HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 16CANCER. SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS—Executive for the Lucan branch of the Canadian Cancer Society was elected at a meeting last week attended by repre- sentatives of village organizations. From left are Mrs. Murray Hodgins, vice-presi- dent; Jack Steacy, treasurer; Mrs. M. J, Culbert, secretary, and Ron Crozier, presi- dent. —Culbert photo Page 14 October 12, 1961 Lucan and district news Phone BA 7.4255 : Correspondent: Miss Lina Abbott ,.•••• ..• • • ...., • Junior Fire Marshalls conduct hazard check Another group of Junior Fire Marshalls from Lucan Public School will receive their badges and hats this Friday afternoon for conducting a thorough fire prevention campaign in their homes. Over 100 children from four school rooms, comprising grades three, four and five, have completed a home fire inspection report to qualify for the Junior Fire Marshall a- wards. Lucan children join more than four million youngsters in 15.000 elementary schools a- cross Canada and the United States in carrying home the Recreation News By BARNEY WELCH ' With the possibility of a little cooler weather in sight, we hope to have the ice ready for skating by Thursday eve- ning of this week. We also invite any of our local people to come and have a look at e arena since it has been repaired and paint. ed. We are going to have a few reserved seats for the com- ing hockey season and anyone interested in purchasing one of these seats may do so by get- ting in touch with the arena manager, The local Teen Town had its first fall dance last Friday night and by the large turn- out they had it looks like a very fine season ahead for the teens. Our regular Saturday night dance will have a few spot prizes added to the already fine fine dance. One of interest is a slip good for two Sunday din- ners at the Koffee Kup Res- taurant on Main Street donated by Mr. J. Hay, proprietor of the restaurarit. We feel this is very fine gesture on the part Of Mr. Hay. Explorer news The third expedition of the Lueari Clandebeye explorers was held October 2 instead of October 0 (owing to Thanks. giving) in the linited Church schoolroom, There were 21 girls present, Another leaf recognition con test was held with Janis Free. man and Lori Crudge tying for first pine, Mrs. George Paul, president of the Afternoon WIVIS, install- ed the officers, Chief Explorer is Marilyn Hearn; Recorder Cif the Log, Jane Crozier, and Keeper of the Treasure, Nancy Park, Counsellors Rose Revington And Iva Hodgins led in the worship service, The expediting, °Exploring Outdoor in Atitunin," was coil- tinued. A, short time was spent in eXpittieing "Whet it Means to be it Explorer'', During the &tailless session, Chief Explorer Marilyn Hearn Announced there' would be a tift4tet collection later in Oto - lessons of Fire Prevention Week. Families, as well as youngsters, learn life - saving fundamentals. The Lucan campaign is spon- sored by the Donald G, Ban - ting insurance agency, repre- senting the Hartford Fire In- surance Compan y, national sponsors of the program. Listing 17 safety checks, the home inspection report was in- cluded in the fall issue of the Junior Fire Marshall magazine distributed to the Lucan stu- dents last week. Parents were asked to sign a certificate in the magazine to show that the child and a grown-up member of the family had truly checked the home. "It is important that both children and adults learn the lessons of home safety and emergency exit procedures," said. Mr, Banting. "That's why the certificate of merit includes an emergency procedure sign and is designed to be cut out and hung up at home as a year-round safety reminder. 'Albert Wilson !farm laborer Albert Wilson, 60, a farm laborer of RR 3 Lucan, died in , St. Josephs Hospital Thursday, October 5 after a lengthy fil- 1 ness. The hodrested in the C !Haskett and Son Funeral Home until ,Monday morning, Oct. 9, when it was taken to St P t rick's Church, Biddulph for !requiem high mass at 8.30 a,m. with the Rev. Father Frank IBricklin officiating. Interment ' was in Cl. Patrick's cemetery, 1 Pallbearers included Alessrs, William Heenan, Jim Heenan, Joe Grace Jr., Joe McIlhargey, John McIlhargey and Fred [ Cryoe. Mr. Wilson came to the [ Heenan .fa.mily in 3018 and had worked there since. As far as is known, he has no survivors, Legion Auxiliary Bingo - Mrs. Omar Cunningham, of Clandeboye won the $5 conSb- lation jackpot at the Legion Auxiliary bingo in the Legion Hall Thursday avenieg, Mr. Benny Kelly and Mr, Louis Lemieux won the top line prize for "Share the Wealth", The latter also won the fourth bingo and shared the second with Mrs, L, Hayter who won the second pert of the consecu- tive bingo. Miss Mary Young t)f Birr wort ,the bottom line arid Mrs. Bob Downey of Lucan won the full card prite, Karl Neil, who shared the sixth bingo with Mrs, Cecil Hodgins, Won the first part of the consecutive and shared the third part with Mrs, William II/fathers and Mrs, Doug Ewen, all from Luean, Mrs. Holland, of txeter, and Mrs. C. Glenti, of Mita Craig, Shared the seventh bingo. 1 Solo 'Winters included Mr. lIetlryBieber. of Clandebeye,` Mrs. Wade Ziegler, Harry 13ond Jr., of tuean and Alvin Rat. 1Pdcfe, 1410104t Mt, 11, Paseo*, -, Crerlitem. A youngster qualifies as a Junior Fire Marshall when he brings a signed certificate to school and his name is posted on a special honor roll in each class. The school, or class- room, with the highest per- centage of completed home in- spection reports will be a- warded a blue and gold -colored silk achievement award ban- ner, Principal Jenkins and teach- ers at the school are co-operat- ing in the program. Fire Chief Alex Young will participate in the presentation ceremonies Friday, Anglican WA At the meeting of the after- noon branch of the Anglican Auxiliary held at the home of Miss Lina Abbott last Wednes- day, Mrs, Roy Hamilton took the first chapter in the new study book, "Jesus Christ, the Light of, the World". The president, Mrs. T. C. Mc- Farlane, was assisted in the worship service by Mrs. Harold Corbett and .Mrs, P. 0. King. Letters were read from Mrs, Bert Jackson, a former mem- ber now living • in England, and also from Miss Marilyn Brownlee, daughter of the sec- retary, who is on vacation in Europe. Arrangements were made for attending some of the coming out-of-town WA meetings. It was decided to hold the annual WA corporate commun- ion at 2;30 p,m. on November 1, the date of the next meet- ing; to be followed by the meeting. Mrs. Erwin Scott moved a vote of thanks to Miss Abbott for her hospitality and her as- sistants, Mrs. H. D. Ankara, Mrs. Harold Corbett and Mrs, T. C. McFarlane. Reception and dance A large attendance of friends, relatives and neighbors met at the Lucan Community Memo- rial Centre last Friday to ex- tend best wishes to Mr, and Mrs. Peter Shipley, the former Donna Blake, who were re- cently married, An evening a dancing was enjoyed by all those present,' the Maurice Love orchestra of Exeter providing the music. A purse of money was pre- sented to the young couple dur. ing the evening, Allan Ready of Lucan making the presenta- tion, ' ::tearn ._ombeffects • Speaking on 1.1ivilDefence Fred Reynolds, district eo-o: clinater of London, was the !guest speaker at an open meet,. ing following the Lions Cl' dinner in the Anglican Church basement, last • Monday eve• He was introdUced by past president, Clare Stanley. Mem- bers of the Luean Volunteer Firemen were guests cif the Lions Club. Mr, Reynolds graphicall, described the effects of a bomb attack, blinding light, blind ness, extreme heat, broken windows, painful radiation etc, and the necessity of a shelter equipped with food, water and clothing, "Lucan", he said, "in all likelihood. will never re- ceive a direct hit, but being in close proximity to London, Lucanites should be prepared, A hit even on Detroit could be be felt here", Following his address he showed a film of a man Mov- ing into a new neighborhood, One of the first things he did was to begin digging a shelter in his back yard. Soon his neighbors became interested too, The film was followed by a question and answer period. Many of •those present took ad- vantage of the opportunity .to learn more of this interesting but terrifying topic. The Lions hope to find a sufficient number of interested people in Lucan and district to hold a series of talks on Civil Defence. Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Clarence Haskett, as- sisted by Mrs. Jack Hardy, Mrs, J. W, Smith and Mrs. Don Downs was hostess for the meeting ,of the Anglican Eve- ning Auxiliary last Wednesday evening, Mrs. E. 0. Lancaster assist- ed the president, Mrs. Roscoe Hodgins, in the worship serv- ice. Mrs. Kay Egan completed the study book, "Toward the Centre". During the business session it was decided to again sell the church calendar, this year. Plans were discussed for the annual church bazaar. Mrs. J. W. Smith offered her home for the November meet- ing. WA meeting At the meeting of the Wom- an's Association of the United Church last Wednesday the date for the annual bazaar was set for November 25. Mrs. Ivan Hearn gave a reading on Christian Citizen- ship and Mrs. J. B. Ready, a reading on Christian •Steward- ship. Mrs, Sheridan Revington spoke on Christian leadership. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Mel Culbert, assisted by Mrs. Burns Smith. The guest speaker was Mrs. G. W. Sach who gave a resume of her recent trip to England. President Mrs. H. B. Lang- ford was in the chair and Mrs. Eldon Young's and Mrs. Don Maguire's group in charge of the program. Legion Auxiliary meeting At the meeting of the Legion Auxiliary held in the Legion Hall last Tuesday evening the date for the annual bake sale and tea was set for November 11 in the Legion Hall. The president Mrs. A, E. Reilly won the mystery prize. Bride -elect feted Miss Martha Jena Rummell of Lucan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rummell of Albert St., whose marriage to Dr. Stuart Jerome Morrison of De- troit was held at 11 a.m. in St. Martin's Catholic Church, London, October j was guest of honor at two miscellaneous showers. The first was held by Mrs. John A. Morrison of Parkhill, who was assisted by her daugh- ters. Mrs, Peter Sovereign, now of London, and Miss Mar- jorie Sovereign of Lucan were joint hostesses at a shower held at the home of the latter. Bride -elect feted Prior to her marriage to Mr. Russell Radcliffe, October 6, Miss Beth Watson, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. T. A. Watson, of Lucan, was guest of honor at several pre -nuptial events, Mrs. M. 0, Smith and Mrs. Louis Kilmer were joint hos- tesses at the home of the for- mer for friends and neighbors for a kitchen shower, Miss Marlene Revington entertained the bride -elect's girl friends with a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Wilfred Dixon, Clande- boye, held a miscellaneous shower for Miss Watson's rela- tives and the staff of Area 1 school at Highbury, Prince An- drew school, where Miss Wat- son leaches, entertained her and presented the bride -elect with a gift, Thanksgiving visitors Thanksgivingcallers on Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett Were Mr. Paul. Conlin of St. Mich- aels College, Toronto, on Sat- urday and Mr. and Mrs, Tunks, the former Shirley Tay- lor, former Lucan teacher, of Ridgetown on Monday, visiting Toronto? be our honoured guest .Win every room "overlooking take Ontario a betel taeilities vi entertainment sightly only 7 minutes from downtown via the Lakeshore Road thefabsious &MegHOTIEL free perking eau RO 6-43,42 at tate door ier reservations 444 .;4,3.:14,0 4, +V. W..4. -4 4, 'Pkkofficers.I •-for cancer1 NE'ff Cl-li 4r CONSTABLE Albert E. Cowen • Chief constable veteran officer Albert E. .Cowan, Lucan's new chief constable, has secured the apartment over the Revington. Meat Market and ,has moved his family to 'Wean. Constable Cowan has had 20 years police experience, start- ing in Ingersoll in 1938. He was chief constable in Palmerston for several years and prior to coming to Lugar', September 15, he was with the Orange- ville Police Department for three years, The attntial meeting of the Lucan liranch ,of the Canadian [Oeneer [Society was held in the Antigen Parish Hall,. last T.,esday night with •represerde- tires from the various church arganizetions, the .Lilean and. Clerideboye WI, Lions [Clttb, Le - gin Auxiliary, Home a 11 d t.choe4 Association and Federe- tien. The treasurer reported 3.97$.69 was forwardedto, the. Cancer Society in 1961 and 244.59 .since „collected. Sponsored by the Wean WI ?,,974 eancer .dressings were made up at monthly meetings. Mrs. Tack Lankin, Mrs. E, O. Lancaster and Miss Lina Abbott were named a nominat- ing ,committee. They brought in the :Slate of officers, which was accepted. President is Mr. Ron „Crosier; • pest president, Mrs, V. F. Sovereign; vice-president, Mrs.. M. H. Hodgins; secretary, Mrs. met Culbert; ' treasurer, Jack Steacy; .educational con- vener, Mrs, Cecil Robb; cam- paign manager; Mrs, A. E. Reilly; assistant manage r, Mrs, David Kestle, It was voted to hold a .daffo- dil tea in April to. help publi- cize the 1962 cancer .campaign, Mrs. Murray Hodgins volun- teered to contact Mrs. Allan Rush of London as to proced- ure in sponsoring a Daffodil Tea, Lucan personal items Mr, Lloyd Cassidy, of St. Catharines, was an overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. Mr. and Mrs, Marshall Hod- gins,of Eugene, Oregon, after visiting friends in Exeter and Lucan, returned home, taking Mrs, Lorne Barker, of Lucan, and her sister, Mrs. Jack Kelly, of London, with them. After visiting in Eugene and Portland they took them to visit friends in Vancouver. Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Kelly then flew home. Mr. Jim Murphy won the Legion's $50 draw, After 16 weeks in St. Joseph's Hospital with a broken hip, Mrs. Annie Fairies was able to be brought home last. Wednes- day. Mrs. C. F. Langford, Toron- to, spent the holiday weekend with her mother, Mrs. John Casey, of Alice street. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones and family of Kippen and Mr, and Mrs. Les Woodward and family of Lucan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford held a family Thanksgiving get- to-gether and a twin birthday party last Saturday night, the latter for Mr. Langford and Mr. Clinton Haskett, who were born on the same day. Guests included Mr. and • Mrs. /Olin Park and family, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Park and family of Lu - can, Mr. and Mrs., Wm. Butler and family and Mr. Butler •Sr. of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ste- wart Park and family of Petro- lia, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Has- kett of Birr and Mr. Jeffery of Virginia Town, Mrs, John McLean of St. Thomas spent the weekend at her home here. Lucan firemen were called to another mysterious fire about 2 p.m: Sunday in a building at the rear of the pool room, For- tunately they arrived in time to prevent serious damage. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Brooke have moved to London. Joey Hodgins spent last week- end at the cottage of his uncle, Mr. Ralph Strasser at Port Fra nks. !Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cochrane and family were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allen of Windsor, Rev. A. Aylestock of North BUxbon was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Aylestock, who had Mr. and Mrs. James Walker of Lis- towel as Sunday guests. Mrs, Archie Hodgins and Miss Kay Hodgins of London were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Windsor. The Lucan Jr. Farmers are holding a dance at the Lucan Community Memorial Centre Friday, October 13, to raise funds to support an overseas orphan, Mr. D. A. Ashworth spent Thanksgiving with Rev. and Mrs, E. C, Attwell and family of Gerrie. Mrs, Roy Stanley of St. Tho- mas (Legion Auxiliary past pre- sident) attended the meeting, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thompson and family spent the holiday weekend at their cottage at Pike Bay. Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott included Mr. and Mrs, Jack Eizenga and family from St. Thomas (who stayed overnight) Miss Marga- ret Eizenga of the Bank of Montreal, Leamington, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Tellefson of Tor- onto, Miss Lorraine Graham, Vicky Eizenga and Paul Gra- ham of Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell and family of Toronto were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, Sheridan Revington who held a family Thanksgiving get-to-ge- ther on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ratteau of Orillia were Thanksgiving guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Arnold. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Moore and family of Pt. Dover were weekendguests. of ,,,Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Stanley. There are a number of cases of chicken -pox in the village. Mrs. F. W. Morgenroth of New Market called on Lucan friends last Tuesday and was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Bro w n 1 e e, (Mr. Morgenroth was a Public School principal here about 10 years ago. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Montgo- mery and family spent a few days at their cottage on Mani- toulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 13irtch and family of Windsor were Thanksgiving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Birtch and spent Sunday with IMr, and Mrs. Clayton Abbott. Mrs. Will Haskett spent Thanksgiving with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Lloyd Cook, and family of Byron. Lucan resident injured David MacKenzie, 20, who with his family lives in the Harold Corbett apartment, cor- ner of Main and Alice Sts, was admitted to St. Joseph's Hospital last Thursday evening with a concussion received in a traffic accident at Highways 4 and 22, about 6.50 p,m. Mr. MacKenzie was injured when his car was in collision with a vehicle driven by Anna Van Dongen. of 23 Wortley Rd., London.Mr. MacKenzie was released "on Friday. ;rolerron.• FINANCING FOR MORE CANADIAN BUSINESSES More types of businesses can now obtain financing for a wider variety of purposes froth the Industrial Development Bank and there are more i:DX, branch offices for the convenience of Canadian busi- nesses from coaSt, to coast. liyott are engaged in a business or plan i� Start one—whether it is an industrial, commercial, trade or service enterprise..., and required financing is not available elsewhere ori reasonable Willa and condi, tionS �ni are invited to visit an .11)14, office Oi Write for a descriptive bOoklet. iNDUSTICIAL DEVELOOMBNI BANK REGIONAL OFFICE: LONDON, 291 DUNDAS STREET Tel. GE 8.8363 41, 4.' ...„,z,„....„,...ea t." -*`....7.T., • ..r.4 ..'. 5 4: .'•ii et* ' „ ni .•,... I PRESIDENT—Allan Scott was elected president of Luean Bpsinessnien's Association at its meeting last week. Church Activities Pentecostal Holiness Church Rev, Miller of London was the guest speaker at the Young Peoples' meeting on Friday waseNetheningandhisdssotaiusgthter, Lois, There was a splendid attend- ance at the children's service at 6.30 p,m, Friday. It has been decided to change the time to 6.45, Rev, E. Gagnon is in charge of this service of craft, sing -song and Bible stories but hopes to appoint a regular leader, The church and Sunday School were beautifully decor- ated for the Sunday Thanks- giving services. Mrs, Ed. But- ler was the soloist at the 11 o'clock service and a men's trio (Rev. E. Gagnon, Mr. Jack Eizenga and Paul Gra- ham) sang at the evening serv- ice, Mr, and Mrs, Jack Eizenga also sang a *duet. United Church The pastor, the Rev, G. W, Sach, took as his Thanksgiving text, "Let both grow together until the harvest", at the 11. o'clock Sunday service. Miss Marjorie Donaldson sang a solo. Tamara Lynn, small daugh- ter,. of Mr. and Mrs. T. H: Hermeston was baptized by the pastor. The Lucan-Clandeboye YPU will meet at the home of Shar- on Blake at 8 p.m. Saturday following their paper collection at 1 p.m. The guest speaker Sunday, Oct. 15 will be the Rev. T. Elliott BA, BD who has served iii Newfoundland, the Mari - dines and Ontario. Anglican Church Prior to the confirmation service in Holy Trinity next Sunday at 11.30, with Bishop Luxton in charge,' the bishop has asked for a union com- munion service to be held in St. James Church, Clande- boye at 9.30 Lin. for commun- icants from Holy Trinity and St. James, In the afternoon the bishop ha.: planned a board meeting for both churches in Holy Trinity Parish Hall. "You look angry. What hap- pened?" "I just stepped on bne of those scales with a loud- speaker, and it said, 'One at a time, please.' " Topics from Mt. Carme persenet items Mr. Joseph. Hogan. of mer. lin High .School teaching :stall spent -last weekend with his Parents, Mr. .arud Mrs, Mitred ktogan. Miss Eleanore Dietrich; .Mi.,v, Mary McKeever and Miss Pau- line O'Rourke enjoyed the hol- iday with their parents, Mrs,. Walter Mater of SIM, coe visited for three days last week with her brother .and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jo e ,Ca- rey. Mr, and Mrs. Austin McKee- ver and family of Toronto spent holiday with Mr. and Mrs, Hubert McKeever, Mrs. Paul Masse of Windspr visited last week with M. and. Mrs. Hubert parey .and family Miss Mary Anne Hall of Mt. Foiest Nigh School teaching staff spent weekend with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Haw Weekend guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Joe :Carey and family were Mrs, Bernadette Mater Mr, and Mrs. ,Jim Carey .of Exeter and daughter, Mr, and Mrs: 'Wilt Helm and. family, Kitchener and Mr. Bert Far mer. Miss Joan 'Glavin .of Chat- ham spent holiday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, John Gia - vin, ,. Miss Madeleine Glavin o p Port Lambton and Miss Emit of Port Lambton enjoyed ,* trip together over Thanksg ing. Mr, and Mrs, Hubert Die- trich and family of Lucan .vis. AO latter's parents on Sun- ,— Please turn to page 15 Cyril H. Orme dies in Victoria The death of Cyril Hodgins Orme, 75, of Victoria, B,C,, oc- curred recently. Besides his wife he is sur- vived by one daughter, Mrs. Thomas MoMartin, Victoria; three sons, Dr. T. B. Orme, Shelton, Wash., R. F. Orme and C, E. Orme, Victoria; also one brother, Clarence V. Orme, Honolulu, two sisters, Mrs. Lelia Hull, !Mobile, Alabama, Mrs. Noreen Orme-Catt, Strat- ford, and 17 grandchildren. Funeral service and inter- ment were at Victoria. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wes Orme, he spent his early days in Lucan where his father printed the Lucan paper, where the Anglican Church now stands, He was a graduate of the Ontario College of Pharm- acy. SOUTH END SERVICE Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 328 EXETER YOUR JUNIOR FIRE MARSHA!. SAYSt' ITS PIPE PREVENTION ...• att yeetviS;! During Fire Prevention Week — and throughout the year — our Junior Fire Marshals work to pro- mote the fire safety principles they learn as members of the Hartford Junior Fire Marshal Pro. gram, If your youngster is a Junior Fire Marshall, We know he'll be. conscious of ,,fire hazards around your home and we urge your support in ensuring that you and your family are safe from fire. And to do our part, We are happy to sporiser all Junior Fire Marshal activities throughout the year in cooperation with the Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Donald G. Banting INSURANCE AGENCY Phone BA 7.4741 Main St., Lucan Established 1929 "We Aim to Please — Prompt, Efficierf, Friendly terVice" rtepteteriling HARTFORD Fire insurance Cespiims HsrUot4115, Coax.