HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 12Pace la T1* Ti.mes,Aclvacete, Qctober .1 1261:
LAY CORNERSTONE FOR CHURCH --Mason Fred. Bischoff and Fred Amerongen,
a member of the building committee, place the cornerstone for the new Bethel Re-
formed Church on Huron St. during a speciat ceremony on the grounds Thanks
.giving Day, Rev. Richard Van Farowe, right, was in charge of the ceremony.
I` a dear dad, Mr. John
Smith, who passed away 7
years ago, October 12, 1954.
Happy, smiling, always con-
Loving, respected
Always helpful,
What a beautiful
left behind.
—Always remembered by the
family, 12,
CULBERT—In loving memory
of wife and mother, Mrs.
Myron Culbert, who passed
away 4 years ago on the 13th
of October, 1957.
R+epo.rt •on Tham�e Road
Thanksgiving visitors
WA and WMS
Miss Ida hail of. London, Tlie Thanksgiving meeting of
Ave and Michael Efford of, the WA and. WMS was .held 1n
Elimvilie with M. and Mrs,1! the basement of the church
William. Elford, ; with a lair attendance,
M. and Mrs. Ernest PPP, Mrs, Rohde Was in charge
with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Wan- of the meeting of which the
ncr of Sarnia. .hey also at- theme was "Thanksgiving".
tended llrigden fair on Mon- Mrs, Lee Webber assisted with
dal'. the eyorslup service.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman, Mrs, Hugh Wilson introduced
Mareia, Mark, Beverly anad l the guest speaker, Mrs, Ware,
Paul, of Embro, with Mr, and ham pf Woodham, who spoke
Mrs. John Pyin. on "Thanksllving", The roll
Mr, and Mrs, Donald Bray, call was answered with "Flow
Robert, Janet nd Ruth, with 1 can show my thanks"
Mr. and Mrs. William Elford. Mrs. Donald Bernick .and.
Mrs, Jim Love, Ginger, Deb- Mrs. William. Cann were named
hie and John of Grand Bead as delegates to the sectional
with Mr. and Airs. Robert meeting to be held at Whalen
Cann. on October 23.
M. and Mrs. Abner pass- Alrs. Reg Hodgert was in
more, David, Dennis, Darlene .charge of the WA business.
and Dale with Mr, and Mrs. It was decided the WMS
Ross Merrill of Clinton. would entertain the Mission
Mr. and Mrs. George Kellett, Band on Friday evening, Oct.
{ Carolyn and Lawrence, with 27 in the church basement.
Air. and Mrs, Arthur Heard of The program consisted of a
instrumental by Mrs
Passmore, a reading by
CLYNE -- Al and Jeanette Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller, SMITH—In loving memory of
liensall, Ont., are happy to
announce the marriage of Lor.
een May Rands to Mr. Charles
Donald Bonner Ross, of Wing -
ham, on Saturday, October 7,
at Wingham Baptist Church.
The couple will reside in Wing -
ham. 12*
.Clyne (nee Beaver), Winni-
peg, Man., are happy to an:
• pounce the birth of their
daughter on October 6 - a
sister for Billy.
DEICHERT -- Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Deichert, the former
Elaine Grainger, announce
. the birth of a son, Richard
Edward, at Scarborough Hos-
pital, October 1.
GIBSON—LAC and Mrs. Jack
Gibson, RCAF Station Cent-
ralia, •announce the birth of
a daughter, Debra Lynn, at
South. Huron Hospital, Octo-
ber 7—a sister for David.
GRIDZAK—Ida and Peter Grid-
zak, Kippen, announce the
birth of a daughter, Ida
Debra, at South Huron Hos-
, pital, October 7.
IIUBBARD Mr. and Mrs.
William Hubbard, Grand
Bend, announce the birth of
a. son, Jeffrey William, at
South Huron Hospital, Octo-
ber 7.
LOVIE -- Mr, and Mrs. Wil-
liam Lovie, RR 3 Parkhill,
announce the birth of a son,
William James, at South
Huron Hospital, October 6—a
brother for the boys and
FENDER — Sgt. and Mrs. Au-
gustus Fender. RR 2 Park-
hill, announce the birth of a
daughter at South Huron Hos-
pital, October 4—a sister for
Judy, Ronnie, Jeff and Glenn.
REGIER -- Bill and Helene
Regier, 'RR 3 Dashwood, an-
- nounee.the .birth of a daugh-
ter, Carol Ann. at South
Huron Hospital, October 6—a
sister for Danny, David,
Douglas and Derek
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brock,
RR 1 Granton, wish to •an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Doreen Mary, to Mr.
William Thomas Strong, son of
Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Strong,
RR 2 Dublin. The marriage to
take place in Zion United
Church on Saturday, October
28 at 3 o'clock. 12*
Mr, and Mrs. Harold. Hunter,
RR 3 Exeter, wish to announce.
the engagement of their young-
est daughter, Elizabeth Esther,
to Mr. Henry X Mignotte Jr.,
only son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry
X Mignotte, of Oxnard, Cal.
The wedding to take place at
7:30 p.m., October 20, in St.
Paul's Episcopal Church, Ven-
tura, California. 12'R
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McCurdy,
RR 1 Kirkton, wish. to an-
nounce' the engagement of their
only daughter, Mary Gladys
Adele, to Mr. William Eldon
Freer, Kerwood, son of Mr.
Cliff Freer and the late Mrs.
Freer. The wedding to take
,place on Saturday, October12 28.
SCOTT — Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Sincere thanks for the -lovely
Scott, Crediton, announce the cards, flowers, fruits and gifts
birth of a daughter at South for Julie Ann, and special
Huron Hospital, October 10--a thanks for kindness to my
sister for Nancy, Nathalie family while I was a patient
and Kathy. in South Huron Hospital, Ex-
SWARTZ—Mr. and: Mrs. Claire eter.—Kay Mock. 12c
M. Swartz, Crediton. an-
n May we extend our heartfelt
Douglas,the birth of a son,- thanks to friends and neighbors
Mark at South Hu of Exeter and the Catholic
ion Hospital, Octoberlland
5. Women's League of.St. Peter's
Y ryn
Yin —Bin. and Kier. Church, Clandeboye, who ex-
arexye happy to, nee Henter, pressed their sympathy in so
to announce the inanv thoughtful ways during
birth t a son, Maal, Andrew, October our, recent bereavement in the
at Victoria Hospital, loss of our daughter-in-law;
Ann. 'Your kindnesses have
meant much to us.—Mr. and
Mrs. H. Fullard, Huron St.,
wherever he
willing and
memory he
There is no death the stars go
To rise upon. some fairer shore,
And bright in heaven's jewelled
They shine for ever more.
—Sadly missed by Myron
the boys,
JOHNSTON—At the St. Marys Exeter.
Memorial Hospital, an Mon-
day, October 9. 1961, Delmar
E, Johnston, of Kirkton, be- IN MEMORIAM --
` loved hu s b a n d of Verde EARL—In loving memory of
Camra, dear father of Audrey our parents, Mary Horn Earl,
(Mrs. Nelson Baker), Man -who passed away January 25,
shard, Marion (Mrs Arnold 1948, and George Edward
Scrivens), of Rochester, New Earl, October 18, 1959,
York, brother'of Charles, of Many a lonely heartache,
Cowden, Alberta, Telford, of Often a silent tear,
Calgary, Alberta, Rev. A.. But, always beautiful memories
Roy Johnston, Grimsby, and Of ones we loved so dear,
Loveless, of Sarnia, in his give,
thought we These dates we do rgiemember,
• 71st year, Resting at the Mar- A loving ttgi
. riott Funeral Home, Welling- Ao ones h longer withus,
ton St., 5t. Marys, where the But in our hearts still live.
—Sadly missed and always re-
membered by all the family.
Rec news
— Contnued from page 7
terested and we'll see that you
get it.
The music is free of charge
and is received from the Com-
munity Programs Branch of-
fice in Hanover who in. turn
work through the co-operation
of. the Department of Educa-
Hour of Decision
Sunday is the hour' of deci-
sion for • •intermediate hockey
in Exeter this winter. A 'meet-
ing will take place in Lucan
to decide the fate of an Inter-
mediate Homebrew League for
this area.
At the moment, response for
a local intermediate club hasn't
been too encouraging. How-
ever, there is still a. week to
go. If you are interested in
playing, let's hear from you
Anderson, piano
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Luther,! Alvin
Janice and Susan of Sarnia Mrs. William Elford, a vocal
with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Jef- duet .by Mrs, A. W. Morgan
fery.' and Mrs, William Cann and a
Mr. and Mrs. Bdwin Aliller, 1 reading by Mrs Rohde.
Brian, Barry and Barbara with Parser"' items
Mr. and Airs. Warren J3rock Mr. and Mrs. John Selves
of .Exeter,spent-,and flllrs, ew Obert Hent cently and
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malott, family of Jarvis,
Gloria, Glenda and Edward of mil oaf Jarvis,
Robert Cann
. Thomas, CMrhad Mr entertained on Saturday eve
Martin King of Chatham, with lung to a supper Mr. and Mrs.
William Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs.
Carman Cann of Exeter, Mr,
and Mrs, Earl Johnston, Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Werkicy of
London, 11r. and Mrs. William
Mr, and Mrs, H. Carroll,
M. Dave Truesdale and
Mrs. Emma Truesdale of Dres-
den with Mr, and Mrs, H. Car-
Alr. and Mrs. Martin De Cann, the occasion being the
Jonge, Pat and Carol of Appin 40th wedding anniversaries of
with Mrs. De Jonge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffery's.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carroll. I in March and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harris, Earl Johnston's in June.
Susan and Bobby, Mr. and AIr. and Mrs. Lorne Pass
ors, James Harris sand family more, Sharon, Paul, Beth. and
of London, Mr, and Airs, A. Keith attended Woodham an-
niversary on Sunday and spent
the day with Mr. and Mrs, La
Verne Rodd
The story '
Huron credit unions
plan celebration hers
dents will join 15 million other
Eflnviile Fruit Delights credit union members through-
out fourth.meeting .of "Elim- ion the
�wlnternatirld in olnal ceCredit.
Union Lay, Oct, 19,
"This is our day to give
thanks for the credit union
privilege and.to tell others
about credit llnipns," Robert
Little, president of .the kluron.
Chapter of Credit Unions, said
today. It marks the 112th an-
niversary of the credit union
idea. is the
Actually, Thursday
climax of Credit. Union Week,
observed annually by credit
union members around the
world in South America,
Europe, Africa, Australia and
even the Fiji Islands.
Activities scheduled by Huron
County credit unions include an
official opening of the local
chapter's new office at the De-
von Building, Main and'Huron
Streets, Thursday afternoon and
than 600. Exeter r'esl a ;banquet in the Legion 11x11
here Thursday night.
Huron MLA :C 'S, MacNaugh-
ton "will officiate at the open
ing Thursday afternopn, At the
banquet, the guest speaker will
be litlgh Shigha, Flantilton, area
Chairman of the celebration
eommttee is Mr. Little. Com
mittee members include It, B.
\Yilliams, Exeter; C, R, Lam
rare, Centralia, IL M. $nihil
Exeter; W. Q. Brown, Clinton;
Arthur Ball, Clinton; Stephen
Helesic, •Godericli; George Mie.
hie, Belrave and Vii, C. .Bur-
gess, Winghain.
,Credit Unions sponsoring the
celebration are Clinton,' Gode•
rich, Winghain, Belgrave and
Exeter, who will act as hosts.
ville Fruit Delights" was held
on Tuesday evening, October 3
at the home of Barbara Hero.
Eighteen members were pre-
sent. President Jo -Anne Min-
ers conducted the meeting.
Mrs, Floyd Cooper gave
notes on fruit for breakfast,
a good;breakfast, fruits for Vi-
tamin C and fruit cup point-
ers. Mrs, I' , Jaques gave a
demonstration on.tnaking ;fruit
The next meeting will be held
on. Qctober 17 at 7:30 p.m. at
the home .of Ruth Miller,
funeral service will. be held
Thursday, October 12, at 2
Interment itt. Kirkton
Methodist Cemetery. 12c
S 11f 111 ti iii11'IIf IIIHr,lggri,IfUll r1011O rlftufi l011,,,fi, i,lfi, liUUf1p1111iii,if,i11,UlfUl..... l lmaflr„1i,ruuri
FM. the convenience and protection of the
public, a uniform plumbing inspection Service is
4 provided in Huron County, under the auspices of
Health tl it, Commencing October 15th, i,961,
• . the ri g
permits will he required for all work covered by
the Provincial Plumbing Code. inspection Fees ate
based on the S h dule adopted in County Bylaw
N0, 58, 1961, under authority of the Ontario Water'
s Conili'IisSion Act,
a�esout'ce..� .Y _ , ... , . write . � .
yry} Mu For :further information, please write or
g itf#-u,. ...
W. L. 1.11 tV, Mei tape e„
Court Houser
Telephone SA 4 441.
E. Harris and family of Sar-
nia with Mr, and Mrs. Len
Harris and Ernest,
Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Pass-
WMS and WA
The WMS and WA held a
Thanksgiving meeting last Wed-
nesday evening at the home of
Mrs, Thomas Hern,
The president Mrs. Gerald
Hern conducted. the business
meeting after which the pro-
gram was taken by Mrs, Harry
Mrs, Norman Jaques read
the chapter of the study book.
Mrs. Ray Jaques read a story
on Thanksgiving prayer,.
WA business was then dis
Entertain WMS
The ladies of the WMS were
entertained by Coopers Aux-
iliary in Base Line School on
Thursday of last week, Mrs.
Angus Earl gave a Christian
Stewardship reading.
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ja-
ques and family visited on
Sunday with Mr, and. Mrs.
Lorne Schmidt and family at
Mission Band will be held on
Sunday during the .church hour.
dr, and Mrs. Orville Snell
and family of Grimsby visited
for a few days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Bern.
Mr. and Mrs. Well i n g t o n
Brock visited. on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rowcliffe at
Mr.. and Mrs. William Rohde, London.
more and daughters, Bonnie Douglas, Glenn and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hern
and Wendy of Toronto, Mr. and Alrs Lloyd Knight and. Linda and family were last Sunday
Mrs, Case de Mooy and Miss attended Woodham anniversary guests with Mr. and Mrs, Ar -
Beverley Passmore of London, on. Sunday•
thur Hern and family, London.
Alr. and Mrs. W. J. Passmore $ev, Ilugh and Alrs, Wilson Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Hern over the weekend
were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bern
Linda and Fred of Jarvis and
Mrs. Louisa Kyle, Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock
and family visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Spence and David
on Sunday,
Mr. Graham Hern, Exeter,
spent last weekend with Billie
Brock. '
raialirrirrrrrinnnWain vinrrnmtiimirriramilliour iinortoatifirerrraili ilaavfarrwrirrr�m'itriri+,�ltirriti
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin :Passmore.
as soon as possible.
Form Minor Teams
The Exeter Minor Hockey Friday and Saturday,.
Association is tentatively plan- Mr. ida and Mrs. George Nichols
ning to enter pee wee, bantam, and Mrs. Dellow of Sarnia vis -
midget and juvenile hockey ited with Mrs. Jennie Moore
clubs in the Western Ontario in South Huron Hospital on
Athletic Association again this Monday and were guests with
fall. AIr. and Mrs. William Snow,
The Exeter Hawks, a junior
entry, will also operate in the
'61-'62 season. through the Exe-
ter Minor Hockey Association.
A Stamp Club
we have had some response
to oar last week's column for
the organization of a stamp
An idea was brought to our
attention that a Coin and
Stamp Club be formed to-
gether. This could bring more
people together and make for
a better all-round setting,
spent a day at Tobermory re-
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Mayer,
Mr, and Mrs. Mac Hodgert and
Lee attended. the international
plowing match at Belleville on
We think the idea is fine so
if anyone has Loins or stamps
to trade, sell or give away,
they are certainly welcome to
join the fold.
We would appreciate all in-
terested parties in either
stamps or coins division to give
us a call so that arrangements
can be made for a get-to-
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