HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 4qR A Papa 4 The Toss -Advo to, Qo'ity4er 1.Z IVO Rai:s'ed on maritime farm, new NA* c.enaneandtng officer of RCAk`..Station Centralia, Grt,ttp Captaut Le, IL Randall. DK. says he feels, "right at hone" in this area -because of bis per- sonal., tarn', Packground. "This is: the best tarining land I've 'seen in my life." he told The T -A in a recent inter- 1icw. "';it's .,.marvellous Nun- try.", oun- tr .S'. . Gf C iancla'h was brought up in mixed: farming country around Bristol, N.B. Despite his loyalty to his native area lie concedes it doesn't match t%isarea's productiveness. The con unanding officer. who succeeded "G/C A. G. Kenyon. DC, at Centralia in August has travelled a long way and seri ed in a w ariety of foreio posts since lir' quite milking cows in New Brunswick. During the 1w ar, he plluted flying boats in anti -sub .escort duties in both Canada and the United Kingdom, later became commander of the 413 ,"1'usker" squadron in Ceylon. It was for his service here •that he won ,Flying hisDistinguished i Cross. 1 k fi y Since the war, he's served in Moscow. as Canadian Air At- tache and in Paris as senior personnel stall olficer for the air division of NATO. Although he declines to describe .his ex- periences in llocow, he indi- sates it was a "very interest - in two and one-half )ear which I wouldn't have missed PUC seeks reulaiion 1QOcirnp. service Exeter PUC, at its meeting boulevard, to service new hou- #.last week, .decided to request ses to he erected there. town council to incorporate in- to it building bylaw a regula- tion requiring a minimum of 100.anip, electrical service in sell new houses. The commission took the ac- tion after learning that some Contractors, in order to save costs, are installing 60•amp. 'services which are considered inadequate to meet the electri- cal load required by modern houses, Reduce heating .rate Following a similar move an- nouneed `hy Ontario Hydro. the commission authorized a reduc- tion in" the electrical home heatinreate from 1.67 cents to 1.5 cents gross, ,raking a net rate of 1,35 cents. The new rate comesinto effect in Jan- uary. • The commission turned aown, far -this year at least, a r e q u est for installation of street =fl kiting an Pryde bou• levard...to serve new houses in the Dtf..C. subdivision. Supt H. L. Delis; estimated cost of erecting: four luminaries and three concrete poles al Sl,100. Due,, m the lack of finances and until•such time as the suh- division is further developed, the coiiimission decided to projecpr' The • coxhrnission, which pro' It: is expected that more than vided tithe, lights at the request .500 members, delegates and visitors will be on hand to take part in the sessions. Prelimin- ary plans include a serious look at the OFA's accomplishments or ifilsets wished the present . over the years, and what is lights,replaced as they becomes needed for the future. The unserueceable. thence "Time For Decision" wiltnsar contest s oem hashes that the OFA is P - taking . a' fresh look at farmer • The eeominission indicated it • needs and the methods reciuir- was r_prepared to sponsor a ed to ,get solutions to problems. public speaking competition at. A special banquet is being Exeter public school this year. held in the evening of Nov. 6, if school officials approve the hosted by the Ontario Depart. Project. ment of Agriculture. Premier The local competition would Leslie Frost will he the guest • be held in. Connection with the speaker 'at the banquet. provincial contest co-sponsored Other. Highlights of the meet - by Ontario Hydro and Ontario ing include a discussion in :School :Trustees and Ratepay-' depth on the European Com- et's' Association, mon Market. led by Peter In the waterworks depart- Stursberg, well-known writer, sent, the commission is plan- foreign: correspondent and news •ing to lay a new pipeline on analyst. Sanders Street east of Pryde' On the second day, the Hon. Supt 11.:L. Davis noted that the two-inch plastic water main installed on Fryde bou- levard is not covered suffi- ciently to meet minter re- quirements. The commission agreed to notify the subdivi sion owner of this condition. OFA marks • anniversary The Ontario Federation of Agriculture celebrates its 25th anniversary this year with its annual convention on Nov., 6, 7, and 8. at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. ' The OFA, which has been the voice for Ontario f a r m e r through their organizations ever since 1936, will plan a special program commemorat- ing the anniversary. says Wil- liam Tilden of .Harriston, OFA president. Recognition will be paid to Ontario farm leaders and other agriculturists who were prom- inent during the years that the OFA grew from a small organ. . ization to the present, province - wide size. sociatig, ruled that the Asso- ociatioa ruled that the asso- ciati.od; would have to provide funelsator any new equipment for ana'thing." In between his. European ap- pointments, •and the numerous staff college courses he took in preparation for them:, he was commanding officer of RCAB' Station Winnipeg for two years Ile has alsoserved in Ottawa to :the directorate of personnel administration and at ttuek. - c11ffe assenior Personnel staff officer for Air Material tont- mand, It was at Winnipeg where lie met his wife, the former Bar- bara Avent. They were mar• rued in March, 1954, in a mili- tary wedding at Metz, Germ- any, home of the Canadian fighter wing. The couple have two boys -- Richard, 5-1/2, and Donald, 41/2. fifuture Although the commanding of- ficer declined comment on the future role and make-up of the RCAF ("That's not my depart- ment," he states), he did as- make no plans for the installa- tion. It agreed, however, to discuss the project again in the spring of 1962. Complaints from household- ers on Edward St, about Onta- rio Hydro's high tension cable on Edward St. prompted the commission to request reloca- tion of the line. Owners in the area claim the line is a detri- ment to residential property. The commission agreed to erect decorative lighting on the Main Street again during the Christmas season. No addi- tional equipment will be pur- chased, however, because of an Ontario Iiydro ruling pro- hibiting municipal commissions from spending funds on such sure the district that RCAF Sta- tion Centralia .will be operating, for many years to come, re- gardless of what position the air force may assume in the nation's defence plans of the future. "Centralia is here to stay." he predicted, because of its basic role of selecting officer candidates and preparing them for specific training in the RCAF. Although the defence dep't recently annoilnced plans to secure a new type of jet trainer G/C Randall did not feel that this would affect the continued use of Chipmunk aircraft at Centralia. He indicated the station had received no offi- cial information as to how it would be affected by this change but he suggested that the Chipmunk is an "inexpen- sive means" of screening can- didates in regard to their air ability before they are sent on to advance training in ei"her flying or navigation. TV series ews of'- Grand Beed for sciiools By MtzS Wg,' t.wooD Celebrate 25th anniversary On October 2 Mr, and'. Mrs. Vern Ridley celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniver- sary and were honored by a dinner in Zurich by their daughter, Jeanne, Mrs. Char- les Gibbs and. Air. Alex lies Jardine. When they arrived home about t h 1 r t y relatives and .friends, had gathered fora sur• prise party. They were pre- sented with a silver tea service and relish dish- ThanksgiYlltg visitors T1ir. and Mrs. A. E. •Oultram •pf London and ,lir. and Mrs. Bill Wilson of Hamilton with Air. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake. Miss Verde. Page of Ravens- wood with A'Ir. and Mrs. Art- thur Page and family. Air. and Mrs. Jack Snell and family of Exeter with her par- ents, 11ir. and Mrs. Lloyd Ma. son and Linda. lair. and Airs. diel Ramsden with and family of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gill. Mr, and Mrs. Roger Farley with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lo- vie. Miss Sharon Des Jardine, nurse -in -training at Woodstock l'alts, !JS.A. Mrs. Llar issa Aiann re of London with Mr. and firs. 'Alex Hamilton and 13rad1ey. Mr. and Dirs. R. L. Knight and Robert of London and Miss. Mae Patterson of Newmarket with Mr. and Mrs. Wefwood Gill. Mrs. Lily Gi!1 with relatives in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Love of Sarnia with 'Mr. and :gra. Co- lin Love and Jerry. :Personal 'items At aud1 _ s. Robbin n it lte' spent a few days last week .with Dir.. and Mr's John Stocker and Air. and Mrs. Lyman Grat- ton and family. Mrs. Kathryn Pagel •of De- troit is spending a. week at her summer hems in Green Acres, and has as her guests 'lir. and Balti- more, Mrs. Carroll Pagel of Ba_t.i- more, Maryland. Dlr. and Mrs. Roy Pass ac- companied by Mr, and Mrs. R. Annan .anl Larry of Pickering g and Air. and Mrs. Ferd Miller of Dashwood motored to Nia- gara Falls, New 'York over the weekend. Sunday visitor's with Tile. and Mrs. Johnston Patterson were Television for education wviil •conte to Ontario schools in tuber. Oc- +ducat.aa 1lins,er John P Roberts has announced a se- ries of i'S haif•hour telecasts Tuesdays and Thurdays at 3 paw, from Oct. 17 to Alayf 31. 1.1e telecasts are part of a national radio and TV •educa- tional program planned by the National Advisory Council on' School Broadcasting to the CBC. The Ontario Department• of Education is represented on th.s 'Council by an official of its audio-visual branch. Last witter studio facilities at Toronto's Ryerson Institute c" Technology were used to train a selected group of 100 teachers m the prduction of educational TV programs. The Ontario Department re- leased a science teacher from. Toronto Teachers' College to the Aletropol?tan Educational Television Association to as- sist hi educational TV produc- tion. roduc-tion - it also lia.ovided a ,gi°ant of X8,000 towards research and progranuning. Report frorn Wildey visitors ,Joan and Paul spent the week. I Pr. C. B, aro 'Dirs. Sanders, end an Bracelarldge and Toton- 1 r to. T! ,, David, Welland, , < ane, And _ _w,c,: !! el.a.id, ww_th Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fink-' Mr. and 'Airy. Carl Guenther beinetr. :and larlet with Mrs. George Rev., Morris 1 incept, Mrs_ Robertson, Wheatley, and Air Vincent and Richard with Mrs, • and firs. Kenneth Poore, Wind. I'atie Vincent and Air. Harold Vincent. 11Tr. and DIM Edgar Webb, - St. Catharines, with Dlr. and, Mrs, Ci ff Russell and family. Mr. andMrs. jack iarr ott,E Markham and their grand- children, Donna and Allison Farr f i,n i'with1'r .I__-ott, e� _o._g_ac, D..-. and Nrs. Gordon Ratz and: fanaih . afi Ern L r nv Shear- water, _...,..AS ,,._..est 14..o.e.._> Shea_ , m wCatei, N,S., and Dil. A. :rain..) pis, Detroit, with 11ir, and mfrs. .Roy Moa enc, June and Sharon.' Wife: "Don't be so impolite. you've 'fawned five titres while _I was talking to you." Husband: "i wasn't yawning -i was trying to say some - The first fall meeting of the Orpha Club will be held on Tuesday evening, October 17 at the home of Eva Bar teau. Mr, and Mrs. Mel Lightfoot of St. Marys spent the holiday at their new h01e in Grand Bend. Mr. and Mr's. Tom Hart, Woodstock, with lir. and ?t1rs. Harry Sheppard rand Dave. Mr. And Dirs. Doli AdadiS, Mark and Brock, London, w:with Mr. and Mrs. LeS Adams and fan„l y• 1�1i". and Dirt. Charlie Brown,, Bothwell, with lir and Mrs. Claris Baumgarten. Wayne, Br u c -e and Larry Reeking. R aterloo, with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Airs. Lorne Devine. Mr the Mo. and Mrs. John Lovey of;ltard Line with Mrs. 111.i •Baker. Dir ,nd Mrs. ,Earl path's,' June, Janet and Ife in, Grand Bend, miss Carol McLeod, Huron Park., Gary Sipuei, Tan- tetock, > !.•a.n?+: Lobb, Bi`ucefield, Clare Love, Sarnia., Don Love, Kingston, with 111r. and Mrs. Ross Love and Kathryn. Air. and Mirs. Jack Ratz, sor. Dlr. and Mrs. Hugh Morenz and Ron- u Ith Mr, and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al, Hensall. 'Aft Jahn Guenther with his s uncle, Mr. Arthur Hardwickle wn Chatham Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Switzer, Tung. Scott and Bonnie nlrwith relatives in Fenwick and Wet- land. Air- and Mrs. Harold Fink. bein•er and family with Mr. And Airs. Toin Rosser and family', T ondon. Pet-saltel items Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ritz left Thursday to visit their daugh- to . ids. and Airs. E` ecu Si1�iith and soils, P.ociage le Praline. Dlr. and Airs. Roy lloren and Ernest were .guests Setur- dal. at the Walper -Hood wed- ding tw, St. Jolatas-by-the-Lake Church, Grand Bend. One 4f these days son's - body's going to caihe u.p with a book on How to Get Out of Doing it Yourself." He'll maks e fortune. "Did you give your wife that lecture on economy you were tallying about?" "Yeah." "Any results?" "i'm going to va tip Stir: ing „ HENSALC • Mrs.• Agnes McLean was ad- mitted to St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener on Sunday with a dislocated shoulder and collar hone, suffered in a fall at the home of her son in Kitchener with whom she was visiting. Alvin C. Hamilton, Canada's minister of agriculture, will speak on the agricultural re- habilitation and development act program, which he chain. pioned in the spring session of parliament. + 42 DESIGNS + 8 TYPE EAC ES from which to choose! - SEE OUR SAMPLE ALBUM --- + Wedding Cake Boxes + Coasters, + Place Cards + Matches + Napkins + Response Cards T READY 100% APPROVED ETHYLENE GLYCOL WINTER DRIVING HELPS Mnto ()Vaster PURGE - Combination cleaner and conditioner. Removes rust, scale. sludge. etc. .. cleans entire cooling on system Twin can s 1 Bellows or Pellet Type THERMOSTATS - Original equip. quality Far top engine temperature control, efficient heater performance. From 1.49 COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER - Works 5 ways to pre- vent and cure most common causes of cooling system sea failure Works with any anti -freeze. 8 -oz. can .... FAN BELTS - Prevents overheating, anti-freeie no • loss. From RAD. HOSE - Resists anti- freeze, etc, Moulded - 59 as low as EIEATER 1305E •••- Resists corrosion, etc, Q Per ft frm o I RAD. FLU5W I (mproves circula- tion. radiator effl• 1O.oscan .49 to•or IGNITION SPRAY -- Stops common ignition 1 troubles. 6-ez. RAD SOLDER Permanently seats leaks Liquid AA '1'7.'3'10•oz. can HEATER REPAIR PARTS Heavy -Duty Heater Motor - 6 or 12 -volt 8.25 Radiator Hose Conneetine Assembly . .20 Elbows - from 22 Heater "Y" - from 51 Heater Shut -Offs, iron) "Y2 Vacuum Control Shut -Oft" - for most Ford nred 2.25 Heater Temp. Regulator Valve - For most Ford nrodurts. From 8,25. A complete selection of custom heater fittings for late at ,del cars - at Can- adian Tire, ENGINE WELD •-v I Securely w e d s t e a k s In cootine system. ���, 20.oz. can n y 1 r <;w 1 UP TO I, 4l`)% WATER 1 PUMP Eevch. 1 Testod to new • car stand- Guaran- 4 791 ards. teed. From , CHOKE CONVERTER Makes autel'natic chokes manual 1.95 50,74 EXTRA BONUS for BASH BUYERS � . , ;fir , �••�, 5 Tim EEZE mid 0-111WO SYSTEM GONDITPARII NEW PROCESS TO "CUSTOM PROTECT" 1%0-61.62 CAR'S--- Sufesi for New CCIF.5 - Best I' All Cars s DATED on top of the can to ensure. you get "new seelsoe pack" FILL UP NOW with Canada's safest all-weather, "always protection , . PERMA FILL. Specifical- ly formulated to safeguard the metals of the newer cars (metals that corrode under the action of former top-rated anti freeze) . dated on the top of the can "to be sure"! Perim -Fill gives you the finest Ethylene Glycol to start with, andof course, protects against foaming, rust, clogging, boil -away and freeze -ups. tta • POSITIVE PROtE�.TION-AT EXTRA SAVINGS "p 97.5% Pw G Ethylene £ lhssol Permanent ANTS -FREEZE Conipares with well known brands selling at much higher urices. Recon lamended for all cars and trucks (except cer- tain late models, which re- quire the "built•in" EXTRA contained in the new process Perm a- Fill, listed above). OT. BRAN -6 N6 NE NI COR Grip t'I'nd Go in lee and $n 4, 4 Brand new tire safety et about the price you'd expect to pay for a retread. Deep -bit. ing traction tread will "grip'n go'* where you leant to go! Ride worry free this winter at the lowest I,ossible cost! 600/16 Ok 670/'l5 5 A5 Nide 1A5, " With !ow sim Sln,har low'-rrsda - It(buc1.1-Iax it'd ll2sui'eirire '-- 5•Yefir Gurl'emfee wC � r•7'fl... ..... ,..rv.... ' uv New Pio Cosh Discount Notes They LOOK like like MONEVI They FEEL like MONEY!! SPEND trent as NONE? --, of Canc>idiean iirelll Extra 5% Cosh Discount morn' All Prices Shown 3 6.a k EIth y Phone 451 Miiir�tt iibl�iris & Soli Lfc, ;w -n iiso 4.• -,'