HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-19, Page 2.sage 2. The es -Advocate, Qcta'ber 11 1961 MR, AND MRS. ABRAM RESJARPJNJ —reale ,holo Auxiliary to Legion celebrates 10 years Over 200 attended the 10th birthday party of the Exeter Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Mon- day, when 25 charter members were presented with mother of pearl brooches end four mem- bers received lite member- ships. Auxiliary members from Sea - forth, Brussels, Clinton, How: ick, Lucknow, Wingham, Go- derich, Hensel', Stratford and Blyth branches were present at the celebration. The local Auxiliary was formed in October, 1951, and Dorothy Hoyle, Stratford, who was zone commander at that ,�flume, presented the members News budget from Baseline By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR Miss Alice Bowe, a mission- ary from Africa, was guest speaker at Woodham United Church: on Friday evening When the Woman's Missionary Soeiety entertained Cooper's WMS (Base Line). Miss Rowe spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs, A. Rundle, while is the community. Iter, and Mrs, Duncan Mc- Naughton and Ronnie, accom- panied by her. sister, Mr, .and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, Park- hill., enjoyed a weekend trip through Northern Ontario. They cabled at the .Martyrs Shrine at Midland and climbed the Blue Mountains at Collingwood. This time of year adds to the beauty of the trees in their autumn apparel, It was a ,• ia:ae of color for miles around, the weather being ideal for kbeir holiday outing. Mir. and Mrs, David Holland spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Azatahur Thompson, Park - ler. Thompson has recent- ly .returned from the hospital ,Men esca car crashes with their charter pins, The Stratford lady was on hand Monday and .assisted in presenting the 10 -year pins to the Exeter members. She re- ealled the evening of installa- lion in 1951 when "the Exeter girls were so very nervous and 1 was so sure of myself," "Now after ten years I .am the one that is nervous here tonight and the Exeter girls are so sure," she pointed out. Mary McCann, district C-1 zone commander, assisted in the reception and extended congratulations to the Aux- iliary for their outstanding ef- forts. The brooches were presented to the following charter mem- bers: Vera Mason, Mary Holtz- man, Elsie Tory, Edna Sim- mons, Mildred Broderick, Ol- ive Osilence Dorothy Pfaff, Lois Brintnell, Annie Lawson, Ruth Durand, Peg MacLean, Dora McTavish, Joan Harness, Emma Oke, Dorothy Reynolds, Carie Norry, Marion Frayne, Iso Campbell, Gladys Bierling, Grace Wurm, Irene Harness, Edna Snell, Minnie Parker, Mary Cutting and Ellen Knight. Highlight of meeting The highlight of the birth- day party came when •Luella Hall, Blyth, past zone com- mander, presented life mem- bership badges, on behalf of the Exeter Auxiliary, to four of their members. The awards were for "meri- tous and loyal service to the Auxiliary," aid were presented to Mary Cutting, Sr„ Minnie Parker, Laura Harness and Edna Snell. Three of the. four are also charter members. Entertainment, introduced 'by Ruth Durand, social convenor, was provided by Alfred Aqui- line, who rendered several ac- cordion solos; Brenda Dinney and Elizabeth Snell, perform- ing Scottish dances; and Lin- da Hunter, Duvar, who pre- sented piano solos. The four where he underwent surgery. Exeter youngsters were given Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer gifts by •the Exeter Auxiliary, were Sunday evening guests presented by Joan Harness and with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Park- Hazel Beavers. inson and family. Following the presentation, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Timms several door prizes were drawn and Mrs, Proctor, St. Marys, t and Luella Hall won a Ken - were guests with Mr. and Mrs.:, wood blanket and Dorothy Rey - Austin Tammy and family. Holds won an ear ring and Mr. and Mrs. 'Jesse Elston necklace set in a special draw. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Els- , The Exeter ladies served a ton and family were .guests' light lunch to their many visi—tors. Arthur on Sunday and also met their cousins, Mr. and. Mrs. Ed Myers, of Kansas City, Who 'f were visiting with Mrs, Arthur 1 and :family Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Baker and. Elton entertained her fa- ther, Mr. Herb Beer, and sis- ters, Anna and Mr. and Mrs. Harris Butson, Susan and Ron. nit, -of Munro, to a birthday p d kbixit thdaying her father's 8(Intended for last week) Mr, and Mrs. "Jim Mclsaae, of Detroit, visited on Saturday and Sunday with his aunt, Mrs. Archie Dewar and Mr. Dewar, Mr. William Rina left" by car for the west where Ite will spend a week or ten days on business there. Miss Mary De Brabandere of St. Joseph Academy, London, and friend, Miss Valerie Flet- cher, of Toronto, spent the holi- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jules De Erabandere and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Dewar were guests with Mr- and .Mrs. Stewart Marriott and family on Sunday. Mr. Fred Jameson, Florence and Kate attended the Ennis - Martin wedding held in the Anglieain. Church, Lendnn, and the reception. at Hook's Res- taurant. Mr. and Mrs. Torn Marriott and Douglas of Sarnia spent the heliday with .his parents, Ma', and Mrs. Robert 'Marriott add Sharon, Me, and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson Balled, on Wilfred's surd, Mrs, . Wilson, who is at prirsont a patient in Avon Crest 13`ospitel in;:, Stratiord. Mr, and Mrs. 'turn. Berry anti. family of Termer) visited with -their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Berry .for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs dales 17eI3ra- bandere and family visited With hila mother who )tae been quite ill at the home til" his sister, Mt, and Mrs, Joseph De1esIIe, Stratford... Mr, and Mrs. Cheer Baker Mid Elton weir assts et her hither, Mr, Seer and Anna of Minna) on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Jesse .talstoii attended the plet ing' ineteh. a . Bellevf11e on Thersday end ext to Xingtoti alld Ottawa before rettifntlig tenth. Mt'•S • Ellis Straharl returned Jlenle 'fetail, St. Matye At n o- iitl tltr, ital° iilti"clt iiiepr4ved lit hetlthr Couple wed 60 years A 22 -year-old Zurich maze es- caped with only minor injuries when his car bit a concrete culvert and flipped over into an .eight -foot ditch Saturday afternoon, Clarence Ilegier, proceeding south on .the 13th concession of Hay, lost control on wet grass when he swerved to avoid an- other ,car about one-half mile north of No. 84, lfegier's car, valued at $700, was demolished, Regier same over the brow of a hall dust as Amos Gascho, about 65, RR, 2 .Zurich, was crossing front one laneway to the other on the side of the hill. PC Harry Reid investi- gated the crash. Dashwood accident A rear -end collision caused $400 damage to two ears on the eastern outskirts of Dash- wood early Tuesday evening. Frank Staiton, '74, Grand Mend, and Robert Knipfel, 33, Petersburg, both were travel- ling east when the latter came upon the Station vehicle and had to swerve to the shoulder, catching the left rear of the Statton car, which ended up in the ditch beside a culvert. No one was injured, PC George Mitchell reported. Wraps around tree Saturday, Robert Campbell, 33, of 'Mensal(', escaped injury when his car wrapped itself around a tree in the ditch be- side No, 84, on the western outskirts of the village. Campbell was overtaking an eastbound car when he lost control, careened from the north shoulder to the south and then back to the south ditch. The car, a wreck, was val- ued at $600 by PC Cecil Gib- bons. Intersection crash Friday, cars driven by Miss Dianne. Jahns, 18, RR 3 Exe- ter, and William A. Nevin, 50, London, collided at the inter- section of Main and John streets. The Johns car was travel- ling west on. John and the Ne- vin ear north on Main. Cpl. John Cowen estimated dam- ages at $625. :Ir. and. Mrs, Abram Des- jardine, RR, 8, Parkhill, cele- brated their 60th wedding an- niversary on Sunday, October 15 at there home. Mr. and • Mrs. Desjardirte have three daughters and one son: Mrs. Emma Roland, Mrs. Herb (Madeline) Hartman, Mrs. Bill (Philomene) Hagan and Hubert. They have 23 grandchildren, 35 great grand- children and two great, great grandchildren. Mrs. Desjardine was the for- mer Mary Geromette. Mrs. N. Corbett native of district Mrs. Nathaniel Corbett, 76, died Saturday, Oetoher 14 at her borne, Andrew Street. She was the former Mary Ellen Flynn, of McGillivray Township, and married Nathan: lel Corbett .55 years ago. They farmed inMcGillivray until retiring to Exeter 25 years ago. Mr, Corbett diecl in May 1955. Surviving aro two sons, Jut - son and William, both of Lout don; two daughters, Mrs, Doug - Ins (:Evac Triebner and Mrs. .Russell (Hilda) Brintneil, both of Exeter; one sister, Mrs. W,ihiant Rollins, and onebra' ther, Garnet Flynn, bath of London. Funeral services were cote ducted at the 'Tepper-lfoekey funeral home, en Tuesday, oc- tober 17 by R.ev, b3ren de Vries with interment in SL JainOS cemetery, Clandeboyc, MARK ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mtg. Edgar Seltire Marked their 4411t wedding an- niversary last Sunday , at the home of thein see, Mry and Mrs, Cecil. Squire, Whaler!, who entertained in their fierier, h Ot er itieinbcrsof tht iain� ily present. were Mr, and Mrs. Hay?eld Chittirk, Cordon, Clare. and ,Toati, Granton, Mr, and Mfg. lelee ard Trairyend, Lend and [Douglas and :Billie Si(uirt. 'Gals' swell total at Caven project The Guys and. Gals luncheon under the 'auspices of Caven Congregational Circle Tuesday at noon proved the most popu- lar of the three the group have served. Evidently from the number of "gals" present they were pleased lo be included too, The previous smorgasbords were for -the business men only. Mayor R. E. Pooley and members of the industrial; de- velopment eorporation enter bained the executive officials of the new IConigslide Manufactur- ing Co., at the luncheon. They expressed theanselves as very appreciative of the "homey" meal. Over $200 was realized from the project convened by Mrs, Fred Simmons and her group. Mrs. Ken MeiLaughlin is pre, sident of. the Circle. Kongslcilde firm Town T meet here Personal Items of Interest In and Around Exeter Over 100 public, school teach - The axeter Tunes•Advocate is alwayspleased to publish these Iters. I N'S ,front the inspectorate of We and our readers are interested in you and your friends. Phone ZZa. Mr. John .(loman, Exeter, are Iexpceted to attend a r"nnven- 'tion at the Exeter public representatives school, Friday, to discuss bus" rc of by several p ,ness and hear and see new Austin ears left for England to'teaching methods. visit the Austin factory. I 'several educational authori- Mrs. Clifford .tory was a ties will be on hand to lecture delegate representing thts in- the teachers and display new spectorate at the meetrng ol'methods, highlight of the con the Women Teachers Federa-� Terence will be an "ntraduction. tion in. Toronto on Saturday, o£ Unifix., a now approach to Nrs. Valerie Armstrong, Mr' ' tea ching arithmetic. and. Mrs. Irvine Armstrong and; This is something that is Cot' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Soutar -i ly new and is lacing t attended the Haskell - comparative Webber wedding at Varna on ttsed in some salmis In Gn- , tario. It will he demonstrated Saturday. Mrs. Clara Hackney]Mrs. by IL C. Ackerman, sales rep - Lloyd Ballantyne, Dies, W> illiam resentative for Moyer 'rico. Passmore and Mrs. Clayton Limited, Frayne attended the funeral of The teachers will receive Robert Marshall in St. Marys further instruction in mathe- oa Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. mattes from Mrs. Irene Rich Marshall was formerly Miss mond, B.A., educational' eon: Muriel Kay, of Thames Road. sultant for W. J. Gage Limited. Mr, and Mrs. Clayton Frayne She will give an insight into visited in Sarnia over the week- the latest; research in mathe- end with Mr,, and Mrs. Jack mattes education, Frayne and family, 'also 11Ir, F, J, Clifford, 33.A.,, l4I,Ed., Garnet Passmore, master at the Stratford Teach - Mr, and Mrs. Robert South- err' College, will conduct a eott were in Toronto Saturday lecture on science pertaining evening attending a testimonial in the elementary school and a dinner for Ralph Young, cr - discussion period will be set tary of the Board of Menforaside following his talk, the 1Tnrted Church, prior to his A book display will also he departure for Geneva, Switzer- set up for the teachers to view land• during spare time. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Otte- well and boys spent Sunday in Iiarriet= with the latter'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Beelt. They attended the cen- tennial anniversary services at Knox Presbyterian church at which Lieutenant -Governor and Mrs. Keiller MacKay were honored guests. Cpl.. and Mrs. D. L. Ham- mond and family, Downsview, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, William Marshall and Mrs. Lillian Blair, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Keller, Peter and Bonnie, Chatham,. spent the weekend with. Mrs. Keller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Preston Dear- ing visited a few days last week with Mrs. Violet .Quance and Mr, and Mrs, Colin: Me- Dougaid at Bracebridge. Miss Gail Lawson and Mr. Gordon Platt of Whitby visited over the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. George Lawson and at- tended the Fulton -Hicks wed- ding on Saturday at which Miss Lawson was a bridesmaid for her cousin, Kathryn. Mr, and. Mrs. Frank McKen- zie and family, Lucknow, Mr,• and Mrs. Alvin Rowe and fancily, Port Huron, spent Sun day with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Rowe. Ross Tuekey, president of the Canadian Bottlers Assoeialion, left Tuesday by plane for Ed- monton and Vancouver where he will attend the annual con- vention. Mrs. Laura Wilson and son David, London, spent the week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Hicks and attended the Fulton- Hicks wedding on Saturday when David was an usher. Russell Snell, accompanied Topics from —Continued from page 3. number of independent testing firms in Europe. "Sales developed quickly," Mr. Pedersen stated, "and more production space was required, We have been expanding the factory ever :since." Last year, the firm had 45,000 square feet of production room; by next year, the size of the plant will be tripled. The firm derived its name— Kongskilde — from the small community in which it was started, The wordin e a n s "king's well", It was not until 1955 that Kongskilde started exporting its products but today export sales represent three-quarters of the firm's production. In 1959 it; erected a branch in West Germany which serves Austria and Switzerland. in 1960, another branch was start- ed in Holland which distributes to Belgium, Luxemburg and is now developing markets in France, The company is represented in England, to which it first exported,by a distributing firm, The officials hope to find a gond market, in Canada for its unique grain silo which allows the farmer to store and dry his grain on his own farm. The firm does not plan to expand into other fields of farm machinery, for the pre- sent at least. "We feel it is best to concentrate on a few products which are the best in their lint," Mr. Pedersen said. r len By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE 1 WMS and WA Thirteen members were pres- ent at the meeting of the WMS and WA held in the church parlors on Thursday evening. The theme for the WMS meeting was "He Shepherded Me" with Mrs. William French chairing the meeting, An invitation was received from Elimville to attend their SOth anniversary of WMS on October 25, Tho travelling basket was handed in and the slate of of- ficers for 1962 was read, The business of WA. was plans for coming bazar and the sectional meeting to' be held at Whalen church, Mrs. Cecil Squire presiding. Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fos- ter, Exeter, were recent visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Parkinson, Mrs. Melville Gunning spent Tuesday in Exeter with her aunt, Miss Ella Towl. Mr. and 1Mrs. Andrew liar - die. Devizes, were Saturday evening visitors with Mr, and Mrs. F. Squire, Mrs. Rose Collins, Mrs. Myrtle Shorthlll, Miss Cora Nuttycomb, Mrs. Tom Simp- son and Tom Jr. were visi- tors during the week with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Baillie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley Jr., Janice and Robbie at- tended anniversary service at Centralia United Church on Sunday and were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun- ning and Muriel and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire, Douglas and Bill were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, E. ,Squire, Exe- ter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire at- tended the funeral in Exeter on Friday of the late Mrs. Frank Coates. The death of Mrs. Harold Currie occured in Winghaan, Mrs. Currie was well known at Whalen. Mr, and Mrs. Bell Ashton and family, Linda n, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ger- don Johnson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Ned and. Donald visited on Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. Chas, Rawlings, Centralia, and also attended. anniversary service at the Uni- ted Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien attended a wedding of the /for- riser's nephew in Cobourg on Saturday. Exeter o.unl Continued front page 1 the community; Learned that the new regu- lations concerning plumbing in- spection by the county health unit on behalf of local muni- cipalities came; into effect Mon- day, October 15; Approved notice of the and of daylight saving time at mid- night, Saturday, Octant 26; Learned that the engineer's report on sewerage should be available soon; Granted budding permits To the C. A. Mcl7hwiill Colistrue- dart, Co., for treat= of .e $2,000 storage building at its 8 aitd �omWalte AtiWeatbro Te, conttillntiorl of a house on, the south side or .1A/ding-toe St. Learned from 1'Drains 'Chair: Men Taylor that installation at etch basins end laterals across. Huron street is rloarrlyaitlpTet- cd Bazaar successful The WA of the church even- sored a successful bazaar on Friday ravening with a good at- iendence, Rev, 17. M. Guest was ehairnaan for the pro - grant which consisted of piano solo, Sharma Hedging; reading, Mrs. Gerald. I-: Cern and vocal soli?, 'leather Davis. Rev. Crosby of St. Marys shcwed fractures an his trip to the holy Land which were touch enjoyed. Following this all went to the SS rooms to visit the various booths and lunch was served. Proceeds were $115 ty rte 1' plug 'tit t opetieirt° Celebrate coop week "Co-op Week will be a wide- ly celebrated event here in Ontario this year," stated Lloyd Margin, president of Exeter District Co-operative. "The dates of October 15-21 are set as Co-op Week, and more than 100 local farm sup- ply and :marketing co-opera- tives will bold open house pro- grams, meetings, rallies and fall sales to commemorate it," "Here in Exeter, the co- operative will stage open house on October 20 and 21. This special event will be open to the general public as well as our members," he continued. "It will be an excellent oppor- tunity for people in this area to find out about the co- operative and how it operates." The Exeter District Co-opera- tive has been a part of this community for 16 years. In 1961 total assets were $200,000 and annual business volume amount- ed to $500,000. Over. 400 dist- rict: istrict farmers are members of this Co-op. Besides Mr, Morgan, the president, the following district men sit on the board of direct- ors; irect•ors: Theron Creery, Walter McBride, A 1 v 1 n Finkbeine.r, iArnold..,Gann, Roy Westcott, Wellington; Hoist, Allen Johns, Ray Jones, Ray Morlock, sec- retary. The 'manager is Kenneth Hero. of :Exeter, who has under his direction nine employees. COME IN AND SEE , . . J, s: 0 t Shat; pest Thing On Wheels '61 CO T STATION WAG i+N DEMONSTRATOR Deluxe Trani 0 101 le.P, Motor w Full Chrome Discs Reg. Price 0,145.00 SPECIAL PRICE $2495,00 No hunting license needed for Times -Advocate Want Ad bargains. 1951 VAUXHALL nSTATI WAGON, tutorie, sharp. 1957 CBEV, 2 -tone, 6 auto. matic, radio, new tires, Really sharp' 1957 MORRIS OXlaORD SEDAN, h 1 a o k, white, walls, excellent. 1956 METEOR, 2 -door hard- top, 3 -tone, completely Overhauled, radio, white. wall tires. 1953 AUSTIN, blue, view 'Motor ---$250.O9. QUR USED c4R LOT WILL OE Open 'Til' 9 parr), Moitdayt` 8. Itriclays SauthiiiEnd Servite Russ btiki +wbt. c k anelf 0.1 o 1i 2'g EXETER r Seaforth. Mrs. Margaret Os goode, Brandon,. Mao, were Topics from friday visitors with Mr. and { Airs. Ernie Vodka, Dlrs. filar. � l . • sarnia visilerf Oa l ,encs hent ea , r , s !R � with 111$, and, Dies. � adrlen att ' Sunda v, 13y MRS, ARTHUR RUNDt.l . ss Barbara Clialletz +as a :...:bridesmaid an Saturday at the I Thidacleau-Bernard w e d di n g Personal items , held in the Holy Name Church, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 'Rundle St. Marys, on. Saturday. visited with the latter's broth -1 Mr. and Mrs. William Wag- e"•, Mr. Fred Payne, ,and Mrs.;horn of Kirktan visited with Mrs, Arthur Hopkins on Sure Payne in London Sunday after day and also visited Mr. Arthur noon, I Hopkins at Westminster Hos- e r. and Mrs. Chester Neil, l pital, NutiTzszoas-wmazt Prestone Guaranteed AGAINST LOSS Old .Man Winter will soon be lashing us with his .usuai snow,. sleek, hail and freezing tem, peratures, and it may be sooner than we think' However, you can laugh in his face if you're a wise motorist and bring us your car to have it checked over and put into tap shape fpr that rough driv' ing ,ahead, iT HAS TO BE DANE SO AO IT NOW AND AVOiD THE RUSHi rthmn RADIATOR and AUTO ELECTRIC Phone 1096 Exeter Buy an annuity and live Financial insecurity can lead to a barren and lonely existence for the older person. Those years after 60 can also bring the fear of out -living capital and the worry of managing the savings of a lifetime, The result—often severe stresses that can be dangerous to both physical and mental health. People who buy annuities buy freedom from worry and fear. Our atmuitantst find that a, regular income guaranteed for life brings peace of mind, helps make Inose sunset years a rich and satisfying experience. And we know that many live to a ripe old age. Whether you are 30 and buying anannuity in advance or you are 70 and want payments to start now there's an annuity designed to bring you peace of mind. The Man from Manufacturers would be pleased to give you the complete story. Be srue to ask him about the favourable tax picture. A. E. Pytn, Representative EXETER Tel: 671-M at your family clothing Store Don't let Jack Frost catch you unprepared. Now's the time to find the right cloth. ing to keep your family warm and smartly attired for the whiter. At Gould and J'ory, we've never been better prepared . our full stock offers complete fall and winter outfits for everyone :from footwear LO headgear . ,. frioin baby to grandfather. SHOP THE FAMILY STORE IPOR BEST VALUES IN WINTER, WEAR, t�I 1 N ;t 4 EXETER