HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 10PW. 1O The T mes• 14,v.oeate,. October. 19,. 1961
CROWN QUEEN AT LiONS' FETE—Lion Fred Darling crowns Judy Snelgrove Miss
able -Rite Roundup Queen folowing the beauty contest held at Exeter Lions' beef
dinner Thursday night in the Legion Hall. Runners-up were Kathryn Oke and Mary
Lou Hoffman. The event attracted a crowd of close to 700. ---T-A photo
President's daughter wins
at Li
Beauty got the booty at Exe-
ter Lions Table -Rite beef din-
ner Thursday night.
Nine attractive teen-age girls
Shared nearly $300 in cash and
merchandise prizes in the
beauty contest which followed
the Lions' successful dinner,
The wide variety of gifts, do-
nated by Exeter stores, were
distributed among all of the
pretty contestants.
The winner was 17 -year-old
blond Judy Snelgrove, daugh-
ter of the club's president, An-
drew Snelgrove, Andrew St,
She was crowned Miss Table -
Rite Roundup Queen and re-
ceived a $50 cheque plus her
armful of gifts.
A grade 12 student at SR -
DHS, Judy hopes to become an
x-ray technician and her $50
prize may help her achieve the
goal. "I'm going to put it in
my bank account." she said
afterwards. "I'll have good use.
for it one of these days".
The 5'5", 120 -pound winner,
plays piano, likes to skate and'
s to !.c.uty
Ener fete
sings in the church choir. Her
talents, plus her attractiveness
gave her the judges' nod,
Just as happy about the win
as Judy herself was her father,
who entered her in the com-
petition as "Miss RCA Victor".
It was an exciting climax to
the completion of the Lions
Club's, .first successful project
since Mr. Snelgrove took over
as president.
Win second again
Runner - up was Margaret
Oke, 17, of RR 3 Exeter, who
also placed second in the Kins-
men Harvest Queen competi-
tionthe week before. A grade
13 student who hopes to become
an English teacher, Margaret
won .$30 in cash plus merchan-
dise gifts. Her talents include
piano, singing, verse and pub-
lic speaking. She represented
the Dow Subdivision,
A Dashwood girl, Mary Jane
Hoffman, won third prize of
$20 and other gifts. A grade 11
student, she plays piano, sings
Grand Fiend ;gator
preaches farewell
By MRS. WELLWOOD GiLL . Ross Desjardine on behalf of
the group.
GRAND BEND; i The devotional, with a
Last Sunday Rev. A. E. Thanksgiving theme, was taken
Holley preached his farewell!. y �Irs. William Sturclevant
sermon in the United Church' assisted by Mrs. Lawrence Ma -
before moving to Kitchener, son and Mrs. Shirley Johnson.
The rites of baptism were ad- WA and WMS
Ministered during the service The WA meeting was held
to children of Mr, and Mrs. on Thursday, Oct. 12 with 21
Robert . Irwin (nee Ra.velle) . ladies present,
London, Mr, and Mrs. Don Od- ; The president Mrs, Elgin
'Bert (nee Ravelle) Stratford, Adams led the worship serv-
and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ` lee,
Sheppard, Turnbull's Grove. Mrs, Garnet Patterson gave
Sunday evening the emigre- a report on articles neded for
gation gathered at the church; the manse. A committee was
to honor Mr, and Mrs. Holley. ! appointed to plan for a turkey
Mr. Ezra Webb was chairman dihner with tickets sold in ,ati-
and Rev. C. Taverer conducted vance,
a worship period, Harry T, ! Meeting was turned over to
Hoffman, Dashwood sang and, WATS with Mrs, Garnet P'atter-
Mrs, Mae Holt and Mrs, Man- ` son presiding,
sel Mason contributed a duet: PJa.is were 'made for WMS
ancompanied by Mrs. Clark Sectional meeting at Whalen
Kennedy, ; on October 23.
Mr, Arthur Baker, chairman. A bale of good used clothing
of the board of trustees, ad- i is to be packed in November.
dressed Mr. and Mrs, Holley Lunchwas served by Mrs.
and presented them with a 1 Raymond Kading and Mrs,
parse of money to which both 'Mansel Mason;.
replied. Personal items
Mr. Tay.ener and Rev. F. E. Mr. and Mrs. eon ; George Mc.
Clysdale spoke briefly, g
All proceeded to the base.i? faroken, of onroiito, and Miss
meat far a. social hour. ?Aldine' mason, o£ with Mr," vis-
Rev, and Mrs. E, ,T, Rouls , axed last Weekend ma Mir. and
fon, Exeter, will prove into the lFfrs, Marisa mason, Bobi Dir, and Mrs, BoOrmiston
parsonage and Mr, Roulston; and family, of Weston, visited
will comp
Mr, duties,Volley spas- last week with Mr, and Mrs.
; John Stocker,
Fruit Cadets , i Mr, and Mrs. T. M. ,Dodds
The third meeting of the; left Monday for J'1ortda after
Grand Bend Y?ruit Cadets was , spending the summer at Grand
hold at the home of Sharon An Bend.
dersoii on. Friday, October 13.i Mrs. M, Bell. and Miss Betttah
Miss Alma Hendrick gave a TTolt .RN of To.rontcr spent last
demonstration on oven steamer) weekend with Mrs, Mae 1IMIt.
fruit podding, Mrs. Harold 'Wiper, Mrs.
Dried fruits were on display Alen iiainrilton, Mrs. I;tnery
and a discussionn followed on IScs Jardiars and 14Iis Wellwood
canned fruit, steamed fruit and (4111 attended the fortyaeventh
frozen fruit, ; annual area convention of the
Next faceting villi be held at Women's Institute heli at the
the home of finda Miller on .Masonic Temple, L ndnn, Oe.
Friday, October 20 at 'I:30- toner10 sand 11.
Mrand Mrs, John T'Cowal-.
TWS 'honors pastor chuk and boys have returned
home atter spending three
At the `I'WS meeting In the weeks with his parents and
Milted Church Iasi Tuesday family at Winnipeg and Sandy
cvelrrng Mrs, T., Xe11er, l atah• Lake, 'Maniteha.
ood, was guest stinker, Mr, and Mrs. John Stoker
Miring tfie evening rtav, and ante visiting this week with her
Mgrs, A.Witt;Witpra• i sistor, Mrs, J, Pa rden, and
$e'nted With It giftHolley. by Mrs,1 Mr Pardon at Colling'tvoott,
land likes to skate. Mary Jane
{ hopes to become a stenogra-
I pher, Her sponsor was the
Modern Beauty Salon,
1 All contestants win
Other contestants, ail of
whom received $10 in cash plus
other prizes, were, in alpha-
betical order:
Evelyn Ducharme, 18, Sim-
coe SL, representing Brady
Cleaners; Linda Glover, ' 17,
Hill St., representing the
Burkley Restaurant; C a t.h y
Hodgins, 18, Centralia, who
won the credit union contest
here, earlier, representing Miss
IDA drugs; Carol Hogarth, 18,
Senior St., representing Jack
Smith Jeweller; Diane Wlllert,
Anne St., representing Seldo.n
Fuels, and Jeanette Wedge, 16,.
Andrew St., representing the
Towne and Country Restaurant.
Judges, who deliberated for
nearly an hour before reach-
ing their verdict, were Mrs.
Emmerson Desjardine, Grand
Bend; SIL Les Halliwell and
Fit Lt. Jim Wibberley, both of
RCAF Station Centralia, They
considered poise, talent and
grace, as well as beauty,
W. G. Cochrane, chairman of
the Lions' project, was Blaster
of ceremonies for the contest
and introduced the contestants
as they came on stage before
a crowd of about 500. '
Fred Darling, owner of Dar-
ling's IGA Market, which co-
sponsored the event, crowned
the queen.
Club serves
nearly 700
Exeter Lions Club fed nearly
700 people at their Table -Rite
Beef Dinner in the Legion Hall
Thursday night.
The project—first of its kind
sponsored by the Lions—was a
financial success, Proceeds will
be used for the club's welfare
Two sittings were required'
to handle the crowd. The hall
was filled for the first one and
nearly filled for the second.
Lion members were kept hust-
ling to serve the crowds.
Twenty-three of the diners
won bags of groceries as door
prizes. Winner of the draw for
100 T-bone steaks was Jim Val-
iance of Brussels.
Grocery winners ineluded
Ray ,tory, Fred lioperoft, Bob
Jeffrey, Cecil Rowe Ted San-
ders, Laura MacMillan, Lorne
Oke, Dalton Skinner, Bonnie
Durand, Jake Sweitzer, Ted.
Pooley, Debbie Potter, Shirley
Ricketts of London, Leslie
Thomson, John Could, 'Ward
Xraft, Ituss Hoppe r, Mrs,
Charles Smith, Glenda Fisher,
J. W. Ilern, Arnold 'Wedge and
Mrs. Allan Fraser,
A dance followed the dinner,
draw and beauty contest. Mas.
ter of ceremonies for the pro-
gram was W. O. Cochrane,
chairman of the club project,
The event was sponsored by
Lions in conjunction with Dar-
ling s
ar-ling's IGA Market, which pro-
vided food for the dinner free
of charge to promote its Table.
Rite Beet Roundup this month
The policeman stopped a man
going down the street clad in.
a barrel, "Are you it. poker
player?" he asked.
"Na," this Mean replied, "but
Ijust left sotto fellows who
Crediton auxiliary
hostto area group.
By :M>it. N1. FAIST
When the Woman's Auxiliary
of the United Church meet ,tor
their autumn thank offering
meeting they had as guests,
ladies from. Main St., Exeter,
Shipka and Centralia,
Mrs. R. Finkbeiner, presi-
dent, welcomed, Ute guests and
eondueted the business, On Oc-
tober 23 the South Sectional
Ealy of WMS and WA, is to
be held in Whalen.
Mrs.,Gerald Zwicker had
ebarge of the worship service
assisted by Mrs, Lorne P'resz-
Gator, Duets were sung by 1
:Dong.reen Kenney and Marlene'
if I
Mrs, Z w t e ];,e r introduced
Mrs, W, G Tiffin, Hit=Pres-
byterial president, and a panel
of ladies from Wingha'rn who
presented an interesting ques-
tion and answer period on the
statement "In 1960 General
Cogncil of the Wnted Church.
set up .a brief for United Church
.women that beginning in ,Ian-
nary 1962, all women of the
congregation are to unite tut -
der the name of The United
Church Women'
Mrs, Tiffin and panel were
thanked by Mrs. Sain .Xing Aft-
er which :a social hour was en-
Men's Sunday
Sunday was Men's Sunday
in the BUB church with a
men's choir, Who rendered two ;
numbers and Mr, Calvin Tabr-
ner was the speaker,
On Monday evening a con-
gregational fellowship supper
and program was given la the
Sunday School rooms with a
fair crowd, the offering to go
to the Golden Lake campsite.
The variety program was given
by the hien. The speaker was
Rev, Stanley Sander of Exeter,
4-H Club
1. The fourth meeting of the
Crediton k ruitettes was bold
Saturday at 9 antIn the corn -
!inanity hall. Ten members were
Notes were given on frozen
and dried .fruit. This was fol•
lowed by notes en fruits for
breakfast. Aft members helped
!in making a fruit cup,
Personal items.
Mrs. 11'. D, Mack attended:
a three-day workshop on
"Paper :and its Gare" at Ostia,.
wa. She .also visited with Mr,.
and Mrs, R. G. Legge at
s lowdale.
Dor, and Mrs. Eli Brown :and
Mr. and Mrs, Emery Geiser
visited with Mr. and Mrs,
Milton Luther last Thursday at
G orrie»
11r, :and Mrs. Charles Mar-.
tene, Mr, and Mrs. A. Martene,
Mr, and Mrs. Eben Weigand
and Mrs, Elizabeth Aartene,
Mrs. Hainer Russell and Mr,
and Mrs, Ross Krueger attend--
ttend-ed the funeral .of Mrs, Cress on
Mr, Roy Hill and daughter
Roberta of ]{illsdale, Michi-
gan visited with Air, and Mrs,
Garnet Hill and friends recent-
-- Please turn to page 12
IlnnOn,prtlnbqunnn,mi„uuu,nnnrnuu r%
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