HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 12Page 12 The Times*Advocete,- September 28, 1961 Judges, have tough task • placing ...school fair*,dasses Pity the poor judges of the acherd •competition at Exeter Fairl The eager kids provide in- tense competition in their lass. Judges must select winners from as many as. entries ie a :section. Tough 3° Prizes Were well divided. among children from Exeter, Stephen and Usborne township sphools, Lexemt. Faborne: S. Ste- phen; fa Crediton: D, Dashwood; all others, Exeter. WRITING Grades 7-8 — Leslie Diller. Mau Regier U6S, Anne Bole lass, Lynn Roffman. Grade 0 — Sharon Passmore 101,7, Janis Duncan 31', Faye Etin- Oen 31/, Janet Miller fl, Grade 5 — :Sharon 1tartne 48. Carol Lypne Shapton, Geordie Laughton, Ellen 18101Paen 31', Grade4 — Diane Allen 11'. Wendy Ford 48, Jelins ala Ann Hall 1.6S. Gra.de 3 --- Julie Schenk P, Sherry Ford, Marjorie Ilene, Bony Keller, Grade 2 -- Lois Porter, Gail Sweet, Marnie Morrow, Lanna Clarke C. Grade 1 — David Sweitzer. Bar- bara, Batty, Randy Tiernan, Rioh• and Otteweil. BOOKLETS Grades 7-8 — Linda, limiter - Duval', Sheila Fahner, Paul Mreon, Brenda Dinney. Grades 5-0 Vary Jane Me - Cann ;MS. Norman Howey, Room 17 EPS, Pauline Wells. Grades 8-4 — jimmy Gifford. Bans Bischoff, Jane Turkey, Bet Goman. Grades 1-2 * Muriel Abbot 12U, Gail Sweet, Jane Broderick Susan Wooden. Kindergarten or rural grade 1— Rebecca. Fulcher, Elizabeth Jolly Launa Fuller, Ann Pinder. port 118, Glen Cooper C. Jimmy tikilliler 61% Largest pumpkin — 'Robert Rey. nolds Dale :Lampert 58. BIYse Lamport C. Glen Bodging C. Allen MacLean. FLOWERa Ataere Fye -Duman K. Shay - on Passmare Iola Betty Lou n ey 0, Terry ()Litz. cosmos — loan .Alen 1V, Bar- bara Skinner, Barbara Dougall Ill'. Be1 Peek er la, Judy Smith •V. Snapdraaone — Barbara Skin. ner, Gordon Dern 1217, Judy Webb 1), Danny Laing, Yvonne Pen. hale. Marigolds — Robby Bodge 4', Don Baker 118, Gary Baker 118, Bonita Greene, Elaine Glanville C. Petunias — Joyee Ferguson 11'. Larry Ferguson 11', Terry OtJa 6U, Ronnie Kenney 0, Joanne Fink- beiner 12s. Zinnias -- Billy Morena 118, Marion Herm Mary liceigins(', Mutiny lindge C, Barbara, Skin- ner. Cut flowers — Danny Laing, Joyce Ferguson 111', Joanne WhIl. smith, Cynthia Pettit C. GRAIN Wheat sheaf — Sheila Bern 71', Alan Horn 71'. Ensilage corn — Brian Miller 21', Kevin Lamort 148, Alan Parsons .58, Grant Bodgert 210, llnhhy t(111A Grain inn/ ,— Dale Lamport Larry Fergnson 11.1, Joyce Fergu- son 11'. Robert Reynolds IL% Barry Miller 21'. MANUAL. TRAINING Grade 6 and tinder — Lawn ornament, Lawrence Brawn 108; ht Zion marks AST Grades 7-5 — Rimmet 1168, James Wanner 1758, Marlene Barnes,s, Brenda Dinney. Grades 5-6 — Jenny Verkerk f' Shirley Pfaff D. Naomi Bocoek C Gwen Finkbeiner 61. Grade 3-4 — Lim% Lowery Denton Geiser, Shelia WilierID Sherry Ford. Grades 1-2 — Susan Tuckey. Gall Sweet, jack Darling, Richard Otteweill, Klndergarten and rural grade 1 —Elizabeth Jolly, Between. Fut- cher, Kathy Simmons, Latina Puller. Open classes — canadian sone. Brenda, Dinney, Jean Dzioha, Bill Dinney, Mary Coehrane; at rip cartoon, Jane Defamer, jean Dal- oba, Sheila, Feltner. Brian Swett- zer: world of tomorrow, Ernest Kerr, David Robinson, Charles Keating, Dennis Bockey. anniversary By MISS MURIEL HERN ZION Anniversary was held on . Sunday with Rev. A. M. Guest, Centralia, as guest minister and Woodham quartet provid ing special music. Visitors in the co.nunimity were; FRUIT Spy apples '— Diane Weber jimmy Dixon, Brian Miller 211, Brian Finkbeiner C. Mclutosh — Jitnmy Dixon, Diane Weber 4S, Brian Miller 21: (3 and 4), Dianne Miller D. Snow — Barry Miller 21.7. Brian 211, Brian Finkbeiner C, Bill Weber 4S. Anne Webb 11S. Delicious — Jimmy Dixon, Bar- ry 21.1, Brian Finkbeiner C, Bill 'Weber 48„ Fulcher. Plums — Marlene 'Bieber. 'Dan- ny Walters 61.7. Anne Webb 11S. Danny Jory, Richard Gia.n% Ca Pears — Julian Boogemans Leslie Cudmore 10U, Glen Fink- aeiner Sharon ' Martene 45, Anne Weber 118. ROOTS & VEGETABLES Tomatoes — 'Bears frillier 211, Paul Kerslake 51.7, Davld Grainger, Glenn Restemeyer D, Louise Mc- Bride. Muskmelon — Jimmy Dixon, /Darcy Etherington 101.7, Robert Reynolds 1C. Peter Kraft D, Ken- neth Oke 1U. Pepper squash — Robert Rey- hOida 11.7, Leslie Cudrnore 101.7, 7.sl'ancy Strang 111, David Grainger, Bruce Simpson. Citron — Robert -Reynolds Paul Becker 711, Joan Alien, W: Kenneth Oke 1U, Brian Finkbeiner C. • Best anima.) from vegetables — • Sharon Morenz 118, Paul Rader D. Joyce Dayman 51.7, Jane Tuckey. .Early potatoes — *Marie Cory, Beverley Genttner, 'Nay Zondag, Sandra Skinner, Bonita, Greene. Late potatoes — Sheila Bern 7L', Bonita Greene, Allan Hern 717, Larry Fleet ID, Glenn Stire. Field beans — Knrieth (Ike IC. John Dietrich C, LOUISP AfeBride, Larry Skinner 517, Dauglas Ford 4S. Red mangels — Robert Reynolds 11.7. Joe French 1211. White mangels Dalton Noels C. Turnips' john Feltner C, Douglas Penhale 11”, Ricky Ether- ington 1013, Danny Waltere Iiia. Darrel 'Finkbeiner C. Table beets — Larry Berri 1217, 'Keith Snyder 115, Laura, Freoch 1211, Bonita, Greene, B ar bare Dougall 11.1. Early cabbage — Linda Wells. :canna EaYter D. Donald Averill C. Elsie Toornstra 71.1. John Becker D, Late cabbage — Billy Morena 118. Cheryl Weettott St', Mary Nottaans, Richard Glarrvllle C. Danny Walters 611. Int. Carrots — Grant Bedgert 2U, Barry Miller 211, Larry Shan - ion, Beth Pasernort Vita Short earrots. — ,Debbie /egret) 1061, Dwight EtherIngton 101a. Behbie Adams 75, Sharon Pa,sentore, lora Paul Passmore 1027, Table eueumbere — Paul rasa- InOre 101.1, Vernon Hern 71.7. Jan- ice Morley 127a, Bruce Mille 12ij, Math Passmore 1013. Piokling cUctireibere — Dwight Miele r, Nellie Zencle.g 11S, Bar. hare Wells, Pauline 'Wells, Linda Boaalt C. Spanish onion — Joan Allen 61.1, Glen StIre, Leslie Cleiniere 10/1,, Ruth Cudmors int', timed Rey- nold]] 111. Vellow denser Onions *--P Elyse Lamport, C, Dale Lemma C, Brian Miller 21.7, Gwen Finkbeiner C. Lynda Blanchard. Thiabard equash — Laura Freneb 12r, 66 Freeeh 1217, T/oneld Allen Browning C, Elyse ramtpert C. Pie 'pumpkin — Sandra Skinner 61.7, Alarle Cerey, Barbara, Lam- yrournwrirmarmilmniv,,wrgoirwri6egratiolmremgonimoisO. YOUR Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Cope- land and daughter and Mr. Ken Blackler, Woodham, with Mr, and Mrs, Harry Hern and family; Mr, and Mrs. 'Warren Brock, Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs, Ephriam Hern; Mr. and Mrs, 'Melville Gun. Mpg and Muriel, Whalen, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Keller and family, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and Steven; Mr, and Mrs. William Mor- ley, Janice and Robert, Whal- en, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern; Mr. Cecil Camm, Exeter, with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hern and boys; Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Spence, Elaine and Gene, Met- ropolitan, with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern, Larry and 'Gor- don; Mr. arid Mrs. Bill Waghorn, Kirkton, with Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and family; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thomp- son and family and Mr, Wil- -ham Thompson, St. Marys, with Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Baker, David and Paul; Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Skin- ner, Frances and Edward, Elimville, and Miss Gail :Mc- Bride, Zurich, with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques, Harry and Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, Whalen, and. Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Pullen, with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl; Mr. George Arksey and Jean, Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. William. Dixon and family, Mr. and Mrs, Beverly Skinner and fam- ily, and Miss Phyllis Hern, with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and Edward; Mr. and Mrs. James Earl, Exeter, and Miss June Rader, Dashwood, with Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller and family, Personal items Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Exeter, and Mrs, Catherine Napanee, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Everard MiPer, Fruits, 4-H subject The second in eeting of "Elimville Fruit Delights" wt.s held on Sept, 19 at the home of club leader, Mrs, Norman Jaques, The 4 -II pledge Was repeafed aed the business discussed, Roll call was answered by 10 members. Mrs. Jaques gave a demon- stration on making fruit short- cake, Mrs. Floyd Cooper gave notes on nutrition, fruits in SeaS0/), 11'0511 fruits from other places, grades, buying fresh fruit, varieties of apples, tare and storage of fresh fruits and using fresh fruit, wren house. led Lintienfield. Allan McLean, Larry l3rlutnU, Bonita Greene. Grade45 and unser Sets:Mg trays. Larry Brennen, Donald Heywood, Alfred Aquilino, (5 and 4). Metal • artieles Nancy Mc- Tavish, Robert Forrest, Richard Laughton. Bigh echool projects Metal work, Peter Wesel's: wood. turn- ing, Allen Beaker, Doug Jeffery. SEWING Grade 6 .and ender Pieced quilt block, Anna Bec- ker, Bonita Greene; pot holder, Peggy Pryde. Brenda 'Skinner; stuffed animal toy, Sheila Vtlitert, Dale Lamport: knitting square. Sandra England. Jenny Verkerk. Grade 8 and under Half Apron, Brenda Skinner, Dale Lamporl; pillow caees, Diane Weber, ;Joyce Glanville; enthral- dered flower picture, Belen Brown, Debbie Johnston; knitting square, Bonita Greene, Donna Gollan. HS Home ECONOMICS antlfins. alargaret Hyde; cotton project, Margaret Hyde. COOKING (Irene 6 alut1ner — Drop rookies, Joanne Irinitheiner, &wan Allen; bran muffins, Laura French, joan Allen. Grade 45 and under Single layer cake, :Eleanor Stanlake, Sheila. Burrell: Caney cookies, Helen Brown, Susan Allen. Open elass — Breakfast tray, Ivan Johnston, Bruee Fuleher, POULTRY Sussex cockerels Sala& D. Barry Miller 217, Eugene Guenther D. New Barna pullet — ralvin laellerman I), Barry Miller 21'. New Hemp, cockerel -.. Barry Millet 211, Brian Miller 21:, Jim Spew Ma Hybrids — Barry Miller 21:,Bill Huxtahle. Ducks Snow 51', Barry Miller 261, Grant Hodgert 217, Pheasants allehael Tiernan D. PETS Bantams — Leroy Hon 717, Doug 'Webber 217, Grant Bohner, Eugene Guenther j). 'Rabbits — 'Bruce }Belts 148, Bob Adams and Paul Rats 75, Mervyn Bern 71.1. Leroy Hern 717. Pigeons — Peter Kraft 1), Michael Tiernan la, Keith 1,laler 3), Michael Tiernan D. Kittens joAnne. 148. Best trained dog — Pauline Wens, Brenda DinneY, HORSES Light breed colt -- Bobby Clarke 661, Emily Dykeman 711. Brian kilter 21., Leslie .Dykernan 74'. Showmanship — Bobby Clarke 611, 'Emily Dykeman 71.', Brlari Miller 261. Leslie Dykeman 71'. Pony — I3obb7' Clarke 761, Les. le Dykeman 711, Brian Miller 161, Emily Dykeman 7U. Showmanship — Bobby Clarke 13, Emily Dykeman 7U, Brian Aliller 211, Leslie Dykeman 71.7. CATTLE Beef calf born after Jan, 1 — Leslie Dykeman • 711. • • beef calf born before Jan. 1 — Edwin Kerslake 6U, Doug Mc- Bride 4U. Dairy calf born after Jan, 1 — Sheila Bern 7U, David Marshall 511, Iris Marshall 511, Luke Mull- 1VJ k 451.1. Halter -broken calf — Iris Mar- shall 01.7, Larry Bern 1213, Sheila Bern 713, Luke Muilwik 11U, SWINE Beat pair bacon hogs over 175 lbs. Sharon Passmore. 1011, IlickY Etherington 1011. Paul Passmore 1.01.1, Elizabeth Pass -more 10U, Best pair bacon hogs under 101 lbs. — Dwight Etherington 1061, Duncan Ethertngton 101.0, Donald Prout SU, Douglas Prout 511, Exeter Fair winners ae- CentillUed, Iran/ Page, la placed second le the grairt weadsteek; team, 'Walters. corn class, lop, Hereof; show pony — Team, Eden frinrtin. RR 3 Waterloo; Jones Puna' Earin, 130.001 Leigh*, ton Shantz, New liaillintrea diner J ohnston, At wood. Shetland ponies )3rood mare, &met:, Itelton; Johnston, Atwoad; Baron/ clarke, Woodhatn; thyme, Stratford: foal. Johnston, Clarke, =no, 30)1081 single, Jones, PeterCaldwell. Caldwell. airs. Shantz, Johnston, Innes, Jones,('allwell, Shaetz, Johnston, Immo; teams, 'lotto, Caldwell, Shantz; beat PPOY, Leighton Shantz. Pony rave -- Nauey Caldwell (1 and 21, Edwin Miller. Rest lady driver 411)', 3.,. Shall HUNTERS Open lightweight, Ida AleArdle, RR 2 Tavistock et.nd. 2), Shinier Fraser, 1111 2 Tavistoek; spen tliithile- arta heavy -weight, Fore. meet Dairy, Stratford, Tens Nom. ren, Paelthill; knockdown and out, Foremost (1 and a), Nooren. Mc- Ardl e jumping stake, ,Nooren, AfeArdie, Foremost, SAP OLE Foals — Wilmer Preszcator, Ron Swartz, Bruce Smith, 1111 1 Ful- lerton. Colts — Two years, FredIDer- ling, flon Swartz, Harry Altar; three years, la R Poor'tinga, Kirk - ton. Ren Parkinson, R 2 Den- field, Norman Amos, ICirirlon. llalf-Arab foal -- ntie. Swartz- entniber, Bruer+ Smith, Fullerton, Harry Muir, .R11 St. Marys, Quarter horse foal — Preszeator. Palamino under saddle -- Hazel Wallis, Granton, 4)00 Gooding, Parkhill, Jim Darling, Fred Dev- lin/4-, Trail horse — George Hamm, Myth, Wilmer Preszoator, F. Poor - tinge, led Brady. Open stook horse,— Wilmer Preszeator, Ron Swartz (2 and S, G'eorge Hamm, alueleal ('halite — Bra,dy, Curr y, Atwood, Poortinga, George Hamm. Western pleasure — James Pratt, ,S44.11111.1, 11011 Swertz, • 21' 11 m e r Preszeator, Ron Swartz. BACON HOGS Boar, two years anti over, Al- bert Bacon, Belgrave; WilIlam Turnbull and son, RII 2 Brussels (2 and 4). Ross Cottle, RR 1 Kirkton; boar, (me to two years, Turnbull, .1. Baron; boar wide/ one, Turnbull (1 and 3), Cottle; boar under Six, T0rnbillt (1 and 3), .1„ Saeon, Cottle; sow two and over. Turnbull (1 and 2), A. Bacon (2 and 4); sow one 10 two, Turnbull, A, Bacon (2 and 4). Cottle: sow mider one, Turn- bull, A. Baron, Cnitle, Batton; saw under six, Turnbull (1 end a), A. 'Baron (2 and 4); herd, Turnbull (1 and 3), A. Bacon, Cottle, SHEEP Dorset Horned P. B. Dearing & Son. RR 1 Exeter, Oxfords — Don Dearing, Ex- eter; Cyrus Lowden, Shropshiree — Fred GuerneY, Parts; Raymond Comfort. mi. 1 St. Ann's; A. W, Barret, RR 2 Parkhill. Lineolits — Albert Stepper, Allsa Craig; A, 'W. Barrett, Cyrus Lowden, serfrake Rayinond Comfort. Southdowne — Cyrus Lowden, Leleesters Ephrlarn Snell, Clinton; Don Graham, RR 4 Park- hill, POULTRY Clifford Pepper, RR 1 Dashwood, won 45 firsts, 37 seeonds, 10 thirds; Earl Becker, RR 1 Dash- wood, won 40 firsts, 33 seconds, 17 thirds, Rob't down tops •-• grain and seeds Robert Down, RR 1 Hensall, a relatively new competitor, was top winner in the grain and seeds division with three firsts, two seconds and one third. He won the field crop com- petition for ensilage corn and 0 lllllllll I lllllllllll lllll I lllllllllllllllllllllllll 10111 II llllll III llllllll Children's and Baby's Essential Vitamins The easiest way to keep healthy. Use Super Plenamins, • liquid or tablets, daily CHILDREN 6 • 10 YEARS, $5.17 VALUE FOR $3.98 Baby Vitamins Ostoca Drops „ , . . $1.10 $1,80 $2.95 Tri.Vi•Sol Drops $1.65 $2.95 $4.25 Peladac 8 -oz, $1.7s 16.oz. $3.00 Infantol Drops , $1.50 $2.30 $4.10 ADULT VITAMINS --SUPER PLENAMIN SPECIAL! $10.87 VALUE NOW ONLY $7.98 MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Hearing Aicl Batteries of All kinds PHONE 447 MAIN STREET EXETER atatintanutemettuttutimiumentitimmietulumilluttemimulutitiontittimmlintitimilltinume Houses Warm ()i- t° SHELL Stove oil CIPSO second Was Fred Ne. ,Clyinent, Vaanai with three firsts •end ene SeeplItt. Afro. Bus1 FergUson re ceived three firsts, including one for the best grain corn among field crop eompetitors, Other prizes in the class were divided among a variety ef exhibitors. The class attracted one of the largest number of competitors. Meat, sheaf', Mrs. Torn Bern] oat sheaf, Bruce Delbridge; fall Wheat, Fred AfeCialuotit; brishel pais, l. alefllynient; white beans, blither Reynolds, F, metlymont: mixed grain, 1" AlcOlYmont; bale or bay, Mrs. afarry Bede, Arehie letheringlon; chopped hay, Rich- ard Etheriegton, Arehle Ethering. ion; sheaf or grain eetM, Robert Pown, Archie letherinaton; sheet of ensilage corn, Robert Down, Archie 12therington, nicherd nthevington, L11 1 h e it Reynolds, Mrs. H, Hyde; 10 ears corn, airs. Russell Ferguson, Robert Down, 13ob jeffery, Ivan licelymont; coma Airs. Ferguson, Clarence Down, Robert Down. air. L. Ferguson, Field crop grain corn -- Mrs. Russell Ferguson, Roberl Down. Mrs. la Ferguson, Airs, :Er. Luther Eeynolds, Archie Ether - =gran, Bob Jeffery, 1/Ti I 1 1 P. 0) Dougal Barry Dougall, Howard Jannis. Cornish specials Robert DOWD. Wield crop ensilage (tern -- Ro- bert Dove, Archie Etheringto1), leeward Johns, Philip johns. Ed- win Miller, Mrs. Barry Eycle. Luther Reynolds vegetable champ Luther Reynolds, William St,, won the most prizes in the vegetable class at Exeter Fair. Ile received 11 firsts, eight seconds and one third and he exhibited the best display of vegetables, He succeeds his son, Lloyd, as champion, In second place in the keenly - competed class came South Huron District High School with three firsts, six seconds and four thirds, In the commercial feature, both Mayor R. E. Pooley, tovvn, and John Kingma won two firsts, Early potatoes, Mrs. Luther Reynolds, airs. Tom Bern, Fred McCiymont. Brian Sanders; lal.e notaloeS, Mrs. Torn Bern, Mrs, L. Reynolds, Mrs, Ron 1Vareing, F. Aternymont. Table. heels. Mies. H. HYde, Mr. C, Zeehuisen, Mrs, Barold Cudinore; Jong =angels, Luther Reynolds; int. mangels, Luther Reynolds; red, tomatoes, Mrs, (Indinore, Mrs. Roy Pepper, SH. ,DHS; pink tomatoes, Mrs, L. Reynolds, Richard Fatherington, Brian Sanders; Int. carrots, Mrs. R. Wareing, SHIMS, Luther Rey- nolds; long carrots, Luther Rey- nolds, SHDHS, Sid Sanders, Golden bantam corn, Luther Reynolds, Richard Etherington; Other corn, Luther Reynolds; watermelon. Richard Etherington, Luther Reynolds, SHDFIS; musk- melon, Luther Reynolds, Mrs, Gordon Smith, Richard, lathering - ton; table turnip, Barold Hunter, auserenonommommumk, ise shoppers rio. CLASSIFIED RATES 22 Words -86 Each Additional Word 80 (1111114nturn 840 2O Off If paid by Saturday A/119W* last insertion, Second Insertion 21/2 Peri. WPRP (Minlintlin 550) 5 Six insertions 2' PR (minimum 45) Semi -Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion—Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, •accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. Luther Reynolds, Emerson Pen.' hale; largest turnip, Mrs. Jean Page, Harold Bunter, SHDHS, Cooking onione, 13rian Sanders, Sid Sanders, *.fe, MoClamont; Spn- l$h Mrs, IL • Cudmore, Luther Reynolds; plehling onions, 111101;1. 11'4 11143nnYlipplIdinss: , IvISIEsDaRi PLeup -- then fleynolt1, Miss Mars' Cook; largest pumpirtn, Luther Reynolds, Vtheent, Ryan, Mrs. If, Cudmore, Citrons, Brian Sanders, 1411 her Reynolds, Sid Senders; parsnips, Luther Reynolds, Mrs. Wilfred Doupet` Hubbard squash, Sid San. desr, ja. Reynolde, SH,DITS; POP - per squash, SHDBS. L. Reynolds, Brian Sanders; ot.iter -squash, L. Reynolds, Mrs, Donna Price, Mrs, C.LaZteeecabbage,, surals,Me,. Clymont, 13rlan Sanders; savoy cabbage, McClymont; red cab. bage, Mrs. W. Doupe, SI4DFIS, Dutch Reformed Church; vege- table marrow, la Reynolds, Sid cSalyn:e07t, F. Meelymont, Luther Reynolds, SH,OBS, F'. Me - Best display of vegetables — Commercial Feature Turnips — 14 a 1' o 1 11 Hunter, Emerson Penhale, Gerald Prout, John Ringina, Vincent Ryan, L. Reynolds, R. Etherington, Bruce Delbridge. ICraut cabbage — 11. E. Pooley. John lelngrna, Brian Sanders, Sid Sanders, la Mcaymont,SPIDES. Domestic cabbage — R. E. Pooley, Sid Sanders, Brian San- ders, SI -31)14S, F. McClyinoet, Early potatoes — John Kingrna, F, MoClymont, KWH& sRaeCiyiadnreorrldstss, • Brian Sanders, Sid — John Kingma, L. Red beets — 20. Etheringtora SHDItS, A. EtherIngton, Frank Triebner, Mrs. II. Cudmore. Late potatoes — Airs. T. Bern, F. alcaymont. Brian Sanders, Sid Sanders, John Kingma, SR- DalS. LOST— TIMEX WATCH Would the Party who found the ROO'S Sil.Val) Tillie): watch in he washrocen at the arena Thu- dayanwS f Ot PrPen"ni• pleaseXtr e, t returnorto 220 A l'ilEstL.PWANTEDO4ic28o (female)le) f WAITRESS, 3 P.m. to 11 170.111. Apply in person. Neffee Kup Restaurant, Lucap. 28c HELP WANTED• Wale Wanted Immediately JOURNEYMAN and YOUNG MAN, AGED 17-20, TO LEARN PLU1ViBING AND }MATING Steady Employment Please apply in writing, giving age, marital status, education and present occupation to Box DK, Exeter Times -Advocate. 9:14tinc POULTRY assistant, part-time, vicinity of Exeter. Apply Box DMX, Exeter Times -Advocate. 14:21:28c OLIS- OPPORTUNITIES, RAWLEIGIT DUSINESS neer open in illiddleseX and Lanlb• ton cOlintY, Trade Well estala, lished. Excellent OpportimitY• Full tirrio. Write at once. RaW. leigh's, Dept. I-202-109, CIO Richelieu, Montreal. 38e "Jingle Belis Will Soon Be Ringing" Let YOUR pockets jingle with AVON earnings. AVON PRODUCTS sell themselves, START NOW. Agra1 openings in Stephen. Vshorne, .Hay Townships. WRITE MRS. E. 13B14,, 8413 ,Albert St„ Waterloo or phone collect SI -I 0-0751 before 8;30 a,in. 9;g8Ct.WC EMPLOYMENT WANTED OLDER WOMAN available for ' baby-sitting, Phone 690W. 21;28* BABY CHICKS.-- STARTED AMES pullets, andN other good' varieties available - quick shipment; also some day. olds. Order October -November broiler chicks now, Your re- quirements hatched to order. 13ray Hatchery, Erie Carscad-, den, Exeter, phone 246W, '28e BELTONE HEARING AID SERVICE CLINIC Thurs., October 5 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Middleton's Drugs If You Wish To Have Your Hearing Tested Phone for Free Home Appointment Service to All Makes of Hearing Aids E. R. THEDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 Oueen St. S., Kitchener A dan,11•01V1111.1111111ENNWINO ' ' ' L . , . Dodge newness goes a whole lot deeper than its great new looks. Dodge for 1962 is a out -run and any car around. low price, full size car that'll out -economize most It accelerates quicker, yet gets five per cent more miles per gallon than the '61 Dodge. It goes twice as far between oil changes—drives 3,000 miles between grease jobs. Its brakes adjust themselves automatically. The body is rustproofed. Want more? Dodge gives you more! Things like an improved gearshift for smoother, crisper shifts, a smaller transmission hump that gives the man in the middle , more legroom; and deep -sprung chair -high seats. There's never been a Dodge like this one. There's never been my car like this one. There's a new lean breed of tar e TALK IS CHEAP BECAUSE THE SUPPLY • IS AIWAYS GREATER, THAUNE bEMA#D DEPOT SO U TH END SERVICE Russ Anti chock snoil oftsNE EXETER ealleetistiliatiatelegaitaaielialaiioaamieeseess BOWS ...FINA 44DIAIOR SERVICI A COMPLETE • RADIATOR SERVICE PN.881' O' Otiti tWy,41.8.2 EXEIEP eseessallarietoeireakawerappievesteseesaeseette 1' Get fast -heating, clean - burning Shell Stove 011 for your home. Spaee- heaters t cooking stoves give a hot, clear flame keeps your stove cleaner --Ionget, Order your ' supply from: Art Clark Phone 80 EXETER • " • • • I 55' 5