HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 15,11 pink Mier Itch. rose t at iride plaid with om IT a will on BeU e of and St., were N. they, irner „ Lu. maid and. ector duty e- ies. Father) brOther OffiCigt Wterl9Q ch*ir ) The bridc's father, R. J. `T, Clarke ,ontl her brother, llev. J. Clarke. officiated the wedding ceremony •of Miss Odeyne Clarke, daughter of Rev, J. T. and. Mrs. Clarke, Brownsville, formerly of Cen- tralia and George Wodskett, Son of Mr. and 11.1rS, Knild Wed skou, RR 3, Ilagersville in Brownsville United Church on SaturdaY/ September 00 at 2 1),1119 Bouquets of Yellow and rust dahlias and marigolds with aiitmp leaves and lighted while pantiles in candelabra trimmed with greenery formed the setting for the ceremony and Miss Maryllis Ferguson, Toronto, at We plane and Mrs, Ormiston Smith, organist of the chtirelli furnished the bri- dal mesic, Soloist WAS Miss June •Hart, Toronto, who Sang "0 Perfect Love" and We nup- tial benediction" Escorted by her father, the bride ware a gown of white silk organza over tulle over satin with fitted bodice, sabrina neckline, lily point sleeves and Chantilly lace •motifs with se- quins trimming the bodice and skirt. Rose - topped panels formed a chapel train. A crown of lace, seed pearls and sequins held her veil of silk illusion and she carried a white Bible crested with yellow roses, Miss Frances Clarke, Burl- ington, as maid of 'honor for her sister and another sister, Mrs, onald Peterson, Sarnia, and iss Elfriede Weiantl, Brant - rd, as bridesmaids, were -gowned alike in Street -length dress of iridescent tur- quoise taffeta with fitted bo- dices, scoop necklines, three- quarter sleeves and beulon skirts. They carried nosegays of yellow and bronze pompoms surrounded by yellow shpsta mums. Flower girl was six- year-old Margaret Bancroft, niece of the groom, in flowered white organza over satin and Carrying a basket- of yellow anti white poms and white dal. SAM Merle Stetlor, It Simeoo was best titan and Douglas Me- C011achie and Even Lofthouse kishered, The reception was held in Brownsville church_ halt where tile brides mother received the guests in, a street -length tlress of cinnamon br.own Chantilly lace over satin with beige ac- cessories and corsage of pink rosebuds, The grooms mother chose brown bouele With Match- ing aceessries and yellow rose - hint PerSage, The bride's table was cen- tred with the ‘vedcling cake toppe'd with yellow baby mums in a silver lily -shaped vase that adorned the bride's mother's wedding cake. During the reception Rey. W. J. Moores asked the blessing, Rev, W. H. J'ike pronounced the benediction, Merle Steller sang "Sweet Mystery ef Life" and Ivan Lofthouse sang "I'll Walk beside you," For travelling to Niagara Falls and 1Viassaehussets, USA the bride changed to a brown silk crepe dress with short jac- ket and corsage of yellow rose- buds, The couple will reside ap Rft 3, Hagersville. Mark occasion at family dinner Mr, and Mrs, Leslie Thom- son, William St., celebrated their alth wedding anniver- sary Tuesday with a turkey dinner at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Willis. Present were Mr. Thomson's mother, Mrs. William Thom - SUNSHINE SPECIAL for ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER BUYERS/ • .0.• USESMEMOSMINSEMS ..04,52ffilassospowoma. for anniversary At, aIle meeting ,Of the After- noon AuxiliarY Of Main Street noon plans were Made for tile anniversary services to he held Oetpber 29. Tbe choir Of $Q mixed Voices front Waterloo will sing at the morning ser- vice. Mrs, Harold Skinner ,led in the devotional with a Thanks. giving theme. She was Assisted bY Mrs. E, llowey, Mrs, S, 'Matt favored with ,two solos accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Frank Wildfong, 'rhe meeting was preceded by a pot luck dinner at 1 p.m. s it, on, News of e ./1 By f)iRSt ROSS $KINNER Yri.) A group held a illiScellaneolis The glint vine Youog Pen- sale aMeunting to $14. pies Union meeting was held - also served a 19e tea. an Sunday evening, The Presi. Personal Berns dein .SlurleY Johns opened We i‘ir, mrs, Kenneth logg Mr, Fred Delbrldge Was eon- Red op Monday with Aire, asnisci vener for the program. A -sing- ;Mrs. Wm. Routly. sgdwDasolbierdidgbey ASsilsIrsiteeYd ijn°11TiAse.1 Mrs. Chas. Stephen were Mr. Sunday visitors with Mr, and warshiP srvice. and Mrs. Latina Stephen and meeting. " and R. I f " • The Bible study was giVeil,family of Loadono,Mr, and Mrs. by Mrs, Ross Skinner, 'What is Jack Robinson and family of t exp1aind by President Mrs, R. E. Russell Fred Pelbridge and Ruth Horne Mrs, Thos. Bell Is patient conducted the fullness. ted in prayer. !in St, Joseph's Hospital, Lon" Thanksgiving service " Mr, and Mrs. Howard Pym, Friends shower Nancy Webber Miss Nancy Webber, Varna, bride -elect of Saturday has been feted on a number of pre -nup- tial pccasions. Mrs. Valeria Armstrong en- tertained for her granddaugh- ter at her home on Monday evening at a miscellaneous shower in Nancy's honor. Co - hostesses were Mrs, Robert Southcott and Mrs, Irwin Arm, strong. Mrs. Alex Hyde and (laugh- ter, Marjorie, Kippen enter- tained at a shower of school associates as a surprise for the bride-to-be. The ladies of Varna com- munity held a social evening in Varna hall and presented Nancy with a walnut dining table. son, Main St,, Mrs, Thomson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jo- ry, Simcoe St, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Whiting and fam- ily. Mrs, Whiting is a daugh- ter of the celebrants. On the holiday weekend Mr, and Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs, Jory visited another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ferris and daughter, Niagara Falls. The Rev, John R. Wareham 1Joan and Brian visited on Sun - of Woodham was guest minis. day with Mr. and Mrs. Bert ter at the Thanksgiving ser- , Lobb of I John es v ille. vice on Sunday while Rev. H., A number of ladies from this C, Wilson was conducting an- community attended the trous- niversarY services elsewhere/ i scan Ica Saturday evening at Mrs, Murray Coward sang a 'the home of Mrs. Garnet Hicks solo and the front of the in honor of her daughter. Miss church was decorated With vegetables and bronze „mums for the Thanksgiving theme, There will be no services next Sunday op account pf Thames Road Anniversary. Elimville Anniversary ser- vice will be held the following Sunday, October 22 with Rev. Roulston as guest speaker, WMS and WA The Elimville WMS and WA held the Christian Stewardship meeting on Wednesday with a good attendance, Mrs, Gilbert Johns and Mrs. E. Skinner took charge of the devotions assisted by Mrs. Al- lan Johns, Mrs, R. M. Peck and Mrs, A, McKinley sang a duet accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Keys of Zurich. Mrs. El- gin McKinley, also of Zurich. who is presbyterial sec- retary of Christian Stewardship gave an interesting talk on Stewardship. Mrs. W. Routly gave a report on school for leaders at Alina College and introduced a skit "Glimpses into t h e Past," which was given by Mrs, G. Johns and Mrs, E. Skinner, Kathryn Hicks, laricle-elect of this Saturday. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and Carol were Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Reilly, Bob and Ricky, Mr. and Mrs, Garth Jameson and Pam- ela of Toronto, Mr. Bill Wilson of London, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Parsons, Susan, Gail and Debbie of Henson, Mr, and Mrs. Aivin Cooper, Mr, and Mrs, Ross Skinner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald. Ran- nie of Toronto spent the hol. iday weekend. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Routly, Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Rannie, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Routly vis- ited on ,Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Rannie of Hensall. Alr, and Mrs. 'Russell Morley and family of Exeter visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper and Kathy. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Woods spent the weekend with Mr. Lewis 'Woods of Stokes Bay, Mrs. Vera Johns of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs, Maynard Mar- gison and family of London, Miss Gail McBride, Zurich, vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and You Can't Beat A Make every day a drying day ELECTRICALLY ...costs less than 5C a load to operate •FLAMELESS •ODOURLESS • SAFER •FULLY AUTOMATIC •ECONOMICAL Choosse from any of these famous makes of electric dryers BEATTY BELWOOD COFFIELD-HAM I DN CONNOR DOMINION GENERAL ELECTRIC G,M. FRIGIDAIRE INGLIS KELVINATOR LEONARD • MAYTAG McCLARY-EASY MOFFAT PHILCO-BENDIX RCA WHIRLPOOL SIMPLICITY THOR WESTINGHOUSE „ AND OTHER FINE MAKES ••••••••1111.1.7 BUY AFI ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER GET YOUR FREE ‘ SUNSHINE SPECIMi MURK BLANKET DRYER ! Tim* control, spec- ial air•fluff button, chute • shelf • fold- away door, up -top lint filter, plus ex- clusive breezway drying. 149 Ally} .• •••••••••0111111. - FISHER'S Hardware Phone 29 NOW... a clothes dryer you can use with ANY washing machine! BUY NOW AND GET A • Full double bed size • Full 2 -year guarantee • A top Quality blanket made by Canada'S largest electric blanket maker Can be washed and dried automatically • Offer goer, from Oct, Ilith— NOv, 301111861 (SIATArtE A $29.95 VALUE This offer good at the stores dispIayflg thit symbol OIZIPS PEOPA' SZSC1A- yAzzi, v•N ..• F PHCNsIt 11 But Arts..'"\ ELECTRIC (CLOTHES DRYER GET YOUR FREE SUNSHINE SPECIAL/ ' ELECTRIC BLANKET Pay no more for the best! Frigidaire DOAC.6 with the famous Frigidaire Quality REG. $229.95 NOW 159 and a double bed Electric Blanket FREE! Drystiale .Crett. HARDWARE YOUR FRIOMAIRt 15EALEN HENSALL Mrs, Definer' ,Shinnert gdWard, FraneeS, .Jack „Cornish of ,Ouelph nailed ,On friends in the gommn, nutyPA AMOY- Domor Sldnper re, ggAVN 10 firsts and eight see— .0.40 in prizes frrt the home - malting :department at .St. lda- ys 'Fair 94 :SattirdaY, Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Hubert Heywood were Mrs. Pave Siael5well of Petrolla., Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armstrong .and family at St, Marys, Mr; nd Mrs. :Hern.ert •Bibby oI Farquhar Th• is 'n that Continued from page 12 vanilla and sPOOn evenly over the top. Bake at 350° for 4Q minutes, Serve while still a little warm, Feathery Cup Cakes Mrs, Jack Fulcher won first with her cup cakes and here ,is the recipe; 21/4 cups cake flour 21/4 tspbaking powder .1/4 tsp, salt V2 cup shortening (part butter) 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs beaten light 3/4 cup milk 1 tap, vanilla Sift flour once, measure. Add baking powder and salt. Sift three times, Cream short- ening and butter, Add sugar gradually, cream until light, Add eggs and beat well, Add flour alternately with milk, a small amount at a time; beat smooth after each addition, Add vanilla. Turn into greased muffin pans or paper cups set in muffin tins, Fill two-thirds full, Bake in a moderate oven, 350°, 15 to 20 minutes. Date Shortbread Another prize winner was date shortbread. Filling 1/2 lb. chopped dates 34 cup cold water 2 tbl. brown sugar Grated rind of 1/2 orange 2 tbl, orange juice 1 tsp. lemon juice Cook dates, water, orange rind and sugar in a saucepan (moderate heat) until thick and smeoth. Remove from heat, add fruit juices, mix well. Cool slightly. 31/2 cups flour i/2 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp, salt 1 cup butter or margarine 1 cup brown sugar 11/2 cups coarse oatmeal Sift flour, baking powder, soda and salt. Rub in butter. Add sugar and oatmeal. Mix well. Spread one half the crumbs in a greased shallow pan. Pat to make smooth. Cover with cooled date filling, then add remaining crumbs, Pat smooth. • Bake at 325° for 30 to 35 minutes. Increase heat slightly and bake for a few minutes longer to lightly brown. Cut in squares while hot. ThrolfAcIY•cot•,-..AstOor 124. 1161 YOUcanbe• 'SURE a Westinghouse • teg,„.1104,,t," CLOTHES DRYER GET THESE GREAT WESTINGHOUSE FEATURES! * Automatic Dry Cycle * Automatic Time Selector * Temperature Selector Top -Mounted Lint Collector A. Handy Loading & Unloading Door Automatic Dryers from 149 up FREE (ELECTRIC BLANKET itiCTRIC CLOTHES I "DRYER,BUYERS/ Beavers Crest HARDWARE PHONE 86 EXETER This Week's MAYTAG SPECIIIS MAYTAG SUPER AUTOMATIC 10 LB. WASHER • FULLY AUTOMATIC • LINT FILTER TUB • WATER SAVER • SAFETY LID SWITCH • MAYTAG AGITATOR ACTION Yours far less than HIGH SPEED -LOW HEAT MAYTAG HALO -OF -HEAT DRYER • Exclusive drying principle • Fast dries clothes at safe low temperatures • • Large size lint trap • Full opening door Dryers as low as $125 if Sandy EIliot Phone 476 ELECTRIC FOR ELECTOR 407 DOEP BUYEI18 BLANKET 444 Main Si —