HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 8Page 0 The Timea-Achfecate, October 2, 1941
-Group ,at :.Crediton
plans clothing drive
• • N.'. .• •,,.• 144
1Stffa area 'District youth rally
Still -day and MOndaY with reia-
Mr. and Airs, Diekert spent
Mrs. Emerson Kyle and Jim.
By MRS. M. FAIST Ten members attended.
CREDITON Roll call was answered by a
.The WSVv'S meeting of the 1 "varietY Of apples you liked
Ewa church was held last best and .
Thursday everang, October 6.. Samples of driej fruit were
The Thanksgiving committee passed around.
with Mrs. Martha Ratz as con- Marlene King and Judy Lam-
. venor was in charge. Those port gave a demonstration of
assisting were Mrs. Mary Faist ; how to mahe oven atom"!
and Mrs. Lorne Warlock. fruit pudding.
• A double trio consisting •of Mrs. L. Hodge gave a talk
Nola Faist. Mrs. G. E. Wenzel -Ion canned fruits.
Mrs. Lloyd Hey. Airs. Alvin.
..Ebikbeiner. Mrs. Walter Weber Perm"! items
• and. Mrs. Irvin Ratz gave ser.., Mr. and Mrs. Chris Browning
oral vocal selections. d family spent the weekend,
. an „
The thankoffering boxes were withmenda at Wallacetnwn.
zigought in. The business wasi Mr. and Mrs. John Wade
conducted by Mrs. Ed. Hen- and Johnny spent a few days
,.4.4ick. A used clothing drive, with friends at Ottawa.
rbs, planned and anyone wishing Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
donate to this should have 1 Wuerth and children, of Galt,
'lit in not later than October 22.1 spent last Friday with Mrs.
During the social hour a sur- S. S. Wuerth.
—prise birthday cake and cor-1 Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Faist
•Aage was presented to Mrs.! and boys, of Torontp, spent a
Sm Lamport in honor of her few days with Mrs. AL Faist,
ath birthday on October 10. Mr. and Airs.
Oestrieher spent a few days at
Lindsay with Miss Ruth White
Ceiebrates and Airs. T. H. Turner and
with her son, Mr, and Mrs,
Robert Greenwood and family
at Den Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hil-
Mr. and Mrs. -William en -
born and Cathy, of Hanover,
ninger and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rev. F. M. Faist and Charles
,,,,,4: of Kitchener spent the holiday
Bumler and daughter, with Mrs. Ezra Faist and Nola.
Mrs. George Vincent and Mrs.; Mr. Calvin Fahrner spent a
Jim Leary, all of Detroit, spent; few days at Toronto last week,
; the weekend with Mrs. Sam' Mr. Royal Heist, of Chicago,
Lamport and celebrated her spent the holiday with his
90th birthday which was on father, Mr. Henry Haist, and
Tuesday, October 10. I fa il
She received many cards and t --In 3'
t Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade
lovely bouquets.
She is hale and hearty and and children, of Hamilton,
90 years
spent Thanksgiving Day with
does all her own work and also '
had a lovely garden and is al-
ways in her place in church
and school every Sunday.
4-H Girls
The third meeting of Cred-
iton Fruitettes was held in the Mr. S. S. Wuerth, who has
town hall Friday after school' spent the summer with his
due to Thanksgiving weekend, daughter, returned home Sun-
Mr, Art Bailey of St. Cath-
arines spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Carl Radford and
Shirley. They all spent Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. John Wade,
Mr. Wayne Hillman and Mr.
Kenneth Riggs, of Riverside,
spent the weekend with Mr.
Reginald Finkbeiner and Mr.
and Mrs. L. Finkbeiner.
• This week in
fetes couple held at Dashwood
By M.5t Bg.N.McKP4AR
• A family :CelebratiOn. WAS
held: at the home of arL and.
Mrs. Russell Miller .reeently,
The occasion was Mr, and Mrs.
James, Miller 10th wedding an-
Those attending • were mr,
And Mrs. Wilbur Miller, Mr.1
Kenneth Miller, Mr. and Mrs,'
John Miller and Karen froni.
Staffa; Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Duncan and .family, Mr. and,
Mrs. Jack Dungan and family;
and Mrs. Sara 'McCurdy from'
Kirkton, Mrs. -Olive Scott, Rus-;
seldale, mr, and Mrs. Don Titl,
(tall and family, London, and
Mr, and Mrs. James Miller
and family., Cromarty.
Personal items
Eric Norris and Terry Day -
nerd front the OAC, Guelph,
spent the weekend at their
homes here.
David Kemp from Stratford
Teachers' College spent the
weekend with his parents Mr,
and Airs, Arthur Kemp,
I Mr, and Airs. Eldrid McNi,
• col and Mr, George Miller,
London spent, the weekend with
Miss Margaret and James Mil-
, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Mei-
Ade have returned home from
1 their •honeymoon in. Northern
Air, and Mrs. John Temple -
!man and family visited at the
• Robert Maver home at Farqu-
har Sunday evening.
• Miss Margaret and James
Miller visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis
and family near Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Duncan
• spent Thanksgiving Monday
with. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
John Templeman and family.
Air, Lloyd Colqhoun is visit-
ing in the U.S:A. for a few
Mr. and Mrs. James Norris
and family, Brampton, visited
:Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
t. 0."'''Tt`rp'r-VatiNEI
Comments about
By MRS. ERvIti R.4pER
Fifty youth from Dashwood,
Zurich and Crediton EUB phur-1
dies held an opening rally Sat-
urday evening at Crediton,
Sunday evening they gathered,
at Dashwood. The tWQ youth
leaders, William Ramey fl Vir-
ginia and Frank TbouiPson of,
Wisconsin were sent out by the
Board of Evangelism,
Monday evening a meeting of
the groups were held at St. Jo-
seph. This totalled 42 with the
three churches, minister and
leaders. A barbeeue Supper was
Wednesday evening .a special
meeting of Dashwood Youth
fellowship with the •two lead-
ers was held.
A meeting for young and old
will be the closingmeeting
Thursday eVellini
g n Zurich
.E1313 church,
Bus trip
Members of Dashwood
tute and friends totalling 32 en-
joyed a bus trip to • London
Wednesday, October 4 where
they toured places of interest
including The London Free
Press, The Coca Cola Plant,
Eldon House and CFPL-TV.
Supper was enJoyed at
Hook's restaurant.
Mrs. Ken McCrae was con-
vener of the trip.
Thanksgiving visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Reste-
mayer, Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart
Wolfe and Mr, and Mrs. Cliff
Salrnon and family at Key Ri-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kretzman
and Billie of Detroit with Mrs.
Cora Geiser, Jack and Mrs.
Emma Haugh.
Mr, and Mrs, Ervin Rader
and family at London with Mr.
and Mrs, Lloyd Howe.
Mr. and ,
Elgin Rader
and Brian with Mr. and Mrs.
Wendell Gamble and family on
Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Haugh,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van Dorse-
leer, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ra -
WMS to hear missionary
Mrs, Jas. Dickson of Strat-
ford was guest speaker at the
thanksgiving meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society
which was held in the church
r theme
der and family and Paul Eck-
mier of Stratford with Mr. and
Mrs. Courtney Burmeister,
William Ramey and Frank
Thompson were guests of Mr,
and Airs, J. M. Tiernan, Sun-
day and Monday.
Mrs. Susie Devine, Mr. and
Mrs. Elgin Adams, Pauline and
patsy spent the weekend in
along St, ;Lawrence
sea way and Cornwall.Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Becker
made a business trip to To-
ronto, Friday,
Weekend guests with Mr, and
Mrs. Lorne Becker were Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Becker and
Mrs. Ervine •Greh of Preston.
Robert Recker competed in
the 48th, International Plowing
Match at Belleville on October
5, 6 and 7. He was accompa-
nied by his father, V, L. Beck -
Comments. about
Mr. and Mrs. C, Decaire and
family •of Aylmer have moved
into Mr. Lobb's house at Kip -
Anniversary services will be
held Sunday, Oct. 15 at 11 a.m,
and 7,30 p.m. in St. Andrew's
United Church, Guest speaker
will be Rev, C. Britton BA of
Seaforth and Miss Gayle Att-
well of Belton, soloist, Special
music will be rendered by the
Mrs. Keene, of Stratford,
visited Thanksgiving Day with
Mr. and Mrs. Elston Dowson.
Airs, J. LeGard and Bill, of
Downsview, spent a pleasant
Thanksgiving weekend with
Mr, and Mrs. N. Long. Sun-
day visitors included Mr. and
Mrs, John Doig •of Grand
Rapids and Mr, Arthur Golding
and son of London.
Mrs. Jean Kyle, of Clinton,
was a Sunday guest of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr, and
tives jo Kitchceoc•
Aliss Margaret. Johnston. of
Toronto,. visited her brother.
Mr, W. B., ,,(;oopers, over the
holiday. .
T.hrifty.: Khapenettea
The fourth meeting of the
:Thrifty Icippenettes Was held
at .the home of the leader. Alm
H. Caldwell. Sixteen girls an—
swered t,he roll
Orave, Kelly was appointed
secretary for the next :meeting.,
to, ,be held 411 Saturday, .0(q.
14 at
weirs home.
Mrs. McGregor gave ,out the?
,and home ,assignmentsi
and ,disemett the uses..of
Mrs. ,Caldwell spoke Oft A
good breakfast as it is the .1.1141,11
meal ,of the day to start 'afC
with and mentioned :one :stiottlt
eat :two, ,or more :fruits a 40+
gig 1504 Gilchrist made
her :,visit at this meeting a
demonstrated on 'bow tpc,
and ,rentre a grapefruit,.abs
anil9rrs.anlfleOGregor inada .a fruit
mm -:and .at the .close .of .the
meeting it was served.
Miss Gilchrist ,discussed
,plans for Achievement Day.
62 Falcon, Futura
• (Oompaa coushof
I'm here ... newest and most exciting
version of Canada's best-selling compact
. . . and between you and me, it's
going t* be love at
first sighti Up front,
I've got contoured
bucket seats ... deep,
comfetatle, individually
adjustable! And look—
right at your finger tips,
there's a convenient new place
for personal effects like gloves,
maps, sun -glasses, etc. ... in
my sleek, superbly styled console
compartment between the seats. Rich, deep -pile carpeting ex-
tends wall.to wall. Arm rests for everyone add to my enchant-
ment. And famous Thunderbird luxury shows in my fabulous
interior colours and trims. You've got a choice in perforrnance,,
t6o. If you're looking for extra power, there's the zesty Falcon
170 Special Six engine. And for maximum economy, there's
my famous Falcon 144 Six. I'm warranted by your Ford Dealer
for 12 months or 12,000 miles, whichever comes first. Fact is,
I'm your kind. of car—so see me soon—at your Ford Dealer's.
Cer:an 1, o!uros Inuit:vied are optional of extra coif.
Larry Snider Motors
Ford Monarch Falcon EXETER
L. S. Mit F. T.
'60 Ford 6 -cylinder sedan, 2 -
tone, lovely . $2,000
'57 Ford Coach, a beauty $1,195
'60 Volks deluxe with radio $1,295
'60 Austin Cambridge sedan, low
mileage $1,295
57 Buick Sedan • ,......,... $1,200
'57 Pad Sedan, loaded . .. ...„..„. $1,295
'56 Buick Hardtop . , ..... $ 500
'54 Ford Sedan, a nice one $ 500
'54 Plytnouth Sedan .,„ $ 500
'55 Buick 2 -door hardtop $ 300
'53 Plymouth Wagon ... : . $ 300
'49 Pontiac Sedan ....... $ 100
49 Plymouth Sedan .. $ 60
'57 Volkswagen Van ... „ $ 600 '53 GMC Panel
"59' Fad 871 biesel
John Nett 426 and 12m0e0a!it11
MasSeyaaitis 44 -and loader $1,000
7' hydraullt dump wagon $ 105
$ 200
$2,.200 '50 Massey 30, above averacotidition ge
......... ....... $ 60.
'57 'Izoid Coin Piaer
liiterhational A4UPPOtit plow
rubber..„. ..... $