HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1961-09-28, Page 8were Mrs, .Clarence Schade. Mrs, Margaret Truemner and Mrs, Gordon Howald, all with five firsts and a variety of sec- onds, Among the district's good cooks, Mrs. Eban Weigand cap- tured 10 firsts and four seconds; Alt's. B. Geiger, eight firsts and one second, and Mrs. Herb Klopp, four firsts and five sec- onds. Other prizes were distri• buted among nearly 20 compe- titors. Russell Oesch topped grain and seeds with five firsts. Fred McClymont was the fruit win - tier with. 21 firsts. Jacob Bat- tler captured 21 firsts, too, in the vegetable division, followed by Leonard Merner with eight, I Mrs. Percy Willert and Mrs. Jacob Battler both captured six firsts in the floral classes. Mrs. Clarence Schade won four red tags in the same competi- tion. PARADE Schools — SS 15, SS 8, St. 13oniface. Decorated cars' — Zurich Lions, Grand Bend Cleaners, Don Hul- bert. Business float — Hay Township' Telephone, Doerr',s Schneider, Zur- ich Lumber, Gingerich Sales and Service. Freak float — Night Hawks bowling team, Hot Rods (Danny Black), Humpty Durnpty (Bobby Thiel). Bicycle — Allan Hulbert. 'Tricycle — Rudy Bierling. Implement display — V. L. Becker and Son, Da,shwood. Conklin Lumber draw — Hubert Schilbe, PET SHOW Best dog of show — Debbie Loekie. Best eat of show — Allan Hays. Persian cat, Carolyn Thiel, Lyn- da Stade; other breed. Alarms, Masse, Diann e. Zehr, Michael Walker, Larry Kipper. Dogs, Debbie Leckie, Cheryle Stade, Sandra Desja.rdine, Shirley Weida; dng showing least re,sern- blame, Melvin Modell, Elaine Westlake, Donald Desch, Janet Becker, BABY SHOW Six months — Pamela Dawn. daughter of Air. and Mrs. Don • and Mrs. Howard ;Deters. Six months to 18 months Brenda Sue, daughter o Xr. nd Mrs, Edgar Gingerich.; Stephen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas .Arm- strong; Debby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Farl Horner, Roadsters — Wallace _Munroe, Alden Craven, 1Valkerton Dairies, Larry Merner, Maureen 1i:earns, Bannerman, Walker, Hackneys — Jones, Pete Cald- well, John Geiger, Alueroe, Lyle Hislop, Donald Walters, Shetland ponies — M.D. Farms, Johnston, Caldwell, Jones, Shantz, Wagon or express — Fitch John- ston, Knill, Brown: Clydesdales, 'McKee, Halliday. Graham; Perch- erons, HallidaY; Belgians, Banner- man, Bok, Heavy wagon — Fitch, John- ston, Knit!, -Browli; light wagon, Ban- nerman: Clydesdales McKee, Hal- liday, Graham; Percherons, Hal - 11110/104 Angus — Hodginst Broa . Gralltell; Gerald, T)iel, Larry Clinehey. Beef type .rades Aohert. Becker, Charles Becker, Geiger, 111-001, Dietrich, 'William Sehade. erseys HOffulan Brea., Keith Rader. D w 1g t ender Ivan :Holstein heifer Bay E('kel, AMirey Settel,, Norinae • Baby beef special Itiodgins'11 •and 2). •C'. Becker, Coates. 'Met- . rich. Durham Donald Weigand, HE4B Oxford Downs -- Donald Dear- ing. BNeter, all,Pries, Lelcesters — Donald A. ,Gralieln. alt Prises. V JU4nioRri .1-14.1 1 CALF1-101steins—g ,A1,(1Br y Eckel. Fred Eckel, ;Ken Thiel, ;Norman Eckel. Junior Hereford — Keith Bader. Senior dairy — Raymond Eckel, Bill .Hoffman, Dwight Bender, Ivan Desch. Heifers -- Donald 'Weigand, Boy Rader, bob linfftnan, Larry Mc- Clinchey, Donald Geiger, Gerald 'Becker, Ruth Geiger, Joan Elliott. Briis'ulteLs',:_b,de, Jeff Dietriot, Charls e Showmanship — Bob Hoffman, Donald Weigand, Charles Becker, Bill Hoffman,. an Elliott., Bill Schade, Roy Rader, Ivan •Desch, Fred Eckel, • ri Open four horse hitch Mc- Kee, Halliday, Kalil, Graham. - a d d 1 e horsePreazeator, Brady, Darling'. Swartz, Swartz- entruber, Finkbeiner. Musical chairs—Senior, Swartz- entruber, Brady, Darling, Swartz, Merner..Masse, Preszeator, Mer- ner; junior. Merner, Caldwell. Geiger, McKinley, Mousseau, Hoff- man, Jones, E e c k e r, Elliott, Fischer, Kearns, Geiger, Flag rare — Geiger, Erady, ,Darling. Swartz en t ru ber, Presz- caw, trousseau Merner, 'Kearns. Merner, Masse, Caldwell, Jones, Becker, Geiger, Merner. Open Jumping elass Merner, Caldwell, .Junior fancy turnout Cald- well, Hoffman. Lady driver — Mc:Kee, Halliday, Knit!, Graham, CATTLE POULTRY Major winners -- Clifford. Pep - Per, Dashwood; Earl Becker. Dashwood: ;Jacob 'Rattler, Zurich: Otto, Willert, Dashwood; Nen Pigeon collection Peter Kraft, Robert Becker. GRAIN AND SEEDS While fall ,wheat, Russell Desch, Leonard Merner; ensilage corn, Jacob Bat t ler; 1 -rowed barley, Russell Oesch; early white oats, F. IsleClymoni ; late white Oats, McClymont; mixed grain, Desch, McCI ym on t ; red clover seed, Desch; white field beans, Joan Elliott, McClymont. HORTICULTURE cellection of apples, AlcClymont; fall apples. McClymont; winter apples, McClymont; King of Tom - McClymont, Mrs. M ar g. Truemner; snow apples, McCly- mont; northern spies, McClymont; Baldwins., McClymont: R.I. Green - Ings, McClymont, Mrs, Delbert Geiger; Macintosh Red, McCly - mon t; Ribson Pippin, McClymont; Golden Russets, McClymont; 'Wag- ners, Mrs, Truemner; Delicious, McClymont; Wolf River, McC1 y - mon t ; Ontarios, Nrs, Truemner; .Blenheim Pippin, Mrs. Truemner; I Pe \yak ae, Meet ym on t Colvert$, McClymont: 20 oz. Pippen, Mc- Clymont Tatman Sweet, Mealy - mon t: Wealthy, McClymont ; col- lection of pears, McClymont; Bart- lett pears, McClymont, Mrs. Gei- ger; prunes, Mrs. Herb Klopp, McClyniont: red crab apples, 31e. Clymon t, John Geiger; yellow crah apples, AfcClymon t; Plums, J. Battler, Al eCiymon t. GARDEN VEGETABLES Katandin potatoes, Battler, Me - etymon t ; Sebago potatoes, Battier, Desch; late potatoes, Battler, Mrs. Doreen ,Dietrich; early potatoes, Battler, Joan Elliott; Johnston special, Battler; Flint corn, Batt- ler, hirClymont; Dent corn, Batt- ler, Mrs. Percy Willert; Yellow Bantam sweet corn, Oesch: red onions, Leonard Merner; yellow onions. Desch, Battler: Dutch sets. Rattler, Mrs. Herb Beierling; Spanish onions, Desch. Battler; field carrots, McClymont; short Herefords — Whitney Coates and Son. RR 1 Centralia; Hoff- man Bros., Dashwood; Earl Bec- ker, Keith Rader. garden carrots, Sattler D. Piet. rich: long gii,rdett carrots. Batupet Swedish Itarttins, merner; red, mangolds, Merner: men. golds, Deseh.. Merner; beet man - golds, Merner; ,Ogford cabbage, Battler, MANYIVI t ; drutithead cabbage, ilattler, Mrs. Percy Wu. Int; Blue ,t'abbege. Battler, Me- Clymont; black Spa1h radish, JfeClYntOnt, Meriterl PIM* Spanish radish mond, Alernert garden beans, ;Battler. •Oesch yello w pumpkin, Battier, Merner; pie pumpkin, Battler. Mcelymont; Ipng citron, Merner. Rattler: round cit. rem Aicelymont, Battler; mem- motit settesh. Eat tier, Merner blood ,beets, Desch, Battler; root heels, Merner; round, watermelons, al3taotetsi' ,er„B:ileer°1 ilnYgn,1411A1; cC enlioonwt. the 4111 lection 01 garden 'vegetables, Mc- Clymont, Dietrich: heaviest tur- nips, Merner. Desch: heaviest mAccl eli;noetron; t Iregdreepuepupeerps: pjetrleh,pers, AleClYmont; cucumbers. Batt- Mrs.'Stephanie _Schelhaas, Mrs. A.. •, PeMooY: crocheted sweater. ,mtelhatts, Airs. Demooy; knitted ,gress,. Mrs. :Kowald; knitted socks. Mrs,.1.,teAlooy: overalls, Mre. Howe ....PeguoY; knitted sweater, • aid, Mrs. DeAlonyt VCR tOd dress, Mrs, ,stan laingerieb, ;Rebecca Steekle; dyes& 6-10., Mrs. .Skinner, .Kar Webb; sundress, ;Kay Webb. Dining room 41tIlkndi dere luncheon set, Airs. W. Mrs- SehMie; luncheon set, Mrs, ; table Plats, Violet Der, - ker , Mr s. 1:31tinner; embroidered buffet set, Mrs, Mentor. Kitchen — Tea towels, Mrs. Dot Hess, Airs. Skinner; Pot holders,. Mrs. :Skinner,. Airs. &Mille, Bedroom — Embroidered Pillow eases, xti rs, Trump er, Mrs. Hess; crocheted me's. ;Key 'Webb, Mrs. Turithelml cross - .stitched eases, Mrs. Schad e, Airs. Tale tuner; scarily set, Ktty Webb. Living room — Cushion material, Airs. Schade, Mrs. Schel- Mies; .corduroy or velvet cushion ler,Tieterting; large cucumbers, — Battler, McClymont 1sunflower, Memel', Beierling; lettUce, McCly- tnont, Battler. DAIRY & OTHER PRODUCTS Hens eggs, brown, Desch, Gei- ger; dressedchickens, Desch. FLOWERS Large bottwieot,WirB:, Percy Wil- lert, Al rS, •C. Schade; single African violet, Mrs. Schade, Mrs. Willert; double violet, Mrs. .1, Battler, Mrs. Willert; fibrous be- gonia, Mrs. H. Beietqing: tuberous begonia, Mrs, Battler, Mrs. Beier - ling: geranium, Airs. Willert: giox inia, Mrs. Schad e aster col- lection, Mrs. Willert, Airs, Schade; dahlia collection, Mrs. Ba trier, Mrs. P, Geiger; marigold, collec- tion, Mrs. Willert, Mrs. Befell ing; pansies, Mrs. Schade, Mrs. 1171 - len; fuchlas, Mrs. 'Willert; zin- nias, Mrs. -Willett, Mrs. :Retorting; cactus, Mrs. A, Flaxbard, Mrs. Schade; roses, Mrs. Battier, Mrs, Beierling; cut .flowers, Mrs, Batt- ler, Mrs, Schade; Pates table Ar- rangement, Mrs. .Sehade, Mrs. B. \Veigand; Westlake special for gladioli, :Donna Klopp; centrepiece, Airs, Battler, Dot Bess, ART WORK AND CRAFTS Stuffed animal, Norma Seibert; landscape 011 painting, Airs. Ruth Sinclair; any subject. Mrs. :Herb Beierilng; number picture scene- ry, Louis Willert, Jeff Dietrich; number picture, any subject, Anne Flaxbard, Louis Willert; copper tooling, Mrs. .1, W. Merner, Mrs, Dot Hess; driftwood arrangement, Norma, Seibeet, Mrs. C. Schade; bazaar articles, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Schade; foam plastic novelty, Norma Seibert. Mrs. Schade; needlepoint picture; Anne Flax - bard, Mrs. Schade. LADIES WORK Quills and rugs — Applique quilt, Mrs, D. planner, RR 1 Centralia, Mrs. C. Schade; pieced cotton quilt, Mrs, Vera Thiel, Mrs, Skinner; fancy, Mrs, A, Merner, Airs. Thiel; comforter, Mrs. Schad e; hooked yarn rugs, Mrs. Schade; hooked wool. rags rugs, Violet Decker, Mrs. Jack Turkheim. Ladies' wear—Housedress, Mrs, Margaret Truemner, Mrs. Skinner; kitchen apron, Mrs. Turkhelm, Mrs. Skinner; tea apron, Mrs. Skinner, Mrs, Truemner; flannel- ette pyjamas, Mrs. U'ruenmer; half slip, Mrs. Gordon Howald, RR 5 :London, Mrs. Schade; dust- er coat, Mrs, Skinner, Mrs. How- ald; cotton blouse, Mrs. Truemner, Mrs. Howaid. Men's wear — Pyjamas, Mrs, Truemner. Mrs, Skinner; sweater. Mrs. Howald; sports shirt, Airs. Skinner; work shirt, Mrs. Skin- ner; work sox, Mrs. Vera Thie.'' Children's wear — Infant's se• s 4 1 here now—FORD presents two disHnctive new series • '62 GALAXIE & GALAXIE/500 ....szawateummoifijseatftgarteeses.,e,- A,tAseseet4r404i4 . The reasons why. More end More,Pevit.. 'Are Switching to Clean, D611 Sterling Fuels * MORE HEM PER GALLON * ITS PERFORMANCEIN COUNTLESS ONTARIO HOMES & INDUSTRY * TRIPLE TP.;STED TO ASSURE 100% FREE BURNING • 12,000 GALLONS LOCAL STORAGE; * NO DANG ER PROM GASOLINE CONTAMINATION Try Champion and you'll be convinced that this is fuel unexcelled for complete beat- ing Satisfactioti, Your Exclusive Exeter Dealer MacGregor FUELS and WELDING 24-HOUR SEFiVICE 529 William St, .Exelate Phone 737 Galaxie/500 Tudor Hardtop GALAXIE—superb performance at a new low price GALAXIE/ 500 — classic beauty with fine car luxury Galaxie and Galaxie/500 . . . bringing you Thunderbird -inspired beauty ... Thunderbird power in a choice of two V -8's; or the new improved six -cylinder engine . . . quality that sets a new industry standard—alt at a price you can afford. '62 Galaxie —with Thunderbird- adjusting brakes; vital body parts inspired styling, performance, treated to resist rust and corrosion; power—in sedans and station aluminized, double -wrapped muf- wagons — all at a new low price. fler; no -waxing Diamond -Lustre '62 Galaxie/500 — luxurious, finish; up to 6,000 miles between beautifullyappointed,whisper-quiet oil changes; 30,000 -mile or 2 -year —in convertibles, hardtops, sedans, radiator coolant. Your Ford Dealer wagons, gives you a warranty for 12 months Both series give you: up to 30,000 or 12,000 miles, whichever comes miles between lubrications; self- first, See your Ford Dealer now! . Is. Metnet ocheted cent Piece. Mrs. Schade, Vloiel Pecker; tatted doily. Mrs. Schade, Mrs, H °wet d. DOMESTIC Loaf whl le bread, Airs. Eban weigattd. Mrs. Herb Mont); raisin buns or rolls. Airs, 13. Geiger, Mrs. 5, Schelimas: tea biscuits, Geiger: sugar cookies, 'Weigand, Geiger; fried cakes, Weigand: chocolate cake mix, Airs. J. 13a1.1.- er, 'Mrs. M. Truemner; white cuP cakes, mixed, Mrs. J. W. Memel', \Veigand; angel food cake. Nil, Merner; dark layer cake., Mutter, Mrs. 4, Turkheim; 6 tarts, Oeseli, Mrs. Dot. ess; cherry ple, Gei- ger, 1:lopn; Dutch apple, Pie, Turkhelm, Weigand; date sr:flares, Weigand, Kim); halted bettne, Klopp; raenberrie4 Weigand, Desch strawberries Al rs, Stan Gingeri eh, Desch; cherries, 'Wei- gand, Ai vs, Kay Webb; pears, Webb, Hess; plums, W'ssiga id, Mrs. Vera Thiel: peaches, Webb. Oesch; currant Jam, Geiger; hero' jam, Geiger, Weigand; rari currant Flaxbard catsup, Rat tier, Mrs, 'Dietrich; red canned toma- toes, Flaxbard, Specials Gorman Eckert & Co. Weigand; Flelsch ma n n's Bread, K:lopp; Lake of the Woods. Weigand, Klopp: Fleischman It's Yeast Rolls, Geigel'; Fleischmann's Cinnamon Rolls, Geiger; Robin Hood Tea Biscuit, Weigand; Arva Flour Mills Cherry Pie, Geiger, Klapp, Mrs, Ruth Sleciair; Lake or the Woods Layer Cake, Klope, Mrs. J, W. Merner; Canada Packers Apple Pie, Klopp, Trtzemner, Turkhelm: ('0.0 0.4 Packers 2 -Layer White Cake, Truemner, Weigand, Eleanor Erb; Standard Brands Ltd. 5 1 n g 1 e Layer While Cake, Weiga nu ; Ges- cho's Et A, n an a Cake. Battler; workingman's dinner, Mrs, Clar- enee Sehade, Turkbeitn, Hess, it0. . , , '1111, 4,V R't! * Zero Degree Across -The -Top Freezer * Magnetic Door * One -Year Free Service * Five -Year Warranty * Spectacular Value BRUCE REFRIGERATION Open Afternoons and Evenings Until 1 am. Closed All Day and Night Every Tuesday PHONE 224 396 MAIN ST. GRAND BEND (41 hen ou're sold on it... SEE YOUR DEALER itftiitrifettsei optional el intrit s�ia enduring elegance with 'PHONE 624 Larry Snider Ford, MOrtat'eh, Falcon, ...emu:met see CtS Once you're sold on a purchase that requires financing.— drop in and talk to the people at any branch of the Bank of Montreal. They'll be glad to tell you about the B of If Family Finance plan—the safest, surest way to handle all your family credit neede... for a car, TV or any household appliance. By putting all your credit needs under this single roof, you take care of all your financing — at low eost— with one monthly payment tai- lored to your income. And there's life -insurance, too, for your family's protection I Borrowing now to enjoy the things you want ,ccco, be good business. Talk it over with your neighbourhood branch of the B of M today! s,..,,,,,Attosimqq0:AingArMetMlietAftemnekao. BANK OF MONTREAL MaatafttlISMSArmevaezemexe.,....,..., Fain, liFinancePlAn Bringai your personal credit nee& nclame roof with a low-cost B of M life -insured loan 'MY OAR' 70 11411110N MAWS , . Exeter bran& •CHARLES SMI'rli, Manager Centralia' (Sub,Ageney)t • (Oen Tuesday, Thursday and on Friday 4,30, pan,) Crediton(Sub,AaeneY)t ..,(Open Monday, Wednesday. and Friday) 'Grand bend Brandi!. DONALD 'ROBERTSON, Manager bashtvood (Sub•Agetity): Open Mon. Wed & Fri Hensel! Wench: KENNETH CHRISTIAN; Manager' rAttati Branch;,IACK STEACY, Manager Zurich Brandt JOHN BANNISTER§ Manager WoOKINA WP!t4 At•IblAN'S kVY WALK 611 Litrt ttkok