HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 17I would like to lake this op- portunity to say "thank you" Lo and relatives for the lovely shower gifts which 1 recieved prior to my mar - rine, A special thank:, to the ones who got .the two showers up. -Mary Gibson. 28* We would like to thank all OM friends, neighbors and relatives for the lovely and most useful wedding presents, A speeial thanks to Shiplca community for the lovely chair and lamp and also to the folks who work in the airmen's mess for the toaster. It was most thoughtful . of you. -Fred and Mary Gibson, 28"' The family of the late, Mrs. Eliza Sims wish to thank all !friends, neighbors and rola- lives for kindness shown dur- ing their recent bereavement. 1 • 28* DEATHS — HARTMAN - Joseph Peter, 3 - month -old twin son of Mr, and Mrs. Joe Hartman, pass- ed away suddenly in his crib Tuesday, September 26. Be- sides his parents he is sur- vived by his twin brother, John Paul, and three sisters, Judith, Vicki and JoAnn• grandparents Mr, and- Mrs, Herb Hartman, London, and Air, and Mrs. Art Haugh, Dashwood. Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman funeral home pending funeral arrange- ments, 28c fits; MEMORIAM— kvArr-In memory of My be- loved Dad, Captain Pilot Ian Af, Watt, who died four years ago, October 1, 1957, 4nd a dean .mother wi) died one Iyear ago, October 22, 1960- 1aith looks beyond the time of I grief and pain, 1For love will always abide and we shall meet, again - 1. -.Lovingly remembered by their daughter, Marian Sweet and family. 28e • ..,• . • ,., ...-;-.:1•-d,•,‘:',,,,.;'• Comments about . Kippen By MRS, NORMAN LONG . . Personal items Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Hut- chison of St, Thomas were weekend visitors of the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Aiellis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wahl of Listowel were Sunday pests of Mr, and Mrs, Norman Dickert, Mr, and Airs. Nelson Riley, Marlene and Eleanor, returped Friday from Malford, Indiana, where they attended the fune- ral of Mrs. Riley's cousin, Mr, John Doig of Grand Rap- ids, Mich., visited during the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Lydia Doig who is ill in Victo- ria Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Kerr, Winthrop, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs, Elston DoWson. Kippen Rally Rally Day service at United Church, Kippen, was well at- tended and was conducted bY Rev. E. New of Monkton. Rev. IL Johnston conducted anniversary services at Beth- esda on 'the Monkton charge. The junior choir sang. The story was given by Sharon Mc- Bride "The Church is There," The leaflets were given out at the door by Margie Elgie and,, Leslie Mae Lostell. TMS E; INENDYK ..- Air. and Mrs. Henry Binnentlyk, RR 1Kip• pen, announce the birth of a son, Alichael Henry, at Smith tqrpn Hospital, September 23-a brother for John, VIVID - Mr. and Mrs, .Jc'1 Boyd, Pembroke, announce the birth of jdaughter at South ifuron Hospital, Sep tember 26. rr,VERV-Mr. and Mrs. Pieter FeVorY, RR 1 Clandeboyc trwounce the birth of a son, #11nmy, at South Muton Hos- pital, September 25-a bro- ther for Marlyn. K'NSMAN-Mr. and Mrs. Ro. bell Kinsman, Kippen, are happy to announce .the birth of a son, Lyle Gordon, at Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea - forth, September 25, ItlfliTSSRAU--1#1oyd and Gloria Mousseau (nee Twitchell), RR 2 Heesall, are happy to an- ratince the birth of a (laugh. ter at Clinton Public Hos- p'tal. Seoleinher 26-a sister for Barry, Bradley and Frankic, 11PGIER. - Mr, and Mrs, Leo Regier, RR 8 Parkhill, an- nonnee the birth of a &ugh - OW, Regina Marie, at St. Jo. vph's Hospital, September • 11. 1fl'OMJ"SON -Vincent and ;11 a r 1 y n Thompson (nee Ryan), Parkhill, wish to an. nounce the hirth of a daugh- ter, Cindy Lou Ann, at . Joseph's Hospital, London, ENGAGEMENTS— • Mr. and Airs. Bruce Cann, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Susanna, to Mr, Ro- bert James Gray, Ottawa, son of Mrs. Joseph Gray and the late Mr. Gray, Vancouver, B.C. The wedding will, take place at' 2.30 o'clock, Saturday, October 21, 1961, at the Pentecostal Tabernacle, Exeter, Ontario. pIRTHS NO OHAPOR cArips OP THANKS 76e gNOAGEMENT$, ....... . . 76e IYInMORIAMS 1,1,00 (Foerdine verso) gxtra vorsoo, each 25c CARPS QF THANKS, We would Rice to thank our friends and relatives for the many kindnesses shown to tis at the lime of our accident, Special thanks to Dr. J. C. God- dard, Mr, Burgess, of St-jo- seplfs Service Station, West. lake Ambulance and staff of South Huron Hospital, Exeter -Erie and Blearier Mansfield, 28e 281, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Davis, Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Lillian Irene, to Mr. Gordon Melville Marquardt, son of Mr, and Mrs. Henry Marquardt, RR 2 Mitchell, Ont. The wed- ding to take place on Saturday, October 28 at St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Zurich, Ontario. 28* Mr. and Mrs. A. Garnet Hicks, RR 3 Exeter, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathryn Blanche, to Mr, Douglas Alvin Fulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton, RR. 3 Exeter. The wedding to take place on Saturday, October 14, at 2 o'clock, James Street United ra, Exeter, Ontario. 28nc CARDS OF THANKS -- Alice and Alden Walker offer sincere thanks to relatives and friends for all good wishes and kindnesses extended to them while Alice was in hospital and since returning home, Especially they remember and appreciate the thoughtfulness and generosity of their neigh - hors and the sustenance of their minister and his family. 28* It gives me great pleasure to thank all those who remember- ed me in any way, also the doctors, the nurses and. staff, while a patient in South Huron Get More Out Of Life Hospital. -W. J, Passmore. Airs. J. AL Southeott thanks GO TO A MOVIE! 28c all who so kindly remembered her with flowers, visits, treats and cards and in any way while a patient in South Huron Hos- pital. It was much appreciated. 28nc I would like to say "thank you" to all who remembered me with cards, flowers and visits during mystay in hos- pital. -Jim Grassick. 28c • Brownie s Drive In LIMITED 41: CLINTON - ONTARIO Featuringthe Largest Wide i Screen n Huron County 2 Shows Nightly, Rain or Clear Box Office Opens 7:45 First Show at 8:00 ADMISSION: 65 CENTS Children Under 12 In Cars Free 44.4.444.4.4.4...:444.44,4444.444.4.4s THURSDAY & FRIDAY September 28, 29 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "For the Love of Mike". (Comedy) ; (Color) (Scope) Richard Basehart, Rex Allen "f.reckles" (Wai) (Scope) Martin West, Carol Christensen (ONE CARTOON) SATURDAY ONLY September 30 DOUBCE FEATURE Oregon Passage (COlOr) (Scope) . . hii Erickson, Lola Albright Joy Ride' Regii Toohey (ONE dAkt0ON) THURS,, FRI., SAT. — SEPT. 28, 29, 30 Ed Sullivan *am 'THIS IS REALLY THE BIG SHOW' ESTHER CLIFF WILLIAMS • ROBERTSON ONEMASCOP5 COLOR by DR {Mt/ wa.......o..**••••••••••••••••••••M•••••••••••••M MON., TUES., WED, — OCTOBER 2, 3, 4 The ribald, Impudent. but always moving account of the encounter between a girl -of - the -streets in a Grecian seaport town... and the American who wants to rescue her from her desperate (or is it?) situation... ibiLINAMCIMURI L0,141Puto#4 Writteni4 by JULES IDASSIIP4 RESTRICTED to persons 18 years of age and over COMING SOON ! TH4LIIYTRg BRINGS OCTOBER 5, 6, 7 -- "MISTY" with David Ladd OCTOBER 8 MIDNIGHT SHOW—Technicolor Thriller • "Revenge of Frankenstein!" LYRIC THEATRE Phone 421 EXETER First Show /(30 Second Show 9:30 Matinee 2:00 p.m. outh group t holds retreat By MRS. M. FAIST CREDITON The Crediton gUii Youth Fellowship held its planning retreat on September 10 at St.! Jesepifs. The results of the election of officers are: Pres. id en t, Eric Fink b einer ; vice.. president, Janet Morlock; sec -i retary, Fay Schlenker; treas- nrer, Larry Itatz. Rev, Sehlenkt,r took charge, of .devotions and a Bible study.' Personal items A barbecue followed. family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Entice and sons, and Mrs. Tillie Lang and father, Mr. John lcutz, ail of FtlinwOod, were callers with oltrev,amainicloroMurys. oAn Sunday nindSayeblenic- Air. Ross Wein of Guelph spent the weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Einerson Wein and family. Mr. Edward Chambers and sisters, Mrs. E. Goeden and Miss Elizabeth Chambers, all orel- attiv\eVs°°hdesit•°edidll vlik'srlitdeady."11 Mrs. G. E. Leslie and chil- dren of London spent last week with her parents, Mr. .and Mrs, W. D. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade ,and girls, or gainlitan, visited with the foriner's parents; Mr. and Mrs. John Wade and John. 21/ 1111 Sunday. The flitIS .and Boys ship rendered a summer Christ. Inas, Tree program ,on Sunday in the Sunday Sehbol hour. A Christmas tree with lighted. mulles was on a 'ttible and nn offering was taken for ehsi .dren's work in Japan. On 'Tuesday :evening a meet- ing was held in the BUB dwelt where the ladles gave the pro- gram of the Denominational ' Day of Prayer service with Mr. .Calvin Fahrner speaking of Ms work while he was in Germany, Rev, A. M. Schlenk- er took charge of a peace et Hanna nininstinmmmutrunlientimillninum inumMIIMMIntionimninnimmatrannininillpi Air, and Airs, Wilmar Wein 1 and Barbara attended the Ben- ediet-ltIanclers wedding on Sat- urday at Watford, Mrs. John Ayres, Robin and Randy are moving to Toronto on October 1 as F/L John Ayres was posted. there for some time. Mr, and Mrs, Ross Krueger attended the funeral of a rela- tive at Kitchener recently. Mr, and Mrs, Max Bushell and family of Holyrood called on Mrs, M. Faist and other friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Barber of Detroit visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Morlock last Wed- nesday. Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. William Haviland were Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Haviland and Heather of Erindale and Air. and Mrs. Viet Marchant of Schomberg. Miss Sandra Finkbciner of Aylmer and Mr, Bill Arrnes of Ingersoll spent the weekend with the formers' parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Finkbeiner and Exeter Lions Club PAPER DRIVE Monday, October 2 STARTING AT 9 A.M. Please Have Your Bundles Out Early PROCEEDS IN AID OF BOY SE:OUTS ,,,,,, 0,00000001 ,,, numnsem ,, ,,,, ,,,,, 1000100110100101111141001111010001111101 ,, I ,,, The 'TimosAthocate4. September 28, 1961 ,,Page prayer ineeting that followed. ,Dender. Alr. and Mrs. Fred Cunning -1 Mr. And MP. .fienty: DeeltertS to Centralia, Mrs. Mabel Mr. end Mrs. Unto Decker :allOt eir, London,. Mr. Ray Belerling.;family. Destined, r. and Mrs - Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Allen Schmidt, Kitchener, :snenc Decker and Jimmie 'spent Sun. Sunday with Mr. and Mr. day with Mr. and Mrs, William 'mar Pfaff and family. NOTICE • • First Aid Trainiiig. Under the auspices of ST. JOHN AMBUte ANCE, a class of training in FIRST AID TO THE INJURED will be bold in EXETER TOWN HALL. starting at 800 p.m, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 (For men and women) This class will continue every Thursday night.for seven weeks followed by an oral and practical examination in First Aid on the eighth There will be an enrollment fee of $4.00 per person. Each candidate will receive a text book and practice bandages. Successful candidates will receive the St. John Ambulance Certificate in First I Aid or -the next higher Award to which they are entitled. Enrolment will be on opening night. INSTRUCTOR C. A. MAGEE 001010 ,,,,,, 00100001101000001010 ,,, , 0 lllllllll 000000000111101110010100111011101111111100101 ll I ll 1101801014 ,piig,„rap THE TIME TO GET READY — 15 NOW! 1 rim% •Nmat mom. 011.1111•1%. AMINO a. de WINTER DRIVING HELPS I .....•••••• ••••••••••••.......•••• I Moto.Master PURGE - Combination cleaner and conditioner. Removes rust. scale, sludge. etc, . cleans entire cooling , system Twtn can • Bellows or Pellet Type THERMOSTATS - Original equip. Quality For top engine temperature control, efficient A 11 fid heater performance. From COOLING SYSTEM CONDITIONER - Works 5 ways to pre- I vent and cure most common causes of cooling system nal failure Works with any anti -freeze, 8 -oz, can 100% APPROVED ETHYLENE GLYCOL . 61 2 PERMA. ILL ANTI -FREEZE (and OONDITIONFR I RAD. HOSE - Resists ant: - freeze, etc, Moulded -- en as low RS • „ ...... • "". HEATER HOSE -- ResistA eorrosion, etc. Per ft from .17 • RAD FLUSH ettioennevradtiator Aefo R oz O8n I11 • IMprOven circula FAN BELTS - Prevents overheating, anti freeze orm, loss. From IGNITION SPRAY -- Stops common ignition OS troubles, 6 -oz. RAD SOLDER Permanently seat. teaks Liquid •44 10,ee, can Heavy -Dote Heater Mntn - 6 or 12 volt s.25 Rirliatni• Hnse Connectine Assembly ........... ,20 Elbows - from ..„„ .22 Heater "V" - from .57 Heater Shot Offs, from .72 Vaeourn Control Shnt.Off - far waist 'Ford nrncl• H (sate e Temp Peculator Valve -- For mast For0 nreich lets From 2 25 A complete selection el postern beater fittines for late Miyiel cars at Can, adtan Tire. N's• HEATER REPAIR PARTS• --ENGINE ----------"M; system SOoz. can .69 SAVE UP TO 40% WATER PUMP Att Exch. Tested to new car stand- ards. Guaran- teed. From If CHOKE CONVERTER Makes automatic chokes manual 1 95 NEW PROCESS TO "CUSTOM PROTECT" 1 1960-61-62 CARS— Safest for New Cars – Best for All Cars ! DATED on top of the can to ensure you get "new season pack" FILL UP NOW with Canada's safest all-weather, "always" protection PERMA FILL, Specifical- ly formulated to safeguard the metals of the newer cars (metals that corrode under the action of former top-rated anti -freeze) dated on the top of the can "to be sure"! Perma•Fill gives you the finest Ethylene Glycol to start with, and, of course, protects against foaming, rust, clogging, boil -away and freeze -ups anitr fustem °nee' virmiur • .89 • GAL. QT. .78 .C13R7C-4111..". POSITIVE PROTECTION -AT EXTRA SAVINGS OLAR" BRAND 97.5% Pure Ethylene Glycol Permanent ANTI -FREEZE Compares with well known brands selling at much higher prices. Recommended for all tars and trucks (except cer- tain late model, which re- quire the "built-in" EXTRA contained in the new process Penne Fill, listed above), .49 GAL. OT. .69 BRAND NEW—NYLON CORD a4000.000mm44.0....0000•01000001111111.1.'' 4010010.000(0401444***40m4 50/0 EXTRA BONUS for CASH BUYERS 2. 'ea New 5% Cash Discount Notes They LOOK like MONEY! They FEEL like MONEY!! SPEND them as td, :AONEY at Canadian Tirelll Deduct Extra 56/6 Cosh Discount From All Prices Shown tie Pit y• • • , . 4Ig • V, • Grip and Go in Ice and Brand neW tire safety at about the price you'd expect to oav for a retread Deep bit. ing traction tread will "emir, go" .whore von want to got Ride worry frac this winter at the lowest possible cost! • VEL Snow 600/16 OR 670/15 t$ No 'AS With 95 1 95 track) rrada Similar to prices en ether sizes Radd,Hettard insurance 5.Year Guarantee J 436 Main St Exeter Phone 451 Milton Robbins & Son Ltd, 0