HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 19'a3
h111 at.,landeboye Clerk dies
reeks wrist in fall
By MRS; H. PAT9N , the directors and route repre,
CLANDEllOYE ,Sentalives of the St, Marys Le -
Suzanne Bradley Pal Carnation Prancers milk
,uld daughter of Mr, and Mrs,board met at the Windsor Hotel
'Bruce Bradley of the village in St. Marys,
last, MenclaY, Sept, 18 fell front 1 The President Witten lioneY,
1a tree: al her home. She Nova, who represents
fered a broken left wriSt. 134,000 members of the Ontario
She was taken to St. ,Tosenh's Concentrated Milk Producers
Hospital where Dr. JOhn„ Association also the vice -pi -est.
dent Syd Pierson, Hickson, on had it set. She retnrned
home the next day and is back 1 apoke explaining the petition
to S 0091% She started school that is now being circulated
11n $eutoinbor• lamong the concentrated produ-
cers, requesting the Ontario
Personal items lgovernment fer a vote, to es -
Mrs, Alvin Cunningham re-,ltablish a marketing agency.
,ceiyed word on Tuesday, Sept.! If a vote is granted, ballots
26 of the birth of a grand -will be mailed to each produ.
daughter' (Mary C h r t n e)cer,
•daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Mansell, the former Verna Cun-
ningham, of Simeoe at the Gen-
eral Norfolk Hospital, Simcoe.
Director Rea, Neil, and route
rep. George Simpson, attended.
Attend nieces' wedding
Quests on Sunday with Mts. Mr, and Mrs. Carl Ritchie, of
E,- Tomes and son, Tom Tomes, Baden spent the weekend with
were Mr, and Mrs, Lynn Saw- the former's sister and brother-
yer, David and Andrea of Pe- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
, trolia, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cunningham. On Saturday they
Lynn, Debbie and Diane, Mr. attended the reception follow-
? Gerald Lynn, Mr, Robert Gled-
hill and Mr, Teff Sleaford,
Mr, and Mrs, Rusgell Thomp-
son and June of Lucan visited
1 with tJie Sigsworth family on
1 Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Paton ce-
i le ated their 47th wedding an -
Fn say on Sept. 16 at their
' l e with their family, mak-
Jt festive with surprise
!gifts" and also gaily decorated
1 cake by their grand daughter,
Byrna Jane Logan' Thorndale.
On Saturday, Sept, 23 Mr,
and Mrs. J. H. Paton attended
the Thorndale Fair and were
interested in the Thorndale SS.
No. 8 Float, representing the
;important item of each month
of the year, staged by 32 pu-
nits of Mrs. Wilfred Logan who
is principal of the school and
drove the conveyance. There
are three other teachers In the
Milk Producers met
On Friday evening, Sept. 22
ing the wedding of their niece
when Sandra Viola Ritchie,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm.
Ritchie, Parkhill and David
Jame Green, son of Mrs. Leslie
Hutchinson of Grand Bend and
the late Mr, Ivan Green ex-
changed wedding vows in St.
Paul's United Church, Park-
The reception was held at
Blue Water Restaurant, Grand
Bend. Mr, Lloyd Lynn and Miss
June Lynn were also guests.
St. James
Harvest Thanksgiving serv-
ices were held at St. James'
Church on Sunday, Sept. 24,
morning and evening.
The church was appropriate-
ly decorated with fruits, vege-
tables, grain and flowers,
Upon the Holy Table was a
sheaf , of grain, bread and
grapes symbolizing God's boun-
tiful supply of food for both
Town Clerk Donald Chowen,
68, died Monday, September 25
in Westminster Hospital fol-
lowing an operation,
He was a life-long resident of
Lucan area and was town clerk
and assessor for 12 years, He
was a veteran of the First
World War,
Ile is survived by 4 brother
Harvey (Bill), Luean; sisters,
Miss Reta Chowen, Lunen;
Mrs. Ray (Gertrude) Dawson,
Teronto; Miss Florence Chowen
and Mrs, C. E. (Marian)
Elpugh, both of $t, Thomas,
A MasoPic service was held
at the Murdy funeral home,
Lucan, Tuesday evening. Fu-
neral service was held on Wed-
nesday, September 27 by Rev,
G. W. Sach of the United
Church with interment In St,
James cemetery.
body and soul,
Mrs. J, If, Paton, organist
of the church, was in charge
of the harvest music and was
assisted by members of the
choir at both services.
At the morning service the
rector, the Rev, E, 0, Lan-
caster, spoke on the theme,
"Spiritual Growth", taking as
his text "Humbly accept the
message that God has sown
in your hearts and which can
save your souls". He said "If
we are truly -thankful for all
God gives us, we will be more
faithful in our Christian wit-
ness, and not be content with
casual and indifferent service
for Christ and his church".
In the evening the Rev,
Graham Lethbridge, London,
assistant commissioner of the
Diocese of Huron took as his
text "Every day will I give
thanks unto Thee, and praise
Thy name for ever and ever".
"If our •special Thanksgiving
services are sincere", said the
speaker, "It will create in us
a deep sense of appreciation
for all God gave us. It will
make us worship God daily in
Report 04 Thames ,Rocid
The Sacrament of the Lord's!. Mr. and Mrs, William Rowe
Supper will be observed and of Exeter were Sunday guests
the rite pf baptism will be ad- l with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
ministered on Sunday Morning,; Rowe..
Oct. 1 at 11.15 A.and los. Raymond
The Thanksgiving meeting of : Heard, Wendy and Joan of
the WA and WM$wiU be held: Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
on Wednesday afternoon, Oe- Willer!, and infant daughter
tober 4. ; Jane of Zurich were Sunday
On Sunday evening Rev. 11. evening guests with, mr, and
C. Wilson was guest minister Mrs. Glenn Jeffery.
at the anniversary service in Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin
the Westfield United Church of Exeter visited on Sunday
which he served as minister withMr. and Mrs. PereY
from 1935 to 1942,Stone.
anocf HuMghrs,wilEsadnwinmrsMilBleorg, Hfioldrxs:
Mr, Donald Btahlelantwyneeeic
\Tvoi trhonhtios, pai'eots,
asipgitts, Mr, and ert, Mrs. William 'Rohde and
Lloyd, Itallantyne, Mrs. Warren Brock of Exeter
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Bolan., attended the evening of music
the Dominion Life Choir
Lorne Ballantyne, dpna)MMa and
Mrs.ifrby nointilcAthauterrelhon ooat on o Monday
Mrs. Lloyd Hackney and Linda
Harper wedding at Cromarty
were guests at the Thompson-111bn-
pBecirilelyosb:Btseuorbniadbnyaychurch 00 5atur. anAdIrsP.aulGloefnnlienBscallif, 11D1ro.ugainads
yrMrs. Lorne Ballantyne and
, d 'Mrs.anWilliam Snow,' Brenda were Sunday guests of
and Jimmy vistt.1 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballan-
with Mrs. Lorne trie•
Mr. Tar ttapp,
Luker of Hensel",
Laurie and Michael of I,on-
Mr. John Tookey of London don, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Bray, Robert, Janet and Ruth
Mrs. Almer Passmore. were Sunday guests with Mr,
and Mrs. John Bray.
Fete couple
at Whalen
Friods. and neighbors, ,gath-,
day eyning. to honor Mr. ,and,
• ered Whalen school .ori
Donald Pullen- who were re-.
penny married, to. of Woodstock, Mr. and
Mr. :Hamilton lipdgins chair. Mrs, Bob Gordon - and Randy,
ed the progrant which consisted MTS. Lemon,:Mark and Terry
1 of readings by Mrs. Laverne Lyn London were ,StlildaY
;Morley and ilfrs, .wm, french; afternoon visitors with Mr. and
piano instrumentals, _Catherine -JAM
accordion solo, Ray Mills; Mrs.,:Robert -Jim .anti
,iclahre, _Sharon Jiedgins and Mr. and Mr. 1404013 And
Janice Morley.
Frank visited over,the weekend
Anaddress was read by with.,I4ottg ....! go
The ThrwAchrocate4opternInr 1941 Page 19
VVoodham Topics
Ce=r4r4=a0:110==i;C:=7&,,,:-.F,L • ""
Personal items many friends. IVirs, Shier is
Mr. and Mrs. Peter White- 19015Ing etor Iter recent
Mr. and. Mrs. Guy Briges,
Mt, Clemens, :,Mieti was a
weekend guest of Mrs. Arthur
Hopkins- They visited Mr, Hop.
kips on Sunday in Westminster
Hospital and found him a;
usual in fairly good mood,
Mr. and Mrs. Luton
Gudo, Arizona, Mr. and Mrs,
Gordon Hod„, Mrs. W. L. Switzer. Mrs. Louch Garnet
Gerald Wallis and Ford, FWnt, Mich, were
gins and win. Heather jr. pre- remained for this week owing weekend visitors with ;Mr. Wil•
sented Florence and Don with to her mother's illness,
liam Elliott; also Mr. and
an Ralph Warehameldest son James Drake of London was
kitchen step tool. Don thanked 01 13;"*
_electric floor polisher and and Mrs. Wareham, a Sunday visitor with. Mr. El
_;has enrolled in the science liott.
tures of Quebec, MaritiMes,, ern
all for gifts and showed
Prince Edward Island and sev,'
4"" course at University of West- The YPU held a hay. riding
eral places in the Eastern year, Ontario for the coming party
w ich they enjoyed weiner
on Saturday evening aft
nig a t pinafore Park, St.
Miss Jean Ccrpeland attended h
- roast at the commtinity park.
States taken while on their
Personal items the horticulture directors' meet -
Thomas and was granted the
opportunity of touring the city.
Mrs, Wesley Shier visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. with Miss Ada Hopkins 00
Mr,Wednesday and Thursday of
and Mrs. Don Meyers,
Grafton, Squire,
Gloria and Gary, were Satur, last week and called on her
day night guests of mr, and
Mrs, Norman Hodgins,
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fitz
gerpld, London, spent Wednes-
day .evening with Ron and Mr.
ants. F. Squire.
Miss Jean Arksey, London,
spent the weekend with Mr.
George Arksey, On Saturday Mr, and Mrs. Hubert McKee -
afternoon Jean was a guest at ver and faintly visited last Sun.
the Robson-Hause wedding at day with relatives in London.
Mt, Pleasant Church, Mrs, Mike Ryan Sr. and
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Hod- family visited last week at her
gins, Avis and Gordon, were daughter's home in Maidstone.
in Chatham Sunday visiting Mrs. Ryan remained over for
with Mr. and Mrs, Douglas a few days visit and also vis -
Pole, ited her brother Rev. Father
Mr. and Mrs, Don Pullen, Vincent Guinan, CSB of Hous,
Guelph, were weekend visitors ton, Texas.
with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pull- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sullivan
en. and Helen, RN, of Sarnia mot-
Seaforth fair on. Friday.ew
Mr. Grant Hodgins attended ored to Midland and points
North for a few days vacation,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carey and
with Mrs. James Glavin.
Mrs. M. W. 'Ferguson and Austi
family spent Sunday evening
Mrs. L. Howard of RCAF Sta-
tion Centralia, spent Sunday af-
ternoon with Mrs, Trainor.
Mr, and Mrs. Charles P. Del.
trich and family spent Sunday
with their son, Larry in Tor-
Mrs. Alonzo McCann has re-
turned home after spending
some time with her daughter,
Mrs. Lane of Detroit, Michi-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hagis
have taken over the store at
Mount Carmel.
Several, students of Our Lady
of Mt. Carmel School took pri-
zes at the Exeter Fair.
Mrs. Micheal Ryan Jr. and
sons, Michael and Maurice,
visited with Mrs, Ryan's father
over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter Frayne
and family visited the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Morrissey over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carey at-
tended Zurich fair.
a spirit of thankfulness realiz-
ing that all we have and are
we owe to God, The best way
to show our thankfulness is
by our daily Christian living".
United Church
Rally Sunday was observed
at the United Church with the
pastor, the Rev, G, W. Sach,
conducting the service taking
the Litany prayer. He was as-
sisted by two girls, Patsy
Bradley giving the call to wor-
ship and invocation with Hazel
Simpson taking the responsive
The Harvest Thanksgiving
service will be on October 8
at 2.30 with the Bev, J. R.
Wareham of the Woodham
United Church as guest speak-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Miller
of Exeter and' Mrs. Catherine
Miller of Napanee were Sun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Miller. •
Mr. and Mrs, tEwart Patter-
son of Wiarton and their son,
Mr. Newman Patterson of
Stratford were recent visitors
at the manse.
Rally Pay service
The annual Rally Day serv-
ice was held as a combined
service in the auditorium of
the church with 'the Sunday
school superintendent, Victor
Jeffery in charge.
The scripture lesson was read
by Johnny Morgan, The story
was given by Mrs, Almer Pass-
. Rweev.sHugh Wilson spoke
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• ex. •
ercury for 19
The new Mercury Meteor—the middle sized Mercury.
Ld This car is so new that its unveiling is two months away.
But it is so exciting in the 1962 car lineup that you should
know about it right now. Meteor carries on a famous Canadian
name, but that's where past resemblance ends. This totally
new automobile is tailored for,the man who wants a bigger car
than, a compact—but not quite as big as a big car. Meteor is the
hea,rt`of the new Mercury line. SPECIAL FEATURES: New
145 hp Bantam V-8 or 101 hp "6" engine. New 6,000 mile oil
change eycle. Chassis lubrication and coolant last up to 30,000
miles. Self-adjusting brakes. Luxurious 6 -passenger interior.
lCushion.Link suspension for smooth big -car ride.
0 The new Mercury Monterey —the big Mercury. If you
0 think big, Monterey is.sized for you, Monterey is big where
it counts—in comfort, in performance, in value. Combine its
sofa wide seats with its elegant interior decor—and 6 people
stretch out in style. The 1962 Mercury Monterey has all it
takes—to take you places in a big way. SPECIAL FEATURES:
Engines— super economy "6" or V.8 choice that includes
300 hp Marauder. 120 inch wheelbase and Cushion -Link suspen-
sion. Self -servicing features include new 6,000 mile oil change
cycle, chassis lubrication and coolant that last up to 30,000
miles, self-adjusting brakes, Big model choice of sedans,
hardtops, wagons and convertible, molts
Mr. and. Mrs. Jack Clemens
and family, Forest, visited on
Topics from
Russ and Chuck Snell
Mr. and Mrs, F. Squire at-
tended Exeter Fair on Thurs-
day and also visited with Mrs.
Edna Passmore.
Mr. and " Mrs, Don Pullen
and Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen
attended Zion anniversary on
Sunday and also visited Mr.
and Mrs. Angus Earl,
Mr. Frank Robinson and
Glenn attended Thorndale Fair
on Saturday and also visited
with friends.
Mr. George Arksey and Jean
attended Zion church anniver-
sary service on Sunday and
also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Sher -
will and Karen, London, were
Friday evening callers with
Mr. and Mrs. William Morley
Mrs. Mary Campbell, List.
owel, spent several days last
week with Mr. and Mrs. J.
Finkbeiner and. girls.
Mrs. William French was
winner of the Champion Cook
competition at Exeter Fair.
Mrs. Alex Baillie returned
home on Sunday from St.
Joseph's Hospital where she.
ha,,a,been a patient for ,a. feW
Whalen school won first prize
for marching and costume in
the parade at Exeter Fair.
Mrs. Arnold Hern, Woodham,
and Miss Norma Hern, RN,
London, were Thursday visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
liam Morley Sr.
Mr. arid Mrs, F. Squire spent
Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Knox, Stratford.
Mr, and Mrs. William Mor-
ley Jr. and family attended
Zion United Church anniver-
sary service on Sunday and
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Hern.
Mr. and Mrs, Wilson Morley,
Exeter, visited Mr, and Mrs.
Melville Gunning on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs, William Mor-
ley' Sr. were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hodgins,
Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Squire
spent several days last week
holidaying in the States going
as far as Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Bristol. Holden,
St. Marys, spent several days
Vl3ast week with Douglas and
illy Squire.
She: "Aren't you going to the
club tonight?"
He: "No, it's my turn to stay
home and be talked about,"
is V.
Plan bazaar
The September CWL meeting
Was held in the parish hall
Tuesday last with the Presi-
dent Mrs. Clem Boland con-
ducting the meeting.
Plans were made and dis-
cussed for the annual fall ba-
zaar to be held Wednesday,
November 8 in Mt. Carmel Hall
in the evening,
Recreation news
— Continued from page 18
large crowd had a fine time.
The local teen 'town had their
annual election of officers for
the coming season, Wayne Cul-
bert was again elected presi,1
dent with Frank Egan as vice-
president and Miss Carole
Davis as secretary -treasurer.
This year the teen town will
have a new approach on their
membership as they plan to
have membership cards which
will cost Sod for the season,
They are having a bake sale
on Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock at Nu -Way Motors on
Main Street and we urge all
the town folk to give the teen
town their best support to help
this bake sale be a big suc-
Saturday night. our reg-
ular dance will move upstairs
for the fall season, We hope
keep this
pilealimitic13d. attend will 1959 VAUXHALL ESTATE
'61 CMT
Special Price
More types of businesses can now obtain
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