HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-10-12, Page 3•1 !Wilk Leadership contest 'Chief Ford hecks n ,-Contintied from page 1 crease in population o lining the developments in the trillion in the last deead province which have taken investment of over $20. place since he „assumed pre- in physical Assets; over 5 vincial office, new homes: an increase " I'l am sure that every one almost; unbelievable 50% of YOiared our deep regret, the standard of living, 111 when it became known a short ed in terms of consumer time ago, that Premier Frost, and services, had decided. the time had comel !le also referred IP ay] to relinettish the leadership ormonts in highway bni our Party. .hospital insurance and •e has been so close] ' on. Identified with the life of On -I tario for the past two decades, ; other •ireat achlevetnents te his "With these and so many .k.7td end has played such an extra"' nreclit,'' enjoying as he does the ordinary role in the great de-• velopments of these years that fell confidence of our peOPie It has seemed almost impos,, fs,and our party — trulY ' ( sible to think of continuing termsea 1‘'ci-tbangdonallabpepaillyth, had no reason to think tha Prophetic, words Orement was even on phelic words" spoken by thel "But we have learned f f n -e an Quo Exeter pre Chief Irwin by An "Benny" fiord expects. to make several, spot checks h the "stir. tpwn this weekend in cOnjUne: goods:Hon with Fire Prevention Week October 8 to 14, ; He checked a few places On )9v1Welidnesday, and plans more calls for Thnrsday, I have a few spots in mind thatweek' like to check," he said, "Ind we don't Plan any exteosive checks in the eorn- the munity". ki firestti a drill E.t ofteril e s atxe L still lie SchOO1 Staged an unanomme- wo ed fire drill this week and all t re- '4 students were clear of the :0711wh.uaisIding in 56 seeonds, Jrinci- Pal Arthur B. Idle said he pleased with tile rapid the man 1 The children have .also been entslmade aware of Fire Preven- dorn; Hon Week and have removed s a:any hazards that have been He' been detected around the school that !beading, 'hurt At reception". falt from ar d I....1;111111am for .,,,_obaris 13, RR 1 ilenSali. was admit. fed to Sarnia General Hetotat A number of area Frogres-, Jag week when he fell nut of a sive party members attended a oar On Highway 21, five miles reception Saturday 'for millea. head .and possible internal in- nOrth of i''°t7est' !ne steel" lion Minister John P. Robarts.: juries. at the farm home of Hon, Wli-; Iluffinan was :hitchhiking; tn ham Stewart near 2,4111ftcld- illeasall from Sarnia icheo pick- :t1r. Stewart areati;ed the re- cd up by a car driven Bee. caption to acquaint area dole- janun Bressette of Kettle Pram rgiteste.wittolir Itoobnatarrism.,ap,acratti;, ;Indian Reservation. the Driver Dennis Amacher. leaderthiP- RCAF Clinton,•was uninjured Huron. MIA C. S. MadNaugh when his car _crashed info the ton and Airs. MacNaughtan ..ditch and broke a telephone were among 'those who at - pole on the county road three !ended. Others included 4r.' miles west .of Kippen Friday and Mrs: Robert Chaffe, Cen morning. PC Harry Reid esti- tralia; Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mc-, mated' damage at about s5n_ KinIey. Zuriviv With• intersection ,of Nos. 4 and /13 • Fair - Two cars valued nen sbaaiiirinualifyriA• ifylianrvRet•u,,Kzejil•sil,e1/1-Len- tow R 1 : q premier in his first budget our own experience that st Frh , years ago, when premier is a very ,orderly • .1 cod Canada was still at war. Mr, i who looked beyond the ev Frost said at that time: "For 1 of the day, a man of wis Col Fa the fine old province of Ontario I and sound judgment, He i f Mr there will he a great futurejkeen student of historY. ina We are building, not, ode hr ! drew the sound conclusion these times, we are planntheit is wise to recognize that 1 for a greater pop:dation for building of Leadershipis industrial expansion, for pros- stant process. perous farms and for a happy ! The premier, Mr. Bell --I and healthy peopie we a • 'tinued had 'd : 1, la ta the , Mr, idle said he was plan- , . ;Jung to spend some tire with 'the teachers later this week to con- instruct, them on the use of the • yin the .sure foundation for tention to the development S u n d a y afternoon, eauin" abiootibtergrOmcleaznaigoelit. 21. var. COLLECT N.RARLY 12 TONS! na, and Henry Greene. 91, Exeter Lions collected near -1 Anne SL, both were prneepa. 1Y 12 tons of waste paper in ' ng south on No. 4 when the their Collection last week, was struck on the side I.*. McCinnont vehicle turned left, ill'olltamilemeirianniAis. ‘4.1,e.ek,S.weitzer an- Iteene car. The drive realized Slo5 which Chief C. H. McKenzie. whe will be used toward operating 1711.7uSetcTated, said no one was ii:'>.opuesnrs.eq of th Lions' . Scout a -.fire extinguishers. ot greater and stronger On- leadership and it was for rich" ;reason that the party has se Said Mr. Bell: ;Amy friends, rdistinguished citizens of you know that those not tario" c p e t in g for the NO cl were ecusion this!ven On. ridle words nor empty rhetoric, ; leadershiP• for you have been, and are to- ' "They are all men of abil day witness to their (ulfill- ! and integrity; they have ment." )iii been members of Mr. Fros Outlines growth I team; they all have dist I guishecl records of public s Mr. Bell quoted a number of vice; they have all shared examples of Ontario's growth the resppnsjbjljtjes 01 go\ et n- sinve that first Frost budget of . ment for a decade or more," 1944, Among these were an in- I said Mr, Bell, itY all or. SS here vs! in No decision has been made er-1 regarding the erection of a in1Roman Catholic separate ()1 ti t • 1 .2 4 1 x. in id- ts- Ily to le- isy DS he as Igo For le - r Si a r Int rill a at to 17- .e. at in OS ry 11- 11- ty is Panel discussion Continued from page 1 tain a shadow of our influence. suggested that again parental Parents influence may reach control is eecessary; the num- even a generation beyond their ber of activities in which a own children and they must be child participates should de- constantly aware of what they pend on his own abilities. Mrs. do and say before the chil- Wooden suggested that. over- dren." organization might interfere with the child's deVelopment of his own imagination. How soon and how much res- ponsibility can a child handle? Mr. Van Eek said: "Parents should see how much responsi- bility a child can bear and keep one step ahead of him," Whether or not he is a respon- sible adult depends on very early trainina' Mrs. Corbett suggested that responsibility shouldn't be- come drudgery and that a child happy with his responsi- bilities was worth extra think- ing effort on the part of par- ents, She said that parents must take into account that Irs. Corbett; said this was a their physical co-ordination time for much neglected story wasn't fully developed and reading, give them responsibilities ac- cording to 'their abilities, Not enough time Mrs, Wooden stressed the Are parents willing to spend importance in teaching childrenI enough time with our children, to take pride in doing their The answers added up to 'tasks well. There was a diver- 1 "probably not," Mr.'Van Eek Mrs. Wooden: "A. h a p p y hotne will, make a happy child. I don't think that adults are, greatly effected by an unhap-1 py childhood." Dr, Ecker: -"Psychiatrists I tell us that, a person. never for- t gets anything he sees, hears! or comes in contact with." ' • Regarding the amount 0 sleep required by children, pan elists agreed that the needs o f • • ; filNot much doing' on central school Harry Dougall, chairman. of the Usborne Township school board, reported, to The T -A Wednesday that ''there isn't much doing" in regards to the proposed central school. "It's not exactly forgotten about," he said, "but we haven't planned any moves at, the moment. I doubt if there will be much doing before the end of the year." school here, it, was indicated this week by Harold Lachine, chairman of the local board, "We are still conducting the 1 survey," Mr. Lachine said. "To date, we have not got as many students together as we would like to have. We hope to build a two -room school to accommodate about 35 chil- dren. At the present, we have about 17," He indicated the school sur- vey would continue in conjunc- tion with "Operation Good- will" the house-to-house visit- ation being conducted by the 1 London diocese. Mr, Lachine and Charles Shane have been named co-chairmen of the can- vass in this area. In Stephen, the co-chairmen are Joseph Dietrich arid Carl Radford. the individual determined the answer, This conclusion. was reached also concerning thel amount of homework, Panel- ists suggested that the time be- tween supper and bed should be spent in quiet activitiy.1 gence of opinion as to whether suggested that parent's recre- a six-year-old should be al- ation. should be activity with. lowed to choose his own clo- j their children. Mr: Mickle said thing Inc the day and from the adults are more content to floor came a teacher's sugges- watch sports than to partici- tion that, choice of clothing P ' e in them with their chtl- wasn t as important as the , dren. child's ability to handle zip-' The parent attendance award peis and buttons, went to Miss Gowdy's room. Mr. Mi.ckle answered the ques- Pa renta I example tion. for the month. Chairman Concerning the example ofl Mrs. Fred, Simmons announced parents for children, Mr. Van that versespeaking and public - Eek said "These kids are very 1 speaking semi-finals would be sensitive to things they are .not held in the school's gymtorium even able to express. The ex- November 9 and 10 and wel- -mple of the parents comes comes public attendance to, first (in the eyes of the child). these sessions. You cannot overestimate this Mrs, Bruce Cann and her example." daughter Susan sang two duets Mrs. Corbett: "Parents are for the group. The panel, was not the entire influence. We are introduced by Mrs. Eric Hey - blessed with good schools but wood and. appreciation was ex - we must realize even as our ;pressed by Mrs. Gerald God- children grow up they will re -1 bolt. New harvest queen — Continued from page 1 1Country Restaurant, entered last year's queen, Kathy Other contestants, all of Love, of Shipka 'Miss Love,whom won the crowd's approval . also a SHDHS cheerleader, were Anne Marie Rowe, .16, crowned her successor and daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ear - gifts were presented by Kins- old Rowe, RR 1 Woodham, men President Art Clarke. representing Armstrong's Res - Chairman of the judges, Fred taurant; Marjorie Hodgert, 19,1 Darling, introduced the con. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike testants to the crowd and the. winners were announced by Mrs. Ron Pratley, of the Ron - eve Beauty Salon. Mrs. Darling and Mr, Pratley assisted With the judging, Asks for change, !calls fire brigade "Could you give me change for a quarter?," the man asked Miss Amelia Acheson at the Central Hotel, early Monday evening, Miss Acheson was happy to oblige. "How do 'you phone the fire department here," he asked i after he'd, received his change. The question startled Miss Acheson but obliged again. A few minutes later the siren blew and the fire truck came roaring down the street to the apartment door beside Beavers Crest, Hardware, just north of the hotel. The man who'd placed the phone call .inet fire- men at the door. The space heater in the apart- ment recently occupied by Mr, and. Mrs. Raymond Bell be- came overheoted, There was no damage. I Window thwarts The second 'prize whiner, Margaret Oke is the. daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Oke, Usborne township. She repre- sented the Dow Subdivision, Jeanette Wedge, who placed third, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Wedge and represented the. Towne and , Some limes yet without licences A nuinbor of bicycle owners in town still have not secured their licences for 1961, Chief C, IL MacKenzie said this week. Over 250 licences Were sold WI year. TO date, only 216 have been pureliaSecl this year, Municipal bylaw requires the lieericeS to be Secured before Ally 1, CANAblAN PROPANE Hodgert, Andrew St., repre- senting Larry Snider Motors; and Carolyn Simpson, 17, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Har- old. Simpson, Exeter, represent- ing North End Supertest, Winners of the square dance competition were the "Get- Togethers" from Zurich who included Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Deters, Mr. and Mrs, Allan Becker, Mr, and. Mrs, Harold Hendrick, Miss Darlene Alien and Donald Smith, lisatost*, 1 GAS Pre,Storit Gtilaranteed & APPLIANCES 1 AGAINST LOSS . GRATTON & 1.10ISON ' :hone 1$6 6 -mid Bend I break-in at bank A thief wasthwarted in tils attempt to break into the Dashwood branch of the Bank Of Montreal recently who'll he failed to open a rear window with a crowbar. The screen on the window was cut And marks indicated some efforts Were made to pry otit the window. Had the break-in succeeded, the thief's effort would still have been in vain. No money is kept At the Dashwnnd Office, Old Man Winter will soon be lashing us with his usual snow, sleet, hall and freezina tem- peratures, and it may be sooner than we. think' However, you COM laugh im his fece if you're a wise motorist and bring us your car to have it checked over and put into top shape for that rough driv- ing ahead, IT HAS TO BE DONE oo SO DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE RUSHI North -End BA RADIATOR lind AUTO ELECTRIC !Thetis, 1096. Exeter 1 by members at ig Tuesday night at dVIrs. John Dietz, p also decided to refreshment booth men carnival on °c - id will canvass the Tuesday, November air Christmas cake ottes will send a gift to their adopted d, Mrs, William Cle- ucted the business. :am Fuss won the Mickle and Mrs. r Lorenpe Joynt, and Bob and Ann at r ra m 11 home with Mr, and 141.rs. Laird Mickle, Bryan, Diane and Geoffrey, of; hono Mr. and Mrs. Gary Corlett', A famil E. Cook. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, N. ; minion H Miss Ruth Anne Traquair, of: marked St, Thomas, with relatives inl ni-YersarY and around Hensall, ; Samuel II,v ‘ Tern, .Carolyn,a nd111r s J. a ngetlarnradym Ai elhe-.11aonleTI sthehehteh eevioi E Mrs. J. E. McEwen. ael, of London, with Mr. and coming Mr, and Mrs. Jim McArthur, Township1 of Ingersoll, with Mr. and Mrs, -'-••••• Qiiall Bedard. • ;•.'' • Th� T&nsA oate, Qfobe 12", 190 fve, Puy A .130y ..c;tot Apple This $gt.u.r4cy Quality comes FIRST at HOPPER - HOCEY Furniture 1,;ght up your rooms with • New .Lamps 55 *:47 4/4*.A.: Our wonderful assortment of lamps gives you the widest possible choice_a simple and beautiful models suitable for any room. New Floor To Ceiling POLE LAMPS • ,t SMART TABLE LAMPS in Transitional, Colonial and Contemporary Styles eaMMIMMIEMIIMINIMENIIMISON11131191.RIMMEMMISMOVIIMISIMIMI.E.....01.100ffirtatia=5.1V "frA,r' 4 ,..?;•40 • ,,' :;• r. . . _ %I& 11%.4itigne. , Power Bonus: with GMC's hard-working engines What a line-up of power there is for you in GMC's extensive range of top -performing engines ! Two sturdy Sixes—fainous for economy and reliability four powerful V8's „ revolutionary V -6's and Twin -Six 'famous'GMC 2 -cycle Diesels, giving you more ton -miles per gallon , all of them working for you day in, day out all through the year, „Ma.M.r, • 't=sta======Xt,,ZZVON., • Now those great predictions for the "Truck Triumph ol the Sixties" really pay off in built-in bonuses—in every GMC truck for 62! A bonus of owner -proved, job -tested features! Bonuses of more hours of continuous hauling . . bigger payloads . safer, sounder returns on invest- ment! Bonus of style, economy, performance, of on. the -job reliability! And what a wealth of tried and true features you'll find in these new '62 GMC's! Features proved and improved through constant, careful engineering and testing.. features to save you money, to give you the outstanding dependability you expect from GMC I *023 Re$51!`").' 0.'144 Ark.; 14200$ , • • ett irta'y PleoW '4N tv.isolout'' "n!t tt' • S, ,....-s, ,,,,,e0iVi i't . . ''r ,,r..,:',•.;•',....1''''' '4:';',.‘':',';'4,...,:i‘t,',"'is ". ',............,iliry .,.. 7 ' 4t10. ';!4,14,14:1" C11-• Yes, proven dependability features are the keynote of GMC for '62! Take GMC's range of powerful, economical engines, for example . or the rug -cd I-beam i'reint suspension on heavy duty mod:Is GMC's wide range or models! In Reavy-duty there's the 48' aluminum tilt -cab, the 72' steel tilt -cab, job- I/latching 105" con ventionals--plus the widest, selec- tion of 90" conventionals in the industry! Iii Light. and Medium -duty, another complete range of dis- tinctive, prestige -styled models! GMC brings you a host of other features built to save you money, too! txamples: independent front wheel suspension with torsion springing, double,wall cab construction, rugged frames, longer-Iaang chip - resistant finishes, A barttIAL Merre#9 vA1A70 EXETER. Peinfiet quick Vauxhiali OMC Truko - Bedford VMS S� 6 Md at "Yu t6rAttiy Atithrotoi $44;hat" tfiS dtt tekeretaa network 6rith rriddy.thttic Siott?hstAltisii60, aed " "''''" -44k • ."" ' `.` Handling Bonus: greater stability • with iniproved suspension - 74 - ,,,,,, - ,,,..1,,,,,I4 ' '4,,,,.. IV GMC's indepondent '',..,i ,,se ' •, Af ....., tont suspension min „, ,...,4,44,4t.. „.. .4 :v torsion springing givo3 'xl.ii Vt*, ,•,''''', ..,., 4 (I' fatigue-frride, pro- tocts the load—makes handling a broozel oe , See your GMC dealer soon—he's got Mc full bonus facts for yeti on GMC for '62— the Trucks with Builtmln Bonuses! ,05 Ao: FROIVI Y2 TON TO 60 TONS •