HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 9i,.
fiJisonbLJ rg company
will divert highway
gy MRs, 4. Ni. PATON;
C A ,
The Langton
ngton Construction
Co. of Tillsonburg has received
the .contrast of the diversion
improvement in the village,,
They will also do improve
meat is•ork on No. 4 Highway
about five miles north of here
starting about the third week
in October,
11C Harvest Home
The Harvest Thanksgiving
service was held on Sunday,
Oct, 8 at the United Church
with the minister,. the Rev. G.'
Sach, ch assisted the guest
a assis.d b y
preacher, the Rev, JohR.
Wareham, BA, of the Wood-
ham United Church, in charge,
The church was appropriately
decorated with fruits) vege-
tables and flowers.
Mrs, G. W. Sach, was in
charge of the music. The choir
was assisted by guests: Mrs,.
Arthur Erskine of Ret 8 Park-
hill, sang. a solo, the Lucan
male quintette, Messrs, E,
Ross, S. McClellan, A, Walker,
G. Carpenter and D, Pettigrew
sang and a:member of the
choir, Miss. Marjorie .Donald-
son, sang,
Starting on Sunday, Oct, 15
the service will be held at
2,00 p,m.
ersonal items
Several relatives from here
attended t
ef household
se hold
effects of the late Miss Cun-
ningham on Friday night at
Mrs. Clarence Millson of the
village returned home on Sun-
day from St, Joseph's Hospital.
where she had spent over seven
weeks following the accident
in her home when both legs
were broken ina fall on the
steps to the basement,
Mr, and Mrs, Mervin Carter
and Ian and Mr. and Mrs,
Carlyle Carter and Jimmie of
London were guests of Mr.
and Mrs, Bill Walden in Chat-
ham on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Mc-
Curdy of Centralia visited Sun-
day evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and family.
Mrs. Sigsworth has been ill for
a week,
Miss Marolyn Burcholl of
Kenora, now of Toronto, where
she is teaching in a public
school, sPent the weekend with
Mrs. Emily Tonies. Last year
while attending Teachers' Col-
lege in London she made her
home with. Mr's. Tomes.
(intended for last. week)
WA and Guild meeting
Mrs, Ed• Flynn entertained
the ladies of St. James Church
on Thursday afternoon,
The President Mrs. Andy
Carter presided for the meet-
ing and gave a discussion on
"Fruits of the Bible."
yrs. Carter said although
e apple is only mentioned
six times in the Bible it was
known as the tree of the field
'. or garden .with sweet flavor
but produces a poor fruit in
hot countries.
Other fruits mentioned were
coriander with aromatic flavor
and used to season confection-
ery; lig, a useful fruit abound-
ing in. Palestine and the first
fruit mentioned in the Bible;
mandrake, fruit large a n d
grape-like knowh only in the
Holy Land; olive, a natural
fruit of the Holy Landanda
great source of wealth where
it grows; palm, a characteris-
tic tree of Palestine- but its
fruit the date is not mentioned
in the Bible; grapes and pome-
granates are lovely :fruits
common in Biblical lands.
Scripture was read by Mrs,
` Cecil Carter,
A conference is to be held at
All Saints Church, London,
October 11, with holy commun-
'G ion at 9:30 a.m.
Another meeting will be held
on October 18 at Aylmer
stressing the use of the study
Fal Deanery is October 25
at Lambeth.
Mrs, Hill, president, was .in
I:he chair for the Guildmeet-
Ing with the rector, the Rev,
E. 0. Lancaster, leading in
During tate business a quilt
was reported sold. It was de-
cided the bazaar and tea will
held in the Sunday School
room November 4 in the after-
The !hostess held a scripture
contest which was won by Mrs.
Karl O'Neil.
The hostess was assisted by
Mrs, J, Hewitt, Mrs. Maurice
Simpson and Mrs, R. Latta,
United Church
The world. - wide communion
services were held on Sunday,
October 1 at the United Church
here. The pastor, the Rev, G,
W. Sach was assisted in the
,holy communion service by
• elders Messrs, Lloyd. Lynn,
iIrilmer Scott and Gordon Eat-
On Sunday, October 8 Har-
dest Thanksgiving service will
be held at 2130 p,m. when the
guest minister will he the ReV.
J,. Wareham of Woodham.
• St. James
Bishop G. N, Luxton, DD„
LLD, Lord Bishop of the Dio-
cese of Iluron, will .be the cele-
brant at the Holy Commtmion
Service in St James Church
This is a special eormu-
pion service for all the com-
municants of both churches of
the parish, St. James and Holy
Trinity, Lucan,
At 11:30 a,m. 33ishop _ Lti
ton will confirm 15 candidates
Lucan who will be presented
by the rector, the Rev, E. O.
In the afternoon at •3:00 p.m.
the Bishop will meet with both
iaardsof Management to des -
ass the Work of; the church
i0th at 'ionic and beyond the
t„ nes of, the local parish
MeV* to city
. 111 Hall moved her
teiraiture teem her home Herd
to London on .Saturday. Previ.
ously Mr, • and Mrs. Robert
Hall and three sons moved
from the village and have ta-
ken up residence in city. Mr.
and Mrs. Joe hall have taken
up, residence in the city, too,
Pier! to change curve
The Dept of Highways have
purchased the Supertest sta-
tion and .the Hall residence
also, Mervin William's, home
and the former Tom Flynn's
residence, due to the chang-
ing of the .curve, making it
safer for the heavy traffic,
The curve was paved in 1930.
At that time the speed limit
was lower and it was counted
quite an improvement,
Personal items
Mr. and .Mrs, Peter Banks
and Cindy cf Sarnia, visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.,
Maurice Simpson and Mr, and
Mrs. Clarence Carter.
Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Lewis
took a trip to Toronto on
Mr. and Mrs. H, Murless
drove their son-in-law and
daughter, Cpl, A. J. Boggs and
Mrs. Boggs, Vicki and Tracy
of Sea Island, Vancouver to
Trenton on Thursday, where
they will fly 'hone after visit-
ing here several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of
Vancouver visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and fam-
ily last week.
Mr, Earl Paton and neph-
ews, Mr. Jack Paton of Lon-
don and Mr. Andy Paton of
Nanton, Alberta called on the
former's brother, J, H, Paton
and family on Saturday,
Mr, and Mrs. Joe Cunning-
ham and Kimberly Ann, Lon-
don, visited the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Cunningham, on Monday after
spending the weekend with his
sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs, Arnold Harper, St. Pauls,
Mrs, Bill Downing and daugh-
ters Karen. and Joan, of Chat-
ham, spent the weekendwith
the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Almer Hendrie.
Mr. Austin Bice returned
home last 'week from St, Jo-
seph's Hospital.
Mrs. Cora Carter is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
She had been a patient at the
Craigholme, Ailsa Craig, for
some time previous, She was
taken by the +Murdy ambulance
on Tuesday, September 26.
Stephen native
last of family
Miss Ellen Jane Cunningham,
85, died • in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London, on. Sunday, Oc-
tober 1, after suffering a. heart
attack on. Thursday.
She was the last of a family
of 11 of the late William and
Jane •(McCann) Cunningham.
She was born. in Stephen
Township, near Dashwood, in
1875. Later the family moved
to Clandeboye and owneda
hotel alongside of where the
Clandeboye school is now. The
old building still stands and
was owned later by the late
Melvin Meads.
Folowing the death of Mr.
Cunningham, Mrs. Cunningham
and her daughter Jane lived in
the village and. „were members
of St, ,James Church.
Two years ago at the annual
decoration and .memorial ser-
vice here, a brass altar book
stand was given by Miss Cun-
ningham as a memorial gift in
memory of her father and
mother, Mr. and Mrs. William
Miss Cunningham had lived
in Ilderton 35 years and was
a member of Grace Anglican
Church there.
The body rested at the Murdy
funeral home where the ser-
vice was held on Wednesday at
2:00 p.m. with the rector, the
Rev. C. F. Black, of Ilderton,
She is survivedby three
nieces and four nephews, Mrs.
John (Emma) Long, James
Cunningham, Ilderton, William
Yager, Swift Current, Sask.,
Harold and. Jack Cunningham,
Mrs. Helen Brown and Mrs.
Marjorie Walters, of. Michigan.
Interment took place in St.
James cemetery.
Pallbearers were Reuben
Hall, Clare Hall, Clarke Mc-
Nair,. Gordon McNair, Karl
O'Neil and Wilfred Cunning-
ham, The Rev, C, S. Black,
rector of Grace Church, Ilder-
ton, officiated.
Church 'Life'
TV record
While some sponsors and pro
ducers have been insisting that
it takes "sex and violence" to
make a successful television
series, a dark horse in the
television field (which features
neither Sex tier violence) has
quietly sneaked up from behind
to take the endurance lead..
On Sunday, October 1, "This
Is the Life," sponsored byThe
Lutheran Church, Missouri Sy-
nod, launched its tenth anni,
versary year. On the air every
week without interruption since
the fall of 1951, the Lutheran
program now has enough pro-
grams on film to round out its
tenth consecutive year of tele-
This, it is believed, is the
longest unbroken run for any
30 -minute filmed dramatic pro-
gram. Approximately 300 sta-
tions carry this popular series
not only throughout the United.
States and Canada but also 16.
armed forces overseas;, as Well
as in Puerto Rico, Bermuda
and Australia:
Locally, the program is Seen
on Channel 10 every Sunday the 12.00 o'clock. Sponsoring
program in this community it
Zion Lutheran . Church, Dash -
Weed, ht which Rev, W. A.
Gats is Pager.
M Coates
dies in .hospital
Mrs. Frank .Coates, 85, a
resident of this community for
most of her life, died in South
Huron Hospital on Tuesday,
October 10, having been admit-
ted on ,Sunday, suffering from
a stroke.
Mrs, Coates was .the former
Alice Dickins, known as Lottie
to her friends. She was born on
Con sio
ccs n 4, Biddulph, and
about 58 years ago married
Frank Coates and they farmed
in Usborne Township on the
farm now occupied by their
son, Whitney.
In 1929 they .moved to Ex-
eter and ran the, grocery busi-
ness now known as Sanders'
Grocery for 15 Years. They had
bought the home on the corner
of .Andrew and .James streets
but before they had. moved
from the store Mr. Coates died
suddenly, Mrs. Coates has.
made it her home since that
The deceased was a member
of James ,Street United Church
and was a member of the
Woman's Missionary Society
and Woman's Association,
Stirviving are one son, Whit-
ney, Usborne Township; three
grandchildren, Mrs, Shirley
Doherty, Mount Clements,
Mich,, Miss Wilma Coates, Lon-
don, and Keith Coates, Exeter;
three sisters, Mrs. Robert
(Norma) Coleman, Lucan; Mrs,.
Harold (Ina) Dickins, Roches-
ter, N.Y,, Mrs. Lorne (Edna)
McFalls, London, and one bro-
ther, Alfred Dickins, London,
and three great grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
at the Hopper -Hockey funeral
home conducted by Rev. S. E.
Lewis and Rev: Duncan Mc-
Tavish, London, on. Friday,
Octobr 13, , at 2:30 pan„ with
interment in Exeter cemetery.
Pall bearers will be Messrs,
Allan Westcott, Harold. Taylor,
Harold. Hunter, Gordon Hey
wood, Verne Pincombe and
Fred Ford.
Match ignores
Pooley prowess
Mayor R. E. Pooley, who was
runner-up in. •the mayor's class
at the International Plowing
Match last year, may have
scared officials with his prowess
In any case, his entry for
this year's matchwas not ack-
nowledgedby the committee
and he did not compete. The
contest was won. by Mayor W.
A. Forsyth of Owen Sound.
Council •authorized IM a y o r.
Pooley to enter the competition
about a month, ago and his
entry was forwarded shortly
The mayor indicated this
week, however, that illness in
his family might have prevent-
ed his attendance anyway.
Say farewell
to minister
Rev. A. E, Holley preached
his farewell sermon :in the
United Church on Sunday prior
to leaving to take over the
pastoral duties in. Highland
Road United Church, Kitche-
At the close of the service,
Mr. Elton Curts asked Mr, and
Mrs. Holley to take their pla-
ces at the front of the church
and on behalf of the congre-
gation thanked them for the
faithful service they had given
the church during their almost
five and a half years here.
An address was read by Mr.
Roy Whiting and Mr. Harvey
Walper presented them with a
purse of money; Mrs, Joe Hor-
ner, the WA President, on be-
half of the WA and WMS, pre-
sented them with a table lamp.
Mr. and MTs. Holley both made
fitting replies.
Gifts had previously been
presented to them by B.erean
Bible Glass and the Harmony
Personal items
Mr. and Mrs, Joe Bodge and
Jeanette of Detroit spent a
couple of days last week with
their aunt, Mrs. Albert Pol-
Mrs. Lawrence Curts is vis-
iting with Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd
Waun and infant daughter and
other relatives in Sarnia.
Mr, and Mrs. H. .McDonald
spent the weekend with rela-
tives in Toronto.
Gordon and Eric Brown had
theirtonsils removed in St, Jo-
seph's Hospital, London, on
Mr, and Mrs. Willis Steeper
attended the Brothers-Vailwed-
ding at Poplar Hill on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Klein,
feld of Exeter visited en Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs, Ervine
Eggert and' hmily.
Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brophey
accompanied by Mr, and Mrs,.
Cleve Brophey and family of
London spent the weekend on
a motor trip to Northern On-
Anniversary . services will be
held in the United Church on
Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30
p,m. when 1tev, S. J, Mathers
of Scarboro, a former minis-
ter, will be the guest speaker.
There will be no Sunday School
service on Sunday,
Mr, and Mrs, Don Charlton
and son of St. Marys visited on
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, tar-
ry ,Isaac,
Mr. and Mrs, Ben Thompson
of Linty and Mr. and Mrs,
Clare Sutherland and fancily
of. Strathroy visited on Sun -
du with Mr; and Mrs, Lloyd
Thompson and farnily.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Scale and
family o3 .East Williams' vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Elton Carts,
,Mr, and Mrs. Don nyder and
daughter and Mr, :Bob Steeper
of, Dorchester visited on Stan-
day With Mr. and Mrs, J"hhis
Steeper and fancily,
Town Topics
Personal .Items of Interest in and Around Exeter:.
The 1xetsr Times -Advocate is always pleased toubllsh these i
P e tgin#k.
We And our readers are :interested In you and your friends. Phone 779,
Mr. .and Mrs. Lewis Kirk,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ford, Mr.
and Mrs. Gardon Kirk, Mr.
and Mrs, 3and.
, Bob Scott:Mr.
Eugene Kirk, all of Exeter,
and Miss ,lane Restemayer, :of
Dashwood, attended the Kirk -
Halliday wedding in Smith
Falls on Saturday.
Mr, and Mrs, Wilfrid Shap -
ten have returned home after
spending a week visiting with
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Shkpton
of Fort William,
The story in
Sat t.sb ur�
Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Latta,
Carol, Kenny and David were
Thanksgiving noon guests with
Mr. and Mrs, Bob Latta, of
Clandeboye, and dinner guests
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Garfield Latta, Lon-
.air, and Mrs. Clarence Davis,
Sharon and Cameron were Sun
da guests withA
Ir, and Mrs,
Charlie Litte fIlderton,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll
and Wayne spent the holiday
weekend at Detroit, guests of
the •former's brother and wife,
Mr, and Mrs, George Carroll
and family.
Mr, and Mrs, Earl Atkinson
spent the weekend at the home
of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs,
Jim Stelzer,. Jackson, Mich,
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Dobbs Jr.
spent the weekend with the
latter's father, Mr. H, S. Mc-
Lean, Teeswater, and attend-
ed the funeral of Mrs. Dobbs'
mother on Monday afternoon
from the church funeral home,
Mrs, Henry Hodgins and Miss
Sophia Richards, Lucan, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Carroll and attended
service at St. Patrick's church,
where Rev. Harris, Huron Col-
lege, London, was in charge of
the service.
Mrs, Garnet Isaac and Mar-
jorie spent the holiday week-
end with Mr. Gote Weinestraum
at the "Isaac homestead",
Concession 4, Bicldulph.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Greenlee,
Larry and Leslie were Sunday
e v e n. is n g guests with Mrs.
Greenlee' parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Heber Davis,
Mr. Charlie Atkinson and
Shirley and Mr. Joe Kemp,
London, Mr. and Mrs. George
Atkinson, Sandra and Darren,
Edgewood, were holiday guests
with Mr. and. Mrs. Herman
Mrs. Harry Carroll, Mrs.
Hugh. .Davis, Mrs. Tom. Kooy,
Mrs. Karl Weiberg, Mrs. Lorne
Weiberg and. Mrs. Heber Davis
attended. the Perth ' Deanery
fall. meeting held at St. Paul's,
,Kirkton, last Wednesday after-
Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Kooy and
Clayton, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald,
Lucan, spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Clarke and Dean, Welland.
iMr. and Mrs. Jim Barker,
Joan, Gary and Jean. and Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Tindall and
Nancy spent Sunday in the
Listowel area.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Scott,
Lucan, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Greenlee.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael, also Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Abbott and
family, of Whalen, were Sun-
day evening guests with Mr,
and Mrs. Jack Dickins.
Mrs. Heber Davis, Saints -
bury correspondent, brought to
the T -A office last week a
branch of wild strawberry load-
ed with berries and blossoms.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lainbden
have returned from Preston
after attending the wedding of
their grandson, Larry Blundell,
to Marjorie Keifhaber, Preston.
They were accompanied by
their daughter, Mrs, Gloria
Witte and ;grandsons, Randy
and Barry,
Still in hospital
Mr. Anson Fullard, son of
Mr, and Mrs, H. Fullard, Hur-
on St. E., whose wife was kill-
ed in a two -car crash in West
Nissouri and who suffered a
broken leg and jaw in the same
accident last weekend, is re-
ported to be progressing favor-
ably. itis daughter, Maureen,
is still seriously ill having .de-
veloped double pneumonia,
Mrs. R. W. Read is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London.
Mr, Allen Pickard has return-
ed home from Victoria Hos-
pital, London, and is able to
be out around,
Thanksgiving visitors
Mr. Fred Hunter, of Ryerson
School of Technology, Toronto,
with his parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Harold Hunter.
Mr. and. Mrs. Wes Witmer
at Tillsonburg with Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Witmer and Ronnie,
Mrs. H. N. Taylor in Sarnia
with Mr, and Mrs. Grant Tay-
Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Sylves.
tor, Chatham, with Mr. and
Mrs, E. L, Wurin and Mrs.
Nora. Sylvester and Judith,
Craig Sylvester is spending this
week with his grandparents,
Mr, B, Id, Francis with Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Hodgson and
family at their summer cot-
tage, Grand Bend.
AIr. Pat Brown, Dawn Mills,
student at UWO, and Mr. Dave
Howard, Toronto, with Mr. and
Mrs. R. C, Dinney and family.
Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Har-
ris, Susan, Bobby and Debbie,
London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Milton. Pfaff,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anderson
in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wal -
per, Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Mac-
Millan in Pembroke with 411r.
and Mrs Haloid Kelson. -
News budget from
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston
and Mr, and Mrs. Humphrey
Arthur spent the weekend in
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. William Spence were Mr.
rand Mrs. Norman Brock and
Bill, Usborne, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Morgan and baby Paul, of
St. Marys, Mr. and Mrs. Grant
(Skinner and Joan, of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Brock,
+iss Doreen. Brock and Mr. Wil-
liam Strong, Hensall.
Mr. and Mrs, Denzil Facey
and Walter, of Wellburn, were
guests with their daughter.
Mrs. Austin. Timms, Austin and
family, on Sunday.
David and Carolyn. Westman.
of London, spent the weekend
with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. David. Holland and
Guests on Sunday with ;Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Parkinson were
Mr, sand Mrs. Gerald Hern and
family, West Zion, and Mr.
Harvey Parkinson, of Kirkton,
and on Monday, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Tessman and family, Lon-
Mrs. s Chester Hazelwood,
Detroit, visited with Mrs.Ar-
thur Rundle on. Sunday and in
the afternoon. Mrs. Rundle ac-
companied her to Exeter to
call. on Mrs. Margaret Hawkins
acid .her brother, 'Mr. Hawkins.
'62 DART.
Itte7V9M,;- M21=474,74
�iYrW,fA.Kn �.h#AFMY.,ry, n.rrrv.. ry ry MW., lY r•,•.tr,
Mr, and Mrs. Milne Pullen
are spending several days, vis-
iting with Mr, and. Mrs. Clif-
ford Pullen, Louisville, Ken-
e c
Mrs,Percy Hodgins and
Mrs. Norman Hodgins attended
the Fall Perth Deanery :meet-
ing at St, Paul's Anglican
Church, Kirkton, on Wednes-
day .afternoon,
Mr, Frank Parkinson and
Glenn were among the guests
at ,a birthday dinner in honor
Of .Miss Adelaide Parkinson,
Granton, at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. Wesley Shier on
Mrs, Harvey Squire, Kirk-
ton, and Mrs, Arnold Hern,
Woodham, visited with Mrs.
Alex Baillie on Wednesday af-
Mrs, Russell Brock, Chisel-
hurst, was a Thursday visi-
tor with Mr, and Mr. Wm,
Morley Sr,
Mr. and Mrs, Gary Parkin-
son, St. Marys, and Mrs. Wm.
French spent the Thanksgiving
weekend with Mr, and Mrs,
Howard, Morley and family,
Hazel Park, Michigan.
Mrs, Chas, McRoberts enter-
tained several girls on Thurs-
day afternoon in honor of her
daughter, Ruth Ann, who had
her eighth h
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hod-
odgins are spending several days
in the States also visiting rel-
atives in Massachusetes.
Mrs, Wynn, London, is spend-
ing a few weeks with Mr, and
Mrs, Bert Duffield,
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, Wil-
lis, B.C„ and Mrs. Willis, Clin-
ton, were Wednesday evening
visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Mel-
ville Gunning,
Mr. and Jdrs. Melville Gun-
ning and Muriel attended Wood-
ham United Church anniver-
sary on Sunday and also vis-
ited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Scott
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Morley,
Exeter, Mrs, Coleman Bowman
and Terry, Elmira, and Miss
Maida Morley, London, were
Sunday callers with Mr, and
Mrs, Alex Baillie.
Several Whalen ladies of the
Court Va lent 1 n e Foresters
Lodge, Granton, paid a visit to
the Court Antelthyst Foresters
Lodge, London, on Monday eve-
atives in Massachusetts,
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Laverne Morley on Sunday and
during the week were: Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Goudsward and
Joan. London, Mr. and. 'Mrs.
0, Webb, Granton, Mrs. Tom
Wiring and Installations
Phone 528W
:Area minister
in Victoria •
Bev. Thomas Sawyer, a na-
tive of Woodham, died in Vic-
toria, 13,C,, hospital Saturday,
October 7, following a heart
seizure. He was admitted to
hospital the day before.
He would belie celebrated his.
Start t
at Brinsley
The Panhandle drilling Co.
commenced drilling operations
on the farm of Mr, Malcolm Al-
lison, 14th Concession of Mc-
Gillivray Township, Work is
scheduled to continue on a 24-
hour basis.
The Rev, 3, Hummel of Ivan
will be guest speaker at Brins-
ley United Church on Sunday,
October 15, •
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Windsor
of ,Mitchell visited Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred
Windsor and family,
Bitten by dog
Little Jerry Thompson, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Thompson received severe la-
cerations to his face last Fri-
day when bittenby a dog.
The boy along with his mo-
other was visiting at the home
of his grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs. Bi11Thompson, whent
dog made the vicious attack,
Smith and Keith and. Iter. Bill
Richardson, Hepworth, Mr, and
Mrs, Art Cann and Mr, and
Mrs, Howard Cann, London,
Miss Eileen McKenna and Mr.
Ross Duffield, 10th line,
88th b'ir'thday :oft Thanksgivlt)r
Mr. Sawyer was horn orr the
Blanshard farm now ,owned hy.
Norris. Webb, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Aaron Sawyer,; Iia
was .married .in 1904 to rho -for
frier. Florence 'St, John of
Stratford, who predeceased hin1>
several years ago. He bas,
been living with his wife's
niece, Mrs. T, W. A.:Cray, do
Mr. Sawyer taught :school .n
Essex c ou nty
fe become
ing a Methodist minister,,• ,His
first charge was the Elimyille
Ile is survived by one" sfs-
ter, Mrs. Whitfield Switzer. of
34 oodham, now giving with her
daughter in Hamilton, and a
number of :nieces and nephews
in this area,
B .B
nig Q
9 WY5.4-83
Supposing your family should lose
you? What would their situation be?
The fact is, they'd either be ade-
quately provided for, or they'd face
serious complications — depending
upon how expertly your will had been
drawn, or if, indeed, you had left any
wal at all!
The drawing of a will is a serious
matter for all concerned — and the
use of our Estate Planning Service can.
effect real savings for your estate, as
well as ensuring your family's welfare.
We invite your enquiries.
Established in Sarnia in 1889, we have
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business in our hands is made secure
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