The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 18Page 18 September 28, ]961
and district news
Phone BA 7.4255
....... ......... . . ..... ... ..
Wins $160
bingo 'pots
It usually takes six months
for someone to win one of the
Legion Auxiliary jack pots so
there was great excitement
when ,Mrs. Cecil Neil, after
only two months, won the $160
in only 61. calls at the Legion
Hall Thursday evening.
This is the first time the
money has remained in Lu -
can, though one jack pot was
won by Mrs, Roy Stanley of
St. Thomas, who is a former
Lacanite. Mrs. Neil and her
family have been consistent
weekly winners. For several
consecutive weeks, she won $6
each week.
Mrs. E. Glenn of Ailsa Craig
wort the first part of "Share
the Wealth", Mrs. Wilfred
Stocks of Lucan, the second
part and Miss Mary Young of
Birr, the full card prize.
Mrs. Lloyd Hayter and Mrs,
Grant Brooke of Lucan won
the first and second part of the
consecutive bingo and Mrs.
Roy Pepper of Exeter, the third
Mrs. John Smibert of Lucan
was a lucky winner, winning
the fourth, fifth and ninth
Mrs. Pat Crudge of Lucan
won the eleventh bingo and
shared the third with Mrs. Jim
Reader of Birr.
Solo winners included Mrs,
Wilfred Bieber of Clandeboye,
lvIiss Scanton of Parkhill, Miss
Margaret Kelly and Karol Neil
of Lucan.
The jack pot for next Thurs-
day returns to $150 in 52 calls.
Coffee Club news
Another Lucan member of the
CKSL Coffee Club, Mrs. Rich-
ard Davis of George St, was
lucky in having her name
drawn for a free hamper, last
On Thursday five members,
Mrs. Thos. Weller, Mrs. Wil-
fred Stocks, Mrs. Pat Crudge,
Mrs. George Miller and Mrs.
Harold Butler attended the
club's second free bowling
party, this time at the "Fleet -
way 40", London.
There was only the one sery-
k' in Holy Trinity Church on
Sunday and that was a family
communion service at 9 a.m.
but a large number attended
the Harvest Home service at
St. James' Church, Clande-
This week there will just be
one confirmation class on Wed-
nesday evening at 7.45 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 1 will be Har-
vest Home services at 11 a.m.
and 7 p.m.
Pentecostal Holiness Church
A good attendance was out
Friday night for the Young
Peoples' meeting when the
new president, Paul Graham,
was in the chair. Names were
drawn from a bag for his as-
sistants in the worship service
and for the program.
The speaker was Mr. Meine
Eizenga, who spoke on, "A
More Convenient Season",
The new pastor, Rev. E. A.
Gagnon, was in charge of both
church services. The quartette
composed of the pastor, Mr.
Jack Eizenga, Paul Graham
and Vicky Eizenga provided
special music at the evening
Teressa Leadbetter, Vicky
Eizenga, Lorraine Graha
Paul Graham and John Armi-
tage, on Sunday evening at-
tended a Youth for Christ meet-
ing at the London Beal Tech
where the film, "Trapped in a
Dark Valley", was shown.
United church
Superintendent, Mr. Cliff Ab-
bott, was• in charge of promo-
tion and Rally Sunday service
at 11 a,M.. The junior choir,
under their new leader, Miss
Lett' 1VIelntyre, led in the
Rev. G. W. Sach gave the
message and Mrs, Murray
liodgine, the children's story,
"The Church is There", Barb-
era Ready read the scripture
and Wayne Hodgins
led in the
responsive psalm. The offering
Was taken up by Barbara Park,
Jean Marie Lazicin, Gary Rev-
ington •and Ward. Hodgins.
Daisy Cebleigh, who had per-
fect attendance for two years,
Was presented With revised
Thirty-five members of the
Sunday Schoel were promoted.
Janie WaLker, Ruth Cour-
sey, Carol Thomson, Robert
Barr, Douglas Barr and Wil-
liam Barr received Robert
Raikes diplomas for attending
leaat 40 of the •52 Sundays.
Second year Seals were a -
Warded to ./tenette tare, Jef-
frey Park, Leslie Carling, Mar-
ilyn Hearn, Linda Cbursey,
Rose Coursey atid Donna Walk-
er; third year seals to Betty
Park, telt VValker, Eleanor
Welket and Oa* Reeingterl;
Feta* year. Seals t6 Nandy
Park, 'DeityCOhleigh, Patridia
Cobleigh, Margaret Cobleigh,
Way ee Hodgait, Barbara Park
And Ward froclgins,
Mid Special," Oct, 1 Will be
Weidd Coffin -Melee, "preparatioe
and eorrieltiziloti service and
tlet At Thanksgiving
CorresPorldent: Miss Lina Abbott
. . .
Rey. E. A. Gagnon
New pastor
from cobalt
Rev. Everett A. Gagnon has
been appointed pastor of the
Lucan Pentecostal Holiness
Church, to succeed Rev. Roland
Harrell, and has already taken
up his duties here,
Rev. Gagnon, who is a
brother-in-law of a former Lu -
can pastor, Rev. Fred Thom-
son, was born in Cobalt in 1927,
where he attended the public
and high school there.
At the age of 18 he entered
the Salvation Army Officers'
Training College in Toronto.
After graduation, he was com-
missioned, as an officer (equal
to ordination) and posted as
assistant in Dundas but later
transferred to Wingham and
Uxbridge to take charge of
Salvation Army work.
At Toronto in June 1960 he
was ordained as a minister in
the Pentecostal Ho lin e ss
Church and assigned to the
pastorate of the Georgetown
Pentecostal Holiness Church,
where he remained until com-
ing to Lucan.
The church here, known as
the Lucan Revival Centre, is
at present completing its base-
ment auditorium to provide
adequate Sunday School facili-
Rev. Gagnon is enthusiastic
and optamistic, not only for the
local church, but for the church
in general,
Mr. Gagnon is married and
is the father of five children.
Personal items
Mrs. Sheridan Revington,
daughter Marlene, and grand-
daughter Carla Revington were
Saturday guests of Mrs. Rev-
ington's mother, Mrs. Harry
McFalls of London.
Rev. E. M. Cook, who has
been holidaying in Chicago,
has returned tome and is look-
ing fine.
"Armagh" owned by the Ron
Crozier family won a third at
the Western Fair in the Junior
Horse Show and at Thorndale
Fair on Saturday it brought
further honors to the whole
Crozier family by winning one
first and two seconds.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hodgins
of London were Wednesday
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wes
A vital
May I start with a question
and an answer?
Upon what basis have freem
communities risen arid flour-
AlWays this: the people that
have made them and main-
tained them have been suf-
ficiently likeminded, sufficient-
ly alike in their purposes, in
their morals, in • their ambi-
tions'and ideals, in their views
of policy and method, to work
together spontaneously.
Let us then demonstrate
these qualities with one goal
in mind—that goal being mere-
ly to survive as individuals
and a community in the event
Ofr disaster,
For this reason the members
Of the Lucan Lions Club feel
it very necessary that a civil
defence unit he organized,
trained, and equipped in Lu -
t an
There are those of yott who
will immediately associate the
words "civil defenee" with a
disaster sueh as an atOrnie at-
tack, Yes, the two would rie
doubt ge together but since
We are not at war let us pre
parr also for a natural disas.
tet sueh as a •hurricane, flood,
earthquake, etc.
itt order for you to get a
glimpse of what is required of
us in regards to civil defence,
the Lioes Club has invited F.
A. Reynolds, cteordinator of
nubile Survival fot London and
Micidletek, County, to be guest
speaker at Out regular meet -
Ins Monday, Ott. 2 at 7.20
P.M. in. the basettitht of the
, A Church
It. Mutt be of vital intetest
lit you 16 'know what 16 do in
eh etergeney,
Everyttne is Welcoind and We
Invite you to take advantage
81 this Opporttinliy,
Bull kiUs
MedwaY school was elesed
Monday • afternoon for the fU-
neral of Howard B. Elson, who
was gored to death by a bull
•on Friday.
Rev. E. Q. Beacom Of ,the
Hyde park United .Church
conducted the funeral Service
at the A. Millard George Fu-
neral Home, London on Mon-
day with interment in Hyde
• ark cemelerY-
Many, members nf the Irving
Lodge, Liman, and other
No. 4 won't can friends attended •the Ma-
: • service under the aus-
pices of the Ashlar Masonic
bypass Birr Lodge of Byron, on Sunday eve-
ning, as well as the funeral on
Mr. Elson was county rep-
resentative on •the East Middle-
sex High School Board, He en -
The department of highways
has decided against re-routing
No,Uighway 4 to bypass the
village of Birr.
,About a year ago, Plans were
announced for rebuilding the
highway from Ticlerton road to
Elginfield and making it a
four -lane artery, This plan in-
, eluded bypassing Birr
The department maintained
this re-routing made it possible
to avoid the reconstruction of
two bridges over Medway Creek
1 and eliminated the problem of
a cramped right-of-way at Birr
Residents of Birr objected to
this plan, complaining that the
diverting of the highway would
Lucan pers
Dinner , ue s t s Wednesday
with Mrs. M. 0, Smith included
Rev. and Mrs, Stanley Johns-
ton of Toronto, Mrs. Les Fra-
ney and Mrs. Neil Lackie of
Waterloo and 'Ira. Louis Kil-
mer of Lucan.
Don Chown, whose recent
operation at Westminster Hos-
pital was most successful, is
still feeling not just the best.
Before entering Macdonald
Institute at Guelph on Sept, 21,
Miss Julia Crozier and her
mother spent a few days with
Mrs. Henry Mueller at Water
J. H. Steacy, aa blind cam-
paign chairman, has sent out
circulars urging all "to put the
world at the fingertips of the
Mrs. H. Hunter of Mt. Clem-
ens was a Thursday guest of
Mrs. John Casey-
Mrs. Ed. Pembleton (nee
Alary Neil), Brian and Bobby
will be spending the next year
with Mrs. Pembleton's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Neil, while
her husband is stationed in
Mrs. Don Downs of Water St.
last Sunday entertained at a
family dinner in honor of her
daughter Diane's second birth-
day. Guests included Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Pennington and
Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jef-
frey and Gary, Mr. and Mrs.
William Taylor and Donna and
Mr. Tom Downs, all of Lon-
The executive of the Lucan
Branch of the Canadian Can-
cer Society has planned a pub -
L.: meeting to be held Tues-
day, Oct. 3 at 8 p,m. in the
Anglican Parish Hall at which
it is hoped representatives
ifrom all local activities will be
Mrs. Willard G. Waterman
lof P'eterboro, her daughter
' Mrs. Spicer, Jeanette and Sus-
an of Millbrook have returned
home after a few days' visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier
and family.
Miss Marilyn, Brownlee of
Lucan and her friend Miss
Peggy Lang of St. Thomas, set
sail on Thursday from Mont-
real on the Empress of Britain
for, a two-month vacation in
Mrs. G. Patrick, Mrs. Mel
Culbert and Mary Jane and
Miss Lina Abbott were among
the many who attended Exeter
Fair, last Thursday.
Mr. Will Haskett, who ap-
parently was making rapid
strides towards recovery had
a slight setback and had to
return to St. Joseph's Hospital
but hopes to soon be home
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins
on Friday took the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, John
Blackwood (who had spent over
a week with them) home to
Toronto, returning to Lucan on
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage
on Saturday attended the Light-
foot-Faulder wedding in • St,
Mary's Chureh, Btinsley. Mrs.
Armitage and Margaret also
at tended the miscellaneous
shower for the bride -elect on
Tuesday which was held at St.
Mary's church.
Terry Culbert who hat been
an "after-school" and holiday
employee of CFPL TV is now
a full time employee.
Miss Flo Chown of the St.
Thomas -Elgin HoSpita 1,It
spending a few days with her
sister, Miss Reta Chown of
Alice St.
"Howard Rosecroft" a n d
"Sister Harmony" each won a
second At the Monticello Race-
way, N,Y. on Friday and Sat.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgine of
Oweri So took Mr. and Mrs.
Wes liodgins to their home
Thursday for a few day's va-
cation, bringing them back On
Mr. and Meg. A. M. llcdden
ef Lueazi, Mr. and Mrs. George
McLean and Mite Muriel Iled.
den Of Winnipeg were Wednes.
day guests Of MM. Clifford
&Oa' of St, Zinnias.
Mr, and Mrs, gran llodgins
were Sunday gtztetS ?it Mr. and
MrS, doe SOUthatt a Hatillitori.
Weekend 0We with Mr, and
Mrs. her? MOrdp inoluded Mr,
Clair Smalt ?if' Calitntrda, Mr,
and Mts. le Muttly of
Xiteliezier, KM Cgreilt 746(11.
len and Mr, Pettey Melitis Of
Own Sotted lied M. lid. Mot-
tiof CliXtharn,
tered mi
unicipal politics n 1951
as a councillor. He was deputy
reeve in 1952-53, reeve in 1954,
1955 and 1956. In 1956 he was
elected warden of Middlesex.
Ile was a past master of
Ashlar Lodge and a steward
in Hyde Park United Church.
ruin business and drop property
values, About 60 persons held
a meeting opposing the by-
passing plan.
A department official re-
ports reconstruction is sched-
uled for next year.
onal items
Mr. and Mrs. H, B. Langford
of Lucan and Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Langford of London have
returned from a 10 -day vaca-
tion at Sudbury and Fort
Frances. At Sudbury they call-
ed on Mr. Don Park (formerly
of Lucan) and at Fort Frances
were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Barney Maher, daughter and
son-in-law of Mr. and 'Mrs.
Fred Langford. Most of the
trip they enjoyed fine weather
but did run into a snow storm
near Fort Frances,
WI aids MD, .CW8 Recraation,
cancer group, child.
Opening fag meeting of the at the community _centre.
Lucan WI was held in the cpm- The branch hopes to be able
menity .mernerial centre 'Blurs- to continue the making of can -
day evening With the president, eer dressingbut it will be
Mrs. C. IL, George., in, the necessary to secure a sums-
chairsor to Mr, I3enny Saulnier, who
Mrs. Harold Hodgins capably moved to Acton with the organ
enlarged on the home ecettom. faetory. AU were asked to at -
les and health Irma°, "Build tend the meeting of the ',mean
Health by Thought, Word and branch of the cancer society
Deed." To assist, she read an scheduled Inc early in October
appropriate article showing the when it is hoped a .soccessor
ibmuipldorintagntuppeorft htletoaultgill:ts, words pan be seCured,
and deeds can play in the The remainder of the meet-
ing was given over ton dis-
she said the repeating of, eussion on the list of resolutions
"Every day and every way 1 to be presented at the October
am better and better", does convention and a vote taken
help. for worry is a great de. as ,to bow the Lucan delegates
gstiii'losYeerndeodf .11b1;ss,ayklinogd: Should vote on eagh•
her taik Mrs, Frank Hardy, as lanph
convener was assisted by Mrs.
Harold Hodgins, Mrs, John
Park .and Mrs, Wes Atkinson.
person," Ahappy Person is a healthy
• The roll call of "My favorite
household quick trick", brought Pigeon races
forth many useful hints.
It was Voted to again assist
isenoannTtalalgieag illnianvnuodi elVdde WesAtkin-
lohektowneanie 1.51 t3ht 1.1 and
n ef rfOmrrit eGre °rragcee.
races. From Kaladar his pigeon
after the placing of boxes In Mr. Clarence Hardy came 14th
places of business. and his 12 -Year-old son Tom,
The sum of $5.0Q was voted 15th,
to the CNIB and on the re-
quest of the Lucan branch cam-
Paigp chairman, Jack Steacy,
it was decided the WI would
take over arrangements for the
annual CNIB tag day on Sat-
urday, Sept. 30, Mrs. Sheridan
Revington, viceinesident, and
Mrs. C, IL George, president,
consented to contact girls for
the tagging.
Lucan "WI will unite with
Clandeboye WI in the "adopt-
ing" of an overseas' child,
On September 16 Mr, Frei*
Hardy competed in two pigeon
Mrs, Murray Hodgins and
Mrs. Sheridan Revington were
named delegates for the Oct.
10 and 11 convention in Lon-
don. A number of others vol-
unteered to attend some of the
Mrs. Murray Hodgins con-
ducted a lively sing -song.
The president announced the
next millinery course was
scheduled for Feb. 26, 27, 28
The first class in altiminuM
etching :get under way on Wed-
nesd.ay, Sept. 20 at ,p.,m, with
Personal Items
Airs. Les WilIs:minr$ViewtoruliapUal, London a.
aHanover a we -71;r .a:acic4delllt:114.t:
also visited ;her daughter Xj.4.5;
DOrgall. Willa At her home -,01
Sunday visitors with Mr,. and:
a fair turnout ,Qn hand, We- 100,11• Mrs. WilhArn AY1eSteelt
folirwner4tiogi:s.51!.etter. cr0.wd fOr ,pludo messr$, Brian Brawl.
wane ,and Earla Rodney of To -
On Friday evening we had a ronto, Mr. Cpcil..Jacksen, Mise
big western show at the arena, Etta .Jackson: And Mrs, James
fToliris:t.lit'l 14 11) etaliseoni,aa,i,the:bief as thol; Rez: ,oand Af rs.Stratford.jackcm n
stars. were in fine voice for and family of Toronte were,
this show and as usual the weekend guests of Mrs, Cuip
—Please -turn to 'page j9 mina' father, Mitchell Haskett
In The Anglican Parish Hall
8 M.
All able-bodied men, women and young people 1
from Lucan and Area to hear about
it, •
.- .
Monday, October 2
• 7 P.M. I,
Co-ordinator of Public Survival
for London and Middlesex
4110111011111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111/111 .. I ... IIIIIIIMMIII111/1111/11111111111tf111111111111111110
• •
e . ....................................................................
,•••••••. ,
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