HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-01-05, Page 2liowtmms a• ' ted Gsau*a $s a C aide/ the reed- wrogiany. nista of the law Act to am.sd the Lw ~b ~M Width** °reviser Schools (19 Vie. 'mew11111s f am 1st.) the Beard of Trusteesef welt ry l.e , `I i Comity (jrsai,e w $ is desisted le ',kWh eeir edgy. Im '-^e a«II tlp the 9th sec** b HssI14s je j1e r prismst T,sNees of chi S. ""with Grammer atm regatsed to mess Bit a era shoes Wreiws sod alit- ea 'Ns dtseeday is Jaoswry anaismf beoew twt , •osesom N amidst from amos,gst themselves Q &Ak ` y' iag else r steMtia. the tires Truisms for each Grammar School. ederh.ppr hof &roped, pewee. and Ilsd the Ceiaty Cowl)* are required i'MerAway hv W Cte swmetiat sweat svesleyesg st their int N oetiy is 1.364 to appotat stooled 1141 iselepem6 ether three Trustees (or eseb Uranium: the *inn .tact time tint 8ahool. site the aU-o sct.oa ddispotthe iss so premed de.,bd an seas siu-the Chards! Mr. l- y =„:s ANL tfaaaarr Dime - mem eempletely. It must he said, bow- chanes -htr Cameros has denied, alar, Um the mimeo' of the *overripe through the materna. of the Montreal e1 ib'wirely Msermis temporal matters, amid tfcra d, that he eter desecrated the ltl.tlr ithoefor,, the E rperer i m eta wins dm bath by visiting the Comedian Gotha e itse1 chief of the Chsacf, sot can se is Steamer Otuor• ou that Jay, bet rem - tar way decide or interim. with api,itwal, arks that it is well bemire that the isfregstatic or stood; reels siestas! dieeyilis- distinguished Desder of the Ansi Sabbath 'WY ail"- is this revert a sower -etre of Ikaee,atioe party (Mr. Brows) hired • 'Lighted is snore a chief of Lis church than public color)awe and drove bay suites • Russian autocrat of his. . For isstaoce an the Sabbath to his election!! tin Crisham oast•, otely decided w Eng- Isad, by Ilse car■rtigo or bur council, o MurDer• of John Robson.. -The in 'Raab could never come offivallr before vestigation of this case before the Coro the 1 no crier. 1t i!b bis poise,, ootwith- am-, closed on 11'edueeday *veuing, and saandtu its ia:eisatty, lie Oen n*ouch b ot tb. Coroner having summoned up Ibe IjIriraaI or theological questions. But to evidence at some Ieoggth, the jury return - 1.11 other metiers the clergy a d the bier- ed a verdict of wilful Murder against tri by are wholly reduced to eotlingnew, Dud are totally subject to Ibe will of the is oar. '11:. coms0s disciplinary deeimoDs ...oil the.Sjeod meet be submitted to the arm. Lo avoid what the jealousy of despotism Boy Deowsas.-We leans from the `'• a ells a scandal, or rather to cat off a cos- p,lu1 flat "e distressing casualty has oo I ssa,iiati.g ioflueicc which might estend currrd, whfoa bas has again thrown the ever otter ssbjeiits, no free discussion of family of our rxpected fellow citizsn, mit) matter is really allowed to the Church- Mr 'Phomas Jletirat h iota deep emiction. 14 bishops must be very cireumepect and Ou Monday lass his uepbew, a promising cewtioes is their api-itual and edauustra- lad .f 12 years of age, was drowsed, iu use adios. They, too, are subject to the rear of his uncle's residesee at Lachine, istestigatws of the meret police or spies, by the giving way of the tee oa which he • sad wry thee be Beady ruined. SaIasse4 was playing "-Inoatrrttl Gazette. • by she Ceramist -et, they are kept is 'bee- • ws treheetties, mod those who are too epiiiled, receive, either directly, queered', ofaully, ihre gb the t ysod, frieadle or emphatic 'dummies. Any disc mown showed 14 moral power, sed inductee of the Cbutrh is looked was two tarty mil too pkted and pet mto ol+ersuos. The des- . oily seseeptibk so go beyond bounds patch states that the sostrumeuts work ce- ll ea it is emspeeted, oe rather prolyhjted, cue ly well and that there is good sleigh- rn writing well as Lege the tag tobibaalo. The kind o1 instrument Matt, that scanty resunrte of the Church, used is that wlstcb prints the words in large le Jealously watched over. Thus, neither; letters, apOa we believe ; and must be much less libte to mistakes than those Metre - "bents that make indentatious on white pa- per, not always very legible eren to the ini- tialed mod which constitute an unknown language to the general public. Flom the edict cutlet( the hue we bare also geed in- telligeaee. '1'be Quebec Gazette states that the pekes of the Grand "Trunk Telegraph Line, from )Iootneal to Quebec, are Dearly all up, and .sci-a1 gangs of baud* engaged in putting ou the wire, whis:b has been already erected is the streets ref the latter city.-- Leads, HURON SIGNA-L. _ ARRIVAL UP Tee ---' _. _s s-- - . ---- -_ - -c-_ -- - -- -- wa. .weit+ .7. -• AVII0g. Roca to Wm owls rspatstiem, Wider it 1 .. had le slues, that the strongest ad- Taper. The supply N water', kis,ter, el Mopes/di 'Jai &ttelao w tits. sad A. )]. PIM Yont Liverpool, with used* M party u iib bas vecates, of widen/atom a the British, the first, was rather dekiese, bet is a Gum Ji j15 id' no Africa f)re,e Li.. deem with its samidemea ]teal. Howe of Common, via :- Mr. Russe short time a u1 tj supply was obtained yK.snsd Robert to flu 1Ttb, trzrlred so Israpl( 1, with rispamsibtheBright wwld look I.. the krill,. exertedpibsfaselves w ■ Oibb,ss, Debi Healoy sad Itub.rt pas IaB a sae.. of this r I Mr. CBbdca and Mr. g &Meeom. hetlt M tis erowm isd W rho a the tersest Bader saisursgeereisahace$ seamier beyond all penes. '1'M esrgiase Park. 8l ]lh/risf)t'' 11 re. ll Lied .Pabeserston has reshis IIIIIII6Moat rhos esus.. to 1.14"4.144"4 f .d to appsd M tee peopb o a thin t it.suoe, kft lbs pro■rid abort 8 u'dorl A. M., bet Horton, W. M p bite rod ps cgs awe u Home Secretary. 11111.4e k srss 1 uI miustaaces appears Has as a meat tiokut outrage ou coeetitutiosa) we ob,en eJ au. Bertram, 11. i.Jefati- Biaeett Tbo palisi`il (Baling wufat ,.Bees 4 will not waiest 10 i Ao mer ~ M w plats, slat 1 cannot under- rights. You will, 1 am sure, do me the gable. Chief h leinaed Di the ground deriad ed at ibises Aimless was not so ILB(ors Bill, uchis •steeds 11a Parti• it&ad how soy saprejadte.d sea, who pewee te believe that these observation ale whole day. This gentlemeu is deem/o- ils. tiros( amestaq Gauc6w. Ht. r res studied the history of Lu Demote, bate out been made with a slew to Jeprs- Brag of samelkieg more than a mere passing upon this w tti'om missy fernier ti•ewws, the ?lsaw ea ., 'asd iia toaalilatiomi, me who bis say Bata oppaailiw from any unworthy dente compliment, ken the fact That be waacorn- although when viewed in that light it y .. esisMte will repent for putlio opinion, can hesitate of place 1 have (or years been subjected to pelted to change his olotbsug several times will be sees dist thew ata ht Eaters a51in, sod will sot altar loyal; s 55 tit sig reform. ••nthe pulley of ria U othieg re y cal regard w it. Arid yet w. an aspenioaeel allkinds with reference to ibis dur.og the day ; it baring been tlwrott4Wy en and four Writs ; bst npoa the Beals now Tyke t g i wh threatened with total disruption of the suubbject. The Ysc.rily oil my rooduct bas drenched and froze*. It was the opinion when ;loot; ooked epos sm •body of wee, into Turkey beet w Dotlis liberal party, and a withdrawal of coral been questiosed, and every effort made to of many with whom we cootrrsed, that if The iutelligcnee of the naval heals deuce on the part ofa scall n of oar deprive me of abs cosideaca of the liberal Mr. Berta had been furnished with .bus- wheat hoods ora W ba enktlKtd rtes in. Siuope u a,ollresad- The Tacks tP friend., auicient perhaps to psralrse our party. 1 herr had 11. consolation, Low. dance of water the fire would have been terata of the Town for tllelvemostbs, 11 ships, out 13, of which 3 were teas- efforts, not because we iffier in opinion ever, of refecting, that 1 was laking the confined to the stare in which it occurre•I, and whose action. while in power nay apt hie The Romans loot di 7 ships, with them oo the question at issue, but only course which world raven the speedy as las been the c with pearl .ser Tits aflstr is not so disastrous to the Pr Icaw 1 Y be IDado to tell sitter fur good or evil T arks as was at gest reported. ' because we do deem it consistent witb and certain triumph of the popular cause. ire Mace D1r. B. has fi113J bis prem. tit office. for many years, site, are will entitled is The allied fleets see to the Bos principle to press legislation without an Had I listened to the advice then as now The ruins were visited by immense crowds aborts The, lav seat a et10 11 into sanest to the penpla themselves. W . offered by parties w' n, though highly res yesterday, but u some Jaeger was apart- our 000fidenee, and we have no doubt the Black Bea to enquire the Sin a are urgently called on by professed libe- .pectable and sincere, are not is a position bended from the falling of the walls, a bar- they will successfully fulfil th. eogsge- beThere. op rats, t)J men wltu claiw W bis par excel to judge correctly as to the mode by which vier was thrown across lie street mud police- menta they have andettaken. The pre There was • report of another de. Inane site true friends of ppopular rights. political questions ran Le properly solved : men stationed to preveut persons passing. to subunit a question which, by their my conticuos is, that there would have The large bwlt Bug is a complete pwreck, semi is a very critical1pperiod for our feat of the Turks on shore at Kalisoh, own eoufession i. •ecund to none iu im been no (ler Reserve ueslino before scarcely sat thing remaining but the (rout Town, and its noble prosoeeta which are Armenia will 4,000 killed, but o0 oneClergy q b.diet.• it. Several other Mesta were porlance, to a yarlisment, ono Louse of the Canadian people is legislate oo. 1 were, which will uo doubt be removed int- now unfolding, demand and require at retorted, all equally doubtful. which hat been pronounced by a majari- have, howeve r, the satisfaction of belieriug mediately. the hands of those entrusted with the There is 00 conlarmatioo of the report ly of tawo thirds ir, both branches, not Ilea the general voice of the liberal party a maoa6ement of its affair an eoligbien- P to be true and faihful ropresora.ttive of Upper Cat.ada would now pr000u,ce that that ABnta had declared war, Due it was of publio o inion, wlfile this other house the mode adopted in obtaining the repeal so Deed to be true. P p Jeers ELLIOTT has c..usrutcA (u ed, liberal and progressive policy, and y The diplomatists are still bowith has been declared by the representatives of the Imperial Clergy Reserve Act was act as Agent for the Signal in the Conn this we have every reason to believe they heir notes. of the people to be destitute of that the wise and statesmanlike one. I am eon-ty of Bruce will receive during rho nest resets Armies on the Danube are in winter weight and iufluence which the public winced that the course of the Goreroment, months. T6ea000tcat for the May• meters No hostilities- interests require that it should command with regard to the final ren lenient of the I have no hesitation in affirming that qt estion will, io the cod, be equally spam, -;s orally and Reevestip appears to whatever may be alleged to the contrary ed: and if, in the meantime, and delay N he warm, but we trust the result by individuals aetiug without any kind should arise, either fro,n intemperate zeal will be judtciona as many 'interests of responsibility,every enlightened states- or from motives of a worse character, l .. will be involved in the choices loan in Europe or America will arrive at shall have the satisfaction of ►snowing, that the same conclusion with the member. ( LjRUl`I' S1GN Le made. We have only one thing to re- tbm people w.11 Gave ie the only alone io gret it connection with theta elections of the Canadian Government, that Ing• blame., that they will be the only sufferers, islation under such circumstances would and that in a few years at rill events they and that is that Mr. William Wallace, Br Teteosapn rtes Loivnoi TO Live. be -so 501 a intolerable oppression, if it will again Imre the iemedy its their power. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1854 our former energetic and Wonted Reeve P001. amid be matured. But if the Canadian There is ono point on which I am Loaww, Dceewber 17, Ministers were weak or wicked enough QUARTER SESSIONS. has not been returned. He only re• The Turkish embassy has received to ettempt to legislate under snob ir. mat anxious not to be miauuderetorod, _ quir,d one rote more W have been plso- dvices of the Biaope engagement. cumataees, the least reflection would and. the more so, because the tone of s The Coact of General Quarter Sgstiaos ed successfully on the list His non-ro- Tlao Russians lose twos( their largest have taught the signers calcl portion of the L pper Canada press is rgss g gnera of the mauife,to, calculated to produce wide spread mit- of rho Peace sad County Court were opro- turn may be ascribed principally to ships. The town was totally destroyed. that the result would necessarily he their I apprehension in the puplio mind It ed atCode' icb on Tueaday lite 3rd Jan his own indifference to the result of the The opiaiou very generally prevailed own ruin and disgrace, and the indefi has been unduly influenced by the Gov. Inst. before his Ilona: .Judge Scott and the election and partly to a most uuaccount- iretire in n Loudon, that Lord Palmerston did tion on nite postponement of satisfactory legisla• ernor General, and efforts are being associate magistrates Benj Parsons, Jiro. •'ile and ab,nrd misunderstandingou be Lord John Russell ie of /Token polities. ►i. with propriety ety onithe breach of faitht h, to ll made to fasten upon Ilia Excellency the Longwortl , ltoLt. (itbbons, 11'm. Chalk art of u,e v rFsponsibility of the Ministerial policy ' F voters. It is well known huccesaor, Lord Lansdowne is also ez- soy nothing of the ingratitude manifested pectic' Iu my remarks in this letter. I bate James Watson and James Gordon Esq's. j that Mr. Wallace has for years been the peoted to resign Lord Panmure(Fox towards her Majesty's Imperial Govern. 1 stated my conviction tial no Goveruor Thisais the fi, st appearance of Judge Scott I most useful member at our Council Manle)had been sent for by the Cabinet went, the members of wheel] eiske3 t6• lots of political influence with many of could assent to such advice on the part on the bench as Judge of tete Unite) Cquo- board, and ass Reeve, it will not be an Moscow, Dec. 17;Y ofa Minister as we have been pressed their friends in conceding the right of to offer. I had, however, no specific Ities of IIuron : ed Bruce. Toe Court easy matter to find Lis equal. He will The steamer Glasgow while awaitng legalation on this vezed orders to sail, came in collision with a sloop of 40 tons, loaded with pig iron. The sloop sank and several of the Glasgow men were thrown overboard; and due was drowned The Glaugotc sails to day [the 17thjor to morrow. -s t the four parties is custody --t is Jueepb I 1 Teeth:mon, Alfred 'fuulinss0s, t ie.-ro Touilis•son, and Iforall' 8 Levius -N q American. T ke Yee, Latest from intros* sir Sub - marls, Teo``raptl. roam, Dec, 16. t is er.rrrntly reported that the allied fleets hare been ordered into the Black Sea. (idem TRUNK TstLORA1•!1 TO Bur- )at.o !- - La.t night we uecetved a ootmau- weation from tondo by rhos (trend Trunk Telegraph; ibe line *nag just been ooae- the supreme rneirnfoiitsn, aor the humblest parson can more freely m his own element. 1 he morastertcs are under the same pram. sure: The choice or seteetios of the Ala. hot. (/green,) must be made by them agreeable 10 the whose( the Governieat. 'linty are under control, as is erery other corporation, and sometimes are treated very toughly and with great severity. With all this the sovereign and the !hole official swarm above all the external signs of defer- ence to the Pope or Bai'neslrl.-a, as a priest i, commonly called. We have aid above that none, or scarce. ly any social intercourse exists between the uobttity and the clergy. 'Lie priests se- lect Mew wires from among their own - rase, er from among the lower burghers or peasantry, who are not admitted iato the hely even of the lowest oobihv. Thus clergs.•betng both in the city trod is eoentry, eacloded from the palace sod the chateau, eery naturally fall back upon no other classes, by whom they ale treated with respectful deference. '1 he clergy are far from hying satisfied with forming such a limited caste. For their children they wtab, very naturally, for a more enlarged bunion, from wbicb they are crowded out, as much by the iistitu• tidos of the country, as by its coove*tioaal usage. They are, very asturally. disaffect- ed and dissatisfied, and this dissaus(actiw with the casting state of ihioia, grows , stronger and stronger in properties as Ibeir opponti ea and the a.pira lion for 101051- 1515111 Both Sae 1'.. tely tell I.berty, protection, and firm support enjoyed by the clergy under - the Government, is in the eersecuuon of heretics and dissenters from the ortbodor ✓ birch. 'fhea various sectarians laic a strong vitality, ■otwitkstanling the pres- sure exercised upon them. They are equally obnoxious to the Cberch, and to the Ciew•,tler form rariest's sects, compo -ed of burghers, ?twists, with very few mo- ttos. Some of them do not believe in any • rrgvlar clergy at all, and these are looked ea as the worst; others hire oo higher hier- archy beynnd their pat -sots; three are called Storoesivi-s.y old believers, other' are ieoseola.ta, sad aid' others have various names, are D,ulor2nrsry, inspired, Malu- bany, S iestsy, etc. •1'bey are most ge. 'orally quiet and actin people, situ' eery 6tatical. Temperate and abstemious; most of 1hasli ss. so 'pintoes liquors what - *ter; they aro thus se good circumstances. By the law, they are excluded from held- ' iiug ekt• ire once' in mwleipal or rural tosem.s.■, where they bee raised wit's Ibc • ertbwd.e. 'Fb.y ria ty most be looted up- set as forming the oily tree Independents ht Rt. s., Mas DI their ,eltgio,s ideas IL y joie these of political independence.-- I'herr pobbes, stations are republican, and the I:ser, as wrap se the nobility, is odious to them; they me priseipafly averse to 'he mitnary nervier. Diverted sad scattered aweigh she Empire, tory find the people owe s.bi:reat towards them than the Guy- srrsewt. 'Thiry this meioses a Boohooed serial fermweestsw, whose aetirity is io- BgAu'TVVL IotonA.res.-A grrtlemaa was once ridiug in Scotland by a bleaching ground where a poor woman was at work wateriog her webs of linen cloth. He asked her where she went to church. wlat etre had beard oo the preeeeetng day, and', bow mach she remembered. Babe could sot even tel the text of the last sermon. "And what good can the prcachhrg do you 1" 'if you forget it Air "Ab sir," replied the poor woman, "if you look at this web on the grass, you will see that as fa -t as ever 1 put tae water on it, the sun dries a all rap ; and yet, /,we is gets whiter "mit whiter-. LIVERPOOL MARKETS BREADaruiTs-'Chs buoyant tone of the market i. undiminished. Wheat and flour freely offend to arrive, and find buyers at cote , a rues. Prioes closing que.hoo to the referenc to the present Governor General Bras held in the Cour. rooro at clic Goal evidently bo much missed, and wa 6opo People of Canada, and this with a full \)y conviction is from that no Governor,'which with al isle nvenience and the dar- ; that means may yet he fou:,d to place opinion knowledge Csnadat the wtend nn fa ofr poublic!! fie I whatever his opinion might be on the iv' to life, its insn$i mot means of ewers Lim during the present year in the p application of the endowment W purposes question at issue, could, in the discharge would inevitable involve in case of fire, is Council P po of his duty to tie Crowe which he rep - which would not meet their approbation resents permit his -1- - t t 1 by far the best room at present to be had But could they hare conceived that an ' 1q1° un o press ace attempt would be made by the very$ in a a Parliament a Question demob importance it - party, in a which had declared which came' to them in the I self not to be a faithful representative of name of rho people of Canada, claim- , public opinion But I have ne per- ing the right to legislate on a local goes- !sepal knowledge of the views of the tion, to suppress the expression of public 'present Governor General on the aub- opinion 1 Most unquestionably not- jerk. I ban only infer from the wisdom at an advance on the week of 3s. per. And Bao any man gifted with common and respect for eonititutiooal rigida prl on flour, and 61 per 70 lbs on wheat sense imagine for a moment, that any ; which have ever characterized the pro - Indian torn rather better, and quetel Governor rerresenting the Crown of !eecdings of Ilia Excellency, (bat had England would deem it oousiateot with i his Miuistcrsgiven him advice so wbo.ly his duty tosanctioo legislation under each 'at variance with propriety as that in - circumstances as those in which we are; dictated by the signers of the Toronto placed. I am aware that it is urged that , manifesto, he would have declined to fel- public opinion has already been suffioi- I low it. But the advice actually tendered soar 32a, 6d. a 34e ; U. S. white Wheat ! eptly ex reseed on thin question -that , was in aocordaoco with the deliberate 10.. Gd. a 11a; white Indian Corn 14s I in fact it has been repeatedly decided at opinion of the Ministry themselves, who a 16s.; yellow and mixed 42a. • 44s. and I the busting,. I presume that those who are alone responsible for it. For my oen 45a. make such allegations will hardly pretend part. so strong is my conviction on the Gartner -_Unchanged. ' :that any special appeal bas erer been point, that nothing would have induced Peortsio.s -Gardner & Co., report I made to the People of Lower Canada, me to take the responsibility of tender- -Beef sells s:owly at about previora 1 with regard to the settlement of the ing other advice than that given. - rates. I Clergy Reserves And yet without the Though I have marked this let'er "pri- London Malley Markel unebanged assstanoe. of Lower Canada members, it vate," you are at perfect liberty commu- Coneob leaving off at 1141 Iron rtlill would be impossible to carry the measure; nicate its contents to parties as in ) our upward and setive. and they, it is well known, are anxious discretion you may think Ht. . to seal, it _As in a manner that will be sa- Believe mo ever yours, very truly, tisfper Ca. R. HINCIR S'S LET ER ON 1 Havel orthe people e satisfactory prof ofa he F. Hl -YC$ S. THE CLERGY RESERVE. 'wishes of the people on this beads Could QOebee, December, 1853. ! any ezppreesion of opinion bo obtained Tho agitation in the Western part of from the Upper Canadian members in Upper Canada on the subject of imine- the present Parliament strong enough to diets legislation respecting the Clergy justify the refusa' of an appeal to the Reserves, and especially the publication people, even under ordinary circum - of a manifesto signed by a uumberof stances? And if not, bow 0"n1 would ministers of carious religions deuomi• be the petition of those refusiug the ap DJo.' tae 1, Dec. 26. nations in Toronto, bis led to numerous peal to so entirely new constituency, and Yesterday morning, about (our o'clock, day• This will be doing business, as bush applieations being wade to members of to a new representaticn distributed dif- the.large retail establishment of Messrs. Dess,whether public or private, ought to be Government to esplain their in- ferently over the country? But I need J. & D. Lewis, in Noire Dame street, was done, and mill besides, effect an immense t i ions a Oh reference to that measure. hardly ponos the object. It admits Of dvcotered to be on fire. The wind blow - were leo ly favored with the perusal no argumeht. No object whatever is to inp, strong from the northwest, the devour- ix letter addressed by the Inspector be gained by impatience, whereas, its savingof hard cash and valuable time to oral to Stephen Richards Esq.. Isar- manifestation is fatal to the 50ecess o1 the joining pre oiees, ao inn ae short time the the inhabitants of these United Counties. rester Toronto in which the subject bas very measure itself. What •the oppo- whole block of four stn y cut -stone build - been very fully gone into. Copies of nente of the Government policy fear is, togs was in flames, The stores destroyed that letter were sent to other places as that the appeal to the people may be sue- are as follows :-Dlessra, J. & D. Lewis well as to Montreal. and we believe that cesaful. 1'hat is rho burden of all their aplendud`retail dry good store, insured for it has been read pretty extensively, and private communications. Now, when X16.500 in the Britiaotwaand Etna Offices has not failed to give sati-faction. An these irresponsible individuals call on a -which, itis imp' mod, will about corer we find that our contemporary of the responsible Minister of the Crow t be the loss ; Mr. C. Solrtnon's fur store and 0th i guided by them, do they reflect eh t if a few Immodest oil. to le. per quartery a dearer •Denistoun & Co., also others, quote Western Canal flour 37s. a 37 s 9d. and 38s; Baltimore sod PhilaJel• phi* 38a. 9d. ; Ohio 38s. a 39a. 6d• THE New MOTOR -TIM ER1,ssex Exwnt.-!t will be recollected that Ibe Y calorie ship Et csaws returned from ber trip to Washington about seven months ago,and tbst immediately thereafter es- sential modifications aid improvements in the plan of the engine were determined upoo. 'These hart ei,.ee been in progreu at Willismebu•g, near where the ship was built, end where she has sinee Iain. The public well be gratified to learn that these alterations are now nearly completed, and DISASTROUS FIRE IN MON- TREAL. x.ee...tlaaatem at about $400,000. ire the town for holding a Court. His Honor bas expressed a decided objection against holding his courts in Taverns, this we think is very proper. as it i. well known that ibe contiguity of the bar -room to the Coact during its Se:sioos is anything but calculated to promote morality or to facili- tate justice among a people. We understand also that the Division Courts for the Town will be betel io the same room. Besides the above salu- tary reforms the are also glad to bear that his honor intends for the future to make the lawyers wait upon the Country instead of the Country upon the Iawycrs. It has been too frequently the ease that on toe first day of the Sessions nothing was done besides opening court. 'f he lawyers, for variqus reasons, were not ready to proceed with their suits, and of course the Court ad- journed'after being in Session an hour or two. But an entire day was lost by every ;ndividual iu attendance, and what is still worse tie attendance of Jurymen unemployed had to be paid for by the Coun- try. Judge Scott informed the Attorneys of his intention of proceeding in fu:ure promptly and continuously with the business of the Court at an early hour on the first that, so far from the enterprise hating ile been abandoned, as hu been the genernl *t t belief, the fullest conlijence i, ebtsrtained We on rte part of those immediately interested (Ben of its complete eucceo. on the second nip of the ship. Itir. Ericsson is devoting his whole time and undivided energies to the realization of this end. fnlee Foo,-ilN. -An Irish footman who had carried a basket of game from his moa.sr to a friend, waited a coo• riderable time for the customary fee, but Dol lading it likely to spear; scratched his bead, and said, •:r. if my master should say, Paddy, *Tait did the `sue tleman gine you, what would your Len - or have me .ay L 'ENING. ws Darer UrtDCIg AnD.- We don't nnderstaud why a man calls hos house +Oak Villa," when there is not an oak within three miles of lus residence. We don't unJentaud why a ,non desats teras rel in rtes face este■ he mounts the roof of an omnibus We don't underhand why se author, who professes to &dike prefaces, wvanably anises one. eswa•e.f and mar ampere a high ts•po-taoce w "e don't andendand why an actor sever is hoer, ertergearies Barr his hai like otter people. From a this it remits, We dw't uoderetaod why s per,io4 eao't Ile tbf neither re oink America, and totsn back, wlittoot n itself, for the W■te-1 nerh and serous a boot 1 gvlorws each strw4 holts mad preps of We don't r odentao , why papular 'oma. •oasIWryill, andel the Memos Ito Bastes Ct ie, i s . she a lists eever sing the words W Iyer muse. r aIle'-I:sropr. IA the coldest,. ase se ether 1't e e haln't understood and why champagne 1•a.,lel , markt sleeve ail the monks, .beeld 1. half a gwora ■ bottle. -London Bakker a Minae clowi ow are Cbgeat•, 'st a►. a.wecratic feeder has in his number of the 1 ° ° instant given the substance of this letter that Minister were to cooceal from the and has, we 1 resume. only refrai.red from I Representative of his Sovereign, the publisbi rg it entire through delicacy, nal grouud of his advice, he would be not having any d.rect permission from I acting in violation of his most solemn ale writer, and as many will recognise duty to the crown, and of the oath which the authorship, we after consulting some ho has taken? If, on the other hand, bo friends bore, have determined to take were to inform the Representative of the the responsibility of publishing it as ori- Crown that his object in passing legisla- gioally sent:- - a tion through a Parliament which bad de (Private ) olared its own uofitnes to legislate was, Mr Drag Su, -1 am favored with i beeline* he believed that an appeal to the late letter asking me for an ezpla- l people would result in his defeat, then, 1 Batton of the views of the Government ask, an any man doubt what -the duly of regarding the question of the Clergy Re that (orernor, both to his Sovereign and serves, and I bare also read with feel. to the people, would bel i apprehend 1 deed regret the manifesto to that to such qus'tioos few statesmen you call my attention, and which would hesitate in giriog the same ei- minated from osrtain gentlemen in ewers that (: ■nsdia, Minlsten wouldl- ty of foioitn,\who have in my If, then, the present excitement be foaod. But adopted a tree calculated to . ed on apprehension, tlt tt the result of a materially the progress of lube new election would be unfavorable to the wa, and *spatially to impede the adrooatea, of secularization, it mast be moat of a question, the protracted obvious that the existence of such doubt on of which will he most detrienen- renders rhos appeal to the people indis- the interests of the Province I penaably necessary. -11, on the other shall be exeased for observing, band, the parties in question have that Imre is a wide differso.s between entire .00gd.nee to the people of ea". Winne of gentlemen who ars os- de that I have, it moat be obvious that responsibility for their advice, sad the delay of a few months can *attended responsible servants of the crown. with no bad resole while it will remove oil..,., who beet so kindly ea frnm the minority all jest menses efsone ee to iatruet the members of the 'plaint Ws had bitter eiperieme• in this eisl Administration a to the noises within a vary few years, of the whish they oa`Ist to parses*, oe- evil which may be done by • wioority s0 publte promo* of reupossibiltty w► eh thinks itself oppressed. people, ead would inesr no odium the policy wltieh they r.sostsend disastrous to the .nutty, orad IIy fatal to the eery bet rests they espouse The members of veramenl, yielding W so isdivid• nn` the givers of eb. snanifeeto Satiety W settle with an Reis se poseei4e the geeseion of the Dsor'u,a lease Moir petbli@ ether - NNW *pm the arse, cad any sw ir art **elf he a 1.*t your rags o which baa . them pidgin injure rat vie settle agibit tab to trust I tit•( t rhe autafoey h■ meson d eh' + jibe pet y , • .e be eta,, t t►et rtes I T155 F.aueaoa Nuewot as'a Mont or tl'r oe I Lars. --Tb. Emperor Nicholas Iowa • heel hat of wUl ever tet, awe +w•nhted{ ba of the scat Nemesis anxiety. He rtJes,1 din. cnemis, tho clergy wit: I welts, olds a omen, supe, weeds a ahem Previa Appwl. it. •peonlmd Ilat fight, gm' ea Ike wait tin. eaa Ate, vier- mouses tFd emirs enseneel Il tars a eery, and all to rite USIA dy. Be I ea ' I travels iseeseantry, p„sees emir at /reel Py .r --re saa fifaew kuadred league•' *Tel w.., and i haJd b the ' .11 th:,e who see attached to hie parson 1 ., s 11, of b I her to there his (amen.. w 7b Rsprese, . ia fregfw here, lows her wbibu 1ie I7 heat= by Join` so; mad it *seed that the 11. Go • eL s Gomel Duke ('on.tanttae win fill a ; .at am 1619. 14 was Mel uislis Se 01m mode of tree/4w adopted by I ie tarn, atenhetow his father. Nirhetee re is the habit airs- door Wiltnese es Ism veining tet Isthew spree league* i. se , Car 'atrWiM s ewes embolic -Adria* GoPen r'e '"Deer - 1 CM* ewdse f•AOm, 1 sm."- eteN J9f L.er Bit law deferent are the eire.mstaoees! In 18.19, the isisority was so sblrly ,,, the wrong, that *be tie 'spathe* of freedom ei tenet the weetil against thew Iy received little eeun- u.asce from British statesmen .j a•y peri*, and ,tip leen in the 17wit..1 Det with each • este as the agrees of the e artif stn pleb 1* give the easennf y in 14 • Clerk, *wise t Iteseree egise 1 in rhryi ffeweeld mme. dwelling house -estimated loss, E4000, in- sured for £1200 ; Messrs. Schwarz & Co's millinery and fancy store,and dwell- ing ubore N e did not bear the amount of their loss, but it must be considerable, as they have been only a short time in bun - Iwo in this city, and their stock was very valuable ; their insurance, we believe, m on- ly £1000. 51r..ltice Sbarpley's fancy store and dwelling above were the las in bloc),, soil at this point the fire was clack- ed, Mr. Sharpley's establishment was the farffest of the kind in this city ; bis stock is estimated at from £15,000 to £20,000 --insured for only £5000. The whole amount of property destroyed is estimated at from £45,030 to 430, 100. This,' the most disastrous fin that has occurred *ince the great couflaaration ofJuly 1832. Nothing at all was saved Iron either the stock or furniture of the three first nem - ed establishments, and only a very small portion of Mr Sbarpley's stock was res- cued, mostly in a damaged stale The es - The Court concluded its sessions at a late hour Iasi eveuing. The lollowing criminal cases we -e tried: The Queen vs. David Becket, for a as- sault with attempt to comsuit rape upon the Ib person of a married woman residing in e neighbourhood of Kincardine at the *use of whose busba„d the prisoner boarded. The Jury brought in a verdict of not sailty. The Queen vs. Mary Ann Wallace. Larceny. This was a case of petty theft , The prisoner who is a domestic servant was- cbarge'! with stealing a cotton gown of the value of fire shilhugs belonging to a resides of the Town. Verdict of jury, guilty? with recommendation for mercy. The Judge after administering a very affecting caution, on account of the ettreme youth of the prisoner, sentenced her to only one week's th imprisonment in common gaol. The Queen vs. David Becket a/Iseutt with attempt to commas rape, This was on a indictment fora secood attempt at rape Upon he persos of the same woman above mentioned and alleged to have taken place a few hours after the former attempt. tensire reit) dry goods establishments of Verdict, guilty of a common ssswlt. Sen - Messrs. W. Benjamin and 3. S. Bordeau, tenet, three months Imprisonment in the and the wholesale boot and shoe store of common gaol, and to pay a fine of £S to Brown & Childs opposite the burnt block hoer Dlajsty, were in imminite danger ; but by the well- direeted exertions of the fin enmpenies the flames were mewed from craning the street. Mrs. Clark's fiery store ad- joining l Mr. hharpley's was also in danger, hot ere,. wen remorhoed goods, how 'r age. The ' t Roe. 'ivied to the estate of rhe I N oe. bi- . J h Masson, and is neared for (7,000 i. the Globe mod Royal Otte of the fires seri . the engem i if t, •g W bee, ueertaieed.-- Is the Comity Court there was eoty one rase tried, Trainor vs. Knot; Cowan, which resulted in a verdict of (36 161 941, for the plaintiff .tel UNIGI LPA BLRCTIONS l two yoeeg man w1. d In the bark pert of Menne slept s, Lewes's h a wakened by the dreading of the hien.'0 o• getting up diseovered the draper] deitertimat of t1. mitabli.hmst1 MI is a Was.. -na alarm was itleelediatcly (MOO WWI ELECTION OF SCHOOL. TRUS- TEES. The election of a Trustee for each Ward for the Common Schools in the Town of Goderioh, will take place 03 Wednesday next at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M , at the places where the late Municipal elections were held in tbo several wards We levet that this high- ly important matter will receive duo at- teution,and that such men will be re turned for tie office as can with credit to the Town and with advantage to tbo school chit !rem, be intrusted with tho management of our Schoch. MEC naNics' I.,TIrrTE -Tho annual meeting oftbe mombersof this Institute, will take plaee according to the constitu- tion, on Thursday next the 12th inst., at 6 o'clock, P Dl , iu the Temperance Hall, for the purpose of electing the offi- cers and managing Committee for the ensuing year. We hope there will be a full attendance of members The Rev. E. L. Elwood will lecture the same evening at the Hall at 8 o'clock -Subject, Nature and Revelation. REDUCTION Or NEWSPAPAI POSTAGE. --Our reader, veil no doubt be glad to learo that the Hon. M. Cameron, Post Master Geoeral has reduced the postage on News- papers as follows; on Daily papers to 8s Try -weekly to is. Semi.weekty to 2s 841. Weekly to 1s 4d. This is•a redaction of nearly one half the late rates, and remora. a portiere of t1e :beavy (tax on know- ledge and will be regarded as a great boon. W a trust this reduction may eventually be followed by the entire removal 01 the impost. 1)The Rev. J. A. Devine, A. M., will preach 1 n the United Presbyterian Church, Eat Street, on Sabbath next, 811 Inst , in the forenoon at 11, and in the evening at 6 o'clock. (ottimunicatjonS. COLBORNE PROHIBITORY LI- QUOR LAW LEAGUE. Pursuant to public entice, a number of the inhabitants of Colborne and \Wawanosh was held in Young's School House, Town- ship of Cnlborae, on the evening of Tues- day, the 27th December last, for the pur- pose of taking loco consideration the exp.- dieuoy of forming a branch or the Comedian Prohibitory Liquor Law League, Me. Stephen Yates in the chair, and Mr. Wil- iam t ymiagton acted as Secr.taty, The Chairman Lope .iplaited the ob. feet hof the meeting, and then called epos the Rev. O. G. Cullamor. wbo in an able tad e.ergetie masrwr, showed the direful *Gets of itotse•tt.g Igsows ams.g tee heath hmiy, and oosa1Mbd 1►, ca bsg ep- m the asdismic., tosoms aadspy flreward, cad joie 's see growl as4 gtev;ew broad, for Tb... elections are as length beer soil Ilse s.pprmoioa of setsmptat'amee, ata 11. w. say judge from obs timber of aegeisitas ofa aa. mksrlar 10 tee Persue eondiaatws pee forward, 5541 free the I.iylor.Lw. severity ,d the seeteste, .hosed oonid.e• 'Ito Cbsiraiae twit is erase Bolted upew able letterset. The following g.ntleseea Mr. Peter G•ass,whs hewgy.lploes.d the mete sleeted as Covneillors for the Tearer iiNMttp of -. a heath ter lie Genrjp.'s wars --Mews w ,aj alt rl e sljMob••e Watson, 11 A.4)'(3neoev owl W ' ISIS* meemtw/IIjtMu susit Ire res' g•'k► were ,iwslwprlr s rhe os,ith Vit. .indrmw's Keaalm yiahatt 55msejlr "ad • bswiah Ai1R+mss tl ltastrl e . • 'rel.` .:,N°• 1 "1 •v t , r i, r t • e ,t 1 f, ,i it i • •' rtl ;.t