr es sed themselves as "amazed at the crowd so dense one could scarcely move and so eager to buy," The merchandise that was not sold was given to needy families in the district and the Salvation Army, London. Always lift stemware hy the portance of Breakfast, as Onestem, rather than the cup, it Double -ring ceremony for Breakfast and Fruit CuP Street 'United Church MondaY of the Day's Meals", "Fruit thFeednelte• aettlonng ofo the-jlaVgais- is less likely to be broken, Tall standards of chalk -white gladioli and ferns formed th setting for the wedding in Por Perry United Church of Barb are Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, James G, Porter, Por Perry, and John Kenneth, son of Mr, and Mrs, Mervin P', Pym, Thedford, Ttev. William J. Moore, Park- hill, officiated for the double ring ceremonyand thewedding music was played by Mrs. Alex Sangster, Parkhill. The soloist, Mr, Robert Johnstone, Parkhill, sang "The Wedding Prayer" before the ceremony and "0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a full- length portrait gown of white organza over taffeta. The fit- ted bodice featured tiny short sleeves gathered with lact. A large bow gave back interest to the full, billowy skirt accented by a row of fine lace. The bride wore a finger tip veil edged in lace held by a tiara of rhine- stones and pearls. She carried a cascade of chalk white gla- dioli and stephanotis. Her only iewellery was a necklet of pearls and matching earrings, the gift of the groom. Her maid of honor was her sister, Norma Elizabeth Porter and bridesmaids were Miss Gail Stratton, and Mrs. H. Tedball, LondonMissMarion 1 ar- tyn of Port Perry. They were, identically gowned in street. length dresses of buttercup yel- low taffeta with bell. skirts and featured portrait necklines trim- medtwith lace. Their headdres- ses were small crowns of petals and pearls in matching color covered with full net veils, They carried nosegays of bronze and yellow mums with talisman bows, The little flower girl, Miss Eileen Mitchell of Oshawa was dressed in white point de -esp- rit. She wore a bandeau of flow- ers and carried the rings in a basket filled with yellow button mums. Mr, Harold Pym, Medford, was best man for his brother and the ushers, wearing black watch jackets were Mr, Ray Pa- vey, Alvinston; Mr. H. Tedball, London and 11r, George Davies, Thedford, The reception was held in the church hall, decorated in pale yellow and white streamers and white bells. Small table ar- rangements of bronze and yel- low mums were placed on each of the round tables. The bride's mother received the guests wearing a sheath dress in mink brocaded taffeta with a blue feathered hat and Eptcorsage of blue carnations. The bridegroom's mother chose \„, ',,,ii gown of teal blue crepe and wore a corsage of pink came - tions, Rev, Moore acted as master Of ceremonies at the reception and sang two duets with the so- loist Mr. R. Johnstone with Mrs. A. Sangster accompanying them on the piano. Before leaving on their honey- moon trip the bride sent her wedding bouquet to the groom's invalid grandmother. For their trip to the Adirondack Moun, tains the bride wore a honey beige wool dress with autumn green aCcessorie8. A bronze and green corsage was worn on her e muskrat fur jacket. t Out of town guests were pre- sent from Toronto, Dunnville, , Kitchener, Exeter, Clinton, Lon- don, Oshatva, Alvinstem, Thed- ford, Parkhill, Nanticoke, St. Catharines, Wai nf 1 e e t and Brantford. The happy couple are now re- siding in Thedford, lop'. ' .1 .,4, ;."•`1,71r. '',' erm I .., e..r..,!, , r . THE ONE MING, mosr MEN CAN DO BETTER THAN ANYONE EISE,IS: READ THEIR OWNWRITIII6 • ; • •• • .0 • ie.. A COMPLETE RADIATOR SERVICE liGHWYS.4.82 EXETER Kinettes honors new mother Exeter Kinettes met at the t home of Mrs. Cal Wein last 0 Tuesday evening with almost 100'; attendance. ideas" and "How ean I im. e • m crff d ,1111111111111110111111MMIIIIIMIIIMMO11 1 11 9 • , prove my record book?" was London, formerly of Exeter, discussed. demonstrated leathercraft in. After watching Mrs. Alvin chiding the tooling and carving Moir prepare a fruit cup the of leather. members participated in pre- He also showed pictures paring more t h e sely e s. made of wood veneer which is `Fruit Cup Garnishes" were one of the newer industrial also discussed, arts which he teaches to grades Mrs. Moir .had obtained many seven and eight of London Pub - different kinds of apples and lie Schools. He was introduced along with those brought by by Mrs, Arnold Lindenfield and he members, the apples were thanked by Mrs, Lloyd Cush - separately named and discus- man. ed. Mrs. Lindenfield led in the devotional assisted by Mrs. The next meeting is to be eld on October 24, During the John Taylor, Mrs. Allan West - ,eek the members are to pre- cott and Mrs. William John - are and serve to the family st00• he fruit for breakfast at least with a piano instrumental. President Mrs. Douglas Insley and report it in the record conducted the business when a once before the next meeting President Mrs. Claire Hoff- man presented Kinette Mrs, Bud --Preszcator with a baby spoon and in turn Mrs. Hoff- man was feted with a baby shower. Treasurer's report was pre- sented by Mrs. Gordon Bayn- ham and Registrar Mrs. John Burke called the roll. The draw was won by Kinette Mrs. Bill Brock, Assisting the hostels were Mrs. Les Parker and Mrs. Bayntha m. Tarsitano-Hern — Continued from page 14 er assisted wearing a light blue organza ensemble. For a honeymoon spent in Florida, Jamaica and Ontario the bride donned a strawberry pink sheath with matching jacket and white accessories. The couple will make their home in Chicago. The bride is an air steward- ess and the groom is a senior dental student at Loyola Dental School, Chicago. Garage Sunday And. . • Evening Service 1 Open this Sunday, Wed- nesday afternoon and dur- ing the evening through- out 1. the week. SneII Bros., . . Ltd book. Also two breakfast menus questionnaire concerning the ,11111111111111111111111111111111111111 llllll 1 lllll 11 llllll 111 if are to be planned, one with fruit at the beginning of the meal and one including fruit later in the meal and bring these to the next meeting. The meeting was concluded with the eating of the fruit cup. Nurse speaks to Trivitt Guild Guest speaker for the meet- ing of Trivitt Memorial Guild was Miss Nornia Westgate, pub- lic health nurse. She spoke of her work as a missionary nurse on Baffin Is- land and displayed Eskimo cos- tumes and native carvings. Pre s id en t Mrs. Murray Greene was in the chair and plans for the November bazaar were further discussed. Plans were alto made :for a euchre party to be held Monday, Octo- ber 30 at the Parish Hall. The meeting closed with a social hour convened by the hostess, Mrs, Evan Sims and her conimittee. "United Church Women" was discutsed, directed by Mrs. Wi workshop slated for Friday A South linron District work- shop on WI :precedures is be- ing.held in liensall Legion Hall Friday, October 27 from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Mrs. R.. J. Peney,. Kingston, :will be the instructor. Each. member attending is to br'ng a box lunch and also, the WI handbook. ,e,Aee‘cie;:.;,;;;,ebtAeii,4*144 f The TimoieAcivgcato, .0.ctpber 19,, 1961 Paoli 10 , . Missionary home ,on 'furlough k Miss Audrey Fi nb ein e r, London, formerly of Shipita has arrived home on her sec- ond furlough from the island of St. Lucia, West Indies where she works among children and young people. Finkheiner spent her early days in Woke and was a member of .Shipka church, Harold Finkbeiner is brother and Mrs. Ernest Keys, Exeter, is an emit. Many wilt remember Miss Pinkbetner when sbe spoke :at several meetings in Exeter and community on her last furlough. Rolow wotktoftex... „,,s4 . .. ... . p • , :414',,,.4.,47. 4e .••4 4 • • .'''''' Free! Marie Fraser's new recipe booklel. ,,oaseerple Cuisine with Comedian cheese write todaY) 'c':f1' Buren :...7D Sr°erypalprco ADADIIvRisiYonofFARMERS OF CANADA 147 Davenport Road,Toronto 5 iP°44----ftenigemoso""”- Greet fall head on... . , with an exciting new hairstyle that will make you look and feel your most feminine for every occasion, The new permanents are now more natural and longer - lasting for custom styling, EXETER Phone 356 BEAUTY SALON (Closed Monday) GRAND BEND Phone 18 Lac . ... ye ..,eTINiri-t; T 1`14:41.1.. 9;00 1 Gordon Koch. A BAZAAR & TEA wilt he held m by the Greenway p, . United WA, 1 Oetoher 28, at 230 pan1, Ad- E WELCOME 1 A graham cracker pie crust mission 35e. 9:2(ie EVERYON is fine to line bottom of re- frigerator tray; spoon in ice cream; top with more crumb mix—freeze. SOUTH END SERVICE Russ and Chuck SneII PHONE 328 EXETER ELECTRIC DRYERS eception nice MR. AND MRS, BOB MILLER (nee Evelyn, Wilson) EXETER LEGION HALL Friday, Oct, 20' Ladies please bring lunch. EVERYONE WELCOME Elirnville United Church Anniversay Sun., Oct, 22 11:00 a.m. Speaker: THE REV. EDGAR ROULSTON of Exeter SPECIAL MUSIC • Full double bed site • Full 2 -year guarantee • A top quality blanket made by Canada's largest elec- tric blanket maker • Can be washed and dried auto- ni ati c a Ily • Offer good from Oct. 14th ----Nov, 30th, 1961 A $29.95 VALUE Only GE Dryers Give you higheispeed air Circulation: and I©w temperature to prevent "hot spots".. See RUSSELL ELECTRIC. YOUR, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE DEALER FOR SALES WITH SERVICE EXETER. PHONE 109 inner 'OMAN CHURCH October 25 8:00 pn. )REN UNDER 12, 15e tlldren loree ion's First October 25 4iMOR L fo:ALLy Of Chicken $00 of Turkey POR tsf :$,LrARt5. 000 P,Mg ,ninlinnnummunninannmonainnnunk upstairs, JJ1V•11 1.1.16 P•rn. Mr. and Mrs. Rennie, a daughter, Suzanne, and their son, Howard, were sitting in no- ticed a flash and heard. a slight' the living xoom when they intr—nrit•—tre-gor—dr— Rhyrnan Howald 61, of 'Zurich who died, Oet. 12 in London hos- pital, after being hit in the side of the head by a stone, is ex- pected. to be held Friday, No- vernber 3, PC Harry Reid said Notice Get More Out Of Life Veterans GO TO A MOVIE! T. W. Gilkinson, Service Bureau Officer, will 'be at Exeter Legion Hall on Oc- tober 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. Anyone wishing informa- tion on war disability pen- sion, treatment, allowances, etc,, please see R. E. Pooley or HarveyyPfaff and ar- range an interview with our Service Officer. If you cannot do this, call and set Mr. Gilkinson at the Legion Hall, Monday, October 23. R4 E. POOLEY HARVEY PFAFF Service Officers Brownie's Drive -In LIMITED CLINTON ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen in HOW County 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Opens 7:45 First Show at 8:00 ADMISSION: 6S CENTS Children Under 12 In Cart Free FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY October 20 and 21 — DOUBLE FEATURE - 'Wake me when it's Over" (Colour) (tope) E mit Kovacs Dick Shawn "Young Jesse James" (.coidnuo WlIIard`Parkie Rey Stricklyn (ONE CARTOON) THURS., FRI,, SAT. OCTOBER 19, 20, 21 ADULT MON., TUES., WED. — OCTOBER 23, 24, 25 JULIE". NO MAN COULD FORGET HERu, NO WOMAN FORGIVE HEM! Mia.m /MUM% OINA 1,011.08RIGIOA ANTHONY FRANCIOSA ERNEST BORONINE An ARCOLA OROMICTIOM Weiffliarr UJANA PATTEN / OiNtmAScoPrandMETROCOLOR ADULT ENTERTAINMENT COMING SOON I THIO11.):Y4Iii OCTOBER 26, 27, 26 —. THE FABULOUS "Gone With The Wind' One Show Nightly — startle at 8 O'Cloett * "PARRISH" (Adult) * "TRAPP FAMILY" * "GIDGET GOES TO HAWAII" LYRIC THEATRE 2C -6B -TER ne 421 - First Show /:30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 OdYto, aullallillININIMMEINMEzmomromenrameliMMINUMINIMINNIIII Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Dancing9 to 12 Admusioot no Per Person JAckett ittid Mink thf AlloWdd