HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 13The Times -Advocate, Septembe, 8, 1961 Page 13. t wcnt 'shelterfrom the 'fall -out' of classified buy FO.R SALE - ,SLAB WOOD, dry mixed, 10 cords delivered $30.00. Apply in writing to Robert Eagleson, RR 1 .Ailsa Craig, stating street number in town or concession in township, or phone Nairn 232-4450 before 8:00 a.m. or be- tween 5:30 and 7:00 p,m. 6:ltfnc FILTER QUEEN sales and service. Bob Peck, RR 1 Zur- ich, phone Hensall 696r2. 8:31tfne ROASTERS, Arbor Acre White Rocks, Les Parker, phone 748 Exeter. 9:7tfne APPLES—Ali leading varieties of fall and winter apples; also cooking apples and crimson crab apples, Phone your orders to Victor Jeffery, 692W3 Exeter, 28:5c '57 PLYMOUTH, V -8 -automatic, radio, sportstone, washer s, backup lights, the works, Phone 511 Exeter. 9:21tfnc CORN PICKER, M -M, used, 4 years old, half price. Wayne McBride, phone Hensall 279W1, 21:28:5* MacINTOSH NOW PICKING COOKING APPLES Delicious and Spy to follow. Many other varieties. Some pears and plums left. Pick up at McKENZIE'S PAINT STORE Phone 253 21:28:5c BOY'S JACKET, winter, white leather, pile lined, worn one season, size 16 years, half price. Apply Mrs. Harry Coates, phone 48r15 Kirkton. 28c FURNACE, New Idea, in fair- ly good condition, Phone 151 Dashwood, 28c CORNER CUPBOARD, glass doors; Axminster rug, 9'x12'; 26" balloon bicycle tire; un- lined drapes. Apply 77 Main St,, Exeter, phone 466W. 28* FEED TURNIPS, very reason- able, H. Rooseboom, RR 2 Hensall, phone 92r13 Zurich. 28:5c WINTER COAT SET, 3 -piece, 'Little Nugget," size 3, yellow with fur trim, in excellent con- dition. Phone AC 8-6858. 28c TEAM of Percheron horses, good single or double. Apply William Westlake, RR 3 Ex- eter. 28* DEEP `FREEZE, 16 cu. ft. up- right, home freezer, space in r for juices, perfect condi- , ., $250.00 for quick sale. hone 442 Exeter. 28c COOK STOVE, enamel, med- ium size, good. condition. Apply John Anderson, RR. 2 Hensall. 28* SUFFOLK RAM, Registered, will exchange for same or sell. Alton Neil, Granton, phone 29r10, 28* 2 HEIFERS, Shorthorns, regis- tered dual purpose, one fresh with heifer calf by side; also 18 month old bull eligible for registration. Filmer Chappel, Cromarty, phone 44r12 Dublin. 28:5* FOR SALE -- FREE — Part Persian kittens,• Call 676 Exeter, 28e FOR RENT— APARTMENT, 3 large rooms, heated, share bath; adults. Phone 59M. 8:31tfnc APARTMENT, furnished or un- furnished, with bath, automatic oil furnace, separate entrance; no pets please. .Apply 169 Wil- liam St. or phone 400W. 8:24tfnc APARTMENT, upper, furnish- ed, private entrance, bath and toilet; couple only. Apply 109 Huron St.,Exeter. 9:7*tfnc APARTMENT., furnished, heat- ed, centrally located; available at once. Apply Beavers Crest Hardware. 9:14tfnc APARTMENT, furnished, one bedroom, heated, available Oc- tober 1. Apply 317 William St., Exeter, evenings. 21:28* APARTMENT, furnished, low- er, 4 rooms, hot and cold water, heated, immediate po- session, no pets, Apply 59 John St. 9: 2ltfnc HOUSE, 4 -bedroom, 21/2 miles east of Centralia airport, 4 - piece bath, oil heat, garage, possession October 1, Apply Exeter Times -Advocate. 28* APARTMENT, 3 room, heated, centrally located, available No- vember 1. Apply 365 William St, or phone 17W Exeter. 9:28tfnc TO SUBLET to the end of October, duplex house in Ex- eter, 2 bedrooms. Phone Cent- ralia AC 8-6611, Local 289, LAC McAuley. 28c BULL, Aberdeen Angus, Dry- nochmere (4), registered, 4 years old, Registration No. 169242, previously owned and bred by G. B. Beatty, Richmond Hill. Apply Harry Faber, RR 1 Hensall. 28c, BABY CARRIAGE, yellow and silver grey, converts to car bed. Apply Mrs. Fred. Darling, 237 Sanders SL E., Exeter, 28c APPLES, several varieties. Pick your own! Joe Dietrich, Mt. Carmel, phone Dashwood 163r2. 28:5* CORN BINDER, John Deere, with loader and Massey -Harris blower With pipes; also Cock- Shutt beet lifter. Contact Gil- bert Johns, 104r18, or Lorne 'cord, 104r7 Kirkton. 28:5* WANTED TO RENT — HOUSE, 3- or 4 -bedroom, with- in commuting distance of Cent- ralia. Phone AC 8-6611, Local 226, F/L Wilson. 28* WANTED — MALE ROOMER, breakfast if desired. Apply Box ECE, Times - Advocate, Exeter. 28* PERSONAL — BALLET-TAP Graded Ballet &' Tap Lessons EVERY WEDNESDAY Exeter Public Library 4to8p.m. ERRINGTON STUDIOS London Liliane Marleau Graham, L.F.A., director 9:21tfnc MISCELLANEOUS — IF YOU HAVE no use for a dog or a full grown cat, it can he used for worthwhile experi- ments inpolio and cancer. Bring it to L. V. Hogarth, 324 Senior St,, Exeter, or phone 653. 21:28c SERVICES -- ELECTROLUX sales and ser- vice. Bert Harris, 109 New- gate St., Goderich, phone JA 4-7917. 27:10*tfnc ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 5: 25*tfnc �OADLOOM rug, maroon, 9x12, good condition. Phone e 111J Dashwood. SPRAYED APPLES, St. Law- rence, Wolf River, Macintosh. Orders taken for winter ap- hies, Phone EIU 2-3214, Fred McClytnont & Sons, 1 mile south of Varna, 9:28tfnc MODEL CONTEST — Here's your chance, kids, to show your skill and win a trophy. Any model purchased at our store is eligible. Entries judged October 1(3. Annual 88¢ Toy Sale now on! Save on Christ- mas toys: Beavers Crest Hard- ware, phone 86, 28c GIR,L'S WINTER COAT, full length, size 8, grey tweed with grey fur collar, good condition, Phone 96 Exeter. 28c G'.EHL 72 CHOPPER, forage wagon and blower, Used only one season, Apply. Willy Koller, 13R 1 Mitchell, phone 348-8258 1\litchell- 28:56 CORN PICKER, Massey -Har- ris, used two seasons, ehean. Phone 32r18 Grand Bend. 284' McSTEPl4EN AUTO WRECKERS RR # 1 Crediton PHONE AC 8.6214 Used Anil Rebuilt Parts Guaranteed 1 :k of Centralia Air 'Base) °rPickup' aid Deliver rte Y 9:28tfne Bruce Refrigeration REAL ESTATE FARM, 50 ACRES, sandy learn, good buildings and water sup- ply, located in locality of Kip - pen. Apply Box HEK, Times- Advocate. 28:5c NEW HOUSE, 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, utility, living room. Mortgage arranged, Phone 386M Exeter 4:20tfnc FARM, 1.00 acres, good, level. producing land, in Centralia district, good buildings, good water supply and hydro. Ap- ply John Rolko, Lot .8, Conces- sion 2, Biddulph, Phone BA 7- 4582- 8;3140:5* COTTAGE, 11 storey, Main. Street, Hensall, all newly dec- orated, built-in cupboards, 3 or 4 bedrooms, bath, oil heat, low V PICKARD taxes. Ross JaquesHensall , q , Ont. 21;28;5*, AREAL ESTATE FARM, 50 acres, good produa Ing land,.gond buildings an,.. good water supply, east of Ex- eter, Lot 171/2, Concession 4, Usborne, Apply Ambrose Kpri- ;cina, TI 1 Clandeboye, phone tAC $-627$. 21:28:5* 'SUMMER COT'rAGE, 3 bed- room, furnished, 2 miles north of Grand Bend in Highland No, 2, Phone Lucan BA 7-4226. 280 HOUSE 3 bedroom,ranch style, w With fireplace and base - !moll, a substantial down pay- ment required, owner will hold mortgage at 51/2°%, Apply 236 Huron St. East, Exeter. 9:28tfnc For Sale 3 - FAMILY apartment, fully rented; $10,500 with terms, Buy this with $2,500 down and let it pay for itself. 3 - BEDROOM BRICK, down- town, on Main St., vacant now. Priced right with $4,000 down. 4 -BEDROOM BRICK, beautiful lot, garage, outside barbecue. House in nice condition, 2 bath- rooms; well located. 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE, Main St., 2 - car attached garage, large lot. Price reduced to $7,500, 3 -BEDROOM cottage, full base- ment, well. located. Price $6,500 cash. Early possession. BUTCHER BUSINESS, in good village, doing a nice business. No competition. .Building and equipment, $8,500 with terms, and taxes only $40.00. We have a nice modern brick house located on 56 acres of excellent .land, good water. The price is only $10,500 and is located on a highway. SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 224 GRAND BEND 12:17tfc ACHESON'S DEAD STOCK ser- vice; $1.00 per 100 lbs,, plus bonus, for dead, old or disabled horses and cattle. Please phone promptly to Atwood Zenith 34900 (no toll charge) or Atwood 356- 2622 collect. Seven-day service. License No. 103C61. 5:18tfnc HADCO WELL DIGGING—Ma- chine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira. MO 9-3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 27:10*tfnc SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED -- Immediate Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu - can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7- 4312 collect. 539*tfnc FOR PROMPT service, seven days a week, highest cash prices paid, according to size and condition, for dead or dis- abled animals, phone Ed An- drews, 863W1 Seaforth. Truck licensed under Dead Stock D i sp o's a 1 Act, Licence No. 66C61. 8:7-12:29* ILL HEALTH—First see your doctor. Bring your prescrip- tions to Middleton's Drugs, successors to Johnston Drugs, phone 447 Exeter. 4:20tfnc KITCHENER UPHOLSTERY— Expert re -upholstering, re -fin- ishing and repairing all types of furniture, Work guaranteed. For free estimates and prompt service, phone 81, Exeter. 6 1.5tfnc SANITATION SERVICE-- Sep- tic tanks pumped, and general repairs, for immediate service phone Grand Bend 205, Bill Finch, 9:21 6* ' 11:3.... WE GIVE, the following ser, vides; Body work; complete paint. jobs, $45.00; Wax jobs, $10,00; 1sie tele repairs, John Katz, 103 Simcoe St,, phone 993W, 28:5:12e __.. CUSTOM WORK, corn picking. Phone Bob Galloway, Crediton 234.6279, 28:5:12e John Burke Real Estate and Insurance Devon Building, Main St., Exeter Salesman: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter 7c FOR SALE DEER PARK LODGE BAYFIELD, ONTARIO This popular resort park con- sists of nine rental_ cottages, completely equipped and fur- nished, the proprietor's five - room home, more than 330 feet of private, sandy beach, excel- lent site for a motel or trailer camp and ample outdoor games area. The present owner finds this a profitable business and his only reasons for selling are personal. As this excellent • property is being offered at the end of the summer season the asking price has been reduced by more than 20 per cent. For complete information or appointment to inspect call HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker 38 Hamilton St., Goderich Dial JA 4-7272 14:21:28:5c WM. PEARCE, REALTOR 86 Anne St., Exeter 200 acres, Exeter, within can- ning factory limits, 200 acres, Seaforth, cash crop or livestock farming. 200 acres, Dashwood, suitable for livestock or cash crop. Two 150 acre farms, in Exeter area. 143 acre farm, in Hensall dist- rict, 100 acre farm, level land, good buildings. Can be purchased as 100 acres, 75 or 50. Act fast on this one. Other. 100 acre farms. Practically sold out of houses. would appreciate listing your home. • For listings or showing above property mentioned, contact RUSS BRODERICK, Agent Box 124, Phone 1187W 21;28:5c REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE FOUR-BEDROOM home, web located in Exeter, on nicely treed lot. This house is in good condition, One bedroom and bathroom downstairs, Modern conveniences throughout in- cluding oil burning furnace. Low taxes. Moderate price, Terms, We have clients prepared to buy. If you wish to sell, see us. We also solicit your business for any type of general insur- ance. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 165 and 628 8:24c NEW two-bedroom brick house with attached garage and full basement. It's plastered, has natural woodwork throughout, 4 -piece tiled bath, oil furnace, 1.00 amp. service, glass -lined 2000 watt water heater, and many other features. See this attractive Exeter home. Ken Ottewell, phone 995W. 9:21tfnc GUARANTY TRUST HENSALL — Solid brick, well located, Main Street residence, suitable for single family or two apartments — garage — all modern conveniences. To set- tle estate. HENSALL — Two-family brick residence, garage, well located with all modern conveniences. Nicely decorated throughout. Terms available. HENSALL — Two-bedroom cot- tage—modern kitchen, oil heat, two -car garage. Terms avail- able. HENSALL — Four - bedroom brick residence — modern kit- chen, well located on highway with extra corner lot. Terms available to responsible party. We have several good farms available from 50 to 180 acres, all complete with buildings. Your enquiries invited. GUARANTY TRUST Realtor R. B. PATERSON Phone 51, Hensall. 21:28c REAL ESTATE.. WILFRED McINTEE Rea Itor LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US FOR PROMPT ATTENTION. WE HAVE BUYERS for homes, farms and small busi- nesses. WNYRENT? ...... .......... BUY! T — N, Jiv- ing EXEroomER, dining ew3-bedroomroom, chen, hot water heating, at- tached garage, $4,800 down, terms. EXETER 3 -bedroom dwell - heating,, 1 termblocs,k from School, oil EXETER—Well located brick home, 1 block from school, 3 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, oil heat. Lot 65ranged. x 200. Terms can be ar- EXETER Huron St., large brick home, suitable for du- plex or 3 apartments -2 up and 1 down. Lot 104 x 125, 2 bath- roomsoil heat, garage. Terms can be arranged. EXETER— New 3 - bedroom home, west side of town, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, well located, Terms can be arranged. EXETER — New 3 - bedroom home, living room, dining room, kitchen, full basement, oil hot water heat. Terms can he arranged. NO. 23 HWY. — Confectionery store—lunch counter, residence, garage attached, low down pay- ment. doing a good business. GRAND BEND PROPERTIES We have a number of list- ings in Grand Bend which may interest you. We also invite listings. See our agent, W. C. Dace, phone 62r3 Grand Bend. FINE BUILDING LOTS IN DOW SUBDIVISION from $700 to $1,200 FARMS We have several 100, 150 and 200 acre farms for sale. We invite your inquiries. C 0 M P L ETELY modernized, centrally located home, 3 bed- rooms and den, 2 bathrooms, glassed -in sun porches, large garage, hardwood and newly tiled floors. Priced :for quick sale. Reasonable terms. 3 BEDROOM bungalow, oil heated, basement, centrally lo- cated. Reasonably priced. NEW 2 -BEDROOM basement - less home, oil heated. Terms. 3 -BEDROOM, 11/2 -storey brick home, well located. Reasonable cash to settle estate. 15 ACRE to 200 acre farms, BUSINESS and income proper- ty. Call Jack Fulcher Agent 457 Edward St, S. Exeter, Ontario Phone 225, Box 225 ist Morfgages Other Services; Willa Agencies Executors— Administrators Trustee — Agent for Executors Property Managemen Guaranteed Investment Certificates 5 T industrial Mortgage & Trust Company Exeter Representative JOHN BURKE REALTOR AND INSURANCE Head Office .Sarnia Offices: Forest and Petrolia 40v,lillli�l�l,1,1,lill�ii�(,i1,Ullt'IIt11111ndunUl,pllnllu,(,i„1�,'i,Ulu,mnVfY'�1fuu(I�f1,Vi,u�ui„iillltiiiu,t� WE HAVE OTHERS Listings invited. W. H. Hodgson LIMITED REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE M. J. GAISER, BROKER Phone 24 Exeter Represented by G. E. Dow,' Exeter, Phone 83 W. C. Dace, Grand Bend Phone 62r3 John Burke Realtor TENDERS - NEEDS FARMS TO SELL We have 6 clients wanting to purchase 100 acre farms. If yours is for sale, see us at once. House listings are always welcome. JOHN BURKE Real Estate and Insurance Devon Building Main St., Exeter Salesman: LLOYD HOLLAND Phone 970J Exeter 100 ACRE FARM Sealed tenders will be ac- cepted by the undersigned up d i o❑ a L ht OP. to 2:00 h n M . d v, 1 g tober 2nd, 1961, for the follow- ing: 100 acres of land—Lot 7, Concession 3, Township of. Stan- ley, County of Huron. 10 acres orchard, apples and pears .corn• ing in to full production—re- maining lands good for orchard or cash crop—spring creek. Included are large brick house, large L-shaped barn— good repair -2 large sheds and a garage. Also included 1— Bean Number 200 Blast Spray- er—new 1961. t Location -8 miles south of Clinton off Number 4 Highway. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Further particulars phone Exeter, On- tario, 501. W, G. COCHRANE, 13.A„ Barrister and Solicitor, Box 100, Exeter, Ontario, 21:28c 21c TENDERS -- VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND Sealed tenders, clearly mark - cd as to content, will be re- ceived by the undersigned up to, and until, October 2, 1961, for the construction of a drain known .as THE STANLAKE MUNICIPAL DRAIN in the Village of Grand Bend Plans and specifications, of the said drain, may be seen at the Clerk's Office, Grand Bend. Successful applicants must be prepared to commence work on October 19, 1961. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MURRAY A. DES JARDINS Clerk, Grand Bend 21:28c COMPACT MODEL PANEL TRUCK Tenders will be received for one compact model panel truck, suitable for telephone maintenance, of approximate ,h ton rating. Tenders must in- clude full specifications, war- ranty and descriptive materials and quote price F.O,B, Zurich, Ontario, and should be received by the undersigned before 6 p.m. Friday, September 29. 1961. THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY, MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM, R. G. Black, Secretary, Box 130, Zurich A 21:28c NOTICES -- Treasurer's Sale Of Land For Taxes AUCTION SALES TOWN OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON To Wit: By virtue of a warrant is- sued by the Mayor of the '"own of. Exeter under his hand and the seal of the said corpora- tion bearing date the 8th day of August, 1961, sale of lands in arrears of, taxes in the Town of Exeter willbe held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, Exeter, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the morning on the 6th day of December, 1961, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes was published in The Ontario Gazette on the 2nd day of September, 1961, and that copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this 10th day of August, 1961. C. V. PICKARD, Treasurer 9:7-11:30c Clearing. '9f Valuable Real Estate, Household Furnishings and Miscellane, .us Items On the Premises, Lot 3, at CLANDEBOYE The undersigned .auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 1;30 pm, REAL ESTATE: Consists of Lot 3, at Clandeboye, on which is situated a newly built frame dwelling covered with roll. brick siding; fully insulated; large living room, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and utility room. Dwelling nicely situated. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% NOTICES TO CREDITORS on day of sale. Ealance in ;34 days,; Sold subject to a reason.. able reserve .bid. Complete list .of household furnishings in next Week's Js- sue. ORVILLE ROLLINGS, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer •28e Wanted Live Light Fowl. any quantity Campbell Soup Company an Ltd Listowel, Ontario Phone 900 Collect In the Estate of Mary Wein, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Wein, late of. the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the 20th day of June 1961, are required to file par- ticulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 14th day of October, 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received, Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Exeter, Ont, 28:5:12c BEAN EOPLE See us before selling your white beans. Highest prices paid, We specialize in speedy unloading We are contracting for Registered Seed Wheat W. G. THOMPSON & SONS LTD. Phone 32 -- Hensall 3i3ouannnitflJI Umnuiiui„nmu'��riiiYiwnfwii�iiYiunu,nAS'ii`IinunnWl'iiiri here now! 62 GALAXIE gaol Y/ 62 FALCON You gotta see em, drive 'em! THEY'RE 'HONEYS' LSMFT '60 FORD SEDAN, 6-cyl., 2.tone, low mileage ..,.,,.,., $2,100 '60 FORD COACH, V-8, automatic .. _ $1,850 '60 VOLKSWAGEN DELUXE, radio, a steal 51,295 '60 AUSTIN CAMBRIDGE SEDAN, low mileage $1,295 '58 FORD V.8 SEDAN, automatic, lovely brown . 51,295 '58 FORD V-8 COACH, automatic, radio, good .. . 51,295 '56 PONTIAC 6•CYL. SEDAN, automatic, radio, whitewalls, a lovely red and white _ $ 995 '55 DODGE SEDAN $ 595 '55 BUICK HARDTOP, automatic, radio 5595 or less '54 FORD SEDAN, radio .... 5 495 '55 CHEVROLET COACH •.. 5 495 '54 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $ 495 '54 MERCURY SEDAN $ 495 '27 MODEL T COUPE, lovely $ 450 '53 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN $ 395 '53 DODGE SEDAN $ 275 '49 PONTIAC SEDAN .... _. $ 12S TRUCKS '56 CHEV PICKUP, above average $ 895 'S7 VOLKS VAN $ 700 TRACTORS '59 FORD 871 DIESEL, used very little . . 52,200 JOHN DEERE 420 CRAWLER & LOADER, you'ro making me weep $1;295 '49 MASSEY-HARRIS 44 and front-end loader, heat 7 x 14 HYDRAULIC DUMP WAGON, o $1,100 houser DEARBORN CORN PICKER, grain racks 5 795 '57 FORD ready to roll 5 495 Larry Snider Motors LIMITED PHONE 624 • EXETER Ford, Monarch, Falcon, Ford and Falcon Tructx •