HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 17,77 JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., 11.0, Minister Mr, Lawrence Wein, A-W-C.M. Organist and choirmaster 10 A.M. — SUNDAY SCHOOL Alt Departments 11 AM—MORNING SERVICE 'LAYMEN'S SUNDAY 1\1r, George Parsons, promin- ent, layman of North St. United Church, Goderich, will speak. Mr. Gerald Godbolt, AOTS president, will conduct the service and others will as- sist. Men's choir ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. -William Gatz 10:00 a.m. -- Bible Class and Sunday School • 11:00 a.m,—Divine Services BAY -FIELD BAPTIST CHURCH 'Pastor: Ivor Bodenham 10:00 a.m.—Bible School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Worship' 7:30 p.m.—Evening Services Wed„ 8 p.m.—Prayer Service PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Rev, Mel. W. Holmes, Pastor Main Street 9:00 CJCS Radio (1240 .Kc.) 'Message: "A question that should startle every person who is not a Christian" 9:45 a.m. — Sunday School For the whole family. 11:00 a.m. — Morning Service 7:30 p,m. — Evangelistic Rally Good Music - Lively Singing Anointed Preaching Wed., 8 p.m. — Prayer & Bible Study Friday, 8 p.m. — Christ's Am- bassadors "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation." —Heb. 2:3 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Interim Moderator: Rev. R. M. Bissett Organist: Mrs. W. G. Cochrane 9:00 a.m.—Sunday School 1 a.m.—Morning Worship ber 19, 8 p.m. — WMS in the church. THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 8:00 p.m.—Evening Service THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA TriVitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, October 15, 1961 20th Sunday After Trinity 8:00 a.m.—Quiet Communion (Corporate cornmunion and breakfast for the„ men of the parish.) 11:00 a,m. — Morning Prayer and Sacrament of Baptism Nursery, and Siinday School THE BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH IN MAIN STREET CHURCH Rev, R. Van Farowe, Minister 2:00 p.m.—Worship and Sermon 3:30 p.m.—Sunday School •All Welcome CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH My. A. G. Van Eek, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship in English 2:15 p,m,—Worship in Dutch 6:15 p.m.—Back to God Hair-- CHO (680 Kc.) MAIN STREET Vnited Church o$ Canada Minister: Rev, R. 5. Hiltz Organist; Mrs. A. Willard tom a.m.—Sunday School 11;15 a,rn.--Mortling Worship Sermon: Pergamps and Thy- atira" (Hidden Resources and Strong Character) Revelations 2: 12-29 Nursery is provided. "Come and worship with us." ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A, M. Schlenker, Pastor SunOS, October 15, 1961 10:00 a.m.—Men's Day Service Rev, Calvin Fahrrier, speaker 11:15 a.m,—Sunday. School 2:45 p.m, — Youth Fellowship District Rally at Sebringville Alonday. October 16, 1961 Rally t Sebringville lowship Supper and Program Rev. Stanley Sauder, speaker ROVERS ON WEEKEND HIKE Exeter Rover Crew spent the weekend camping in the Lakefield district, near Peter- borough, the new home of for- mer Scoutmaster Hal Hooke. Besides canoeing, hiking and exploring islands in the area, the Roverts inspected the War- saw caverns, an unusual group of caves in the area. Ralph Sweitzer was in charge of the expedition. Mrs. Sweitzer spent the week- end with Mrs. Hooke in Peter- borough. COMING EVENTS -- LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE— Every Saturday evening, 8:45 to 11 p.m., RCAF Huron Park Community Centre. Instruction provided. Join the RCAF Cent- ralia square dancers. All adults welcome. 28:5:12:19c KEEP THIS DATE — Wednes- day, November 1, for Centralia United Church Turkey Dinner 5:12c RUMMAGE SALE — Legion Hall, Hensall, Saturday, Octo- ber 14, 3 p.m. Anyone .wishing to donate articles, phone 96 or 173 Hensall. Sponsored by Hen- sall Kinette Club. 5:12c BAZAAR — St. Mary's Church, Brinsley, Friday, October 20, 2:30 p.m. 5:12:19c A BAZAAR & TEA will be held by the Greenway United WA, October 28, at 2:30 p.m. Ad- mission 35C 12c BAZAAR, BAKE SALE and Tea to be held in Hensall United Church schoolrooms on Satur- day, October 28, at 3:00 p.m. Proceeds for new Sunday School building. Sponsored by Evening Auxiliary. 12:19:26c RECEPTION & DANCE for Kathryn Hicks and Doug Ful- ton, bridal couple, Saturday, October 14, Crediton Community Centre, 8:30 p.m. Everybody welcome. 12* RECEPTION & DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller (nee Eve- lyn Wilson, Exeter Legion Hall, October 20, Ladies please bring lunch. Everyone welcome. 12* Kirkton Fair Board Dance Thurs,, Oct, 12 Music by Clarence Petrie Orchestra Dancing 10 p.m, to 1 a,tn. ADMISSION 75¢ Starlite Drive -In Theatre 5 MILES Et ST OF 4RAND BEND 2 Shows Nightly—Rain or Clear First Show at Dusk ' Children Under 12 in Cars Fre. FRIDAY & SATURDAY — OCTOBER 13 AND 14 (Double Feature) 41, -011 : e .7f717'7' le MONTYS DOUBLE parro4 4444:44464u isissiS` NTA miriofte Last Show of Season TM driver of eath ear either dato will bo • giveh a pts valid ter opening date -of the 1062 SEasoit A'our patronage was appreoiated, „ . Mt, Carmel • Continued frorn page 14 day, Nr. and Mrs, Joe Itegier •and, familY. Several ladies of the Mt. Car,' mel CWL prioyed a social eVe, fling at the Comintmity Centre ef RCAF Centralia as guests OLD-TIME KINSMEN Carnival Ert. Dance Hensall Arena FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 Doors open 8:00 p.m, Cash and fowl •bingos, paddle wheels and games of chance Fun or the whole family Kids, Win a Now CCM Bicycle Free — Draw at 10:00 p.m. Jitney Dancing Admission Free Sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen s!s!!SIISIIMPIsmslissIspissssis0110111S...!1',0,!,""fill!' of CWL, ladies of the Mr Fero ,Station last Tuesday Airs. .and Mrs. -Qerry Pignan,, of London spent weekend wd latter's .sister, Miss Bezrie, _Madden. M. ena Mrs. Nick CliVastri. ,andfamily of Chatham ,spent. Sunday with Mrs. Alex Voisin .Sr. and .Donelda. Bazaar and Tea Wed Oct 18 3:00 pan. Centralia United Church Sponsored by Centralia WA COME ONEI COME ALL1 Lucan Jr. Farmer's Dance AT THE LUCAN ARENA Friday, October 13, 1961 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. ADMISSION: 750 PER PERSON; $1.25 COUPLE Orchestra — "The Cardinals" Refreshment Booth 'isms . paississtsimmisstimmissismssimsmissossismisi lllll limns! ll I ll '1011111111/111111111111MIMMIII11111111111111111111111.11111111 t llllll LUCAN LIONS CLUB AUTUMN Rummage Sale Stanley Hall, Lucan Saturday, Oct., 21 2 to 5 p.m. Phone• Bank of Montreal, BA 7-4451, for pickup. lllllllll 111111 llllllllllll lllll I lllll lllll lllllll lllll lllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f1111111111111111, Guys and Gals Smorgasbord Tuesday, October 17 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11:30 a.M. to 1:30 p.m. TICKETS $1,25 ' "COME AS YOU ARE" 1111111111f1M111111141IIIIIIIIIIIIII lllll Get More Out Of Life.,. GO TO A MOVIE! THURS., FRI., SAT. — OCTOBER 12, 13, 14 Caro `ado now, the Three $too‘ges..:, 4.7.0f, 44 awn.. MON., TUES., WED. — OCTOBER 16, 17, 18 ADULT COMING SOON! '."-OrTRa g:r4" * "WILD IN HE COUNTRY" (Adult) * "GONE WITH THE WIND° * 111)ARRISHil (AduII) * "GO NAM) IN THE WORLD" (Adult) LYRIC THEATRE 421 EXETER Phorle PIrSt Shaw 7:16 Second Shaw 9:36 Matinee itGO Sgt and Mrs. Ferguson pf• MrForce base 'Centralia val., lea on Mrs. Mary Trainer and, family last Tuesday evening. Miss Mary Lou McCann 'and Donald O'Rourke of 'Lendo spent holiday their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clem McCann and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis O'Rourke, Brownie's Drive -In LIMITED CLINTON ONTARIO Featuring the Largest Wide Screen In Huron County 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Opens 745 First Show at 8:00 ADMISSION: 65 CENTS Children Under 12 In Cars Fres FRIDAY 6, SATURDAY October 13 and 14 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "The Man from God's Country" (Color) (Scope) George Montgomery Randy Stuart 'Jinx Money,/ Hunts Hall, Leo Goercy (ONE CARTOON) Mr. and Mrs. Tienry Wilflin and sen BIly of 131air„ -Onta, .on Mrs. M. Trainor last Sunday. Thames Road •UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Sun,, October 15 jl aan. Speaker; REV, C. H. DICKINSON al)„ D.D. of the Publishing House Soloist: MR. HARRY HOFFMAN The .TienopMvocatg,, f.;.41.9.11or nt 1961 N!: 14:' peapeeafizepiode4,... 111JV AN APPLE 44, EXETER BOY SCOUT* APPLE DAY THIS: SAT!.RDAY OCTOBER 141: Support Your Boy Scout Group Saturday Night Dances Exeter Legion Memorial Hall Dancing 9 to 12 Admission: 750 Per Person Jackets and Jeans Not Allowed !NW EXETER LIONS CLUB PRESENTS IGA Tablerite Roundup BEEF. DINNER Thursday, October 12 EXETER LEGION MEMORIAL HALL M ain Attraction MAVASVOAIMOXMTAIZIFANIBVONISIIIVAMWNRXINMVIIIMVMOVXZZZZEXZFPPVMVPAIMIIPYIVP Full Course Beef Dinner All You Can Eat For 9 Served 6:30 to 8 p.m. 25 VALUABLE DOOR PRIZES DRAW FOR 100 T-BONE STEAKS Complete Meal Supplied Free of Charge to Lions Club by Darling's IGA — Home of Table -Rite Meats l ll 1 •7'). 41 Added Features mals.cavanorasomr..-krzw.41:14,4-astmorarammly,,,mx.,,,,,at::...0,7:rm:7.:::anatilr..0:,,,:.:z. 7 8:00 to 9:00 Main Street Parade at 6 p.m. Dance From 9:30 To Midnight BEAUTY CONTEST 4, The Following Public -Spirited Merchants Donated Prize Monty and Gifts to: Miss Table -Rite Round Up Queen EXETER ROLLER RINK ART dLARKE FUELS JAKE'S PLUMBING & HEATING DOBSON ROOFING NORTH END B.A BOB'S FINA & RAD SERVICE SCOTT'S WHITE ROSE CONKLIN LUMBER EXETER PRODUCE & STORAGE GUENTHER TUCKEY TRANSPORT H. R. SHERWOOD EXETER DISTRICT CO.OP MID.TOWN CLEANERS EXETER BOWLING LANES MIDDLETON & GENTTNER McKE FtL I E AUTOMOTIVE CANN'S MILL REDER FLOWERS T. R. PRYDE & SONS ED YELLOW TEXACO WEDGE THE MOVER. BROCK TIRE SCOTT'S SUPEPtTEST W. G. COCHRANE G. VRIESE IMPERIAL ESSO NORM MARTIN OPTOMETRIST CATHY'S BEAUTY SALON HOPPER-HoCKEY MIDDLETON DRUGS MAYFAIR BAKERY GOULD & JOEY LYRIC THEATRE 11A4uA1it HARDWARE DARLING'S IGA F. A. MAY & SON A&H GROCERIES SMYTHE SHOES C. V. PICKARD CHAINWAY TIMES.ADVOCATE FINK'S MEATS RUSSELL ELECTRIC CANADIAN TIRE G. A. WEBB (CHIROPRACTOR) SANDY ELLIOT FURNITURE SNELL BROS, LTD. JOHN BURKE INS. & REAL ESTATE SOUTH END SN(DER. MOTORS LTD, EXETER FROZEN FOODS W. H. HODGSON LTD. BILL'S BARBER SHOP HUXTABLE ERSMAhl'S BAKERY BELL & LAUGHTON MODERN BEAUTY SALON SANDERS' GROCERY BEAVERS CREST HARDWARE IRWIN'S LADIES' WEAR WELLINGTC)N BOOK SHOP FISHER'S HARDWARE DINNEY FURNITURE TUCKEY BEVERAGES DON WILSON WALPER'S MEN'S WEAR GREENE'S VARIETY STORE JACK DOERR WILLIAM McKENZI QOARY'S BARBER SHOP DARLING'S IGA FOOD, MARKET EXETER COACH LINES EXETER SALVAGE, 4g 4 •1 sqa 7,74: 4g 4g • i':''''' . • 7 . . * * * * * * ''' * * . .*. *• :..',;.i..'. 70 . .. . .. .:..i .7;""'77.":...Y.Z.....1,74177.W7VM13V.N..“037C.11':7V=I2.7.:0S.0.7'..7...0..."77.1tMill".7nT.:,","`"i'Z.,,7,"?.•,..z.L.;',",-."'E',,,..7.,"77 :,•-..,•,.-..:';',..:,.n..<.',7 ...."7........ . ....,....t7;•,' ,,••• '... ',•,.•'..7'.7.'........?..7;"'L7.....••,.7.........1., l .1 l • '1, ALL PROCEEDS 'TO LIONS 'WELFARE WORK