HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 3i+ • tri �dl • s1 e sS.vD.b74, Huron bishop visits Clandeboye church Vis'!t .gf Bishop to churches Mr. and Airs Rill D nt ,4 Mrs. s o ! dames and Mr. and Mrs. flea Neil were Holy Trinity with the vele- guests on Sunday with Mr, and; brain, the Rt. Rev. J. N. Lux- A Wallace - ten. Bishop ,M. Melvin. Fletcher. lkallace p of Diocese of ltu• burg, Inn, assisted by he rector, Air. , The Rev, E. 0, .Lancaster. and! Airs, Ray Sinnpsen; John and Peggy of Windsor Garry Itic1'a11s, :Luean, acted spent the weekend .vitt as Bishop's chi' lain• anti t Mrs, p y Tonics, also ;attended ' ,� the bishop took as his teat the service at St. Janes access' was the one word 'GJhurcin, faeces" was the one word Mr, and Airs. Victor Wain- Aticce describes the resent svriglnt and sou Grant of Lon - age better than anydon, have taken a r. i n otJier'• p esid 1i r, ''l.n science, .art 1: here with the former's mother. ttereture, Airs. Maud Waiinwnt'ight, last sports,. t .ransportatlon, etc,: Saturday, ways have opened up for us, r Mr. ,Orville Railings he said, Ra limas had an o ho cg. too we have c s last prayer books, sacraments and was not sola, services. Too marry fail to ter, Stephen Man, Clarence av:aii themselves et the openhanephMauric Kenneth, door w"Lich leads to God and Md Mrs,SyMauriceStevensonnpf spiritual life — Let us enter • Cita. Swell Stueso:of A into God's presence throudlz • Craig were guests Peter Sun Jesus Christ, who invites us Math Mr. and Sar B with gracious invitation "Come.and Cindy in Sarnia, unto mer" ' Mr• and Mrs. Andy Carter After the 9:30 service, over with A4r, and Mrs. Clarence fifty members, gathered in the Lewis of RR Denfield on Sun - Sunday School room, The war day were guests with Mr, and dens wives, Mrs. Jack Whit. Mrs. Willis Brown, Streets- more and Mrs, Jim Cunning -,villa, ham poured coffee from a Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton, table covered with a white :li-' Clare and 14rid M Alliifre tl nen cloth, centred lvith a St!.1 visited and Myrna ofr Thorndale ver dish of mauve and yellow Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs, On .Sunda~•, October 15 at and Joan of ;Chatham spa St, James Church, service w• weekend W4. t with Air. :and. held for ail confirmed mem. Abner Hendrie. her t bolls ,S.t Rsceiy at theatre .party N.w.s fromiiiµ 1... cr t5 ,Exeter and district By MRS. BRV1Rt RAIagR ;children win prizes in the re - Wiling .cent Pepsi Party sponsored by 'i'uckcy .Beverages Ltd. at the Lyrie Theatre here. lop winner was Eddie Lin dcnfield wlao was awarded a new :bicycle. Picnic coolers were won by Brian :Killeen, Judy :Glover and thor Oren.ezuk. Cartons of Pepsi went to :Fri• art. Beaver, Karen Nixon, Ran- dy Weber, Gordon Page, A'la- rie Bailey, Peter Alison, Dan- n y Jory, John Lawson, Randy Parsons, Frankie End.. Brenda De!'Par- d Brintnell, Doug. Par- ker, Roman Orenezuk, Barba. ra Reid, Debbie Copp and Ro- bert Whilsmlth. :The children received free admission by presenting Pepsi bottle caps at. the door. He continued "In relrgroah, auction sale f household h our Churches f _ t 1 Saturday. The shouse Car - Mr, and Maybe the weather's. .coolie.' Ailsa down a bit, but want ads are day , still hot, auks mums. Mrs. liar! O'Neil and Stirs, Logan celebrate their 1.8th wed - Rae Hodgins Oe the donvert• ding anniversary, October 16, ors with Mrs. Alan Hill and Mr. and. Airs. Ed Flynn en Miss Elaine Hodgins assisting. tertarned last week, Mr, and At 11:30 confirmation Ser- Mrs. Wilfred Lewis, Mr, and vice was held at Holy Trinity Mrs A. Beaudoin of Detroit church, 1n the afternoon the and Miss Cora Atkinson of Lon- Boardd 'members of both eburdon,- des met .in Lucan to discuss guests and Mrs. Ed Flynn were together the business of the guests of Miss Cora Atkinson Churchand missions; A1r. Jack . in London on Sunday, other ! guestswereNettie Clarke from the history oShligs oHeeamnyighndM'abelePrasl a w, Church and cemetery. i Goodells, Mich. After the confirmation ser• Mrs, Larry Ditty of Lucan, vice at Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, visited on Sunday with Mr. Lancaster entertained the Bi- I and Mrs, Jim Sigsworth and shop. The wardens of both family. churches and their wives also M. Karl O'Neil, Mrs, ci Mr. I{en Clarke, organist; of , mer calledilcand , Mrs.nCecil Holy Trinity, to a turkey .mor. j Carter rron MA. and Mrs, gasbord dinner, at the rectory. Jaclr. Harrison in Aylmer last On Sunday, October. 22 St, •µMrs,k, James SS will be at 1:45 Cora Carter a ClaVic- p and church at 2:30 DST bum. i boric is much improved in Vc- starting in November services toric Hospital, will be back on Standard Time. l At the United Church on Sun- I day the service was taken by Pastor Alfred .Fry of Cargill, Former resident who also sang a solo, with Mrs. Sach, accompanist, -Ser.- marks 92 years Vices will be at 2:00 p.m. each' Sunday now, • 1 • Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winer Prepare highway spent Sunday in Preston with the former's mother, Mrs. Su - On Monday, October 16 pro- san Winer, formerly of Exeter, gress started in the village in on the occasion of her 92nd preparation for the work on birthday, the curve at the diversion. I She celebrated at the home • The former hone of the late of her daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn was dismantled, A. D. C. McLagan, Preston, also the barn of the Hodgins approximately 22 of Mrs. Win - Bros which was formerly a er's .family were present for wagon shop is all cleaned up. the dinner and she had many The Department of Highways callers during the day. with Mr. Neil Hopper. Sea • : forth, as contractor finished 9 • drilling a well and got water at 170 feet last week, . P_.. _ Cold +. Hodgins Bros. h ram MOH at school Dr, Kipp, MOH, from Gran -met f orecast ton was at Clandeboye school The cold front that moved on Thursday.. Pupils from SS into the area last night is ex - No. 1, No. 2 and No, 9 also pected to remain over the' attended, receiving serums weekend, producing cold, but • for diphtheria, tentanlls, polio clear weather, and whooping cough,,Thursday's forecast, as pro - Personal items vided by the met section at Mrs. Arthur Hodgins visited RCAF Centralia, calls for con - with her brother, Mr. and ditions similar to those of last Mrs, Howard Morley last weekend — cold with rain. weekend in Hazel Park, Mich, The weekend will be mostly Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Simp- clear, but temperatures are ex- I son spent Thursday and Fri- petted. to dip slightly below; day in Toronto, visiting the for- freezing at night and .reach 1 .nher's sister, Mrs. Edith Hod- only the mid forties during the gins there, day, ,' unnunru,,,,,rUurnunurniurrwm,,inn,u"rruu..unnunnuunrinrrtiir,ninrunnnnunnnunu"r 60 METEOR SEDAN, 6 -cylinder, stick shift '60 FORD SEDAN, 6•cylinder, 2 -tone '60 ENVOY STATION WAGON, very low. '60 VOLKS DELUXE with radio '60 AUSTIN SEDAN '57 FORD COACH, V-8 automatic, '57 BUICK SEDAN '58 FORD SEDAN '36 BUICK 2.000R HARDTOP '54 FORD SEDAN '54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN . '55 CHEV COACH '27 MODEL T COUPE .''51 HARLEY-DAVIDSON '54 FORD WAGON '53 PLYMOUTH WAGON '55 BUICK HARDTOP '49 PONTIAC SEDAN 52,000 52,000 mileage $1,300 51,295 51,295 Fairlane, lovely $1,193 $1,195 51,195 5 495 ........ ...... ... Choice „ . , 5 495 Your Choice $ 450 3 350 . 5 350 r 5 350 ............ .............. .. .. $ 100 TRUCKS '57 VOLKS PANEL . ... I 600 'S3 GMC PANEL , $ 200 TRACTORS '59 FORD 871 DIESEL, low hours $2,200 JOHN DEERE 2420 crawler and loader $1,300 '49 MASSEY 44 ettid heavy duty front and loader .1,000 '50 MASSEY 30, 4 good olie .. ., 5 600 '58 FORD 'line row 'mounted corn picker 5 495 • JOHN DEERE nheiiaire spreader 100 t Larry Snider Motors LIMITED Isl4oNE 624 EXgTElt 11= raid, Monat'clir _ akcon, Fotd .end Palceit l'Puclti cl j tntfrrnnrii't7trnffrirtTintrnirrn"rnhilrYYrihrurrmriihlnuri"ruiiYYPiSYVhrirrinP(Vr0'nrVi"hisser"hYiiiilVirY'ti7iYfY'tis? Thanksgiving visitors 'Thanksgiving visitors with Mrs. Alma Hoperoft were: Air. and Mrs, Hobert Hoperoft of •Welland, Mr. and Airs Fred lloperoft and family. Grand Pend; Mr. and Mrs, 'Free Me, Gill, London; Air. and Mr's. Russell Hoperoft and family, Gerald. Holland, .London: Alrq C„1. J. Bonser^ of dclois, Que- twee: Rohl, lloperoft, Welland: '.Hiss Lucy Quante, Port Col- borne: Tom Arthur, London, mid. Miss Carol Rader, Zurich: Airs, Hoperoft returned to iiia l land with her son and visited with her brother and wife. Mr. • and Mrs. Ed Rapt .of Niagara Faits. the tnpJC " 15'hy we should sing 115mris in elhurch." The Salmon sisters played .an instrumental Airs. ttliifrerl Merrier I ' Izusr J dant, presided Inc the Merrier, The annual fowl supper for the ladies and their husbands will h' heldFriday, Octoberill 20.The Aid will cater In ,a dinner for • the bowling teams in Nevem • ;,her. Personal items Mr, and Airs. Lloyd Rader.' Darlene and L..11. Rader spent Sunday at London with nor. and! Airs. Wendell Gamble a n d family, Zion. •Lutheran Ladies: Aid The meeting of Zion Luthe- ran Ladies Aid was held Wed- nesday, October 11, with Airs Cliff Salmon and her group in charge. Rev, William Gatz dealt with Mr. and Mrs. Raht. Rendal of Grand Bend were Monday vi- sitors with Mrs. Alma Hop. croftt Mr. and Mrs, .Ervin Rade. David, Paul and Sharon .pen Sutaday at Waterloo with Mr and Mrs. •Garnet Weiberg an fannily-. Air. and Mrs. Ed Stelck ac cLloyd Mr. and Mrs. Hey .of •c,rediton' to Toronto where they visited lliervyn Stelck who is confined to hos• pital following a serious car accident. They found Win much improved, They also visited Air. and Mrs. Ray Wilha:ms and saw their great grandson, •On the way Forme they visited Lloyd's mother. Airs. Lizzie Hey. who is confined to hos l - t al in London, p Mr. and Mrs. 'Urban Pale.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh and Mr. and Mrs. RayVanDorsse- laer° spent Sunday at Peter - burgh with Air, and Airs. Clar- ence Kneektel, • s a g, rk: 4# 'Y,. a,,. Rader ill- The Times.Aorotate, CtctoI Qt• 1, '196f - Noe. 3, d ' 114rs, ,G e a g •e Link led in prayer. District * , Mrs. Chas. Snell, the prosy t ser dent,Presided stric p es ded for the!business The likrariaan, Airs. Sid I3akez. Visits . - a . ..1111 sons. f requested :the books circuli e ` [f•aster, The ladies will cater t Over $0 Masorsic rod c4 mems Stephen bar �' ,• n s v Township ea I 7 ow 1S 1 0 ah h p o h l .�.0 a r Lia Sunday ate p d n r y , School convention supper, Nov, Alonday, ulnen Lar1 l' _a. in :p, ember 1. Moncton, district deputy ¢rand Lunch was served by Air • master. paid his annual • Art 1 s e. Baugh, Mrs. Sid � Baker:, at;the Lebanon Forest .lodger. Mrs. Louts Weigand and Mrs. ; Visitors were e ant pr . s from Henry Eagleson, i Parkhill, Aloncton, 'St, Marys, Attend :silver .anniversary 1 Lucan, Granton, ,Ailsa Craig Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klumppand other ;area ledges, and Mr. and Airs. Howard Leonard Trott,Grand' Be lflumpp and Brad attended thereceived his seond nu i a special m.-. degree in 25th ereading anniversary of ( t:ere any gtr the i►ir, and Mrs, Maurice Klumpp;111eetnt;, at the iroguois Hotel, London, , 'iit aplapy lehiass accomp secxetiairiryie, .achn ii •s. Sunday. visars Personal items aryfield, A. Hallowe'en party will he Following L11e m eeting, the !held Friday for [he :hays and local lodge served .life visitors. girls Fellowship of :the ELrl3 beef burgers at the Eastern church. I Star rooms.. Milton Haugh. Mr, and Airs. 1 Eben Weigand and family spent 1 -I feel so bad,doe," Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike the"d, •said Burke of Brampton, thatt i somofime" p 'think of making an end of it." Mrs. Elvin Bearss of Port "Now, now," soothed the Colborne is visiting with rela- doctor, "you just leave all that ives in the community, to me." WSWS meets The meeting of the 11'S11'S of the EIJB :church was held Fri- day, October 13 with the Spiri- ual Life Group in charge. The theme was "The Orchids of Thanksgiving" and each lady 'as presented an artificial or - hid corsage, Mrs. M. .J, James spoke on 'Churches Inc New Times" t 14r and Airs. Lorne Devine„ Air. and Mrs. Garnet Willert and Mr'. and Airs, Fred Weiherg hr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. c Hubert 1i'eiberg and daughter of \vat Nino. SUNSHINE... SPECIAL Use Co-op Budget Plan Large size, galvanized steel 24" GARBAGE CAN, Regular Value $3.69, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL only $2,99 Each, BIG SAVINGS! Fine Quality SPECIAL HOUSEHOLD CORN BROOMS , . , Each 99c. 5 -Tine MANURE FORK OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL,,, Each 53.19, Tempered spring steel D155TON BROOM RAKE. Regular Value $1.69.,,SPECIAL .,,,Each 991. OUTSTANDING VALUES IN LADDERS! Rugged 20-footpushup EXTENSION LADDERS, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL ...Each only $8,99. Good Quality 5 -foot Wooden STEP LADDERS, Open HOUSE SPECIAL ...Each only $3,99, Single Lamp Universal CHICKEN BROODER, Regular Varve 53.85 ,.. Each $2,99, 2.50 Watt infra -red BROODER BULBS. Open House Special, , , Each 79p, CAULKING GUN with 1 CAR- TRIDGE, Regular Value S1.78, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $1,44. Prepare for Winter , , , and SAVE! "Foan,flex" DOOR WEATHER. STRIPPING, Regular Value 52.19 Kil,.•$1.5S. "Foamflex" THRESHOLD WEA- THERSTRIPPING, Regular Value 51,35,,, Each 99e. Guaranteed 1000 hours! WESTING- HOUSE LIGHT BULBS 40 or Er0 Wan, Regular 25c each , .. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL , , . 4 for 75 c. 1 00Wntt, regulor28c each.^,OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL„•4 for 83c, Co-op Latex Base Flowlite Satin INTERIOR MOUSE PAINT, First quality paint at a genuine savings! 'the base for a choice of 128 colours Regular $2.40 a qt. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL,,, $1 ,44 qt, Regular i $7.55 gal. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL ,,.$4.88 gal. Solidly constructed "THRIFTY” WHEEL- BARROW, Capacity: 3 to 4 eu. ft. OPEN I-IOUSE SPECIAL . , , ec eh $23,88, o Check this amazing Co-ap Value! I'? PIECE �� Q.� SKIL DRILL KIT, 'A" Skil Drill with powerful 111 �,4� 2.5 amp. motor. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL . . . WO., I Complete Kit only $17,99, rfAk PpoOF &Al TEUY Top Quality SO -OP FLASHLIGHT EAT. TERIES, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL,,,2 for 35c. TREMENDOUS SIM f SEED AND FEED • 1,100161 rf CO.OP "BIG BONUS" SEED MIXTURES Be one of the first to get greater hay and pasture returns from the CO.OP "Big Bonus" Hay and Pasture Program, OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL $1,00 per acre off regular price. CO.OP PIG PRE -STARTER .. , a new formulation, highly fortified and extremely palatable , .. SPECIAL 751 per cwt, off regular price. CO.OP CATTLE FI Eb WITH PROLENE—A systemic warble grub control for beef cattle and dairy heifers. OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL , , . 7 per cwt, off regular price, CUSTOM DRYER Imagine! This deluxe clothes dryer is a regutur value at $1 94 75 YOURS NOW FOR JUST $16495 A tremendous savings of $29,1801 Check the Quality Features • Six fabric selection buttons '- Illuminated tinter dial • Special 5 -minute I p u.e `Goo. Down." • Safety -latch an insulated double-pKnsl steel door Top -mounted nylon lint filter Interior light With every purchase of CO-OP Viscount Custom Dryer n $29.95 Value ELECTRIC BLANKET ABSOLUTELY FREE! • 1/2 H.P, motor • 30 U,5. gallon galvanized tank • 25E Jet and strainer t 48 Jet and fool valve for wells 90 feet to 120 feet Regular Setf•Priming Convertible JET WATER SYSTEM Utiodal CSLC30H) ▪ Exclusive cit ?slums control • Automatic pressure s,wftch • Special impeller_.. resists_ corrosion e Double pipe let package value $164.70 OPEN HOUSE SPECIAL 41 58 YOU SAVE $ 1 8, 1 2 Completely dependable 3/4" BLACK PLASTIC PIPt:. Regular Value $9.75 per 100 feet. SPECIAL $7.00 per 100 feet, SAVE $2,75 elIRIMIntiellnototioiwwwwwwinimmernmpilmommtwm Orders now being taken for BEET PULP AND Off -Car Stoker Coif Water Softener- Salt Water Nuggets in 30 and 10041b, bags Crystal Salt for Automatic Softeners fulgummmummenomesmamm Corn Cribbing Snow fence in 50 and 100 -toot, lengths 2x4 Welded Wii'e for Corn Cribs Join your friends clod join the fun tit' your Laois 1°reezer•Reft'i'rimier C i ..t �1 o anhbnhrr.Ions, Co-op OPEN HOUSE, Refreshments! Door Prizes! Just visit your CO.OP OPEN HOUSE and NI in rni PROVINCE WIDE DRAW for 2 CO.OP Viscount entry blank. No purchase necessary 1 GET YOUR SHARE OF YOUR CO �0p OPEN HOUSE" SPECIALS 2DAYS OWLYI PRIiAY,OCT. 24,SATURDAY, OCT. 21 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT THIS K EXETER